Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How To Create Multitrack Backing Tracks Using Ableton Live" |
"I Started touring at the age of 14. I've been in the music business for over 20+ years making records and performing with some of the biggest acts out today. I have produced and engineered my own band Fans of Jimmy Century all the way to a Grammy nomination in 2008 for Best Dance/Electronic. I have produced and engineered tracks for some of the best known TV shows and Films out today like, Get Hard (Warner Bros.) to The NBA and Finding Nemo (Disney/Pixar) over 250 TV and Film placements, I have Designed Sets and whole touring rigs for some of the biggest Original Bands and Las Vegas Cover Bands out. I also own and Backing Tracks company ""Backing Tracks Custom""Mod 1 What You Need to Get SetupMod 2 Sound Card and Click Setup for 4-outs Sound CardMod 3 Multiple Out Sound Card & Digital Mixers SetupMod 4 Mixing Sets & Monitor Mix OverviewMod 5 Front of House Mixing By GainMod 6 Front of House Mute Clips and Deactivate ClipsMod 7 Mixing with Track Clips AutomationMod 8 Saving Sets Collect All and Save Missing Files Moving Songs Mod 9 MIDI Mapping Foot Controllers to Control Sets Mod 10 MIDI Mapping Keyboard Controllers to Control SetsMod 11 Warping to Transpose Song Mod 12 Mixing and Editing in Arrangement Performance Mode Mod 13 Making A set from scratch and importing your own musicBonus VideosAudio Missing Files TroubleshootingExport Song From Ableton Clip Session View with Click for PracticeHow to Edit Songs to Make Longer or Remove PartsAutomatically Change Keyboard Patches in Ableton Live FREE TemplateBonus Free Downloads:Auto Keyboard Patch Changer Template(2) Song for Ableton 9.5 & up Backing Tracks TemplateBacking Tracks Template includes:This is a 2-Song Backing Track Template for Ableton 9.5 & up.Its Pre-Made so you can add your own tracks to it as well.Template includes:Uptown Funk Bruno MarsCake by the Ocean DNCE"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gassy or Colicky Baby? Baby Crying from Poor Digestion?" |
"Did you know the strokes in baby massage are extremely effective in promoting healthy digestion, relieving gas, and improving colic? Vyana Infant Massage teaches you simple, easy to learn touch techniques for common ailments and challenges. You and your baby don't have to suffer or resort to unnecessary medical interventions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Edicin de imgenes con el telfono. Lightroom VSCO snapseed" |
"A lo largo de este curso se va recorriendo las tres aplicaciones de edicin de imgenes y cada una de sus herramientas, ademas pondremos en practica cada una de las herramientas para familiarizarnos con los resultados de la imagenes.Al terminar este curso se tendr un alto nivel de conocimiento sobre el tema de la edicin de fotografa y manejo de estas aplicaciones para tener un resultado profesional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Architecture en Espaol." |
"Este curso va analizando y adentrndonos en cada uno de los temas de la arquitectura de las computadoras, Es la base de todas las ramas derivadas sobre la computacin ya que es la estructura operacional fundamental de un sistema de computadoras. Al final de este curso tendrn el conocimiento necesario para continuar con el rumbo que deseas sobre el desarrollo de computadoras, es las bases de todo a nivel de software."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"En que invertir cuando tienes poco dinero." |
"En este curso les traigo las opciones que existen para invertir cuando tienes poco dinero. en cada uno de los casos desglosaremos cada uno de los aspectos a tener en cuenta al adentrarnos en cada uno de estos tipos de inversin. Estaremos revisando aspectos como : - Las ganancias que generan.- la parte legal de dicho negocio.- Estrategias para que sean mas rentables.- Los comienzos. - Otros."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Fundamentals for Beginners" |
"Are you brand new to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Do you need to learn the basics of key GCP services? If so, this course is for you!Hi, I am Janakiram MSV, a Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect and also a Google Developer Expert for Cloud and IoT technologies. With 10+ years' experience working on Cloud Computing at Microsoft and Amazon Web Services, I can ensure you that this course is the perfect resource to jumpstart your GCP journey. GCP is one of the fastest-growing cloud platforms in the industry. This course aims to provide a thorough overview of GCP. From the core building blocks such as Compute, Storage, and Networking to the advanced services, this course introduces the key concepts and then shows you how to start being productive. Each section includes a hands-on demo of one of the key services. You will also learn the use cases and scenarios for some of the most significant services of Google Cloud.This course is carefully designed to help beginners get started with GCP. Topics covered include:The Big Picture of GCPEssential building blocksComputeStorageNetworkIdentity ManagementAdditional ServicesDatabasesData and AnalyticsArtificial Intelligence & Machine LearningDevOps and Developer ToolsEnterprise ServicesJoin me in this course if you're ready to dive into GCP. You won't be disappointed!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping mit Shopify Starterkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs, geht es um die Erstellung eines profitablen Shopify Dropshipping Shops. Es werden die Themen Erstellung des Shops, Nischen und Produkte finden, Rechtliches bis hin zur Erstellung einer Facebook Werbeanzeige behandelt. Der Kurs ist in 27 Module unterteilt, die eine Lnge von ca.4 Stunden haben. Alles in einfache Worte gefasst, um es 1:1 nachzumachen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses, bist du in der Lage selbststndig deinen Shop zu betreiben und deine Produkte erfolgreich zu verkaufen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"So findest du Bestseller Produkte fr Shopify Dropshipping" |
"Der Kurs, fr alle die auf der Suche nach dem Produkt sind, dass sich in ihrem Shop 1000-fach profitabel verkaufen lsst. Oft scheitern Dropshipper genau daran, sie haben den Shop perfekt gestaltet. Vom Design bis hin zu den verkaufsuntersttzenden Tools, alles ist super. Doch Sie finden nicht die Produkte, die Sie profitabel verkaufen knnen. Hier zeige ich dir, verschiedene Programme und Tools fr die Produktanalyse und das Auffinden deiner Bestseller Produkte. Alles leicht verstndlich erklrt, damit du es 1:1 nachmachen kannst. Nach diesem Kurs wirst du dein Bestseller Produkt finden knnen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ultrasonic Inspection / Ultrasonic Testing" |
"This course provides an overview in Ultrasonic Inspection. Practical demonstration using an Ultrasonic Instrument supports the theoretical information provided. The students will learn the terminology used in this field of material inspection and will be able to understand the basic functionality of ultrasonic testing equipment. At the end of this course the student will be able to perform a basic calibration utilizing any standard ultrasonic testing equipment. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara a volerti bene con questo breve corso online" |
"Attraverso questo breve Corso Online imparerete a volervi bene e ad accettarvi per come siete. Perch ognuno di noi deve imparare che volersi bene importante e accettarci per come siamo realmente e non per come gli altri ci vorrebbero ci permette di vivere meglio all'interno della nostra complicata societ oltre che con noi stessi. Per arrivare ad affermare una volta per tutte: ""Io mi piaccio!"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"No al bullismo, S alla vita!" |
"Sei bella!Amati! Vuole essere un Corso Online contro il bullismo e a supporto di tutte le donne, pi o meno giovani, che ne sono vittime.Affinch possiate trovare e ritrovare in ogni parola di questo Corso quella voglia e quel coraggio che vi servir per poter affrontare quel fenomeno dei tempi, pi o meno, moderni che , per l'appunto, il bullismo.Perch la vita assai preziosa e nessuno merita di rovinarcela.Perch tu sei unica e meriti di vivere appieno la tua esistenza, non dimenticarlo MAI, e i tuoi difetti, se cos si possono chiamare, un giorno faranno innamorare l'uomo che ti porter all'altare!Sono le nostre particolarit che ci rendono uniche e ci fanno riscoprire il piacere di essere semplicemente noi stesse.Tu sei bella!Amati!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"La professione dell'Assistente Sociale" |
"Per tutti coloro che vorrebbero affacciarsi al mondo della professione dell'Assistente Sociale e che vorrebbero avere gi una base di conoscenze su di essa per poter poi pensare ad una eventuale iscrizione al Corso di Laurea dedicato a tale affascinante e alquanto complicata professione. L'Assistente Sociale lavora con la sofferenza, la povert ed da sempre al fianco del pi debole. Se anche tu ti senti portato per tutto ci allora questo Corso Online fa al caso tuo!Se, invece, non hai ancora le idee chiare sul da farsi ti consiglio sempre di seguire questo mio Corso Online, otterrai tutte le informazioni principali su ci che significa lavorare nell'ambito dell'Assistenza Sociale. Buona formazione e informazione!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"La serenit e le sue 10 regole" |
"Per tutti coloro che sono da sempre alla ricerca di un po di serenit ecco a voi le 10 regole che vi serviranno per trovare e/o ritrovare la pace interiore riuscendo cos a meglio rapportarvi con voi stessi e con gli altri. Perch ognuno di noi merita di essere sereno e di vivere appieno la propria esistenza. Augurandovi buona formazione e informazione Vi ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione che riserverete ad ogni mia parola! Un Caro Saluto da Alessia Risso"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"L'Animatore in Case di riposo." |
"All'interno di questo breve Corso Online potrai ottenere tutte le informazioni pratiche e utili per svolgere al meglio la fantastica professione dell'Animatore in Case di riposo. Potrai, inoltre, ottenere esempi pratici di attivit che si possono creare e svolgere con le persone anziane malate e non pi autosufficienti. Tale Corso interamente Online ed utile soprattutto per coloro che intendono in futuro formarsi come Animatore/Educatore e a coloro che gi svolgono tale professione e intendono migliorarsi ed ottenere nuovi e pratici spunti. Nell'Ambito del Sociale cos come in molti altri ambiti la formazione non mai troppa e questo Corso Online contribuir ad arricchire il vostro curriculum professionale. Buona formazione e informazione!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Sony Vegas Pro 15 From Scratch" |
"Learn video making in short courses and tests.Learn the basics of editing. zooming out and in and adding light filters to videos.professionally learn editing on vlogs and short movies and game videos and advertisements for marketing . learn green screen and overlays and professional mask clone yourself. make professional intros and outros and edit your own videos . become a good youtuber / editor and famous af"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bug Bounty: Hacking WebApps from Scratch" |
"A bug bounty training program is the best deal that many businesses, websites and software developers and programmers are offering, that allows people to obtain recognition and compensation for reporting bugs and vulnerabilities, particularly those related to exploits and vulnerabilities.This course will cover most OWASP & Web Application Penetration Testing vulnerabilities. You will begin as a novice with no previous experience in bug bounty hunting and penetration testing. You will arise after this course as a stealth bug bounty hunter.Bug bounty hunting is the act of discovering vulnerabilities or bugs in a website and disclosing them responsibly to the security team of that company in an ethical manner. Some firms choose to reward the hunter by either including him/her on their hall-of-fame list or with bounty or swag.If you're interested in the security of web applications, they have a wonderful place to upgrade your abilities, while at the same moment, you'll be gaining some bounty and credibility."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Python Programming: First Step towards Development" |
"Description :This is the most comprehensive course for the Python programming language! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course, we will teach you Python. This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes to a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you! We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, macOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!Who Can Sign Up For The Training?Beginners who have never programmed before.Programmers switching languages to Python.Python programmers who want to level up their skills.Training Outcomes :Experience and knowledge.Enhanced ability to think at peak.Ability to work on different projects efficiently.Certification.Requirements :A Computer with an Internet Connection"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading Accelerator - Become a better Forex trader!" |
"Forex Trading Accelerator is designed to make you a rockstar at Forex trading! If you are passionate and curious about the Forex trading, this is the right course for you! The course is created for traders who would like to deepen their knowledge about the Forex market and improve their trading results. Here's why this course is different from any other course:It gives you a solid foundation on the mechanics of the Forex marketExplains the difference between the institutional and retail Forex markets Teaches you about trading costs such as spreads and swapsExplains why you should avoid using market orders Shows you how to build trend lines, channels and correctly identify support/resistance levelsHelps you to understand how to combine different technical indicators Guides you through Fundamental Analysis and interprets the most important economic indicatorsGives you a simple Fundamental Analysis model to use in your tradingReveals the role of the trading psychology and biases Defines a trade checklist for successful Forex tradingExplains how you can obtain a competitive edge for successful Forex tradingSave your time and boost your Forex trading skills!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become A Master Of Calculus 1" |
"This course contain all the lectures you need to ""become a master of Calculus 1"".The course contain different sections and you are going to watch the video of me explaining it section by section. There will be a quiz at the end of every sectionHere is the list of chapters that we will study in this course ""Become a master of Calculus 1"":SECTION 1-PRE CALULUS(FUNCTIONS)SECTION 2-LIMITSECTION 3-DERIVATIVESSECTION 4- APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVESSECTION 5- INTEGRAL SECTION 6- APPLICATION OF INTEGRAL"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Become A Master Of Calculus 2" |
"This course contain all the lectures you need to be a master in Calculus 2.The course contain different Sections and you are going to watch the video of me explaining it Section by Section. There will be a quiz at the end of every sectionHere is the list of sections that we will study in this course of Become a master of Calculus 2:SECTION 1- INTEGRATION TECHNIQUESSECTION 2- PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS SECTION 3- POLAR COORDINATESSECTION 4- SERIES SECTION 5- SEQUENCES"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a One Page Communication Plan" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a One Page Communication Plan.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs or managers seeking practical advice on how to write a One Page Communication Plan within couple of hours.This course is also relevant for anyone who wants to improve their communication internally or externally in their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Communication Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Communication Plan,- Learn why you need to write one for your business or organisation- Know what are the main components of the One Page Communication Plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each main component of a Communication Plan including Communication Objectives and Communication Action Plan.- Benefit from more than 10 online resources and templates to help you write a One Page Communication Plan very quickly,The ideal student for this course is a new or existing manager or entrepreneur that is involved in Communication and wants to write a One Page Communication Plan. This course is also great for Communication Professionals, Top Executives, Middle Managers, Consultants and Employees of Non-Profit Organisations and Students.There are no technical requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a One Page Strategic Plan" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a One Page Strategic Plan.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs or managers seeking practical advice on how to write a One Page Strategic Plan within couple of hours.This course is also relevant for anyone who wants to improve the strategic planning in their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Strategic Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Strategic Plan,- Learn why you need to write one for your business or organisation,- Know what are the main components of the One Page Strategic Plan,- What information we need in order to start writing,- How to structure the One Page Strategic Plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each main component of a Strategic Plan including Strategic Objectives and Strategic Action Plan,- Benefit from more than 10 online resources and templates to help you write a One Page Strategic Plan very quickly, and- Improve your planning skills.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing manager or entrepreneur that is involved in Strategic Planning and wants to write a One Page Strategic Plan. This course is also great for other Professionals, Top Executives, Middle Managers, Consultants, Functional Managers, IT Professionals and Employees of Non-Profit Organisations and Students.There are no technical requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a One Page Marketing Plan" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a One Page Marketing Plan.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs or managers seeking practical advice on how to write a One Page Marketing Plan within couple of hours.This course is also relevant for anyone who wants to improve their marketing efforts in their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Marketing Plan,- Understand the difference between a simple One Page Marketing Plan and a Traditional Marketing Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Marketing Plan,- Learn why you need to write one for your business or organisation- Know what are the main components of the One Page Marketing Plan,- What information we need in order to start writing,- How to structure the One Page Marketing Plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each main component of a Marketing Plan including Marketing Objectives and Marketing Action Plan.- Benefit from more than 10 online resources and templates to help you write a One Page Marketing Plan very quickly, and- Improve your marketing planning skills.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing manager or entrepreneur that is involved in Marketing and wants to write a One Page Marketing Plan. This course is also great for Marketing Professionals, Top Executives, Middle Managers, Consultants and Employees of Non-Profit Organisations and Students.There are no technical requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a One Page Business Plan" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a One Page Business Plan.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs or managers seeking practical advice on how to write a One Page Business Plan within couple of hours.This course is also relevant for anyone who wants to improve their business planning efforts in their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Business Plan,- Understand the difference between a simple One Page Business Plan and a Traditional Business Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Business Plan,- Learn why you need to write one for your business or organisation- Know what are the main components of the One Page Business Plan,- What information we need in order to start writing,- How to structure the One Page Business Plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each main component of a Business Plan including Business Objectives and Business Plan Action Plan.- Benefit from more than 10 online resources and templates to help you write a One Page Business Plan very quickly, and- Improve your business planning skills.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing manager or entrepreneur that is involved in Business Planning and wants to write a One Page Business Plan. This course is also great for Business Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Top Executives, Middle Managers, Consultants and Employees of Non-Profit Organisations and Students.There are no technical requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become More Fun and Authentic" |
"Hi! Welcome to my training. This took me 3 years to create. It will help improve your communications skills. Focus your mindset on the right things. Help you connect with people. Have fun with people you've known and newly met. Understand yourself better while developing your confidence, self esteem, and clarity. With your mind focused in this course your brain is limitless with endless possibilities."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The New Approach to Learn Filipino/Tagalog Step-by-Step" |
"This unique program to learn Filipino provides the foundation of the Tagalog-based language for non-native speakers at the beginning level. The lessons that I brought from my classrooms to online learning contain simplified concepts that walk you step by step from the alphabet through sentence structures, grammar, common expressions, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verb conjugations, and essential vocabulary. Filipino values are incorporated to help the learner understand the culture. The lectures are presented in video/screencast format and are arranged to be learned in sequential order, at your own pace. Just pause, slow down, repeat, or fast forward according to your level or preference. Resources such as charts and worksheets with answer keys are part of the lessons at no additional cost and may be used per individual student's needs to reinforce skills, write notes, or assess your progress in learning."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Excel Basics Crash Course" |
"This is great if you are just learning MS Excel. The tips I show you will help you use the program much faster. I prefer to do short condensed classes rather than courses that are a few hours long. This short 30-minute video will save you hours in the long run. This is also a prerequisite to the other projects I have. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Basics - Data & Text Manipulation" |
"In this course you'll learn how to:Quickly identify and remove duplicate recordsBreak up data using the Text To Column FeatureLearn when to use the General & Text format Understand delimitersUnderstand how to join data from multiple cells usingConcatenationConcatTextjoinLearn Text manipulatorsLeft, Right, MidUpper, Lower, ProperGain a basic understanding of the Conditional Format feature to identify duplicate recordsGain a practical understanding of Pivot Table BasicsLearn Page Layout Best Practices"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xy dng App gi tin nhn Odoo React Native REST API XML-RPC" |
"Chui video lp trnh ng dng gi tin nhn thng hiu t ng cho nhiu ngi c vit bng Odoo.Nh mng cung cp API Odoo c th kt ni.V Odoo c nhim v qun l.React Native s kt ni vi CSDL ca Odoo thng qua API hoc qua kt ni XML RPC.Kha hc gip bn hiu r hn v cch vit API trong Odoo v cch thc kt ni Odoo thng qua XMLRPC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
FX |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Investing in the Stock Market" |
"What course is that?This course is not just a trading system, it is a set of professional methods of analysis and evaluation of companies, the principles of building sustainable portfolios and risk management techniques. All these tools together will allow you to earn on short-term and long-term trends that exist in the stock market.The information presented in the course is a result of the practical work of several asset managers, each of whom has more than 10 years of experience in the stock market. Having gained this knowledge, you will save years and years of your own time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |