Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Basics of Probability" |
"If you read this problem:""An urn contains n balls, one of which is special. If k of these balls are withdrawn one at a time, with selection being equally likely; what is the probability that the special ball is chosen?""And have no idea of what it means but would like to know. Then this course is for you. It will cover in a very friendly way: Counting, Permutations, Discrete Probabilities, Poisson, Binomial and Normal Distributions"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Course in Alchemy" |
"This course is a required course and you are ready for a change in perception about everyone and everything. Lets work together at implementing a new way of interpreting everything out there so our lives are overflowing with joy, happiness and peace. It's simple and easy. There are no tests, quizzes, evaluations or assessments. All that is required is a little willingness to hear what we are sharing and apply it to any and every situation that is upsetting. We look forward to working together. Peace"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Franszca Hazrlk Snf Mfredatna Uygun Eitim Seti" |
"Bu kurs franszca'y hi bilmeyip 0 dan renmek isteyenler iin idealdir.Renkli franszca anlatmyla grsel olarak bilgilerin aklnzda kalmas kolaylarken, saatler boyunca ders dinlemek zorunda kalmayacaksnz.nceden sizin iin en gzel ekilde tasarlanm slaytlar sayesinde vakitten tasarruf edebilirsiniz. Her ders sonunda yaplan altrmalar konuyu daha da kavramanza yardmc olacaktr.Ders videolarnn sonunda yer alan ""konuma kalplar"" blm sayesinde gnlk hayatta karlaacanz kelime ve cmleleri adnz gibi reneceksiniz.Ayrca anlamadnz konularda mail yoluyla destek garantisi de var ! Sadece bu ders iin alan instagram sayfamz sayesinde franszca bilgilerinizi pekitirme imkanna sahipsiniz :) yleyse bir dil bir insan demekse franszca'yla yeniden domaya hazrmsnz ?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Article Arbitrage" |
"Have you been struggling to make money online or maybe you are just not making enough of it? Article Arbitrage going to help you make money online by outsourcing article writing jobs. The earning potential of this make money online system is $25,000-$30,000 per month and this is a unique work from home opportunity that anyone from anywhere can use to make money online.Who is this course for?This course is for anyone and everyone who wants to make money online and has a basic understanding of the English language. You are going to be in the business of article writing but you do not have to write a single line yourself. You are going to be using multiple platforms for selling article writing services that you are going to outsource on a specific platform.The system is very easy and anyone from anywhere can implement it and unlike conventional Internet marketing you do not need to learn new skills to be able to make money online. You do not need to have any of the following to be able to make money online using the system:You do not need to have any kind of writing skills or experienceYou do not need to have any web designing skillsYou do not need to pick up the phone and talk to customersYou do not need to do any kind of Search Engine OptimisationYou dont need to do any kind of affiliate marketingThe structure of the course:This course has a very concise structure to help you learn everything about the system from scratch without any unnecessary information. You are going to start off as a freelance writer offering writing services on a specific platform. The course shows you how to get the most out of that platform and it is this platform that you are going to use to collect orders from customers looking for writing services.You are going to collect the orders and your payments and then outsource the writing projects to another platform that is going to charge you 1/3 of the price that you were going to be paid on platform number one. This is going to leave you with a healthy profit on every order and still get professional quality articles for your customers without ever having to write anything yourself.This is one of the best ways to make money online from home without having to learn new skills or spend time and money doing complicated Internet marketing stuff.What you need?Youre going to need a computer with Internet connection and a couple of hours everyday to be able to communicate with your customers about their order requirements. You are also going to need a domain name and hosting account that you are going to use to create a portfolio website making you look like a writing company and not some small-time freelance writer.You do not have to design your own website - the course shows you where to get your website done from.You are also going to need a PayPal account to be able to collect payments from your customers.Last but not least you are going to need the passion to make money online. If you dont consider yourself to be an action taker this is just not going to work.Who is this course is NOT for?If you are already making enough money online or just do not intend to take any action to be able to make money online, this course is not for you. Even though the entire business can be run from a cellphone, it is highly recommended that you at least have a computer with Internet connection to run the business.You do not have to write anything yourself but you have to be available to go through customer orders and communicate with them on a regular basis. So, you need to spend a little bit of time every day on the business - if you do not have any time to spend on this business, this is not for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Chocolates Personalizados com Fotos e Logomarcas" |
"FATURE + COM UMA TCNICA INOVADORA DO MERCADO BRASILEIRO DE CHOCOLATESe voc quer empreender, est em busca de um produto inovador e com pouco investimento, este curso pra voc! Se voc j empreendedor no ramo de confeitaria e quer alavancar suas vendas com algo fantstico e inovador, esse curso tambm pra voc!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Code Of Kids - Programao para Crianas - CK1" |
"Programao com Scratch Junior. Perfeito para comear! Linguagem de programao visual idealizada para os pequenos. Estimula a criatividade e o pensamento lgico atravs da criao de jogos e histrias. A plataforma Scrath foi desenvolvida pelo Lifelong Kindergarten Group do MIT Media Lab. O Curso formado por vdeo aulas e material de apoio. Ao final o aluno ter a possibilidade de compartilhar seus jogos e estrias conosco. Este CK1, o nvel 1 do Code Of Kids, que composto por dois nveis."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"ABAQUS Finite element analysis FOR RC STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS" |
"Modelling Analysis and design of RC structural elements in ABAQUS. The basics is covered to give a general perspective of how to carry out working in ABAQUS. You will be surprised to see how much you learn and exceed in this field of simulation. Further this course is specifically about concrete and steel embodied structures, that is very hard to come across. so COME join in on learning"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Self-awareness Basics: Your Core Values Guide to Purpose" |
"We all value something. And it's these things that make our life make sense.Values are the key to purpose and happiness. Values are one of the most important driving forces of our lives. We are conscious of some of the things we value, and not so conscious of others. We want to bring it all to light.What about life do you find the most worthwhile? How do you spend your time? How do you spend your money? Does it reflect your values?How often do you stop to reflect on these things and take time to identify them?Whether we are aware of them or not, they fuel our emotions, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, dreams and aspirations. They dictate our choices, our friendships, our partners, our job, and literally every aspect of our lives.We have curated our own methodology taken from scientific research and human behavioral specialists to help you get to your core values in a way that you would probably never get to if someone just asked you. More than a course, this is a very practical, online workshop session! Samantha will guide you through the exercises and then help you debrief them.This online experience was created with much love and research to help you gain clarity of the values that drive and shape your everyday life. We know that clarity is power. And the power that comes from being able to identify and verbalize the values that drive your life is immense.Have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do? And why others do what they do?Values serve our self-expansion and fuller self-actualization. Time invested in getting to know yourself is the time best spent. And your values the perfect place to begin.*How to do this course*This online workshop will take approximately 1.5 hours, depending on your pace. It's not just about watching the videos! This course actively engages you in a very practical and hands on way. You'll need pen and paper, self-reflection and critical thinking skills activated to move through it!You can do this course on your own, but doing it with your partner, a friend or group of friends, or colleagues is also a great idea! This course will definitely get your thinking. It's great to have someone to discuss all the things that come up. ""I've been thinking a lot about the principles you taught us and especially my values. It's something that I really think has changed the way I see the world. Once more, thank you for that."" -Simon"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introductory course in Biotechnology" |
"In this course, I will go through cells, DNA and RNA, as well as proteins. Firstly, you will learn what the main types of cells are and their different characteristics. Secondly, you will learn what DNA is and where it is located in the cell and how it can get damaged. You will also learn what RNA is and how it relates to DNA. Thirdly, you will learn what proteins are and how they are used as therapeutics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
WebPDF |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
webinars_peraichi_cv |
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
"Learn To Read Music" |
"A fun and intuitive way to learn to read music.With over 20 lessons to learn from you'll start with the basics and go through each area of theory in order to give you a good understanding of reading sheet music. The course is an in-depth but fun approach to learning to read and carries supporting documentation for each lesson.What you will learn:Note Names - Knowing the names of the notes if the first thing to know, Half note, whole note, crotchet, semibreve etc. I go through this in depth.Note Values - How long do the notes last? How long should you play them for? How to count?Pitch Names - CDEFGAB and how to read them quicklyKeyboard Geography - Where are the notes on my keyboardRhythm - Counting, clapping and reading rhythmCountingTime Signatures - What they are and what are the differencesTones and SemitonesScalesI encourage you to give this course a go if you have ever wanted to learn to read music. It will really help you make a start, it will also help if you started to learn before but never got any further.Please feel free to get in touch should you have any questions. I wish you the best of luck on your musical journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC: Video Editing Course For Beginners" |
"Premiere Pro CC: Video Editing Course For Beginners Learn How To Edit Video Fast And Become A Creative Video Editor In Adobe Premiere Pro CCDo you know why more people are learning video editing these days?Let me share with you some of the reasons!Digital Marketers are using videos for digital marketing to reduce cost per lead (CPL) for their clients.Business Owners are creating video contents for e-learning and transit their business online.Individuals like Influencer / YouTuber are creating videos to build their online presence and monetise online.And some learn this skill set to become a Freelance Video Editor.If you are new to video editing or wish to learn how to become a creative video editor,This short online course will equip you with all the essential skills you need to have to become a creative video editor!Here's a little bit about my background...Back then when I was working as a freelance video editor, I was able to edit videos very quickly and my clients were all very impressed!Eventually, I got hired as a Media Producer and it opened up lots of opportunities for me.A professional and creative video can makes a big difference, it can boost view counts and engagement level on social media!For example, a Facebook marketing video that I created for my company generated $20,734 revenue in less than 2 days![Step-By-Step Tutorial: Making of marketing video above included in the last module of this online course]Here's what you will learn from this online course:You will learn video editing very quickly through Step-By-Step Tutorials [No draggy tutorials!]4-Step Approach towards Video Editing and you will be able to edit video fast!The Invisible Art Behind Video Editing so you can create amazing videos and boost view counts!Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best video editing software in the market and widely used by Professionals, YouTubers and Content Creators all over the world. If you are interested to learn video editing fast without having to go through lengthy tutorials, this is the right course for you!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D. Curso definitivo para dominarlo desde 0." |
"Desde el modelado hasta el render final, pasando por la generacin de materiales, animacin o diseo de personajes. Este curso te lo ofrece todo para que comiences con Cinema 4D y no te quedes en la superficie. A travs de 188 vdeotutoriales te sumergirs en uno de los programas 3D ms importantes actualmente. Al final el curso tendrs un conocimiento amplio y profundo, y sers capaz de iniciar tus primeros proyectos en solitario con soltura y profesionalidad."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ESCRITURA CREATIVA. Aprende a contar historias desde 0." |
"Este curso aborda todos los aspectos de la creacin literaria necesarios para convertirte en un gran escritor o escritora. Desde el estilo, la estructura y obviamente los personajes, pasando por el anlisis de gneros literarios, consejos, trucos, tcnicas y hasta una seccin dedicada a la publicacin y la industria.Con multitud de recursos: bibliografa, ejercicios y textos inspiradores, este es sin duda uno de los cursos ms completos sobre el tema que vas a encontrar en la red. Bien seas un escritor de relatos o ests pensando en escribir tu primera novela este curso aporta tcnicas y conocimientos tanto para un formato como para otro. Si deseas simplemente seguir formndote, refrescar aptitudes, soltar la mano, reconectar con tu pasin, sin duda este curso con su multitud de contenidos te ayudar.Encuentra al escritor que llevas dentro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Recepcionista de hotel" |
"Formato innovador, a travs de una ficcin cinematogrfica descubrirs 2 role play representando, el primero, los protocolos y las habilidades personales, administrativas, de organizacin, escucha y comunicacin de los recepcionistas y, el segundo, las quejas ms comunes en recepcin.Cada dramatizacin incluye varias master class que te permite desarrollar las habilidades fundamentales para enfrentar tu trabajo en el da a da minimizando la aparicin de conflictos y maximizando las oportunidades de negocio.Tutora: Realizamos un seguimiento personalizado de tu aprendizaje."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Comment accorder les adjectifs de couleur" |
"Avec ce cours complet, tu sauras TOUT sur les adjectifs de couleur. Une version la fois complte et simplifie, pour que tu puisses bien mmoriser tous les cas : des explications, des rsums, des exercices avec leurs corrections, le cours au format pdf imprimer, et une carte mentale qui condense tout le cours en une seule page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel para o mercado de trabalho" |
"Ol, meu nome Vincius, sou Especialista em Excel, scio fundador da Academia Excel Treinamentos, escola especializada no ensino de Excel que atualmente j ensinou a ferramenta para mais de 17 mil pessoas, e desenvolvo planilhas h mais de 10 anos, sendo 9 atuando em grandes indstrias brasileiras, ou seja, aprendi tudo no campo de batalha.Se voc trabalha com Excel com certeza j passou (se no passou vai passar) por uma situao constrangedora, onde seu chefe lhe solicita algo relacionado a Excel e voc no sabe a mnima ideia de como fazer. O que fazer nesse caso? At aqui voc tem duas opes:FALAR QUE NO SABECHAMAR O ""CARA DO EXCEL"" DA EMPRESA PRA TE SALVARAs duas no so boas opes, pois se voc falar pro seu chefe que no sabe, ele vai comear a avaliar se voc capacitado para o cargo que ocupa. E se voc chamar o ""cara do Excel"", o seu chefe tambm vai ver que no voc quem est fazendo e voc tambm corre o risco dessa pessoa no estar sempre presente pra te ajudar.Sendo assim, com esse treinamento voc ter a oportunidade de inserir a terceira opo na lista, que APRENDER EXCEL.Nesse treinamento no vou te ensinar tudo de Excel (at por que levaramos meses pra isso), mas somente o que voc realmente PRECISA SABER pra se destacar no seu trabalho. Voc nunca mais vai dizer que no sabe fazer algo e tambm nunca mais vai precisar chamar ""O CARA DO EXCEL"" pois voc vai se tornar essa pessoa.Principais caractersticas desse treinamento:AULAS CURTAS E OBJETIVASMATERIAL PARA APLICAR O QUE EST SENDO ENSINADO NO VDEOSUPORTE PARA TIRAR DVIDASAPRENDER SOMENTE O QUE IMPORTANTEGostou? Ento te vejo do outro lado, o lado dos CARAS DO EXCEL!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Farmacocintica Descomplicada - o guia definitivo" |
"Aprenda e aplique os conceitos de farmacocintica, de forma interativa e descomplicada. Cada etapa do caminho do frmaco no organismo ser apresentada nesse curso, desde as vias de administrao at a excreo dos frmacos.Voc sabia que os medicamentos administrados por via oral devem ser ingeridos com no mnimo 200 mls de gua? Que alguns frmacos obrigatoriamente devem ser administrados em jejum? Que substncias cidas ou bsicas podem aumentar/inibir a absoro de frmacos? Que existem frmacos que no podem ser administrados ao mesmo tempo de forma alguma? Que possvel acelerar a excreo de alguns frmacos em casos de intoxicao utilizando outros frmacos, reduzindo os danos no organismo? Sabe por que alguns frmacos no podem ser administrados em crianas, idosos, gestantes e lactantes? As respostas para todas essas perguntas so obtidas atravs do conhecimento em FARMACOCINTICA, etapa mais do que importante no tratamento farmacolgico.Ter conhecimento em farmacologia essencial para todos os profissionais de sade que trabalham direta ou indiretamente com medicamentos.E, para entender farmacologia, fundamental iniciar pela farmacocintica, tambm definida como o caminho do frmaco do organismo. Independente da via de administrao, cada frmaco tem sua prpria farmacocintica e cada etapa do caminho precisa ser compreendida para que haja sucesso no tratamento, minimizando danos ao organismo.Porm, alguns conceitos farmacocinticos so complexos, pois relacionam vrios conhecimentos da anatomia, qumica, fisiologia, patologia e citologia, causando certas dificuldades no aprendizado. Esse curso foi elaborado pensando exatamente nisso: descomplicar a FARMACOCINTICA. Voc ver cada etapa (ABSORO, DISTRIBUIO, BIOTRANSFORMAO E EXCREO) de uma forma diferente, interativa e aprofundada, ressaltando cada aspecto que pode influenciar na atividade ou na inatividade farmacolgica.Aps alguns anos ministrando a disciplina de FARMACOLOGIA, consegui elencar as dvidas mais comuns em relao a todo o processo farmacocintico, desde a administrao do frmaco at a sua eliminao do organismo. Nesse curso esclareo cada uma delas, citando exemplos prticos, frequentes no dia a dia dos profissionais da sadeCOMPOSIO DO CURSO:Conceitos e fundamentos bsicos da farmacocintica;Vias de administrao de frmacos e suas diferenas;Absoro e todos os fatores que podem interferir nessa etapa;Distribuio e todos os fatores que podem interferir nessa etapa;Metabolismo ou Biotransformao: reaes enzimticas envolvidas no metabolismo de frmacos;Excreo: todas as formas de excretar frmacos do organismo e os mecanismos envolvidos nesse processo.Clearence ou depurao, Tempo de meia vida, esquema posolgico, etc.QUEM A INSTRUTORA?Dbora Dalla Vecchia farmacutica (UEPG, 2010), mestre em Cincias Farmacuticas (UEPG, 2013) e doutora em Farmacologia (UFPR, 2017), tendo como rea de estudo a Neuropsicofarmacologia, com tese voltada Doena de Parkinson e Depresso. Cursou Doutorado Sanduche na Philipps-Universitt Marburg (Alemanha), na rea de Psicologia e Neurocincia do Comportamento. Atualmente Coordenadora da Ps-Graduao em Sade e Professora Titular na Uniandrade, professora de graduao na Faculdade Paranaense (FAPAR) e professora de ps-graduao na UNINTER. Ministra as seguintes disciplinas: anatomia, fisiologia, fisiopatologia, farmacologia, qumica farmacutica, farmacologia clnica, ateno farmacutica e toxicologia. Atua tambm como empreendedora e Coach. uma das idealizadoras do Mtodo para controle da ansiedade - Condicionamento Neural."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a la Ilustracin Cientfica (Naturalista)" |
"Aprende desde cero a dibujar animales y plantas de una forma precisa. Conocers la anatoma bsica de los animales y plantas, y podrs representarlos de una manera ms exhaustiva. Aprenders a identificar las caractrersticas representativas de las especies. Trabajars con un cuaderno de campo, que llevars en tus salidas para dibujar animales y plantas. Realizars un seguimiento que podrs evaluar en tu propio cuaderno, y terminars haciendo tu propia ilustracin cientfica fruto de tu investigacin. Te guiar y ayudar en todo el proceso, explicndote paso a paso como hacer cada una de labores. Aprenders tcnicas de dibujo y pintura, para asegurar que tu proyecto tenga la suficiente calidad tnica."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fabulous Fables" |
"Everyone loves a good story, right? But did you know that for generations, stories were not just used for entertainment. Rather, societies used stories as a way to teach its citizens valuable lessons and morals. This kind of lesson-teaching story is called a fable. The oldest written record of fables hails back to the Ancient Greeks and the fabulist, Aesop. But fables were not only a Western tradition. On the African continent, fables were an important part of oral storytelling, passed down from generation to generation, teaching not only lessons in morality, but also helping people understand their place in the natural world.This course will explore the elements of narrative storytelling and specifically fables. It will introduce students to fables from different cultures and parents will be given reading workshop techniques to help their children become stronger readers. It will also take parents through the steps of writing workshop to help their children create their own fable that they can publish and share with their friends and family."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Internet Marketing Expert" |
"Internet Marketing Expert.Hi, this is Stefan. I am the CEO of Internet Marketing Europe.In the last 25 years I have helped thousands of (small) compagnies to become succesful online. First I have some questions for you:Do you want to become an internet marketing expert?Do you want to launch your own business online?Do you want to learn to make money online as a student or work from home?If you answered these questions at least with one yes, consider following this course!!This Internet Marketing Expert course consists of more than 40 individual courses. Furthermore, each course can be followed without prior knowledge of any other courses and in any order you prefer. The courses are between one and two hours of video each.In the end you can get a free certificate from Internet Marketing Europe. This is good for your Linkedin profile and CV."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Expert" |
"4 social media coursesIf you are selling any kind of merchandise, Instagram should be part of your marketing strategy.There are no two ways about it. You are leaving a lot of money on the table if you skip Instagram.500 million Instagram app users access Instagram every single day.It's easy to get excited about Instagram's reach, user consumption patterns, and overall traffic volume. But, most of the people who try marketing on Instagram fail to get the results they are looking for.Following tips from this video course you can turbocharge your results with Instagram.Topics covered:10 Key Reasons Most Marketers Fail on InstagramYou Don't Have to FailInstagram Success is All About PersonaFind Your Competitors on Instagram and Reverse Engineer ThemCurate Top Notch Content and Mix in Your Reverse Engineered ContentAdopt a Content-First Sales FunnelUse Facebook's Ad Retargeting System to Pull Instagram Users Deeper Into Your FunnelPay and Interact with Niche-Specific Instagram InfluencersContinuously Optimize All Parts of Your FunnelBest Practicescourse 2A step-by-step guide to unleash the power of modern social media marketing in 10 steps!Here is what you will learn:What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn't8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media MarketingYou Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business TypeThe Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media MarketingHow to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right WayContent Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing WeaponReverse Engineer Your Competitors' Top ContentFine Tune Your Payload ContentMarket Your List RightUnlock the Power of Repurposed ContentUse Automatic Content SharingScale Up Your TargetingSell to Your List DifferentlyReinvest Your Profits the Right WayYou are going to understand that whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list. You will know how to call to action to the people through social media so they join your list and much more!Course 3Social media stories have huge potential to engage audiences, to build authority and trust, and to generally boost your brand.Not only that, but theyre also gaining in popularity all the time.Social media stories took the internet by storm and theyre not showing any signs of slowing down now.In this book, you will learn precisely what a story is, how to create them, and how to have huge success using them to grow your audience and increase brand loyalty.Topics covered:What is a Social Media StoryUsing Stories for Marketing The BasicsMore Benefits of Stories and How to Use Them to Maximum EffectInstagram Stories for BusinessFacebook Stories for BusinessesSnapchat Stories for BusinessesHow to Create Better StoriesAdvanced Technique and SellingThe Rest of Your StrategyHow to Put All This Into Action"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bien utiliser votre Mac au quotidien" |
"Que vous utilisiez votre Mac de faon personnelle ou professionnelle, depuis quelques jours, semaines ou annes, le contenu de cette formation vous permettra de bien utiliser votre ordinateur Apple. Vous serez plus sr(e) de vous et vous l'utiliserez sereinement et efficacement. Mon but est de vous rendre autonome : j'ai donc regroup ce que plusieurs annes d'exprience en tant que formatrice et rdactrice spcialise Apple m'ont appris : aller droit au but, sans bla-bla, en rpondant aux besoins des utilisateurs. Je vous propose donc une prise en main directe et efficace de votre Mac."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tax Business MARKETING eCourse" |
"This one-of-a-kind guided eCourse is the Marketing Module extracted from our 10 module all inclusive Tax Business eCourse. The #1 question all tax professionals have is ""HOW DO I MARKET MY TAX BUSINESS?!"" This training will show you how!This eCourse exposes you to marketing strategies that won't only work for your tax business; but will work for ANY business endeavor!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Don't Panic! Guide to Chemistry" |
"Hello!!!Are you interested in learning more about Chemistry but don't know where to start?Do you need a review before you start that Chemistry class next term?Are you having trouble understanding the basics of Chemistry and how to apply them?Do you want to be able to walk into your next Chemistry exam with confidence?***************************************************************************************Whether you already have some chemistry experience and want to strengthen your foundation, or you are just starting out, enrolling in this course will help you develop your understanding of Chemistry essentials.The course videos prepare you for future exams by including practice problems that are discussed and worked through step by step. No more wondering how the book jumped to the answer!Maybe you love chemistry and want to learn more or maybe you want to survive your next exam. Whatever your reason may be, this series will not only provide you with the tools for success in chemistry, but will also show you how to use them!***************************************************************************************Who am I? I am a graduate student working towards my doctorate degree in chemical engineering. When I was younger I enjoyed learning how things worked and dreamt of one day building machines which would change the world. As I have progressed in my education I have kept that desire to build new things, but I have also experienced the joy of sharing what I have learned. I have years of experience working as a tutor and as a Teaching Assistant and hope to work as a lecturer once I've complete my degree.***************************************************************************************30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!***************************************************************************************Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. With this guarantee there is no risk and you have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain! In addition, I am confident that this course will fulfill the promises I have made and assist you in learning chemistry basics. So, I will personally guarantee you a Refund if you feel that you have received No Value within 30 days.Let us achieve success together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! There is a lot to learn! Orland"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"BLABLACAR - Comment Avoir TOUJOURS des 5/5 sur son profil?" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation concernant l'application BLABLACAR ! Ici, je vais vous dmontrer comment faire pour avoir TOUJOURS des notes de 5/5 sur son profil. Cela va vous permettre d'accrotre votre notorit sur l'application, de passer du statut de dbutant ambassadeur en 1 an et ainsi lors de vos publications de vos futures trajets, d'avoir des rservations imminentes ! Je m'appelle Tom, je suis inscrit sur la plateforme depuis Juillet 2018, c'est en effectuant de nombreux trajets, que j'ai remarqu qu'un vnement se rpt systmatiquement. Cette vnement ma permis de passer du statut de dbutant Ambassadeur avec 14 avis 5/5 ! Dans cette formation, je vous dvoile ma technique & je partage avec vous mon point de vue sur diffrents thmes.Merci pour votre confiance ! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Chins Mandarim e preparao para o HSK 1" |
"Este curso uma introduo ao chins Mandarim e d todo o subsdio para se preparar para a Prova HSK nvel 1.So 8 lies cobrindo todas as 150 palavras cobradas no teste.Voc ter duas lies com um Simulado que representa o que realmente solicitado no prova.O material complementar contm um mini dicionrio com as 150 palavras necessrias."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Meu Primeiro Curso de Chins Mandarim" |
"Este um curso para quem nunca teve contato com o Chins ou que teve apenas um contato inicial. Este curso permitir comear a compreender o funcionamento da lngua chinesa e te preparar para fazer os cursos posteriores de Leitura, Conversao e Gramtica. o primeiro curso repete vrias vezes as frases e palavras bsicas de maneira que o aluno possa claramente compreender os conceitos iniciais. O chins mandarim uma lngua radicalmente diferente do portugus e o aluno ter neste curso a oportunidade de ter os primeiros contatos com esse fascinante idioma to peculiar. Se voc nunca viu nada em chins e deseja aprender, este o seu curso! Voc ter a oportunidade de ver as primeiras construes em chins e a maneira como a lngua chinesa organizada, de uma maneira simples para o iniciante. a chance de ver como temos as primeiras dificuldades em usar a parte de nosso crebro que no utilizada no aprendizado do chins, ao termos os primeiros contatos com os ideogramas chineses, os Hanzi, que ativam uma parte de nosso crebro que ns no utilizamos quando falamos portugus. o incio de uma caminhada a um novo mundo para um idioma em que tudo diferente, a pronncia, a escrita, a ordem das palavras e a organizao das frases. o primeiro passo para uma nova lngua completamente diferente de tudo que h no portugus."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sistem Uzm. Junior - Microsoft Server - Vmware Eitimleri" |
"Gnmzde IT sektrnde hzl bir geliim mevcut. Microsoft ve dier iletim sistemleri srekli gncellemeler ve yenilikler ile karmza kyor. Hazrlam olduum videolar ile eitim sreci sonucunda Vmware zerinden Server bilgisine hakim, irket ierisinde kullanlabilecek donanmlara sahip olacaksnz. Ayrca balang seviyesinde Sistem ve Network alannda alabileceksiniz. Microsoft Server konusuna balang yapmak istiyorsanz bu eitim program tam size gre. Buradan alacanz eitimler ile kendinize katacanz bilgilerle i hayatnzda baarlar dilerim."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
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Price: 4200.00 ![]() |