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"Capture One Pro" |
", , , RAW- Capture One Pro. . , , . , Adobe Lightroom. ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Capture One Pro" |
"RAW Capture One Pro. . , , . . , . , RAW !"
Price: 7799.00 ![]() |
"Alteryx Desinger: Curso Bsico para principiantes (Espaol)" |
"Este curso cubre la utilizacin bsica de Alteryx Desginer orientado a principiantes que desean iniciarse en la herramienta. El uso de Alteryx optimiza el tiempo de trabajo al momento de transformar datos. Es una herramienta excelente cuando las fuentes de datos se encuentran distribuidas en varias fuentes como son:-Mltiples archivos de Excel-Varias tablas de una base de datos-Ingreso manual de informacin-Combinaciones de fuentes mencionadasAsimismo, facilita el desarrollo de soluciones al ser una herramienta visual, y su rpido procesamiento optimiza los procesos.En este curso, se explica la caracterizacin y funcionamiento de diferentes componentes de la herramienta para lograr entender el funcionamiento del software y lograr hacer mltiples acciones simultneamente. Adems de su utilizacin se explicar al detalle diferentes configuraciones para obtener resultados certeros e informacin valiosa y depurada. Los informes generados podrn ser exportados en diferentes formatos para generar valor y la informacin procesada se puede consultar bajo demanda una vez guardado el flujo de trabajo, es decir, se puede ejecutar una y otra vez sin importar si la fuente se actualiza, es decir en tiempo real."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Motivation im Studium!" |
"Im Gegensatz zu vielen akademischen Problemen ist das Thema dieses Kurses ganz einfach zu verstehen: Es gibt tausende von Studierenden, die ihren Abschluss machen wollen, aber daran verzweifeln regelmig zu lernen. Sie wissen was sie tun mssten und wollen unbedingt lernen. Sie schaffen es aber nicht sich regelmig selbst zu motivieren. Dieses Phnomen ist mittlerweile unter dem Begriff 'Prokrastination' bekannt. Bildlich gesehen liegst Du vielleicht oft auf der Couch und versprst den Wunsch das Studium zgig und stressfrei durchzuziehen. Aber aus unerklrlichen Grnden bist Du nicht so produktiv, wie Du es in Deiner Vorstellung gerne wrst. Deshalb plagt Dich manchmal ein schlechtes Gewissen und ein diffuses Gefhl unter Deinen Mglichkeiten zu studieren und zu leben. Hier setzt dieser Videokurs an.Es geht darum auergewhnliche Strategien anzuwenden, um die eigene effektive Lernzeit zu erhhen und damit dem Phnomen 'Prokrastination' entgegenzuwirken. Was ist die Besonderheit dieses Kurses?Die meisten Anstze fr Verhaltensnderungen ob es nun um eine neue Dit geht, mehr Sport zu treiben oder mehr zu lernen leiten dazu an sich konkrete Ziele zu setzen, daraus Plne abzuleiten und diese dann zu verfolgen. Doch wenn es ausreichen wrde zu erkennen was man erreichen mchte, dann wre jeder Plan ein Erfolg und dieser Videokurs wre berflssig. Ziel dieses Kurses ist es deshalb auch aufzuzeigen, warum solche konventionellen Strategien meist zum Scheitern verdammt sind und welche wirkungsvolleren Alternativen es gibt. Statt einen zehn-schritte Plan, werden viele psychologische Grundbegriffe und Werkzeuge thematisiert, damit Du eine faire Auseinandersetzung mit Deinen motivationsschdigenden Gedanken fhren kannst.Warum ist dieser Kurs der richtige fr Dich?Ich beschftige mich in meiner Rolle als Dozent und Lehrer regelmig mit dem Phnomen ""Prokrastination"" und halte hierzu seit Jahren Seminare fr Studierende. Mittlerweile kann ich auf dutzende Methoden zurckgreifen, die ich an mir selbst und an Studierenden erprobt habe. Hinzu kommt dass ich zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und nicht-wissenschaftliche Bcher, Ratgeber und Therapiemanuale gelesen habe. Du kannst somit sicher gehen, dass ich in diesem Kurs nicht nur auf eigene Erfahrungen zurckgreife sondern auf kollektive Erfahrungen von anderen Studierenden. Die im Videokurs beschriebenen Strategien wende ich persnlich regelmig an. Sie haben mein Leben im positiven Sinne dramatisch verndert."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Painting Business" |
"Start a painting business in no time with this step-by-step course.We focus on every aspect of what's included in getting a painting business off the ground and becoming profitable.Even if you don't have much experience in the painting industry, this course will guide you to successfully planning, starting, marketing estimating jobs, completing jobs and scaling a painting business.WHAT YOU'LL ACCOMPLISH WHEN COMPLETING THIS COURSE* Knowledge to go out and open your own painting business with confidence.* Where to market and get interior and exterior leads.* Creating painting estimates that will help seal the deal.* Overcoming objections and how to close sales meeting with customers.* Put together production teams that can meet your schedule.* Implementing tactics to help scale your business.WHAT MAKES THIS PAINTING COURSE UNIQUE* Walkthrough guides for contracts, tracking leads, break-even calculator, estimation interior and exterior painting jobs.* Excel sheets, Word docs and pdfs you can use in your business from day one.* PDF downloads of each presentation so you can use at your own convenience.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEUdemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee.Don't waste any more time trying to start a painting business, actually do it. Enroll now!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Operations Management and Research Tools - A Complete Study" |
"Welcome to your course Operations Management and Research Tools A Complete Study.In this course, you will be learning about various statistical and research tools used in Operations Management. So, what is Operations Management?Operations management is the management of that part of an organization that is responsible for producing goods and/or services. There are examples of these goods and services all around you. Every book you read, every video you watch, every e-mail you send, every telephone conversation you have, and every medical treatment you receive involves the operations function of one or more organizations. So does everything you wear, eat, travel in, sit on, and access the Internet with.So if you are on the lookout for studying how various processes within an operation facility works smoothly, you have come to the RIGHT PLACE!! In this course, you will learn about various tools and techniques, which are used Industries all over the world, for effective management of operations. The following are the contents for this study.a) What is Operations Managementb) Linear Programmingc) Assignmentd) Transportatione) Simulationf) Learning curveg) Queuing theoryh) Network analysis and project management - PERT and CPMi) Production planning and Controlj) Replacement and maintenance analysisk) Productivity Management l) Quality Managementm) Demand Forecastingn) Operations and process planning o) Layout analysis and managementThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Please use your headset for effective listening. Also have your notepad and pen to take note of key points.Go through the demo videos to get a feel of the course.See you inside!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How To Crochet With Style - Beginners Course" |
"This crochet course is for beginners of all ages. No previous skills are required for this course. If your looking for a creative new hobby for yourself or your children, this course would be perfect for you. I designed this course for you to create at your own pace. My teaching style is simplistic and straight to the point. I am going to teach you the most important skills you will need to know when learning how to crochet. At the end of my course, students will be able to create hats, slippers, and chokers. Students will also have the skill to learn how to crochet more advanced projects individually if they choose to take their skills to the next level."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Test Driven Development using Javascript and Jest" |
"Heard about Test Driven Development (TDD) and not sure what it is? We'll take a real world example of a coding challenge for a job and work through it using TDD. Learn what unit tests are and how they help to break down a problem.We'll be building a 'Game of Life' simulation writing unit tests first (using Jest), breaking tasks down into small achievable steps and finishing with interacting with the game in a browser.Learn the essentials of unit tests and TDD for the real world as you follow along. We won't be using React or any frameworks - only vanilla javascript."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Simple and Natural Solution to Autoimmune Disorders" |
"In this course, I will teach you a natural solution proven to manage and reverse symptoms of an autoimmune disorder or any chronic illness such as IBS, systemic candida, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves disease, Crohn's disease, and many others. This course will empower you with the necessary techniques to reduce inflammation, pain and increase your energy levels and vitality.During this course, I will take you by the hand and personally help you identify the root cause of your symptoms as well as the necessary steps to support optimum health. This course presents a complete and practical system that incorporates lessons in nutrition, herbs, detox, and how to manage emotions and stresses.By the end of this course you will know:The five steps necessary to improve autoimmune disordersHow to gently detox your body with food and herbsThe fundamentals of good nutritionWhat foods to eat and what times of the day to eatThe herbs and supplements you need to take to improve your gut healthThe herbs and lifestyle suggestions to revitalize your immune systemThe herbs, supplements, and lifestyle suggestions to improve your adrenals and to have more energyAt six stress management techniques that you can apply to your life immediatelyWhat herbs and essential oils are good to manage stress and anxietyAnd much more!Included with this course:Step by step guide on what foods to eatStep by step guide on how to eatA healthy recipe bookTime-saving tips to help you stay on trackHerbal guide to improve gut healthHerbal guide to revitalizing the immune system and adrenal glandsHerbal guide to detoxifying your bodyRecipe handout with essential oil formulas for stress and anxiety managementAnd 20 more handouts"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Manifest A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams" |
"The Success Principles will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions.In this class, you will learn timeless principles and practices used by the worlds most successful men and womenproven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or just get back in the job market.For example, if youve ever wondered:Where to start on your journey to a more successful life, you could refer to principle #1 for the answer.How to motivate yourself when youre surrounded by negative people, youd find several options using principles #1, #9 and #19.How to get started and complete an overwhelming big project, youd find the solution in principles #13 and #14.How to stay focused on your goals, when everyday stresses at work and home take away your best time and energy, youd find the solution in principles #8 and #16.How to prepare for an opportunity that would skyrocket your business, you could use principle #17.How to have fun and fulfillment in virtually everything you do, youd find principle #3 helpful.How to see migraines disappear, depression lift, and aliveness return, youd find principle #27 helpful. (With this principle, people have even been known to look younger!)How to learn new skills easier, you could use principle #7. (In fact, Harvard University researchers found that students who used principle #7 in advance, before learning a new skill, performed tasks with nearly 100% accuracy, whereas students who didnt use it, achieved only 55% accuracy.)How to win back customers, youd find principle #25 helpful.How to delegate the work activities that rob you of time and whats the best leverage of your time and talent, youd find principle #8 helpful.How to get your staff working better as a team, become more pleasant to work with, more productive and even look forward to staff meetings, youd find principle #4 helpful.How to get your staff to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant so for instance, theyre now dealing with emergencies themselves, youd find principle #16 helpful.Plus, anything else you need to know about success in vital areas of life, including your career, money, relationships, time management, health, and personal fulfillment can be found in this virtual experience. Its like an encyclopedia of success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Simple and Natural Solution for Candida Overgrowth & SIBO" |
"Candida overgrowth is one of the most common conditions I see in clinic. These clients often suffer from symptoms such as digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, recurring fungal infections, skin problems, mood swings, and more. Some of them have even suffered from these symptoms for years! and some even without knowing the cause of their health problems or how to overcome them.As is with most illnesses, the answer lies in the gut. Your gut contains hundreds of types of microorganisms, some of which are good and some of which are bad. In the case of Candida overgrowth, the delicate balance of microorganisms is disrupted, allowing yeast to overgrow and run rampant in your intestinal tract, and even throughout the rest of your body.The overgrown yeast disturbs the gut's normal activity, impacts every system of your body, and eventually leads to leaky gut, which in turn leads to chronic inflammation, and potentially even autoimmune conditions.Fortunately, using simple and effective dietary changes, taking high-quality herbal supplements and detoxing, you can restore your gut's healthy microbiome balance starting today.This course is a comprehensive step-by-step program that will guide you on how to tackle candida or SIBO once and for all"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Simple and Natural Solution to Colitis, IBS and Leaky Gut" |
"This course outlines Dr. Tonis holistic method to support and optimize gut health for those suffering from IBS and other digestive disorders. My objective is to empower you to discover the root cause of your symptoms and be able to address your gut health at home with food and herbs.During the course, you will have access to several worksheets, handouts, and checklists that you can complete in the comfort of your home. The focus of this eClass is to provide a detailed understanding of the importance of a healthy gut. Additionally, to provide you with the tools and a step by step process on how to achieve optimal gut health."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"TU RITUAL MATUTINO La Rutina que cambiar tu vida" |
"En este curso aprenders herramientas y tcnicas de Life Coaching que te ayudarn a eliminar el estrs, mejorar tus estados de nimo, aumentar tu energa y mucho ms.En todo este curso estars acompaado por Francisco, Coach profesional especializado en Coaching de vida y Negocios. Con l aprenders de forma didctica los trucos para ""hackear"" tu mente, y as superar tus limitaciones y lograr grandes cambios.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un paso a paso para crear tu propio Ritual Matutino y volver a tener control de tu propia vida.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cmo te sents al comenzar tu da?Te sents con energa, feliz y motivado por empezar el da? O te sents, estresado, con ansiedad y sin energa como si no hubieras descansado en lo absoluto?Si la respuesta es cansado y estresadoEntonces dejame decirte que el problema son TUS HBITOS.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Qu hbitos controlan tu vida?Seamos conscientes de ello o no, todos tenemos rutinas que seguimos cada da y ellas nos condicionan a sentirnos de esta forma.El problema es que la mayora de las personas siguen rutinas que los llevan a vivir deprimidos, estresados y sin energa. Posponen una y otra vez lo que deben hacer Se levantan ms cansados que cuando se acostaron Empiezan a sentir estrs y ansiedad antes de empezar tu da Tienen hbitos que drenan su energa y motivacinSi esto suena como vos, entonces segu leyendo--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Qu pasara si hubiera una forma de empezar cada da con ms energa, confianza y motivacin?Aprender los hbitos que te llenarn de energa y mejorarn tu saludAumentar tu confianza, autoestima y motivacinAprender cmo entrar y salir de diferentes estados de nimo en minutosAumentar tu productividad y tener ms disciplina sin un gran esfuerzo Y todo esto con slo 15 minutos cada maana--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La solucin es: UN RITUAL MATUTINOQu es un Ritual Matutino?Un RITUAL MATUTINO consiste en una serie tcnicas y hbitos que pods seguir cada maana y que te van a ayudar a transformar tu cuerpo y tu mente para aumentar tu energa, bajar tus niveles de estrs, mejorar tus estados de nimo y lograr grandes cambios en tu vida.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En este curso aprenders a crear tu propio Ritual Matutino y ademsLos hbitos que van a hacer que tengas una energa imparableTcnicas de Coaching para 'engaar' a tu cerebro y cambiar tus estados de nimo en minutosLas herramientas utilizadas por las personas ms exitosas para aumentar su confianza, autoestima y pasinHerramientas para vencer tus creencias limitantes y miedosCmo eliminar la procastinacin y la pereza en tu vida para tener ms disciplinaCmo transformar tu mente para enfrentar cada una de esas cosas que te molestan de tu vida y no sabes como cambiar--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La herramienta utilizada por las personas ms exitosasNo es casualidad que las personas realmente felices y exitosas tengan este tipo de rituales. Son las cosas que hacen consistentemente en las maanas y el resto del da las que los llevan al xito.Personas realmente exitosas como Tony Robbins, Bill Gates y Arnold Schwarzenegger entre otros, utilizan Rituales Matutinos para mantenerse siempre al tope de su potencial. De hecho hasta Steve Jobs revel que tena un Ritual as.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un Ritual Matutino es como el agua y el sol para una semilla. Vivimos enterrados bajo nuestros miedos e inseguridades, estamos ah, ocultos. Pero con el agua y el sol adecuados podemos comenzar a crecer, a vencer nuestros lmites, a volvernos quien realmente queremos ser.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Este curso est compuesto de VIDEOS, AUDIOS y MATERIAL EXTRA que estn diseados para que puedas sacarle el mayor provecho al curso. En cada mdulo vas a encontrar VIDEOS y AUDIOS con diferentes lecciones, y al finalizar cada una de ellas, tendrs una o varias WORKSHEETS que te acompaarn a realizar los cambios vistos en cada leccin.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tu Coach en este cursoMi nombre es Francisco. Soy Coach profesional certificado, emprendedor y, por sobre todo, una persona con una gran pasin por lo que hago.Mi deseo y motivacin es acompaar a otras personas a lograr grandes cambios en su vida y liberar su verdadero potencial a travs del Coaching para que puedan convertirse en la mejor versin de s mismos.A travs de cursos y contenido online, enseo cmo definir objetivos, crear estrategias y entrenar la mente, para superar tus limitaciones y alcanzar tus metas, tanto personales como profesionales.Para lograr esto utilizo Coaching Ontolgico, Programacin Neurolingstica (PNL) y otras herramientas que empoderan a las personas y les permiten tomar el control de su vida para poder disfrutar de este apasionante camino.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preguntas FrecuentesQu pasa si no quedo satisfecho con el curso?Si por alguna razn no queds satisfecho con el curso o ves que no es lo que buscabas, tens 30 das de devolucin garantizada sin compromiso alguno en la plataforma de udemy.Una vez me inscriba al curso, Tendr acceso de por vida?S, una vez realizado el pago nico del curso tendrs acceso permanente, pudiendo acceder al rea de miembros privada para repasar lecciones o consultar actualizaciones cada vez que quieras.Cmo s si me servir el curso a m?TU RITUAL MATUTINO es para cualquier persona que quiera llevar su vida al siguiente nivel de xito y plenitud.Tambin es para quienes desean un programa simple y efectivo para lograr cambios en mltiples aspectos de su vida. Ya que este curso trabaja sobre el cuerpo y la mente, los cuales, finalmente, son los que definen cmo ser tu vida.Si quers comenzar a vivir cada da con confianza, pasin, energa y sin limitaciones, entonces TU RITUAL MATUTINO es para vos!Qu tan rpido voy a ver los resultados?TU RITUAL MATUTINO es un programa cuidadosamente creado para que comiences a ver resultados positivos de inmediato, utilizando mtodos comprobados, y que personalmente han cambiado mi vida y la de muchos otros de una manera sorprendente.Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que el objetivo final es obtener resultados consistentes a largo plazo, no solo resultados rpidos. Y eso depende de tu compromiso, de seguir los pasos y de hacer tu ritual a diario.Tengo ms preguntas. Qu hago?Esta es una gran oportunidad como para desaprovecharla y realmente el unirte a TU RITUAL MATUTINO puede hacer una gran diferencia en tu vida.Si tens alguna pregunta que no fu respondida en esta pgina, simplemente pods enviarnos un email a y te responderemos tan pronto como podamos.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acced a TU RITUAL MATUTINO ahora y tom accin para cambiar tu vidaNo dejes escapar la oportunidad de aprender este gran secreto para transformar tu vida.En este curso vas a encontrar: Ms de 20 videos que te van a ensear todo lo necesario para crear tu Ritual Matutino Audios de cada video para que los puedas esuchar cuando quieras Worksheets luego de cada leccin que contienen herramientras realmente increbles de Coaching y que te van a ayudar a realizar grandes cambios en tu vida Material extra exclusivo descargable que te va a acompaar en tu camino de crecimiento-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tom accin para cambiar tu vida ahora!, comenz TU RITUAL MATUTINO."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Falbfilter Pro-Q2 - Desmistificando o Plugin" |
"O produtor/Engenheiro Emmanuel Tavares ir guiar voc em um dos mais eficientes plugin de Equalizao disponveis na indstria musical. ""Fabfilter PRO-Q2"" Voc caminhar pela interface do plugin e conhecer todas as principais funes e seus diferentes acessos. A partir dai, descobrira dicas e atalhos que facilitaro seu fluxo de trabalho durante seu processo de criao, edio e mixagem. Ver tambm, funes avanadas como: Keyboard quantize, Spectrum Analizer and Grab, assim como o EQ Match. Esteja voc iniciando ou j experiente essa srie de Video Aulas com certeza ir acrescentar diversas maneiras de trabalhar com equalizao utilizando o PRO-Q2 da Fabfilter. Assista Hoje mesmo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Sales Training" |
"This training will help you provide you with all the necessary sales skills to perfect the sales process, enabling you to overcome objections with ease, and close more sales so you consistently smash your numbers and increase those commission payments.Generate quality leadsCold call with confidencePrepare for your first meeting / callSwitch the balance of power and put YOU in controlDeliver better presentationsLearn how objections are a GOOD thingHandle ANY and ALL objections like a PROIdentify when it's time to closeClose more sales, more oftenWrite your own pay check"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing Strategies" |
"SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools available to business owners. As it is still so new it is easy to make mistakes. This course on SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing will teach you:Fundamentals of SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing.Strategies for industries in: E-Commerce, Brick and Morter, Restaurant, Service, Lead Gen, Local businesses, Apps, and more!How to craft copy for SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing to be effective.How to use SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing to bring customers back.How to use SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing to drive web traffic.How to use SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing to contact and nurture leads.The laws and regulations of SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing.The SMS ""Text Message"" Marketing strategies in this course are the exact same strategies I've used to generate millions of dollars of revenue for my clients."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Facebook & Instagram ads course for getting new customers." |
"It's no secret that Facebook and Instagram is one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing today. But how do you maximize its potential?? The answer is to focus on new customer acquisition through Facebook and Instagram Ads. This course is 100% about teaching you how to maximize Facebook and Instagram ads!After generating millions of dollars in revenue for businesses from Facebook and Instagram ads I've put together this in-depth guide to building out Facebook and Instagram Ads to generate new customers.This course is perfect for:E-Commerce Brick and MorterServiceLead GenerationSoftwareDrop-ShippingAffiliates Anyone that needs new customers through Facebook and Instagram AdsThis course teaches how to:Run ads to acquire new customersScale your ads sustainablyGet your ads in front of the right audience who's ready to buy right nowInterpenetrate the data from your ads to identify what's not working in less than 10 minutes.Retarget like a boss to make sure your ads convert for the highest possible ROASUse my exact process for ads that I use every day to generate new customers for my clients.P.s. My accountant said courses are considered education and are a tax write off... check with an accountant just to be safe :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"violencia infantil en sus diferentes contextos" |
"el alumno aprender a reconocer qu es la violencia infantil en sus diferentes mbitos (fsico, negligencia, abuso sexual, maltrato emocional e institucional), para poder actuar de una manera acertada y efectiva si se identifica esta, con tcnicas de prevencin y actuacin de la problemtica.Ademas de algunos hechos, datos estadsticos y consecuencias que pueden atraer la violencia infantil.el curso es fcil de entender para el publico en general con videos auditivos."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Think Before You Write: How to Organize Research Ideas" |
"Producing quality research based writing can be a challenge, especially when you struggle to get your thoughts onto paper in a clear, effective way. This course helps you to organize your thoughts through prewriting so that you can write about research ideas effectively. You will learn what activities should occur when prewriting, prewriting strategies and the right questions to ask in order to develop a clear plan for writing a strong academic document."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ilustracin Botnica a Pastel Seco" |
"Bienvenido/a al Curso de Como dibujar Flores con pastel seco suave. Este curso de iniciacin floral incluye 6 asignaturas que se desarrollan aumentando su dificultad con vdeos paso a paso, fciles de seguir. Los 6 temas incluidos son:RosaAmapolasGirasolAromoHortensiasHibiscusMs 2 clases adicionales: Introduccin al color y ejercicios prcticos previos con pastel. Despus de este curso tendrs la nocin sobre la fsica de color, aprenders: Como mezclar y crear coloresLeyes bsicos de la armona de colorComo manejar la pastel y que efectos se puede lograrComo transmitir el volumen y la materialidad de las floresCrears una obra de arte de la que pueda estar orgullos@!Te voy a guiar paso a paso con las instrucciones en el vdeo sobre cmo dibujar cada etapa.Cada tema contiene una serie de lecciones en vdeo que dividen el tema en fragmentos pequeos que puede seguir y volver con facilidad. En total cuenta con 6 horas de contenido en formato de vdeo.Si te encanta dibujar y quieres descubrir las tcnicas fciles para crear un arte impresionante que puedas transferir a tus propias imgenes, entonces este curso es para ti!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Amazon FBA 6 Figures in 6 Months Blueprint" |
"We started our Amazon based E-commerce business in February of 2018, where we have successfully designed, sourced, manufactured, and imported our first product from overseas, and within 6 months of being in stock we have successfully launched, and have broken 6 figures in sales.Our goal is to share our secrets with you, and to hopefully compress your time frames to help replicate the results weve had with our brand in one of the most competitive niches in the marketplace, and has been generating over $20,000 a month on just 1 product.How to take the courseGo through it once watching it.Go through second time for applicationWhy we made the course.Weve spent thousands of dollars on other courses that werent applicable.Some useful info, but nothing that actually prepared you for what really happens.What to expectAnyone that tells you its easy and quick is lyingNothing in life is guaranteed and fastTreat this as a real businessTreat it like you were going to school - Set the right expectations. No overnight results.ill learn about who we are, and what we have to offerThank you, and we hope you enjoy the ""Amazon FBA 6 Figures in 6 Months Blueprint"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"5 Easy Hacks to Energize your Tired Brain" |
"What if I tell you that you can carry a feather-light course in your pocket anytime of the day and refer to it whenever you need it? A course with just 10minute modules by the end of which, you have close to an hour of De-stressing lessons that you can easily implement?This course is called eTAG for a reason - this is a Lifestyle Toolkit that has a solution for everything that is not quite right in your life today.The best thing is that you can own these lessons forever and make a lasting positive transformation, the results will be there for everyone to see and you will become a role model for many around you!This course talks about Brain Fog - Simply put - this is when you are battling symptoms of a tired brain - and everything today can make your brain tired, isn't it? I will give you a 5-pronged strategy that will make you the master of a charged up, healthy and refreshed brain. We will cover:An Introduction to Brain Fog: A prelude to the 5 Point StrategyeTAG to Sound Sleep: Guarantee yourself a good night's sleepeTAG to Wise Food Choice: What you eat is what your brain becomeseTAG to The Brawn of Brain: Learn to put-out stress with WatereTAG to a Recharged Brain: Defeat Stress with physical activityeTAG to a Mindful Brain: Practice sitting silently and let your brain rechargeWho is this course for:Students, Corporate Professionals, Home makers & Business Owners (Basically everyone)Everyone with a stressful, hectic and unbalanced lifestyleEveryone who wants to learnEveryone who is open to transforming their life"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
akiohorikita01 |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Learn How To Successfully Source Products From China" |
"Many people want to start their own online business, however, they don't know where to go or who to listen to. Even worse, they focus on the wrong things that won't bring them the results they desire. There is a process, a step by step roadmap that you must follow in order to ensure success. If you don't start on a solid foundation, how can you expect to build upon what you have laid down? Well, this course will take you through a deep dive of the stages and processes needed to give you the knowledge and skills required. How would building a successful online business change your life? Could you finally pay off those bills, spend more time with your family, travel, not have to stress about money anymore? Maybe its finally being able to enjoy every minute of your life, instead of only feeling that sense of relief when you clock out for the day?! Well, it can happen, and has for countless people. Whether you are new to sourcing or have some experience, this course will equip you with the skills to avoid most difficulties, mistakes and misconceptions."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"5 Razones por las que EMPRENDER" |
"Tras muchos aos de Coach Personal, Ejecutivo y Empresarial habiendo Emprendido y ayudado a Emprender a muchas personas por los 5 continentes he recogido algunas de las claves por las cuales los mejores y ms destacados Emprendedores iniciaron sus proyectos.Hoy te las traigo para que te den ese empujn que te falta para lanzarte a Emprender. Si tienes dudas sobre si es el momento correcto o no de Emprender, con este curso conseguirs una nueva visin y localizar tu momento actual.Te apuntas? Vamos..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
discipline |
"(5 ) . 4 , ( ) : , , , ... . ? - . . , . """" , - ..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
gufayijing |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Secrets of entrepreneurship (from Vision to Reality)" |
"Quick and easy to learn how to become an entrepreneur. You will have some tools to work with, but remember, you need to take the time and actually answer the questions for yourself in the areas that best apply to your business or future business.Information is power, to get the correct information, you'll need to ask the right questions and I will help you to get them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Permutations and Combinations :Class 11 Mathematics" |
"This course introduces you to Permutations, Combinations, Circular Permutations and Permutations when all objects are not different.A good course particularly for math students in class 11 .As a math educator teaching mathematics for over close to three decades, I have tried to make this topic easy for you. Let's get introduced to this course. A fairly confusing topic for students, as they try to understand the basic difference between a permutation and a combination. As I tell my students, repeatedly, a permutation is an arrangement while a combination is a selection. The problems are so much applicable in real life situations, but yet with a little twist. And then you have permutations of not so distinct alphabets which leave you gasping at the math involved.As a takeaway from the course, you will be better equipped to handle permutations and combinations. For Class 11 maths students of the ISC and CBSE boards, it is a complete revision. And for all the students appearing for GRE QUANT and SAT exams, I hope this course helps you as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Probability- Mathematics- Class 12-CBSE-ISC" |
"Welcome to my course on Probability. Probability is also called the science of uncertainty. In my years of experience as a teacher, both at the high school level and undergraduate level, I have seen that students find problems in probability quite tricky. Each problem follows a different approach. A good knowledge of Probability is useful for Statistics, Computer Science and also for the GRE and GMAT QUANTITATIVE reasoning. Being a math educator for close to three decades, I have put this course together hoping it will be of use to class 12 mathematics students, mainly from the ISC and CBSE stream. I often have students requesting me to revise this topic .So, I hope this course will be beneficial for you.This is a very comprehensive course. The initial part is introduction to Probability followed by Addition theorem, Multiplication theorem , Conditional Probability, Total Probability and Bayes Theorem. We also discuss Random variables, their probability distributions, mean and variance and Bernoulli/Binomial distributions, their probability distributions, mean and variance. I conclude with all the formulae of probability put together in a nutshell for you to read and brush up before the exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Relations and Functions: Class 12-Important questions" |
"This course gives you a complete overview of Relations and Functions which will immensely help you if you are in Class 12 and especially if you are studying the ISC, CBSE curriculum.You will start with Sets and basic set theory terminology. You will be introduced to word problems in Set Theory which will help you in SAT or GRE QUANT exams.You are then introduced to relations as a cross product of 2 sets and the types of relations. You will learn about reflexive, symmetric and transitive relations.I then start with functions, You will start with the basic definition of a function and most importantly the domain and range of a function.This is followed by the concept of injective, surjective and bijective functions and how to find the inverse of a function. Solved examples will help you understand this better.I then introduce you to binary operations, a part of Group theory. You will learn how to identify a binary operation, check for commutativity and the associative property and the identity element.I conclude this session with the complete set of formulae needed for you in this section.There is also an assignment at the end which covers all the topics.So come and learn!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |