Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Financial Audit Test - Equity & Liabilities Procedures" |
"The Financial Statements Audit - Non Current Assets course teach how to test the following account balances: - Equity: movements and Dividends - Financial Liabilities Instruments, including Bank reply & reconciliation, Borrowings & interest, Covenants, Amortized cost and Discounted Present Value - Account Payables, including Reply to confirmation letter and Payables not posted - Payroll Liabilities, including Payroll Accruals and Post employment benefits - Related Parties balances, including Intercompany reconciliation - Provisions, including Provision for Risk and Charges and WarrantyThe course is taught by the founder of HAW - How Audit Work that is an organization that provide audit related service, including teaching. The founder, Mk, is an auditor with soon 10 years audit experience in different countries (as US, UK, Netherlands and Italy) always working in Big4 audit firms.--> Contact us to get dedicated promotions:* SILVER -> PDF Slides of all 90+ Lessons for Euro 49,99* SILVER -> Video Course for Euro 9,99 each course* GOLD -> 5x Video Courses for Euro 49,95* PLATINUM -> All 9x Video Courses for Euro 69,99* DIAMOND -> All 9x Video Courses + All 90+ PDF Slides of All Lessons for Euro 99,99List of HAW - How Audit Work courses available: 1 - Audit Planning 2 - Accounting Procedures & Internal Controls 3 - Confirmation Letter 4 - Audit test - Non-curent Assets 5 - Audit Test - Current Assets 6 - AUDIT TEST - EQUITY & LIABILITIES 7 - Audit Test - Income Statement 8 - Audit Test - All Others 9 - Audit Operative Overview 10 - Audit High Level Overview 11 - Audit Summary 12 - Audit Insight - Become & Evolve to be a Good Auditor - FREE 13 - Audit Insight - Career & Lifestyle of an Auditor - FREE 14 - Audit Insight - Audit Perception & Career After-audit - FREEDon't fall behind the best version of yourself and improve now your Audit skills !""Just focus, learn & do it!"" - Mk -"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Automate Your Redbubble/ POD Designs & 10x Your Productivity" |
"Do you find creating repetitive designs boring and time consuming? You might be doing PoD (Print on demand) T-shirt designs where the same phrase can be used in hundreds of niches e.g. - World's Best Dad - World's Best Doctor - World's Best Golfer ,etc...One day, I got sick of creating these designs manually, so I made a script for Illustrator to automate the production. It's simple. It reads an excel file, which then automatically adjusts the spacing of the words, and finally exporting them into PNGs. Result: it removed a major production bottleneck and let me watch Netflix while Illustrator pumps out design for me in the background, sweet.After 4 months of doing this, I've already increased my income by 2.5x after uploading hundreds of design to RB, going from $120/mo to $300/mo). It looks like it's going to keep increasing as designs takes a while to get traction on RB.In this course I will share with you:my scripts (written in Javascript)a step by step process on how to set up your own automation systemIf you're ready to save your time, energy, and increase your productivity, then enroll to this course today."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacion Consciente" |
"Te ha pasado que las personas no te entienden lo que quieres decir? en ocasiones, para nosotros una idea es bastante clara, pero los dems no logran verlo. Sin embargo, no es culpa de los dems, es tu comunicacin la que tesa fallando. Requieres un mtodo probado para lograr comunicarte. por ello, he diseado este curso para ti, que quieres convertirte en un lder que inspire ideas claras.Con este curso seras capaz deCrear empatia y confianza con todas las personassuperar las barreras de comunicacin que interfieren en tu liderazgoConvertirte en una persona de influencia en tu entornoTransmitir tu mensaje de manera que los dems puedan verlo como tu lo ves"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn C Programming in 3 Weeks" |
"Now a days Programming as a career is a good option. Well began is half done. If logical thinking is good, one can learn any platform easily. Main objective of designing this course is to build logical thinking among students by providing actual practical training and basic knowledge of programming fundamentals using C Programming Language. This course includes the basics required to learn C Programming. I hope student will enjoy this practical based journey of programming fundamentals."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Excel para administrativos, se el hroe de la oficina" |
"Durante aos, he acumulado conocimientos y experiencia en el manejo de excel, especficamente en entornos administrativos. En este curso pongo a tu disposicin muchas de las herramientas y utilidades que excel tiene para ti, aterrizadas a un ambiente administrativo, las cuales te ayudaran a convertirte en el hroe de la oficina.encontraras temas como:. Ajustes de texto, celdas personalizadas y formatos numricos avanzados. Funcin si, Nombres. Funcin si, Ciudades. Funcin si, Fecha bsica. Una herramienta para todo (solver). Encontrando un valor. Etiquetas de datos, herramienta de un maestro. Validacin de datos. Derecha e izquierda. Sustituir. Remplazar. Minsculas, maysculas y nombre propio. Copiado de formato. Concatenar &. Aleatorio. De texto a Excel. De Access a Excel. De Excel a Word. Tablas dinmicas. Los mini grficos. Grficos"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Futuro Empreendedor-7 Etapas Para Criar Um Negcio Lucrativo" |
"VOC J SONHOU ABRIR SEU NEGCIO, SE SENTE PERDIDO E NO TEM CERTEZA COMO COMEAR?Voc costuma fazer planos mentais, pesquisar diversos assuntos, fala com pessoas mas sente que no tem dinheiro nem tempo, pois est preso das 8h00 s 18h00 em um emprego, ou desemprego, que te deixa infeliz?Deseja muito ter mais liberdade para se dedicar a (ou comear a ter) um hobbie, apreciar mais a vida e sua famlia?VOC NO EST SOZINHO...J parou para pensar como que pessoas comuns, sem dinheiro, educao formal ou instruo em negcios conseguem criar negcios que sustentam suas famlias e as levam para outro patamar de vida. Sente que elas tiveram sorte, a 'ajuda' de algum e que voc no uma dessas pessoas?Milhes de empreendedores iniciantes se sentem assim. E foi exatamente assim que me senti quando comecei meu primeiro negcio, em 2006. Senti o estresse que voc est sentindo e passei pelas dificuldades que voc est enfrentando.Voc deve conhecer muitas pessoas que fracassam pelo caminho, que no buscaram ajuda e conhecimentos, mas voc tambm deve conhecer algumas pessoas que hoje vivem uma vida mais tranquila e despreocupada por conta de seus prprios negcios.Te garanto: No foi sorte ou acaso. Elas pessoas seguiram alguns ""passos"" que as fizeram chegar l, mesmo no sabendo que estavam repetindo os mesmos passos de milhes de empreendedores de sucesso ao redor do mundo.Este curso um roteiro passo a passo, de A a Z, para voc que quer ter uma renda extra consistente atravs de um pequeno negcio de baixos riscos e investimentos, e se tornar mais independente financeiramente e profissionalmente, mesmo sem ter noes de empresas ou administrao, nem uma ideia de negcios que julgue ser lucrativa, nem precisar sair do seu emprego atual (por enquanto).Mesmo que voc seja um iniciante absoluto, este curso o guiar para planejar e iniciar seus negcios com sucesso.Eu vou orient-lo em todas as etapas para iniciar o seu negcio:Distinguir seus pontos fortes para selecionar a melhor ideia de negcio para voc;Reunir os recursos mnimos necessrios que voc j possui;Agregar seus primeiros clientes sem precisar vender; eLevantar o dinheiro necessrio para estabelecer sua estrutura inicial.Tudo isso com uma metodologia simples e prtica, sem teorias chatas, apontando as aes corretas para dar ao seu negcio as melhores chances iniciais de sucesso.FATO DECISIVO PARA INICIAR UM NEGCIO LUCRATIVOEntrar em ao.Se voc no sabe qual ao tomar primeiro, ""obter conhecimentos"" a primeira grande ao acertada. Ningum nasce sabendo!Aconselhamento e orientaes certas de um especialista o ajudar a diminuir bastante sua curva de aprendizado, minimizar seus riscos de falhas, prejuzos e obter uma melhor chance de sucesso.O QUE VOC REALIZAR AT O FINAL DO CURSOAo final deste curso, voc no ser mais um dos milhares de ""sonhadores"" e ""reclamadores"" e passar ao time de ""empreendedores"" e ""realizadores"", confiantes e independentes.Voc ter completado seus primeiros passos na jornada de sucesso nos negcios, com o seu prprio negcio testado, aprovado pelo mercado, registrado e faturando;Voc saber exatamente para onde est indo com seu negcios, o que quer alcanar na vida e como chegar l;Use este curso como um guia passo a passo sobre empreendedorismo, para passar de idias de negcios a iniciar um pequeno negcio de sucesso.Tenha em mente que, para alcanar o descrito aqui (que o mnimo, voc pode ir muito alm), durante todo o curso voc ter que colocar a mo na massa, executar os exerccios propostos e, um a um, aos poucos e no seu tempo, voc ir construir seu prprio negcio!Um negcio estvel, rentvel e que no s se adapta, como melhora seu estilo de vida. Um negcio com propsito, que respeite seus valores pessoais e que permita o pleno desenvolvimento das suas competncias profissionais e habilidades pessoais.SOBRE O INSTRUTOR: ANDR CASSIANOEu acredito que empreendedores como voc podem construir negcios lucrativos, de impacto e que mudam o mundo e, ao trabalhar com o que amam, serem reconhecidos e bem sucedidos em suas vidas pessoais e profissionais.Sou Engenheiro de Produo, com Masters em Empreendedorismo e Novos Negcios, Professional Agile Coach, consultor, tutor e mentor de empreendedores e startups. Especialista e apaixonado por empreendedorismo e veculos eltricos, fundei a Realizao Empreendedora e outros projetos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de empresas e energias limpas.Sou empreendedor h 15 anos, j iniciei 8 empresas sozinho neste perodo, outras 12 em sociedade, j falhei muito, j consumi muita informao errada, desatualizada e mentirosa sobre como iniciar um negcio... o que fomentou meu atual propsito de disseminar o empreendedorismo de resultado. No toa o nome da minha empresa de educao online de negcios ser: Realizao Empreendedora.J treinei mais de 1.500 empreendedores pessoalmente, outros 6.000 alunos j fizeram meus treinamentos online, e milhes de aspirantes a empreendedores j consumiram meus contedos nas diversas redes sociais que alimento.E eu quero te ajudar! Imagine o quo melhor e mais fcil ser o seu caminho para comear a realizar seus sonhos empreendedores e quanto mais rpido voc pode caminhar para um novo estilo de vida com um experiente mentor de negcios ao seu lado!POR QUE ESTE CURSO DE NEGCIOS NICOH uma histria especial por trs deste curso. Anteriormente, criei um curso para criao de startups e negcios inovadores e, apesar de utilizar mtodos e ferramentas geis e de fcil aplicao, o curso possui durao de 3 meses e requer inicialmente uma forte paixo por solucionar um problema do mercado mais que o foco de retorno financeiro.Entretanto, eu percebi que alguns dos alunos que se matriculavam estavam buscando apenas como criar uma renda extra (inicialmente), para que um dia fosse sua fonte principal de renda. Um negcio simples que pudesse melhorar sua condio financeira e de sua famlia. Motivao ligada mais sua prpria situao atual do que em impactar no mundo.Foi ento que testei com vrias turmas presenciais e, finalmente, criei o curso Futuro Empreendedor.O 1 MDULO foi todo pensado em falar da pessoa, do seu lado interior. Ningum se torna um empreendedor de sucesso sem a mentalidade certa, sem saber caar, triturar e comer seus medos com farinha! Buscar suas maiores e melhores habilidades (que nem voc sabe), comeando por te deixar mais forte por dentro antes de ir para o mundo de fora.O 2 MDULO pura ao! A execuo de um negcio da forma mais pura, simplificada e direta que existe - que requer controle e estratgia, sem ficar travado em longos planejamentos.As atividades agregam segurana, elaboram uma ideia infalvel de negcio, agrega uma frao dos seus recursos atuais (tempo e dinheiro), seus contatos, alcana seus primeiros clientes sem precisar vender antes mesmo de ter o produto ou servio pronto......em apenas 7 DIAS! (claro que voc pode aplicar no seu tempo)Ah, e ainda um 3 MDULO final inteiro sobre como gerenciar e crescer seu negcio!Modstia parte, um curso sensacional que eu mesmo precisaria ter feito quando abri meus primeiros negcios anos atrs.MATERIAL INCLUSO* Guias e atividades sequenciais, passo-a-passo, em cada aula do curso;* Leituras opcionais sobre cada tema (caso sinta necessidade de se aprofundar em algum);* Vdeos extras sobre os cada tema;* Vdeos de histrias de empreendedores que traaram o mesmo caminho que voc;BNUS COMPLEMENTARES (aps concluso do curso)* Participao na comunidade da plataforma de alunos da Realizao Empreendedora;* Muitos materiais extras, planilhas para download e ferramentas para tornar seu negcio ainda mais poderoso e eficiente;* Oportunidade de divulgao do seu negcio para nossa rede de negcios;* Oportunidade de consultorias individuais comigo para tratar da estruturao, gesto e crescimento do seu negcio;* Diversos eBooks, quizes, infogrficos, playlists (de msicas, sries e filmes sobre negcios), e materiais para impulsionar sua caminhada;* Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes aqui na Udemy;* Continuar construindo e crescendo seu futuro empreendedor com a trilha de contedos exclusivos da Realizao Empreendedora.PLANTO DE PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS - 24hs PARA MEUS ALUNOSO que realmente diferencia este curso de empreendedorismo o tempo pessoal que dedico no contato com os alunos deste curso. Durante as aulas, voc pode me fazer qualquer pergunta sobre negcios e farei o possvel para ajud-lo, de forma imparcial, sem tentar vender nada. apenas outra coisa que fao para ajud-lo a alcanar seus objetivos.s vezes, como empreendedor, voc tem dvidas ou baixa confiana e ningum com quem conversar. Obter esse suporte extra pode ser um grande avano em sua jornada de empreendedora.GARANTIA DE DEVOLUO DE DINHEIROEste curso de negcios fornecido com uma garantia de devoluo do dinheiro incondicional, apoiada pela Udemy, por 30 dias. Isso no apenas uma garantia, minha promessa pessoal de que farei o possvel para ajud-lo a ter sucesso, como fiz para milhares de outros alunos.ESTA A HORA DE VOC MUDAR A SUA VIDALeu esta descrio e ficou com alguma dvida? Escreva para mim! Sem compromisso.s vezes pensamos demais e perdemos a oportunidade de tomar uma boa atitude com ns mesmos.Invista no seu futuro empreendedor. Inscreva-se agora. Eduque-se. Realize.Te vejo no vdeo de boas vindas!Andr Cassiano@realizacaoempreendedora"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo Modelo de Negcios com o Business Model Canvas" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender que, quando falamos sobre empreender, tudo gira em torno de valor. No estou falando de dinheiro, de capital, mas de como criar, entregar e capturar valor para seus clientes. Essas so trs questes fundamentais para voc refletir sobre como transformar a sua ideia inovadora em um Modelo de Negcio inovador:Como seu negcio ir criar valor?Como ele entregar valor?E como ele ir capturar valor?Para te ajudar responder a essas perguntas e a estruturar seu Modelo de Negcio, o Business Model Canvas, com os 9 blocos de construo uma excelente ferramenta. Ao longo das aulas, voc encontrar orientaes profundas sobre o desenho de cada bloco do canvas e suas relaes, e ter a oportunidade de analisar comigo mais de 100 exemplos, estudos de caso e atividades extras exclusivas sobre Modelos de Negcios de empresas inovadoras.Contedo do Curso12 Aulas em Vdeo de Alta ResoluoO curso possui 12 aulas que totalizam um pouco mais de 2 horas de vdeos e uma srie de materiais extras que totalizam mais de 6 horas de estudo.12 Apostilas em PDFCada aula conta com uma apostila em PDF que podem ser baixadas para o seu computador e consultadas por voc para fixar o contedo.12 Cadernos para Refletir em PDFSo 12 cadernos para refletir em que voc poder imprimir e anotar as reflexes sugeridas ao final de uma das aulas para ajudar voc a desenvolver o seu Modelo de Negcio.2 Apostilas Extras em PDFPara somar ainda mais a fixao do contedo, voc tambm recebe duas apostilas extras. Uma com dicas para desenhar um modelo de negcios inovador e outra com um exerccio de desenho do canvas de uma famosa startup.eBook BnusPara fechar, voc ganha o eBook Guia Definitivo do Business Model Canvas com mais de 120 pginas de contedo.Certificado de Concluso do CursoAo final do curso, recebe um certificado oficial de concluso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course sobre Lean Canvas" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender tudo sobre o lean canvas. Uma ferramenta baseada no Business Model Canvas, mas adaptada para ajudar Startups a encontrar e validar o seu modelo de negcio inicial. Criado por Ash Maurya, o Lean Canvas se tornou uma referncia de ferramenta para quem esta criando o seu negcio do zero.4 Estudos de Caso com o Lean Canvas PreenchidoNeste curso voc ver o estudo de caso de 4 famosas startups com o Lean Canvas preenchidos:1 Apostilas em PDF com 68 pginasO Crash Course Lean Canvas possui uma apostila em PDF com 68 pginas que pode ser baixada para o seu computador e consultadas por voc para fixar o contedo.Bnus Lean Canvas em PDF e PPTPara fechar, voc ganha a o Lean Canvas em PDF e PPT para voc desenhar e apresentar o Lean Canvas da sua Startup.Certificado de Concluso do CursoAo final do curso, recebe um certificado oficial de concluso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Magic Tricks for Adults! To Perform in any Situation!" |
"Regardless of your motivations for wanting to learn magic, in this course you will learn some astonishing, sophisticated magic that you can and will use in your workplace, school, or home.You will be able to use these tricks to impress your boss, clients, and coworkers, and to connect with old friends and new strangers.Learn to astound anybody, at any time!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Meditacin Akashica" |
"La meditacin es una llave maestra para entrar en contacto con nuestra alma, donde yacen nuestros verdaderos sueos y el potencial para hacerlos realidad. Es ah donde entramos en conexin con la Fuente de todo lo que existe, que reside y nos habla en nuestro interior.Para establecer contacto con la la Divinidad en nosotros, el alma universal que reside en nuestro interior, necesitamos calmar las oscilaciones de la mente, es decir nuestro dialogo interno para poder escuchar.La meditacin no es concentracin, ni visualizacin, ni imaginacin. Estas actividades las realizamos con la mente y la meditacin trasciende la mente. Cuando meditamos estamos en estado alpha, cuando trabajamos con la mente, nuestras ondas cerebrales estn en estado beta. Cuando meditamos no se trata de ver la imagen de lo que deseamos, sino de entregar nuestra mente a la Fuente, dejar que fluya el vaco, el silencio.Los beneficios de la meditacin son innumerables. Con bases cientificas y espirituales, sin duda alguna la meditacin nos ayuda a vivir mejor.Desde regular patrones de sueo, reducir estres y ansiedad, mejorar situaciones post traumaticas, relajar los msculos, mejorar la presin sangunea, aumentar concentracin y memoria, disminuir depresin, etc.Obtendrs todos estos beneficios con tu practica de meditacin, sin embargo el fin ultimo de meditar es descubrir la Verdad sobre quien eres, y experimentar tu bsqueda interior.Meditar te har libre.Existen muchos tipos de meditacin. Desde mis vivencias he experimentado diversos tipos y tcnicas, cada una de ellas ha sido valiosa, sin embargo mi trabajo como terapeuta energtica y como canalizadora de la energia en el Akasha (palabra sanscrita para Eter), me han permitido desarollar esta valiosa tecnica para conectarnos con la Energa Universal y experimentar la Unidad, la Fuente de Energa que reside dentro de cada uno.Con la meditacin Akashica, experimentars la plenitud, felicidad, amor incondicional y armonia que yace dentro de ti. Con la meditacin Akashica comprenders que eres un ser de luz infinito, que eres Uno con el creador, con la creacin.Acompame en este viaje hacia el interior."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Malware/backdoor for beginners-" |
"Malware/backdoor for beginners- Malware & backdoor with NCAT Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Information Security 24"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Penetration Testing: Malware backdoor for beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course ""Penetration Testing: Malware backdoor for beginners ""This course will take you on a journey of learning what malware is, how to create backdoor with NCAT and how you can get control over a system.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn concepts on malware/backdoor. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with the various types of malware attacks and able to create a backdoor & get access and control to a SystemThis course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security and Information Security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.Together, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Penetration Testing:Buffer Overflow" |
"Penetration Testing:Buffer Overflow Penetration Testing 24"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Penetration Testing : System Security -" |
"The Complete Penetration Testing : System Security - Malware & backdoor with NCAT Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Information Security 24"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Python WEB" |
"Python WEBPythonPythonPythonPython WEBDjango"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Get Your First Sales Job and Unlock Your 6 Figure Paycheck" |
"If you have been thinking about getting a career in corporate sales, but you're not sure where to begin - this course is for you. In this course we will look at the best sales jobs on the market today and what do they pay. We will find the most fitting sales job for you personally, together we will apply, go through interviews and learn to speak the sales language."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the course on Fine art of brand positioning. Building a brand is like building a masterpiece. It needs passion, craftsmanship and knowledge.A good brand positioning should have two components - rational and emotional. In other words, it should appeal both to the head and the heart of consumersIn this short course on The Art of brand positioning we will understand 4 key things:What is brand positioning and why it is important?An easy and step by step process that will help you position any brand, irrespective of whether you are in a product based or a services based industryUnderstand how brands have implemented these concepts through real life examples and case studies from different industriesThree tool-kits that will be your step by step guide for brand positioning and you can use them to build any brand from scratch.For your interest, there is 30 day money back guarantee so theres no risk.I genuinely believe that the case studies and models shared as a part of this course will help you build a compelling brand positioning and make your marketing strategies much more robust."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ABAP Development for S/4HANA" |
"ABAP Development in S/4HANA is a path into the New ABAP programming world. The course covers the major building blocks of S/4 HANA:Core Data ServicesODataBOPF This course serves as a complete guide for an ABAPer looking forward to learning and building new Application on S/4 HANA. It also has a dedicated lecture which provides step-by-step guide to building a new S/4HANA application from scratch.The step-by-step guide covers the following:Creation of Base tables for storing dataCreation of Interface CDS viewsCreation of Transnational Processing CDS ViewsTesting of generated BOPF object in BOBT trasactionCreation of Consumption CDS ViewsCreation of OData service for the consumption view from Gateway Project Builder (SEGW)Creation of UI project and hence the generation of the UI for the application"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grammar essentials" |
"This audio e-book teaches you all the grammar essentials you need to develope your English language skills, including; Essential terms. Simple sentence structures. Linking verbs. Future tense. Present progressive tense. Simple past. Common phrases. Quantifiers. Intensifiers. Get. Count & noncount nouns. Statement questions. Negative questions. Specific articles. Modals. Conditional sentences. Nationalities. Languages. Collective nouns. Time words. Subordinators. Coordinators. Used to. Comparatives. Superlatives. Future progressive. Past progressive. Past continuous. Possessives. Present perfect. Relative clauses. Allowing you to speak English with confidence and new understanding."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Formulacin de compuestos qumicos INORGNICOS con YoFormulo" |
"Aprende formulacin y nomenclatura en qumica inorgnica de la mano del creador de YoFormulo. Aprenders a formular y nombrar los principales compuestos qumicos inorgnicos: xidos, perxidos, hidruros, haluros de hidrgeno, sales binarias, hidrxidos, cidos oxocidos, oxisales, oxisales cidas, etc. Tambin te ensear cmo YoFormulo puede ayudarte a entrenar para asimilar mejor los conceptos aprendidos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MVVM fundamentals in Android" |
"In this course we are going to build-up a solid foundation of the core thinking methodologies by learning the design and architectural patterns, that are essential in Android and Front-End development.This course has two main chapters. In the first chapter we will cover some of the most used concepts, design and architectural patterns in Front-End development.The second chapter will be all about learning how these concepts are introduced by Android as components, and how can you use them to enhance your development.This course is mainly for Android developers, but since in the first chapter we cover only concepts, the course has a lot to offer for any kind of front-end developer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Ads Course From Scratch - LinkedIn Ads 2020" |
"**LATEST 2020 COURSE WITH BRAND NEW LINKEDIN CAMPAIGN MANAGER**In this course you will learn:Why you should use LinkedIn Ads and how LinkedIn Marketing has evolvedPre-requisites for launching a LinkedIn campaignHow to Create Your LinkedIn Ads AccountDirect Sponsored Content Specifications & RequirementsHow to design your LinkedIn Ad Creatives (Free Tools)How to use LinkedIn Campaign ManagerHow to install Insight Tag and Track Conversions (Free Plugin)Objective-Based Advertising (BRAND NEW 2020 INTERFACE)How to create your Target Audience on LinkedIn Ads (Step-by-step)Different LinkedIn Ad Formats (Image Ads, InMails, Lead-Gen Forms, etc)Campaign Performance Management with the new LinkedIn Campaign ManagerHow to Optimise Your Campaigns for maximum success (PDF CHEATSHEET to get more leads and sales for your business or clients)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PhD in Strategic Thinking" |
"A strategist is a person with responsibility for the formulation and implementation of a strategy. strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the action. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means{ resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy.In an even playing field where both parties (whether they be businesses or otherwise) have 10 units of resources, a good strategist will be able to amplify the impact of those units many times more than the competitor can.Strategists in many ways are professional in exploiting opportunities, then. They find the best opportunity , create a plan to take advantage of it and plan/direct resources to make the biggest impact possible.Look beyond what you can see, think about the possibilities.How far and wide is your mental picture of possibilities?Are they limited?There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake.Developing unshakable self confidence in your resolve will aid and open up such possibilities for you as you cannot imagine.Make up a dream list. Imagine you no limitations of time, money, contacts, experience or education. Imagine that anything you put down is possible for you.Consciously choose the future over the past.You win by thinking about winning all the time and refusing to consider the possibility of losing. By deciding to persist, no matter what the odds, no matter what happens till you succeed. Everything you are, and everything you become is under your control and foresight ability.Dorothea Brande said, The high road to success is to act as if it were impossible to fail, and it shall be.The plan is a guide to keeping you on track, efficient and safe.Can you stay on track without a plan?At the end of the day, everything you set out to achieve, hinges on the effectiveness of your plans and what you set out to gain.When you plan your work and adhere to the plans, and dedicate good time to completing high value tasks, you start to make foreseeable progress towards the attainment of your goals and your sense of direction and efficiency, sky rocket.Having a plan keeps you performance oriented with set of goals in sight.Setting goals, gets you organized and leads you step by step, towards your ideals.Planning also beckons on your ability to think. Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have to understand reality. If you change the streamline of your thinking, it completely rubs off on your planning method and it changes the quality of your life. It involves looking down the road in months, and making a list of things necessities, goals and everything that could go wrong.Strategy is the ability to see variables and create them when there is nothing. It's not about knowing the rules.How creative can you be in the face of uncertainty and less to bank on?Frederick Robertson said, ""It is not the situation that makes the man, but the man who makes the situation.""Your ability to do what you can with what you have, where you are. Being a critical thinker, advance planner and solution oriented. What has happened, is inconsequential to what can be done.When everybody's thoughts are streamlined into the most obvious choices and less suitable ones, a strategist sees multiple routes and alternatives without much at his or her disposal.A man cast away, and shipwrecked in an empty island, with no means of feeding, transportation, shelter and communication could be instantly written off by majority of people.A strategist sees food in livestock and aquatic creatures, shelter in the caves or various species of leaves, communication with aircrafts in the sands with large and bold written letters and even transport in piece of wreckage and Island woods.This is just an illustration of countless of layers to this aspect of strategic thinking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a Life Scout Robot" |
"You will start by learning about different types of safety equipment and tools used in robotics. After this sensor preparation, micro-controllers, sensors and AI are covered. Then the course gets a lot more exciting with security projects, this section has a build lesson and a code along lesson for each project. Finally you will built a chassis and the lifeScout robot! Any lessons after this will show you extend the robots functionality.All lessons have downloadable resources, including source code. Help guides showing you how to install Arduino is also included, along with parts lists if you want to build the robot. NOTE: you do not need to build the robot to benefit from this course, as you can apply what you learn to many different projects.This is a dynamic learning environment that will always be improving, I plan to support multiple languages to increase accessibility and diversity. I also follow the concept that perfection is achieved when there is nothing left to take away, you will only be shown what you need to know and will not be overwhelmed with clutter. Those who suffer from ADHD or other conditions can complete this course as its structure should prevent you being distracted.You will not need to watch every lecture, it is designed so that you can chose the ones useful to you, for example the chassis section will show you how to build a number of chassis. Watch the one that applies to you. If you have any questions download the FAQ or message me.You do not need to code anything, you can simply download the code and press a few buttons to upload it to the robot. Instructions for this are included in the resources section.CHANGE LOG:September 2019: Adafruit build and new chassis build lessons added.October 2019: Tools, Safety, Sensor Prep video lessons added and resources updated for each section. November 2019: Added wireless control lessons using a HC-06 BlueTooth module, resources updated."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer" |
"Photoshop()Illustrator()VtuberAffinity DesignerAffinity DesignerPhotoshop()Illustrator()"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Phng Php Giao Dch Phi Sinh Hiu Qu" |
"Bn ang mun hc phng php kim tin hiu qu t vic giao dch phi sinh?Bn ang mun gia tng ngun thu nhp th ng?Bn ang mun tr thnh nh giao dch (trader) chuyn nghip?Kha hc ny s gip cc bn lm c nhng iu .- Kha hc c thit k bao gm 7 phn vi gn hn 50 bi ging v cc v d thc hnh. Ni dung chnh l gip hc vin nm vng c ba yu t ct li to nn mt m hnh giao dch (trade) thnh cng, l: + Chin lc giao dch + Phng php qun l tin + Phng php kim sot tm l trong giao dch- Kin thc trong kha hc c t kt t nhng kinh nghim thc tin t cc trader ni ting trn th gii cng nh kinh nghim bn thn mnh tri qua trong sut qu trnh giao dch. Hc vin s c hc nhng kin thc hu ch mang tnh ng dng cao m khng t nng nhiu v l thuyt. - Hc vin s hc c cch t phn tch k thut da trn phn mm Amibroker v cch ra quyt nh u t t cc v d thc t. c bit, hc vin s bit cch p dng cc kin thc hc vo trong vic giao dch trn ti khon tht ca mnh mt cch hiu qu.****************************************************** Lu : y mnh trade ch yu da trn chart 1m, 5m v 15m. Cc anh/ch c th p dng cc chic lc c hc trong kha hc ny i vi khung thi gian khc ph hp vi cch trade ca anh/ch. V d, anh/ch c th p dng i vi chart 15m v 1h. Thng thng, khi bt u vo trade, u tin mnh s kim tra xu hng trn chart 1D (1 day) xc nh xu hng ch o trong ngy s l tng hay gim. Sau , mnh s nhn chi tit vo chart 1m, 5m v 15m trade. *****************************************************"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life Coaching: A Complete Training Course" |
"This complete Life Coaching training course covers all the fundamentals of life coaching. Combined with your experience, skills, and commitment to helping others improve in their lives, this training course will provide you with a clear structure for working with your clients including all the resources required to do the job.About the CourseThis course is to the point, focusing on the core coaching models, communication skills and techniques, questioning formulas, rapid rapport building methods, goal setting for success, feedback, and business strategies.The Life Coaching industry is a booming billion-dollar industry that is rapidly continuing to grow. The fast-paced lifestyles and high expectations of people have created a demand for results and achievement. To aid this, many people turn to life coaches for their support and expertise.Life Coaching is an unregulated profession meaning you do not need any formal qualifications or accreditation to do the job but instead, you do need passion and commitment to helping others, in addition to relevant life experience and useful skills, which can help someone improve their life.This complete training and business start-up course provide you with all the knowledge and resources to help you become a very effective coach. You will also learn how to easily set up your very own online life coaching business and have access to the course tutor for guidance on how to get your business started.A fully flexible self-study program that you can fit around your busy schedule and revisit anytime with full lifetime access.We know you will love this course and benefit greatly from the individual business support, so we offer a no questions asked, money-back guarantee if it does not meet your needs.Whether coaching part-time or full-time you will have full support in your preparation for becoming a Life Coach. It is important that you have the skills and knowledge to help as many people as possible to live the life of their dreams and achieve their goals.This course also provides you with guidance on how to set up your online coaching business quickly and easily.Momentum is everything and thus, you are encouraged to commit to completing this course in no more than two weeks so that you can get started setting up your online coaching services and applying your skills to clients from around the globe. This course comes with full tutor support and on completion of your training, you may request individual guidance for setting up your online coaching business and how to market your services. You can also join an exclusive support group reserved only for the students of this training course. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Native American Flute for Beginners" |
"Native American Flute (or Native American Style Flute), often shortened as NAF, is a beautiful instrument that is also very simple to play. Countless people play it to relax and to have fun. This course teaches beginners how to play this wonderful instrument. You will learn how to use simple techniques to play a NAF, and how to read simple graphical tablature, so there is no need to have any musical experience or to read musical notation.You will learn how to play notes, and how to play minor pentatonic scale, to which all Native Style Flutes are tuned. You will learn how to play grace note, thrill and double tongue - basic musical ornaments. You will download drumming tracks to practice playing in specific tempo and rhythm. You will download a 67 pages long songbook with traditional tunes and unique compositions of the course's author. You will also get an empty tablature sheet to write down your own songs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native Mobile App - design, code and publish" |
"This course will guide you through all of the app creation steps. We start with the requirements definition, then we'll design the app using Figma. Later, we will focus on developing the app using React Native framework. The last part of the course focuses on preparing production builds and submitting them to the app stores (Apple and Google). Final product, the WorkTimer app is a real app available for download on both app stores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Biped |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Accelerated: Fundamentals in less than 90 minutes" |
"Accounting is a process of gathering, recording, summarizing and analyzing the business financial transactions or activity. The accounting skills are generally used in our daily lives, from running a home budget to saving for children college fees. It plays an important role in our everyday life and for a life-skills learner and someone looking for intellectual stimulation there are many great applications to be accomplished using accounting skills. In nutshell, this course focuses on accounting basics and also linkages to the practical side of business financial reporting and performance of the business. If you are new to accounting or business or wish to progress into accounting career, it's the perfect start for you to learn the fundamentals and practical aspects of the business accounts.I have designed this course in a way that can suit a complete beginner and also if you are a young entrepreneur that wants to know the basics of business financial information and how it's recorded and reported in accounts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |