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"Pilates de elementos, meditacin activa y Danza-Forma (agua)" |
"Este curso combina las disciplinas de Pilates Progresin, Yogalates, Danza Forma y Respiracin de los Elementos (agua), para trabajar la conexin entre movimiento, respiracin e imagen, con el objetivo de conseguir un cuerpo y una mente eficaces, sanos y conectados.Con este mtodo conseguirs recuperar o mejorar la forma fsica: alargando los msculos y aumentando el tono muscular, recolocando la columna, corriendo desequilibrios posturales e investigando diferentes formas de respirar y su relacin con el movimiento. Y tambin la forma emocional: mejorando el vnculo entre cuerpo y mente, practicando las respiraciones del elemento agua, trabajando la consciencia del cuerpo y explorando el poder de las visualizaciones en el entrenamiento.Este curso va dirigido a personas que busquen un programa de acondicionamiento que integre cuerpo y mente. Las secuencias de este curso son aptas para cualquier edad, nivel y capacidad fsica y para seguir este programa no hace falta tener conocimientos de danza ni ser un gran deportista; ni siquiera de Pilates o Yoga. Pero obtendrs mejores resultados si tienes algo de base en esas disciplinas.El curso incluye material en vdeo con secuencias de ejercicios, respiraciones y danzas forma, textos que permiten ahondar en los aspectos tericos del mtodo y audios para la meditacin-relajacin guiada.Los cursos de esta coleccin se ofrecen por primera vez online. Pueden tomarse en cualquier orden, en funcin del inters y gusto del alumno, pero estn diseados segn el grado de dificultad de las secuencias en el orden siguiente: agua, tierra, aire, fuego y metal.Recuerda consultar con el mdico y hacer una revisin a fondo del estado de salud, especialmente articulaciones y sistema cardiovascular, antes de comenzar cualquier actividad fsica nueva."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pilates de los elementos, meditacin y Danza-forma (tierra)" |
"En este segundo curso del programa Pilates de los elementos trabajaremos el elemento Tierra y los beneficios de la firmeza para nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente. Con l comprenderemos la importancia de la precisin y el control de movimientos y respiraciones, diferenciaremos entre tensin y relajacin para saber activarse y calmarse cuando toca, practicaremos los cambios de ritmo y la fluidez de las secuencias, entenderemos que las pocas peridicas de cansancio fsico e intelectual pueden ser normales an en personas sanas, y aprenderemos a gestionarlas con inteligencia, ensearemos al cuerpo a moverse con la respiracin de la tierra y a sacar energa de ella y trabajaremos las imgenes de la tierra: energa, fuerza y productividad sin tensin. Por ltimo aprenders a colocarte mejor. Este programa corrige posturas, estabiliza el cuerpo y le da simetra y equilibrio: el resultado es un cuerpo ms eficiente. La tensin y el dolor desaparecen.El elemento tierra nos enfoca en la evolucin, en la determinacin, el crecimiento personal, y nos ayuda a desarrollar confianza en el futuro. Nos da fuerza de voluntad, energa, vitalidad en periodos de cansancio fsico y psicolgico. Nos serena y nos ayuda a ver las cosas con realismo y objetividad. Es especialmente eficaz si se usa antes de emprender una tarea que nos asusta o si creemos no tener fuerza suficiente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"macroeconom. ed indici azionari, trading system, calendar" |
"Il corso ha una finalita' divulgativa, spesso e volentieri si affronta il trading on line come materia basata su se stessa, difatti esistono una miriade di corsi dove si affrontano i mercati finanziari supportati da rudimenti di analisi tecnica. tuttavia un modello di trading non puo' essere applicato ad ogni strumento finanziario sperando che funzioni in qualunque condizione. difatti uno studio a priori dello strumento consente di catalogarlo come strumento trend following o mean reversion. l'individuazione a priori del ""carattere"" dello strumento in cui si opera consente di sviluppare modelli ben piu' solidi. E' utile ricordare che un modello di trading si dice riobusto se questi oltre che continuare a funzionare in futuro si sia rivelato profittevole nel passato, ma questo puo' dirsi robusto nel passato solo se il numero dei trade e' molto elevato, tutto cio' manualmente e' impossibile, ecco perche' negli anni si sono andati affermando i trading system , ossia algoritmi che comprano e vendono in maniera autonoma e che fondano la loro operativita' su come si e' comportata in passato quella tecnica , allo scopo si utilizzano programmi di trading su cui e' possibile sviluppare delle strategie. cio' presuppone il trader sappia programmare e spesso cio' e' un limite, ecco perche' i moderni software di trading system utiilizzano dei linguaggi di programmazione di alto livello che sono facilmente comprensibili anche da parte di chi non ha una base di programmazione. Ben piu' importante e' l'analisi macroeconomica rispetto al ciclo economico, giacche' esso ci fornisce il trend di lungo periodo dell'indice , il che consente di operare a favore di trend portandoci un vantaggio nelle nostre operazioni di trading, impareremo quindi a stimare le variabili macroeconomiche fondamentali, in questo caso non ci servira' nessuna conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione. non e' finita' andremo a studiare modelli calendar, ossia modelli che incrociano diverse scadenze temporali dello stesso strumento al fine di individuarne la tendenza di fondo,. insomma l'approccio di questo corso e' ben diverso dai soliti corsi che troviamo in circolazione e mira a formare piu' l'investitore che il trader , non per questo saranno esclusi modelli intraday"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile Marketing Training" |
"This Agile marketing training will help you understand that Agile marketing is not just about using Scrum or Kanban, it is a customer-centric approach to strategic planning and execution. You will learn how to avoid mistakes and how to adapt Scrum and Kanban to the context of marketing. Learning from or hiring a Scrum Master or Agile coach without marketing background is often a recipe for disaster due to their lack of subject matter expertise in marketing. In my experience, the application of Scrum and Kanban in its pure form does not work for marketing due to differences in structure, operating models and output. This course will help you understand how to iterate your ways of working through adaptive planning in order to achieve value-adding business outcomes. You will get familiar with the tools that can help you improve the teamwork and overall performance of your marketing teams in order to accelerate growth and deliver value to the sales and other functional areas of your business.Case studies will continuously be added to the training course to show you some approaches to practicing Agile marketing. The current case study focuses on the context of individual marketers, small vs large marketing teams, and working with agencies. You will also have email access to the Agile marketing coach and trainer, who will be happy to answer your questions in order to support your adoption of Agile marketing processes within your business.The move from rigid to flexible and adaptive ways of working requires a mindset shift that incorporates an understanding of the what and why behind Agile marketing. Marketing teams in all sectors and levels must strive to overcome the negative perception from other stakeholders by becoming more accountable for their results and impact on the overall business growth. This will only be possible if and when the marketing teams put their house in order from a strategy, people and process perspective. The values and principles of Agile marketing provide the necessary structures and practices that can help marketing teams focus on growth marketing through iterative strategy planning and execution.A certificate of completion is emailed to you after the completion of this Agile Marketing training course.Start your Agile marketing journey with this crash course. Marketing operations often exist in a rigid and siloed structure, which makes campaign execution slow and less responsive to customer expectations. Marketing technology is evolving at pace, but marketing management is still stuck in the pre-internet era.This on-demand Agile marketing training video course will teach you how to evolve your marketing operations to increase task completion, whilst aligning outputs to ROI-focused marketing outcomes.Femi Olajiga is a qualified marketing professional with a Master's Degree in Marketing and a wealth of practical experience of working within Agile marketing teams, as well as consulting with senior teams for some of the largest brands across industries. You will learn from practical and relevant case studies of Agile marketing implementation in both in-house and agency teams within small, large and globally distributed marketing teams.Course Curriculum:The History of AgileAgile ValuesAgile PrinciplesWhat is Agile Marketing?Agile Marketing AdoptionBenefits of Agile MarketingImplementing Agile MarketingLeading Agile FrameworksThe Scrum FrameworkThe Scrum TeamThe Product OwnerThe Scrum MasterEmpirical Process ControlScrum ValuesThe Sprint Planning MeetingThe SprintKanban PrinciplesThe Kanban BoardThe Product BacklogThe Daily ScrumThe Sprint Review MeetingSprint Retrospective MeetingCase Study - Agile Marketing in Small and larger teamsCase Study - Agile Marketing in AgenciesThis is the start of the Agile marketing learning roadmap for people who are looking for a cost-effective learning opportunity, as opposed to paying $$$ for a lengthy face-to-face training course.The course learning outcomes are three-fold:Why Agile Marketing?How To Implement Agile Marketing.Agile Marketing Examples - case-studies.The course will also give you free access to contact the training instructor directly in order to ask questions and get tailored guidance on your Agile marketing implementation journey. Click the enroll button and start the course now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Luke/Acts for Beginners" |
"This course will review Luke's two-volume historical narrative concerning Jesus' life and ministry as well as the beginning and spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire as he experienced it. Course Outline:Introduction to the Course Mike begins with a critical review of all four gospels in order to prepare for a focused study of the Book of Luke.The Beginning This lesson reviews the section in Luke that provides information on John the Baptist, Jesus' early life and the beginning of His ministry in Galilee.Jesus in Galilee - Part 1 Luke describes the many miracles and teaching sessions by Jesus performed in and around his home town and neighboring area.Jesus in Galilee - Part 2 This section continues the description of the rise of Jesus' ministry with amazing miracles and includes the Lord's commendation of John the Baptist and his work now completed.Jesus in Galilee - Part 3 In this final part of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, Luke continues to describe Jesus' miracles but adds a section explaining how He prepared and sent out disciples on their first missionary journey.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 1 Luke turns his attention to Jesus' preparation for His journey south to Jerusalem and the opposition that awaits Him there.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 2 Now that Jesus approaches Jerusalem, He is met with stiff opposition from the Pharisees and Priests who question both His teachings and legitimacy to teach.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 3 In this section, Jesus relays several parables in response to those who questioned His authority and mission, and as a way of teaching His disciples on the unseen reality of the Kingdom of God.Jesus Facing Jerusalem - Part 4 Jesus heals 10 lepers and makes a prophecy concerning the coming judgment on the city of Jerusalem for having rejected it's divine Messiah.Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Part 1 Luke describes three key events during Jesus' time in the city of Jerusalem: Prophecy concerning His death and resurrection; healing of a blind man; His triumphal entry into the city riding a donkey.Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Part 2 Here Jesus confronts and rebukes the religious leaders (who should have been first to recognize and accept Him) for rejecting Him and blocking people from going to Him.The Consummation - Part 1 The first of a two-part lesson describing the early events leading to Jesus' death on the cross.The Consummation - Part 2 Luke describes the final scene of Jesus' death and burial as well as the glorious aftermath of His resurrection on the 3rd day following His crucifixion.The Ministry of Peter In the first lesson of Acts, Mike explains the difference between the empowering and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The class will also review the events surrounding the day of Pentecost and begin to follow the ministry of Peter the Apostle.Peter's Post Pentecost Ministry The amazing success of Peter's Pentecost sermon is quickly followed by another miracle, a subsequent arrest and Peter's defense of the Gospel.Persecution of Peter and Apostles Luke describes the amazing case of Ananias and Sapphira's sudden death and the continued persecution of the Apostles by the Jewish leadership.Persecution of the Church - Part 1 Luke describes the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.Persecution of the Church - Part 2 Luke continues to describe the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.Peter Preaches to the Gentiles In this class, Luke describes the important breakthrough for the early church as Peter begins to proclaim the gospel to non-Jews for the first time.The Ministry of Paul: Paul's First Missionary Journey Mike traces out the beginning and completion of Paul's first missionary journey with the many interesting and challenging stops along the way.Paul's Second Missionary Journey Mike continues the section describing Paul's second missionary journey and an important meeting at the church in Jerusalem to decide the future of Paul's work among the Gentiles.Paul's Third Missionary Journey Luke describes Paul's final journey as a free man working primarily in Ephesus establishing the church that would eventually spread the gospel throughout Asia Minor.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 1 Paul returns to Jerusalem where he is arrested and a long period of confinement in various locations begins.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 2 In this class, Luke describes Paul's appearances before Roman governors Felix and Festus and the outcome of those hearings.Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment - Part 3 Luke describes Paul's hearing before a third Roman official, Agrippa, and his subsequent appeal to be judged at the Imperial Court in Rome by Caesar himself.Paul's Journey to Rome Luke's excellent historical and nautical record of Paul's voyage to Rome and final scene preaching and teaching while awaiting trial."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Life of Jesus" |
"This series follows the events of Jesus' life in chronological order. There are 154 individual events and each is given in order with appropriate Scriptural references in each gospel as well as background information for every event. Join us in the fascinating study as we follow the life of Jesus."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grace for Beginners" |
"This six-part course explores the meaning and value of God's grace expressed in Jesus' cross as well as some common misconceptions concerning this blessing. Join Mike Mazzalongo as he helps you get a grasp on the concept of grace and the confidence it can bring to your spiritual walk.Classes include:What's so Good About the Good News? - This lesson will examine the mistaken ideas that many have concerning the concept of grace as well as the core reason why the ""Good News"" is truly good.The True Plan of Salvation - This lesson explores the common misunderstandings of how grace and faith work in the salvation of one's soul.God's Most Precious Gift - This lesson describes the actual benefits in one's life produced by God's grace.No Grace - No Gospel - This lesson examines other mistaken images used to explain the concept of grace and reviews the stories of King David and Paul the Apostle to demonstrate how God's grace actually worked in producing their forgiveness.My Grace is Sufficient - Paul describes how God's grace empowered him to deal successfully with the thorns in his life.The Impact of Grace - The final lesson in the Grace for Beginners series examines the very real changes that the grace of God produces in our every day lives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure Data Engineer Technologies for Beginners [DP-200, 201]" |
"Why Microsoft Azure Data Engineer?Microsoft Azure Date Engineering is one of the fastest-growing and in-demand occupations among Data Science practitioners. According to a 2019 Dice report, there was an 88% year-over-year growth in job postings for data engineers, which was the highest growth rate among all technology jobs.If you are interested in this domain, there cannot be a better time to start learning these Microsoft Azure Data Solution technologies. Expected OutcomesAfter this course:Microsoft Azure SQL Server - You will be able to identify the right Azure SQL Server deployment option, purchasing model and service tier according to requirements and will be able to deploy it in the cloud. You will be able to set up a security configuration to secure your database.Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse - You will able to deploy Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly known as Azure SQL Data warehouse) in Azure Cloud environment. You will have good internal MPP architecture understanding, and so you will be able to analyze your on-premises data warehouse and migrate data to Azure Data Warehouse. Microsoft Azure Data Lake - You will be able to create Azure Data Lake storage account, populate it will data using different tools and analyze it using Databricks and HDInsightMicrosoft Azure Data Factory - You will understand Azure Data Factory's key components and advantages. You will be able to create, schedule and monitor simple pipelines.Hadoop Basics - You will learn the fundamental understanding of the Hadoop Ecosystem and 3 main building blocks. This module will prepare you to start learning Big Data in Azure Cloud using HDInsight.Microsoft Azure HDInsight - We will understand how HDInsight makes Hadoop easy, and we will go through simple demo where well fetch data from Data Lake, process it through Hive and later will store data in SQL Server.Cosmos DB - You will understand all basic concepts of Cosmos DB, and will be able to create a new database, container, documents, and choose right partition key, configure the global distribution and use other important featuresStreaming Service - I will add details soonDatabricks - I will add details soonStorage Service - I will add details soonIntended AudienceBeginners in Microsoft Azure PlatformMicrosoft Azure Data EngineersMicrosoft Azure Data ScientistDatabase and BI developersDatabase AdministratorsData Analyst or similar profilesOn-Premises Database related profiles who want to learn how to implement these technologies in Azure Cloud.Anyone who is looking forward to starting his career as an Azure Data Engineer.LevelBeginners (100)""if you are already experienced and working on these technologies, this may not be the best course for you.""I have a few crash courses (Free) for absolute beginners, you can find links on my website. PrerequisitesBasic T-SQL and Database conceptsMicrosoft Azure Free trial SubscriptionLanguageEnglishIf you are not comfortable in English, please do not take a course, captions are not good enough to understand the course.What's insideVideo lectures, PPTs, Demo Resources, Quiz, Assignment, other important linksFull lifetime access with all future updatesCertificate of course completion30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeCourse updatesI am consistently adding new content in terms of both lectures and demos. Please find below logs for past and upcoming changes. Previous Updates:July 2020 - Monitoring and Optimization of servicesJuly 2020 - AMS (Azure Monitoring Service)July 2020 - Re-recorded Azure Data Factory with all new updatesJuly 2020 - NoSQL Databases in Microsoft Azure (Azure Blob Storage)July 2020 - Added Azure Databricks ModuleJuly 2020 - Added Azure Streaming Analytics ModuleJune 2020 - Added Azure Cosmos DB ModuleMay 2020 - Full-length course on Data LakeApr 2020 - Added modules on Azure cloud computing basics, and Data Engineer profileApr 2020 - Added crash course on cloud computing and data warehouseMar 2020 - Added Azure Synapse AnalyticsFeb 2020 - Added Azure SQL DatabaseOct 2019 - Added Azure HDInsightSep 2019 - Added Azure Data FactoryAug 2019 - Course Created on Azure Data LakeCourse In DetailBy the end of this courseMicrosoft Azure SQL Server - You will know the advantages of Azure Database over on-premises DatabaseYou will be able to provision all three types of Azure Database PaaS Deployments (Single, Elastic Pool, Managed Instance)You will learn different purchasing models and Service tiers and how to configure them according to requirements.You will be able to provision Azure Database in Virtual Machine (IaaS)You will be able to deploy Elastic Pool Database and able to add/remove more databases from the pool.You will be able to deploy the Managed Instance Database, configure it and connect it with your SQL Server Management studio.Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics ServiceYou will learn why we should consider warehousing solutions in the cloud.You will learn about Microsoft's brand new Azure Synapse analytics service, and how this service brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics, and provide a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage, and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs.You will learn the difference between Traditional vs Modern vs Synapse Architecture.You will learn Azure famous MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) architectureYou will also learn many internal concepts like Data Distribution, Sharding, and partitioning. You will learn different migration methods and best practices.You will learn PolyBase setup (Best Loading method)You will perform a lot of demos to migrate data to Azure SQL Data warehouse using SSIS, Data Factory and PolyBase.Microsoft Azure Data Lake Gen1You will learn the limitations of traditional database systems to handle the Big Data revolution. You will learn the difference between Azure Data Lake, SSIS, Hadoop and Data Warehouse. You will be able to create Azure Data Lake Gen1 storage account, populate it will data and analyze it using U-SQL Language. Microsoft Azure Data Factory - You will understand Azure Data Factory's key components and advantages. You will be able to create, schedule and monitor simple pipelines.Hadoop Basics You will learn a fundamental understanding of the Hadoop Ecosystem and 3 main building blocks. This module will prepare you to start learning Big Data in Azure Cloud using HDInsight.Microsoft HDInsight - You will learn what are the challenges with Hadoop and how HDInsight solves these challenges. You will also learn Cluster types, HDInsight Architecture and other important aspects of Azure HDInsight.You will also go through demo where well fetch data from Data Lake, process it through Hive and later will store data in SQL Server.Some students FeedbackOne of the most amazing courses i have ever taken on Udemy. Please don't hesitate to take this course. The instructor is really professional and has a great experience about the subject of the course. - Khadija BadaryVery nicely explained most of the concepts. a must have course for beginners - Manoranjan SwainI appreciate this course explaining everything in great detail for a beginner. This will assist me in overcoming challenges at my work - Benjamin CurtisGood course for Beginners. Labs are really helpful to grasp the concept. Thank you - Sapna"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliation AliExpress (gnrer de l'argent en automatique)." |
"Vous apprendrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'affiliation AliExpress, de A Z. Vous pourrez commencer gnrer vos premiers revenus trs rapidement si vous appliquez les cours un un.Cette formation que je propose sur l'affiliation AliExpress s'adresse aussi bien des personnes dsireuses d'arrondir leurs fin de mois, tout comme d'autres souhaitant en vivre un jour.Seul vos efforts dans le travail et la constance ferons votre russite ! **Aucun investissement financier n'est ncessaire pour gagner de l'argent avec l'affiliation Aliexpress**Je film mon cran et je vous montre quoi faire exactement tape par tape ! Suivez le guide, tout de suite ;)#affiliation #aliexpress #revenuspassifs #epn #admitad"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Nuxt.js & Vue.js Course Self Promo App" |
"WHAT IS NUXT JS?Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable.Server Side Rendered(SSR - Universal) mode is the most popular mode for Nuxt. With SSR, also called ""universal"" or ""isomorphic"" mode, a Node.js server will be used to deliver HTML based on your Vue components to the client instead of the pure javascript. Using SSR will lead to a large SEO boost, better UX and more opportunities (compared to a traditional Vue SPA).Because implementing SSR on your own can be really tedious, Nuxt.js gives you full support out of the box and will take care of common pitfalls.WHAT IS VUE JS?Vue JS is a very popular JavaScript front-end framework that was designed specifically to help you write Web apps faster and more easily than ever before!Used by companies such as Nintendo, Adobe, GitLab, Baidu and Alibaba, Vue JS is rapidly increasing in popularity, so its a great time to add it to your CV.By the end of this course youll have the skills and confidence you need to use Vue JS on your own projects!So, no matter whether youre a complete beginner to Vue JS, or an experienced programmer keen to improve your skills, this course is for you!THE COURSEStudents learn best when theyre putting what they learn in to practice straight away, so weve build this course around three really great projects (which will look fantastic in your career portfolio!):Project 1 - Todo ApplicationThis project is best suitable for starting developers without any or minimal experience of programming. First application is covering basic concepts every developer should know. First 20 lectures are covering base concepts on practical sandboxed examples. Rest of the section students will be working on ""todo"" application learning Vue JS related concepts. The section is covering also html and css explanations. Get basic knowledge of programming (Functions, Variables, Classes...)Know how to create store data into our browser Local Storage.Fully understand Vue JS concepts like data binding, data manipulation, event handling, state management (and much more!)Project 2 Post ApplicationNuxt.js starting project. Base programming knowledge is required. Students should have all of the required knowledge needed to work on this project once they complete first project . In this project students will get familiar with Nuxt.js/ Vue.js related topics. In this project students will be working on application to create and manage posts.Get basic knowledge of Nuxt.jsLearn how SSR worksGet familiar with VuexLean how to persist data on ServerProject 3 Promote Yourself ApplicationFinal project students will be working on. This project is longest and most detailed one. Students be working on tons of interesting features. Students will lean how to create beautiful , self promotion application with admin dashboard, authentication, REST features and other interesting stuff.Last project consist of multiple sections. In first section instructor will be explaining authentication including register and login functionality. Students will not just learn how to authenticate users but they will also find explanation of form validation with Vuelidate package.After authentication students will start working on functionality to create and manage products. Students will be working with ""courses"" as products but in the end they can choose product of their choice. Application is customisable.In next part students will be creating manage feature for products. Students will learn how to create new custom inputs and how to manage data flow in forms.Course is also covering feature to create blogs. Students will integrate a blog editor containing different formatting options and functionalities to edit and publish blogs. Students will be working on functionality to display published and featured blogs and they learn how to create pagination feature later on.In last sections instructor will be explaining SEO(search engine optimization) and students will lean how to implement SEO improvements into the application. Course is finishing with deployment of the application to Heroku.With over 40 hours of on-screen instruction, it doesnt matter whether youre planning to start your career as a developer, or just want to improve your programming skills, this is the right course for you!So what are you waiting for? Enrol now!!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Vue JS 2 & Firebase Complete Course" |
"WHAT IS VUE JS?Vue JS is a very popular JavaScript front-end framework that was designed specifically to help you write Web apps faster and more easily than ever before!Used by companies such as Nintendo, Adobe, GitLab, Baidu and Alibaba, Vue JS is rapidly increasing in popularity, so its a great time to add it to your CV.By the end of this course youll have the skills and confidence you need to use Vue JS on your own projects!So, no matter whether youre a complete beginner to Vue JS, or an experienced programmer keen to improve your skills, this course is for you!WHAT IS FIREBASE?Firebase provides a realtime database and backend as a service. The service provides application developers an API that allows application data to be synchronized across clients and stored on Firebase's cloud.THE COURSEStudents learn best when theyre putting what they learn in to practice straight away, so weve build this course around one really great project (which will look fantastic in your career portfolio!):In this course we are going to build application called Exchangario. Main purpose of this application is to exchange services and products.We will start with the basics of Vue JS framework. We will initialise first pages, create routing to theses pages and we will style them properly.First section will be not only about Vue JS . To make our application dynamic and up to the standards we need database. Database we will use in this course is cloud Firestore from Firebase. In Firestore we will keep our data of opportunities, exchanges and user profiles stored as documents in collections. More about this in the course. After first section you will start learning about firebase authentication. I will show you how to login and register with firebase. After user will be logged in we will display our application with couple of modifications only authenticated user can see.As I said main idea of this application is to exchange products. For this we will implement page where user can create exchanges either of service or product type. We will create many inputs of different types .I will show you how you can perform form validation with popular Vuelidate package. After exchange will be created it will be displayed on Home page and offered to other users.In later section we will be creating functionality to trade exchanges between the users. Every logged in user can apply for exchange by offering owned exchange as counter-offer. Submitted exchange has to have similar or same value as exchange we are applying for in order to be accepted by system. Once exchange is submitted opportunity is created. Opportunities are submitted exchanges which users can accept or decline. After opportunity is accepted user will receive contact informations on user with whom they can exchange the product.In fifth section we will work on pagination and search feature.In last section I will be talking about security rules for Firestore and finally we will deploy are application on Heroku so you can share it with your friends and family.With over 17 hours of on-screen instruction, it doesnt matter whether youre planning to start your career as a developer, or just want to improve your programming skills, this is the right course for you!So what are you waiting for? Enrol now!!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"React JS & Firebase Complete Course (incl. Chat Application)" |
"WHAT IS REACT JS?React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called components.WHAT IS FIREBASE?Firebase provides a realtime database and backend as a service. The service provides application developers an API that allows application data to be synchronized across clients and stored on Firebase's cloud.THE COURSEStudents learn best when theyre putting what they learn in to practice straight away, so weve build this course around one really great project (which will look fantastic in your career portfolio!):In this course we are going to build application where users can participate in different services that can improve users expertise in various fields.We will start with the basics of React JS framework. We will create initial layout, first pages and routing .First section will be not only about React JS . To make our application dynamic and up to the standards we need database. Database we will use in this course is cloud Firestore from Firebase. IN Firestore we will keep different types of data as for example services, offers, collaborations and users.After first section you will start learning about firebase authentication. I will show you how to login and register with firebase. After user will be logged in we will display our application with couple of modifications only authenticated user can see.Main idea of this application is to offer and subscribe to various services. For this reason we will implement page. where users can create service and where i get you familiar with form validation as wellAfter service will be created it will be displayed on Home page and offered to other users.Later we will be creating functionality to trade services between the users. Every logged in user can make an offer for a service. After offer is submitted then its up to service owner if he is willing to accept or decline an offer. In case service owner will accept offer then user can create collaboration.Once collaboration is created then service owner will receive message to participate in collaboration. When all of the users are joined into collaboration then collaboration can be started for specific amount of time and users can exchange messages. After collaboration is finished, messaging is disabled.In last section I will be talking about security rules for Firestore and finally we will deploy are application to Heroku so you can share it with your friends and family. This is just short preview of all of the features and there is much much more prepared for you.With over 24 hours of on-screen instruction, it doesnt matter whether youre planning to start your career as a developer, or just want to improve your programming skills, this is the right course for you!So what are you waiting for? Enrol now!!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"French conversation course 1: beginner to intermediate" |
"This course will enable you talk in French about your local area. In the first part of the course you will learn to describe the weather in world cities and countries during the months of the year and seasons. Your grammar foci will include understanding the patterns used when using weather expressions, and which French prepositions you should use before the name of a country when describing the weather. In the second part of the course you will learn to name different types of local areas and describe your own as well as where your friends and family live. Your grammar foci will include understanding the position of adjectives in the sentences and why some are found before the noun that they describe (BAGS adjectives) and others after; the paradigm of the verb habiter (to live) in the present tense; In the third part of the course you will learn to describe different local amenities usually found in local areas; you will learn to express you opinion about your local area and describe what you do during the week in your local area. Your grammar foci will include understanding the use of the fixed verb phrase Il y a (there is, there are) in affirmative and negative descriptions; the paradigm of the verb aller (to go) in the present tense. In the fourth and final part of the course you will learn to use the pat tense to describe what you did last weekend in your local area; this part will enable you to express your opinion with adjectives and revisit the weather expressions in the context of the past; your grammar foci will include understanding the use of the perfect tense in French and the imperfect tense of the verb forms ctait and il y avait ( It was and there was/there were).This course will be an excellent opportunity to learn a variety of vocabulary and grammar points that are commonly used in almost all everyday topics that people use to communicate with each other informally on holidays, or a work.Enjoy!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Immigration Solutions: Violence Against Women Act" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of the Violence Against Women Act, also known as VAWA. During this course, you will gain the knowledge and skill to file a self-petition under VAWA if you are an abused spouse, parent or child.This is a relatively simple process. Bear in mind not all cases are the same. If you have a situation where you were abused in the US by a spouse, or child and there is nothing atypical about your situation, then you can use this course to apply for a visa under VAWA by yourself. This may save you thousands of dollars in fees to an immigration attorney.By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of VAWA and whether you qualify to self-petition for a visa under VAWA. This course will walk you through the completion of USCIS Form I-360 and provided information on the documents needed to substantiate a VAWA self-petition. You will also have an understanding of when to completed an adjustment of status to become an permanent residence, and the conditions under which removal can be cancelled under VAWA.This course is broken down into five sections with nine short videos. Each video contains information and guidance on navigating the process of filing a self-petition under VAWA.What youll learn Understand the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Determine whether you qualify to file a VAWA self-petition. Identify evidence to support the self-petition under VAWA. Understand when to file an adjustment of status for permanent residence under VAWA.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? None Take this course is you are an abused spouse, parent or child of a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident.Who this course is for: If you are an abused spouse, parent or child of a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident, this course is for you! If you once lived in the U.S. about have relocated outside the U.S. because of abuse by your U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse, this course is for you! Are you an abused spouse in removal? Find out how you can become eligible for cancellation or removal under VAWA, as well as the process for filing for permanent residence."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Immigration Solutions: Visas for Victims of Crime" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of the U and T visas. During this course, you will gain the knowledge and skill to file either a U or T visa petition.This is a relatively simple process. Bear in mind not all cases are the same. If you have a situation where you are the victim of a serious crime or the victim of severe human trafficking, you and your family members may be eligible for immigration benefits.This course may save you thousands of dollars in fees to an immigration attorney for filing these petitions.By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of the U and T visas and whether you qualify to file either of these visa petitions. This course will walk you through the completion of USCIS Form I-918 and USCIS Form I-914, and provided information on the evidence needed to substantiate your petition. You will also have an understanding of whether you may be authorized to work in the U.S. and when you should complete an adjustment of status to become a permanent residence.This course is broken down into five sections with eight short videos. Each video contains information and guidance on navigating the process of filing a U or T visa petition.What youll learn Understand the difference between the U and T visa. Describe the U and T visa eligibility criteria. Identify the evidence need to support the U and T visa petition. Understand when to file an adjustment of status for permanent residence.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? No. Take this course is you are the victim of a serious crime or the victim of human trafficking.Who this course is for: If you are a survivor of a severe form of trafficking or attempted trafficking such as labor trafficking and sex trafficking, this course is for you! If you are a victim of a serious crime and are assisting U.S. law enforcement with an investigation or prosecution, then, this course is for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Immigration Solutions: Asylum" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of asylum and the asylum process. Asylum is an immigration benefit that allows certain foreign nationals who fear persecution to remain lawfully in the U.S. indefinitely.This is a relatively simple process. Bear in mind not all cases are the same. If you have a situation where you fear persecution and unable to live in your country, you may be granted asylum and you and your family members may be eligible for immigration benefits.Understanding the asylum process may save you thousands of dollars in fees to an immigration attorney for filing this petition.By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of what asylum, the eligibility requirements, the application process and life after the grant of asylum. This course will walk you through the completion of USCIS Form I-589. You will also have an understanding of the bars to asylum.This course is broken down into six (6) sections with twelve (12) short videos. Each video contains information and guidance on navigating the process of filing for asylum.What youll learnUnderstand what asylum is and the eligibility requirements.Describe the asylum application process and the bars to asylum.Identify the processes after the grant of asylum.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoneTake this course if you are a foreign national who fear persecution.Who this course is for:If you are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Immigration Solutions: How to Get a Green Card in the US" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of how to apply for a green card in the United States. There are various categories under which an person may be eligible to apply for a green card in the United States. This course will provide you with the options available to you to enter and reside in the United States legally.By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of the options available to you to apply for a green card in the United States and the eligibility requirements. This course is broken down into ten (10) sections with twenty-nine (29) short videos. Each video contains information and guidance on navigating the process of filing for a green card and helpful informing on the services available for green card applicants. What youll learnUnderstand what the green card is and the eligibility requirements.Identify the categories under which you may apply for the green card. Discuss the circumstances under which a green card application may be denied and ways you may avoid a denial.Understand the services available to green card holders.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoneTake this course if you are a foreign national and would like to live and work in the United States. Who this course is for:All persons interested in understanding the green card process and the eligibility requirements for the various categories of green card applications.Person desirous of living and working in the United States."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teach English in Japan Prep Course" |
"Do you want to teach English in Japan? Are you on your way to Japan to teach English already? This course will give you some general information about English in Japan, the main types of English teaching jobs in Japan, and common teaching styles used in Japan and in ESL or EFL classrooms around the world. We'll also cover several tips to help improve your English teaching that I have practiced in my years of experience teaching English in Japan. Additionally, we will cover some common impediments to English learning that students in Japan face and suggestions on how to help students get around them."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete Poker Mastery Training: Learn from a Real Poker Pro" |
"Who is Rob AKERY?Rob, who plays as Vaga_Lion, famously turned $5 into $1 million by the age of 21.High Stakes Poker Database reported his earnings to be over $1.1 million since October 2010 on PokerStars alone.He has won $1.3 million from Live Tournaments.He has now developed the Ultimate Poker Training Material to turn Beginners into Poker Pros.Why Join?It is the only programme that shows how to go from a complete beginner into a world class poker professional. Nothing else comes even close.You will learn the exact winning steps Rob Akery applied to move himself from a guy who could not even make $100 a month to someone who made $1,000,000 in just one year. Each level he will teach you easy to follow techniques and strategies that you can start applying instantly to win money from your opponents.Therefore, to say this Complete Poker Mastery Training is amazing is an understatement, it is life changing. Once you start the course, you will not only get instant access to his invaluable eBook 'Cash In Poker, Rob Akery's Winning Steps to Achieving Poker Mastery', but you will also get full access to his Real Money Training Videos, where he shows you how to effortlessly apply each strategy to earn the kind of money most guys out there think is impossible.Due to ovewhelming demand and requests, we have decided to release his training on Udemy for those wishing to become poker professionals. NOTE: We do not answer questions related to different poker situations which you may encounter, as we have included everything you need to know in our complete Poker Mastery training. We would certainly appreciate some feedback so leave a review when you can."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"100 years on, why do aircraft still crash?" |
"Aviation industry has experienced rapid growth. Despite the growth- the industry has been successful in lowering the number of fatal crashes. It is now safer to fly in a plane than to drive to work or cross a busy road. So how has this amazing achievement been made possible? What is the secret to ensuring such high levels of safety for an industry that is spread across borders and the globe?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
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Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"CCNA++ 2020 CCNA 200-301 (" |
"CCNA 200-30170"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete SAS programming with LIVE data project - US based" |
"Learning SAS should come with live experience. Your SAS knowledge enriched with LIVE project that helps you to work on the real data. It's easy to learn. The audio is little faster than other SAS materials that help students cover entire SAS learning within a limited time. Once you complete the course, I will provide you live data and project on demand (it includes US SAS job tips)It's an End to End SAS course. You are an expert user of SAS once your complete it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
survialppt |
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Price: 154000.00 ![]() |
mireesvx |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terraform for AWS - Beginner to Expert 2020 (0.12)" |
"Trying to Make Sense of Terraform For AWS?Psst are you trying to piece together code from awful documentations?Getting lost in endless amounts of theory and reading wasting hours and hours of your lifeJust to feel overwhelmed once youre trying to apply your knowledge?If youre looking for a clear and detailed tutorial that guides you step-by-step through the foundations of Terraform without death-by-PowerPoint, look no further.Because once youve mastered this skill set, youll be able to work on your own terraform project or apply for your next DevOps job which is among the HOTTEST and HIGHEST earning roles in IT right now.And this course will teach you how to get there.Hi, Im TJ Addams.With nearly 10 years in IT project roles, I spent a lot of time teaching over 16,000+ people on- and offline. So they can become ready to use their skills in production, even without prior experience.I simplify all the processes new students need to understand. And I provide a clear roadmap on what to learn to produce results fast.Everything I teach is based on what is used in industry and cutting out what isnt.I operated in lead support roles to Project Sponsors, Platform Engineers, Solutions Architects, Developers, and Testers & have worked with UK Government partners to develop real-time systems underpinned by Terraform. I also have operated in diverse sectors including consulting, technology services and digital transformation; private online healthcare; and biomedical research.This allows me to bring you unique insights way beyond the trivial ""hello world"" type of examples...... coupled with lots of demos, tips, and advice on how its used in industry. I cover the nitty-gritty to help you stand out from the crowd and learn the things most engineers don't even know about.Your Fast Track To TerraformFrom 0 to Ready To Use In No TimeThis easy-to-consume course helps you to tie all the key concepts together and fill in any unnecessary knowledge gaps you might havegetting you up to speed with all the foundations you need in no time.This is NOT about presenting you hundreds of topics with no continuity between subjects, like college textbooks that bore you to death.Everything youll see in this course is based on what is used in industry and cutting out what isnt. So you dont need to spend long hours studyingespecially if you dont have the time for it.90% Hands-On / 10% Theory / 0% Wasting TimeInstead, youll get easy to follow step-by-step video tutorials. While watching these videos, youll be able to follow along and gain valuable hands-on experience. This will give you a head start for finishing your first very own Terraform project as quickly and efficiently as possible.Youll complete quick challenges and exercises throughout the course. This helps you digest every lesson and discover Terraforms true capabilities. It ensures you to get you comfortable with coming up with solutions on your own. Exactly like you would in real-life scenarios.This way, you can be sure to get the clarity and the confidence you need before diving deep into Terraform. So prepare yourself to get your hands dirty!What Youll Get In This CourseYoull get access to a comprehensive and up-to-date guide that gives you a solid understanding of how Terraform works. You also get the tools and resources you need to start your own Terraform project and produce results TODAY. This includes: Follow along videos to put everything into practice as you learnOver 40 step by step video tutorials for creating infrastructure like .Databases on AWS with RDSConfiguring EC2 instancesCreating custom IAM policies with JSONRemote backends using S3 storageSetting up Security GroupsDemystifying Terraform modules and creating your ownWorking with Elastic IPs (EIP)Managing dependencies on resourcesHow to understand the documentationAnd much moreUnique challenges to master Terraform quickly and put your new skills to the test Nearly 3 hours of on-demand trainingA 30-day 100% money-back guaranteeThe course is in 0.11 syntax (due to re-filmed soon) because thats what companies are STILL USING. But this course ALSO includes Terraform v0.12, the latest and greatest version so youre not missing outHeres What Others Have To Say About This Course:This is a fast track, but for that cannot be considered as a rushed introduction to the Terraform concepts and practices, instead you can expect to be a fast and very accurate pass through the concepts, tips and trick necessaries for starting to produce results todayI have taken Terraform course because I might need it in my DevOps role. It is very informative and contents is very details. Love it. Thanks !Hey TJ,Brilliant course. I like the small step by step videos but I loved the way you got stuck into the exercises pretty much off the bat. I found it far easier to digest Terraform and learn about its true capabilities having been through some more complex training. A great course for newbies!!! I hope you have some more courses in the pipeline. Thanks again.By The End Of This Course Youll Ace your next job interviewUnderstand the documentation and fly soloMastered modules and how you can use themBe ready to deploy your infrastructure with TerraformHave an advantage over others with your freshly updated CVBe the guy who solves the project youre working onProgress further in your careerSolve problems confidently & comfortableGet your job done quickly and efficientlyHave all the tools & resources you need to get started immediately after finishing this courseFAQWhat do I need to get started?Laptop and a desire to learn Terraform--Ill cover the restSay Goodbye To Confusing Documentation!Buy now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"start business plan" |
"this course will help people they want to have own business how to design completed business plan to define the essential requirements and how can the business idea be determined and by the sequence phases it will be determined if the idea profitable and deserve to begin or not and needed assets and activities to start the business with the minimum capital required and how also select the suitable business that meets skills and qualifications and by investigate the idea by different business phases starting from marketing passing through production and management and at last in the financial phase analysis"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SQL - jzyk zapyta do bazy danych SQL Server" |
"Jeli Twoj najwiksz i by moe jedyn przeszkod w pracy s ludzie, to ten kurs moe Ci pomc.Podejmowanie decyzji, ktre wpywaj na dziaanie firmy to odpowiedzialne zadanie. Czasem taka decyzja musi zosta podjta szybko, wic kolejnym czynnikiem jaki wpywa na to jak dziaa firma jest czas podjcia decyzji.Wyobra sobie teraz, e chcesz co zmieni, ale nie wiesz co, poniewa przesana przez Ciebie proba o raport nie spotkaa si z odpowiedzi, a intuicyjne kierowanie firm robi si coraz trudniejsze.Jeli taka sytuacja moe Ci spotka, to moesz zatrudni prywatnego analityka, ktry bdzie siedzia przy Twoim biurku i na zawoanie tworzy raporty, albo nauczy si wykonywania prostych zapyta do bazy danych.I wanie po to moesz potrzebowa tego kursu. Jeli do tej pory wydao Ci si interesujco to czytaj dalej.Baza danych jest nieodzownym elementem prawidowego dziaania przedsibiorstwa. Kada firma zbiera informacje, ktre zapisuje w wybranym miejscu poczwszy od kartki papieru, a koczc na systemach ERP do fakturowania, magazynowania, czy te planowania produkcji.Najpopularniejszym rodzajem baz danych s bazy relacyjne, ktre skadaj si z wielu tabel poczonych z sob za pomoc tzw. relacji, a zarzdzanie tak baz odbywa si za pomoc jzyka SQL (Structured Query Language).Mimo powstawania kolejnych aplikacji do analizy danych, ktre pozwalaj za pomoc przecigania ikonek uzyskiwa potrzebne raporty SQL nadal jest bardzo popularnym i czasem wrcz niezbdnym jzykiem do opanowania.SQL to jzyk zapyta do relacyjnych baz danych, ktry zosta wprowadzony w latach siedemdziesitych dwudziestego wieku i wci jest stosowany w przewaajcej liczbie przedsibiorstw. Jest to ustandaryzowany jzyk, pozwalajcy na obsug wielu popularnych baz danych takich jak SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL i wiele innych.SQL mona stosowa do odpytywania danych z istniejcej ju bazy, modyfikowanie ich struktury, aktualizacj danych, a nawet tworzenie nowych baz. Jeli wic pracujesz, albo te prowadzisz firm, w ktrej zbierane przez Ciebie informacje lduj do bazy danych to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie.Kurs stworzyem od podstaw i wyjaniam w nim na pocztku czym s bazy danych i relacje, a take jaka jest struktura jzyka zapyta. W ramach kursu przeprowadz Ci przez instalacj SQL Serwer na swoim komputerze i wgranie testowej bazy, na ktrej bdziemy wsplnie tworzy zapytania w jzyku SQL.Kurs jest mocno praktyczny i zawiera minimum teorii. Jeli jeste pocztkujcy i pierwszy raz syszysz o SQL, albo jeli co Ci wita, ale sabo sobie z tym radzisz to po ukoczeniu tego kursu moesz powiedzie, e znasz SQL.Wikszo lekcji zawiera zadania do samodzielnego rozwizania, do ktrych zamieszczone zostay rwnie prawidowe odpowiedzi aby mg porwna je ze swoimi.Plan kursu wyglda nastpujco:1. Teoria baz danych. Relacyjne bazy danych2. Jzyk zapyta SQL3. Instalacja SQL Server i SQL Server Management Studio4. Import bazy AdventureWorks20145. Odpytywanie danych (SELECT, TOP, DISTINCT, FROM)6. czenie kolumn I obliczenia (SELECT, SUBSTRING, CAST)7. Filtrowanie danych (WHERE, AND, OR)8. Filtrowanie danych (IN i BETWEEN)9. Sortowanie danych (ORDER BY)10. Typy danych i ich konwersja (CAST, CONVERT, STR)11. Walidacja danych (ISNUMERIC, ISDATE, ISNULL, COALESCE, NULLIF)12. Dziaania arytmetyczne i zaokrglanie danych (ROUND, FLOOR, CEILING, RAND)13. Funkcje agregujce (SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT)14. Grupowanie danych (GROUP BY, HAVING)15. Kolumna warunkowa (CASE)16. Funkcje tekstowe (UPPER, LEFT, LEN, STUFF...)17. Funkcje dat (GETDATE, DATENAME, DATEADD...)18. Zczenia wewntrzne (INNER JOIN)19. Omwienie typw zcze (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, CROSS JOIN)20. Podzapytania21. Podzapytania wielowierszowe (IN, ANY, ALL, EXISTS)22. Tworzenie, oraz modyfikacja tabel i widokw (CREATE, ALTER)23. Wprowadzanie danych (INSERT INTO)24. Modyfikacja i usuwanie danych (UPDATE, DELETE)25. Czyszczenie tabel (DELETE, TRUNCATE, DROP)26. Zczenia pionowe (UNION i UNION ALL)27. Zapytania wewntrz tabeli (WITH)28. Zmienne lokalne w SQL29. Funkcje rankingu (RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER, NTILE)30. Transakcje w SQL (BEGIN TRAN, COMMIT TRAN, ROLLBACK TRAN, SAVE TRAN)Naucz si samodzielnie tworzy niezbdne raporty, albo dodaj do swojego CV znajomo jzyka SQL i zwiksz szanse na lepsz prac."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Unleash your talent to parent" |
"It took me 2 years to collect enough insights to realize my Dad Transformation. You might be able to do it in less than 7 hours with this comprehensive course.WHAT DID IT BRING ME?Once I got the insights, I started to see beyond the ugly and uncomfortable temper tantrums. I began to understand what it is that actually moved my children. It enabled me to address the root cause and not focus on the symptomsIt made my life more meaningful and funMy relationship with my children (and Wife) got to a deeper layerI got more confidence in myself as a parent, a dadI know what is best for my kidsI am confident that I contribute to the healthy maturation and wellbeing of my childrenLead Like A Parent"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Avaya IP Office Server" |
"Our course material, like the Avaya IP Office Server training, are continually evolving. We have released a new version of the 2020 course, with a stronger and deeper focus on architectures in general, high availability, and the services you do need to know in greater depth. Are you looking for Unified Communications and Contact Center Training enabling Artificial Inteligence?This course is designed to help you learn a prepared the Avaya IP Office Server - Exam. Even if you have never logged in to the Avaya platform before, by the end of our training you will be able to take the CSA exam. No programming knowledge needed and no prior Avaya experience required. Telecom System and Artificial Intelligence evolution was build by Avaya (Previously At&t) and now you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Avaya IP Office platform and then deep dive into the individual elements of the Avaya IP Office platform. You will explore IP Office Unified Communications, Conference, Recording, Global Settings, LAN and WAN, Extensions (SIP/ H323/Analog/DCP) Features, Speech Recognition, Web Services, Implementation, Contact Center, etc.Most lectures are 5 - 12 minutes long, with almost no lecture being over 20 minutes in length. I am an Avaya Certified Expert, Developer and Systems Administrator living in Florida with over 20 years experience in IT. This course is cheaper than most other courses because I am not doing this as a full time job, rather because I love teaching Avaya. So join me in becoming A Telecom Expert today and get your Avaya IP Office qualification by completing our Avaya IP Office Server online course today!Green Note: The earnings (% in USD) for this training are destined for planting trees in all Countries. (Year by year we will inform the results of this campaign because of your valuable support 01/02/2020 ). We want to spread the word so we can see results in the next year. Change is now with a training that will change consumption habits into a clean environment by bringing Oxygen into our ecosystem."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |