Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Shopify University - Create a Shopify store under 1 hour" |
"In this Shopify course, I will be providing you with a step by step guide on how to create a Shopify eCommerce store under 1 hour with absolutely zero coding required!Shopify is an amazing eCommerce platform, and after this Shopify course, you will see why.This Shopify course is aimed at anyone who wants to create powerful eCommerce Shopify stores on their own. I cover everything, so even if you've never used Shopify in your life, you will be able to quickly jump in.We will learn how toSetup a FREE Shopify AccountDownload a FREE Shopify ThemeCustomize our Shopify ThemeCreate a Navigation MenuAdd Products to ShopifySetup Pages on our Shopify StoreSetup Payment MethodsSetup Shipping ZonesCreate Refund PolicySetup Custom Domain NameAnd moreWhy you will love this Shopify course (2019)!TIME-SAVINGI made this Shopify course with speed & simplicity in mind. I will show you how to create an eCommerce store in within 1 hour using Shopify.AMAZING SAVINGSEcommerce can be tricky, but with Shopify and a little creativity you can build a profitable Shopify eCommerce store for very little money.FOR BEGINNERSThis Shopify course is completely beginner-friendly. You dont need to know anything about Shopify, coding or programming (but make sure you have basic computer skills).FREE SHOPIFY SUPPORTI am here to help you with any Shopify problems you may come across. Post your questions & I will respond to your Shopify queries ASAP.FLEXIBILITYThis course teaches you how to make ANY Shopify store. You are not restricted to a specific style or Shopify theme. You are free to create anything you want using the tools used in this Shopify course.I look forward to seeing you in this Shopify course!Cheers,Wael Bachir"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto financeira para o crescimento" |
"Curso bsico de gesto financeira, para aqueles que possuem interesse no assunto e buscam saber como funciona essa gesto. O que a gesto financeira, as decises que involvem essa gesto, a importncia e as aes necessrias para uma boa gesto financeira empresarial ou pessoal, o gestor financeiro e o seu papel, dentre outros tpicos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sell Low Content Books On Amazon. Passive Income. No Writing" |
"NOTEBOOKS, PLANNERS (LOW CONTENT BOOKS) ARE HOT ON AMAZON!Just the the top gratitude journals alone on Amazon are making OVER $39,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!You Want A Piece Of This Pie! Just Like Me!THE MORE NO CONTENT BOOKS YOU LIST, The More Passive Income Will Come In.. MONTH AFTER MONTH!You do not need a list or to know how to build it.You do not need traffic. No money spent on ads.You do not need to be an expert on blogging, SEO etc.You do not need a lot of money to join.You do not need to spend a lot of time.THE COMPLETE SYSTEM TO BUILD YOUR OWN EMPIRE ON AMAZON!The Definition Of Passive Income. Books Created Once, Sell Forever.No Risk. No Stock Needed. Amazon Prints Your Book Once Sold.Each Book Created Easily. We Show You How Step By Step.FREE TRAFFIC - Rely On Amazon!No Expert Tech Skills Required.You Just Need To Create Each Book Once And Let It Sell Forever!If You Can Follow Simple Instructions, You Will StartCreating Your Own Publishing Empire..TODAY!You Need To Know Exactly What Kind Of Books To Create, How To Publish Them And How To Make Sure ThatThey Are Successful Over And Over,Otherwise You Will Never Get Ahead With This Method.STEP 1Steal Our Best Book Ideas!STEP 2Publish The Book On AmazonSTEP 3Collect the profits and then repeat the process.All the secrets and strategies are included and step-by-step presented.You will be selling notebooks, planners and other low content books on Amazon! The demand is pretty high and consistent. This is not a technique which is going to fade out!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prcticas para abrir los canales del sustento y prosperidad" |
"Bienvenido al Centro de la Kabbalah Aplicada; el objetivo principal de nuestra escuela es ayudar a nuestros alumnos a alcanzar la felicidad real y satisfaccin de vida, bendiciones que nos otorga el estudio kabbalistico aplicado en nuestra vida. Es necesario entender antes de proseguir que este curso no tienen como objetivo el hacerte rico de manera rpida y fcil como muchos cursos o libros a lo largo del mundo ofrecen de manera milagrosa, no, el objetivo de este curso es el entender qu es la prosperidad? y como es que nuestras acciones, pensamientos y conciencia son las que nos bloquean de obtener la luz constante e infinita del creado. As como lo menciona el maestro Roger Castellanos""El mayor nivel de egosmo del ser humano, es evitar que el Creador cumpla con su nico objetivo... impartir toda su beneficencia""y por ello su objetivo es el modificar nuestra conciencia de pobreza, por una conciencia permanente de recepcin con la luzComo abrir los canales del la abundancia, el sustento y la prosperidad, nos presenta una serie de prcticas que nos ayudan a desbloquear la luz que nos corresponde y mejorar as no solo el aspecto econmico en nuestras vidas, sino evitar todas esas dificultades que nos creamos con nuestras acciones conducidas por niveles de conciencia conectadas al egosmo. Estas practicas son enseadas a travs del conocimiento que nos entrega la Tor y Zohar que vienen cifrados en el rbol de la vida (pilar fundamental en el estudio kabbalistico) y en el poder que nos entregan las letras hebreas, pero explicado para ser llevado a la prctica en el da a da.Te deseamos mucho xito en este sendero, el maestro pondr el 50% y te corresponde a ti poner en prctica estas enseanzas y cambiar tu vida. Suerte y animo, Shalom Shalom"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ressignifique seu Sono" |
"O intuito desse curso ressignificar a forma como voc enxerga o sono e entender o por que voc fica cansado durante o dia e a proposta atravs de conceitos prticos aplicar o que for passado no curso na sua realidade e mudar a forma com que voc tem dormido, logo mudando sua qualidade de vida."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike preparation & planning" |
"The Pacific Crest Trail spans over more than 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada. Many Dream of successfully thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, but dont know where to start this incredible adventure.This course is a helping hand for all ambitious future PCT Thru-Hikers and provides detailed information on the trail, its challenges and on how to plan and prepare a thru-hike. Course Details:Trail overview and sectionsChallenges and Hazards on the TrailPlanning (i.e. Start Date & Direction, Permits, Training, Finances)Equipment (insights into my Equipment)Lessons Learned (Navigation, Water, Food, Hitchhiking, Mishaps)Course improvement:I plan to continuously improve this Course and would like to implement your Feedback to provide the best possible support for all future thru-hikers.All the best and happy hiking!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Vorbereitung und Planung" |
"Der Pacific Crest Trail, von Mexiko nach Kanada ber 4.279 km. Viele trumen davon diesen Trail eines Tages zu laufen. Doch die schier unendliche Distanz und die Herausforderungen entlang des Trails scheinen immens und schrecken von der Planung ab. Dieser Kurs nimmt angehende Wanderer an die Hand, zeigt Herausforderungen und Risiken in den einzelnen Etappen auf und gibt Tipps zur Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchfhrung. Hierbei werden sowohl organisatorische Aspekte, wie Visa, Finanzen und sonstige Genehmigungen, wie auch persnliche Vorbereitungen und die notwendige Ausrstung und Verpflegung besprochen. Konkrete Ratschlge fr die erste nehmen die Angst vor dem Unbekannten und erleichtern den Start vor Ort. Kursinhalte:Trail berblick und einzelne SektionenHerausforderungen und GefahrenPlanung (u.a. Startdatum, Richtung, Finanzen, Visa, Genehmigungen, Training)Vorstellung meiner vollstndigen AusrstungErfahrungen auf dem Trail (u.a. Tagesablauf, Wasser, Nahrung, Zeltplatzauswahl, Navigation, Hitchhiking, Missgeschicke)Weiterentwicklung des KursesIch mchte diesen Kurs gerne kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und ausbauen und freue mich daher ber Anmerkungen und Feedback, damit auch andere Hiker von den Inhalten profitieren knnen.Fr Fragen rund um den Pacific Crest Trail stehe ich natrlich gerne zur Verfgung!Alles Gute und viel Spa bei der Planung!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adwords Case Study - How I Reduced CPC by 92% in One Month" |
"I will discuss case study of AWIP. AWIP one of the leading wall panels manufacturer in USA desired a new adwords strategy to increase their online sales as company was already running its PPC campaigns but results were not satisfying. I discuss in detail how i reduced the CPC by 92% by applying simple but smart things on company's adwords account."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sade e Equilbrio Fsico Mental Energtico" |
"Um momento somente seu, de reencontro, de reenergizao, de despertar. Reconectar com seu tempo, sua histria, seu corpo para transformar a mente. O YOGA oferece inmeras ferramentas para autocuidado, fortalecimento, relaxamento e sade integral do corpo, mente e alma.As aulas tm um enfoque especial na criao e percepo necessria para construo progressiva das posturas psicofsicas, incluindo exerccios de respirao e relaxamento conduzido.As dicas bsicas para voc treinar sempre que praticar so: - Estmago vazio (pelo menos 2h aps uma refeio completa);- Respirao consciente pelo nariz, induzindo a aquietar os pensamentos;- Observar quando a exalao fica tensa e reduzir a intensidade da carga de esforo; - Observar quando a inalao estiver deteriorada e os nveis de concentrao mental, estabilizao fsica e postura estiverem comprometidos;- Focar a viso em um nico ponto, ativar os msculos abdominais, msculos que sustentam a coluna, protegendo e tracionando;- Trazer a ateno pra dentro do corpo. No performance, conexo com o sentir, compreender melhor os limites;- Manter a atitude de auto-observao;- Realizar com segurana e qualidade toda a prtica;- Mulheres devem evitar a prtica no perodo menstrual.O Yoga uma longa jornada de transformao, aproveite o processo! tima prtica!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 : Criando um jogo TPS do Zero" |
"Aprenda a criar jogos legais e em terceira pessoa com a poderosa Engine, Unreal Engine 4, Voc aprender a criar jogos em terceira pessoa ou ate mesmo em primeira, sistema de itens e armas, sem contar o cenrio e tudo mais, deixe sua criatividade fluir, a partir desse curso voc ser capaz de imaginar e criar qualquer coisa que voc quiser!!!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Modern Astrology - An Introduction To Natal Astrology" |
"Welcome To Modern AstrologyDespite thousands of years of history, Astrology has transitioned smoothly into the modern world and still remains one of the most immersive and intuitive tools for self-understanding and insight into how we impact and interact with the world around us.Natal Astrology asserts that valuable insight can be determined based on the date, time and physical geography of any beginning, whether it be a birth date, the beginning or a business or venture, a wedding and so forth. A natal chart provides a blueprint of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that a person may be presented with. You can find answers to specific questions on topics such as career, romance, health, travel or education. Natal Astrology also provides a valuable framework that allows you to look at personality - how strengths and weaknesses interact with one another, our coping mechanisms, the parts of us that attract opportunity and luck and the parts of us that keep leading us back into trouble.What You'll LearnAstrology is a broad topic with an array of specializations and schools of thought. This course won't focus on history, mythology or the biases of particular Astrology forms. The goal of this course is to build up your Astrology literacy to a point where you can begin practical interpretation and join the modern dialogue on this fascinating topic.This course will ground you in the fundamentals - the core elements that are present in most forms of western Astrology. It will also give you the knowledge and tools to begin your journey into interpretive natal Astrology.Upon course completion, you'll be able to:Develop a working and practical understanding of the core fundamentals of Astrology, including the 12 signs, the houses, the planets and aspectsCreate and interpret a natal Astrology birth chart using the ""Big 3"" (Sun, Moon and Ascendant), the houses, planets and aspects and how to ""score up the weighting"" of a natal chart by elements and modalitiesGain insight into personality traitsLook for and interpret specific criteria from a chart including career, romance, health etcUnderstand and participate in Astrology conversations and discussions - both in the real world and social mediaHave enough understanding of Astrology to make educated choices about where to focus to develop your own knowledge or specialized interest in Astrology, including predictive (transits & progressions), relationships (synastry), soul-centered (esoteric/karmic) and divination (horary).Course StructureEffort has been made to cater to different learning styles and to anchor what you're learning as you progress. Strong audio/visual content is supported with printable content such as flash cards, catering to audio, visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Exams will be included throughout this course as a tool to challenge the knowledge you're building as you progress.A section is included that will show you how to generate and print your own natal Astrology chart using web resources, and will introduce you to some of the best apps and software available on today's market.Months of work and considerable resources have gone into providing a course that will give you a solid, practical mastery of the basics of Astrology and it's my sincere wish that this course ignites the passion in you to travel further down the rabbit hole and forward into the next age of this timeless art.Welcome to Modern Astrology."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to self-publish your book for FREE" |
"Learn how to self publish your book for free using Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. This course will take though a step by step guide of the Kindle Direct Publishing process. Learn a brief history of Kindle Direct Publishing and how it differs from traditional publishing. This course will also highlight specific publishing dos and don'ts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
vxgoicko |
"** Now ""Insecure Deserialization"" section has English Subtitles! ** : node.js NWCTFIT12WebNW134,5LinuxCTFWindowsCTFEmpire (Powershell)Python()Secure code review (node.js)PythonSecure code reviewwebPoC> 2020/09 Insecure Deserialization ()** ""Insecure Deserialization"" section has English Subtitles! ** : node.js2020/02 Python 2020/01 EmpirePowershell"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Step by Step Guide to Design Nano Devices and Sensors" |
"This course is all about how to design nano-scale systems like super tiny devices and sensors at the atomic scale. If you here, then most probably nanotechnology and its super exciting potentials has attracted your attention and you want to know more, orrr, you want to actually do more. If you want to be part of future technology and industry, let me tell you that you are not alone. Well, there are some introductory courses, but no one gives you the solution and confidence to start designing your own project and research. You may want to intake official syllabuses or programs, then you have to deal with crazy theories and thousands of sophisticated formulas for years and yet have no clue how to design a system. No one likes it, I know.This course is different. In Right Vision Academy, we have designed simple and easy-to-follow procedure to show you how you can use NEGF method to model nanostructures such as Carbon Nnotubes or Graphene Nanoribbons. We suppose you have no prior knowledge about nano-science and we dont get stuck with quantum theories and formulas. Instead, Ill show you the steps on how to make your first nanodevice, an AGNR RTD device. We start right away coding with the Matlab, and Ill teach you the steps you need to build your simulator platform. Together, well develop systematic simulators that allow us to calculate transport properties and current-voltage of GNRs and CNTs with any dimension. Learning by coding is fun, engaging and much more intuitive. By the end of this course, you will have enough confidence and knowledge to start your own project and research. You will be able to develop and adopt NEGF model to nanostructures and design atomic-scale devices and sensors. Devices like ultra-fast diodes like these structure that I designed and published results of my research in credible journals. Or you may want to make ultra-sensitive atomic gas sensors that overcome every typical sensor. The possibilities are endless, but what matters is where and how to start. By taking this course, I promise that your first step in realm of nanotechnology is a success. This course gives you enough momentum, knowledge and confidence to find your direction and conduct your research. If it sounds exciting dont hesitate to enroll right now. With 30-days money-back guarantee, there is nothing to lose. I am Milad, your instructor and looking forward to seeing you in the course.There is no RISK!I have some preview videos, so make sure to watch them to see if this course is for you. This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that if you are not happy after your purchase, you can get a 100% refund no question.What are you waiting?Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right and get started today."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"How to Simulate Electronic Properties of Nano Structures" |
"Hi there,Im Milad from Right Vision AcademyIn this course I gonna give you the tool, knowledge and skills that you need to perform cool projects and research about electronic properties of nanostructures like, CNTs and GNRs. At the end of this course, Ill show you how you can convert a metallic GNR to semiconducting material or vice versa by modeling defects throughout the body of Graphene, as I did myself. I proposed a new method to tune Band Gap size of CNTs and GNRs, a critical electronic property of nanostructures and I published the results in credible journals.I ensure you that youll be able to the conduct the similar research and project at the end of this course, and the good news is, once I designed this course, I supposed you have no prior knowledge, so everyone with any level and background is welcome to learn how to work with nanostructures.Throughout this course, well see what is band-structure? the famous E-K diagram that appears everywhere and you have heard about. You will learn how to interpret band structure and you become familiar with concept of direct and indirect band gap. Next, we proceed and Ill teach how you can obtain band structure and band gap of any repetitive nanostructure by using Tight Binding method. First Ill give you the theory of TB and how to fill Hamiltonian matrix and then we step into coding stage. Together we solve examples in Matlab and Ill show you how to develop a systematic simulator based on TB for any dimension of GNRs and CNTs. Youll be able to extract band structure and Band Gap, and well do a cool project at the end that gives you ideas of how you implement what you learnt to conduct wonderful valuable research.If it sounds exciting dont hesitate to enroll right now and Im looking forward to seeing you in the course.There is no RISK!This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that if you are not happy after your purchase, you can get a 100% refund with no question. Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right and get started today."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Nanotechnology : Introduction, Essentials, and Opportunities" |
"Hi,If you are considering this course to enroll, you most probably have heard or seen about potentials of NanoTechnology and you are curious to learn more. Nano and NanoTechnology are the terms we are hearing more and more frequently as time goes. One day we see two buckets full of mud are thrown onto two guys while one of them wearing ever-clean nano-based shirt! What happens then is a funny scene but also quite impressive and inspiring, in which how Technology of Nanos would lead to dreamy inventions. The other day, scientist report they have developed new organisms which can take carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the atmosphere and use it to produce plastics and fuels. Wow, is it real??!!The list of breakthrough inventions and extraordinary solutions could continue for thousands of pages and surprisingly it sounds Nanotechnology to have a finger in every pie, from energy harvesting and environmental issues to nano-medicine and biology, and almost all branches of engineering, and many more. Even two Nobel prizes have been allocated to NanoScale breakthroughs in recent years. Physics Nobel prize of 2010 for invention of Graphene and Nobel prize in Chemistry 2016 for production of molecular machines and robots.But, how is it even possible? What makes Nanotechnology so enabling that even socks company boast to implement it in their products and some others make science-fiction stories out of it like building earth-to-sky elevator by mean of Carbon nanotubes?!I bet, youve got passionate to start discovering Nnano-World as I was years ago. Im Milad Zoghi, Nanotechnologist and the author of the book NanoTehcnology in Plain Language. After years of study and research in Nano-Electronics and publishing credible journals and my book, I decided to design this course to answer all above questions. I have designed this course to be thorough package for anyone who want to learn about Nanotechnology. What its is, how does it work and why you should care of it?By taking this course youll go through:Section1: IntroductionThis section has been designed to transfer you the right vision about NanoTehcnology (NT) and Nanoworld. Whats the definition of NT? How does it work? When we say Nanos what does it refer to? How much Nano-Scale is small? Do Nanos exist in the nature? What about history of NT? When this term has appeared? These questions are answered in section 1. By the end of section, youll have overall perception of ups and downs of NT, about benefits, products, application and potentials of NT in coming years and decades. To give you best learning experience, variety of animation/video resources and high-quality photos are provided to you.Section2: What makes Nanotechnology so special?In this section, youll learn about what makes NT so enabling technology? What gives the power to Nanotechnologists to build systems and products with extraordinary features? Well discover Nano-World in more details, and youll learn why There is plenty of room at the bottom, the famous quote of Richard Feynman, father of NT. Ill briefly but adequately discuss about: the implication of quantum mechanic at the Nano level, about high surface area of Nano species, which with some other facts gives NT the uniqueness than no other technology has!Section3: NanoMaterialsIts a fair analogy to say that NanoWorld is like a zoo, where anything with dimensions between 1 to 100 nm counted as the animals of this zoo! From nano-particles like Quantum Dots to Nanowires and Nanotubes and even Nanosheets like Graphene. We can not claim we know about NT without learning about NanoMaterilas. Thats what you learn in section 3. You will learn about most known Nanomaterilas: Quantum Dots, Carbon based Nanos (Graphene, Graphene Nanoribbons, Carbon Nanotubes, Buckballs like C60) and also Nano-Composites Polymers Fibers Coating. I bet youll be impressed once you learn about fascinating properties of such Nanomaterials that could be used in game-changing products and solutions.Section 4: How do we see at NanoScale?We cannot talk much about Nanos, unless we are able to see them, or at least measure their behavior and characterize them. As an analogy, consider the time, human didnt have any microscope to see more details of objects and go beyond what our naked eyes can observe. Then there was no knowledge and discussion about microorganisms like cells, bacteria, right? Thats the importance of NT toolkit. And in this section, Ill introduce you the most common and practical measurement equipments at the Nano-scale. You will learn how Microscopy and Spectroscopy instruments help scientist to not only observe Nanos but also manipulate matter atom by atom, by mean of extremely sharp probes. Youll have lots of fun to learn how these amazing systems work and what they are capable of doing!Section 5: How Nanos are built?Talking about potentials of NT is much easier than fabricating Nano-based systems! NT is at its early stages, but yet, scientist have developed impressing techniques to build Nanostructures, sensors, devices and even Nano-Scale integrated circuits. In this section, we satisfy our sense of curiosity about how Nanos can be controlled and manipulated atom by atom. Ill teach you about several top-down lithography methods and also bottom-up vapor deposition and self-assembly techniques.Section 6: Some Topics and Issues in NanoTechnologyNT involves broad spectrum of applications and influences many sectors of human life. In this scheme, there are serious concern about using NT, like the environmental/health safety and risk related to using NanoParticles, which is almost unknown to date! This section covers such topics which reflects another light on our understanding about NT.But dont get me wrong, this course is not just monolog lectures!!! I always like to provide easy-to-follow, simple-to-understand and engaging contents for my audience. Id love to see my students having fun by having best learning experience. In this course, I have compacted all you need to know about NT to get started, in plain language and with high-quality lecture videos and graphics. But besides that, following my attitude to give you best learning experience, Youll also get:PDF Summary Files:You will have access to the summary files of my book, so you can study and review the course content at your convenient.External Resources for study and Moving Forward:I will provide you bunch of external intuitive resources and quizzes. From animations, images, and other graphic resources to magazines, articles, and websites and blogs to learn more about NT.Nanostructures Simulation:I also have allocated a simulation part for this course. Thats the part you can run simulator for Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes and touch the feeling of how Nano-Systems work. Ill show how you can convert a metallic structure to semiconducting material be mean of defect. This way youll get much better sense of how manipulation at the atomic level would result in huge impacts at the macro level.Right Vision Facebook Community:By taking this course youll have access to exclusive FB community of right vision, where you can get extra support and help, get your questions answered and be informed of the latest Nano achievement and opportunities.At the end of the course, Ill give my best hint and suggestions if you want to become Nano-Pioneer in your profession or follow a Nano-Program. By the end of this course, I 100% guarantee, youll have authentic perception and knowledge of the future revolutionary force, NT.There is no RISK!This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that if you are not happy after your purchase, you can get a 100% refund no question. There is absolutely no risk! Every second you wait is costing you valuable leads and sales.So, what are you waiting for!?Lets start the fascinating journey through NanoWorld. Enroll right now and I pick you up in the course ?"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Stuck Inside? Learn How To Advance Your Career In 1 Hour" |
"The Short: This career coaching course is jam-packed with proven strategies to get you noticed and appreciated at work, get you promoted faster, and get you bigger pay raises than you thought were possible. I've consistently been promoted 2.7x faster than my peers, I earn 4.529x the average for my age, and I didn't go to a fancy university. Let me be your career coach and teach you the secrets & strategies that I'm still using today to build my career into a wild success story. Join me and my other Promotion Strategists and start building yours too!The Long: Im not 30 yet and have been promoted 5 times within 5 years to become the President of a large publicly traded software company (one that youve likely used before), and in that time my pay went up by 383% (83.57x the average ""high performer's"" raise)! I didnt just get lucky. I learned how to play the game from my father who also rose the ranks in his large company to become the President by the time he was 28. I did it by 27, but hey, whos counting? ;) The point is that knowing how to be a great employee and get promoted fast is not something that youre born with. Its something that is learned, and Id like to teach you the secrets behind it. Ive mentored many, many people and have seen them grow in similar ways so I am confident that I can do the same for you. Career coaches cost thousands of dollars per year; I'm much cheaper because I genuinely love seeing people have the same success that I did and live their dream lives. If you're looking for career coaching then look no further!Ive worked in fast food, marketing, sales, operations, customer support, account management, and senior management. Ive worked with some of the largest companies in the world and some of the smallest mom and pops. Ive done B2B & B2C. The teams Ive managed have had virtually no-churn and Ive helped so many people advance their careers. I genuinely love helping others reach their goals and would love to do the same with you now.Now, you're probably thinking: ""Who are you?""I cant say due to the public nature of my full-time job and the confidential information that Ill tell. If you can guess it though Ill be impressed.Also, ""Why do you do career coaching if youre making so much money already?""Because I love helping other people live the same quality of life that I do. I have a partner, a sweet house, a great family, and love my job, but I get a different kind of satisfaction from giving back to others.and, ""If its not about the money then why do you charge anything at all?""Its a fair question. One of my early mentors, a very successful businessperson that made tons of money during an IPO, taught me that if you give things away for free then its perceived to have no value and people are less likely to use it. I wouldnt be accomplishing my goal by just blasting people that dont truly value what Im saying with information. I want my mentees to be invested in learning and be more likely to put these strategies to work so that they can actually advance their careers. Another way to say it is that free advice is worthless. If you find my course to be worthless for any reason, don't worry, this course is covered by Udemy's Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked, you just click a button and you get 100% of your money back.Return on Investment (ROI) CalculatorLets do the math. Lets say youre currently making $50,000 per year and youre expecting to get a 5% pay raise in 12 months. Thatd bring you to $52,500 per year next year. Now, lets say you buy this course for $50. If the Promotion Strategist gets you promoted just 2 days earlier it pays itself off. Or, better yet, if it results in you getting just a 1% higher raise it will have a 10x return on investment (ROI). A 10% ROI is considered good in the stock market. This is a 1,000% ROI with just a measly 1% raise increase! Im confident that well crush that 1% uplift target together! If we don't, just click that refund button. If you don't make more money then I don't want to get paid. Whether you use me as your career coach or you go out and find a more expensive career coaching service, the important thing is that you just start investing in your career as soon as possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Salesforce LIGHTNING Certified Administrator-2020" |
"**Updated for Spring '20**Update published in May 2020: Yearly Salesforce certification maintenance requirements for this year.Update published in July 2020: Joined Reports in Lightning At the time of publishing, this is the only Salesforce Certified Administrator Course on udemy that is recorded in lightning, and is not split into multiple parts. It means this course gives you best value for your money. The practice test at the end of the course contains 85 questions, to challenge you more so you can perform well on the real test, which only has 60 questions. This course is recorded using the latest version of salesforce (late 2019 and early 2020 versions of lightning). The Complete Salesforce LIGHTNING Certification Administrator Course is for anyone who wants to pass the Administrator Certification exam, also known as ADM201. I will not only cover all the sections required for the exam in depth, but also cover real-world scenarios, practical examples, hands on exercises, and discuss what type of certification questions you can expect while discussing a specific topic. At the end of each section, you have quizzes to help check your knowledge. Downloadable resources included for each section can be used as an adjunct to the course to help you retain the information better. Who this course is for:People who are new to the Salesforce Platform. I cover everything from scratch People who are currently working as Salesforce administrators, and want to enhance their practical knowledge to aid in their jobsAnyone interested in passing the Salesforce Certified Administrator examAnyone who is making the transition from Salesforce classic to Salesforce lightning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dart lang do bsico ao avanado + Api Rest!" |
"Venha participar desse desafio e aprender conceitos e fundamentos da linguagem Dart. Partindo do zero passando por diversas etapas e escalando o conhecimento e o crescimento!Esse curso destinado aos noobs, iniciantes, intermedirios e avanados, caso tenha experincia com outras linguagens sera um diferencial e uma nova experincia ao aprender uma nova linguagem!A curva de aprendizado suave e rpida, com uma pegada a orientao a objetos. O que torna a linguagem uma opo interessante e agradvel no aprendizado. Isso faz com que seja uma excelente linguagem iniciar os estudos!O curso foi organizado para que voc tenha uma tima experincia durante o aprendizado, abordando as partes bsicas e avanando aos poucos e integrando os contedos de vrias aulas afim de formar exemplos cada vez mais interessantes e complexos. Vale lembrar que o Dart a porta de entrada para frameworks como o Flutter, AngularDart e Aqueduct em ascenso no momento!Seja bem vindo ao lado Dart da fora!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Your Ugly Product Desirable" |
"Have you launched your product and you discovered your customers don't like it...and even don't like it that much? The Journey to make your product desirable!Planning, Actions and Results!WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?1. How to Turn any product from Unwanted to Wanted2. How to Overcome a significant Problem in your New Product3. How to Re-Build the Confidence and the Trust in your Brand again4. How to Sell an Unwanted Product5. You will learn step by step How to Make your Product Desirable6. How to Improve your Confidence level and How to Reflect that on your Clients7. How to Build a Transparent Relationship with your Clients8. How to Make your Clients Respect You"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell When No One is Buying?" |
"How to keep Performing and Selling in Tough times. In this course, we will cover all aspects, from Collecting Data to Celebrating Your Performance.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?1. How to keep Selling and Performing in Any Market condition2. How to keep your Focus and Mental Strength when the market is down3. How to collect Market Data4. What Data you need to collect5. How to Read and Analyse the Market Data6. How to Understand your Market Position7. How to Diagnose the Problem8. How to Understand the Consumer Behaviour9. What Actions you need to take in order to keep Performing10. What the Consumer needs in order to buy from youWHO SHOULD GO FOR THIS COURSE?1. Sales Executives2. Sales Supervisors3. Showroom Managers4. Sales Managers5. Marketing Executives6. Marketing Managers"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"It is Time to Change The Seller Behavior! Enough is Enough!" |
"""Buyer behavior is changing, therefore SELLER behavior must change""The road to the Best Seller's behavior and Best Sales Performance!WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?1. What is the meaning of Sales?2. A brief about the Sales History and the six eras of Sales3. How the Modern Sales Process looks like4. What are the Types of Sales5. For the first time, we will understand and analyse the Seller types as per:a) Appearance b) Educationc) Personal Agendad) Psychology7. The main Factors influencing the Seller's Behaviour8. What are the Factors Motivating the Seller 9. How the Ideal Seller Behaviour should look like10. How the Best Behaviour will Influence the Sales ProcessWHO SHOULD GO FOR THIS COURSE1. Sales Advisors2. Sales Managers3. Showroom Managers4. HR Executives5. HR Managers6. General Managers7. Start-ups8. Anyone looking to increase their figures9. Anyone who has to deal with customers or employees"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
S.A.L.E.S |
"WHAT WILL YOU LEARN:1. The Types of Sales available in any industry2. The Automotive industry contains ALL Types of Sales3. You will Understand the Sales Process in any industry and in the automotive industry in particular4. You will Understand the Changes happening in the Sales Process due to the new technologies and the availability of the social platforms5. How to Connect the Sales Process to the Customer Journey, in order to create a Customer Experience6. How to Make the Customer Buy anything. You Don't Sell, the Customer Buys!7. How to Improve your Confidence level8. How to Earn the Customer for Life9. How to build Trust between You and your Customers10. How to Sell with Confidence in the Automotive industryWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?This course is for anyone who is working in Sales, particularly in the Automotive Industry.A. Sales ExecutivesB. Sales SupervisorsC. Showroom ManagersD. Sales ManagersE. Marketing Executives"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The New Sales Process is a Game Changer" |
"WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:Consumer Behaviour is rapidly changing towards the Automotive Buying Process in recent years, impacting the industry performance with negative sales figures and customer's satisfaction.It became hard even to convince a potential customer to pay a visit to our showroom for a new product viewing or even a cup of coffee.It is definitely time to change our approach towards Sales and Marketing strategies. With that being said, the traditional sales process combined with the classic market approach, in order to acquire new customers or at least to retain what we have, is NOT effective anymore and we must change our strategy.In this course, Hossam will show you How the Current Consumer thinks and reacts towards the Buying Process, how the Consumer looks at the automotive industry in general and what he has to say about it.Hossam will explore with you and teach the recently released and the most effective New Sales Process, which will replace the old process and will allow you to Sell to Anyone at Anytime, with top Customer Satisfaction and Motivation Rate.Hossam will take you step by step on How to Replace the current sales process with the New 4 Steps Process and the Strategy needed.You will also learn the new marketing direction, moving the industry from Product centric to Customer centric, without losing the product and brand focus.Hossam will also introduce you the New Sales Closing tactics you need with the New Sales Process in order to guarantee achieving your ultimate objective.We need to smooth this she shift from Product Centric to Consumer Centric by defining the correct strategy, appointing or training the right people and adopting the suitable marketing direction.In this course:o You will learn how to evaluate the current market condition in detail and how to understand what are the exact challenges in the market.o You will learn how your customers are looking at your industry and business.o You will also learn what do they say about your sales tactics and your sales approach and how they react to your marketing activities.o Based on our evaluation to the consumer behaviour towards your sales and marketing and what we need urgently to change in order to gain back the consumer trust and make him buy againo You will be able to understand what are the factors that makes any customer buy any product at anytimeo You will learn how to build a new strategy for your sales and marketing new approacho You will learn that you need to have the right people for the new sales and marketing strategy.o The most important part that you will learn in this course is how to change your traditional sales approach to the customers and how to use the new sales process in order to gain their trust and easily sell them what you want without the hassle of chasing them, putting pressure of them and on yourself and also maintaining your great relation with them.o You will learn how the marketing team should change their approach to customers building experience more than presenting and describing a product.o At the end you will know the different types of customers available and what approach you must use with each type in order to sell them smoothly when they are 100% under your control.o You will learn all the closing tactics available with the new sales process in order to sell more, fast and smoothly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning: Regression using python in Tamil()" |
"I have filmed the tutorial in Tamil Language (Not Chen-Tamil)which helps you to rasp the concept easily. , , . , . . . . .."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"React - Converting a HTML site into a functional React App" |
"This course is designed to easily and swiftly convert your HTML site into a functional React App as you also get to learn how to post data from React form into MySQL database using Node.JS as server. The course content is very straight forward and direct to keep students well engaged and informed till the end.At the End of this course, students would have learnt how to create a functional React Application as well as how to create a functional Node.JS server, also students would have learnt how to connect a React Application to a Node.JS server and also connect a Node.JS server to MySQL database, and lastly students would have learnt how to post form data from React form to MySQL database using Node.JS as server.Learn React.JS, Node.JS and MySQL."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Bootstrap using real live website example" |
"This course has been designed to carter for beginner developers and front-end developers who want a quick, simplified and straight forward start into bootstrap. This course have been designed to keep you engaged and well informed till the very end.At the end of the course, students would learn how to easily and swiftly make use of the bootstrap framework in developing functional websites."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Procreate Essentials: The Ultimate Guide" |
"Join the new wave of amazing nomad Illustrators & artists who are able to take their art anywhere they go - and learn essential knowledge, process and tips & tricks to help you create with the best drawing and illustration app on the iPad. Make sure to go through all the lessons and we can't wait to see what you can create!Love digital illustration? Learn how to use Procreate, the best drawing & digital illustration app for the iPad, with this special class from from artist and illustrator Ghostpaper!Master Procreate and learn the ins & outs of digital illustration on the iPad in this guided class. With each chapter fully dedicated to a specific section of Procreate, artist and illustrator Ghostpaper will lead you through all of the tools, options and settings on Procreate, so that you can create your future digital illustrations.Here's a few key things you'll learn:Setting up a custom canvasUsing the power of clipping masks, layer masks and reference layersTweaking gesture controls to get the most out of your productivityUnderstanding the power of using grids for compositionPlus, Ghostpaper will show you how to make animation in Procreate as well as two assignments to make sure you understand and practice all of the foundation knowlegde you will acquire.Whether youre new to digital art or curious about Procreate, youll gain an arsenal of tips, tricks and tools you can use to start creating right away. After this class, you'll never be far from your iPad and your favourite creations on Procreate, wherever you happen to be."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Procreate Advanced: Activating Your Pro Mode" |
"Ready to take your Procreate skills and knowledge to the next level!? Join this class and discover a series of tips, tricks and shortcuts to increase your productivity and speed while developing your own art style in Procreate!If you love digital illustration and making art on the iPad, get ready for this special class from artist and illustrator Ghostpaper!In this guided class, master advanced concepts and techniques in Procreate while learning the ins & outs of digital illustration on the iPad. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific shortcut, with visual examples and guidance from artist and illustrator Ghostpaper - these tips and tricks will help lead you through advanced concepts and settings on Procreate, so that you can save time and create your best future digital illustrations.Here's a few key things you'll learn:Saving overall time while drawingIncreasing overall productivityTweaking gesture controls to get the most out of your productivityUnderstanding the importance of the quick menuUnleashing the power of clipping masks and layer masks+ more!Whether youre new to digital art or curious about Procreate, youll gain an arsenal of tips, tricks and tools you can use to start creating right away. After this class, you'll never be far from your iPad and your favourite creations on Procreate, wherever you happen to be."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Stunning 3D Type In Procreate 5" |
"Want to learn how to create amazing 3D Typography in Procreate!? Join this class and discover a series of tips, tricks and shortcuts to create stunning dimensional type elements while developing your own skills in Procreate!If you love digital illustration and making art on the iPad, get ready for this special class from artist and illustrator Ghostpaper!In this guided class, master the concepts and techniques required to make 3d typographic letters and words in Procreate while learning some productivity tolls for Digital Illustration. This extended video class tutorial is divided into chapters so you can take your time and practice each step at a time, so that you will be ready whenever you need to create your next tridimensional letter or word illustration!Here's a few key things you'll learn:Setting up your layers for 3d typeIncreasing overall productivityTips and Tricks on what are the best methods for projecting shadows and extrusionsSome tips about light and shadow projection+ more!Whether youre new to digital art or curious about Procreate, youll gain an arsenal of tips, tricks and tools you can use to start creating right away. After this class, you'll never be far from your iPad and your favourite creations on Procreate, wherever you happen to be."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Dropmarket : Vendre en Dropshipping sur les Marketplaces !" |
"Comment vendre des produits en Dropshipping sans publicit Facebook et Instagram ?- Faut-il se former des annes ??- Faut-il abandonner car trop compliqu ??- Faut-il payer une formation 2000 ??La rponse rapide est NON ?Voil ce que je sais :Pendant des annes, quand je voulais faire du dropshipping, je me suis ruin sur Facebook Ads et je devenais rapidement dpendant de Facebook. au final tout ce que je gagnais tait dpens dans la publicit Facebook.Le seul souci, cest que a cote normment dargent de tester des produits sur Facebook.Avec le modle classique du Dropshipping, je ne perdais pas beaucoup dargent mais je ne pouvais pas en gagner non plus.Cest comme boire dans une bouteille troue. Tu bois un peu du jus de ton bnfice mais la quasi-totalit est dilapide dans la publicit Facebook.Et un jour jai commenc my intresser, jai invent une mthode indite gniale qui consiste crer des offres sur les Marketplaces et vendre des produits en dropshipping directement sur des sites comme Amazon, Cdiscount, Fnac, Priceminister, etc. ?Et cela me cote 0 euros de tester des produits contrairement la stratgie Facebook.Cest comme planter des milliers de graines dans un champ, le regarder pousser et puis rcolter !!! ???Mme moi je pouvais arriver lancer un business e-commerce rentable.Jai commenc partager ces informations un cercle limit... et ils ont eu du succs !Jai appel mon business model : LE DROPMARKET !Et nous allons voir galement plein dautres choses : Comment utiliser facilement les Marketplaces ? La raison pour laquelle a vous donne une longueur d'avance face vos concurrents ! Pourquoi c'est en ce moment un eldorado (et pourquoi a ne va pas durer) ? Comment mettre facilement 150 offres sur les marketplaces en ligne en un clic ? Les stratgies de ventes et les fournisseurs, kezako ? Tous mes outils pour automatiser efficacement mon business modle ? 40 Minutes de confrence , mes lves ont pay 297 euros pour y assister !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |