Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"VSD - Clock Tree Synthesis - Part 2" |
"This course is a follow-up course of ""VLSIAcademy - Clock tree synthesis - Part 1"". So its highly recommended to go through Part 1 of clock tree synthesisClock is a critical part of any VLSIchip, and this course takes you to the advanced level of building a clock tree from scratch for millions of flop.While we plan to add some experimental videos and courses very soon, as a supplement, this one has real time examples and problems that you see on a real chip, and even solutions to those problemsThe course is structured in below format:1)Introduction2)Clock tree optimization checklist3)How to build clock tree for uneven spread of clock end-points4)Power aware clock tree synthesis5)Static timing analysis with real clocksSounds interesting!!Right!! So get in and have the greatest learning experience like you had never beforeSee you in class!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"iOS In-App Purchase with Swift Masterclass" |
"The most comprehensive masterclass you will find on monetizing your iOS app or game!This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skill to monetize any app using the AppStore's StoreKit framework in modern Swift 2.2 (or higher) in iOS9 (or higher).All code is designed to be modular so that it is both easy and effective to reuse in as many different apps as you wish. You can either write the code yourself as you watch the video or download the full in-app purchase module and sample applications directly from this course.Topics Covered:Consumable and Non-Consumable ProductsNon-Consumable Hosted ProductsModular In-App Manager DesignIncluding the Module in UIKit AppsIncluding the Module in SpriteKit GamesUsing iTunes Connect (Apps, Products, Sandbox Test Users)Using Developer Resources (Product Identifiers)Swift Best Practice PrinciplesContent Included:5 Sample Xcode ProjectsOver 2 hours of detailed videoA quiz and plenty of printable reference materialAll future updates are available at no extra charge to existing customers. We aim to provide source code updates as soon as the NDA lifts after WWDC each year."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Starting 2D Game Development in Unity with C#" |
"Unity 3D is one of the most powerful free to use game engines available today and is an excellent place to start building games.This course will cover the foundations of using Unity and building a 2D platformer game.Make sure you watch our free to view videos to prove to you why this is the Unity course you need out of the pack.What you will learn:How to navigate and use the Unity InterfaceGame development concepts and theoryBuild a platformer game from scratch including animation, phyiscs, character movement, objects to collect, platforms and much moreLearn about structuring your game with a main menu and level selectionCreate re-usable prefabs to build games quickly and elegantly.This course will be supported as long as possible with lifetime access, our other courses have been re-recorded several times due to software updates which offers amazing timeless value.Full source code and public domain resources provided."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Property Law: A Comprehensive Summary" |
"Property Law: A Comprehensive Summary!Whether you are a new student or someone who is just about to sit for your Property Law examinations, ""The Law Simplified"" course on Property Law will give you a fast-track summery of the subject. Many students who study the Law, find it difficult to connect all of the pieces together. Thus, this course will give you a ""bird's eye"" overview of the entire subject. What's more, you will have access to 100+ pages of case summaries, specifically designed to help you understand all the legal principles. This course has been adapted to suit the needs of LLB students worldwide! Remember, this is not a substitute for thorough learning, but it will be a great resource for students who want to recap the entire syllabus and for those who want a better, clearer and more concise understanding of the principles - or simply anyone who's interested in learning Property Law!Features:- Digestible chunks of knowledge: everything you need to know on each topic, simplified - Downloadable ""spider graphs"" that will give you the bigger picture of the subject - 100+ pages of case-law, developed in a simplified and direct manner."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Law: A Comprehensive Summary for LLB Students" |
"A Law MasterclassHi, My name is Shaveen Bandaranayake and I am your instructor for this Masterclass course in Law!Who is this course for?The simplified approach of this Masterclass means that, whether you are an LLB student who's just begun your degree, a student who's about to sit for your examinations or someone who wants to get a head-start in learning the Law - this is a great resource. This course is an essential guide to get a bird's eye overview of the complete UK LLB syllabus, through all 3 years of study.The eleven courses compiled and covered in this course are:The English Legal SystemConstitutional LawCriminal LawContract LawCommercial LawProperty LawTort LawTrust LawJurisprudenceIntellectual PropertyConflict of LawsHistory of English LawThis course is a great supplement for LL.B students who have just begun their degrees, in order to understand the subject matter ahead of their degree. It is also a great way to recap your material prior to your examinations. This Masterclass incorporates the complete set of tools which I developed and utilized to successfully complete my LL.B degree. Thank you for your interest in this Masterclass Looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Self Hypnosis: Program Your Success By Using Self Hypnosis" |
"Many of us have problems that are caused by and controlled by our very own subconscious thoughts or minds. And this includes suffering from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. Self hypnosis is the cure you can use to solve them without effort.Even when aware of these problems, often we dont have the time to seek help.Or we don't have the money to pay for expensive therapy sessions. That can cost quite a few money.Or we could even be embarrassed by what's going through so we would prefer to solve them in private.In this course you will learn everything there is to know about self hypnosis and then I will teach you how to create and write effective self hypnosis scripts to help you solve many of the problems that you experience on a daily basis.First you will find out exactly what self hypnosis is.Then I will explain how self hypnosis works as well as how unconscious mind works and reveal why self hypnosis is such a powerful tool.Finally you'll learn how to create your own empowering and effective self hypnosis scripts.And with our thirty day money back guarantee, you can test the course at absolutely no risk to you. Stop struggling with failures and start using the power of self hypnosis for personal success!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress 2017: Build Wordpress Websites Without Coding" |
"How To Create Stunning Looking And Smooth Working Wordpress Websites ... In Minutes ...You know, just as I do, websites are right now the main way to work from anywhere around the world and attract thousands of customers in an automated way.If you already have a small business you need to be present online. So do many other small business who just do not know how to have a professional looking website.Many authors, trainers, coaches and instructors complained to me they are not known online as they are in the real world. If you are one of them maybe it also happened to you to see a competitor with lower quality products and services, but... people just know about him. It seems he is anywhere on the internet.And you are not alone. There are thousands of coaches, instructors, trainers and instructors (Udemy instructors included here) in the same case. And they need a website looking amazing and working fast. But they dont know how to build it.In this letter I will show you probably the easiest way to have a Wordpress Website in literally minutes and to also manage it succcessfully in minutes, without any coding.Even if you are not a technical geek!You cand do this for yourself or - as many of my clients did you can develop a business in creating Wordpress Websites for million of businesses out there in need for a website.Before that, let me introduce myself:My name is Florin Rosoga, I am a online business consultant, coach and author. I started using online tools like Wordpress blogs, social media, email marketing, podcasring and webinars several years ago to promote my books and consulting services. Like many other people I thought that by posting on a blog, on Facebook or Twitter people will notice me and I will get customers.But that didn't happen at all.They continued to ... just ignore me.It wasn't that long ago when nobody seemed to care about what I had to offer. I was frustrated and couldn't understand why other people that seemed to have inferior products and services could thrive, while I was stuck.I decided to change that and the moment when things turned in a different direction was when I finally understood how do people really behave, read and spend time online.I called it the Online Behavioral RoutinesFrom that moment I applied what I learned to my own blog, my own social media pages, my own podcast each time with more and more success. I applied the same techniques and strategies I thought my clients and they... got same professional results.In 2015 just one of my blogs will be visited by 5 Million people. I spend 10 minutes per day managing it...INTRODUCING WORDPRESS 2015 MASTERCLASSTake your Wordpress blogging from complete unknown to superstar status, and learn how to create a Wordpress blog website and monetize it for lifelong residual income with the best Wordpress blogging course on Udemy from a successful online business coach.WHY PEOPLE FAIL BUILDING WEBSITESPeople fail building websites for several reasons. I worked with hundreds of people who needed a working website, like a man needs water in the desert. I asked them what are their osbtacles.Here is what they answered:People think they have to be a technical guy to be able to build websites. In fact you just have to know some basic technical stuff for having a nice, working Wordpress websites. You don't need any special knowledge as you will see. I will teach you how to get over the necessary technical stuff.People think they need much time to create and start a Wordpress Website. Well, creating a Wordpress Website means usually a couple of hours in the first week, the most important is to do the things in the working way and to avoid the most common mistakes. This way you save a lot of time and energy.... I will teach you what's essential and works, so you can focus on it from the beginning.People think they need they have to spend a lot of money when building websites. That can be true, if you don't know what and how to do it. I spend a lot of money paying software and stuff that proved to be useless till I learned how to set up and build a Wordpress website using mostly free software so that you start cheap and invest more money only after you actually make money out of it. And if you create websites for your clients, you can keep the savings in your pocket... as your profit.And people think they need special knowledge to build Wordpress websites. Basically you just need to know what and how to do it avoiding the common mistakes so that you can create a website in minutes and not in months of work. That is what I want to teach you in this course, Just follow it and get the same results as I did.With this course you get:3 Hours of dedicated videos with all the details about building Wordpress websitesGuaranteed to work or your money back - if you try THIS COURSE and it doesn't work you don't lose anything.Easy to follow step by step lectures. Learn and practice to grow your blog in your spare time, whenever you can.The exact strategies I used to build hundreds of websites for me or my clients. Nowadays I work 10 minutes per day to maintain a Wordpress website that gets me around 300K visits per month.Wordpress for beginners: You don't need any previous experience to start, we will start our unique Wordpress success system to build your own websites.No suplementary expenses needed. Our system focus on developing a blog by investing just a couple of dollars per month (for domain hosting).Learn The Essentials of SEO to get highly ranked websites in Google, Bing and Yahoo. Create automated traffic from search engines and sell.Manage your Wordpress website and work from anywhere around the world, anytime it suits you.Lifetime access to all the lectures and lifetime support for your blogging whenever you need it.Latest Update For September 30, 2015So how much for this special training?Just $99.That's right, for only $99 you can receive instant access to the Wordpress 2015 Masterclass Class.Why only $99?Because I wanted to put this in the hands of as many people possible.If you need to justify spending $99 on the best training for creating Wordpress websites, then just skip on going to Starbucks for a few days, having a fast food launch for a week or buying that new Iphone game. And think that if you start creating websites for other people, usually you will get at least $500 for a simple Wordpress website, if you know how to build it and set it up.All you have to do is click the Take this Course button and complete your investment today.You'll be taken to the Udemy's secure registration and payment page and tou'll have instant access. We accept all major credit cards and Paypal.You'll also be sent a confirmation email from Udemy containing your access link so that you can access it anytime later.=======================As with any of my courses, you have a complete unconditional guarantee. Study this course, use its secrets, test it. If you - for any reason or for no reason at all - are unhappy (I can't imagine why, but it doesnt matter!) you will get an immediate 100%.No conditions, no questions refund. And you keep all the downloaded bonuses yours! And we will still be friends.It's my personal guarantee of your success. Take the course for 30 full days, risk free - test the watters, see the results by yourself!That's my personal assurance of your success!What will you learn:Why trainers, coaches, instructors and consultants MUST have a blog todaySetting Up a Wordpress WebsiteFree Hosting or Paid Hosting?Shared hosting vs Wordpress hosting vs VPS vs Dedicated ServerInstalling Wordpress, The Easy WayHow to safely install a pluginAdding Google Analytics Stats To Your WordpressWordpress Dashboard WalkthroughCreating a New ArticlesAdding Images To PostsWhere to Find Images That Look Great And You Are Allowed to Use Them - Easy!Adding Youtube Videos To Your PostsHow To Moderate Wordpress CommentsFacebook Comments - Learn How To Manage Them In Seconds For All Your Website!Types of Users And How To Create ThemLook And FeelWordpress themes: what they are and how to get a new one for freeFree vs paid themesNavigational Elements & Widgets AreasThe FrontpageFine Tuning: Wordpress Set Up ChecklistThe Essential Plugins ChecklistWordpress Settings Step-By-StepWhy Keep Your Wordpress at Speed And How To Do ItTools To Check The Speed Of Your BlogWordpress Security Crash CourseThe Importance of Backups, How To DO them And How To Restore From a CrashWhat Is SEO And Why You Should Make It A PrioritySEO Essentials - From Beginner To AdvancedHosting Companies I RecommendWordpress vs WIX, Tumblr & BlogspotRemember, after starting the class I am here to help you. You can write me any question in the discussion forum and you will get answers to all your obstacles.Oh, and by the way, you get another $300 worth of stuff that you would otherwise need to buy separately. This is my SUPERLEGO BONUS.Why SUPERLEGO BONUS?You see, my child just loves the Lego games. So, I had to learn to play with the bricks and actually started enjoying, great game. And each time I start with some bricks, add some other, change, add, improve and build upon what I already have.You start with something, you get new bricks and build it further. The same with this training.This course will give you everything you need to get results with your blog.But still there are a few things missing. You will have drawbacks, problems, things that will not work. And, I am sure, you'll find issues I didn't covered in the course.So I added the SUPERLEGO BONUS that will give you the exact bricks you need to build your game. Basically, you get with this bonus as much value as with the entire course:24 hours, 7 days per week assistance to any question you have. Maybe you will not understand something, maybe you will have a special issue you need help with. No problem, you can just write and ask my help in our private forum.Feedback and support for your blog, your business, your situation. After starting the class, you can write me anytime Florin, what do you think about this issue I have?"". Just borrow my brain.Each student who bought this course, get one coaching session with me per Skype where I will take you by hand and offer you sollutions to your blog. I usually charge at least $300 only for this. Take the class, complete the lectures and just write me Ok, Florin let's have the coaching session"" and we can schedule the call.The SEO Essentials From Beginner To Advanced"" Guide. Find out what to avoid and get immediate results, from other people experience. Value $149.Remember, you're getting all this today for just $99.So, here's what you need to do next...Click the order button and you'll be taken to our secure payment page. All you have to do is Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment.To your popular and very visited blog,Florin RosogaP.S. Remember, you will know exactly how a Wordpress website actually works and what doesnt work, from my experience with hundreds of websites and clients. Most courses of this type are created by nice people who actually didn't worked too much and understand how to set up a Wordpress Website to success.Now you can just apply all this and get immediate results!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!P.P.S. The price is the lowest price I can afford to go with and include all the bonuses. The bonuses alone are over $300 value. All the mistakes that you will do by trying yourself to see what works and what not, all the time lost with things that just just do not work will cost you thousands of dollars over the next years. As it costed me.You can still wait, hoping you will find an easy way, hoping to learn by trial and error, hoping that customers will like your website and that you won't make mistakes... but well hope is not a good plan at all. In fact, it's the worst plan and strategy you can follow. Stop hoping things will work by themselves and start changing that today.Postponing this for one day means continuing to struggle for years. Stop struggling today and start getting amazing and professional looking websites! The same way your competitors already probably do it.P.P.P.S. Since usually my courses quickly become popular, I cannot offer the same feedback, assistence and especially the blog coaching I offer now as a bonus to the students that bought this course. I just don't have the time!So, in a couple of days, I intend to withdraw these bonuses and offer the Wordpress 2015 Masterclass course alone, without them. If you want to get the course with all the bonuses, act now and make sure you order it."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Essentials: Learn to Work With Excel" |
"This course is a crash course on Excel 2013. It is intended for people who want to master Excel working and reports at work and want to learn how to create amazing professional reports using Microsoft Excel 2013.I focused to include in this course the essentials of working with Excel's dashboard, creating tables, managing data, creating professional reports and charts, being able to manage Excel data and use them in taking business decisions.By taking it, you will be able to understand in the step by step demonstrations and master by yourself everything you need to confidently create your own tables and present the Microsoft Excel data you manipulate at work in a profesional way.My name is Florin Rosoga, I started working with Microsoft Excel with the '95 version, almost 20 years ago.In all the companies I was later involved, managing data was essential. I learned how to manage, manipulate and present it in a way easy to understand that synthesize the essential of it and make it easy to understand in seconds.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about Microsoft Excel 2013 in less than 1 hour.The entire course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with your Microsoft Excel tables and reports ... start mastering Microsoft Excel like a Pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables" |
"This course is a crash course on Excel 2013 Pivot Tables. It is intended for people who want to master Excel reports at work and want to learn how to create amazing professional reports using an Excel Pivot Table.I focused to include in just 1 hour the essentials of creating a pivot table, formatting, customizing it and make it look great by adding advanced slicers and pivot charts.By taking it, you will be able to understand in the step by step demonstrations and master by yourself everything you need to confidently create your own pivot tables and present the Excel data you manipulate at work in a profesional way.My name is Florin Rosoga, I started working with Excel and pivot tables with the '95 version, almost 20 years ago. In all the companies I was later involved, managing data was essential. I learned how to manage, manipulate and present it in a way easy to understand that synthesize the essential of it and make it easy to understand in seconds.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about pivot tables in less than 1 hour.The entire ourse can be downloaded as a video training and also as audio files to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start mastering a pivot table, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page. Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with your pivot tables and start mastering Excel's most advanced features now!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word Essentials: Create Amazing Word Documents" |
"This course is a Beginner to Advanced course on Word 2013. It is intended for people who want to master Word working and documents at work and want to learn how to create stunning, professional looking documents in Word.I focused to include in this course the essentials of working with Word dashboard, formatting documents, adding lists, creating tables, creating professional documents and charts, being able to manage Word editing in minutes and create reports and documents in minutes.By taking it, you will be able to understand in the step by step demonstrations and master by yourself everything you need to confidently create your own Microsoft Word documents and present the Word documents at work in a profesional way.My name is Florin Rosoga, I started working with Microsoft Word with the '95 version, almost 20 years ago.In all the companies I was later involved, managing data and creating Word Documents was essential. I learned how to manage, edit and present it in a way easy to understand that synthesize the essential of it and make it easy to understand in seconds.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about Word 2013 in minutes.The entire ourse can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with your Word documents and start mastering Word's most advanced features today!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Beautiful Compelling Social Media Banners With Canva" |
"This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking images and graphics for social media, by using Canva free tool. It is intended for people who want to differentiate and capture attention with their social media campaigns.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing images that look awesome.You will learn how to create your Canva account, how to use the design dashboard, how to add images, how to add and edit text, how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional and how to export your images from Canva to your social media accounts.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality graphic design images for social media in the step by step demonstrations.My name is Florin Rosoga, I managed hundreds of social media campaigns for myself or my clients in the last years. One of the most important elements of them are the images you use. Since social media is a visual place, an engaging image will improve your social media campaign conversion.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of images in minutes, for free and without any graphic experience.The entire ourse can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with your social media campaigns images and start mastering graphic design in minutes!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop Essentials: Master Adobe Photoshop CS6" |
"Probably you saw many times images on the web created by a professional using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and thought how great they look. And they also seem so sofisticated. If you are like most people you said yourself ""They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me to create something like this and paying a graphic designer would cost a fortune...""It's true that paying a graphic designer can cost you a lot of money. But you can do them by yourself using an advanced graphic design software, like Adobe Photoshop.Since images are one of the most important content types used on social media, blog or online, having your own great looking images usually can help you a lot in building your own brand.This course is a beginner course on how to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 from zero, to advanced users. It is intended for people who want to create complex, great looking images that seem created by a professional.You don't need any previous graphic design experience, just start from zero and learn how to master the most important Adobe Photoshop CS6 features.You will learnhow to use Photoshop's main dashboard, menus and commands,how to create shapes, text areas and the most important types of graphic elements,how to format objects and stylize them,how to use the most important tools in Adobe Photoshop CS6, CS5 and CS4,how to add gradients, patterns, stroke, emboss and many other effects to your objects,all the elements you need to know in order to edit and stylize your images in PhotoshopBy taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of using Photoshop's basic commands and features in the step by step Adobe Photoshop tutorials and demonstrations. In your own pace.My name is Florin Rosoga, I managed hundreds of social media campaigns and blogging for myself or my clients in the last years.One of the most important elements of them are the images you use. Since social media is a visual place, an engaging image will improve your social media campaign conversion. There are a lot of free available tools, but if you want to truly want to become professional, Adobe Photoshop is the standard.Still, people avoid using Photoshop CS6 since it has too many options and it can be intimidating.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about how to use Photoshop, how to work with Photoshop in minutes, even if you don't have any previous graphic experience.The entire course can watched as a video training or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring images and start mastering professional looking images in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the Photoshop CS6 course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to start mastering Adobe Photoshop CS6!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create Professional Looking Rsums Even If Just Started!" |
"If you are like most people it probably happened to you tens of times to send your rsum hoping to run for a job you dreamed of ... only to never be called and invited for an interview.And, you know, people who receive the rsums usually get tens or hundreds of rsums for the same position. It is physically impossible for them to read all the rsums and talk with all the candidates.Usually what they do - I know from my own experience, I talked with thousands of people and managed hundreds of interviews in the last 15 years - what they usually do is they choose the rsums that can be easily understand and the candidates are interesting.Even if they skip some candidates this way, they still have enough of them...Now, the way they choose some rsums and ignore others is thet the first ones are... easy to read and understand. And they look professional, they are eye catching.Probably you saw many times other people's rsums on internet and thought ""it looks awesome and this guy doesn't even have my experience, but I cannot have a rsum like his - it is too difficult for me and paying a graphic designer would cost a fortune...""This is true... and not quite. It is true that paying a designer to design you an eye-catching rsum would cost you a lot of money. But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since professional looking rsums are sofisticated and radically enhance you the chance to be invited to a discussion for the job you ran for (assuming you have the needed professional experience) having your own professional, eye caching rsum usually helps a lot in positioning you as an authority in your and inspire trust.This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking rsums to use when running for a job by using Canva's free rsum design tool. It is intended for people who want to position themselfes and be seen as an authority (like ...""that guy know what he talks about, look what stunning rsum is he able to send.."")You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create an amazing rsum that looks awesome.You will learnhow to create your Canva account,how to use the design dashboard,how to add images,how to format the text areas,how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional,how to add shapes and eye catching graphic elements that enhance a rsum,how to create a rsum that will make people wanting to know you and find more about you (from my own experience after seing thousands of rsums),how to choose the right type of rsum for you andhow to export your rsum from Canva to a format you can send onlineBy taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality rsums in the step by step demonstrations. In your own pace.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating eye catching, professional rsums in minutes, for free and without any previous graphic experience. You just need to know your own professional experience and I assume you know it well.The entire course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring rsums everybody ignores and start mastering rsum design in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Professional Unique Infographics For Beginners" |
"Probably you saw many infographics on the web and thought how great they look. And they also seem so sofisticated. If you are like most people you said yourself ""They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me and paying a graphic designer would cost a fortune...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to design your infographic would cost you a lot of money. But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since infographics are one of the most sofisticated type of image you can use on social media, blog or online, having your own infographics usually help a lot in positioning you as an authority in your niche (asumming you know your niche and can help people get results).This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking infographics for social media and blogging, by using Canva's free tool. It is intended for people who want to position themselfes, their products ans services and be seen as an authority (like ...""that guy know what he talks about, look what complex and stunning infographics he is able to publish.."")And to also capture attention on social media.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing infographics that look awesome.You will learn how to create your Canva account, how to use the design dashboard, how to add images, how to format the text areas, how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional, how to add shapes, infographics elements, graphic objects, frames, lines, illustrations how to do your research to know what kind of information to include in your infographicsthe most important types of infographics + how to choose the right type for you and how to export your infographics from Canva to your social media and blogs.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality infographics images in the step by step demonstrations. In your own pace.My name is Florin Rosoga, I managed hundreds of social media campaigns for myself or my clients in the last years.One of the most important elements of them are the images you use. Since social media is a visual place, an engaging image will improve your social media campaign conversion.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of infographics in minutes, for free and without any previous graphic experience.The entire course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring images on social media and start mastering infographic design in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Make Attractive and Professional Website Banner Ads" |
"Probably you saw many ads and banners on different websites and thought how great they look. And they also seem to make you want to click on them to find out more about that product or service, no matter what it's about.If you are like most people you said yourself ""They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me and paying an ad graphic designer would cost a fortune...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your banners or the ads you use on your websites or Facebook could cost you a lot of money. But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since ads, banners are one of the most important type of images you can use on a blog or online, having your own ads & banners usually help a lot in positioning your products, your services in your niche (asumming you know your niche and have products that can realy help people get results).This course is a beginner course on how to create eye catching, professional looking ads for websites and blogging, by using Canva's free tool. It is intended for people who want to promote their (or someone else's) products and services and want the visitors of his website click on those ads, not just admire how nice they look... (like ...""cool banner, I wonder what is this about.."" & click)And to also capture attention on websites.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing ads and banners that look awesome.You will learnhow to create your Canva account,how to use the design dashboard,how to add images,how to format the text areas,how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional,how to add shapes and thousands of possible professional looking graphic elements (for free),how to create the best converting types of ads types and which are those,how to create a eye catching skyscrapper (and we don't talk about buildings here...)how to create a Facebook ads in a couple a minutes, the right way,how to create one of the most used, best selling size of ads in minutes: and yes, here the size matters,how to export your ads, your banners from Canva to your blogs, your websites or FacebookBy taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high converting ads images in the step by step demonstrations. In your own pace.My name is Florin Rosoga, I managed hundreds of social media and websites campaigns for myself or my clients in the last years.One of the most important elements when seling on a website are the ads, the banners images you use. Since social media and websites is a visual place, an engaging image will improve your website & social media campaign conversion.Because you want the visitors attention to pay attention to that ad, you don't want them to ignore it.ButBut you don't want your visitors to admire your ad, to say ""what a nice looking banner"" and to ignore it.You want your visitors to click on the ad!In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of ads in minutes, for free and without any previous graphic experience.The entire course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring ads everyone ignores and start mastering ad design in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Design an Amazing Flyer, Brochure Poster Like a Professional" |
"Probably you received many times flyers, posters and many printed marketing materials and thought how great they look. They are professional made and just catch attention.If you are like most small business owners you said yourself ""They look awesome, but it is too difficult for me to design by myself and I cannot afford to pay a graphic designer...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your flyers, or posters can cost you a lot of money.But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since flyers ans posters are one of the most common type of marketing material you can use to promote offline your business, having your own professional looking usually help a lot in positioning you as an authority in your niche (asumming you have quality products that can help people get results).This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking flyers and posters for promotional activities and marketing campaigns by using Canva's free tool. It is intended for people who want to position themselfes, their products ans services and be seen as an authority (like ...""these guys are good, look what stunning flyers they use to present their offer.."")And to also capture attention immediately with your offer.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing flyers and posters that look awesome.You will learnhow to create your Canva account,how to use the design dashboard,how to add images,how to format the text areas,how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional,how to add shapes,graphic objects, frames, lines, illustrationsthe most important types of flyers and postershow to export your posters and flyers projects from Canva to print them.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality posters, flyers images in the step by step demonstrations. In your own pace.Since any marketing campaign is a visual project, an engaging flyer will improve your conversion rates and catch people attention.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of marketing materials in minutes, for free and without any previous graphic experience.The course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring flyers and posters people don't want to even look at and start mastering flyers design in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Powerpoint Masterclass" |
"Probably you saw other people's slide shows on the web, or when they run it and thought how great they can look. The slides look awesome and help the speaker expressing his ideas...And, if you are like most people, probably you found them very sofisticated.Stunning - could define them in just a word...Most people usually think ""That presentation and those slides look awesome, but I don't know Powerpoint, no graphic design either and paying a graphic designer to create this kind of presentation for me ... I guess would cost a fortune...""This is true... well, at least a part of it...Paying a designer to create a professional, stunning presentation can cost you a small fortune. But it's not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since presentations that look great became a ""standard"" for professionals, having your own great looking presentations usually help a lot in positioning you as an authority in your niche (assuming you know your topic). And to present your ideas in a way that generates trust, when you speak in front of your collegues, your managers or a group of investors.And there are a lot of software that can help you, from Powerpoint, Keynote, Prezi, to Canva and many others.Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the most popular slide show presentation programThis course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking presentations to use in your speachees and presentations, by using Microsoft Powerpoint. It's intended for people who want to position themselfes, their ideas and services and be seen as an authority (like ...""that guy know what he talks about, had a stunning resentation, he must be good in what he does.."")And to also capture attention of your audience. No matter if you present something to investors, your bosses or your collegues.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing presentations that look awesome one slide at the time.You will learnhow to use the Powerpoint dashboard,where to find the needed commands and options to develop your presentation, each menu explained with all its options,how to add images and photos to your slides,how to format the text areas to look awesome without spending hours,how to find out already prepared presentation templates that look professional, are free and you can get them directly from Powerpoint interface,how to add shapes or any other graphic element,how to structure your information and processes in smart arts that show them in a second,how to export your presentations from Powerpoint to other formats,how to animate the text and any graphic objects and give live to your presentation by using transitions.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality presentations in the step by step demonstrations. In your own pace.My name is Florin Rosoga, I had hundreds of presentations in the last 15 years. One of the most important elements of a speach is a presentation you display, help you present your ideas and in the same time helps you look professional.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of slide shows in minutes without any previous graphic experience.The entire course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with the same boring slide shows you ever used and start mastering professional presentations and slide shows in minutes, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Stylish and Outstanding Business Cards in Minutes" |
"Probably you received many times business cards that looked great. They are professional made and just catch people attention.If you are like most small business owners you said yourself ""They look awesome, I would LOVE to have something similar for myslef, but I don't know graphic design and ... I cannot afford to pay a professional graphic designer...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your business cards can cost you a small fortune.But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since business cards are the first impact you can create on a potential partner, investor or customer having your own professional looking business cards usually helps you in positioning you as an authority in your niche (asumming you are good at what you're doing).This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking business cards by using the Canva free design tool. It is intended for small business owners, entrepreneurs who want to position themselfes, their products ans services and be seen as an authority (like ...""these guys are good, look what stunning business cards they have..""... and by the way people still judge by appearance.)And to also capture attention immediately with your offer.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing business cards that look amazing.You will learnhow to use the Canva design dashboard,how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional,how to add images,how to format the text areas,how to add shapes, graphic objects, frames, lines, illustrationsthe complete tutorial of Canva business card design toolhow to export your business cards projects from Canva to print them.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high engaging business cards in the step by step demonstrations.In your own pace.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating business cards, for free and without any previous graphic experience.The course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring business cards everyone ignore and start creating your own business cards that stand apart, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Professional Business Documents Like a Pro" |
"Probably you received many times business documents that looked great. They were professional made and made you think about that business as a great one.If you are like most small business owners you said yourself ""It looks awesome, it would be great for me to have something like this, just that I cannot design them by myself and I also cannot afford to pay a professional graphic designer...""This is true... and not. It is true that paying a designer to create your professional documents can cost you a lot of money.But it is not true you cannot do it by yourself.Since the documents you use for your business are one of the most visible type of materials a business have, having your own professional looking usually helps a lot in positioning you as an authority in your niche (asumming you have quality products that can help people get results).This course is a beginner course on how to create professional looking business documents by using Canva's free tool. It is intended for people who want to position themselfes, their products ans services and be seen as an authority (like ...""these guys are good, look what stunning letter documents they use..."")And to also capture attention immediately with your offer.You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero and create amazing business documents that look awesome.You will learnhow to use the design dashboard,how to add images,how to format the text areas,how to find out already prepared text blocks that look professional,how to add shapes, graphic objects, frames, lines, illustrationsthe most important types of documents and letters study case,how to export your documents projects from Canva to print or email them.By taking it, you will be able to understand and master the art of creating high quality business documents in the step by step demonstrations.In your own pace.Since any business communication document is a visual content, an engaging one will improve the way other people see your business.In this course you will get step by step video explanations to help you understand in a comfortable way all about creating this kind of business documents in minutes, for free and without any previous graphic experience.The course can be downloaded as a video training to watch or listen it in your own pace and whenever it suits you better... just like a podcast.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Stop struggling with boring business documents people igmore and start mastering business documents, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Start And Build a Graphic Design Home Business" |
"Probably you heard many times about people that work from home and make money online. This course explains step-by-step how to start, grow and run a graphic design home business that works. Even if you don't know anything about graphic design and without buying any complicated software!You will learn:how to become this week an awesome graphic designer by using tools that simplify all the advanced graphic designs taskshow to find out and use free tools that will get you immediate results (this week) and help you serve your customershow to find out customers for your graphic design work, starting with simple jobs and going further as you gain experience to much more advanced jobs (an better paid too!)how to develop online tools that will build your brand and position you as a graphic design authority, in step-by-step actions even if you don't know anuthing about marketing and saleswhat are the best paid graphic designs gigs and jobs to start with, to gain experience and make your first money. And how can you fulfill each of these jobs vitually in minutes, efortless, exactly like a pro (well, almost exactly)how to get your first customer, this is in most cases the most difficult part. You will know exactly what, how and when to do so that you land your number 1 graphic design customer even you you don't leave your home or hotel if you travel around the world. And number 2 client, number 3...How to make your clients send you more referrals again and again. Even if you don't necessary ask them to do so!and much, much much moreThis course will teach you how to start a graphic design home business as a freelancer and how to grow it as a business that works without depending on you to sell each day. Most people don't like to sell, so we will focus on how you can grow your grahic design home business without going out and begging people to buy from you. You will work smarter!If you are like most people dreaming to work from home or from virtually anywhere you probably heard about other people doing it and always thought ""these people are doing great, I would love to do the same, but I don't know how...""This is not true. I saw a lot of people without any artistic sense at all that make money with graphic design. They know where to look, what to do and how and in the same time they know what exact free tools to use so that they will create professional works. I have friends that make $3-5,000 per month just because they know how. And they are not a graphic designer!So, anyone can do the same, by using the same step-by-step copy-paste system. You don't need any graphic design experience, just start from zero, start and run your own home graphic design business from your kitchen.In your own pace.To start, here's what you need to do next... click the Take this Course button top right and you'll be taken to our secure payment page.Just Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment to have immediate access.Start mastering your home graphic design business now, just like a pro!Thank you for reading this and learning about my course ... I hope what I will teach you when you will start the course will help you make a huge performance leap! Click now on TAKE THIS COURSE to get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"2020 Complete SEO Guide to Ranking Local Business Websites" |
"Course updated for 2020 & new updates coming this monthTop Local SEO course on UdemyInstructor available for questions____________________________________________________________________""Christine guides you very well thru this course. She breaks it down in sections for you so you never feel lost. The over the shoulder example from beginning to end helped me tremendously as I am mostly a visual person and like to see examples."" - Luis Palacios____________________________________________________________________If you've been wanting to rank local business websites so you can provide local SEO services to clients, you're in the right place.In this course I take you along so you can watch me rank a real live local business website both organically on the first page of Google and in the Google local pack.Here you will watch as I make changes to the client's website so you will know not only the exact steps you need to take but why you should take them. We'll start by covering:The exact information you should be collecting from local clientsThe exact spreadsheet I use to track my work How to maintain current rankings through a redesign processHow to monitor your site after a re-designChecking the site's SEO health to improve rankingsAfter getting organized and gaining a better understanding of the website's health we'll begin the SEO process by:Researching the best keywords to targetHow to find your top competitors and see what you need to do to outrank themHow to set-up a demo site during the re-design processHow to keep Google from indexing your demo siteBuilding local pages and where to put keywords for maximum benefit____________________________________________________________________""Christine has put this course together logically, in a way that you can understand, and makes you feel like you're doing things the right way. I cannot say enough about the course. This is my 3rd SEO course, it's the first that I will finish."" - P. Compton____________________________________________________________________Next we'll get into even more crucial SEO steps. We'll start off with on-page optimization which includes:Several step-by-step methods for using images to improve rankingsWhy you should be using schema, what it is and exactly how to implement itHow to have a fast loading websiteHow to inform Google of a newly designed website or new pagesFinally we'll look at off-site optimization which will take our SEO efforts to the next level. In these sections we'll look at:The step-by-step process for ranking websites in the Google local pack Why, how and where to build local citations for maximum benefitHow to increase local business reviewsThe exact companies you can use to outsource local pack rankingsWhere to find the best back link opportunities for local business websitesThere are several resources for you to download and use and lots of bonus tips and tricks you can use as well. There has never been a better time to start providing local SEO services to increase your income. If you're new to ranking local business websites, you'll be fully prepared to provide local SEO services by the end of this course.Increase your monthly recurring income by providing local SEO services. Enroll now and I'll help you through the process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The 2020 Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to WordPress Security" |
"""The instructor gives a comprehensive review of WP tools and techniques to secure your WP website better. No website is invulnerable to attack but this course will put you way ahead of the game in a short time. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and I plan to use the downloadable code to secure my websites. Excellent course worth the cost many times over!"" - Brian Crane____________________________________________________________________Every single day tens of thousands of WordPress websites are attacked. Hackers inject spam on your website, redirect your site visitors to other sites, delete your website files or take over complete control of your website. It's quite scary what a hacker can do once they have access to your website.If you're a WordPress website owner who thinks their website is too small or too insignificant for a hacker to target, think again. You see, most of the WordPress website attacks these days are completely automated which means no website is safe. Hackers look for vulnerable websites that make it easy for them to gain access. It's your responsibility as a website owner to take security into your own hands and make a hackers job as difficult as possible so they go elsewhere. By the end of this course you'll know and be able to implement the exact steps needed to protect your WordPress website from a variety of common attacks. ____________________________________________________________________""Have whipped through the course, I understand how vulnerable my site is and that I need to take steps to protect it. The explanations of which tools I would need and how I would apply them are clear and there is a useful checklist at the end."" - Sharon Ghouila____________________________________________________________________We'll cover steps you can take to better protect your website including:Two-step verificationUsing security keysChanging WordPress defaultsHiding, password protecting & denying access to core WordPress files and directoriesHow to keep hackers from gaining access to your site through commentsSelecting the right hostSelecting the right themes and pluginsand many other security measuresNot sure what these are? Not only will you learn about these security measures here, I'll show you exactly how to implement each one. On top of that, we'll discuss:How to know if you website has been infectedHow to know if Google has blacklisted your websiteAnd the exact steps to take if your website is hackedOn top of that, I welcome any questions you have as you go through the process of securing your WordPress website. Having your website hacked means you will lose time, money and possibly even your organic rankings. Don't leave another day to chance and secure your WordPress website today."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Step-By-Step Child Themes for New & Existing WordPress Sites" |
"Watch and create your own WordPresschild theme as you go through this course. This course is designed for beginners who are unfamiliar with child themes and need to understand when to use a child theme and how to create one.Inside we'll cover:What's required to create a child themeHow to easilyfind andcustomize CSScode without knowing CSSHow to set-up the basic 3 stepstructure of a child themeHow to activate a child themeIf you've already created a website or don't feel comfortable creating a child theme from scratch, we'll also cover:How to create a child theme for an existing websiteHow to easily create a child theme using pluginsFollow along as you go through the course and create you first child theme. Walk away with the knowledge of what a child theme is, when you should be using it, what you need to create a child theme and how to do it.BONUSES:#1 Download 2child themes you can modify and use#2 Download a child theme creation checklist to follow each time you create a child theme"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"YouTube SEO: How to Create, Rank & Profit From YouTube Video" |
"Welcome to this comprehensive YouTube SEOcourse. Inside we're going to walk through the entire process from creating a video, optimizing it, ranking it and using it to generate leads, sales or whatever your goal may be.Now you'll know the exact steps to take to create and rank your own YouTube videos in both YouTube and Google.You'll see different types of videos used in the course so you will see how this works for different types of videos.This course is about action. I'm going to challenge you in the course to complete specific action steps as you go through the course so you will have created and be working on ranking your video by the end of this course.We'll cover:The video creation process (even if you have no experience)The tools you can use (both free and premium)Options for outsourcingHow to optimize your video before and during the upload processAn alternative way to upload your video to instantly boost your rankingsHow and where to promote videos to boost your rankingsInside you can expect to see:Real examples of videosReal keyword researchThe full optimization processNo steps missing hereA complete YouTube SEOchecklist to downloadAnd most importantly, you can expect my help as I'll be available to answer your questions through each step of the process.Are you ready to take action?Ready to see results?Now you'll know the exact steps to take when it's time to create and rank your own YouTube video."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Make Flat Design Space Ships in 30 Minutes in Illustrator!" |
"Learn about flat design and Adobe Illustrator. Build trees for your next project. Flat design is so simple anybody can do it.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course isproject basedso you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employableskills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Build 20 SpriteKit Games for iPhone using Xcode and Swift 3." |
"This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.Learn to build games for iPhone in Swift 3 with SpriteKit. Learn to build effective cash earning games by learning the secrets of development. Take your skills to a whole new level.SOURCE CODE AND TEMPLATES INCLUDED!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"30 Minute Swift Crash Course. Use Labels in Xcode" |
"Learn about labels inXcode. This course is 30 minutes. Have 30 free minutes? This course is for you!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course isproject basedso you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employableskills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideHow you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make a low poly scene in Blender and Unity in 30 minutes" |
"""I learned exactly what I wanted to (the basics of making low poly meshes in Blender that will work in Unity). The instructor was direct and to the point and it was 30 minutes very well spent. Thanks!"" Learn how to make simple low poly art in Blender and then import it to Unity3D.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course isproject basedso you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.""Clear and Succinct.""What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make a low poly Autumn Scene in Blender and Unity in 30 min!" |
"Learn how to make simple low poly art in Blender and then import it to Unity3D.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course isproject basedso you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employableskills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Amazing iOS9 Course - Over 84 hours of Content!" |
"Learn how to code in the amazing iOS9 course!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideHow you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Get Yourself Motivated with Self Coaching" |
"Get Yourself Motivated is a method of self-coaching to help you explore your true and authentic motivations. With the insights gained, you will go on to transform your ability to make the things happen which you would like to have happen - whatever they may be.If you ever ponder the question ""What would you like to have happen?"" about any aspect of your life then this course is for you. The course is based on the pioneering work of David Grove who, whilst counselling people who had experienced trauma, realised that it's possible to gain access to our deepest, non-verbal feelings through interrogation of our metaphors and the symbols within them use in everyday language.He developed a way of asking questions about the symbols we use which avoided any bias or assumptions being introduced into the process. This became known as Clean Language precisely because it does not permit any outside interference.James Lawley and Penny Tompkins observed how David worked with symbols and codified his method into the technique we call Symbolic Modelling. In this course you will learn to ask yourself Clean Questions and to model the symbols which you uncover. In this way you will explore your own inner or what is often called, psychoactive landscape.As you gain more insight, transformation will occur in your thinking and you will gain immense clarity into your ansers to the critically important opening question in Clean Language which is ""What would you like to have happen?""You will be introduced to examples of the process in action from the key texts on the subject. This will give you a good feel for the way you can ask yourself theses questions and model your own dynamic thought processes. Along the way there will be quizzes to test your progress.At any point if you get stuck you are free to use the Send Message feature and we will get you back on track.Simply listen to the examples given which will take about 2 hours and complete the quizzes. After that it's about practice and experimentation. For some people the breakthrough is immediate but as a general rule after 6 sessions of self-coaching something new and exciting will emerge.We look forward to working with you when you take this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |