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Python |
", , . Python. , . , . Python, , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Perfectionnement - Calculs et Analyse de donnes" |
"Aprs un rapide rappel sur les modes d'adressages et sur la syntaxe des fonctions de calculs Excel, vous apprendrez utiliser les fonctions de calculs d'Excel les plus essentielles. Fonctions de statistiques simples et conditionnelles, fonctions de dates et d'heures, fonctions de texte, fonctions logiques si, et, ou, fonctions de recherche dans des tables simple et double entres. Vous saurez reprer, identifier les erreurs et les corriger. Vous tablirez des liens entre vos classeurs Excel et vous saurez consolider des tableaux.Vous mettrez alors au point votre application de calculs en attirant l'attention sur les donnes les plus importantes de vos tableaux en crant des formats conditionnels percutants. Vous contrlerez la saisie pour viter les erreurs. Vous protgerez vos applications.Vous analyserez les donnes prsentes dans une liste Excel aprs avoir dclarer une plage en mode tableau.Vous apprendrez trier, filtrer, extraire, utiliser les fonctions de Base de donnes en lien avec des zones de critres.Vous saurez tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour crer et prsenter des tableaux croiss dynamiques et des synthses incisifs, percutants.Vous simulerez et faciliterez la prise de dcision en manipulant efficacement les outils de simulation d'Excel.Ce cours trs complet vous permettra de devenir un utilisateur avanc d'Excel.Il s'accompagne de nombreux exercices concrets avec les fichier de dpart des exercices et les fichiers de Corrig.9h de vidos mais plus de 14h de pratique."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Successful Astral Projection" |
"I am so proud and excited to offer my course on successful astral projection!Life took a big turn when I decided to become an initiate and dive deep into the unseen world of wisdom and ancient history. Astral projection is a skill that has been practiced and written about since the beginning of time, in almost every culture and religion. Through astral projection you can do things like:learn about every lifetime of your soul.willfully explore your subconscious mind.remote view and exercise your psychic gifts.reprogram yourselfcontact your guides, ancestors, & loved ones.The potential of what can be done and achieved with this knowledge is endless, and now you can learn all tried and tested methods and tools for getting started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cration d'une maquette web avec Affinity Designer" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d'apprendre les bases du logiciel de dessin vectoriel : Affinity Designer. Le projet que nous allons raliser vous permettra de crer une maquette pour le web dans une rsolution d'cran d'ordinateur.Nous finirons cette formation en voyant comment exporter les diffrentes images qui composent la maquette. Ceci afin de vous faciliter la tche pour votre travail d'intgration lors de la cration du site internet.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de raliser un design professionnel de maquette web avec Affinity Designer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PSD to HTML5 + Bootstrap: A Complete Guide" |
"Hi, there are you planning your web design career and looking for a good starting point? Or maybe you are just a beginner web developer/designer who is looking forward to learning how PSD to HTML5 works together?Either way, PSD to HTML 5 conversion is an important skill to every web developer/designer must-have.PSD to HTML5 conversion course will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced developer who is feeling comfortable converting PSD designs into fully functional and responsive HTML5 websites.This is a lot more than the PSD-to-HTML5 course. It is one of the most comprehensive web design/development courses out there as its very content-rich and features a lot of topics. Well start off with Photoshop for a web designer. Inside it, you will learn photoshop basics and finally, you are able to design PSD file and sliced PSD file. Then well start coding our HTML5 markup to prepare the development of the website.PSD to HTML5 course does not end here. In this course, you learn bootstrap basics during the project, and you will also learn javascript animation which will help you with your future projects.After taking this course, you will have enormous confidence in building PSD to HTML5 responsive websites.And also, you will have 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.But, I promise, you will love this course.Now take a look at the full demo of the template that we are going to build in this course which is a free preview.I am really excited to see you on this course :)"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Snapchat Filters" |
"... ... ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Transforme Negociaes em Dinheiro" |
"O Curso Negociador de Sucesso um treinamento extremamente atual, moderno, dinmico e oferece um contedo prtico com objetivo especfico de transformar e permitir ao negociador alcanar seu prximo nvel.Os resultados obtidos por profissionais que participam deste treinamento so rapidamente comprovados. Voc vai aprender como aumentar a taxa de sucesso em cada negociao e ainda como conseguir se tornar um hbil recuperador de crdito.ObjetivoAutoconhecimentoPlanejar e Estruturar uma negociao para obter satisfao de ambos os lados.Identificar a sua personalidade como negociador para aumentar a segurana, e para saber negociar com personalidades diferentes.Identificar postura e linguagem adequada para cada negociao.Vivenciar tcnicas comportamentais que lhe permitem alcanar excelncia em qualquer tipo de negociao.Pblico AlvoO curso voltado para profissionais da rea de cobrana, contas a receber, administrativos, ou queles que desejam atuar como negociadores em diversos campos da administrao de empresas.Aprenda a arte de negociar e transforme seus resultados em menos de 30 diasMdulo 1 - Autoreesponsabilize-se - Primeiro voc muda a sua forma de pensar e derruba as crenas do que no possvel, depois voc convence a outra parte.Mdulo 2 - Ambiente e desafios - Quem trabalha na rea de cobrana necessrio, alm de acompanhar as mudanas econmicas, saber interpret-las e analisar como elas se encaixam na realidade da empresa que atua.Mdulo 3 - Tendncias do Mercado - O cliente como principal ativo estratgico, gesto da qualidade e o futuro no mercado da cobrana.Mdulo 4 - Perfil do Negociador - Quais as principais caractersticas do profissional que trabalha nesta rea. Quais so seus pontos fortes e suas oportunidades de melhoria.Mdulo 5 - Psicologia da Negociao - Entenda o que motiva as pessoas tomarem deciso e como suas crenas podem lhe atrapalhar no processo de cobrana.Mdulo 6 - Dinmica da Negociao - Entenda como funciona a cadeia de valor do processo de cobrana, comunicao, probabilidade de pagamento e score rating.Mdulo 8 - Estratgias da Negociao - Neste mdulo voc vai entender o que deve fazer para motivar o devedor, como utilizar gatilhos mentais e as perguntas poderosas.Mdulo 9 - Como lidar com as Objees - Saiba o que dizer ao devedor quando voc ouvir as desculpas mais absurdas e como trat-las.Mdulo 10 - Aspectos Legais - Entenda as razes para no deixarmos a negociao chegar na esfera judicial."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Opo binarias" |
"Aqui voc aprender do bsico ao avanado a operar no mercado de opo binarias. voc vai conhecer a plataforma da iq option e as suas ferramentas para fazer analises e fazer suas operaes. Vai aprender a gerenciar seu capital a fazer alavancagem uma estrategia de negociaes que funciona. Vai aprender desde depositar na corretora a fazer operaes usando price action e fazer saques dos lucros "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Art Therapy: Self Exploration" |
"Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art as a channel to express your emotions.This is not a course for artists to progress as artists or to learn how to be an artist, but for anyone to go deeper into the subconscious mind using art as a medium to uncover ideas, underlying issues, or deep-seated emotions that are the cause of your daily troubles. Then using Art Therapy as the tool to deal with these possibly distressing or confusing emotions, both calming the distress and using visuals as a way to see these emotions in front of you. You'll even find yourself having fun in the process! Throughout this course you will begin to identify who you truly are: not just the soul's essence, but who you are in each of the roles of your life, the 'masks' you wear with your family, your colleagues, your friends... You will recognise the parts of yourself you don't like, and the parts that are truly You - and becoming the You you want to be. See all of these masks - the good and bad - and generate a pure love for yourself, changing what it is you don't like or just accepting and embracing it. This is your time to explore all of this, your Self, through Art Therapy. Who are you under all of the masks and layers? And throughout it all I will be here to help you help yourself.This is a 5 week course designed for you to take the time and space each week for a creative exercise whilst you contemplate the questions I give you about your Self and your life. You can do the exercises in any timeframe you desire, however I advise having time to reflect between each exercise, ideally sticking to it being 5 weeks. No prior art experience is required!Use your preferred materials for any of the exercises, even if I am using paint you can use pencil, pen, crayons, pastels, collage or anything else you can think of! The priority is for you to do the exercise itself, no matter the material being used, and see what comes up for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditation Course for a Calm, Harmonious, Compassionate Mind" |
"Want to meditate but just don't know where to begin?Find it hard to sit still and meditate? Sleeping poorly because of a restless over-thinking mind? Can't focus on one task without the mind wandering away?Stressed out? Scared away from meditation by the idea of 'sitting in silence'? These meditations will help change that!In today's age, the mind is used to jumping from one thing to the next, or doing multiple things at the same time, whether we realise it or not. So when we come to sit, we continue to feel restless because the mind thinks it should still be doing 3 different things at once. This is known as the ""Monkey Mind"". So we continue to over work our minds, and eventually because there is never a break we end up feeling exhausted, stressed and even depressed. Meditation can help with this, but it takes time and dedication. It is like re-training your mind, just like any training in your life you can't give up after 5 minutes of it not working out like you want it to. Stick with it, and slowly you will find you can sit for longer and longer with a peaceful mind. The 'Monkey' will wander off less and less, and your mind will become clearer, more focused and calm. This will benefit you in your daily life also - developing greater efficiency, concentration and clarity. In our generation, simply sitting in meditation and trying to be in ""complete stillness, both in mind and body"" as many monks traditionally have been known to do, feels virtually impossible when starting out. That is why I will teach you 3 meditations that gives your mind something to focus on, something for that Monkey to look at otherwise it will get bored and go play. These meditations will cultivate awareness of the breath and the body, and the love from your heart for all beings around the world. You will radiate with love, compassion and happiness as any ill feelings of anger or hatred will be eradicated. These meditations are thousands of years old, having being used in the Buddhist tradition since the time of the Buddha. And still they are being used today, even more so, because of their effectiveness. If you commit yourself, you will see results as thousands of others have!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pranayama: The Complete Beginners Course" |
"Prana means ""life force / vital energy"" which refers to quite simply the breath, but also the energy that is flowing throughout everything and everyone, it is the vital force that creates, energises and maintains your life. Yama means ""to control / restrain"", therefore Pranayama literally means to control and restrain the life force that flows throughout your body. This might seem like a basic exercise that maybe could be useful for relaxation but Pranayama has been used since thousands of years ago when the ancient Sanskrit scriptures where written in India. Throughout the time of Pranayama being used, Yogis have accomplished impossibly miraculous things but most usefully balancing and rejuvenating their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. A regular practice of Pranayama stabilises your emotions, eradicates mental or physical diseases (even those that hadn't come to your attention yet), and cultivates a peaceful and equanimous mind. The Breath is so closely related to our emotions. Each emotion has a different breathing pattern - when we're excited, nervous, frightened, tired, angry... But you can learn to control this. By controlling the breath, you control your mind and emotions. You will be able to easily slow the breath, calm the mind and rebalance the emotions. Imagine how useful this would be in your everyday life. Yogis measure their lives by the count of breaths, instead of years, therefore extending, controlling and restraining their breaths to extend their life span. The possibilities are limitless but for most of us in our busy daily lives, aiming to do a 20-30 minute Pranayama practice will calm your mind and body, relieve stress, revitalise your whole body and this is something many of us are in desperate need of.Please note: There are some Pranayama practices that certain medical conditions will prevent you from practicing the techniques. Such as the Pranayama practices with fast rhythms or breath retention should not be practised by those suffering from asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, stroke, hypertension or are pregnant. There are also some other conditions for certain elements of the practices that should be practiced if you have these: hernia, gastric/intestinal ulcer, anxiety, asthma, depression, hyperthyroid but these will be indicated which practices cannot be done throughout the course as most practices are fine with these conditions. Check the video descriptions for all information on medical conditions"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Art Therapy: Intentions and Aspirations" |
"Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art as a channel to express your emotions. This is not a course for artists to progress as artists or to learn how to be an artist, but for anyone to go deeper into the subconscious mind using art as a medium to uncover ideas, underlying issues, or deep-seated emotions that are the cause of your daily troubles. Then using Art Therapy as the tool to deal with these possibly distressing or confusing emotions, both calming the distress and using visuals as a way to see these emotions in front of you. You'll even find yourself having fun in the process! This is an introductory course to help you discover your true desires and passions, and how to move into having these in your life, and you will see what it is you need to do to change your yourself, your life and your world. What do you want to happen in your life next year or in the next 5 years? Where do you want to be in your mind, body on your life path? And how can you make this happen? I will help you to help yourself throughout this course!Setting good intentions for ourselves and others has far greater effect than most of us truly know. The effects can be miraculous if our intentions are truly believed to be reality. Just as Dr Randolph Byrd showed in a study in a San Francisco Hospital, with two control groups of heart patients: one group were prayed for by some volunteers, the other was not. The prayed-for group reported to be 5 times less likely to need antibiotics and 3 times less likely to develop fluid in the lungs, whilst also none of the prayed-for group needed artificial ventilation whilst 12 members of the non-prayed for group did. This clearly shows just how powerful our thoughts, prayers and intentions can be - even so much as making someones health better! When a loved one is ill and you feel helpless thinking, ""I wish there was something I could do"" There is! In this course we will look at what we want, our aspirations, and make these intentions to bring them about in our lives and those around us. No prior experience of doing any form of art is required!This is a 4 week course designed for you to take the time and space each week for a creative exercise whilst you contemplate the questions I give you about your Self and your life. You can do the exercises in any timeframe you desire, however I advise having time to reflect between each exercise, ideally sticking to it being 4 weeks.Use your preferred materials for any of the exercises, even if I am using paint you can use pencil, pen, crayons, pastels, collage or anything else you can think of! The priority is for you to do the exercise itself, no matter the material being used, and see what comes up for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revision and exams: Tips from a top University Lecturer" |
"Ever left revision too late? Ever thought there must be a more efficient way to revise? Ever thought you have no idea how to get the top grades? In this course I will give tips and suggestions for ensuring you feel prepared come revision time. I will share ways in which you can start preparing from the moment you start your course and if you follow my suggestions, you might even enjoy revision and exams (you might...). Even more than that, I will give you an insight into what markers are really looking for in exam answers, and how a few simple strategies can ensure you're able to show your potential in exams. Let's show them what you're capable of achieving!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Networking Security Exam" |
"Is it accurate to say that you are keen on CCNA accreditation? On the off chance that indeed, at that point this is the ideal course for you. Here you get all the fundamental to propel ideas of Networking. What's more, toward the part of the arrangement you get enough certainty to clear CCNA 200-125 Exam. Here we clear every one of the points well ordered. In the event that you don't have any past learning in systems administration that is totally OK. In this Course Ms. Pinki Chavra Teach you CCNA Course Step by step. She has 12+ Years of involvement in Computer Network. The substance are completely invigorated and we include and update new video content every single week. In this course you get hands on understanding on, for example, VLAN's, VTP, STP, PortFast, EtherChannel, Inter-VLAN and so on. We talk about a ton of Key subject of systems administration like IPv4, IPv6 and so forth. On the off chance that you are a freshers or have some understanding yet need to fabricate your bearer in the field of Networking then this is the ideal course for you ! This Udemy course goes under 30 days cash back gurantee so in the event that you are not fulfilled you can request a 100% cash back No inquiry posed"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dominate Your New Job" |
"Starting a new job is scientifically proven as one of the most stressful life events. However, there is very little information and guidance to help people navigate this scary and exhilarating time. Even worse, a lot of people (especially recent college graduates) lack the corporate knowhow to help them in their new careers. They often have to learn this new world as they go and make costly mistakes in the process. This course is aimed to help arm people starting a new role with all of the information that they need in order to adequately prepare, form positive first impressions, and develop an effective action plan to succeed in their first 90 days on the job. This course will walk you through each part of the process beginning before you even step foot in your new workplace. There are numerous exercises and resources available throughout the course to help reinforce your learning. The goal is to help you successful within your first 90 days in your new job!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Anti-Cellulite cupping body massage with Certificate" |
"Anti-Cellulite cupping massage course and training is one of the most popular and professional types of vocational and business trainings in this part of the world.Learn how to get long lasting results with this hands and cups on cellulite massage. Learn the steps and strokes of this intensive work to promote dimensional inch loss, smooth out dimpled skin, and flush toxins stored in fat cells.""Cellulite Massage is highly effective and considered an alternative to liposuction, ""It's intensive work, but it's worth the effort.""In this comprehensive instructional video, i will show you step-by-step through a complete massage session, demonstrating the , pressure, depth, and direction. She also goes over the benefits and contraindicationsIn women, we see cellulite most commonly around the upper abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Cellulite Massage works by loosening up the fascia, softening it, so it's not so rigid, and softening the fat tissue and expressing the toxins and directing them into the lymphatic system.for who is this course:For massage therapists, beauticians, friends. this is a great massage to offer. Click the add to cart button at the top to order today!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Taller de Pndulo y Armonizacin de Chakras para la Vida" |
"En este taller aprenders conceptos bsicos acerca de los centros energticos o Chakras y cmo se pueden armonizar para que tu energa fluya en diferentes reas de tu vida.Tambin aprenders acerca del Pndulo, como prepararte antes de trabajar con l y los usos del pndulo como herramienta de armonizacin y de consultas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Paternidade Responsvel de A a Z" |
"O Curso Paternidade Responsvel - Papais de Primeira tem como objetivo principal preparar os futuros papais para a chegada de seus bebs, atravs de muita informao sobre os cuidados no pr-parto, parto e ps-parto.Atravs de videoaulas prticas e explicativas, o futuro pai conhecer os seus direitos, alm de saber o que esperar e como agir no perodo de gravidez e nos primeiros dias de vida de seu beb.Quais os cuidados com o filho, com a companheira, com ele mesmo? Como se preparar financeiramente para este momento to especial? O que preciso saber antes de ir para a maternidade? Essas e outras perguntas sero esclarecidas durante o curso.E ao concluir os mdulos, o papai receber o certificado de concluso do Curso, que lhe dar o direito de aumentar sua licena paternidade de 05 para 20 dias, conforme prev o Marco Legal da Primeira Infncia, lei 13.257/2016.O curso dividido em 07 mdulos, que apresentam de maneira simples e prtica a jornada do incio da gravidez aos primeiros meses de vida do beb. Os mdulos que compe o curso so:Mdulo 01 BOAS VINDAS:Este mdulo apresenta a estrutura do curso e todos os detalhes importantes para o seu estudo.Mdulo 02 CONHECENDO SEUS DIREITOS:Entenda o que a lei proporciona ao pai e saiba quais so todos os seus direitos.Mdulo 03 PLANEJANDO A CHEGADA DO BEB:Conhea os preparativos para a maternidade, os custos envolvidos na chegada de um filho e quais os cuidados bsicos com o beb.Mdulo 04 PATERNIDADE RESPONSVELEntenda qual o seu papel como pai e o que deve esperar da paternidade.Mdulo 05 A SADE DO FILHO DEPENDE DA SADE DO PAISaiba qual a importncia de manter uma sade equilibrada e descubra formas simples de cuidar do seu bem estar.Mdulo 06 - PAI PRESENTE PAI INFORMADONeste mdulo sero esclarecidas suas dvidas sobre vida sexual, hora certa de ir para a maternidade e como se desenvolve o seu beb.Mdulo 07 - ENCERRAMENTOReservado s reflexes sobre o curso e ao Quiz.Vantagens do ProdutoO curso Paternidade Responsvel - Papais de Primeira foi desenvolvido para atender crescente demanda de pais e futuros pais sobre o planejamento familiar, a paternidade ativa e os cuidados pr-parto, parto e ps-parto. Pensando nisso, o curso foi planejado atravs de uma temtica leve, didtica e informativa, afim de proporcionar aos papais e futuros papais uma paternidade consciente e participativa, apresentando a real importncia do pai para a famlia e na criao dos filhos.A matrcula pode ser realizada em qualquer perodo da gestao, o que facilita muito a preparao do futuro papai e lhe garante tempo para organizar tudo o que for preciso para a chegada de seu beb. Por isso, importante que o curso seja realizado o quanto antes.Alm disso, atravs do curso Paternidade Responsvel o futuro papai poder aumentar o seu perodo de licena paternidade de 05 para 20 dias, conforme prev o Marco Legal da Primeira Infncia, lei 13.257/2016. Para garantir os dias extras, basta apresentar o certificado fornecido ao final do curso no RH da empresa em que o papai trabalha."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Canva" |
"Canva is an easy-to-use graphic design tool that you use right in your browser. It allows you to make professional-looking images and graphics that can be used in social media, presentations, newsletters, business cards, brochures, gift certificates, and more. FIn this course you will learn how to use Canva. Quickly learn how to find your way around Canva, how to use and customize templates and how to personalize your designs.You'll learn how to add and edit images, work with typography, and use the built-in design templates to build your next project with Canva."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Application Framework(OAF) - Beginners to Expert" |
"Course includes Basic understanding of OAF Architecture, Application Development, Personalization and Extension. The course is full of practical example which will give user a feel of how to start working in OAF in real time projects. The course is very easy to learn as it starts with Basic ,from understanding the architecture and then understanding core java and OOPS concepts as well.It also help a person to go on to learn till expert level in building pages within Oracle application. The course will also help to learn what kind of work we get in the real time projects and how to get started for oracle application practitioners. In case person had a doubt or questions while learning this course the instructor is keen on clearing it as main idea of the instructor is that everyone should understand what he is teaching and practice each module."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud/Fusion Conversion - FBDI , ADF-DI , WebServices" |
"Hi AllThis course covers Oracle Cloud/Fusion Conversion Method. Its covers explanation to 3 methods provided by Oracle. The course also covers difference between Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Cloud conversion process. The course also shows the practical and hands on and how all the methods are used to do conversion in Oracle Cloud.1) File Base Data Import (FBDI)2) ADF Desktop Integration (ADF DI)3) Oracle Business Component Webservices(Oracle BC)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Designing an L&D Strategy to power Digital Transformations" |
"This course will help L&D professionals gain insights on the digital context, introduce or reorient them to fundamental learning frameworks, agile development techniques and relevant learning technology, all of which are key ingredients for successful L&D delivery in a digital landscape. Participants will walk away with a starter kit of downloadable resources and job aids that they can begin to use immediately to craft learning & development strategies that power digital transformations."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Write The Best-Selling Movie Or TV Show Treatments" |
"What's a 'Movie Treatment'?A 'movie treatment' is an outline of your story or plot idea just like you want it to be seen in a movie. It contains the turn of events and twists from one scene to another. Why do you need a 'Movie Treatment '?You need a movie treatment to pitch your idea to a producer or an agency, guide you in your screenplay writing and so on. What would you gain if you bought this course?This course contains how writers can put their story idea together and pitch it to someone who is ready to read it and invest in their project. You will become an expert in 'movie treatment' writing. It is divided into 7 lectures including Introduction, Anatomy of Movie Treatment, Title block writing, Logline, Character description, and Synopsis (Outline). The student will be able to write their own movie treatment without paying an expert since they are going to become one after this course. Who needs this course?Whether you are a screenwriter, producer, movie director, or someone looking for a big break in the movie industry, this is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UX research" |
"Voc sabia que apenas um entre dez lanamentos de produtos se torna um negcio rentvel? No? Pois , as empresas desperdiam tempo e dinheiro tentando empurrar novos produtos no mercado, produtos aqueles que ningum est interessado em comprar. A boa notcia que por meio da pesquisa com usurios possvel identificar as reais necessidades dos clientes antes mesmo da equipe de projeto comear a esboar um novo conceito.Neste curso, voc aprender como colocar o processo de UX research no seu dia a dia de trabalho e se preparar para uma pesquisa com usurio do incio ao fim. Inclui tambm conceitos, tcnicas e dicas prticas sobre como ouvir os futuros consumidores, avaliar prottipos e analisar os dados da pesquisa. E por fim, voc ver como a empatia pode ajud-lo a identificar se o problema que o seu projeto est atacando mesmo um problema do ponto de vista do seu cliente."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver With - Java TestNg Maven GIT Jenkins" |
"--Course Updated with latest examples time to time****Complete Systematic and Sections wise Division*WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to execute your tests against different browsers, not just Firefox, Chrome (unlike Selenium IDE). WebDriver also enables you to use a programming language in creating your test scripts (not possible in Selenium IDE).What made this course Unique from other courses? Only course on Internet which covers Real time project explanation and all your Quetion like what and why ??It's basically designed in such a way -so that one can answer when we should go for what approach and how?.-- WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *******************We assume that students have no experience in automation/coding and start every topic from basics level.Examples are taken from REAL TIME Web Application to understand how different components can be automated, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR CODING OR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics.Get more than 27+ hours of unique content with real example Contents are provided to refer and learn with examples.***************************************************************************Every Sections has INTERVIEW QUESTIONS to practice/master the learning process.It will be very helpful for your NEXT JOB/Interview. :)****************************************************************************On course completion You will be Mastered in Web/UI Automation and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job.We start from Beginners level and slightly go through Advanced FRAMEWORK level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Web Automation and Framework.We have Covered below Topics: (Refer- Course content Section)*****************************Complete Systematic and Sections wise Division* Basic of JAVA :Basic of JavaOOPS ConceptsCollection Framework in Java BasicBasic of Automation :Basic of Automation What ? When ? How ?Basic Introduction of Selenium and Its ComponentsJDK installationEclips InstallationSetting the Selenium Jars and Browsers pathArchitecture of WebDriverHow Selenium worksBasic program to launch diff browsersBasic of WebElements and HTMLFirepath or in chrome how to inspectIntroduction of Locatores and Why, when, How?By class, findelement and findelementsxpathCSSIntroduction to Wait and Why,when,How?implicitlyexplicitlyDropDownsCheckboxRadio ButtonExecuting a filedifferent ways of clicking on a button?IMPORTANT METHODS OF WEBELEMENT INTERFACEHANDLING MULTIPLE ELEMENTSHANDLING AUTOSUGGESTIONActions classFile upload popup -Window based popup-AutoITFile upload popup -Window based popup-Robot ClassAlert and PopupMultiple window Handlertaking ScreenshotPOM-Framework Design PatternPage Factory modelPOM-Framework Design PatternPage object modelRead Data from Properties fileRead Data from excel file-Apache POI basicWrite data into excelBasic of TestNg-Framework, Why, when, How? Setup?displaying TestNg Report-index and HTMLTestNg.xml basicBasic Annotations and useReporter and SOP statements-for Logging into ReportsPriority RunningInvocationCountDependsonMethodGrouping of Test CasesRunning Failed Test CasesRunning Parallel Test CasesRunning Cross Bowser Test CasesSoft and Hard AssertBasic of MavenDownLoading and Setup of MavenUnderstanding POM and Execution by MavenBasic GitCreating accountconfigure eclipse-with gitDifferents operationContinuous Integration toolsBasic of JenkinsDownLoad and SetupRunning Jenkins****Bonus*****Some exciting stuff*************************************************************************************This is life time supported course - Any time you can access these course via Mobile App or Web App*************************************************************************************At the end of this course you can pick any Web Application over internet and can automate it comfortably with all necessary validations.***Keep Learning- Keep Growing*** and Wish you all the Best !!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn Element Locators : CSS Selector and Xpath from Scratch" |
"**** Element Locator is the Base of Selenium and a Good Automation Tester should know how to write robust xpath and CSS *****With the help of Locators, we can locate any element uniquely on the web page.CSS and Xpath are most common and most usable element locators used in different automation tools like Selenium, Appium, Katalon Studio, Watir and many more.What made this course Unique from other courses? !!! Only course on the Internet which covers Real time Basic explanation about Locators !!!***************************************************************************In this course, we are going to cover :Basic understanding of DOM and HTMLBasic of Web Elements attributesBasic Locators : tag,id, name, className, linkText, partialLinkTextBasic to advance understanding of CSS locatorsXpath Locators using AttributesXpath Locators using text and contains and different functionsXpath Locators using Dynamic pathBest practices while writing element locators****************** WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? ****************************Learn Element Locators with Real time interview question and Notes for each sections.*****************************************************************************Course is prepared by picking real time scenarios what actually industry does in Real time to find the WebElements.End of This course :At the end of this course you can pick any Web Application over internet and can Locate the WebElements comfortably and make Automation easy !!*** Keep Learning- Keep Growing *** and Wish you all the Best !!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn Git from Basic : Real time example with Explanations" |
"*********** Git is a Version control tool and a Good Software Engineer/Automation Tester should know how to use Git *************With the help of This Course , we can learn Git and work with any stable company, or even a start up company .Git is most commonly and most widely used as a version control tool .Whoever is working as Software Engineer -Git knowledge is must.What made this course Unique from other courses? Only course on Internet which covers Real time from Basic explanation about Git.Covered use of Git : Using Command lines and EclipseIn this course, we are going to cover :-Basic Introduction to GIT and GitHub-Basic Git Terminology-Downloading Git and Do Installation-Creating Account on GitHub-Creating Git Repository and pushing into GitHub-Git Basic Commands and Real time use-Basic Introduction of Git Branching and use-Pushing code to the different Branches-GitHub all the Options Explanation, So that one can answer most of the questions comfortably.-Use of Project in GitHub-Initialising new git Repository and cloning the latest code from master Branch-Push the latest changes in Master using GIT commands-Understanding the Basic Git Commands usage-Creating new Branch using Git Commands-Pushing the Changes into the Newly created Branch by Using Git commands-Reverting the Changes into Repository-Merging the changes into master with Explanations-Last But Not Least : Interview Questions and Preparations********************* WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *****************************Learn Git in very easy way with Real time interview question and Notes for each sections.****************************************************************************************Course is prepared by picking real time scenarios How actually industry use.Anybody can learn Git and use in his company very comfortably : We have explain from beginner levelThis course explains :At the end of this course you can use git comfortably and answered the basic question with full confidence.***Keep Learning- Keep Growing*** and Wish you all the Best !!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"VPN with IPsec, GRE, EoIP and Multicast Real Labs" |
"In this course students will learn how to configure different types of tunnels over Internet on a pair of Mikrotik routers and how to build multisite VPN with Mikrotik software router in the center.Students will be trained to configure:- simple IPsec site-to-site tunnel- GRE over IPsec site-to-site tunnel- EoIP tunnel (Mikrotik proprietary)- Eoip tunnel with IPsec (Mikrotik proprietary)- Multicast over GRE with IPsecMultisite VPN the most interesting of above"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Multicast Real Labs" |
"In this course students will learn multicast technology and how to configure it on Mikrotik and Cisco routers.Students will be trained to configure:- IGMP on Cisco and Mikrotik routers and switches- PIM on Cisco and Mikrotik routers- IGMP snooping on Cisco and Mikrotik switches- Multicast over GRE tunnel with IPsec security- VLC transmitters and receivers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate CC ile Animasyon ve izgi Film Eitimi" |
"Burada yer alan dersleri adm adm izleyerek temel dzeyden ileri dzeye izgi film ve animasyon tasarm konusunda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. Videolarda yer alan eitim ierikleri; animasyon ve izgi film tasarmna dair nemli lde uygulama ve pratik bilgilere dayanmaktadr. Ayrca teorik ve akademik anlamda animasyona dair bilgiler de dersin ierikleri arasnda yer almaktadr.Eitimleri izleyerek; 2D animasyonlar retebilir, sosyal alarda animasyonlar ile anlatmlar gerekletirebilir, mobil oyun karakterleri tasarlayabilir ve izgi filmler yapabilirsin.Eer sende izgi film ve animasyon retimine / izgi film karakteri tasarmna / mobil oyun animasyonlar retimine meraklysan burada yer alan eitimler tam olarak senin iin."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Leaderboard Development for Unity Android & IOS" |
"This course will enable developers to implement Facebook leaderboard for Unity games published on Play Store and App Store. I will briefly explain Facebook Leaderboard implementation by breaking it down into smaller and comprehensible parts. After the completion, students will have a basic architecture for Facebook leaderboard to begin with and will be able to easily develop Facebook Leaderboard for their Games."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |