Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Blender 2.8 3D Modeling Guide" |
"Are you brand new to 3D and have never touched it before? Are you coming over from Blender 2.7 and need to learn the new Blender 2.8? This course is for you! You will learn Blender 2.8 from scratch by creating your own 3D models.Blender is a fantastic, free software that enables you to make AAA-quality models which can be exported to any game engine, 3D printer or software.Beginner to the world of 3D? No problem! We go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of 3D creation.This course is project based, which means you'll get your hands dirty with projects immediately. You will learn the skills of 3D art that will enable you to make your very own 3D assets.We'll start with the Blender user interface and navigation tools, providing you with a solid foundation before moving forward. Then we will dive into building low poly models from scratch.You will learn by working through projects that will help you to master the art of 3D and come out of it with some awesome work of your own!You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee.By the end of the course, you'll be very confident in the basics of Blender. Get started today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Science with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn" |
"Lets learn basics to transform your career. I promise not to exhaust you with huge number of videos.Welcome to the most comprehensive Data Analysis and Insights Visualization course! An excellent choice for beginners and professionals looking to expand their knowledge on one of the most popular Python libraries in the world such as collections, numerical pyhton, matplotlib, seaborn and pandas data frames. This course includes case study for drawing meaningful insights out of given business data.Start Data Science with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn course offers video tutorials on the most powerful data analysis toolkit available today.Why learn Data Analysis and Insights Visualization using Python?If you've spent time in a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any form of tabular data such as database tables, delimited files or csv files and are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level using python, this course is for you! Numerical Python is a powerful library which efficiently performs matrix operations faster and exceed the python capabilities of data processing.Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with tabular or columnar data sets -- analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, aggregating, cleaning, calculating, and more!Matplotlib is an amazing visualization library in Python for 2D plots of arrays. Matplotlib is a multi-platform data visualization library built on NumPy arrays. One of the greatest benefits of visualization is that it allows us visual access to huge amounts of data in easily digestible visuals. Matplotlib consists of several plots like line, bar, scatter, histogram etc.Seaborn is a library for making statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and closely integrated with pandas data structures.Whether you're a new data analyst, planning to transit yourself to data analyst role or have spent years in Excel, Data Analysis and Meaningful insights course offers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data tool kits available today!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Unix Command Course for Beginners 2020" |
"Lets learn basics to transform your career. 24,000+ students learning the course.I promise not to exhaust you with huge number of videos.Welcome to the most comprehensive Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course! An excellent choice for beginners and professionals looking to expand their knowledge on one of the most popular Practical Unix or Linux Commands in the world such as most informative form of files and directory listing as well operations, searching patterns across the contents, hands-on on columnar data, sorting, hands-on experience with stream editor, practical production ways to compression and un-compress files, Linux operating system installation without disturbing your current operating system as well as advance commands with global search operations and more.Start Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course offers video tutorials on the basics of most powerful and popular and advance commands extensively used in todays unix or linux practical worlds.Why learn hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line?Everyone someday will need to login to unix or linux environment to perform some basic yet powerful tasks to solve the business purpose if you are working in Information Technology world. Since Unix or Linux operating systems are most robust and secure operating systems and they are most used. So, it is must for every student as well as for every IT Professional to have knowledge of basic command lineWhether you're a student or any IT Professional willing upskill or learn or planning to transit yourself to unix or linux related roles, Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course offers you an incredible introduction to most powerful and popular unix or linux commands!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bolsa de Valores para Principiantes" |
"El estudiante entrar a un aprendizaje muy dinmico de inversin y trading, con el fin de realizar operaciones de compra/venta de acciones reales haciendo uso de plataformas burstiles robustas, las cuales tienen respaldo de regulacin y fiscalizacin en Estados Unidos. As mismo, se comparten todas las herramientas necesarias para la interpretacin de anlisis tcnicos y fundamentales que apoyen la toma de decisin de entradas o salidas de las posiciones."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Cocina Peruana" |
"Bienvenido! Estamos muy felices que ests aqu con nosotros; ya empezamos con las inscripciones para el curso de Cocina Peruana junto al experimentado Chef Ignacio Barrios.En este curso vamos a profundizar en el amplio mundo de la Cocina Peruana; nos enfocaremos en la preparacin de 14 recetas muy importantes para la Gastronoma del Per.El objetivo de este curso es que el alumno incrementa su bagaje culinario y empiece a ponerlo en prctica en su da a da."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Escuta Musical" |
"Para que uma aula de Msica seja interessante fundamental que ela seja repleta de exemplos musicais bem selecionados, claros e precisos. Alm disso, consideramos que a escuta seja a ferramenta principal na aprendizagem para ilustrar qualquer contedo musical, pois a teoria no deve distanciar-se da realidade sonora. Neste curso, cada um dos contedos apresentados abordado a partir da escuta para proporcionar ao aluno, de modo agradvel, um melhor contato, assimilao e compreenso do universo musical.A proposta do curso fazer com que os alunos alcancem os seguintes objetivos:Compreenso e reconhecimento de contedos relacionados teoria elementar da Msica atravs da escuta;Ampliao dos horizontes de escuta atravs do contato com os mais variados territrios sonoros atravs de msicas de diversas culturas e perodos, por exemplo);Proporcionar uma introduo ao treinamento auditivo (Percepo Musical);Estimular e orientar na construo das bases introdutrias necessrias auma escuta musical."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Planning & Control with Oracle Primavera P6 PPM Professional" |
"This course aims to teach participants:Introduction to the user interface,How to plan projects without resources,Filters layouts, printing, Baselines and Updating an un-resourced project,Creating and assigning roles and resources, Controlling projects with resources and costs,Setting up and administering a database,Plus some advanced features including Import/Export, Activity Codes, Custom Data Fields and Global Change."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 PPM Professional Advanced Features" |
"This course aims to teach participants: SCHEDULING OPTIONS AND SETTING A BASELINE Understanding Date Fields Scheduling Options General Tab Setting the BaselineUSER AND ADMINISTRATION PREFERENCES AND SCHEDULING OPTIONS User Preferences Admin Menu Admin Preferences Miscellaneous DefaultsOTHER METHODS OF ORGANIZING PROJECT DATA Understanding Project Breakdown Structures Activity Codes User Defined Fields WBS Category or Project Phase Resource Codes Cost Accounts Owner Activity Attribute GLOBAL CHANGE Introducing Global Change The Basic Concepts of Global Change Specifying the Change Statements Examples of Simple Global Changes Selecting the Activities for the Global Change Duration Calculations with Global Change (Any of the following) and (All of the following) Temporary Values Global Change Functions More Advanced Examples of Global Change MANAGING THE ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTMultiple User Data Display Issues Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) Project Portfolios Organizational Breakdown Structure OBS Users, Security Profiles and Organizational Breakdown Structure Project Codes Filtering, Grouping and Sorting Projects in the Projects Window Project Durations in the Projects Window Why Are Some Data Fields Gray and Cannot Be Edited? Summarizing Projects Job Services Tracking Window MULTIPLE PROJECT SCHEDULING Multiple Projects in One Primavera Project Multiple P6 Primavera Projects Representing One Project Setting Up Primavera Projects as Sub-projects Refresh Data and Commit Changes Who Has the Project Open? Setting Baselines for Multiple Projects Restoring Baselines for Multiple Projects UTILITIESReflection Projects Advanced Scheduling Options Audit Trail Columns Excel Import and Export Tool Project Import and Export Check In and Check Out UN/CEFACT XML format Online HTML Help"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Resource Management with Primavera P6 PPM Professional" |
"This course aims to teach participants: USER AND ADMINISTRATION PREFERENCES AND SCHEDULING OPTIONS User Preferences Admin Menu Admin Preferences CREATING ROLES AND RESOURCES Understanding Resources and Roles Creating Roles Creating Resources and the Resources Window ASSIGNING ROLES, RESOURCES AND EXPENSES Assigning Roles, Resources and Expenses Understanding Resource Calculations and Terminology Project Window Resource Preferences User Preferences Applicable to Assigning Resources Activities Window Resource Preferences and Defaults Assigning and Removing Roles Assigning and Removing Resources Resource and Activity Duration Calculation and Resource Lags Expenses Suggested Setup for Creating a Resourced Schedule RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION Resource Optimization Reviewing Resource Loading Resource Assignments Window Copying and Pasting into Excel Other Tools for Histograms and Tables Methods of Resolving Resource Peaks and Conflicts Resource Leveling Leveling Examples Resource Shifts Guidelines for Leveling What to look for if Resources are Not Leveling UPDATING A RESOURCED SCHEDULE Introduction Budget Values & Baseline Projects, Data Date, Required Information to Update Project Window Defaults for Updating a Resourced Schedule Percent Complete Types, Using Steps to Calculate Activity Percent Complete Updating the Schedule, Updating Resources, Updating Expenses"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formatting, Printing and Reporting with Primavera P6 PPM" |
"This course aims to teach participants:FORMATTING THE DISPLAYFormatting the Project Window Understanding Forms Formatting the Bars Progress Line Display on the Gantt Chart Formatting Columns Row Height and Show Icon Format Timescale Inserting Attachments Text Boxes and Curtain Format Fonts and Font Colors Format Colors Line NumbersGROUP, SORT AND LAYOUTS Group, Sort and LayoutsGroup and Sort Activities Understanding Layouts Copying a Layout To and From Another Database FILTERS Understanding Filters Applying a Filter Creating and Modifying a Filter"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Baselines and Updating a Project with Primavera P6 PPM" |
"This course aims to teach participants how to Baseline and Updating an un-resourced project with Oracle Primavera P6 PPM Professional,SCHEDULING OPTIONS AND SETTING A BASELINEDate Fields Scheduling Options General Tab UPDATING AN UNRESOURCED SCHEDULESetting the Baseline Practical Methods of Recording Progress Understanding the Concepts Updating the Schedule Progress Spotlight and Update Progress Suspend and Resume Scheduling the Project Comparing Progress with Baseline Progress Line Display on the Gantt Chart Corrective Action Check List for Updating a Schedule Updating an Unresourced Schedule"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating an Unresourced Project with Primavera P6 PPM" |
"This course aims to teach participants:IntroductionCreating a Project PlanStarting Up and NavigationCreating a New ProjectDefining CalendarsCreating a Primavera Project WBSAdding Activities and Organizing Under the WBSFormatting the DisplayAdding RelationshipsActivity Network ViewConstraintsThis is the first 11 chapters of the book Planning and Control Using Oracle Primavera P6 Versions written by Paul E Harris."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Strategi Karier Sukses (SKS)" |
"A. Introduction : Perlunya mempelajari dan menguasai SKS bagi peningkatan karier andaB. Intro: menginspirasi anda untuk bekerja SMART, tidak hanya Work HARDC. Intro: pentingnya TEAMWORK dalam membangun karier anda, agar anda bisa menjadi terunggul diantara para kolegaD. 11 Strategi SKS: ada 11 Strategi yang dapat anda pelajari, sebagai cara dan metode meniti karier dengan cepat"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Strategy Start Up Sukses - SUS" |
"COURSE ini memberikan guidance penting yang perlu dipahami dan dipersiapkan dengan seksama oleh semua calon pengusaha, atau pengusaha yang baru mulai ( START UP COMPANY ), atau Entrepreneur yang sudah ber usaha namun companynya belum berkembang pesat atau not GROW UP yet. Dengan mempelajari COURSE Strategi Start Up Sukses ini, anda akan dipandu untuk memperkuat ke 5 Faktor yang menjadi fundamental dan pilar kesuksesan usaha anda kedepannya. Selamat mempelajari dan Salam AMAZING SUCCESS ! Salam dari saya Andy Juniarso SE,MM,MBA,CMP,CMA, CPHR, CEO Quantum Leap. Email:"
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
ekelaxzl |
"Google Play"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Samplitude 11" |
"Samplitude 11 11"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fruti Loops" |
"Fruti Loops"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla tus primeros juegos en Roblox Studio" |
"Si alguna vez has soado hacer tus propio juego de Roblox, entonces has venido al lugar correcto. Este curso te guiar a travs del uso de Roblox Studio.Aprende a crear, modelar, y desarrollar tus propios juegos en Roblox Studio. Publica y juega con tus amigos, con Roblox todo es posible, empieza ya y divirtete!!."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Level 4 Diploma - Defining Business Needs (L4M2)" |
"Study for CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass L4M2 exam at the very first intake.Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. The questions in this practice test are not identically the same as real CBE questions, but we have made them with the most earnest attitude based on CIPS sample questions and Exam guide. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.Why you should buy our practice tests?We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock testsWe are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme)All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Level 4 Diploma - Commercial Contracting (L4M3)" |
"Study for CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass Commercial Contracting exam at the very first intake.Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. The questions in this practice test are not identically the same as real CBE questions, but we have made them with the most earnest attitude based on CIPS sample questions and Exam guide. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.Why you should buy our practice tests?We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock testsWe are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme)All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BUILDING RESPONSIVE NAVIGATION BARS Using Pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript- THREE COMPLETE PROJECTSThe concepts you will apply:1. HTML Tags and BASIC CSS styling2. Writing HTML markups for an entire website by just looking at it.3. CSS GRID Layout4. CSS FLEX Layout5. Pseudo Class selectors6. Responsive design7. Developing responsive website themes from scratch.8. Basic JavaScript For toggling mobile menu button9. Building responsive layouts.Target students1. Must have very basic introduction to CSS and HTML2. JavaScript knowledge is a plus but not a must. The 98% of the course focuses on developing responsive navigation bars using CSS and HTML.3. MUST have a laptop4. The laptop must have a code editor installed5. Visual code studio is my recommended editor but you can use an editor of your choice6. Have Emmet extension installed- Not a requirement but is a plus- I will show you have to install7. Developing responsive navigation is a challenge to not only junior developers but even senior developers. So your level doesnt matter. Though this course is designed for mid-level to junior developers8. If you have never written CSS and HTML, this course is not yours. Check my Introduction to CSS and HTML course on Udemy, its free. Then you enroll to this after going through basic concepts of CSS and HTMLProjects:We are going to develop three projects:1. Responsive navigation bar 1 using pure CSS and HTML and JavaScript2. Responsive Navigation bar 2 using Pure CSS, HTML and JavaScript3. A complete responsive Pure CSS HTML and JavaScript ThemeThe three projects are fully responsive on all screen devices, and are displayed differently depending on the device someone is using.Each project has got links to GitHub completed project. You can download all the files from those links"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lets build a signup and login system using PHP - Project." |
"Building a signup and login system course is intended for PHP beginner students who would like to practice basic PHP concepts by building a real-life project.This project covers an array of subjects including variables, arrays, functions, user validation, SQL queries, connecting to the database, retrieving data from the database, saving data to the database, PHP security, commenting, filtering user input among other topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course is going t cover an array of subjects on online income, earning online, online work among other terms used to refer to it.In this course, I am going to take ou through my 9 years of online work searching and the scams I encountered before I, at last, came across a legit way of earning online without much struggle or fearing of gender or race bias.I will take you through the most common work online or work from home schemes that conmen use to scam you and steal the hard-earned cash from you.I will introduce you to the site I am talking about - udemyI will take you through the things most people fear when it comes to creating a course on udemy and how to overcome those fears.I will take you through the process of creating courses on udemy from forming your title, organizing ideas and putting together your course, uploading and finally submitting your course for review by the udemy's Quality Assurance teamI will not stop there but I will go ahead to show you how to market your course and improve your courseAs if that is not enough, I will give you several links to various success stories from published udemy instructors who share their success to motivate you and fire you up to begin creating your courseI give you free notes in word documents and slides - powerpoint slides.Join me now and begin learning these secrets!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sizi baarya ulatracak, motivasyonunuzu srekli en st seviyelerde tutabileceiniz yntemlerin tamamn reneceksiniz. zellikle karnza kan / kabilecek engellerle nasl baa kabileceinizi renip, hemen uygulayabileceksiniz. Baarnn bir forml var m?Deerlerimiz verdiimiz kararlarda ne kadar etkili?Kiilik profillerine gre insanlar ynetebilir miyiz?Etki ve ilgi alanmz, olaylara bak amz nasl etkiliyor?Yllardr yanl bilinen ve hala uygulanan, dl-ceza sistemi motivasyonda ne kadar etkili? Deneylerle kantland."
Price: 359.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Matematik ren" |
"evren her an gzlemlerimize aktr; ama onun dilini ve bu dilin yazld harfleri renmeden ve kavramadan anlalamaz. Evren matematik diliyle yazlmtr; harfleri genler, daireler ve dier geometrik biimlerdir. Bunlar olmadan tek szc bile anlalamaz; bunlarsz ancak karanlk bir labirentte dolanlr.Galileonsanolunun deeri bir kesirle ifade edilecek olursa; pay gerek kiiliini gsterir, paydas da kendisini ne zannettigini, payda bydke kesrin deeri klr.Tolstoy YKS - AYT,YKS-TYT,KPSS Snavlarna hazrlamak ve matematikle alakal eksikleri olan bireylere eitim ve baar salamay amalamaktayz. Yllardr bizlere matematiin bir c olarak lanse edilmesini ortadan kaldrmak,n yarglar ykp bilimin bel kemii matematii sevdirmek. Biz biliyoruz ki bilime giden yolda aydnlanr tm karanlklar. Sunduumuz eitimimizin sizlere katk salamas ve aydnlklar getirmesi temennisiyle.BAARILAR"
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"Self Love and Acceptance course" |
"Self Love is the most important attribute to have, self love on the inside amounts to Self worth, Self acceptance, Self confidence, Self esteem. When you have self love, you are able to deal with all situations in life with ease. This powerful, simple and effective course will cover;Tools for self love,How to deal with people in the work place- so you aren't having sleepless nights,How to take your power back and start being in control of your mind, your life, and your happinesEmpowering work, re- looking over your situation, intentions, (magic!!!) Look at them situations in a different light, and set yourselves freeGuaranteed and high success rate in one to one work!!!5 Week course to change your life.... Are you ready???"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Be Do Journal - A Course in WellBeing through Journaling" |
"The Be Do Journal is a quick and easy journaling technique. Designed to focus your attention daily on a few, simple, yet important areas that promote positive self-awareness, enhanced clarity and realistic goals. The results incrementally improve the quality of your life in a long lasting and sustainable way. The Be Do Journal consists of:The Weekly Well-Being Journal (completed three times a week)The Morning Journal (completed daily)The Evening Journal (completed daily)The Meditation Journal (completed daily) Included in the course are section by section short videos as well as pdf files that define and describe what the Be Do Journal is and how to fill it out. Also included is a copy of the actual Be Do Journal for you to download, use and re-use.Freebie! You also get for FREE the course Brain Breathing - The 3 minute routine of clarity, calm and confidence. This exercise is mentioned in The Be Do Journal course so its only fair to let you have it for free so you can take maximum advantage of The Be Do Journal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The ABCD Method for a Fit Life" |
"Do you want a fit body? Do you want to lose fat and build muscle? Are you sick and tired of jumping from one fad diet to another? Are you confused of all the information out there telling you something is good for you today only to flip tomorrow?Join the ABCD method revolution that aims to demystify the science behind building a fit body to show how anyone can build a healthy body inside and out. It's made as simple as the alphabets so that Any Body Can Do it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Programming Course In Nepali By Bishworaj Poudel [NEPALI]" |
"Bishworaj Poudel Online/Offline Programming C Programming YouTube Video , , C Programming Bishworaj Poudel taught 1,00,000+ students online/offline. In his youtube channel, his programming videos are watched by lakhs of viewers. With no doubt, this course is the best [C Programming Course In Nepali Language] on the planet.Online Course :-> ,-> , -> , -> Offline Course Teacher Online Course Self Dependent Phone Call: +977 9885179817"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso Uber Eats." |
"Curso para repartidores aspirantes, principiantes y avanzados, desde despejar dudas en si trabajar dentro de la plataforma de Uber Eats es una opcin para ti, explorando todos los rincones de esta labor y llevndote de la mano a conocer las mejores estrategias para incrementar tu nmeros de pedidos, los mejores consejos, mejores y asegurar ms propinas, calificaciones positivas, recursos y el uso correcto de las principales herramientas disponibles en la aplicacin.Con todo esto, Qu esperas para convertirte en un repartidor Elite y crecer en ganancias, experiencia y satisfaccin?"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"AWS Key Management Service (KMS)" |
"This course starts from very basics of encryption, from encryption before thousands of years and goes into details about AWS Key Management Service. Also it covers the differences between AWS Key Management Service and AWS CloudHSM. Topics included in this course:History of encryptionWhat is KMSWhen to use KMSShould we choose AWS CloudHSM instead of AWS KMSHow to use KMSWhat services support KMSLabsWho this course is for:Anyone learning and using AWSAnyone who wants to improve the security of his infrastructurePreparing for AWS Security Specialty Certificate"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |