Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Amazing Career Project - Video Training Course" |
"The Amazing Career Project video training course is designed to give professional women around the globe a simple, proven and highly effective process that helps you take the 16 most essential steps to building a successful, rewarding career you'll love and be proud of, on your terms.Taught by Kathy Caprino, M.A. - internationally recognized and award-winning women's career coach and expert, former corporate VP, trained marriage and family therapist, and Forbes Senior Contributor -- you'll be guided through 16 expert online video modules and 16 tailored homework assignments designed in an effective sequential 16-week curriculum that fits into your busy life and teaches what you need to know to improve your career and strengthen your confidence, self-esteem and impact. Youll finally be able to make the important changes you've been deeply longing for in your career. And those important shifts will transform both your professional and personal life!Leveraging Kathy's 35 years of high-level professional training and experience, and her work as a writer, speaker, researcher and media expert on women's career issues, this course offers a specialized blend of help that will transform how you see yourself and how you operate in the world, so you can build significantly more success, happiness and reward (both financial and emotional) doing work you love.Take the steps you need to this year to boost your success, impact and happiness in the work you do in the world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso desarrollo de tu Inteligencia Emocional" |
"Estamos vivnedo momentos especialmente complicados con la crisis del coronavirus.En este curso aprenders a gestionar de la mejor manera tus emociones.Todos en algn momento nos hemos dejado llevar por alguna emocin y luego nos hemos arrepentido.Las emociones son necesarias, pero si no se gestionan de manera correcta, pueden hacerte dao, incluso llegar a enfermar.Eso mismo me ocurri a m. Este curso es la unin de mi experiencia personal, unida a mis estudios como coach, y con l quiero ayudarte a entender como gestionarlas de manera adecuada. As conseguirs el equilibrio interior en tu vida, y una mayor libertad a la hora de enfrentarte al mundo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mbot: Le parcours complet / The complete course" |
"=>> ALL VIDEOS ARE SUBTITLED IN ENGLISHDans ce cours trs complet, vous allez apprendre monter, dmonter et rparer le MBot, utiliser les logiciels MBot et Arduino ainsi que les applications mobiles ddis aux MBot. Puis vous aurez une 20aine d'activits (simples et avances) pour utiliser votre MBot et le pousser dans ses derniers retranchements.Les chapitres des activits sont prcds de vidos d'introduction l'algorithmique qui vous permettront de saisir dans les dtails les notions de programmation simples et avances. Enfin nous terminerons par des projets que vous pourrez mettre en place la maison ou en classe avec vos lves.Nous avons formalis les vidos de manire ce qu'elle soient agrables suivre et vous ne serez pas dus. 4 camras permettent d'avoir 4 plans:1 plan de face1 plan de ct1 plan rapproch pour voir les dtails des cartes lectroniques ou le mouvement du robot1 plan d'cran (screen record) lorsqu'il s'agit de montrer le codeNous vous souhaitons de prendre beaucoup de plaisir avec votre MBot car Rabah, votre formateur est hyper motiv et trs enthousiaste tous au long de votre parcours.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION:In this very complete course, you will learn to assemble, disassembly and repair your MBot. You will learn how to use MBot and Arduino software as well as mobile applications dedicated to MBot. Then you will have 20 activities (simple and advanced) to use your MBot and push it to its limits.The chapters of the activities are preceded by introductory videos in algorithmic that will allow you to grasp in detail the concepts of simple and advanced prgramming concepts. Finally we will finish with projects that you can put in place at home or in classroom with your students.We have formalized the videos so that they are fun to follow and you will not be disappointed. 4 cameras allow to have 4 shots:1 front shot1 side plan1 close-up to see the details of the electronic cards or the movement of the robot1 screenshot when it comes to showing the codeWe wish you a lot of fun with your MBot because Rabah, your trainer is very motivated and very enthusiastic all along your journey."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rockstar Network Foundations" |
"Welcome to Rockstar Network Foundations, a new all-original video course designed to kick-start your career in computer networking. If you are new to IT, and or thinking about Network+ or CCNA Certification, start here. Rockstar Network Foundations covers a ton of fundamental network theory, like the OSI Model, TCP/IP, understanding network devices, network operating systems and configuring small to medium size networks, including using network operating systems like Cisco IOS. The theory and skills learned in this class will help your entire career. The numbers are in and this course includes almost 15hrs of HD Video, over 50 lessons, and 20 hand's on lab exercises you can complete at home delivered by a world-renowned CCIE Instructor.Have you ever configured a switch or router from the ground up?Along with teaching computer network fundamentals, the instructor spends a lot of time in the lab working through configurations from beginning to end and giving you challenge exercises you can complete on your own.Are you a server Admin, Computer Technician, or Specialize in WiFi?This course is designed as the ultimate network fundamentals course. Although lab examples are predominately around Cisco IOS and Cisco equipment, the concepts and theories covered in this class are agnostic and applicable to any network hardware. Additionally, this course makes a great refresher for a specialist who's job involves integrating with enterprise networks but whose primary responsibility may not give them much hand's on with routers/switches and other fundamental network components. Use this course to keep current, and practice those skills to stay at the top of your game.Looking to earn a certification?This course will lay the foundation, teaching you theory and skills that can help kick your certification journey in overdrive! The skills and knowledge learned in this course are requirements for several well-known industry certifications including CompTIA's Network+, Cisco Systems CCNA certification."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"46 Derste Android Studio ile Whats App Uygulamas Yapma" |
"Android Studio. Android Studio Dersleri.Android Studio Dersleri 2019.Android Studio Dersleri 2020.Android Studio Tutorial.Android Studio Tutorial 2019.Android Studio Tutorials 2020.Android Studio Veri Taban.Android Studio Firebase.Firebase Tutorial.Firebase Tutorial 2019.Firebase Tutorial 2020.Firebase Tutorials 2019.Firebase Tutorials 2020.Firebase Dersleri.Firebase Dersleri 2019.Firebase Dersleri 2020.Android Studio 2019. Android Studio 2020. Firebase. Android Studio Chat.Android Studio Mesajlama.Android Studio Mesajlama Uygulamas.Android Studio Sohbet.Android Studio Sohbet Uygulamas.leri Dzey Android.leri Dzey Android Dersleri.leri Dzey Android Studio.leri Dzey Android Studio Dersleri.Android.Android Uygulama.Android Uygulama Gelitirme.Android Dersleri.Android Tutorial.Android Tutorials.Android Studio Chat Uygulamas.Android Studio Sosyal A.Android Studio Sosyal A Uygulamas.Android Studio'da Whats App. Android Studio'da Whats App Clone. Mobil Programlama.Mobil Yazlm.Sanal Akademi Dnyas"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"60Derste Temelden leriye Projelerle Android Studio Dersleri" |
"Bu seride Android Studio temel bir dzeyde ele alnarak orta ve ileri dzey uygulamalara doru bir ak takip edilmitir. Bu seride Android Studio kullanlarak e zamanl reel bir veri taban uygulamas gelitirilmektedir. Veri taban olarak u an lkemizde maalesef yeterli derecede tannp kullanlmayan ancak dnyay kasp kavuran GOOGLE destekli FIREBASE kullanlmtr. FIREBASE her hangi bir sunucuya gerek kalmadan direk uygulamanz gelitirip veritaban ile e zamanl bir koordinasyonla kullanabilmeye yarayan bir nternet tabanl bulut veritabandr. FIREBASE hem Android, hem IOS hem de Web uygulamalarn balayabilmeye olanak sunar.Bu ders Trke kaynak saysnn bir elin parmaklarn gemedii FIREBASE kullanm konusunda rehber niteliinde bir kaynaktr. Derslerin bazlarnn uzun olma nedeni yukarda belirttiimiz gibi detayl bir rehber nitelii tamasndan trdr.. Yola karken iarmz olan projelerle eitimi temel baz aamalardan sonra hayat geirdik.. Bu tarzmzn karln hzla siz deerli takipilerde grmeye baladk.. Hepinize ayr ayr teekkr ederiz.. Videolarmzn faydal olmas temennisiyle :):):)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flutter ile Ayn Anda Android ve IOS Uygulamalar Gelitirme" |
"!!!BU ETM SERSNN DER DERSLER OK KISA SRE NDE EKLENECEKTR!!!!!!BU ETM SERSNN DER DERSLER OK KISA SRE NDE EKLENECEKTR!!!!!!BU ETM SERSNN DER DERSLER OK KISA SRE NDE EKLENECEKTR!!!Flutter, mobil, web ve masast iin gzel, yerel olarak derlenmi uygulamalar tek bir kod tabanndan oluturmak iin gelitirilen bir platformdur. Stateful Hot Reload ile uygulamalar milisaniye cinsinden hayata geirmeye olanak salar. ,Flutter ile yerel arayzleri dakikalar iinde oluturmak iin zengin bir zelletirilebilir widget kmesi kullanlabilir. Arkasna Google gibi dev bir destekle yola kan Flutter lkemizde henz tam olarak tannmamakta ve kullanlmamaktadr. Sanal Akademi Dnyas olarak Trke kaynak eksiini gidermek amal yola kan birka yerli kanala katlp bu alanda ilklerden olabilmeyi temenni ediyoruz.. naAllah faydal olmas dileiyle:):):)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Anlise Bayesiana com R" |
"O curso Anlise Bayesiana com R utiliza conceitos de probabilidade prximo do entendimento intuitivo que a maioria das pessoas com nenhum conhecimento tcnico em estatstica possui. Os conceitos ensinados nesse curso supera a estatstica tradicional, normalmente ministradas em cursos de biologia, engenharias, cincias sociais, entre outros. Com isso a compreenso de procedimentos estatsticos facilitada reduzindo a necessidade de memorizar equaes e solues algbricas."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Analytics: Modelos Preditivos para Vendas" |
"As empresas precisam de previses precisas sobre vendas futuras. As estimativas de vendas conduzem decises que envolvem cronogramas de produo, gerenciamento de inventrio, investimento em publicidade, planejamento de mo de obra e muitas outras partes do negcio.Neste curso, voc aprender primeiro sobre duas das ferramentas de previso mais utilizadas: Regresso Linear Simples e Regresso Mltipla. Em seguida, ir aprender como estimar os aspectos de sazonalidade, de tendncias das vendas e gerar previses usando dois mtodos comuns de previso: Mdias Mveis e Suavizao Exponencial. Por fim, voc aprender sobre Redes Neurais, uma forma de inteligncia Artificial cujo papel na previso em Marketing est crescendo rapidamente."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Analytics: Fatores que influenciam nas converses" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a determinar os atributos dos produtos que impactam na deciso de compra dos consumidores. Como determinar os clientes e mercados mais valiosos. Segmentar Mercado. Determinar o Market share com tcnicas estatsticas. Incrementar o preo dos produtos com base na percepo de valor dos clientes e otimizar resultados analisando o comportamento do consumidor.Com estudos de caso consagrados da Harvard Business School, Pepsi vs Coca-Cola, Universidade de Michigan, entre outros, as principais tcnicas estatsticas para anlise do comportamento do consumidor so ensinadas de maneira totalmente aplicada para o mercado de trabalho.Durante o curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver Forecast com as seguintes tcnicas estatsticas: Anlise Conjunta; Modelos de Regresso Qualitativo; Regresso Linear Mltipla; Modelos de Tendncia; e Algoritmos Evolutivos. Todas tcnicas so desenvolvidas apenas com o auxlio do Excel.Ao final do curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver um modelo de simulao computacional para anlise de mercado."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Anlise Bayesiana: Simulao Estocstica com R" |
"Este curso, indicado para iniciantes em Estatstica Bayesiana, amplia a abrangncia do uso da Anlise Bayesiana de Dados de forma irrestrita, permitindo simular qualquer tipo de comportamento probabilstico.Durante o curso voc vai aprender mtodos de simulao estocstica: Introduo aos Processos Estocsticos; Mtodo de Monte Carlo; Cadeias de Markov; Re-Amostragem por Importncia; Distribuies Posteriores e muito mais!"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Algorithmic Trading With TradeStation" |
"In this course, you will learn everything you need to kick-start your career as an algorithmic trader.We'll start off by learning Easylanguage and how to use TradeStation. In addition to the video lessons, you have access to our Easylanguage cheat sheet that you can reference quickly when needed! Then we go on to the strategy creation process! There you'll learn how we go about when we create a trading strategy, and the common pitfalls that many new traders fall into! Of course, we cover one of the biggest hurdles traders face, which is curve fitting. We'll also share four methods that we use to create strategies that hold in live trading!Then we take a look at mean reversion strategies and trend following strategies and cover two strategy examples together! These are designed to give you a better understanding of what types of components that could go into a trading strategy!In the last module, we have a look at how you go live with a trading strategy, and what you need to be careful with! Here we also share what we believe is the ""holy grail"" in trading. This is something that many new traders don't realize, which leads them to prioritize things that don't lead to the results they want!All in all, this is a course that will kick start your algorithmic trading career, and give you the tools you need to start building your very own trading strategies! See you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build A Website Salesman In 1 Day" |
"Building a website seems complicated. In this class, I'll teach you how to easily build a salesman website in 1 day. A salesman website is a website that is designed with sales in mind. If you build one of these websites well (which is easy), then it'll have a good chance of converting visitors that find your website."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Finanzas Inmobiliarias (Para principiantes)" |
"Al finalizar el curso los asistentes tendrn una visin y entendimiento global de cmo se realiza un correcto anlisis financiero inmobiliario para desarrollo y valuacin de propiedades, as como cuales son los indicadores financieros adecuados para cada tipo de proyecto inmobiliario (TIR, ROI, Tasa Capitalizacin, mltiplo de retorno, valor presente neto).Se proveern machotes de modelos financieros los cuales podr ser utilizado por los asistentes para realizar anlisis financieros genricos.Se presentarn casos prcticos.Indice: 1. Que es un modelo financiero, su uso y componentes.2. Parmetros de la propiedad.3. Comparables: Propiedades en venta o renta.4. Costos de Desarrollo.5. Tiempos: Desarrollo y ventas.6. Costos operativos.7. Indicadores de Retorno (TIR, ROI, Tasa capitalizacin, mltiplo de retorno, valor presente neto).8. Estructura de flujo de efectivo (Cash flow).9. Casos prcticos de desarrollo y valuacin de propiedades.El curso esta hecho para personas sin conocimientos financieros y aun sin conocimientos del sector inmobiliario."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SEO Keyword Research All Levels Guide to Advanced Research" |
"SEO Keyword Research Course Foundation:Just Added Section 14 Updated and Revised as promised.The simple strategies youll learn in this Keyword Research Course are used daily by me and my staff to perform expansive Keyword Research for my clients. This is the real deal, theres no fluff here. This is a mini course that is packed with the meat and potatoes of effective Keyword Research. Theres no waste of time in this course. Do you want to find the best keywords and least competitive for your business? Do you want to rank on the first page of Google and get loads of traffic to your website using keywords? Do you want to get real buyers coming to your website? Do you want to have the simplest and most updated keyword research system?If you answered yes to any of the questions, then youre at the right place. Youre going to LOVE the simplicity of this course. This course has everything you need to know about Keyword Research basics and more. Keywords are the backbone of everything online. They run the internet. So understanding how to do use them properly is vital for your online success.Follow along and begin searching for your niche keywords to use on your website so you can begin ranking it as you go through the course. If you have questions as you go through it, no problem, we are happy to help.If you want to be successful with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and get organic traffic on Google, Bing, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pintrest and all the Social Media platforms that uses keywords for ranking, this course will help you master Keyword Research so you can start profiting from organic search ranking.Join us on our Keyword Research journey today and start mastering Keyword Research so you can dominate the search engines ranking!The Keyword Research strategies youre learning in this course are the same strategies we use for our clients every day. You will learn about short-tail keywords, mid-tail keywords, long-tail keywords, money keywords, information keywords, ego keywords, piggyback keywords and so much more. We also have a couple secret weapons keywords that many people dont know about.Three reasons to TAKE THIS KEYWORD RESEARCH COURSE right now!1. You have lifetime access to the course and any updates to it about the latest Google changes, the latest Keyword Research methods and the latest cutting edge Keyword Research tools.2. What you will learn in this course is original, daily tested, and very current. You will learn how to do effective Keyword Research, how to use keywords in your website, blogs and social media. 3.Best of all, youll get tricks and tips from a 21 year SEO Guru that does it every day. This is also a ONE STOP SHOP everything SEO, BackLinks and KEYWORD RESEARCHThis is a step by step Keyword research blueprint for you to follow and perform your own keyword research. I am a professional SEO Guru that does Keyword Research every day for more than 400 companiesGetting on the 1st page of Google doesn't need to be complicated as some of the experts made it out to be. Its easy once you know what youre doing.The truth is, all the gurus started where youre starting. None of us were born experts. When you understand the Keywords Research process and start to find the niche Money Keywords and the keywords you can rank for on the first page of Google, youll realize the difference in your website traffic and profit.This mini course contains some of my keyword research techniques for you to be able to start ranking your website higher in Google and to start getting traffic to your website.Above all were also showing you how to do Keyword Research on SEMRush for all your Keyword Research needs. You can do Short-tail, Mid-tail and Long-Tail Keyword Research right there on one platform. Theyre even better than Google these days.I'm confident that this course will be a great help for you. Youll be able to use our keyword research techniques to find hot competitive keywords for your website, blogs and even your Ads.Here are some of the great benefits youll learn: How to brainstorm hundreds of keyword ideas How to do Keyword Research for ego and location terms How to keyword your website navigation bar How to do strategically placed Keywords on your website and blog How to avoid Keyword stuffing so you dont get penalize by Google How to do competitor keyword analysis and dominate your competitors How to analyze which keywords will bring you the highest converting traffic How to know which keywords you should target How to know which keywords will make you the most money How to use SEMRush effectively to do Keyword Research and more What is Google Cache and how to view Google cached pagesThis mini Keyword Research Course is packed with step by step instructions on how to do effective Keyword Research and how to use them to get your site on Google first page.Keyword Research goes far beyond a keyword tool, and SEO strategies isnt something you learn overnight. Therefore, it is important that you learn the foundation, which is what this course is all about. You cannot get to number ten without starting at number one.Generalized SEO tactics aren't enough to get you ranked and keep your website on the first page of Google. Thats why it is important to understand the basics of keyword Research and how to effectively use this skill properly.To successfully rank your website on the first page of Google and to consistently outrank your competitors, you also need to know a few different techniques we teach in this courseThese are a few reasons why you should invest in our Keyword Research Course TODAY! But, the biggest reason why you should invest in our keyword research course, we care about our clients/partners, we want to see you successful.Can you imagine how great it feels to know that youre in control and you now have the power to get customers to your website to buy your products and services at will? While out performing your competitors.Enroll now and I'll show you exactly how to use keyword research that drive trafficWho this course is for: Anyone who wants to be a Keyword Researcher Anyone who wants to rank their own websites, blogs and Youtube videos Affiliate marketers who want to generate more leads and income Bloggers who want to do effective keyword research for topics and blogs Website owners who want to increase their organic search engine rankings and traffic Web designers who want to properly set-up websites to help them better rank in search engine results Entrepreneurs and business owners who wants to save thousands of dollars by optimizing their own website. Anyone who wants to learn about keyword research and keyword research tools Anyone who wants to have an SEO agency and managing keyword research for clients Online Marketers and individuals who wants to make money doing Keyword ResearchLETS BE PARTNERS IN SUCCESS - GET OUR COURSE TODAY!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"5th Grade Math. Decimals, Place Value, and Patterns of 10." |
"Welcome! 5th grade will be the year of new learning, personal growth, and many tests! Fifth grade students are tested more than any other grade in Elementary School! With physical fitness testing, benchmark testing, science testing, and state testing; there isnt enough hours in the school day to cover everything. I know this, as I am a former California Public School Teacher.The two subjects taking most of the day in classrooms across the United States are English and Math, with Math having priority. Teachers must stick to a pacing guide, devoting up to 3 hours to Math daily. By doing this, students must understand the material the first time as tomorrow something new will be taught. Shy students, students whom miss school due to illness, and students who need extra time suffer the most!In this course, we will build math confidence by solving all problems together. Students will also tackle word problems and learn the strategies needed to solve them. With an iPad, tablet, or smartphone, you can learn whenever and wherever you choose! Lesson are aligned to Common Core, and you may find them similar to what your teacher may be currently teaching in the classroom!Who should enroll in this course?Parents. Are you coming home after a long day of work, only to begin your second job as a tutor? Are you spending long hours at the dinner table only to be told thats not the way my teacher showed me? Enroll in this course and get back to enjoying your evenings and weekends.Students. Do you find it difficult to follow along in class, because your teaching is moving through the math lesson too fast? Do you have difficulty raising your hand, being that youre shy? In this course youll be able to rewind, pause, and select the lessons you want to work on!How is this course structured?There will be a video lesson, along with a worksheet. Please have the worksheet printed out or saved on your tablet in order to follow along. You have enough on your plate in 5th grade. In this course, there will be no tests, just learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5th Grade Math. Divide Whole Numbers and Decimals." |
"Welcome!5th grade will be the year of new learning, personal growth, and many tests! Fifth grade students are tested more than any other grade in Elementary School! With physical fitness testing, benchmark testing, science testing, and state testing; there isnt enough hours in the school day to cover everything. I know this, as I am a former California Public School Teacher.The two subjects taking most of the day in classrooms across the United States are English and Math, with Math having priority. Teachers must stick to a pacing guide, devoting up to 3 hours to Math daily. By doing this, students must understand the material the first time as tomorrow something new will be taught. Shy students, students whom miss school due to illness, and students who need extra time suffer the most!In this course, we will build math confidence by solving all problems together. Students will also tackle word problems and learn the strategies needed to solve them. With an iPad, tablet, or smartphone, you can learn whenever and wherever you choose! Lesson are aligned to Common Core, and you may find them similar to what your teacher may be currently teaching in the classroom!Who should enroll in this course?Parents. Are you coming home after a long day of work, only to begin your second job as a tutor? Are you spending long hours at the dinner table only to be told thats not the way my teacher showed me? Enroll in this course and get back to enjoying your evenings and weekends.Students. Do you find it difficult to follow along in class, because your teaching is moving through the math lesson too fast? Do you have difficulty raising your hand, being that youre shy? In this course youll be able to rewind, pause, and select the lessons you want to work on!How is this course structured?There will be a video lesson, along with a worksheet. Please have the worksheet printed out or saved on your tablet in order to follow along. You have enough on your plate in 5th grade. In this course, there will be no tests, just learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5th Grade Math. Expressions and Conversions." |
"Welcome!5th grade will be the year of new learning, personal growth, and many tests! Fifth grade students are tested more than any other grade in Elementary School! With physical fitness testing, benchmark testing, science testing, and state testing; there isnt enough hours in the school day to cover everything. I know this, as I am a former California Public School Teacher.The two subjects taking most of the day in classrooms across the United States are English and Math, with Math having priority. Teachers must stick to a pacing guide, devoting up to 3 hours to Math daily. By doing this, students must understand the material the first time as tomorrow something new will be taught. Shy students, students whom miss school due to illness, and students who need extra time suffer the most!In this course, we will build math confidence by solving all problems together. Students will also tackle word problems and learn the strategies needed to solve them. With an iPad, tablet, or smartphone, you can learn whenever and wherever you choose! Lesson are aligned to Common Core, and you may find them similar to what your teacher may be currently teaching in the classroom!Who should enroll in this course?Parents. Are you coming home after a long day of work, only to begin your second job as a tutor? Are you spending long hours at the dinner table only to be told thats not the way my teacher showed me? Enroll in this course and get back to enjoying your evenings and weekends.Students. Do you find it difficult to follow along in class, because your teaching is moving through the math lesson too fast? Do you have difficulty raising your hand, being that youre shy? In this course youll be able to rewind, pause, and select the lessons you want to work on!How is this course structured?There will be a video lesson, along with a worksheet. Please have the worksheet printed out or saved on your tablet in order to follow along. You have enough on your plate in 5th grade. In this course, there will be no tests, just learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de HTML5/CSS3" |
"Nesse curso vamos aprender a usar as tags do HTML5 e como alterar o leiaute com o CSS, no fim vamos criar um site e eu te passarei dicas extras de como se dar bem no ramo de desenvolvimento de sites, o aprendizado do HTML com o CSS crucial para quem quer aprender e seguir carreira como programador Web, e com o uso desses em conjunto voc ser capaz de criar coisas incrveis."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Transforming Idea Into Start-up" |
"Edvantez brings 'one-of-its-kind' online training course - for all aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. The faculty of 30 veterans who are not just teachers, but also successful entrepreneurs will impart their knowledge of ideation to business modeling, content and design, funding and more. The entire course is formulated in 10+ informative modules. This exhaustive course has been designed in a manner so that anyone who nurtures a dream of becoming an entrepreneur will be able to access it online, anytime from anywhere at a very affordable price."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Starting an eCommerce Business from Scratch in Pakistan!" |
"We are a Nation of 220 Million People, Allama Iqbal lives in our Hearts, we Must understand Khuddi Ka Falsafa.Starting an eCommerce in Pakistan is really a myth, without availability of PayPal or any other major payment gateway, Merchant account. In this course you will see all the possibilities of starting an eCommerce business with out any major investment in Pakistan.The whole world is our Market, Understand and make products accordingly their needs and requirements. Let's learn together how we may sell our products in the whole world and contribute our part in establishing prosperous Pakistan by getting financial independence .. We all have to Work very hard and only collective effort may uplift our economy."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Card Magic - The Complete Course" |
"Your one-stop-shop for learning card magic!Have you ever wanted to learn magic but got overwhelmed by the sheer mass of content available?This is why I created Card Magic - The Complete Course. I wanted people to be able to have everything in one place so they can learn at their own pace and learn some Professional magic, no matter what ability level they are!What's included?This course is made up of over 40 easy to watch video lessons, shot in crystal clear HD with multiple camera angles shown, with views from the front (performance side) and over my shoulder, so you can see it from my perspective.I teach each lesson slowly and methodically so you can follow along with your own deck of cards.What do I get?3.5+ Hours of Content40+ HD videos, with easy to follow instructions and multiple camera angles.20+ Sleights and Moves.8 hard-hitting Routines, from my tried and tested professional repertoire.You Will Learn:How to perform like a proHow to practice correctlyHow to deal with hecklersHow to use MisdirectionHow to be more confidentI have also included Live performances of the tricks with breakdowns, showing exactly how to perform them perfectly.Plus 2 Bonus tricks you can do anywhere, anytime, without playing cards!As a final bonus, I've made a video explaining the EXACT trick I perform at a party or social event (people run off screaming... regularly!)No more scrolling through pages of YouTube videos with weak explanations, bad camera angles and dismal lighting, I will take you from complete beginner to competent magician within weeks, not months. Even if you've never picked up a pack of cards before, you can learn everything in this course and excel with card magic!The art of learning magic is both rewarding for the person learning it, but also the lucky people who get to see the magic performed. Magic has a way of bringing people together and instantly creating a connection it defies language, age or background.It is a skill which you will have on you always, a skill that allows you to meet new people with confidence and know that in a few moments they will be laughing and shouting How did you do that?!You could say, that magic is the perfect ice breaker for any situation be it in a bar, nightclub, business event or high school, it is guaranteed to make you someone that people want to know."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3D Photography for Beginners in under One Hour" |
"Have you ever watched a 3D movie in a cinema or on your 3D TV? Have you ever wondered how on a 2D surface of a TV or cinema screen, the objects jump to life and pop out of the screen in front of you as if you can touch them? Have you ever wanted to understand the technology behind and how it all works?If yes, then you are in luck because in this short and fun course, you will be learning all of that. And not just that but you will also be creating your very own, well not movies or videos, but 3D photographs using your own phone camera! The technology and the concept is the same its just that we will apply it to photos instead of videos.You will be able to use any ordinary camera including your phone camera, go out for shopping or travel, take photos of your adventures, and convert your memorable photos into real 3D photographs. With a pair of 3D glasses, you will always be able to re-live those precious moments long after those adventures took place. Dont worry, you will know where to buy the 3D glasses for as little as 30 cents. Share your magical 3D photos with your friends on social media and amaze them with your 3D skills.When you complete this course, you will be able to:Explain how our eyes see and our brain visualizes the real 3D objects in this real world.Recognize different types of 3D photos that can be created.Know and use the three top secrets to taking the amazing 3D photographs.Take your own photos of your picnics, travels or adventures and transform them into 3D photographs and enjoy them with a pair of 3D glasses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pemrograman Java untuk Pemula" |
"Bahasa pemrograman Java merupakan salah satu bahasa yang paling populer di dunia. Dengan menguasai skill pemrograman java maka akan banyak hal yang bisa didapatkan seperti bisa menjadi pengembang aplikasi andorid, tersedia banyak lapangan kerja untuk programer java, bisa membuat aplikasi untuk dijual ke perusahaan dan masih banyak lagi hal yang bisa didapatkan.Belajar apapun termasuk java haruslah dimulai dari dasar seperti yang terdapat pada kursus ini. Di kursus ini kita akan mulai bagian yang sangat dasar mulai dari persiapan agar java bisa dijalankan di komputer kalian hingga latihan-latihan permasalahan sederhana yang bisa diselesaikan dengan java.Dikursus ini juga kita akan membahas lebih detail dan jelas seperti kenapa saya harus membuat perintah ini atau kenapa saya tidak bisa melakukan hal ini dll. Metode pengajaran yang diutamakan dalam kursus ini adalah pemahaman terhadap konsep pemograman itu sendiri sehingga jika sudah memiliki konsep yang kuat tentang pemograman maka bahasa apapun akan mudah dkuasai.Jika ada permasalahan saya akan sebisa mungkin memberikan dukungan dengan memberikan jawaban dari permasalahan yang dialami saat mempelajari Java dikursus ini.Jadi tunggu apa lagi, ayo segera mengikuti kursus ini."
Price: 700000.00 ![]() |
"Marketing Pessoal - Crie Valor, seja desejado e lembrado" |
"Percebemos que os pilares do Marketing podem ser perfeitamente aplicados na vida das pessoas. Acreditamos que tal entendimento pode fazer com que as pessoas cresam pelo fato de agregarem valor s suas imagens, a partir do momento em que entenderem que so uma espcie de produto, que quanto mais valioso e desejado, mais procurado poder se tornar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP BRIM Training & Sample Exam Question C_HYBIL_2017" |
"Learn SAP BRIM from basic to advanced in this self-paced course and become a SAP Certified Consultant. Start your SAP career today.The ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Hybris Billing - 2017"" certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge in business process and high level configuration required of an SAP Hybris Billing associate consultant. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall foundational understanding to participate as a member of an SAP Hybris Billing project team in a mentored role. The Course provided all necessary information and materials to pass successfully the C_HYBIL_2017 SAP Exam. Course includes full sample exam with questions and the below list of topics covered within this certification and the courses that cover them:Master Data - Products, Business Partners, Contracts > 12%AC233 (EHP4 FOR CRM 7.0)Order Management and Order Distribution > 12% AC233 (EHP4 FOR CRM 7.0)Pricing > 12% AC235 (CONVERGENT CHARGING 4.1)Billing and Invoicing > 12% AC245 (S/4HANA 1511 SP02)Integration of Sales and Order Management, Rating and Billing 8% - 12% AC233 (EHP4 FOR CRM 7.0)AC245 (S/4HANA 1511 SP02)Convergent Inv.-based Re-ratingCollections (Contract Accounting) 8% - 12%AC240"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP Activate Project Manager Training & Exam C_ACTIVATE05" |
"Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Fundamentals of SAP Activate Methodology> 12%Describe key characteristics of the SAP Activate Methodology, and explain the purpose and focus of each methodology phase. Describe methodology structure.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)New Implementation On-Premise > 12%Describe the key steps and deliverables in each phase during the new implementation on premise. Discuss the role and purpose of fit/gap analysis, iterative configuration, integration and extensibility of the on premise solution.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)New Implementation in the Cloud > 12%Describe the key steps and deliverables in each phase during the new implementation in the cloud. Discuss the role and purpose of fit/gap analysis, configuration, integration and extensibility in the cloud environment.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)Agile Project Delivery 8% - 12%Describe how the project team prepares release and sprint plans, and the structure and key activities in each sprint. Discuss key techniques used in agile projects.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)ACT200SAP Activate Methodology content access 8% - 12%Describe how users access the SAP Activate methodology, and how to navigate in the SAP Jam and in Roadmap Viewer tools.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)Agile Project Planning 8% - 12%Describe the agile project roles and responsibilities and the preparation of the project including the planning, estimation, user story mapping and construction of backlog.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)ACT200System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA < 8%Describe the approach for System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA including the key deliverables in each phase of this journey.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)What is SAP Activate < 8%Define the role of the SAP Activate framework, the role of each component in SAP Activate, and the benefits of SAP Activate.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)Components of SAP Activate < 8%Describe the role of SAP Best Practices and how they are used in a project. Discuss the functionality of Guided Configuration.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)Landscape Transformation to SAP S/4HANA < 8%Describe the approach for Landscape Transformation to SAP S/4HANA including the key deliverables in each phase of this journey.ACT100 (SAP S/4HANA 1610)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Planning" |
"Want to FINALLY achieve your dreams? When it is time to use mindful planning, the combination of mindfulness and planning. In this course, we will discuss stopping beliefs, powerful habits and touch 5 steps to success roadmap. Together with methods, tools and various exercises to get you step into practice and START achieving what you want.This is a beginner's level course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: Ms Ventas En 3 Pasos" |
"Quieres Conseguir Ms Clientes Para TU Negocio?Entonces aplica la estrategia de 3 pasos que te enseo en este curso.MiraEl Email Marketing es tan sencillo como: Activar tu plataforma de Email Marketing Crear una pgina que Capture Clientes Potenciales por ti Pre-configurar un par de Emails usando mi plantilla ""Copia-&-Pega"" Lanzar un Anuncio en Facebook (por $1 dlar diarios) Ver Clientes Potenciales nuevos cada da, a quienes tu puedes Ofrecer tus Productos o ServiciosAl comprender lo fcil que es,Enviars Emails a toda hora.& tendrs la gua paso-por-paso para obtener los resultados que buscas.Adems el curso funciona porque se apoya en la psicologa invariable de los humanos...Qu Principio De Psicologa Hace Funcionar Esta Estrategia?La ley de la ReciprocidadEsta ley dice que debemos retribuir lo que nos dan otras personas.Si te hacen un favor,Devolvers ese favor...Recuerdas la ltima vez que alguien hizo algo por ti?Probablemente sentiste una deuda con esa persona.Por lo tanto devolviste el favor.No es cierto?As mismo funciona esta estrategia:Ofreces tanto contenido valioso a tus clientes potenciales,Que se sentirn culpables si no compran cuando hagas tu oferta.(Sin manipular& de manera tica)Pero ""La Ley de La Reciprocidad"" es solo un beneficio...Aqu Tienes 10 BENEFICIOS Que TU Obtienes Cuando Compres Este Curso:[El Email de 3 Partes] Plantilla Tipo""Copia & Pega""Usa Esto Para EscribirTodos Los Emails de Tu CampaaCmo Invertir $1 Dlar al Da enUn Anuncio de Facebook Para ConseguirClientes PotencialesHoy MismoCrea Una Pgina de Captura QueCumpla Su Objetivo: Obtener El MayorNmero de Emails Al Menor CostoEste Mapa Curioso Te Revela TodosLos Pasos Que Tus Clientes PotencialesDeben Tomar Para ComprarAcceso Exclusivo: Grupo CreadoPara TiTe Ayudo Personalmente aMoldear La Estrategia a Tu Negocio[3 Pasos Para Vender] Analic Ms de10,000 EmailsTodos Siguen EstosTres Pasos (Son Fciles de Copiar)Cultiva La Relacin Con Tu Listade Email Marketing En Piloto-AutomticoUsando Un Autorespondedor4 Tipos De Contenidos Valiosos(Que Generan Ventas)Escoge El QueMs Te Convenga, o salos Todos!Recibe 30 Das Gratis del Softwarede Email Marketing Que Gan un""Stevie Award"" de Oro en el 2018Cmo Saber Cunto Cuesta UnCliente Potencial en Facebook?Aqu Te Muestro Compra El Curso Por Qu Es Diferente Este Curso?Muchos cursos son como vdeos en Youtube. Bsicamente, te dicen: ""Haz clic aqu. Haz clic all""Aqu seguiremos una estrategia comprobada por compaas exitosas, limitndonos a las funciones clave para aplicarla en tu negocio.No se excluye a nadie: Cualquier negocio puede construir una lista y enviar EmailsFunciona independientemente de la versin actual del softwareEvitas confusiones logrando 1 resultado por cada vdeo-entrenamientoObtn una conclusin: Este curso no es como una ""pelcula sin final""...Comenzamos activando tu cuenta gratis por 30 das, y terminamos lanzando un anuncio que te permite conseguir clientes potenciales para aplicarles Email Marketing.Cul Es La Desventaja De Este Curso?Te hablar con la verdad.En el vdeo sobre ""Cmo lanzar un anuncio para construir tu lista de clientes potenciales"",Improvis un poco.Ya que llevaba algunos meses sin usar Facebook Ads cuando lo grab.Pero en mi defensa:El vdeo cumple su objetivo. Te ensea a lanzar un anuncio.& el vdeo que le sigue, te muestra los resultados de ese anuncio.(Para que TU puedas ver exactamente qu esperar cuando lances tu propio anuncio.)Escucha, tienes una decisin importante en frente de ti.Puedes ignorar por completo este curso y seguir tu camino,o puedes comprar el curso ahora mismo y...Aprovecharlo Durante 30 Das SIN RIESGO(Dame una oportunidad, y obtn un reembolso si no te convenzo)Lo nico que tienes que hacer es clic en el botn a la derecha ""Comprar Ahora"".Te veo adentro!(Para ayudarte desde el primer da con cualquier cosa que necesites)P.D. Recuerda que este curso se basa en una estrategia prctica y comprobada por compaas exitosas. No se trata de hacer clic aqu, y all, o de conocer cada detalle del softwareSino de seguir pasos precisos con un resultado en mente. P.P.D. Adems el nivel de ayuda que te ofrezco es superior. Me puedes contactar personalmente cuando tu quieras, esperar una respuesta rpida y recibir un grado alto de inters por tu negocio (... Me gustara saber qu vendes, a quin, y que has intentado o te gustara intentar para generar ventas por Internet )"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Competitive strategy for board members and executives" |
"As a credit union board member, executive or aspiring leader, you play a key role in defining the potential of your organization. This course presents a complete competitive strategy model, focusing on providing a working knowledge of the most critical concepts. Clients find that this material helps facilitate far more strategic conversations, because it arms each leader with the frameworks they need to shift focus from overly operational conversations.This course is different than most, in that it neither focuses on your governance responsibilities or on facilitating processes. Rather, this course ties together what is otherwise a nebulous and expansive topic into a clear methodology leaders can apply immediately. It integrates concepts from top management experts and the world's best strategy and leadership professors. Take your own leadership contributions to a significantly higher level of sophistication with what you'll learn here."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Les bases de Symfony 4" |
"Durant ce cours vous allez dcouvrir le framework Symfony 4.Le cours aura comme ligne directrice la construction d'un portfolio dynamique, ce qui nous permettra de voir plusieurs notions fondamentales de Symfony (telles que Doctrine, Twig etc..) ainsi que la cration d'un CRUD, l'authentification, la cration d'un dashboard admin, les entits. Avec en prime un portfolio en ligne fonctionnel et dployable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |