Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Notion: le meilleur outil de Productivit" |
"Notion utilise tous les outils ncessaires pour crer un lieu de travail digital productif ! C'est le logiciel parfait pour la gestion de projet. Il regroupe le meilleur des outils de productivit. Cest lune des raisons pour lesquelles Notion est si riche en fonctionnalits. Cela vous permet de crer peu prs tout ce dont vous avez besoin.Chaque fonctionnalit est facile utiliser et la collaboration seffectue sans effort. Notion possde une interface simple. En effet, je vais vous montrer comment crer des pages en appuyant simplement sur un bouton. Et comment passer de l'interface ordinateur l'interface mobile. Notion fonctionne sur la plupart des plateformes, y compris iOS, Android, Mac et le Web. Il se synchronise facilement entre les appareils et supprime les problmes techniques habituels en matire de collaboration efficace.Vous avez de nombreux enjeux de gestion de projet ? Vous suivez plusieurs projets personnels en mme temps ? Notion sera parfait pour vous. Il regorge d'une tonne de fonctionnalits utiles qui faciliteront la vie quotidienne et le travail. De plus, cest GRATUIT! Passez en mode #productif avec Notion."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Starte dein erstes profitables Online Business" |
"Nach diesem Kurs wirst du alles wissen was du fr einen erfolgreich start deiner Firma brauchst!Dazu kannst du dein Fachgebiet ganz bequem selber aussuchen und sparst dir bis zu ber ein Jahr Arbeit!Das alles und viel mehr zum echt gnstigen Preis!!!Der Kurs enthlt folgende Themen:In welche Richtung es fr Dich gehen wird(du darfst selbst entscheiden!)Wie und wo man eine Webseite erstelltWie man mglichst viele Kunden gewinntWie man seine Kunden auch bei sich behltUnd das sind deine Vorteile:Jeder Tag ist Wochenende Du verdienst automatisiert ber das Internet Geld und hast ausreichend Zeit fr die wirklich wichtigen Dinge im LebenDu bist dein eigener Boss und arbeitest wann und wo du willstDu befreist dich aus dem Hamsterrad und verdienst Summen, von denen Angestellte nur trumen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
khamsat-mostaql |
", , , , , , , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Content & Digital Marketing Plan from Scratch" |
"It all comes down to this: getting clients coming through the door from seeing your brand online as a result of picking the right marketing channels and messages.When you know how to create relevant and helpful content in a way that provides value to your audience, you become a trusted source and ultimately win more business.And when that content also leads to exposure of your brand in the channels that are most relevant for you, that's when the real magic happens.Getting your business to generate customers regularly requires strategy and the ability to execute consistently and systematically on the right strategies. Without a road map, the process can be incredibly overwhelming.This course allows you to acquire a powerful skill set that will propel your business forward, differentiate yourself and get the spotlight in your market space.I've taken everything I've learned from developing and implementing marketing strategies and programs for both established companies and startups from different industries over the course of a decade and channeled it into an actionable, step-by-step training program that not only teaches you the tactical execution, but shows you the key decisions behind developing your personalized digital marketing and content strategies.From understanding your ideal customer throughout their buyer's journey to finding the perfect combination of marketing channels that work for your type of business and nailing down your assets, resources, and topics that will help increase your sales, this course covers it all.All packed with guides, templates and lots of examples from different industries so that every business can see how it would work for them.You'll learn practical, actionable and easy to implement strategies for any budget.Here's what you'll learn:Target Audience: Uncover your ideal customer's pains and use your valuable insights to structure your marketing messaging and positioning.Buyer's Journey: Understand how your audience passes through the buyer's journey and how you can interact with them at every stage to establish trust and ultimately convert.Digital Marketing Strategy: Find the perfect combination of customer acquisition channels that will achieve rapid results and get you in front of your audience in no time.Content Strategy: Develop the right content strategy based on your resources and constraints.Content Ideation: Come up with content topics based on what people are looking for and what they want and need.Content Calendars: Organize your content into easy-to-use calendars so that you plan strategically and have visibility into your assets at all times.Content Promotion: Develop a content promotion and distribution plan to get your valuable resources in front of your future clients.Getting leads and growing your email list: Turn your website visitors into leads and grow your email list through content.Marketing funnels and smart CTAs: Get more eyeballs on your most valuable content and increase leads and sales by placing smart calls-to-action in key places on your website.Analytics: Measure your content performance so that you can plan new initiatives based on what worked for you.This course is actionable, focused and designed with rapid implementation in mind. There's no fluff, giving you the actual steps you need to take for fast results.Who is this course for?You're an entrepreneur, marketer, freelancer, coach/consultant selling services or physical products onlineYou're just getting started with marketing and want to make certain you do it right the first timeYou're a committed business owner, entrepreneur or marketer who wants direction, clarity and a powerful and competitive marketing skillsetYou want to learn timeless principles, not random marketing tacticsThere are no requirements necessary to enroll, I only ask that you come open-minded, curious, and ready to learn and implement what you learn.Looking forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Instagram: enharbalcidesignoffice-Online zel Eitim Dersi Verebilirim.-Proje Tasarmlarnz Yapabilirim.-Teklif iin instagram hesabndan ulaabilirsiniz. Merhaba deerli arkadalar,Ben Enhar BALCI. Bu eitim serimizde 6 yllk deneyimimin sizlere 3ds Max ve Corona render motorunu kullanarak i mekan sahnesini , hem Corona da hem de Photoshop da post dzenleme ilemi yaparak nasl gereki render alnr onlar anlatacam.3DSMAX Corona render, Photoshop ile arpc grntler oluturun .Yetenein gerek bir uzmandan sadece 2 gn iinde renin.Ne reneceim?3D render yapmak iin her gn kullandnz i ak profesyonellerinin ustaln kazann Profesyonellerin nasl yaptn kefedin, bylece 90 dakikadan daha ksa srede kendi Foto gereki 3D lemcinizi oluturabilirsiniz3D ileme endstrisinde almak iin gereken becerilere sahip olun 3D render kalitesini artrn.GereksinimlerBiz 3ds Max (2015 ve st) ve Corona kullanyor olmak.Eitimin sizlere faydas- Gereki render almak alabilmek- Photoshop da post production grselleri kaliteletirmek.- Corona render ksa yollar- Piyasaya uygun gereki projeler yapabilmek.Temel ders ieriimiz mekan klandrmas. Corona da ki lightmix zelliinin kullanm. Render setup ayarlar. Gndz ve gece render olmak zere Corona da post ilemi. Final grsellerin Photoshop da dzenlenmesi.Soru ve grlerinizi e-mail yada zel mesaj yoluyla iletebilirsiniz. Sorularnza en ge 24 saat iinde cevap vereceimden emin olabilirsiniz. Umarm sizin iin faydal bir eitim olur. Artk kaliteli renderlar almaya balarsnz. Tm arkadalara baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NDRM KUPONU : 96A8F6D521BEB6BB442E - 59,99 TL Proje Sahne Paylam 4BEE9FE9FB21E884A20E - 109,99 TL Proje Sahne Paylam + 5 adet plugins hediye.Deerli arkadalar indirim kuponunu kullanrsanz ok memnum olurum. Dier trl kurs cretinin %75'i Udemy kalyor. Anlaynz iin teekkr ederim. -Online zel Eitim Dersi Verebilirim.-Proje Tasarmlarnz Yapabilirim.-Teklif iin instagram hesabndan ulaabilirsiniz. Ne reneceim?3D render yapmak iin her gn kullandnz i ak profesyonellerinin ustalnkazann Profesyonellerin nasl yaptn kefedin, bylece 90 dakikadan daha ksa srede kendi Fotogereki 3D lemcinizi oluturabilirsiniz3D ileme endstrisinde almak iin gereken becerilere sahipolun 3D render kalitesini artrn.GereksinimlerBiz 3ds Max (2015ve st) ve Corona kullanyor olmak.Merhaba deerli arkadalar,Ben Enhar BALCI. Bu eitim serimizde 6 yllk deneyimimin sizlere 3ds Max ve Corona render motorunu kullanarak i ve d mekan sahnesini , hem Corona da hem de Photoshop da post dzenleme ilemi yaparak nasl gereki render alnr onlar anlatacam.Eitimin sizlere faydas- Gereki render almak alabilmek- Photoshop da post production grselleri kaliteletirmek.- Corona render ksa yollar- Piyasaya uygun gereki projeler yapabilmek.Temel ders ieriimiz D mekan klandrmas. Ksa komutlar ile hz modelleme. Material Editr. Render setup ayarlar. D cephe Corona render . Final grsellerin Photoshop da dzenlenmesi.Soru ve grlerinizi e-mail yada zel mesaj yoluyla iletebilirsiniz. Sorularnza en ge 24 saat iinde cevap vereceimden emin olabilirsiniz. Umarm sizin iin faydal bir eitim olur. Artk kaliteli renderlar almaya balarsnz. Tm arkadalara baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
utrennyaya-yoga |
". "" ""? , 100% :) . 1 , . - ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: Build Responsive HTML Emails using MJML" |
"Course updates June 2020: Added a 10+ page companion PDF for easy referenceIn this course, you will learn to code custom and responsive HTML email templates in MJML using the official MJML app as well as learn the fundamentals of good email design and email marketing.You should take this course if you're an email marketer or digital designer wanting to improve your current emails by making them responsive, accessible as well as stand-out. Also, helpful resources and links to reference materials for a deeper understanding are included throughout the course. Along with your lifetime access to this course, you'll also receive lifetime updates.Disclaimer:This course is not authorised, endorsed or sponsored by MJML (or Mailjet)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React Hooks & Firebase & Material Design : Fullstack Extremo" |
"Bienvenidos a nuestro curso!, que implementa todos los servicios de Firebase para proyectos Web basados en React Hooks creando las interfaces graficas de Material Design.En el mercado actual mas del 90% de Apps estan desarrolladas por versiones de React usando class, los primeros capitulos del curso te explican como trabajarlos y luego enfocarnos en como implementar React Hooks y Redux en nuestro proyecto.Este curso es un taller que tiene como principal objetivo la integracion de React y Firebase, usando como Framework UI Material Design, NO es un curso teorico de React o Material Design. Es recomendable tener conocimientos basicos de ES6.Entregamos todo el codigo fuente del proyecto que puede ser reutilizado para sus proyectos personales.Estos son algunos de los temas que desarrollaras en mas de 22 horas de curso :Crear un Proyecto React con HooksCrear paginas/componentes web usando Material DesignImplementar un Login con email usando las librerias de FirebaseEnviar mensajes de texto a cualquier movil con React LoginSubir archivos, imagenes al cloud usando React Hooks y el storage de FirebaseEnviar correos electronicos desde tu React Hook AppCrear Web Services End Points usando Firebase FunctionsConsumir Web Services en tu proyecto React HookImplementar React Context en tu AppImplementar toda la estructura Redux en tu App.Enviar y recibir PUSH NOTIFICATIONS en tu React Hook AppInsertar, actualizar y eliminar data en la base de datos de Firebase desde tu proyecto React HookSubir tu proyecto React Hook al hosting de Firebase totalmente gratisAdemas de contar con el soporte de un grupo de arquitectos y seniors developers que responderan todas las dudas del curso! y entregarte todo el codigo fuente del proyecto!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Livre de Hemodilise" |
"Saiba mais sobre os rins, sua funo e importncia. Aprenda sobre insuficincia renal aguda, qual a causa, o porqu do problema. Tambm sobre insuficincia renal crnica, rgo comprometido necessrio o tratamento dialtico. Voc ir aprender que imprescindvel que algum faa a funo dos rins no caso dele estar sem funo, esta a hemodilise. Com o curso voc ir se capacitar para esta rea profissional que necessita tando de profissionais qualificado no Brasil. A professora Paula Brito especializada em hemodilise com 20 anos de mercado lecionando e atuando como enfermeira."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Engage Life Energy with Primal Yoga practice" |
"Yoga is about alignment and balance. Yet most contemporary styles seem to give way too much emphasis to external postural alignment, as if we were constantly trying to look good in a picture. In this course you will be guided into a different approach. As you proceed through a powerful, solidly built dynamic asana sequence, you will develop the skill to safeguard your body as you move wildly and release all tension that blocks your way."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Utilizing Publishing on OkadaBooks as a Source of Income" |
"A complete course on how to make your first sales from digital Publishing using OkadaBooks. All the materials listed are free and you don't need to have the experience to get started.OkadaBooks is a fast, simple and fun way to read books without ever leaving your couch! ... But rather than criticizing mobile devices and accepting the notion that Nigerians don't readOkadabooks seeks to harness the power of the mobile phone to make it easier and cheaper for Nigerians to read.This course is organized by the team at OkadaBooks and Instructed by Lead Mechanic, Magnus Okeke."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Backend (API) Development with Python A-Z" |
"This course for anyone who wants to be python backend developer. You will learn what is API and some python API frameworks. You will find all the fundamentals about backend development in lectures. With this course, you will learn how to build secure, fast, scalable, documented and well tested API. Beside this, you will learn the caching and database best practices. This is not just an API framework course, this is complete course that teaches you everything about backend development. You will learn the best practices. You will see the best path of how to develop a good API. In this course you will learn fastapi python framework. It is the fastest and most convenient python framework. As a production environment you will learn digital-ocean cloud and as a deployment mechanism you will learn docker. This course starts from teaching what is API and ends with secure, tested, documented, cached and versioned best practice API. After this course you will be able to create your own API and create your own database and connect it from your API. Also you will get a domain name and put it to your API server. With load balancer, millions of users will be no more trouble. With nginx reverse proxy, you will be able to set any security or rate limit configuration to your API. This is very comprehensive and complete backend development course. You will learn a lot of concepts and best practices. After this course you will reach the senior developer knowledge."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PNL: Entrena tu mente para el xito" |
"Imagnate que pudieras abrir el panel de control de tu cerebro y entender cmo funciona. Imagnate que tambin pudieras abrir el panel de control del cerebro de otros para entender como procesan ellos la informacin. Esto nos permitira programar nuestro cerebro para el xito.La PNL (Programacin NeuroLingistica) nos permite entender cmo funciona nuestro cerebro. Tambin nos permite entender cmo procesamos la informacin y cmo la archivamos.Y con herramientas sencillas de PNL podemos influir intencionadamente en nuestros pensamientos y tambin en lo que sentimos para dirigir nuestras acciones hacia el xito. Aprenders las claves para cambiar tu mente y, a su vez, cambiar tus resultados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aquarell Blumenmalkurs *Dreamy Flowers*" |
"Deine kleine Auszeit! Entspannte Einfhrung in die Aquarell MalereiDu wolltest schon immer mal wunderschne Aquarellemit Blumen malen, wunderbar zart und weit nicht wie?Welche Farben nehme ich?, -wie male ich Bltter, Grser undBlten, welchen Pinsel, Aquarellpapier brauche ich?Jetzt zeige ich dir mit meiner Tupf Technik, wie es mal ganz einfach geht.Mit meiner Technik entstehen Bltter und Bltenformen,wie von selbst, als Einfhrung zeige ich dir welche Utensilien fr Anfnger geeignet sind.Strukturiert, der Reihe nach, kommst du hier im Minikurs,zu sen Blmchen und einer ganzen Blumenwiese!Schreib mir, wenn du Fragen hast oder Anregungen.Hier geht es nicht um perfekte Blten und das Kunst Abi, hier gehtes darum Spa zu haben, Neues auszuprobieren und sich kreativ zu entspannen.Ich freu mich auf dich im Mini-Malkurs *Dreamy Flowers* Der Blumen Mini Malkurs genau richtig zum baldigen Frhling 2020"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Puppet Professional Certification Practice Exams" |
"Puppet Certification validates the skills of system administrators in administrating system infrastructure and developing basic modules using Puppet.Exam objectivesClassificationDescribe classification strategiesDescribe multiple ways to set class parameters and variablesTroubleshootingDescribe how to troubleshoot Puppet codeDescribe how to troubleshoot Core Puppet Platform componentsModule AuthoringDescribe how to find and use modules from the ForgeDemonstrate knowledge of module structureDescribe how to design and deploy roles and profilesIdentify module testing best practicesConceptsDescribe resource abstractionDemonstrate an understanding of idempotenceDescribe how to use Puppet factsDescribe the Puppet agent run lifecycleLanguageDescribe how to use Puppet language constructsDescribe how Hiera provides dataDescribe how to specify dependencies in Puppet codeDescribe how to use PuppetDB dataOrchestration and TasksDescribe how to execute Bolt and Orchestrator actionsDescribe how to create a Puppet TaskEnvironmentsDemonstrate an understanding of Puppet environmentsDemonstrate an understanding of code deployment strategiesAdministrationDescribe the Puppet infrastructure architectureIdentify the integration points of Core Puppet Platform componentsDescribe how to configure Open Source Puppet and Puppet EnterpriseDemonstrate Puppet reporting capabilities*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 94 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Nagios Certified Professional Practice Exams" |
"The aim of this course is to prepare individuals for the Nagios Certified Professional - Core exam.Nagios is the industry standard for Open Source network monitoring that provides the ability for an organization toidentify and resolve infrastructure problems.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 116 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basic Chef Fluency Badge Practice Exams" |
"When you earn this badge you will have demonstrated the ability to discuss and explain Chef concepts and features, and describe Chef to someone who has little to no knowledge of Chef. You understand basic common Chef terminology (e.g. the difference between a cookbook and a recipe) and can answer the questions ""why Chef?"" and ""why Chef Automate?"", and can explain the different licensing models and distinguish between Open Source and Chef Automate features. Finally, you are able to convey Chef's basic design philosophy & value proposition.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 74 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SaltStack Certified Engineer Certification Practice Exams" |
"Prepare for Your SaltStack Certified Engineer CredentialSalt is an open source system management and remote execution engine.This course covers all topics required to pass the SSCE, including:Common Salt execution modulesCommon Salt state modulesUsing Salt statesUsing pillarManaging Salt via the CLISalt configurationSalt key managementSalt securityTemplating*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 141 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Foundry Certified Developer Practice Exams" |
"Prepare for Your Cloud Foundry Certified Developer CredentialCloud Foundry Certified Developer (CFCD) is a professional cloud native developer certification. Its the best way for developers to demonstrate cloud skills and expertise, and helps developers set themselves apart in a competitive job market. Now available!The CFCD Certification exam includes these general domains on the exam:Application LifecycleApplication ManagementBasicsPlatform SecurityRoutingServicesTroubleshooting*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 142 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Developer practice exams" |
"Prepare for Your Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Developer CredentialUnderstand the differences between traditional IT provisioning, Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a ServiceExplain organizations, spaces, routes, services (managed, user defined), manifests, buildpacks, applications and dropletsIdentify Pivotal Platform components: Router, Cloud Controller, Health Manager, Loggregator and CellsDeploy pre-existing applications to Pivotal Platform, obtain logs, debug deployment issues, scale, start, stop, bind to servicesUse the command-line interface to work with Pivotal PlatformUnderstand the impact of the cloud environment on application architecturePerform zero-downtime deploymentsUnderstand the role of services in Pivotal Platform, gain experience using one or more examplesUnderstand the purpose of buildpacks, gain experience specifying buildpacks and making configuration changesUnderstand and gain experience with 3rd party log management, Application Performance MonitoringUnderstand and gain experience with Continuous Delivery tools that integrate with Pivotal Platform*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 98 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Planets Symptoms In Horoscope" |
"WelcomeA Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Planets Symptoms In HoroscopeWho can join this Course?This Course is Designed for all. any profession in you are don't worry.No need of any specific fields related Knowledge required.If you are interested to learn astrology , or if you are astrologer or do you want to predict your chart then this course is for you.anybody can join this course whatever is your profession doesn't matter. What you Learn in Course ?Threw this course you can learn to analyze any chart and understand deep knowledge of different planets Which affect and also understand planet is good or bed in the different charts.If you are from astrology background then you can learn how to impress your clients by telling them symptoms of planets in their chart and your clients will satisfied of your prediction.After completing this course , you develop different aspects from astrology point of view.You will learn all the planets symptoms in all the house that means 12 house 9 planets = 108 symptoms.Deep Knowledge of astrology which is given by our course can improve your accuracy of Prediction .You become Celebrity in your friend circle and family by showing your astrology talent.Trust me after completing this course your astrology knowledge is ten times more.Thank you Shree Hari"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Become a Better Photographer!" |
"Become a Better Photographer! is an online photography course designed for professional photographers who want to advance in their career and for photography enthusiasts who want to elevate their knowledge and technique.This course will be your photography school, your visual boot camp. Together, we will cover the essential concepts of photography for beginners, intermediate enthusiasts and advanced professionals.What are the key elements of this course?Foundational knowledge of the main concepts in photography: It doesn't matter how you use your camera and your lenses if you don't know why. This course will explain the science and the technical reasons behind the features of our gear.Operational technique: no matter what the shooting conditions are, photographers constantly face challenges and problems when it comes to capturing the best image possible. My photography lessons will give you guidance and will teach you how to use your knowledge to identify the problems and your technique to fix them. Settings: Modern cameras are a jungle of menus, options, screens, dials, and buttons. In this course, I will give you my set of settings, the ones I use every day at work. In time you will develop your own set but it's important that you start your learning curve with a benchmark, a set of tools you can use and deep expertise you can build on, from day one.In detail, what will you learn with the lessons in this course?In the first section, called ""The tools"" I will discuss the main components of lenses and camera bodies.In regard to lenses, I will introduce key topics like aperture, f-numbers, field of view, focal length and their categorization (fisheye, wide-angle, normal, tele, macro, prime and zoom lenses.)About the camera body, we will start examining the difference between the two most modern systems (DSLR and Mirrorless) and their main features like sensor format, pixel count or megapixels, frames per second, ISO range, performance in low light conditions and autofocus system.In the second section, I will examine in detail the main ""Ingredients"" of the photographic technique: Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO number. We will learn about their relationship with exposure and their creative uses: motion capture, depth of field and the handling of digital noise. I will help you understand the various camera operating modes and which of these ingredients they grant you full control of. I will tell you about the camera mode I favor and most importantly, I will explain why.This section will give you a deep understanding of the key elements of the photographic technique. The ingredients you will learn in these lessons will unleash your creativity and will help you shape and perfect your style.In the third section called ""Settings"" we will examine all the main settings common to all professional cameras, regardless of make and model. I will explain in plain English what these settings do and I will give you guidelines, suggestions so you wont waste time and energy trying to figure them out during your photoshoots.We will cover a huge array of topics: file format, color space, drive mode, metering mode, color temperature, white balance, mixing light, exposure value compensation, creative styles, picture effects, optical image stabilization, GPS settings, how to handle memory cards, how to handle data loss, introduction to post-production workflow, black and white photography in the digital age, how to read and interpret a histogram.In the fourth section called ""Focus"", we will examine the modern autofocus system's interface and the three main focusing modes: manual, single-shot and continuous.I will discuss all the different kinds of focus area settings (wide, zone and spot) and I will give you my guidelines on which one to use according to the scene you're photographing and according to the type of camera you are using.I will also introduce Face detection and Face & Eye tracking, the latest and most exciting technological advancement in autofocus systems.In the last section, called ""Composition,"" I will discuss the basic guidelines of composition and most of all my firm belief that composition should not have strict rules.I will give you guidance and I will show you some basic techniques. I will explain the importance of creating dimensional layers to produce the impression of depth in your image. I will teach you how to value and enhance the relationship between subject, background, and foreground. I will introduce the concept of off-camera influence.This section will be a true creative session that will help you form and develop your style.Note: this photography course is non camera-specific. Regardless of what gear you own or you intend to buy, this course will give you the expertise and the tools you need to improve your technique, develop your style and advance in your career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Come aprire Partita Iva per: libero professionista Freelance" |
"Benvenuto, in questo video corso imparerai quali adempimenti sono necessari per iniziare l'attivit di Libero professionista. freelance.Vedremo come scegliere il codice ATECO, compileremo insieme con semplici esempi i modelli di apertura Partita Iva, di registrazione alla Gestione Separata INPS e in conclusione analizzeremo le novit in tema di fatturazione.Al termine del corso sarai in grado di aprire tu stesso le posizioni IVA e INPS utili per la tua attivit."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarollo Web Full Stack con JavaScript 2020" |
"Con este curso aprenders el lenguaje de programacin ms buscado en el mbito laboral , y es que est comprobado que este lenguaje te da trabajo , JavaScript se a convertido en , si no el que mas , uno de los ms importantes lenguajes de programacin gracias a su versatilidad , con JavaScript puedes desarrollar aplicaciones web tanto de el lado del cliente como del servidor , hacer aplicaciones de escritorio y hacer aplicaciones mviles ,aplicaciones tan importantes como Netflix , Skype o Discord estn realizadas con JavaScriptEn este curso aprenders desde 0 hasta un nivel profesional , no necesitas tener ningn conocimiento de programacin en absoluto , aqu aprenders todo lo necesario paso a paso con muchas clases , ejercicios y proyectosListo para impulsar tu futuro?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como ouvir uma criana" |
"Este curso tem o propsito de incentivar pais, educadores e cuidadores de crianas, a desenvolverem uma comunicao assertiva com elas e serem influenciadores para a formao de adultos melhores do que ns tivemos a oportunidade de ser. Ele traz exemplos e dicas prticas para levar o adulto a uma reflexo e mudana no manejo com a criana, iniciando pela melhoria na habilidade de ouvir o que ela tem a dizer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Operar Opes Binrias - Mdulo 01" |
"Aprenda investir em Opes Binrias e lucre at 85% por operao. Curso rpido e objetivo para quem quer comear a ganhar dinheiro imediatamente. Com este curso voc ter base no s para operaes em Opes Binrias como tambm para operaes em FOREX, Bolsa de Valores, dentre outras formas de investimentos, pois seguem a mesma anlise grfica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master Unity C# Creacin de Videojuegos para Android - iOS" |
"En este curso aprenders a disear, producir y publicar tu propio videojuego, en tiendas como Google Play. Aprenders como se manejan los videojuegos en la industria de la forma profesional.Conoce las fases de produccin de videojuegos, desde la conceptualizacin hasta la publicacin, estudiamos el diseo y la planificacin, la programacin, el arte ... Establecemos un modelo de marketing que lleva a cabo y publicamos nuestro juego en la Play Store. Aprenderemos a manejar el motor de la Unidad con ejemplos prcticos.Reconoceremos la interfaz de Unidad y nos moveremos automticamente a travs de ella Estudiaremos herramientas tales como UI y Animation. Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de programacin con las creamos desde cero nuestro videojuego.Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de Arte con Photoshop, con todas las capacidades de crear de manera profesional todo el arte de nuestro juego.Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de diseo y planificacin de videojuegos con tcnicas y documentos utilizados por los profesionales.Aprenderemos a Disear cualquier tipo de videojuego que queramos Crearemos diferentes tipos de animaciones para trabajar dentro de Unity (pose a pose) Implementaremos estrategias de Marketing con el Gamification Canvas Utilizaremos la consola de desarrollo de Google Play para publicar nuestro juegoCrearemos todo desde cero, conociendo todos los procesos llevados a cabo en la creacin de videojuegos Este curso se mantendr en constante actualizacin y mejora Dirigido a: Cualquier persona interesada en aprender a trabajar de forma profesional los videojuegos (no se requiere ningn conocimiento, puesto que crea todo desde cero)"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Catia AudiR8 Car Modeling" |
"Catia , . , Catia AudiR8 . Generative Shape Design , FreeStyle 3D Curve 3 , (Geometrical Continuity) . , , ."
Price: 66000.00 ![]() |
"Google Ads Masterclass 2.0" |
"Discover the Money-Making Secrets of the UK's Highest Paid Google Ads Guru for 91% Less Than His Private Clients Pay Him...Dont miss this chance to peer inside a Google Ads genius mind as he reveals every sneaky but ethical Google Ads trick, tip, technique, and strategy...hes ever uncovered or developed...including the secrets behind his own $80k per month business from Google Ads.Learn the little known Google Ads cash secrets (used only by top ad Gurus)See the list belowWhy Google Ads holds such an incredible money-making opportunity today (while most people are struggling with Facebook ads)The demystifying truth about creating a Google Ads account the easy way for rapid profits.Keyword research made simple- you get all the tools you need to quickly and easily find top buyer keywordsAll the Ad types and networks you will ever need to know aboutThe insider secrets to Setting up your first campaign the easy way for maximum long term profit.Exactly what you need to know about Google policy so you NEVER get banned.Underground ad auction tactics to maximise your profits.Conversion tracking and campaign management strategies made simple.The simple strategy for running a Google Ads campaign for profit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Niche Marketing Secrets 2.0" |
"Now Its Your Turn To Be The Expert and command the success and income you deserve....Recently a small group of savvy marketers, business owners and entrepreneurs attended a very private, closed door, pull no punches, pure content workshop on becoming an EXPERT in your business FAST.It was presented by my friend, mentor and bestselling author, Richard Mc Munn.The whole day was captured on film which means for serious people like you, you can get your hands on the adrenalin pumping, instantly downloadable videos . . . that will teach you exactly how to swamp your business with more cash than youve ever imagined . . . and leave YOUR competitors feeling like one legged ducks swimming in circles-trying to make sales and grow their revenue.How to become an EXPERT in your niche videos, give you a PROVEN and tested arsenal of Amazingly Powerful strategies and techniques, a proven, paint by numbers business tool-kit that is a NO fluff, NO filler, NO slick B.S. system for rising to expert status and dominating the sales in your space.As an award winning bestselling Author who has helped many people become recognised as an expert . . . Richard is a serious student of Positioning and educates the seminar attendees with the very same tools he uses to dominate the markets he is in!This is a rare opportunity for YOU to become part of a select few, savvy business owners and entrepreneurs who are serious about their success . . . who want to create the kind of expert status that compels your prospects to whip out their credit card or cash and purchase whatever it is youre offering."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |