Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Accredited Barre Teacher Training Program" |
"Take the next step in becoming a certified barre teacher! This in-depth course will teach you everything you need to know to teach a top-notch barre class. We will cover the following topics:Fundamentals of teaching barreLeading a great warm-up sequenceUpper-body sequencingLower-body sequencingCore exercisesCueing and sequencing a classSmooth and seamless transitionsLayering exercisesModifications & adjustments"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Generating graphic through programming" |
"This generating graphic through programming course will teach you how to generate your graphic through user written progams in high level language (HLL) like QBASIC. if you are a novice in programming, this course is also for you because we will be using a beginner high level program languaguage (QBASIC) in writing the codes.There will be some articles on the same course that will also help you understand the course more. I used many techniques like examples, illustrations, demostration, explanation, instances and so on to make this course easy and quicker to understand.This course will do praticals on how to use QBASIC SOFTWARE to create drawing and diagrams like Olympic, lines(like straight and diagonal lines), box, square, and so on. Filling color in the shapes is another thing I will discuss in this course. Generating graphic through programming is practically orientated.Every now lesson is connected to the old lesson for easier understanding.I teach this course using a simple and easy going English language."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fight Depression Safe and Effectively" |
"Depressions... Thought to be something far away by so many people.. Many don't realize they even had one or are already drowning in it..There are differences between stress and depressions that many people are not aware of. Stress happens almost everyday, physical or mentally.. But having stress doesn't mean that you have depressions. Depressions is something else and if its not handle at the right time with the right care it could lead to a devastating state. Depressions can turn into physical diseases, social isolation and even suicide. As scary as it is, Depressions can be handle with good care and sometimes without drugs.. In this course, you will learn :Knowing what is depression and if you have oneKnowing the source of your depressionsKnowing what foods that can help healing processKnowing what daily adjustment yo can do to prevent and combat depressionsOne thing you must do to make sure depressions truly go away.. When to know and What happen if you do need professional careIf you have been in a depressions, make sure It Doesn't Come Back!!If you have not been in depressions, Find Out The Signs and Symptoms and How To Prevent It!ENROLL NOW!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Tame Allergy, Arthritis, and Other Immune Related Illness" |
"Is Allergy keeping you from living your best life? Or do you have Arthritis that just won't go away and is taking the toll off you?Have you taken the drugs but the pain just keep coming back?Allergy, Arthritis and other immune related problems tend to get wrong impressions as something that can't be cured or something seasonal.. Lots of people take pain medication and allergy drugs to get off the symptoms since its the obvious things to do..But, actually there are several ways to reduce the occurrence and even heal it completely... In this course, I will show you what is our immune system do in our body, their benefit and what it means if imbalance occur. I also will give you Step by Step to take to optimize your immune system to bring back the balance once more. After watching this course, you willUnderstand what immune system do, their benefit and immune problems Knowing Step by Step what to do to bring back Immune BalanceKnow how to Fix The Gut to Restore Immune BalanceKnow What Food To Avoid to increase restoration processKnow what Habits to do to optimize immune system2 Main Things you can consume to balance immune systemDo you want to take control of your immune system?ENROLL NOW!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin no verbal. Gestos. Hablar con el cuerpo." |
"Aprendamos lo que dice nuestro cuerpo de nosotros. Aumentemos nuestro nivel y control sobre la comunicacin. Mejoran nuestras relaciones personales e influencias sobre las personas facilitndonos el control de situaciones diarias y logros en la vida. Interpretar lo que nos esta expresando el cuerpo de otra persona es un punto clave para comunicarnos. el lenguaje no verbal es algo que todos podemos aprender y nos har nuestra vida ms fcil."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica para Enem e Vestibulares." |
"Este curso destinado a pessoas que desejam aprender Matemtica de um modo simples e eficiente para fazer a prova do Enem e Concursos. Um curso completo, atualizado e feito na melhor sequncia de aprendizado. Nosso objetivo fazer com que voc aprenda Matemtica e leve este ensinamento para a vida toda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Microsoft Excel 2016 Beginner to Advanced Course" |
"Learn about the basics, such as opening a new workbook, using the ribbon and using cells and sheets.Learn the commonly used formulas and functions to solve mathematical problems and figure out values.Learn how to use Tables, Pivot Tables, filtering information and formatting cells.Learn about Text tools, colors, gradients and effects.Learn how to use the Data Tools.Learn how to insert shapes and images and add effects to them and change colors.Learn how to create and use Charts.Learn how to use Concatenate, Consolidate, Flash fill and make drop down lists.Learn how to use What if Analysis tools (Data tables, Goal seek and Scenario Manager)Learn how to create a timeline.Learn how to use the Query feature.Learn about reviewing your work and using basic features like zoom and checking spelling.Learn shortcuts that allow you to do work quicker.Includes 10 Practice Assignments and Quizzes.Course is in English with English text instructions on screen during videos."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam 2020" |
"Welcome to the AWS Cloud Practitioner course.Are you a business professional, accountant, salesperson, or some other type of non-technical person who works in the tech industry? Have you always wanted to know what cloud computing is, how it works, and what it's used for without all the technical jargon? If you answered YES, then the AWS Cloud Practitioner course and exam are perfect for you.As the cloud computing industry continues to grow, understanding its concepts, purpose, and use cases will become an increasingly valuable skill among non-IT individuals and employees. With that in mind, AWS created an exam that covers the very basics of their cloud computing platform and tests you on basic AWS services, benefits, concepts, and use cases all without having to know detailed technical terms, concepts, and know-how.For those who want to learn these basics, this course has been designed with two main objectives in mind: (1) prepare you to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, and (2) learn the foundations of cloud computing and AWS, including its primary services, benefits, and use cases.This course is NOT designed to teach you how to build and run applications on AWS. This course is all about conceptual understanding, but you will have the opportunity to get some hands-on practice to help reinforce what you will learn. If you are looking for an introduction to AWS from a hands-on/cloud engineering perspective, please see our AWS Essentials course.The First exam is just a general and quick overview of your AWS knowledge and does not follow the typical AWS Practitioner exam structure. The rest of the exams are in the standard AWS exam question format and will help you pass your certification. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
teaching8sewing |
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Absolute Beginners Course on HitFilm Express" |
"Absolute Master Class on HitFilm ExpressHitFilm Express is a great, FREE alternative to paying for Adobe Premiere and After Effects. HitFilm Express is a non-linear video editor and visual effects compositing software rolled into one. HitFilm Express allows you to make incredibly professional looking videos and films with all kinds of special effects quickly and easily.In this course, I will walk you through every little tiny detail about the FREE version of HitFilm, HitFilm Express with no add-ons. This course is broken down into 71 super easy to watch classes, so you can learn at your own pace. The classes average less than three minutes long... so each one is bite sized, making it very easy to learn. With the advances in broadband technology, video is becoming more and more important as a powerful communication tool. More people are using videos to promote their products and services, to share ideas, and even create social change. Of course, you can use HitFilm to simply create videos for your family, make short films or documentaries, or even just make videos for fun. Creating a video is more than just simply recording it with your camera. Editing and adding special effects to your videos will make them much more interesting to watch. This will greatly enhance your ability to get results you want!Master Class Outline:What is Hitfilm?How to Download HitFilmHitFilm Workspace OverviewShortcuts in HitFilmImporting Footage and Other AssetsOptions When Working in the Viewer WindowMerging Audio and Video FootageEditor Timeline - IntroTimeline ScalingInserting Footage into your ProjectAdding and Renaming TracksChanging the Track PropertiesLabelsScrubbing through the Editor TimelineEditor Timeline ToolsLinking and Unlinking Video and AudioJ & L Cuts in the Editor TimelineAudio MixerControls PanelIntroduction to KeyframesHow to Use the Display Timeline for KeyframingSearch ToolsAdding Effects in the Editor TimelineRight Clicking on Media in the Editor TimelineText and Titles in the Editor TimelineA Note about Variable Frame Rate FootageQuality and Resolution SettingsLocking Tracks on the Editor TimelineMasking on the Editor TimelineComposite ShotsWhat is a Composite Shot?How to Make a Composite ShotDifferent Layer Types in a Composite ShotParenting and Snapping of LayersLayer Blend ModesMasking in a Composite ShotKeyframing in a Composite ShotSingle Point TrackingDouble Point TrackingTracking for StabilizationText in a Composite Shot3D Concepts in HitFilmMotion BlurRam PreviewPrerenderingLocking LayersVisual EffectsOverview of Visual Effects360 EffectsAudio EffectsBehavior EffectsBlur EffectsColor Correction EffectsColor Grading Effects (Also see below, Installed Film Look Presets)Distort EffectsGenerate EffectsGradient and Fill EffectsGrunge EffectsKeying EffectsLights and Flares EffectsParticles and Simulation EffectsQuick 3D EffectsScene EffectsSharpen EffectsStylize EffectsTemporal EffectsVideo Clean Up EffectsWarp EffectsMiscellaneous Items to KnowPresetsTemplatesExporting your Project FileOnline ResourcesFuture UpdatesOverview of Future UpdatesUpdates will Be Added as they become AvailableRequestsOverview of RequestsRequest Videos will added as Specific Lesson Requests are Made------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minimum Specifications to Run HitFilm on your Computer:HitFilm Express is multi-core and GPU accelerated. It has recently seen some vast improvements under the hood providing superior performance and speed like youve never seen before.Apple: macOS 10.14 Mojave, 10.13 High Sierra or OS X 10.12 SierraWindows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)Internet connection: Required for online activationProcessor: 4th Generation Intel Core Processors or AMD equivalent.RAM: 4GB (8 GB Recommended)Graphics card:NVIDIA GeForce 600 (Kepler) series (2012)AMD Radeon R5 240 (2013)Intel HD Graphics 5000 (GT3) (2013)Video memory 1 GB minimum (2GB or more required for 4K UHD.)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Laravel 6 CRUD by creating To-Do List App From Scratch" |
"In this Course We Going to start from basics and install requirement Tools Like Composer xamppthen We are going to talk about layouts routing and viewsand finally we going to treat Crud Operations Create a Todo Update Delete and read.Laravel has become on of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Token-Based Authentication with React and Laravel RESTfulAPI" |
"This Course Contain :-How to setup react Project-How to setup Laravel Project-Understand Components and jsx-How to setup react router and use Axios-How to make api with laravel and generate Tokens-how to connect your frontend to your backendIf you want the project here it is:For this Project You need to create :-The Login Component ,Register Component and Home Components-You need to setup react-router-create a laravel project-install laravel passport-create the controller and middleware-test your apis with POSTMAN-use axios in React to fetch data from your backend"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estimates in Agile software development" |
"In this course, youll learn to do great time estimates for Agile software projects. Well focus on Agile methodology and more specifically on the Scrum framework. I included also some techniques from traditional project management - the Waterfall methodology - and also a section about estimates in Kanban, another popular Agile framework."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Prime Time Home Buyer Tax Lien & Deeds Investment Course" |
"This course is set up to teach and highlight the key research tools needed to buy Tax lien and Tax deed. In the course your will find step by step videos, power points, and articles, that will help you to become an effective investor and potential property owner. A Tax lien certificate is a certificate of claim against a property that has a lien placed upon it as a result of unpaid property taxes. Tax lien certificates are generally sold to investors through an auction process. The Best Part of Investing in Tax Liens is you don't need a lot of money to invest in TLCs or deeds. When you buy a tax lien, you are basically paying the taxes to the County, in exchange for a Tax Lien on the Property. The certificate is good for the amount you paid plus interest and Penalties.Learn more today by signing up to the get the Keys you need to be a wise TLC and DEED Investor"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Culture (in business)" |
"These are our two bold assumptions:Wed like to let you know that we have created this program (and this page) based on two bold assumptions.The first is that you dont need convincing that workplace culture has an impact on your behaviour, and the behaviour of your team.The second assumption is that you understand that regardless of who you are, what industry you work in, or what you sell, your company has a culture of something.If you relate to these two assumptions, please read on.How often do you experience people problems and how does that impact your day?One thing we've learned from working with 1000s of founders, business owners and leaders, is how many are unaware that the culture of their company, is the root cause of their people problems.These people problems commonly show up as poor productivity, bad customer service, deadline blowouts, PR nightmares, harassment, bullying, or the experience of distrust, conflict and tension.People problems make work feel a lot harder than it has to be.Take a moment to think about how these types of people problems impact your day, your experience of work, and the results you produce.It takes more than perks, amazing pay and benefits to create great culture.Some believe that creating great culture is about free lunches, ping pong tables, big bonuses, and health care plans.Although the golden handcuffs work to attract and keep top talent, theres one factor that will make or break the culture in any company.You see, its not just the perks that create great culture, but the way in which each team member relates to them. Just like how appeasing children with the toys they desire wont guarantee that they will appreciate them, or be better behaved.The Art of Culture explores what drives human behaviour and what you can do to craft a culture consistent with your vision.What You'll LearnStuff you can apply immediately:The building blocks of cultureProven and actionable ways to be more productive, make better choices, and improve your team culture immediatelyGrow emotional intelligenceIdentify, navigate and harness the feelings, values, and beliefs of your team with simple toolsThe human source codeReduce breakdowns and increase joy by learning to look beyond what people do, and deep into why they do itIs this course for you?Do you aspire to lead, empower, and inspire others into action?Do you believe hustle and grind is not the only way to live/work?Do you value soft skills (self-awareness, EQ, communication skills)?Do you want to improve the quality of your work relationships?Do you want to feel connected to your work and colleagues?Do you want to experience work life with more ease and flow?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linux User Space Debugging" |
"These videos are part of my linux system programming course. Master the various user space debugging tools present in Linux. This course teaches you ltrace, strace, gdb (coredump) and valgrind. Everything is taught in deep and with lot of examples for you to practice. Future more debugging tools will be added. Any doubts you can always message me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gas While Drilling Analysis for Oil and Gas Industry" |
"Since 1994, gas while drilling or GWD analysis carried to performed as integral part of formation evaluation. Up to 2001, there is a lot development from GWD to provide advance analysis such as overpressure detection, pay zone identification, vertical fluid evolution and geosteering.In this course you will learn from basic of GWD including source and quantity of it. Then able to decide minimum technical specification for running tool of GWD. Last thing is able to understand specific ratio for quality control data of GWD and for analysis purposes."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn to code with html from beginner to expert" |
"Do you want to learn to code and don't know where to start ? Learning how to program a code will get you a better job for your future.This course is so much basic about language of HTML . This is a complete one hour course of video will show you how to code in HTML. Enroll for your better future in web development"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Online US Stock Indices Trading" |
"At the end of this course, you will be able to trade Dow Jones, Standard and Poor 500 and Nasdaq. You will be able to trade profitably and apply appropriate risk management strategies.You will be able to generate your own signal without relying on any organisation or individual for it."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Meditation for balanced life!" |
"This course will help you to incorporate mindfulness meditation in your daily life. You will be more relaxed and feel calm along with your busy schedule and project deadlines. you will learn How to be in the present moment and learn to boost your joy and satisfaction at the moment and learn to deal with your thoughts and emotions. you will also learn How to increase kindness, appreciation, compassion and other similar qualities for living a happy and meaningful life. So dont hurry, just relax and enroll in this course!If you are having more than two problems from this checklist then this course is for you!Do You...-have trouble for being in the present moment, always there are useless thoughts of past or future in your mind?-struggle to forget humiliation, bad words and creepy memories?-have a problem in dealing with life's up and downs and want to balance work and family?-wanted to know, how I can be happy and live a balanced life with satisfaction?-struggle to deal with the negative emotions like anger, hate, Guilt, Fear, envy....?Following are advantages of Mindfulness Meditation.-It Reduce mental health challenges.-It Improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.-It Balance and regulate emotions.-It Reduce the experience of pain.-It Improves communication and relationships.-It Improve ones capacity for focus and attention. Sometimes life gives us roller coaster rides. We cant control what will happen with us, but we can change our perspective towards things. Mindfulness is a skill which teaches you to build a healthier perspective and live balanced life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cum s ctigi bani ca afiliat 2Performant" |
"Ai instincte bune de marketing? tii s vinzi online sau vrei s nvei s faci asta? Cursul sta e pentru tine!Pe msur ce vom trece mpreun prin el, vei nelege ce fac afiliaii care ctig mii de euro pe lun colabornd pe termen lung cu sute de magazine online. Vei nva s foloseti 2Performant ca afiliat: cum s i faci linkuri afiliate, cum s colaborezi cu magazinele care folosesc o reea de afiliere, cum s identifici oportuniti i s generezi comisioane.Vei nva esenialul despre marketingul afiliat direct de la CEO-ul celei mai importante platforme de profil din Romnia.Numele meu este Dorin Boerescu, i mulumesc pentru interesul pe care l acorzi cursului meu.Conduc 2Performant din 2010, de pe vremea cnd se numea 2Parale i avea o cifr de afaceri de 10.000 de euro pe an. n momentul n care scriu acest text (octombrie 2019) 2Performant are o cifr de afaceri anual de peste 3 milioane de euro i peste 700 de clieni. Cu ajutorul nostru afiliaii au generat vnzri de peste 170 milioane de euro magazinelor online din Romnia, ncasnd peste 11 milioane de euro n comisioane, iar Bursa de Valori Bucureti ne-a selecionat n 2017 printre 15 companii care vor contribui la creterea economiei romneti. Misiunea noastr este s oferim tuturor oamenilor pasionai o ans s i poat verifica i educa instinctul de marketing, ctignd n acelai timp bani direct proporional cu vnzrile pe care le genereaz. Pentru asta, am construit o platform care msoar cte vnzri genereaz reclamele online - pe baza ei magazinele pot colabora fiecare cu sute sau mii de parteneri pasionai de marketing pe care i pltesc cu un procent din vnzrile generate. La 2Performant trebuie s rspundem foarte des la ntrebri despre ce funcioneaz i ce nu n afiliere, despre ce fac cei care ctig mii de euro pe lun din asta, aa c dup ce am susinut zeci de workshopuri, traininguri i prezentri la conferine de marketing m-am hotrt s realizez acest curs introductiv despre afilierea prin 2Performant, cu 3 mari capitole:1. Introducere in marketingul afiliat principii de funcionare, oportuniti i reguli.2. O prezentare general a platformei 2Perfomant, n care i voi explica n amnunt cele mai importante funcionaliti.3. Cum poi ctiga bani prin intermediul 2Performant, dac ai cunotine minime de marketing online (sau eti dispus s nvei). Afilierea este unul din domeniile marketingului n cretere rapid la nivel global. Este o industrie de zeci de miliarde de dolari n care sunt implicate unele dintre cele mai mari branduri din lume. La finalul cursului i promit c vei ti foarte bine:Ce nseamn marketingul afiliat i cum funcioneaz o platform de afiliere;Cum s utilizezi cele mai importante funcionaliti ale platformei 2Performant; Cum poi ctiga, concret, comisioane promovnd magazine online. Cursul este plin de cifre, exemple i studii de caz, plus recomandri direct de la afiliai de top din Romnia. Am condensat n 24 de lecii cele mai importante lucruri nvate n peste 10 ani de afiliere, astfel nct s i pot transmite ct mai multe informaii valoroase cu o investiie minim de timp i de bani din partea ta. Pentru a continua nvarea te invit s te alturi comunitii Facebook ""Primii Pasi in Afiliere prin 2Performant"" - ne vedem (i) acolo.Acord-i ansa asta! O merii!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programao Neurolingustica com Tcnicas em Influncia" |
"Um curso completo de Programao Neurolingustica - Com certificao - que permitir que voc amplie o seu desempenho em inmeras reas da sua vida, transformando crenas limitantes, ampliando seu potencial e mudando padres indesejados. Voc ver o curso ministrado na sala de aula com perfeio de som e acompanhamento dos slides na prpria tela - alta tecnologia para ampliar seu aprendizado - ou seja, nada ser escondido e voc ver, inclusive, a parte prtica. Os seguintes temas sero abordados: Histria da PNL; O que a PNL; Pilares da PNL; Mapas Mentais; Filtros Mentais; Submodalidades; Sistemas Representacionais; Pistas de Acesso; Tcnicas para o Controle da Dor; Swish; Modelo Milton; ncoras; Tratamento de Fobia etc."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cermica Creativa" |
"Buscas una actividad para despejarte y encontrarte con la calma?Te encantan las cosas hechas a mano y no sabes por donde empezar?Entonces este curso online es para vos! No esperes ms y sumate a nuestra familia con este curso simple y dinmico sobre cmo trabajar con la arcilla para lograr esas piezas que tanto te imaginaste. No importa tu conocimiento del tema o tu experiencia con la arcilla, slo se necesita relajarse y dejarse llevar para obtener resultados asombrosos.Te espero!Un saludo con cario,Sofi."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"GarageBand Orchestra: the fundamentals of MIDI Orchestration" |
"I don't know about you, but if I could have a real orchestra ready and waiting in my garage, I would! However, unfortunately, this is logistically (my garage isn't big enough) and economically (orchestral players need to eat too!) viable. It is for this reason that I have put together this course on the fundamentals of MIDI Orchestration, an area in which I have over 10-years of experience and use regularly in my professional capacity as a composer, arranger, orchestrator and educator.This class is aimed at those resourceful music creators who want to produce orchestral music without necessarily having the most up to date kit and, like me, cannot afford a real-life garage orchestra. It is also designed for those who want to build their skills before investing in more advanced and expensive libraries, as the skills I teach in this course are applicable to modern libraries aswell.Stripping back to rudimentary sample instruments in a more limited Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), like GarageBand, presents a challenge and opportunity to learn extensive technical, professional-grade skills in the art of MIDI orchestration. To get these instruments sounding more realistic it can take more effort than a modern library, this extra effort yields an opportunity to cultivate deeper skills and knowledge in MIDI orchestration, as well as the effort of putting it into practice. The course works on the theory that when you learn to produce effective mock-ups in GarageBand, with the in-built sample libraries, then you will be able to produce exceptional work once you have access to better sample libraries and Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). Or, if you're like me, who does not believe music-making has or needs to be an expensive endeavour, you can get more out of limited sample libraries! Surely this is the right way to do it, learning how to get the most out of virtual instruments before investing loads of money on libraries you cannot get the most out of!!?As part of this course, I offer several MIDI files so that I can demonstrate techniques in a manner that enables you to work alongside me and/or apply the techniques further yourself after each lesson. The sectional approach of the course, which uses different pieces, offers layers so that you can be introduced to new techniques of MIDI orchestration on a step by step basis. This also offers the chance for you to recap earlier concepts and to gain fluency in them. These sections build toward the creation of two orchestral mock-ups for orchestra. One is for larger orchestra (Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake) and the other is your own choice (I use the final movement of Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 4).The resources I use for this course are classical works. The reason for this is that they are out of copyright, meaning you can use them openly as portfolio pieces and/or share them with family and friends to show them what you have been learning!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make Money on Fiverr as Newbie in 2020 From Scratch" |
"Description . .""Make Money on Fiverr as Newbie in 2020 From Scratch"" ""Make Money on Fiverr as Newbie in 2020 From Scratch"" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( "" "" "" "" () +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ! !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Noes de Segurana do Trabalho" |
"O curso aborda de forma simples e direta o que SST, aspectos e impactos relevantes sobre o assunto no ambiente de trabalho e como sua negligncia pode afetar a vida pessoal e social do indivduo, o que mapeamento de risco, como funciona, quais so is riscos avaliados e como os verificar, como o mapeamento se relaciona com o Programa de Preveno de Riscos Aambientais, onde localizar essas experincias na legislao e qual sua importncia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell on Amazon FBA - Ultimate Hands-On Amazon FBA" |
"In this How to Sell on Amazon FBA - Ultimate Hands-On Amazon FBA course we cover everything you need to know in order to help you master and dominate the Amazon FBA market. Within the course we show you everything from how to set up your Amazon FBA seller account, how to source inventory, how to get paid, how to manage your Amazon business and MORE! The goal of this course is to have quick returns, set up your Home Business and create a system where you can have Recurring Income every single month coming from your sales on Amazon.From all the Amazon selling methods, this is the easiest way to start working from home and making money online very quickly.You will learn how to easily earn money on Amazon selling Books. I will take you through the whole process:1. From opening your Seller account,2. Finding the best and high profit products to sell, I'll tell you where to find these products and,3. How to evaluate if the product will sell or not (very important),4. Preparing the products to ship to Amazon, shipping to Amazon using the cheapest method, so you have higher profits,5. How to set up your product so when a customer search on Amazon your product is first on the ranking (what means more sales!),6. How to collect your money (profits) from Amazon and more and moreI love this business model because you just buy the products send to Amazon and wait for the Money!Amazon takes care of stocking, selling, packing, shipping, collecting the money from clients, do customer services, handling returns and the most important thing PAYING YOU!What you will learn on the course is very easy to do, anyone can do this, and you can start today. Do not need to wait any extra day. You can start today! Start watching the first five lessons and you will be ready to take your first action step.To start, all you need is a smartphone and around $20 to $30 dollars to buy your first products. Ship to Amazon, they will sell it and you will receive the profits! Is that easy!I created this course for YOU, stop waiting and let's take action together and start changing your finances now!Remember you could receive your first check from Amazon in 30 days!Enroll now! See you inside the courseWho this course is for:Anyone that is looking for opportunities to earn money online, on my opinion, this is one of the best opportunities, you will be partner with one of the biggest online companies, Amazon!If you are tired of trying to make money online with no success, this is for you.If you don't have at least 4 hours a week to put into your new Amazon business don't take this course. You will need at least 4 hours a week to have good results, the more hours you put into the business the more volume of sales you will have. You can do it 1 hour a day four or more days... or 4 hours on a Saturday, you are the Boss!Also, if you just want to learn how to sell on Amazon, this course is for you."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Techniques in HINDI" |
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Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Pro Tips to achieve a Prosperous Life by Dr. Santosh (HINDI)" |
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Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Public Speaking: Start Strong & Engage Any Audience" |
"Imagine yourself making an immediate impact at the beginning of your presentation. Starting strong is not an option, it is a requirement when you have to deliver a message to people.There is no time more critical in your presentation than your first few minutes. In this course you will learn how to master the beginning of your presentation with strategies and approaches that will have you ""Wow Your Audience!""Most people guess how to public speak. You are being taught by Dr. Antwon Martin, an Academic Professor and sought after public speaker that speaks in front of large 500 seat lecture halls to small intimate settings. He has taught across this nation from UCLA in Los Angeles to William & Mary in Virginia. He has been a keynote speaker for commencement ceremonies, conferences and the list goes on.He is going to teach you how to:Start StrongImmediately capture the audience attentionBe in alignment (mind, body, voice)Engage any audienceHit a Home Run on stage quick!Also:You have unlimited lifetime access with no extra costs everOur help is always available to you if you have a question or get stuckAll future lectures, bonuses, etc are free and fully includedThis course is 100% backed by Udemy's no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee so you literally have nothing to lose!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Memorizao do Brao da Guitarra/Violo" |
"Ns Guitarristas passamos pelo processo de criao, execuo e improvisao.Sabendo disso importantssimo o conhecimento das notas sobre o brao do instrumento, e crucial para o melhor desempenho. Todo msico estuda e se esfora para exercer sua arte da melhor forma possvel, porm muitas vezes nos encontramos em situaes na qual temos que improvisar, e isso acontece muito, principalmente para ns guitarristas e violonistas. Diante dessa situao temos que estar preparados, e devido a grande dificuldade sobre o assunto criei um mtodo de memorizao rpida, e vou lhe ensinar o passo a passo nesse curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |