Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Complete JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 course for beginners" |
"This course is divided in 3 major sections:Section I:The fundamental concepts and theory related to unit testing in general, regardless of programming language;Section II:The fundamental techniques and features of JUnit 4 (a pre-requisite for part II of the course);Section III:The architecture and extension model introduced in JUnit 5;The advanced techniques and features introduced in JUnit 5.If you are a totally new to unit testing in general and unit testing in Java in particular then I highly recommend that you take the three sections in the order presented above.If you're familiar with JUnit 4 then you may skip Section II. I'd still recommend that you take Section I though since it introduces fundamental concepts that you may not be familiar with pertaining with unit testing in general even if you've some experience in JUnit 4."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Mockito 2 course for beginners" |
"In this course you learn how to write unit tests using a powerful and flexible mocking framework called Mockito 2.You will learn the fundamental concepts related to interaction based tests.You will learn how to perform basic and advanced method stubbing.You will learn how to perform basic and advanced method verification.You will also learn advanced concepts such as argument matchers, argument captors as well as Spies and much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to sell Books on Amazon FBA Easy Startup on a budget" |
"Have you been wanting to get into selling books on amazon but everything looks complicated? Well don't you worry because i understand. I made this course with new people in mind. Plus ill be here to answer any questions you have. I won't lie to you selling books on amazon has been really popular as of late so you'll most likely have competition but I wouldn't worry to much cause there's a lot of books to go around.Items needed:Tape ( tape gun optional)PrinterFBA 30 label sheetsShipping label sheetsShipping scale or weight scale ( shipping scale preferred)goo gone ( to remove sticker residue)earphones Eyoyo Barcode ScannerBoxes - homedepot 16x12x12 "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop & Lightroom" |
". . . Lightroom. Photoshop. . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to the Arduino" |
"The Arduino can be hard to learn if you don't know where to start. But it doesn't have to be...The Ultimate Guide to the Arduino was designed to teach you how to master the Arduino, no matter what skill level you're at today. Each lesson features an in-depth look at how the device works, a line-by-line explanation of the code, and example projects that show the device in action.After taking the Ultimate Guide to the Arduino, you'll be able to:Use sensors to detect light, sound, tilt and vibration, distance, motion, temperature, humidity, altitude, barometric pressure, magnetism, compass heading, acceleration, rotational speed, and GPS coordinatesPrint data to the serial monitor, LCD displays, LED matrices, and seven segment displaysProgram the Arduino with variables, data types, mathematical operators, logical operators, compound operators, conditional statements, switch case, loops, arrays, functions, objects, classes, and libraries Use input devices like potentiometers, rotary encoders, and keypadsUse interrupts, pulse width modulation, voltage dividers, analog to digital converters, op amps, Schmitt triggers, comparators, pull-up and pull-down resistors, and de-bounce switches What you get with the course:Lifetime access45 video lectures85 example projects85 downloadable example programs77 downloadable wiring diagramsA complete list of every part used in the course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the art of Video Editing from Scratch" |
"This is a complete course to learn video editing from scratch using Filmora. Students do not need to have prior knowledge in filmora or video editing before they take this course. It is a step by step course that guides the student to get the skill.What youll learnCreate a new project with the right aspect ratio for widescreen, Instagram, cinema or portraitHow to import media files (single and bulk upload) into FilmoraYou will learn how to cut, split, move and delete images, videos and audios in editingYou will learn how to record voiceovers using the built in voiceover featureHow to convert video files to mp3 files, and extract the audio out of themHow to join multiple videos and add transitions between scenesSpeed up, slow down and reverse a video in filmoraAdd effects, elements and titles to videosCreate crawlers and watermarks that add extra information to videosYou will learn how to save your project to continue laterHow to export a completed project in the right size and composition for production"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Karakalem Resim Kursu" |
"Merhaba arkadalarBu kurs, Gzel Sanatlar Lisesi, Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi resim blmleri ve Grsel Sanatlar retmenlii iin yaplan karakalem mlakatlarnda baarsn arttrmak ve resim becerisini gelitirmek isteyenler iin tasarland.Bu kurs sonunda;Temel karakalemle ilgili kavramlara hakim olacak,Bir karakalem resimde glge ve tonlamalar yapabilecek,Nesne izimlerini gereki olarak yapabilecek,nsan anatomisindeki oranlar ve lleri kavrayacak,Pratik yntemlerle figr almalar yapabilecek,Kompoziyon almalar yaparak detaylara girebilecek,izim becerinizi byk oranda arttrm olacaksnz.Ayrca devler, dkmanlar ve destekleyici almalarla kursla balantnz hep canl kalmaya devam edecekResime gnl verenler, hepinizi kursumuza bekliyoruz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"The Voice Course: UX, UI, Strategy & Design" |
"Voice is the fastest adopted tech in history - in the home, in the car, in our ears, and on our phones. Brands want to know how they can use voice to create value for them and their customers, but where do they start and what do they need to consider?Two experts in the field - along with guest speakers from Nestle, Audi, BBC, and more - will offer practical guidance to help create your voice strategy and voice design on platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Join our expert team by signing up now!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Meditacin en Psicologa de los Chakras. La Conexin" |
"Amplia tu conexinCuando ests en conexin, lo sabes. Quiz lo sientes como una fuerza, un remolino de energa que se mueve a travs de Tu sistema. Ya sea por medio de una emocin como alegra, miedo, miedo, excitacin sexual, enfado, etc. Canalizamos y esta emocin que se convierte en energa.Dependiendo de la experiencia, se pueden crear bloques energticos, que actan como filtros o tapones que se crean para protegernos del impacto energtico que dej dicha experiencia. Estos bloques luego se convierten en obstculos que nos impiden vivir con toda la ferza fuerza de vida y fluir con toda la energa de nuestro cuerpo energtico.En el Programa Meditacin en Psicologa de los Chakras _ La Conexin, recibirs enseanzas y prcticas esenciales que te permitirn conocer los chakras, abrirlos, equilibrarlos, meditar en ellos, expandir tu conciencia. A travs de este programa, obtendrs una nueva forma de conocerte, conectar con tu SER. Aprenders diversas herramientas prcticas para trabajar en el da de a da y practicar en la vida cotidiana.As como existen prcticas de limpieza de cuerpo fsico Detox puedes hacer un Detox o limpieza en cuerpo energtico que te ayude a restaurar la salud, nuevas posibilidades de vitalidad, creatividad y alegra de vivir.El programa Psicologa de los Chakras _ La Conexin te ofrece un viaje de transformacin real en la forma en que vives, respiras, trabajas, te relacionas, comunicas, diviertes, amas. Adems de abrirte a una forma de vida de mayor conexin, con una mirada holstica y transpersonal de tu ser.Es posible que ya conozcas algunos aspectos de los siete chakras principales. Lo que quiero ofrecerte diferente en este programa Psicologa de los Chakras _ La Conexin es adems de que te puedas actualizar desde una mirada desde la psicologa, ese componente emocional que nos hace nicos, en esa integracin mente cuerpo espritu y trascendencia.Entonces, es hora de que descubras los recursos maravillosos que este sistema sagrado que puede ofrecerte.Este viaje a travs de los 7 centros principales de energa te ofrece una transformacin Extreme Makeover psico-espiritual para alinear tu mundo interior y exterior. De este modo, mientras integras y alineas tus sistemas de energa, tu misin principal en el mundo se har ms consciente.Ya ests listo para decir: SI QUIERO! a este viaje de SANACIN y CRECIMIENTO psico-espiritual Bienvenidos a mi portal mgico"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Acompaamiento en Procesos de Duelo y Prdida" |
"Duelo Cmo afrontar la prdida de un ser querido?El proceso de duelo es un camino difcil de atravesar. Sin embargo, es un proceso vital que todos necesitamos elaborar tras una prdida significativa; para as, reconstruir un mundo que quizs se haya hecho pedazos tras la ausencia.Cada da son ms las personas que se sienten confusas con respecto a sus emociones ante la prdida y el duelo, de hecho muchas me escriben con preguntas del tipo:Qu debo sentir?Qu debo hacer?Esto es normal, o me estoy volviendo loco?Cules son los sntomas tras la muerte de un ser queridoCmo superar la muerte de un ser querido?Cmo superar duelo muerte de un padre de una madre?Qu hacer ante la muerte de un familiar?Cmo aceptar la muerte de un ser querido?Cmo superar la muerte de una mascota?Se me ha quedado el alma congelada, entre otros tantos mensajes y frases que de algn modo me han llevado a pensar en este espacio para hablar de Duelo, desde una mirada del Counselling.Un curso online destinado a todas aquellas personas que desean tener un primer acercamiento al trabajo teraputico y de acompaamiento en duelo, prdidas y trauma.Busca ser un blsamo de comprensin en medio del dolor. He reunido algunos vdeos, as como material complementario para brindarte claves y herramientas para empezar a juntar las piezas rotas que quedan tras la prdida.Prepararte para aprender a afrontar tus propias prdidas y, de la misma forma, poder acompaar a los otros en sus procesos de duelo, de una forma compasiva y amorosa.Objetivos:Explicar qu es un Duelo y los diversos tipos de duelo tras la muerte de un ser querido o la prdida.Explicar los diversos enfoques y marcos tericos que subyacen en el trabajo de Duelo y acompaamiento en prdida.Brindarte algunos elementos de cmo afrontar la prdida de un ser querido.Ofrecer herramientas de sensibilizacin y comprensin ante situaciones de conflicto, prdida y duelo.Exponer la importancia de las emociones, creencias y contextualizar su dolor dentro del sistema familiar.Explorar los cambios que las nuevas Tecnologias y las redes sociales ejercen en el proceso de Duelo.Describir la importancia de la resiliencia en la elaboracin del duelo y la prdida.Brindare algunas claves que ayudan en el proceso de aprender a soltar, dejar ir con amor, con responsabilidad, aceptando el duelo.Orientar Qu pasa cuando ya no estn? Cmo afrontar su ausencia y continuar la vida sin ellos?Tengo la certeza, que nunca perdemos a las personas que amamos, incluso en la muerte. Ellos continan participando en cada acto, pensamiento y decisin que tomamos.Su amor deja una huella indeleble en nuestra memoria. Conseguimos consuelo en saber que nuestras vidas se han enriquecido a travs del amor compartidoLeo BuscagliaContenido:Introduccin: El duelo es saber que todo volver a ir bien pero nada volver a ser igualTipos de dueloEl Duelo y sus principales Teoras (Un recorrido histrico) El Significado en la prdida y dueloLa importancia de los Rituales de despedida en el DueloRituales de duelo a travs de la historia.Cmo afrontar la prdida de un ser queridoCmo aceptar la muerte de un hijo?Cmo superar y Afrontar la Muerte de tu Mascota. (Proceso de Duelo)Estrategias de elaboracin en prdida y dueloNuevas tecnologas y Duelo:Cmo la tecnologa est impactando nuestro proceso de duelo?TRANSGENERACIONAL: Arbol genealgico y el proceso de DUELORituales teraputicos de despedidaEl papel de la resiliencia en el proceso de Duelo"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 1" |
"This is the course for the students who have finished learning the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM and want to learn more about the Japanese language and Japanese culture. It consists of 11 lessons. From Lesson 1 to Lesson 4, students learn more about Japanese NOUN sentences. The topics that students learned in the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM SECTION 1, such as greetings and shopping, will be enhanced. From Lesson 5 to Lesson 10-2, in addition to the continuous training of the PARTICLE changes, students will learn more knowledge of grammar concerning VERB sentences such as how to use new VERBS, how to use ADVERBS, and how and why the word order changes during conversations. The new topics of conversation are; Inviting someone to do something together, making plans, offering a favor, talking about schedule, and talking about existence. Students can also learn various kinds of FORM-based expressions and VERBS. Good luck with your study and I hope you enjoy the atmosphere of taking a lesson in the classroom. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Japanese language course: MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM LEVEL 2" |
"This is the second of four levels of the MISJ NOVICE PROGRAM.If you are not so confident in making Japanese sentences and handling these sentences in conversations, I suggest that you start your brush-up study with the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM.Although the WELCOME PROGRAM is the course for beginners, it also helps people who want to re-build a solid foundation of Japanese language study. You can learn all the basic knowledge of grammar that is indispensable for achieving conversational skills."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"History of Mesopotamia - Part 1 (2900-2000 BC)" |
"In this course, you will learn about the history of the Sumerians and Akkadians. The invention of writing, government propaganda, imperialism, letters - all of these were invented in Mesopotamia during the third millennium. This is an introductory course, but I plan on expanding and editing it over time to include more topics on literature, culture, and primary sources. This course will be helpful for college students who are taking an introductory course on Mesopotamian history and need to supplement their knowledge, or just for ancient history enthusiasts. There is information here for pure beginners, as well as for those with some knowledge of the field already. I will also be actively expanding the course - I look forward to your feedback!In the first section of a course, you will gain the necessary background knowledge needed to follow along.In the second section, you will learn about the Early Dynastic period and the various Sumerian kings that vied for power.In the third section, you will learn about Sargon of Akkad and his dynasty.In the fourth section, you will learn about the Third Dynasty of Ur - the ""Neo-Sumerian Empire."""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Rock Tumbling 101" |
"Learn everything you need to know about starting a Rock Tumbling hobby. You'll discover what supplies you'll need to purchase, the stages of the rock tumbling process, how to find or purchase your gemstones, and you get to watch me perform all the steps you'll need to when starting your first batch. There are lots of downloadable reference materials included with the lessons."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hello! Welcome to my new course ""Chill Out: Stress release deep relaxation program -for women-Are you looking to relax and cool down your anxiety, and body tensions in an effective way? - This course is exactly for that.The main method used in this course is the efficient progressive muscle relaxation, an easy-to-learn technique that will help you to relax deeply on the spot. I designed this course taking into account some women's needs, but the techniques can still perfectly be practiced by anyone willing to relax profoundly. Progressive muscle relaxation has been proven to eliminate insomnia, reduce depression and anxiety, and lower high blood pressure. It also relaxes the muscles preventing shoulder and neck tension pain in daily life.I have been teaching these techniques for more than ten years off-line, this is the best summarized version of it for you to practice them from the comfort of your home. : )I have added a plus to this course; the optimal breathing technique that will improve your breathing capacity, will revitalize your body, and calm your mind.I also included a technique to reprogram your mind so it can focus on your main goals and avoid dispersion that is a major cause of stress.This course includes video instructions showing how to perform the techniques with precision. There are MP3 files to be downloaded to your devices and be able to practice laying down.Try it out now! Don't stay one more minute with that level of stress. You wont regret it.If you have any questions: Feel free to message me! I am here happy to answer!I am so looking forward to sharing with you in my course!Thank you!*Thanks to Dave Lojek from APEIRON FILMS for recording and editing this course and making it possible.*Here is what some of the women have to say about taking this course.""After doing the program I feel more relaxed, present and clear-minded. It helped me to turn my mind off FINALLY! It's the hardest thing to do!"". Jobina Bardai, Life Coach & Miracle Mentor""During a very stressful family situation I used the Chill Out techniques. Afterwards I was able to sleep much better. Before, I would have stayed awake all night feeling very anxious. Since using these these techniques, it's easy for me to feel much more present in my body and really have a restful night"". Marisa Toldo - Architect.""Rakel's Chill Out Program is a brilliant source of regeneration. Her voice radiates soothing properties, at the same time transferring confidence. Rakel presents Jacobson's progressive relaxation therapy in a way that I can easily apply it to a busy daily routine. It does not matter if I have only five minutes or twenty. The different versions; 16, 8 and 4 muscle group programs allow me to customize the exercises based on time restraints. I strongly recommend Rakel's Chill Out Program to all of my clients"". Laurie Reinke, Birth and Postpartum Doula""I found this program to be very helpful. Especially on Sunday nights to help calm me down before the start of a hectic work week. Sundays are always very anxious times for me and I usually have trouble sleeping as well. After doing this program it helped me relax, sleep and have more energy on Monday morning. Which is huge for me."" Melisa Davis, Owner of Mad for VintageDisclaimer: All information, content, and material of this course are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Acht unfehlbare Zeichen, warum Sie dieses Programm brauchen:1. Sie reden stndig ber StressSie erzhlen Ihren Kollegen und Freunden oft, wie gestresst Sie sind. Sie fhlen sich wie kurz vorm burnout und brauchen schnelle Hilfe.2. Ihr interner Rhythmus ist vllig auf den Kopf gestelltWhrend des Tages fhlen Sie sich bei der Arbeit sehr erschpft, und es gelingt Ihnen nicht sich Nachts wirklich auszuruhen. Das bedeutet: Ihr Nervensystem luft nicht mehr synchron mit Ihrem Biorhythmus.3. Sie denken darber nach, Ihre Arbeit zu kndigenSie haben oft das Gefhl, es bliebe nur noch die Option Ihren Job zu kndigen, weil Sie einem permanent hohem Druck ausgesetzt sind.4. Ihre Firma wird gerade umstrukturiertSie stehen stndig unter Spannung, weil Ihre Firma sich gerade in einem Umwandlungsprozess befindet. Das kann bedeuten, dass Sie Ihren Job verlieren. Dieser Gedanke verfolgt Sie und macht Ihnen Angst.5. Sie sind abgelenkter als sonstSie knnen sich schlecht konzentrieren. Dadurch brauchen Sie manchmal doppelt so lange als gewhnlich fr Ihre normalen Aufgaben. Auch das Ergebnis ist lange nicht so gut als wenn Sie ganz fokussiert bei der Sache wren. Das zerrt an Ihrer Energie, Ihrer Zeit und Ihren Ressourcen.6. Ihre Leistung hat nachgelassenSie schaffen es nicht mehr, Ergebnisse in der vorgegebenen Zeit zu liefern. Auerdem lsst die Qualitt zu wnschen brig. Sie fhlen sich nicht motiviert und auch nicht mehr in Ihr Team eingebunden.7. Sie spren zu hohen DruckSie haben das Gefhl, es wird einfach zu viel von Ihnen verlangt. Sei es von Ihrem Chef, Ihren Kollegen oder auch von Ihren Kunden. Vielleicht fehlt Ihnen auch die Balance zwischen Ihrem Privatleben und Ihrer Arbeit. Auf beiden Ebenen fhlen Sie sich von Terminen und Aufgabenflut berlastet.8. Sie leiden unter hoher krperliche AnspannungSie sind krperlich total erschpft, viele Ihrer Muskeln schmerzen und sind verkrampft.Ihre Schultern fhlen sich steinhart an, ebenso geht es Ihrem Nacken und Ihrem Rcken.+ + + + + Am Ende dieses Programms werden Sie:Eine vllig andere Wahrnehmung von Stress haben. Sie sind nicht mehr Stress-Opfer sondern erfolgreicher Stress-BewltigerIhre persnlichen Stressauslser identifizieren, lernen mit ihnen umzugehen, oder sie ganz zu verhindernJeglichen Stress, der sich in Ihrem Krper und Geist angesammelt hat, loslassen knnenStress zu Ihren Vorteil nutzen wenn Sie unter Druck geratenAblenkungen reduzieren und Ihren Fokus schrfenKlarer denken knnenStabiler in Vernderungsprozessen seinKonflikten besser begegnenHinderliche Gewohnheiten ablegen und dadurch viel besser auf Herausforderungen reagieren+ + + + +"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"7 tapes de vente Facebook pour passer en hypercroissance" |
"Une mthode de croissance rapide de son chiffre daffaires applique par 98% des Statups en Europe sans dpenser 1 EURO en publicit, base uniquement sur une technique de Growth Hacking.Prsentation d'une mthode base sur le Growth HackingComment exploiter les FAILLES de FacebookComment passer en mode SNIPER sur FacebookCrer votre propre MACHINE A LEADS sur FacebookCrer votre systme SEMI-AUTOMATISStratgie en 4 tapes pour VENDRE efficacementLes coulisses d'une stratgie RENTABLE"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Identifiez les prospects qui seront fans de votre produit" |
"Cette formation propose une mthode simple et efficace pour profiler vos prospects et crer des Buyer Persona pour une plus grande efficacit.Oubliez la notion de cible, arrtez dessayer de proposer vos produits un large public dont seule une minorit a un rel intrt pour ce que vous offrez. Tout d'abord, parce que a cote cher et aussi parce que cela amne une mauvaise exprience utilisateur et dnaturise votre image.Grce cette technique de haute prcision, vous apprendrez connatre vos prospects aussi bien que vos meilleurs amis. Il sagit de la seule manire daugmenter srieusement votre taux de conversion tout en diminuant vos efforts et vos investissements.Dans cette formation, je vous explique non seulement lintrt et lutilit de cette technique, mais aussi :Ma mthode efficace pour crer vos Buyer Persona en un tournemainMes techniques dinvestigation pour apprendre connatre vos prospects comme sil sagissait de vos amisUn modle de fiche Buyer Persona prt lemploiLintgration du Buyer Persona dans votre tunnel de venteLes nombreux champs dapplication de cette technique de profilageLa formation en version PDF et DIAPORAMA PowerPointEt un bonus exclusif qui vous montre comment identifier vos clients cibles au laser sur Facebook"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing Task 2 Intensive Course (Band 7+)" |
"Unlock the secrets to acing IELTS Writing Task 2 through this course. Learn from almost two hours of narrated slideshows, taught by a non-native English speaker who scored a Band 9.0 in all of the subtests of IELTS!This course is intended for people who wish to improve their essay writing skills for IELTS Writing Task 2. This contains video lessons that cover the essential skills required to score a Band 7 in IELTS or higher. It also provides information about the various strategies test takers can employ to get a better score in IELTS Writing Task 2. You need to be at least a B1 in the CEFR or at least a Band 5.5 or 6.0 in IELTS to benefit from this course.This course contains a brief introduction and review of IELTS Writing Task 2 guidelines and some reminders to improve your test performance for this task. It also includes a detailed discussion on the band score descriptors to allow you to understand what skills examiners look at when assigning marks to candidates. You will also learn how to write an essay from scratch and be acquainted with the structures you can use to write high-scoring essays in the IELTS.It summarizes complex IELTS information in a series of videos that you can finish in 2 hours or less! It is also taught by a Band 9 IELTS candidate, who took the examination in 2019, and gives you an overview of IELTS from a test taker's perspective, rather than an examiner's or instructor's point of view. In addition, this course helps you to understand the structures you can use in your actual IELTS Writing Task 2 exam to enable you to write a response to virtually any Writing Task 2 question in IELTS. After the course, you will feel more confident in your writing ability and realize that IELTS Writing Task 2 is not a very difficult task after all.Testimonials ""I took the IELTS like 5 times already plus OET once for I have already signed a contract to UK. In all of which, I did not reach my target scores on my own. By then, I finally decided I needed help. I enrolled in your intensive writing program last March. Here are my scores: Listening 8.5, Reading 7.5, Writing 7.5, Speaking 7.0, Overall 7.5.I am sharing this because your institution really has the expertise when it comes to these English exams. And most importantly, I learned how to answer the writing tasks accordingly. Thank you to Niner! More power! God bless!""""Highly recommended! The coaches are very competent and supportive. The Writing Program and one-on-one coaching helped improve my skills. Thank you, Niner!"" - Aya""I highly recommend Niner. The lecturers and coaches are good, especially Sir Brian for the writing subtest. He will teach you everything from planning to checking your essay. He's so patient. Availing thier WRITING PROGRAM is super worth it. There, I gained confidence that I can pass the writing subtest. Niner heped me reach my target scores for NZ on my first take. Thank you Niner! More power! I hope you can help more people! God bless!"" - Malour""I recommend the writing program. It is really effective. Passing the writing exam as a first timer is really unbelievable."" - Marinette"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Sing Like a Pro" |
"Professional singers are often envied because of their talent, but that's not the only thing that makes them who they are. We're also attracted to their confidence. Where does their confidence come from? It comes from their control and their control comes from knowing and mastering their voices. They know what it's capable of achieving because they've practiced the right techniques and have become comfortable with pushing it to new levels. If you want the confidence and the control of a professional singer, then this course is for you. You will discover how YOUR voice works and what techniques to use in order to get the best out of it. Mastery of your vocals is possible, so you can too sing like a pro!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lead People Like a Pro" |
"John C. Maxwell defines leadership this way: A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. History is full of people who, while having no previous leadership experience, have stepped up to the plate and persuaded others to follow them. They possessed certain skills and qualities that helped them to step into roles of leadership. In this course, you will learn what leadership requires and be able to build the confidence and skill set necessary to become the great leader you always wanted to be."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Write Song Lyrics Like a Pro" |
"One way to learn how to become a better songwriter is by mastering the art of lyric writing. It may seem like a huge challenge to write compelling song lyrics, especially if you have no background in poetry or any form of creative writing. This course will point you in the right direction, and you don't even have to be able to play an instrument! You'll find pro tips here to get you well on your way to writing song lyrics that artists will want to pay for! Not sure where to begin? Well, let's go!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HACCP (ISO 22000+ )" |
"99 , ISO 22000/HACCP. : 5 37 ,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering The Art Of Quitting - Success Through Quitting" |
"If you have a lot things you do but you unable to manage it all and as a result everything fall apart - you are in the right place. I help people to focus the one thing, the important thing and through this one thing you become GREAT in what to do instead of being unsuccessful average.You may think that if you manage your time right so you'll be able to make everything work, so I'll tell you a secret - IT'S NOT.You can take another course of ""How to manage your time to get 10X more in less time.But the truth is you'll get the same in less time, that's it. You can't be awesome in everything if you work on it in the same time.You must quit other things, other projects you have in order to focus the one thing that really important and to be honest - this is the real deal about how you become master in what you do.You can ask Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and much more successful entrepreneur because all of them have this in common - They focus the important thing and quit the other.The question I'll be answer in course is how you manage your quits right because if you mismanaged it you'll fail - you can ask the third man in Apple company which lost 95 billions dollars! (I'll talk on him in the course).This course is the real truth of how to be GREAT in what you do.In this course you will learn:How to be GREAT in what you do.How to manage your quits right.Applying the mindset behind the ""quitting strategy"".How to get the successful you desire in MUCH LESS time.How to identify the important things.And much, much more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts" |
"Do Your Friends & Family Members Tell You to ""Just Get Over"" Your Anxiety Problems?Are Your Medications And Supplements Not Helping Cure Your Anxiety?Then You are in the right place!Are You Trapped in Uncontrollable & Excessive Worries?Obviously, everybody worries from time to time. This is normal. But what happens when worry becomes a problem? Especially when it happens almost every day, and becomes excessive and uncontrollable? Do you find it hard to relax after a long day because of your anxieties? If so then you are not alone, and the Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts Program will give you your old life back, and more.By the end of this course you will know how to:Have Much Deeper Understanding Of Your AnxietyKnow How Thoughts Influence Your MoodIdentify Your Hidden MoodsSet Personal Goals and Notice ImprovementDevelop new ways of thinking Through 'Thought Record'Use Helpful Thinking MethodsUse Proven Formula For Facing Fears: ExposurePrevent Relapse Whenever we experience a mood, there is a thought connected to it that helps define the mood. That's why in this course I focus a lot on identifying certain thoughts, to change your mood._On a daily basis, we all have automatic thoughts that influence our behavior. These are the words and images that pop into our heads throughout the day.Automatic thoughts are thoughts that come into our minds spontaneously throughout the day. Whenever we have strong moods, there are also automatic thoughts present that provide clues to understanding our emotional reactions._Identifying specific moods also help you set goals and track progress._Setting personal goals for mood or behavior change helps you know where you are headed and can help you track your progress._The Thought Record is a tool that can help you develop new ways of thinking in order to feel better._The purpose of the Conquering Your Anxious Thoughts is to show You how to desensitize yourself from your fears, by creating and building your confidence towards anxiety. Equipping You with PROVEN TOOLS to help stop your worry chain effect.But here's the best part of all our programs: Our course is built with the 1# Best Anxiety Support which will help You on your road to recovery & show You exactly how to implement the Proven Steps in the program.Through this program you really are getting the BEST VALUE and guidance in the most valuable package available.No more searching on google for answers on how to cope with your anxiety symptoms,No more feeling vulnerable and unease due to uncertainty."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Teido (Teddy) D. Agama EMBA MBCS CMgr FCMI CMC FIC FITOL FLPI has over 30 years experience in training and technology and he is your trainer for this course. You can also read his Profile on LinkedIn.Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace is accredited and registered on the CPD database #1003214You can collect 16 CPD Credits for completing the course. Mind Strategies Limited will provide you with a beautiful CPD Certificate on request, once you finish. There is a small administrative fee of 10 for sending the CPD certificate to you.Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace is mainly for Middle Level Managers and Team Leaders, as well as anyone else who might want to study or review this material. There are no prior qualifications required to take this course.This course is at the intermediate level and is suitable for all current and emerging leaders, empowering them to utilise Emotional Intelligence for their personal and organisational development. Prior learning and experience is not essential.On completion, Participants will be able to understand and apply principles and practice of EI, evaluate some EI options in the workplace and apply the principles learned to their job/role"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conceitos de Rede e TCPIP" |
"Um curso indicado aos iniciantes da rea que querem conhecer os conceitos por trs das redes e do TCP/IP.Este curso tem como principal objetivo apresentar aos iniciantes da rea ou a quem quiser conhecer um pouco mais sobre os conceitos de rede e TCP/IP o que acontece por trs das ferramentas, evoluindo do N, N, F (next, next, finish, quem trabalha com Microsoft vai entender!), para comear a entender o porqu das coisas. Um dos objetivos transformar nossa rea de atuao que muitos acreditam ser esotrica, para o seu devido lugar que o de exatas. Ao entendemos como o nosso ambiente funciona deixamos de simplesmente sermos meros operadores de ferramentas, que muitas vezes no tem a mnima ideia do que est acontecendo por trs da ferramenta, para nos tornarmos pessoas que sabem se adaptar as evolues ou as novas ferramentas.Um curso com uma linguagem simples e descontrada, pois acredito que no precisamos de mais um curso que fique escovando bits e falando com termos que nem mesmo o cara que o criou entende. Afinal de contas se ningum entende o que o instrutor fala, a culpa do instrutor e no dos alunos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
wordpress-from-scratch-arabic |
" WordPress . . .Wordpress step by step in Arabic you will learn everything about wordpress and hosting and themes and plugin, and how configure the wordoress in right way and how mange pages and posts and media and how use elementor and elementor pro and how make landing pages build store for one products and security and backup"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Django & Python: complete BUNDLE + Django real project 2020" |
"please first look at free preview on course about Django at the bottom of this page , you will learn a lot Heres a little outline of what we are presenting to you in this course. We will be covering a number of basic topics and agendas that, by and on themselves, would be enough to get you started as a programmer, even if you may have zero to none prior acquaintance with programming.The topics include whatever you are going to need as a programmer, we cover very basic topics such as Using Linux, and Best IDE, which are the systematic pre-requirements for your hardware, and from there we set you up on the basics of Python programming language, as the most common programming language used by professionals around the world. In our basic python programming course we use a lot of examples to make sure that all the points really hit home, topics such as variables, printing techniques, lists, various forms of loops, dictionaries, and tuple, and numerous practical and useful functions and classes are all dealt with through multiple examples that have been tested over and over again by the very best professionals in the game. To make sure that you have totally mastered the topics, in due course you are going to be presented with entertaining exercises such as designing an rpg game, whose fulfilment is going to require all that you have been taught during the course, in the most involved and practical format possible, to make you thoroughly prepared for the real life projects ahead of you. On the second level we are going to deal with the more advanced topics on python, with more practically-designed details and examples. We further elaborate the topic of files, Json, and try and except . we use tkinter as a platform for our UI course. Tkinter being universally viewed as the best UI library for python available on the market, will be where we base our further instructions. We will show you how to install tkinter, and how to apply its various and multilayered components in detail, with topics such as title , label , button , textbox , combo-box , radio button, scroll text, file menu , message box and many more thoroughly elaborated through lots and lots of examples. With the basic and more advanced topics of python out of the way, now we will be able to enter the practical realms of professional programming, in which we will learn how to make a webpage using the most common and powerful framework available for web-designing, Django. After being done with its installation manual and set up, we will provide you with a forty hour course, in which we cover all the details on often elaborate topics for starting, improving and creating the ultimate website that would be just as interactive as any that you have ever come across in real life. So, if you have made up your mind about taking up this course, I need to reassure you again about the wonderful journey that lies ahead of you, through which you are going to walk the path of an ordinary beginner who becomes a professional web-designer."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso Introdutrio de Programao Utilizando LUA" |
"O nosso curso se prope a apresentar os conceitos iniciais de programao ao mesmo tempo em que introduz a estrutura e instrues iniciais da linguagem Lua. Dessa maneira,ele se presta tanto ao iniciantes da programao quanto aos que possuam alguma habilidade e experincia em outras linguagens e que queiram expandir sua cultura de programao com mais uma ferramenta.Assim, o nosso objetivo introduzir os conceitos bsicos de programao atravs da linguagem Lua, permitindo o aprofundamento em programao e na linguagem em si. Para isso, sero apresentados exemplos e aplicaes da Linguagem Lua para soluo de problemas simpes e para familiarizao com a linguagem.Ao final deste curso, espera-se que voc:Tenha absorvido os fundamentos tericos e prticos sobre lgica de programao, que permitiro que voc se aprofunde posteriormente;Seja capaz de criar programas que lidem com tomadas de deciso simples, operaes lgicas, operaes matemticas bsicas e intermedirias e operaes de manipulao simples de textos; eDomine os conceitos bsicos relacionados linguagem Lua, dando incio sua jornada em Lua.O curso est organizado em 10 Aulas, contendo de 15 a 40 minutos de vdeoaulas explicativas. As aulas abordam desde tpicos mais simples, como a instalao da ferramenta a ser utilizada durante o curso, passando por operaes aritmticas, funes, entrada e sada, repetio, e tpicos mais sofisticados como tomadas de deciso e operaes com vetores, tabelas, matrizes, mdulos e tratamento de erros.Todas as aulas possuem ao menos um exerccio prtico, que permite ao aluno exercitar os conceitos expostos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP Activate Manager C_ACTIVATE12 Latest Material & Test" |
"Enroll in this course and get complete material for learning SAP Activate project management methodologyFollowing material will be sharedACT100 Latest Version materialACT200 Latest Version material Four PDF question papers with 80 questions eachQuizzes to test your knowledgeFor course material, Quiz, Handouts reach out to me by an Udemy message.For your convenience, I have split one Full test of 80 questions(180 Minutes) into Four tests of 20 questions each(45 Minutes)Material and Mock Tests cover below topicsIntroduce SAP Activate innovation adoption frameworkDiscuss the key characteristics of SAP Activate methodologyExplain how users access the SAP Activate content in SAP Jam, Road-map Viewer tool and SAP Solution ManagerDescribe SAP Solution Manager and how it relates to SAP Activate.Explain how the SAP Activate methodology guides project teams:Implementing cloud solutionsHow the implementation approach differs from on-premise deploymentsImplementing on-premise solutionsDuring System Conversion to S/4HANA.During Landscape Transformation to S/4HANA.Outline how the SAP Activate methodology compares to SAP Launch methodology and ASAP 8.In the exam you will be asked questions on below subject areas:The Fundamentals of SAP Activate Methodology, New Implementation On-Premise, New Implementation in the Cloud, Agile Project Delivery, SAP Activate Methodology content access, Agile Project Planning, System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA, What is SAP Activate, Components of SAP Activate, Landscape Transformation to SAP S/4HANA."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |