Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso Integral de Locucin para Voice Over" |
"Quieres hacer algo ms que tu programa de radio? ser la voz oficial de tu emisora y marca favorita? El curso integral de locucin para voice over comprende la explicacin de tcnicas narrativas avanzadas para la grabacin de los formatos ms solicitados por los productores y agencias del mercado hispano del voice over como E learnings, audio libros, IVR contestadoras telefnicas, radio imaging y comerciales. Conoce herramientas para la comprensin de textos, las intenciones e intensiones, reacciones emotivas, consideraciones gramaticales fundamentales durante la narracin, aspectos ticos y tcnicos necesarios para la carrera de la voz grabada, entre otros temas de inters para quienes quieran ampliar sus horizontes y oportunidades laborales usando sus cualidades vocales con estndares internacionales."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Toon Boom - Let' create your first character" |
"In this class, we will learn an introduction to the toon boom harmony premium. by the end of this class, you will be able to create a new scene, learn to use drawing tools, create and organize color pallets and create your own character which is ready for rigging and animation. This class is created for a complete beginner, but still, anyone who is interested to learn the industry-standard 2D animation software can enroll and learn to create amazing animations for youtube, professional works, and other visual media. To follow the course you will need a copy of the harmony premium, which you can get from the official toon boom website for trial. I hope all of you are ready and let's explore the world of animation."
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"Indian Classical Raag Yaman details,improvisation techniques" |
"A complete understanding about Raag Yaman can be extracted from the course. We have tried to elaborately explain a range of details starting from the basic to intricacies and complexities of raag Yaman. Lecture videos start from introduction of notes used in the raag and the importance of first fifth note combinations in the raag to phrase development within the raag and improvisation techniques. We have also provided three compositions each set to different taals (beat cycles) along with its notation. The videos explain improvisation techniques within a composition along with making of fast tempo taan sargams. Any student after watching the complete course will be able to learn all nuances of raag Yaman and develop the skills to improvise and creatively sing the Raag with proper practice as demonstrated in the video. Towards the end we have demonstrated how this raag has been widely used in commercial/bollywood music with examples and how to identify the raag in any song."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Leaders Beyond Title - Soft Skills for Excellent Leadership" |
"Leaders Beyond Title is purely a practical course; no boring theories, no unnecessary information, no time wasting. Short, precise and effective for anyone who is looking to develop real time skills for excellent leadership. This course is going to deliver to you seven skills used by leaders you have been admiring and wondering how they do it. Some of the soft skills that you will be thought in this course include:1. Focus: how do you hone a strong focus to the point of becoming very hard to distract, you are going to be thought the secrets that can help you do this in the course2. Persuasion: Leadership is all about working with other people. As a leader, how do you convince someone to get themselves interested in your mission and make them want to work with you? What persuasion is, and most importantly, how you can become a good persuader is part of what this course is going to teach you.3. Leverage: You want to be able to achieve so much within the space of 24 hours the nature has blessed us with per day? You want to know the secrets which all these super productive guys have been employing? That is exactly what this section of the course is going to teach you.Other skills that you will be thought in this course includes: Integrity, Human Relations, Persistence and Value addition. The secrets with which you can become an expert in these skills are the integral parts of this course structure. This course can be enrolled in by anyone, its simple enough to be understood by anyone, yet good enough to deliver the value you desire to you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon eCommerce management Base" |
"ATTENZIONE. Il superamento dellesame di questo corso un requisito necessario per il conseguimento dei badge:Amazon Leader e Amazon Operational LeaderAmazon Marketing SpecialistAmazon Customer Service SpecialistAmazon Digital Analytics SpecialistAmazon eCommerce Management Base il tuo corso se vuoi iniziare ad operare sul marketplace di Amazon.Il corso si compone di 13 moduli video, che puoi guardare quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Alla fine di ogni modulo puoi sostenere un test di autovalutazione per verificare le competenze che hai acquisito."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Amazon eCommerce Management Avanzato" |
"ATTENZIONE. Il superamento dellesame di questo corso un requisito necessario per il conseguimento dei badge:Amazon Leader e Amazon Operational LeaderAmazon Marketing SpecialistAmazon Customer Service SpecialistAmazon Digital Analytics SpecialistAmazon eCommerce Management Avanzato il tuo corso se vuoi iniziare ad operare sul marketplace di Amazon.Il corso si compone di 11 moduli video, che puoi guardare quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Alla fine di ogni modulo puoi sostenere un test di autovalutazione per verificare le competenze che hai acquisito."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso HACCP - E-Learning con Attestato Alimentaristi" |
"Bologna HACCP supporta e accompagna aziende e privati a creare un Sistema Qualit in grado di soddisfare le richieste dellAutorit competenti. I corsi di formazione previsti sono utili ad acquisire competenze spendibili nel mondo del lavoro. La formazione un momento in cui i membri dellimpresa, affiancati da un docente qualificato, affrontano temi inerenti alla sicurezza alimentare.Aggiornamento - Corso Accreditato dal Servizio Sanitario Regionale dellEmilia- Romagna con numero di Accreditamento N. 07 del 15/11/2019, con scadenza al 15/11/2024.IMPORTANTE: 1. Al fine di conseguire l'attestato HACCP necessario, dopo l'acquisto del corso, visionare il 100% dei video formativi quindi sostenere l'esame finale. Solo dopo il superamento della prova a fine corso sar possibile accedere alla sezione di richiesta attestato. La mancata visione dei video preclude la possibilit di ricevere l'attestato finale. In caso di difficolt nella richiesta dell'Attestato contattare info@bolognahaccp.itN.B. L'attestato riconosciuto dalla regione arriver dalla mail; anche la piattaforma Udemy rilascia un attestato, che per non ha alcuna validit a livello legale/professionale.2. Se siete un'azienda e necessitate di fattura a fine corso, scriveteci a, faremo fare il corso ai vostri dipendenti tramite coupon personalizzati e pagamento anticipato!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Perfect English - Beginners Level l" |
"DescriptionThe Everyday English for the Beginners Series is a thorough and complete series that will get you speaking English more comfortably and confidently! The course is taught by myself, Sarah a Native Canadian English Teacher. With a variety of methods you will be practicing your grammar, reading, speaking, listening and pronunciation. I will take you through an organised and elaborate plan that will help you retain information through repetition and speaking. My courses are aimed at serious learners who want to not only grow but to also understand. This course includes: Theory of Grammar topics.Listening and Speaking Exercises for each Grammar structureA Quiz for each unit to check progress.Each unit focuses on one Grammar topic where we further study the theory and the sentence structure to master our understanding. We then further explore the Grammar topic through Speaking Practice and then Listening Practice. This course is designed in a way that I used when learning my second language. Repetition and consistency is key in learning and language. This course is for you if:You want to improve your English.You want to deeply understand the Language.You want to be able to have fluid, natural conversations.You want to be able to understand Native English Speakers.You are willing to work hard and review often!You want to grow as a person!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IB Maths AA Logarithm (SL/HL)" |
"Comprehensive course of the topic of Log, designed according to the latest syllabus of IB Math AA, under topic 1:number and algebra. Designed to the need of a SL student, but also suitable for HL students. Also included exam question demonstration to show IB exam skills. Also check out my YouTube channel KIDD WSTWTY Math Channel and my Patreon Membership @ KiddCheung"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IB Maths AA Functions (SL)" |
"A comprehensive course on the topic of Functions, designed according to the latest syllabus of IB Math AA SL, under topic 2: FunctionsDesigned to the need of an SL student. Also included exam question demonstration to show IB exam skills. It also covers Quadratic Function in detail, with the graphing technique of Log, Exponential and Rational Functions. Also check out my YouTube channel KIDD WSTWTY Math Channel and my Patreon Membership @ KiddCheung"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition For Beginners: Learn How To Create Your Meal Plan" |
"This is a course for beginners, healthy individuals who tried numerous diets without success and want to learn how to make their own meal plan. In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of macronutrients, micronutrients and how to lose fat and gain muscle.In the second part, I will teach you how to work in a special tool for meal plan creation you will get in this course. I want to make this course interesting so with typical talking head video lessons I created special animated video lessons that are short, dynamic and attractive in order to make your learning experience easier.Why should you enroll in this course?to learn the basics about macronutrients and micronutrientsto stop going from diet to diet without any noticable successto get online tool for meal plan creation to make the process fasterto understand how weight loss process is simple and easyto realize that for muscle gain you just need to follow couple of thingsWhat you will get?education trough animated video lessonslifetime access95 relevant scientific references for every topic that you will learn aboutpractical animated videos with simple explanationsknowledge on how to eat whatever you want and achieve your goalsWhat are you going to learn?why are protein, carbs and fat important for your healthhow specific micronutrients can affect and improve your healthhow to create your own meal plan trough a special toolwhy cutting carbs is a mistakewhy you shouldn't avoid saturated fathow to eat flexible, without any food restrictionshow the weight loss process happens in our bodyhow to achieve muscle growth trough nutrition"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Practice Exam 2020" |
"If you have decided to take on the Certified System Administrator exam you should consider going through the course materials as it will significantly increase your chances to pass the exam.This course is composed out of:180 Multiple Choice Questions and Answer with detailed explanation for each answer.Bonus 40 True or False questions with the answers included.The nature of the questions is based on the ServiceNow real exam blueprint."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"China Crash Kurs Chinesisch Mandarin im Sprachkurs lernen" |
"""Wenn Sie mit einem Mann in einer Sprache sprechen, die er versteht, geht das in seinen Kopf. Wenn Sie mit ihm in seiner Landessprache sprechen, gelangen Sie direkt zu seinem Herzen"" Nelson MandelaSprache verbindet Menschen und genau deshalb bin ich 2018 nach China gegangen und habe angefangen Chinesisch Mandarin zu lernen. Nach einigen Tagen und Wochen konnte ich bereits erste Erfolge erzielen und es ist und war ein groartiges Gefhl. In diesem Anfngerkurs geht es darum dir dieses Gefhl von Selbstsicherheit und Vertrauen im Umfang mit einer Fremdsprache zu verleihen. Die Methodik des Kurses ist ganz klar darauf bedacht dir einen grtmglichen Mehrwert fr deine Zeit zu bieten. Ich habe smtliche Erkenntnisse aus meinen Studienzeiten auf 2 Stunden komprimiert und fr dich Zusammengefasst, sodass auch du ohne Vorkenntnisse gewaltige Schritte in die Richtung eines Mandarin Lehrlings gehen kannst.Ziel dieses Kurses ist, dass du nach Durchlaufen und eigenstndigem Aufgaben sicher im Umgang mit Grundbausteinen und Basisstzen auf chinesisch bist. Dass du dich mit dem einheimischen Straenhndler unterhalten und deine Mahlzeit im Restaurant eigenstndig bestellen kannst. Dass das Land China und dessen Sprache & Kultur dir nhergebracht werden und du einen Einblick in meine Sichtweisen erhlst.Komm mit mir in eine Reise in das Land der Mitte"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a Talent Management Expert in 60 Minutes" |
"SPECIAL $50 BONUS: FREE E-BOOK ABOUT ATTRACTING TOP TALENTS. In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download at the beginning of section ""Modern Recruiting"", THIS SPECIAL E-BOOK IS THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO ATTRACT TOP TALENT AND HOW YOU CAN DO IT! This course will teach you a new, modern way of guiding people and how to make them better. Whether you work in the HR industry or only want to improve your skills, this course is for you!Youll know how to organize a Talent Management Strategy, how to create a Talent Pool, and creative ways of finding Top Talents.With over 25 lessons, this innovative course will make you a Talent Management Expert in no time.This course includes lots of video material, quizzes, tests, and practical guidelines.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Talent Management StrategyEmployer BrandingTalent SourcingTraits of Top TalentModern Recruitingand much more!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Testimonials: ""Very good. I wanted to improve my talent management skills and this course gives innovative ways to do just that!"" - Christy Hayd ""Above all expectations, Here you get practical advice no theory. A good upgrade to my existing skills."" - Victor Hemestz ""First I gave 4.5 but now I changed. this course is for 5.0. The section about Recruiting is very inspiring!"" - Kenan Walshger----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to this course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section 50$ E-Book Attracting Top Talents for FREE Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadEverything I've told you about this course is true.BUT...There is one more thing...This course comes with a 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. No questions asked.So what are you waiting for? Become a Talent Management Expert, increase your knowledge and advance your career!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PopArt en Photoshop" |
"El curso consiste en desarrollar un arte grfico inspirado en el movimiento artstico Pop Art de los aos 50s. Utilizaremos una fotografa real para desarrollar nuestro arte y aprenderemos diferentes temas como: Manejo del canvas, Imgenes en escalas de grises y a blanco y negro, Mscaras de capa, Retoque con pinceles, Objetos inteligentes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terceirizao na Reforma Trabalhista e seus impactos" |
"Orientar e esclarecer como as empresas devero se preparar para a nova terceirizao prevista pela Lei de Terceirizao (Lei n 13.429/2017) e Reforma Trabalhista (Lei n 13.467/2017) e a recente deciso do STF, a qual modifica bruscamente as relaes dos contratos de terceirizao e as relaes de trabalho, diminuindo e consideravelmente o risco de passivos trabalhista."
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
"Mettiti alla prova e fai un upgrade del tuo SQL" |
"Il corso contiene novanta domande di media e alta complessit sul linguaggio Transact SQL, il dialetto di SQL per il database Microsoft SQL Server. Le domande trattano argomenti fondamentali, ma a volte sottovalutati o di cui non si ha piena consapevolezza, per chi lavora quotidianamente con il linguaggio SQL e il database SQL Server. I test sono divisi in cinque sezioni:Scrivere query per interrogare il database (23 domande)Domande sulle operazioni DQL per interrogare il database. Vedremo costrutti relativi alle clausole from, pivot, where, group by, union e all'ordinamento, valutando la funzionalit di costrutti avanzati e di situazioni particolari.Operazioni di aggiornamento del database (20 domande)Esploriamo in profondit le operazioni DDL e DML per l'aggiornamento dello schema e dei dati del database. Scopriremo ad esempio alcune differenze tra truncate e delete, le particolarit del costrutto ""Select Into"", la gestione delle viste. Sono inoltre presenti cinque domande sulle temporal table: utilissima novit di Sql Server 2016 per la storicizzazione automatica degli aggiornamenti di una tabella.Funzioni di T-SQL (15 domande)In questo test entriamo nel mondo delle funzioni di T-SQL, ponendo particolare importanza al modo in cui esse interagiscono con il tipo delle colonne e la presenza di null.Istruzioni avanzate di T-SQL per programmare un database (27 domande)In questo test trattiamo tematiche pi avanzate di T-sql: rapporto tra cte e derived table, limitazioni delle UDF, Stored Procedure, gestione degli errori e delle transazioni, gestione del formato Json.Piano di esecuzione di una query (5 domande)Abbiamo aggiunto cinque nuove domande sul piano di esecuzione delle query! Per entrare nei meandri di Sql Server e comprendere i principali fattori che impattano le performance di una query. Per la natura degli argomenti, le domande saranno poste sempre nello stesso ordine.Le risposte sono commentate con cura e in molti casi presente del codice per testare i risultati e fare degli esperimenti. Mettiti alla prova, testa le tue conoscenze e preparati per l'esame Microsoft 70-761: Querying Data With Transact SQL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Los interesados en conocer con profundidad el negocio deben manejar todos estos detalles para entender correctamente lo que nosotros llamamos el beisbol, aguas abajo Asimismo, la sabermetria llego para quedarse. Cada da se demuestra mas que los patrones de conducta salarial se basan de manera indiscutible en estos indices. No pretendemos hacer juicios de valor sobre ellos sino tratar de mostrar como su uso correcto nos llevara a obtener los mejores resultados. Evaluar y reportar el valor a futuro de bateadores y lanzadores .Podrs disfrutar de una gama de videos que incluye incluso un conversatorio con el futuro Saln de la Fama, Omar Vizquel."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Spring MVC Version 5 with Modern Approach" |
"In this course, you will learn about Spring MVC, which will make you able to develop a web application with a modern approach. In this course, a lot of topics have been added to get deep knowledge on Spring MVC. In this course, we have added some topic related to the ModelMap concept, which helps you to develop an industry-standard web application."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Metodologias Ativas de Aprendizagem na Educao 4.0" |
"Quer um desconto de 100% neste curso? Ento entre no site da Jovens Gnios para pegar o seu cupom.A ideia desse EAD apresentar as tecnologias disponveis, como elas esto sendo aplicadas na educao, qual o papel dos educadores em tudo isso e quais so as metodologias ativas que esto sendo empregadas para acompanhar essas transformaes e tambm o novo perfil de alunos.Com esse curso, os educadores vo entender o panorama geral nas novas formas de educao, na qual o aluno passa por um processo de individualizao da aprendizagem e se torna protagonista nesse processo todo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Mastery For Entrepreneurs" |
"A public speaking course that teaches you what you need to know as an entrepreneur - including an easy sales program and tips for effective networking! Public speaking is one of the most important skills you must learn in order to succeed as an entrepreneur. Your customers, partners, investors, clients, and even your family and community will all be affected by you public speaking skill - what you have and what you don't have! The good news is, you can learn it! Your instructor has thousands of hours of stage time speaking internationally and has coached all levels - from professional speakers to students with stage fright. In addition, he shares his twenty years sales experience on how to increase sales without increasing stress in a bonus video.Course Goal: To teach you - the busy entrepreneur - how to become an impactful public speaker and influential communicator.Course Outline: There are 13 parts in this interactive and entertaining public speaking course full of energy and activities designed around your busy schedule. You will not be overwhelmed or bored. You will be educated and inspired! This course includes exercises in nearly every section, including a FULL workbook for Section 12 (generally sold separately). Upon completing the course I will also provide a free personal evaluation of a speech you send me. Practice in your living room and show me. Let me coach you before you step on stage!The course outline is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Introduction : What you will learn and how to overcome your fear!Section 2: Importance of story: How to find your story ideas and tell your story.Section 3: Becoming the Authority and Earning your right to speak: How to be an expert in your subject.Section 4: What we cover so far: Quick review and how to find your one message.Section 5: Storytelling: Importance of storytelling and ways to use storytelling.Section 6: Type of speeches: How to identify type of speeches and combine them together to make your speech more impactful. Section 7: Short Speeches: How to prepare for short speeches (by watching a short video).Section 8: Making an impromptu talk: How to make an impromptu talk.Section 9: Let's talk about humor: How to add humor to your speech - a serious subject.Section 10: Delivery the talk: How to deliver the talk including: vocal variety, visual aid, stage movement, and gestures.Section 11: : How to memorize your speech: How to memorize your speech and why is it important.Section 12: Using Public Speaking to Increase Sales: How to implement public speaking to sales and how to sell even if you don't love sales (but have to do it anyway).Section 13: Congratulations and Secret Bonus: How to network so they remember you (quick tips). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You take this course around your schedule:Go straight through it! It'll take about 3 hours.You can take during the gaps in your life (waiting at the airport, a Sunday afternoon, or after that meeting that got done a bit early - hey, it could happen!You can choose to take only the topics that interest you the most and then go back through the rest. The course does build on itself however so you might find yourself bouncing around a bit.This Course is Based on Real Practical Experience. I have been an award winning public speaker with a Bachelors of Science (with honors) in Speech Communications. In addition to thousands of hours of stage time speaking, I also have 20 years of acting experience - I teach you how to emotionally connect with your audience. Lastly, for most of my working life I have been a top sales executive. For the past few years I have been running my own business - I understand sales, influence, and how communication can affect the the bottom line of any business.--------------------------------------------------------------------- What students are saying about David Fisher:KAREN MCGREGOR, FOUNDER OF ROCKTHESTAGE, TEDX AND TONY ROBBINS POWER OF SUCCESS SPEAKERDavid Fisher was instrumental in helping me deliver a TEDx script that contained challenging dialogue and make it fun and entertaining for both me and the audience. He was also the reason I received a huge unexpected burst of laughter and applause - his guidance helped me to up my game and deliver the best talk I could possibly give. Thank you, David!CATHERINE CHEN, FOUNDER OF FUTURE VIt was my pleasure to work with David. He has been the teacher of Leaders of Tomorrow Academy since 2017. His professional actors background, his vivid teaching style and boundless enthusiasm made him a beloved teacher. I received quite a lot comments from his students, and they told me that they enjoyed the classes with David and learned so much on speaking skills, performance skills and leaderships key values. He was much loved and highly respected by all his students. Under his coach, students made a lot of progress and became better speakers.David also coached Jenny on her TEDxStanleyPark speech delivery preparation before the Conference. David is an expert on performance, and he helped Jenny not only to perform better but also to ease her pressure before the Conference.SARAH FREW AND SARA HINSON, HR AT PLENTYOFFISH.COMWe were looking for someone to come into the office during one of our weekly lunch and learns to teach and share valuable tips around public speaking. David did a superb job at providing examples on how to conquer the initial fear and how simply changing your mindset goes a long way. David was informative, professional and relatable. He shared some real life examples which made everyone feel comfortable and the overall feeling in the room was very positive. He used humor to engage the audience and his interactive workshops were memorable and insightful. We had some great feedback from employees and we would be more than happy to recommend David.******You're effectiveness as a speaker not only changes you, it changes your audience. Not only does it change your audience, it changes their circle of influence! What you do on stage, in front of your team, or at that event can literally impact lives you will never meet. Not only that, you build a fan base, are considered an authority in your field, and doors will open for you that you didn't know existed.Effective public speaking can change your life. We know because it's changed our lives.David Fisher : InstructorLadda Boonmee : Producer"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development - How to Diagnose Organizations" |
"Have you ever wondered what organizational development practitioners really do during the first weeks when diagnosing an organization? The books all say: Interviews, Observations, Questionnaires, and Unobtrusive Measures. But how can you really create a comprehensive and systemic understanding of an organization, and that all within a few weeks. This course will provide you with Tools and Methods just as we also apply them when organization diagnosis. You will be able to go out and do semi-structured interviews to gain understanding of the organizational values, the organizational structure, the vision and mission of the organization, or gain knowledge of the day-to-day problems managers and employees face. I will also provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to do structured observations to know more about how supervisors spend their time, analyze the effectiveness of meetings, or also how effective employees organize their daily activities.You will have the opportunity to learn and try out various types of surveys to gain understanding of the organizational culture, employee values, or leadership styles.There are many more tools and methods you will get to know and be able to apply. Providing structure to the course I used the McKinsey 7S Model, which leads to following design of the course:Section 1 will provide you an overview of the course outline and objective, the McKinsey 7S framework, as well as the context by taking a quick look at Kurt Lewin's change model, and the action research model.Section 2 shortly presents an overview of the fours main methods used during an organization diagnosis: interviews, observations, questionnaires, and unobtrusive measures.Section 3 is all about Shared Values and will show you how you can take a culture walk, do interviews, use survey tools to gain an understanding of the underlying values. Section 4 is looking at Structures and you will learn on how to analyze an organizations structure, the formal as well as the informal one.Section 5 will look at Strategy, and you will get to know how to gain an understanding of the oganizations strategy and long term goals, as well as the alignment and the goal agreement within the organization.Section 6 will provide you with the tools and methods to analyze and visualize Systems and processes, mainly by learning more about the brown paper methods or flow charts. Some real life examples will help you to develop a better understanding of these methods.Section 7 is all about Style - leadership and management style, and how you can utilize interviews, observations and surveys to gain good understanding.Section 8 provides you with tools and methods to diagnose all you need to know about Staff. Like surveys to understand values, interviews, observations to know labor and time utilization. Also learn to map human capital and evaluate the effectiveness of the talent management in place.Section 9 is about Skills, and will provide you with the know-how in how to develop a skills matrix and further on gauge the skills with the training needs.Section 10 is about Unobtrusive Measures and will provide you with some real life examples to support your next search for data.Section 11 will provide you with knowledge about content and characteristics of the information you should present during this final Feedback meeting. And how you manage the energy in such a way that the organization gets ready for the change."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development - How to Make Use of Interviews" |
"Interviews, especially one-on-one are considered time consuming. But they are the most powerful tools during the process of diagosing an organization. The diagnosis phase is the unfreezing phase, it is of paramount importance to develop trust and gain credibility. To achieve that the interview simply is the best tool we have in the toolbox.This course will provide you with general information on interviews and also interview techniques.You will be able to go out and do semi-structured interviews to gain understanding of the organizational values, or gain knowledge of the day-to-day problems managers and employees face. After the introduction to the course and interviews in more general, section 2 will focus on doing interviews with managers, the do's and don'ts. It will also provide you with an outline for typical questions, you can right away put into action.Section 3 then will focus on doing interviews with employees, again the do's and don'ts. I will tell you my experiences and you can learn from there. Also in this section you will find an interview guideline allowing you to put your learning into action.Section 4 then focuses on culture interviews. Understanding underlying values during a change process is so important. This section will provide you with a set of questions you can either use for separate interviews, or integrate during other interviews. Or simply ask people in a more informal setting."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development - How to Make Use of Observations" |
"Observations are an essential part of any OD diagnosis, helping us - together with interviews, surveys and unobtrusive measures - to develop a clear and comprehensive understanding of any organization. Before we can design a more effective organization, we have to understand the current one. Observations are a more direct way of collecting data. Clearly the advantages of observations are that they are free of biased inherent in self-report data. As an OD practitioner you will be put in direct touch with the behaviors in question, without having to rely on others' perceptions. Observations provide us with real time data, describing behavior occurring in the present rather than the past. Finally observations are adaptive in that you can modify what you chose to observe depending on the circumstances.This course provides you with various examples enabling you to develop better understanding of how observations can be done, so you will be ready to do observations yourself, as well as modify the presented examples.This course will first provide you with general information on observations.The focus in section 2 is on organizational values, and how you can develop understanding of mental models, underlying values by doing observations through a culture walk. And activity using the enclosed guideline will help you putting your new knowledge into action. Section 3 focuses doing observations in meetings to gain an understanding of how effective meetings are held in an organization and allowing you to draw conclusions on management styles applied in the organization. Again an activity with enclosed guideline and observation spreadsheet will enable you to put your knowledge straight into action.In Section 4 the focus lies on time allocation of first line managers. Considering the fact that members of this management level are the ones spending most of their time directing and controlling, training, inspiring and encourage employees, it is paramount to gain an understanding of their behaviors. This section will provide you with the knowledge in how you can do that. The enclosed guideline and observation spreadsheet again will enable to you to go out and do it right away.Section 5 the focuses on labor utilization and effective time utilization. Structured observations will help you to gain a thorough understanding of the efficiency levels in chosen areas within an organization. And more detailed observations will also allow you to understand the effectiveness of allocated times. Enclosed guidelines and observations spreadsheets again will help you to try out the learning immediately."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"True YOUR Wheel: Diabetes for Medical Assistants" |
"Every Medical Assistant encounters patients with Diabetes. Learn about the different conditions with the word ""Diabetes"" in the diagnosis (there are 7!), the diagnostic criteria for Diabetes, interpreting various blood glucose ranges and understanding when it is an emergency, helpful tips in teaching your patients, and using glucose pattern management to improve care. Patient cases are used to illustrate the practical application of the materials. Suggest 1.0 continuing education hours; curriculum provided to submit to your accrediting agency."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"True YOUR Wheel: Success With Bariatric Surgery" |
"This course is intended for those who have made the decision to have bariatric surgery (gastric bypass or gastric sleeve). This guide will help you establish healthy habits that will enhance your probability of success, to set up a successful plan. Information covered includes the preparation phase, the preoperative phase, the postoperative / recovery phase, and habits for the rest of your life. An extensive workbook accompanies the course for you to print, and includes several tips."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"E-mail Marketing Prtico" |
"***30 DIAS DE GARANTIA***OU VOC FICA SATISFEITO, OU RECEBE TODO SEU DINHEIRO DE VOLTA!!!Email Marketing Rpido e Fcil um curso online que busca, maneira simples e direta, engrenar as vendas do seu negcio online.Aplicando o conhecimento compartilhado aqui, nesse material, voc vai descobrir qual a sensao de ver notificaes de vendas aparecendo no seu celular depois de ter configurado toda sua estrutura.Tambm vai descobrir algumas estratgias para escrever Emails Persuasivos que so capazes de gerar uma alta taxa de converso.Nesse curso voc ter acesso a: Como Construir Uma Base De Emails De Pessoas Altamente Interessadas No Seu Produto. Como Criar Sua Sistema Automtico E Gratuito Para Vender Bastante. O Segredo Das Tcnicas De Copywriting Mais Poderosas Para Escrever Emails Persuasivos. O Tipo De Email Usado Por Grandes Copywriters Do Mercado Para Aquecer A Lista E Vender Para Ela. Como Colocar Ttulos Testados Que Aumentam Bastante A Sua Taxa De Abertura, Como Criar Modelos De Emails Persuasivos, Uma Tcnica Que Aumenta A Taxa De Clique Absurdamente E Muito Mais."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Increase Your Marketing ROI with Content Repurposing" |
"The content that's created from blogging is a crucial piece of organic marketing. But, for many business owners, it can take a long time to develop one piece of content, most commonly, a blog post. Between planning, researching, writing, editing, finding images and finally publishing, you could spend upwards of a full day, maybe even a few days, on the entire process.Then what? Share the blog post on social media and send it out in a newsletter? Thats not where the life of your content needs to end. In this course, youll learn how to increase your marketing ROI by turning that one article into a variety of other content pieces that can be used to drive traffic, boost social media engagement, educate customers and more.In each lesson, well cover a new way to transform one of your articles into another valuable content asset. Your project will be to create that new repurposed content at the end of each lesson. If you choose to complete every project, youll finish the course with SIX new pieces of content!The class is ideal for small business owners, content marketers, blog managers, or anyone in charge of content management.While there are no required resources, youll get the most from this course if you already have published blog content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Pronunciation" |
"In this course, students will learn how to improve their pronunciation/accent and speak English more clearly and with confidence. Students will also increase their understanding of English as they explore both the segmental (individual) sounds of English and the suprasegmentals (i.e., stress, rhythm, intonation).The complete course consists of 3 parts and will cover 9 core pronunciation features. This is part ONE of the complete course.Part 1: Segmentals: Vowels and Diphthongs 10 main vowel sounds in English5 main diphthongs (mixed vowel sounds sounds)Part 2: Segmentals: Consonants24 consonant sounds in EnglishPart 3: Suprasegmentals (the music of the English language)IntonationRhythm/sentence stressWord stressThought groupsLinkingBlending"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Endstri Mhendislii Giri: Talep Tahmini, retim Planlama" |
"Neler renceksiniz?Zaman serilerinde ngr(forecast), toplu retim planlama(Aggregate Planning) ve dorusal programlama(linear programming) metodlarn akademik eitimlerin mfredatna uygun bir ekilde ileyeceimiz bu derste, teorik ve tamamen formle dayal ksmlarn mantn anlamaya alacaz. Dersin rencilerini snava hazrlamay hedefleyen bu kurs, niversite eitimi kalitesinde olup ayn zamanda hzlandrlm bir ekilde hazrlanmtr. Dersin ierii forml kullanm ve el alkanl gerektirdiinden, bu derste detaylara alabilmek iin bolca soru zeceiz.Neden Bu Kurs?Simple Academy ekibi olarak kurslarmz en kapsaml ekilde hazrlyor ve gncel tutabilmek iin elimizden geleni yapyoruz. Ayn zamanda sorularnza annda cevap bulabileceksiniz.Sadelii ve kaliteyi misyonumuz olarak konumlandrdmz iin, kurslarmzda bilgi kirliliine rastlamayacak ve gerek animasyonlu anlatmlarmz gerek ise elenceli altrmalarmzla renmek istediiniz konuyu en etkili ekilde renceksiniz.Her kursumuzda 30 gn iinde para iadesi sunuyoruz. Memnun kalmadnz anda hi soru sormadan iade edebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ayurveda and Ashtangahridayam" |
"This course is mainly aimed at students who want to know more about Ayurveda. This course consists of 25 slides explaining mainly about the important concepts in ayurveda. Description about the three vital humors of the body is included in this course. This course covers the topics like six seasons,panchakarma,vata,pitha and kapha."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |