Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Alongamento de Unha em Acrigel" |
"O curso conta com quatro tcnicas de aplicao, sendo as trs tradicionais e uma tcnica facilitada da Jssy , para que voc trabalhe com qual voc mais se adaptar, Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes Tcnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail ento aprenda agora mesmo a fazer esse alongamento de Acrigel nas unhas das suas clientes de mais durabilidade e flexibilidade sem agredir as unhas naturais e tenha uma opo de servio adicional a mais ou seja um ganho a mais em sua renda para contar, aprenda a adaptar os moldes de forma tradicional e tambm com a tcnica facilitada da Jssy aplicao exata sem perca de tempo, ento venha e se qualifique e se voc j trabalha na rea venha se atualizar, aprenda em sair de casa e nos horrios mais cmodo a vocEste Curso aplicado totalmente Online"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Polygel Sistema Completo" |
"Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes Tcnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail ento aprenda agora mesmo a fazer esse alongamento de Polygel nas unhas das suas clientes de mais durabilidade e flexibilidade sem agredir as unhas naturais e tenha uma opo de servio adicional a mais ou seja um ganho a mais em sua renda para contar, aprenda a adaptar os moldes de forma tradicional e tambm com a tcnica facilitada da Jssy aplicao exata sem perca de tempo, ento venha e se qualifique e se voc j trabalha na rea venha se atualizar, aprenda em sair de casa e nos horrios mais cmodo a voc, curso tem varias aulas bnus :formato stiletto, polygel premium, polygel express, polygel com francesa tradicional, polygel com francesa reversa adquira j seu curso e se profissionalizeEste Curso aplicado totalmente Online, o aluno estudar em casa atravs de VIDEO AULAS."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Alongamento em Acrlico" |
"Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes Tcnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail ento aprenda agora mesmo a fazer esse alongamento de Acrlico Completo o nas unhas das suas clientes de mais durabilidade e flexibilidade sem agredir as unhas naturais e tenha uma opo de servio adicional a mais ou seja um ganho a mais em sua renda para contar, aprenda a adaptar os moldes de forma tradicional e aplicao exata sem perca de produto, ento venha e se qualifique e se voc j trabalha na rea venha se atualizar, aprenda em sair de casa e nos horrios mais cmodo a vocEste Curso aplicado totalmente Online, o aluno estudar em casa atravs de VIDEO AULAS, com certificado digital aps concluso do curso, com apostila de apoio"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Banho de Gel" |
"Curso online ministrado por video aulas, com certificado digital (obs: sem apostila)Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes ,nesse curso de Banho de Gel voc aprender a criar uma pelcula protetora sobre as unhas naturais da sua cliente proporcionando a ela mais firmeza e resistncia ,no altera em nada sua aparncia ,soluo antiquebra realizado em 30minutos ,tcnica muito fcil de realizar e sucesso garantido a voc profissional , incluso no curso uma tcnica bnus super prtica de fazer nas unhas naturais da sua clienteFicou interessada nessa tcnica maravilhosa e em conhecer como a mesma aplicada essa camada protetora deixa as unhas mais resistentes enquanto a cliente estiver com ela e favorece o crescimento saudvel da unha natural? Adquira seu curso hoje mesmo"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Blindagem de Diamante" |
"Blindagem de diamante est aqui a soluo para favorecer unhas fracas e quebradias ,nessa tcnica voc profissional aprender fazer uma cobertura total sobe as unhas naturais da cliente , alternativa perfeita para as clientes que no gostam de alongamentos mais querem ter suas unhas bonitas, saudveis e compridas ,a blindagem favorece o crescimento da unha natural sendo assim faz a ao de que elas no lasquem ,trinquem . abram ou rompam processo realizado em 40minutos, temos uma tcnica especial de bnus esperando por voc... gostou ???? ficou interessada em aprender essa tcnica sem necessidade de alongar as unhas das suas clientes????? Ento venha agora mesmo e adquira seu curso"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Blindagem de Diamante e Banho de Gel" |
"Combinao perfeita esses dois cursos maravilhosos juntos.....Curso online completo com certificado digital, ministrado por video aulas ,(obs: sem apostila).Aprenda no conforto de sua casa!Blindagem de diamante est aqui a soluo para favorecer unhas fracas e quebradias ,nessa tcnica voc profissional aprender fazer uma cobertura total sobe as unhas naturais da cliente , alternativa perfeita para as clientes que no gostam de alongamentos mais querem ter suas unhas bonitas, saudveis e compridas ,a blindagem favorece o crescimento da unha natural sendo assim faz a ao de que elas no lasquem ,trinquem . abram ou rompam processo realizado em 40minutos, temos uma tcnica especial de bnus( banho de acrlico) esperando por voc... e.....Banho de Gel voc aprender a criar uma pelcula protetora sobre as unhas naturais da sua cliente proporcionando a ela mais firmeza e resistncia ,no altera em nada sua aparncia ,soluo antiquebra realizado em 30minutos ,tcnica muito fcil de realizar e sucesso garantido a voc profissional , incluso no curso uma tcnica bnus super prtica de fazer nas unhas naturais da sua clienteFicou interessada nessa tcnica maravilhosa e em conhecer como a mesma aplicada essa camada protetora deixa as unhas mais resistentes enquanto a cliente estiver com ela e favorece o crescimento saudvel da unha natural? Adquira seu curso hoje mesmo"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fibra de Vidro Slim" |
"Curso online ministrado por video aulas , aps sua concluso ter seu certificado digital.A unha de Fibra de Vidro Slim veio para inovar o mercado sendo uma Tcnica com produtos de Linha Fast (1 linha) , focada em dar resistncia e naturalidade ao alongamento ideal para quem quer ter unhas sempre lindas e em perfeito estado .Com maior durabilidade e o ponto de tenso reduzido juntando a utilizao dos produtos de forma mdia, o mtodo permite a modelagem das unhas em todos os tamanhos e formatos, deixando-as com aspecto natural ou seja, sua manuteno quinzenal, o gel tem menos contato com a unha natural pois aplicado uma gel base para formar uma pelcula protetora sobre a mesma , usado um gel fino , um gel mdio, e somente 2 tufos de fibra de vidro fiberglass, essa tcnica ser excelente a voc que tem dificuldade em trabalhar com a fibra ....Feche agora mesmo seu curso e venha conhecer essa tcnica revolucionaria.."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oposiciones Word. Cuerpo Gral. Auxiliar Admn del Estado." |
"POR LA CUARENTENA DEL CORONAVIRUS OFREZO GRATIS EL CURSO EN MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE joseluisglezcr. Resolucin de la Prueba de Maquetacin de Microsoft Word referente a las Oposiciones de las Pruebas Selectivas al Cuerpo General Auxiliar de la Administracin del Estado. En el vdeotutorial se explica ntegramente la prueba al completo. Oposiciones Word. Cuerpo Gral. Auxiliar Admn del Estado. Prueba explicada minuciosamente. Prueba original perteneciente a las Oposiciones de las Estado."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Healing writing. Letters from your heart" |
"This course is for those people who are lost. For those, who have fallen and don't know what to do.My course will be useful for hyperresponsive people, who suffer from stress and poor sleep.And of course, I will be glad to see on my course wanderers, who are hungry for self-development and want to learn something new about themselves.I will tell you and show how to work with your painful memories from the past and how to get inner strength and confidence through them. How to let the past go away and start a new life.I will also teach you useful breathing exercises that relax and release your body and mind and useful exercises for the hands that free your fingers and wrist from numbness and tunnel syndrome.All you need is a pen, paper, 15 minutes a day and an open mind.Welcome!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Paid to Paint While Making the World a Better Place" |
"Welcome to Mr. Mustache's Very Caring Paint Pals Certification, your new found life of meaning and purpose awaits you. If you are an artist who wants to get paid to paint while making the world a better place, then this course is for you! Here you will discover how combing your passion for painting with the purpose of doing good will permanently alter your life and everyone you share your gifts with for the better. In this course you will learn: Discovering Your Authentic Self: Understanding how using your unique talents, gifts, skills, abilities, and personality to help others, will make the world a better place for you and everyone else you touch. You''ll learn how to connect with and identify your authentic self and how giving the gift of your true self to others is the ultimate path to fulfillment, wholeness, meaning, and purpose. How and Where to Get Classes: In the second segment we will focus on how to get the facilities we teach at, how to keep them, who to talk to to get the them and how to build them up to a full-time painting schedule, if that's your goal. Well also discuss how to determine which segment of the population you're most suited to teach according to your own inner life's journey and mission. You will learn everything you need to know to go get your first class starting immediately! How to Teach a Class with Ease & in The Very Caring Way: We will learn the basics of teaching an art/painting class in a way that's easy to follow for our students. Simplicity is key! Be who you are, because who you are is beautiful and students will love you! Each of us has something unique to contribute. We will also learn how to connect with our students in a Very Caring Way that enriches both their lives and our own. Think Mr. Rogers teaches painting :) How to Price Classes, Get Paid, & Make Additional Income: In the fourth part of the workshop we will discuss how to price different classes, and how to maximize your income by offering additional classes and services. For once in your life the money WONT be the best part of your job. As soon as you finish this class, you will know everything you need to know to book your first class immediately! Mr Mustaches goal is for each student to be 100% prepared for their journey and to succeed at helping to make our world a better place!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speak Ngwa Language Now" |
"Here is where you learn to speak Ngwa Language. Some Ngwa children interact a lot at their respective primary and secondary schools in only English Language. When they get home, they cannot speak their parents' Ngwa Language. They stay at home in the evening doing their school work (in English). They go to sleep only to get up early morning for school. This trend starts from their Kindergarten days up to their College graduation. By that time they have lost all opportunities of knowing Ngwa Language. The parents are helpless and wind up speaking only English Language to their children because that is the only way to communicate with the children. The effect is that the parents begin to speak only English Language throughout the house - father, mother, children, guests, etc. Before long, the parents no longer remember all their Ngwa words. As this trend is occurring in virtually all Ngwa homes, the adults (parents, uncles, aunts, etc.) begin to speak only English Language to their friends who are also experiencing the same phenomenon in their respective homes. To make it worse, schools from Kindergarten to university in the homeland make English the first language thereby twisting the arms of parents (in the homeland) into speaking English Language to their children born and being raised in the homeland. This is an excellent opportunity for bring back the erring children and their parents to the cultural basics through Ngwa Language mastery."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer(CCA175) : Practice Exam" |
"Professionals seeking to pursue CCA175 (Spark and Hadoop Developer) certification are the intended audience for this course.The course contains a total of 32 Questions covering all the sections.Hadoop Brainary's practice exam consist of real exam-like questions that boosts your certification preparation and help you score better.The Practice Exam Covers all the topics from the CCA175 syllabus:Sqoop Import and Export HiveSpark RDD, Spark Dataframes, Spark SQL, Spark Transformations and Actions, File Formats(parquet, avro, orc)Compression Format(Gzip, Snappy, Bzip2) Topics included in the practice questions:The solutions provided are Error free."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Deploying HashiCorp Vault with AWS Secrets Engine" |
"HashiCorp Vault is a secure way to control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API. Adding the AWS Secrets Engine authentication method allows you to generate AWS access credentials dynamically based on IAM policies. This eliminates the need for access key & secret access key management and rotation as all keys are dynamically generated and have a lease time! This course will demonstrate:Setting up your AWS environment for a Vault deploymentHigh availability and scaling for HashiCorp VaultAWS secrets engine authentication integrationUse cases and security hardening"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC-" |
"! ... ;)----Learn the Basics of Photoshop & Tools professionally, by our short and simple course!This course will help you to turn into a professional photo & color editor, poster designer and more...Our team is always ready to answer your questions ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"Microsoft Office Excel . Volume 0% Advanced Excel .... ... ... .... ...... ....... ..... ......"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Turkish Language" |
"- . . . . . :1- .2- .3- .4- .5- 6- ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SPSS Statistics Master SPSS" |
"SPSS 22 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Conversation" |
", ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Syllabus Niveau Fondation - 6 EXAMENS - Franais" |
"tes-vous prt passer l'examen de certification ISTQB Foundation Level? Dcouvrez-le en vous testant avec ces tests de pratique.*** Ce cours ne contient pas le matriel d'tude. Ce cours contient 240 questions - 6 Examens***Comment se prparer la certification ISTQB FondationSur trois jours de formation, les participants matriserons :le processus de tests et ses diffrentes tapes,les types de test, leurs caractristiques, leurs choix et leurs mises en oeuvre dans les cycles de vie logiciel,les techniques de cration de cas de test, des scnarios et procdures de test,comment grer les tests, les contrler et faire le suiviLe choix des outils et leurs utilisationsDescription de l'examen ISTQB Fondation:Lexamen de certification Testeur ISTQB niveau fondation est un QCM lectronique de 40 questions. Il se droule en 1 heure pendant la dernire demi-journe de formation sous le contrle dun examinateur asserment par lISTQB. Il faut 65% de bonnes rponses pour obtenir la certification. Les rsultats sont connus immdiatement en fin dexamen puis confirms avec lenvoi dun certificat par lorganisme GASQ (Global Association for Software Quality).Un questionnaire choix multiples. Lexamen est structur en 40 questions. Pour russir cet examen: il faut obtenir au moins 65% (26 rponses justes)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Informtica Sistema Operativo Windows 10" |
"Aprender las bases de la Informtica aplicada desde un sistema Operativo Windows (Versin 10)en este curso aprendern como manipular los programas propios y descargados en windows, accesos rpidos, crear carpetas fcilmente y profesionalmente, como conectar hardware a nuestro equipo, el uso del administrador de dispositivos, particionar un disco, funciones avanzadas desde la consola de windows, y a realizar ustedes mismos el mantenimiento de su sistema operativo, Internet, redes sociales, seguridad en la web, y mucho mas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel desde Principiante a un nivel Avanzado" |
"Aprender a Manejar Microsoft Excel de una Manera Fluida y Profesional:Esta tecnologa es aplicada hoy por hoy en prcticamente todas las empresas, negocios ya que es una herramienta necesaria para la contabilizacin, clculos, anlisis financieros, datos, grficos, balances, estadstica, etc...Por todo lo descripto anteriormente es fundamental e imprescindible que aprendas a manejar excel, con este conocimiento logrars mayores posibilidades laborales, y podrs crear proyectos profesionales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Zero to R Hero - learning R programming by doing" |
"This class is designed to introduce core programming principles as we work through real world analyses and build your knowledge and capabilities as we progress. No prior programming or statistics experience is required.After completing the course, you will have developed a foundation of basic ability to program in R, be capable of performing statistical analyses using R, and be familiar with how to generate meaningful graphical output of results.R is like any other programming language in that it has a steep learning curve. This class will reduce that learning curve through active learning whereby you learn by doing as everything we do in this class will involve real-life data and hands-on activities.Throughout this course you will learn R programming through hands-on practical examples using real data. These examples are drawn from a variety of fields including social and physical sciences as well as business. Through this hands-on approach you will actively learn how to solve multiple common problems facing R users in academia, private industry, and data science in general. This unique approach will foster your ability to solve problems using R and it will allow the relevance and power of Rs tools to become apparent.We will begin by exploring the core principles of programming, basic statistical analyses and data visualizations. Then we will continue to build your knowledge and progress on to more powerful techniques that are widely used by data scientists, including time series analysis and forecasting, and machine learning. The course contains many hours of hands-on tutorials and multiple exercises where you will test your ability to apply analysis techniques to real world datasets.Im looking forward to beginning our journey into R and turning you into a confident and accomplished R user!Ill see you in class,David Keellings"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Diseo Industrial Automotriz Curso Catia V5 Premium+ 28horas" |
"CUPN DESCUENTO: ""CatiaV5_11"". Aplicalo y tendrs un descuento!Tengo ms de 10 cursos de Catia V5 en Udemy, que cubren diferentes mdulos de Catia, este curso incluye TODOS los cursos que tengo en Udemy y TODOS los nuevos cursos relacionados con Catia V5 que voy subiendo cada mes. No es necesario que compres varios de mis cursos, solo con comprar este curso, ya tienes incluidos todos los otros cursos que tengo de Catia V5. Usa el CUPN ""CATIAV5_11"" y obtendrs un descuento sobre el precio que marca esta publicacin. Este es un curso integral de Catia V5, aqu vas a encontrar todo lo que necesitas saber de Catia V5 para convertirte en un experto y trabajar como Ingeniero CAD en empresas de automocin y aeronutica. Echa un vistazo al programa y las clases que tenemos en abierto y te convencers. Son mas de 10 aos de experiencia profesional en Catia V5 reunidos en un solo curso!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si lo que buscas es una formacin ms profunda y supervisada en Catia V5, y tienes tiempo para dedicarle 3 a 5 horas a la semana, entonces te recomiendo el Master en Catia V5 de masterCAD, lo puedes encontrar en la web de masterCAD, en el Master de Catia V5 encontrars: Todo el material que hay en este curso de Udemy y adems:Ms ejercicios resueltos y piezas reales de la industria.Revisin personal de todas las piezas que hagas a traves de Slack.Explicacin mas detallada de comandos y temario visto en mayor profundidad.Revisin y correccin de todos tus ejercicios, comentados y con las indicaciones para mejorar en el diseo.Mentor personal disponible las 24h por Slack, para responder todas tus dudas acerca de Catia V5.Varios canales de comunicacin con tu mentor: Whatssapp, Telefono, Slack, Zoom, presencial.Certificado Oficial de masterCAD al finalizar cada mdulo.Bolsa de trabajo de Catia V5, tanto para Espaa como para Mxico.Lgicamente, el curso externo es mas caro pero la inversin merece la pena, si quieres ms detalles:Mxico y LATAM:mastercad punto com punto mx / catiav5Usa en la web de masterCAD (mastercad punto com punto mx / catiav5), el CUPN ""UDEMY"" y tendrs un 50% de descuento sobre el precio marcado en la maestra de Catia V5.Espaa y UE:mastercadespaa punto esUsa en la web de masterCAD (mastercadespaa punto es), el CUPN ""UDEMY"" y tendrs un 50% de descuento sobre el precio marcado en el Master de Catia V5.Adems si eres autnomo o una empresa en Espaa, la formacin en Catia V5 puede salirte gratis para ti y tus empleados, si quieres ms informacin de como conseguir esta subvencin del Gobierno de Espaa, entra a nuestra web (mastercadespaa punto es) y escrbenos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No lo compres desde la aplicacin de Google Play de Android, cmpralo desde la web de Udemy en internet usando el cupn ""CATIAV5_11"" y consigue un descuento.Adems solo por comprar este curso con este cupn ""CATIAV5_11"" te dar acceso gratuito a contenido extra relacionado con Catia V5.Solo escrbeme despus de realizada tu compra para que te de el acceso.Los mdulos que puedes encontrar ya mismo en este curso son:Part Design bsico y avanzado.Drafting bsico y avanzadoAssembly Design bsico y avanzado.Generative Shape Design (superficies) bsico y avanzado.Mdulos de procesos y simulacin de mecanizado (Latte Machining, Prismatic Machining, Advanced Machining...)Mdulos de Analisis por Elementos Finitos (FEM)Plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE de Dassault Systemes, CATIA Fundamentals APPS.masterCAD Responde, resolucin de las dudas de nuestros alumnos en publico.En este curso vas a encontrar mas de 28 horas de video, muchas clases te las puedes descargar y tienes todo lo necesario para convertirte en un experto en los diferentes mdulos de Catia V5: Part Design, Drafting, GD&T y Generative Shape Design (superficies).Adems te doy acceso exclusivo al espacio de trabajo de masterCAD en Slack, aqu podrs:Descargarte los ejercicios de otros alumnos de masterCAD y ver como los han resuelto.Preguntarme todas las dudas que tengas.Ver las respuestas a las dudas de otros alumnos.Hablar con los otros alumnos.Ningn curso mas en todo Udemy te ofrece esta gran oportunidad de interactuar y aprender junto con la comunidad de alumnos de Catia V5 de masterCAD.Si lo que buscas es un curso que te ensee todo lo que hay que saber de Catia V5, desde lo mas sencillo hasta lo mas complicado, creado por un experto con aos de experiencia profesional en la industria automotriz y explicado de manera sencilla y sobre todo practico con multiples ejercicios resueltos paso a paso...Entonces, adelante este es el curso que estabas buscando!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Guitarist's Guide to Instagram" |
"If you want get real playing opportunities as a guitarist and don't know where to start or just feel a little stuck, this workshop is for you! We will work together to help you learn how to create an Instagram (all the way from your bio to creating guitar videos) that sets you up to get get the gigs you want and meet other musicians so you can play out more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA e Macros" |
"RequisitoExcel 2007 ou mais recente;Conhecimento de Excel Bsico ou Intermedirio;No precisa ter conhecimento prvio de programao;DescrioEste curso foi desenvolvido aps anos de experincia profissional no mercado de trabalho e publicao de diversos livros sobre o tema. Ele resume de forma rpida e prtica todos os conceitos essenciais para o aprendizado de macros e programao VBA.O curso tem como ponto de partida a aplicao de conceitos simples que permitem integrar o Excel a automao de tarefas. Como segunda etapa, o curso comea a abordagem da programao com a apresentao de variveis, estruturas de repetio at chegar em formulrios e desenvolvimentos mais elaborados. um curso ideal para voc que teve pouco ou nenhum contato prvio com programao. So dezenas de exemplos, projetos e exerccios para entender de uma forma completa a aplicao de macros e VBA.Alguns exemplos de projetos abordados Automao de relatrios; Importao e tratamento de dados; Envio automtico de e-mails; Controle de acesso na planilha; Importao de dados em massa; Criar uma rplica de pong em VBA; Formulrio de cadastro de Cliente; E muito mais;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Cabin Crew!" |
"Taught by former cabin crew from world's top international airline, this course will give you information and insight into the aviation industry that you can find nowhere else. You will learn how to portray yourself confidently, prepare yourself for strict airline grooming standards and also understand the importance of speaking using service language. If being a cabin crew is your dream career, this course will help prepare you to achieve it."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Your First Impressions Count the Most - Master Yours Today" |
"Do You Make Your First Impressions Count?Your first impressions MATTER a lot!Whether you are pitching your product, service, or big idea to potential customers and clients.Preparing for your new job interview or you want to make a great connection with the people you meet Your ""first interactions"" are the most CRITICAL of all.Simply because,Your First Thoughts and Feelings StickEven if your first impression of someone is hasty and incorrect it colors how you feel about them for YEARS to come.Whether good or bad its not easy to wipe away the first thoughts and feelings you had about someone.This is true not only of people you meet, but also brands and their products.It's just as important for ""businesses to consider"" the first impression they make and leverage it to make the best impression possible.First Impressions Influence Customers to Buy from You or NotNo matter how great your products and services or your unique value proposition may be, the FIRST impression you make on potential customers is largely what ""influences"" them to eventually buy from you.From the very beginning, you need to make a good impression one that SELLS and continue developing this impression through your relationship with the client or customer.How Do You Do This?You need to Identify the ""key elements"" to making a good, lasting first impression this will lead to you gaining MORE customers and clients, and building a stronger relationship with them.The 3 Key Elements to Making A Good First ImpressionThe 3 elements to making a good, lasting first impression are Know, Like, and Trust!Discovering how to get people to Know, Like, and Trust you in BOTH, your business and personal life can be a game-changer.Who wouldnt want more customers and clients for their business?Who wouldnt want stronger relationships with family, friends, and loved ones?Getting people to Know, Like, and trust you is the real foundation of a good, lasting first impression.Want to Know More?Your First Impressions Count CourseThis course will WALK you through the challenges of making a great first impression.Split into 3 simple but powerful sections for you, called,Know and Be KnownHow to Make People Like YouGaining TrustYou receive assignments, videos and fill in the blank worksheet templates all expertly crafted, to get you up and running, making great first impressions, in no time at all.The sections are accompanied by real hands-on exercises, enabling you to quickly and easily put concepts from Your First Impressions Count Course into practice in your own life.By the time you finish this course, you'll be able to:Identify the ""3 key elements"" to making a good, lasting first impression every time.Easily CRAFT 1 professional strength and personal story, relevant to your market helping people to get to know you, on a more professional and personal level.Confidently put into practice the 3 key characteristics that will make you LIKABLE to others.Quickly identify and eliminate ""untrustworthy qualities"" so you can gain people's full trust and acceptance.And so much moreJoin this course today, to START making first impressions that really count.Your customers, clients, prospects, and people need to Know, Like and Trust you.If you understand the 3 keys in Your First Impressions Count Course and put them into practice you too can make the type of first impressions that lead to long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.Join up today you will be glad you did!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Competitor Analysis - Research Rivals and Influence Markets" |
"How To Research Your Competition And Dominate The MarketIn todays ever-changing business landscape researching your competition is not only needed, its a MUSTImagine, if you could lift the lid on your market, right now seeing clearly, whats working and what isnt.You could KEEP tabs on all your competitors seeing their ""most valuable"" traffic and customer sources.You could SEE, swipe, and model as your own the ""most profitable"" content, campaigns and ads in your market or industry.You could ACCESS your competitors customers, clients, and visitors turning them into dedicated ""FANS"" of your own products or service.If you had access to all this ""insider market information"" and more, do you think it could HELP you in your business?Heres Why You Need to Know What Your Competition Is Up To For instance,If you can see what keywords and targeting bring your competition the most traffic, visitors, and conversions this alone would ""save you countless hours"" of wasted time and energy.No more wasting your valuable effort and energy targeting keywords, markets, and trends that simply wont convert for you.Lets suppose for a moment,You can SEE ALL the ads your competitor has ever run and you notice one of their ad campaigns has been running for six months or more now, this could mean one of two things!They like wasting money on ads that dont work.They have an ad thats working or they wouldnt be running it for this long.My guess is number 2 what would you say?How Competitor Analysis Helps Your BusinessWhat Sets You Apart You can ""uniquely fulfill"" the needs of your market in a way that no one else is currently doing it.Avoid Doing What's Been Done Knowing what your competitors are doing is a great way to make sure you don't do something that's already been done.Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses Through comparison with your competitors, you can understand which ""natural strengths"" you can play to for an advantage, as well as which areas need improvement.Identify Opportunities If you know what your competition is (and isn't) doing, you can ""find gaps"" where they're not meeting the needs of the market.Find Ideas ""Learn from your competitor's mistakes."" Take note of your competitors successes and failures, analyzing these successes and failures for wisdom you can use in your own business.Deep Dive into Your MarketCompetitive analysis is about knowing your competition and their customers knowing your competitors well, helps you know your own business better.You can better understand why your customers choose you over the competitors and how you can further appeal to those customers.Think of your competition as the ""profitability test"" for your market.Deep diving into your market gives you a CLEAR MAP something you can then follow for your own business success.Find out whats working best, so you can emulate and apply it.Find out whats not working, so you can avoid it.Find out what your competition is missing, so you can fill that need or gap in the marketplace.Jim Rohn once said: ""Success leaves clues. Be a better observer of the winners and the losers, those who are doing well, and those who are falling behind. Take mental notes and say: Im going to adjust what Im doing based on what I see.""Now If youre thinking, ""This ALL sounds great, but where do I start?Competitive Analysis is a complex and time-consuming process, right! Then you need this course Competitor Analysis - The 4 Step Plan to Researching Your CompetitionIn this course, you'll learn much more than just what's happening in your market.This ""Competitor Analysis Course"" WALKS you through the 4 main steps and challenges of researching your competition.Discover how to gather as much information and intelligence as possible on your competition Analyze this data and then compare it to your own business Allowing you to then make the most profitable, precise and dominating business changes possible.This easy to follow ""four-step process,"" helps you keep an eye on your competition and a finger firmly on the pulse of your market.Never miss a thing ever again The Four Steps Are:Step 1: Gather Competitor Data. In this step, you'll identify who your competitors are, what information you need to gather, and how best to do it.Step 2: Research Your Competitor's Customers. You'll learn as much as possible about your competitor's customers so you can better understand their needs.Step 3: Analyze Your Competitive Data. This stage is where you take all of the data you've gathered, and analyze it in terms of strengths and weaknesses.Step 4: Assess Your Competitive Standing. Here, you'll assess the results of your analysis and where there are opportunities for your business, comparing yourself to your competition.This ""Competitor Analysis Course,"" gives you the tools and skills NEEDED to deep dive into any business, market, audience, or customer base, you like.By the Time You Finish This CourseYou will have:Identified who your MAIN competitors are.Employed techniques to ""keep an eye"" on your competitors and gather data about them.Used similar techniques to LEARN about your competitor's customers.Analyzed this data to CREATE summary profiles of your major competitors.Assessed the data you gathered in ""comparison with your own business"" in order to understand your own strengths and weaknesses.Identified potential opportunities where you can STAND OUT from your competition.If you understand the ""easy to follow 4-step process"" in your ""Competitor Analysis Course"" and put it into practice you too can fully research your competition and maybe even dominate your market?Dont delay it, join this course today, and let your competitive research begin.Really, the last thing you need is your competition joining this course before you and getting to know all about you FIRST.Join up today to lift the lid on your market you'll be glad you did!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Fotografia Profissional Para Iniciantes" |
"Todas as partes deste curso tem somente um objetivo: te oferecer todos os recursos possveis para voc ter xito no mundo fotogrfico. Se voc est aqui, porque quer aprimorar seus conhecimentos e buscar ferramentas para aprender e progredir.Este curso busca ser o mais prtico possvel. No vamos ensinar aqui o que uma cmera, qual sua histria e outros temas no relevantes para a prtica. Aqui voc ir aprender princpios e tcnicas fundamentais, utilizando ferramentas tecnolgicas atuais.Sobre mim, sou fotgrafo certificado pelo Instituto de Fotografia de Nova Iorque (New York Institute of Photography), j fui finalista de 2 concursos internacionais (Moscow International Foto awards e Monochrome Photography Awards) e j trabalhei como fotgrafo para grandes empresas no Brasil e no exterior.Lembre-se que, para seu trabalho ser chamativo, voc tem que ser criativo e sair um pouco do fluxo. Portanto, quanto mais conhecimentos e tcnicas souber, mais poder chegar perto de fazer um trabalho do jeito que quer. a partir deste princpio que veremos a importncia de saber controlar a cmera manualmente, eliminando o modo automtico. Vrias ferramentas sero apresentadas para voc ""sair do automtico"" e criar a sua arte do jeito que imaginar, sem limitaes. Vamos comear?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sharon's numerology -Sharon" |
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
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"A total of five chaptersfrom the root of the disease, there are some aspects that can be choose. and there is a wide discussion about the relationship between emotion and disease, and it is suggested that the self-treatment breathing of mindfulness can find health by consciousness.The best medicine - is yourself -Chap. 1 Introduction Chap. 2 Source of disease Chap. 3 Emotions and diseases Chap. 4 Honest body (homework 1) ()Chap. 5 Mindfulness self-treatment breathing (homework 2) ()*All my class is Chinese and English double subtitles"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |