Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Dijital Pazarlama Stratejik zmler" |
"Bu testimizde sizlerin hem pazarlama hemde reklam verme deneyimlerinizi leceiz. Bu test sonucumda sizlerde doru pazarlama stratejisini kendiniz kontrol ederek ve grerek reneceksiniz. Bu stratejiyi renmenin ana temel kural yaptnz hatalar testlerde belirlemek ve faliyete geirmektir. Reklam verirken mterilerin psikolojisini anlamak ve ona gre grseller veya metinler sloganlar hazrlamak ayr bir stratejidir."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dijital Pazarlama Stratejisi 2" |
"Bu kursumuzda dijital pazarlama statejisinin 2. blmne yer ayryoruz ilk kursumuzda yzeysel olarak bildikleriniz test edilmitir. Bu testimizde ise daha detayl olarak sizlerin reklam verirken dikkat etmesi gereken kurallar ve performans analizlerini ele aldk. Kursumuzun asl amac sizlerin reklam verirken mterilerin psikolojisini bilmeniz gerektiini ve demogafik snflar reklamn verdiiniz rne gre snflandrmanz gerektiini testlerimizde belirtiyoruz"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Reklam Grseli ve Psikoloji" |
"Bu kursumuzda sizlere reklam grselleri olutururken mteri psikolojisini ne kadar dikkate aldmz ile alakal test yapacaz. Testin amac mteri psikolojisini renme ve reklam grseli hazrlarken bu etkenlerden yararlanmaktr. Ayrca bonus olarak renklerin mterilerimizin dikkatini ekmedeki srrn ve vermek istediimiz sloganlar daha net ve arpc bir biimde alglatmamz salayan renkleri reneceiz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kendimize sormadmz sorular" |
"Bu kiisel geliim kursumuzda sizlerin iinizdeki srekli konuan uyumayan ve srekli size tenkitler veren o kii uyandrmann vaktinin geldiini ve artk harekete gemenizi retiyoruz. Kursumuzun amac kendinize soramadnz veya yanl sorduunuz sorular doru bir biimde ve net bir ekilde sormanz ve baarya ulamak iin dora yola girmenizi amalyoruz baar sadece ders almak veya birilerini memnun etmenin olmadn reneceksiniz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Baarnn Forml" |
"Merhaba dostlarm bu kursumuzda sizlere baarnn ve baarszln en nemli sebeplerini aklyoruz. Bu test sonucunda kendinize neden sorusunu sormadan nce nasl sorusunu soracaksnz. Hayatnzda yaadnz sorunlar baarszlklar kendinizi yanl telkin etmenizden dolay srekli tekrara giriyor ve bu da bir dng oluturuyor ve hayatnzn sonuna kadar bu ok tehlikeli bir durum olmasna ramen bu ekilde devam ediyor. Bu dngy bitirmenin vakti gelmedi mi?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Para Ynetimi" |
"Merhaba dostlarm bu kursumuzda sizlere para ynetimi ile ilgili baz sorular soruyoruz. Harcamalarmz keyfi mi yoksa snrl m yapyoruz bunlar anlamamz iin kolay ve yardmc bir test hazrladk. Meslek seimi ve yaplan hatal seimler sizlerin para kazanmasndaki nemli etkenlerden birisidir. Bunun yannda sizlerin o meslekleri sevmeniz daha enmli bir etkendir nk bu meslekler zerindeki hakimiyetiniz sizin para kazanmanzla doru orantldr."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"kna Etme Yntemleri" |
"Merhaba dostlarm bu kursumuzda ikna yntemleriyle ilgili sizlere uygun bir test sunduk bu test srekli gncellenecektir.Testimizin amac ikna etme sanatn doru kullanabilmeniz ve bu ikna yntemleriyle beraber istediiniz bilgiye veya karara ulamanzdr. kna etmeyi sadece izin alma ile snrlandrmayarak pazarlama ticaret veya anlamalarda kullanabilmeniz iin sizlere doru yntemler uygulamay neriyoruz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Proje Gelitirme" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda sizlere proje gelitirirken yaptnz aratrmalarda doru sorular sorabilmeniz iin sizlere ok uygun bir test hazrladk bu testimiz srekli gncellenecektir. Testimizin asl amac projeler gelitirirken yaptmz hatalar sorgulamamz ve doru aratrma yapabilmemiz iin doru sorulardan yola kabilmemizdir. Sorunlar tespit edebilmek ve geliim aratrmalarndaki edindiimiz bilgileri doru bir ekilde faaliyete geirebilmeniz iin sizleri de aramzda grmek istiyoruz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Umutsuzluu Amak" |
"Merhaba arkadalara bu kursumuzda sizlere srekli gncel halde tutacamz kiisel geliim iin umutsuzluklarnz yenmek ve korkularnzla yzlemekle alakal kk bir test hazrladk. Testimizin asl amac kendinizi ne ekilde motive ettiiniz anlamanz ve harekete geebilmeniz iin doru yollar izlemenizdir. Bu yollar izlerken nnze kan frsatlardan yararlanabilmeniz temel olarak amalanmtr. Hadi sende hemen kursumuza katlabilirsin"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Yetenek Sahibi Olmak" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda sizlere ok nemli birka soru soru ile test oluturdum. Kursumuz stabil halde deil ounlukla gncel halde bulunacaktr. Bundan dolay kursumuzu srekli takip edebilirsiniz kursumuzun amac sizlerin yetenek sahibi olurken o yetenei ne kadar istediinizi sorguluyorsunuz. Bundan dolay gerek okulda gerekse baka bir yerde rendiimiz yetenekleri nerede ve nasl kullanacamz sorgulayp reneceiz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Toplumda ne kmak" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda sizlere toplumda ne kmak iin nemli yntemleri bir araya getirdik. reti eklinde deil test eklinde bir araya geldi nk bir video ile karnza ktmda ve o video uzun olduunda muhtemelen sklacak ve videoyu kapatacaksnz bunun yerine birka test ile anlayarak ve zmleyerek renmenizi amalyorum hadi durma sende bize katlabilirsin."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Algsal Ynetim" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda sizlere algsal ynetim hakknda baz testler uyguluyoruz. Gnmzde sosyal medya televizyon veya dier platformlarn gelimesiyle reklamclk ve dier sektrler umduumuzdan daha hzl geliim gsterdi bu durumda algsal ynetimin daha gl etki etmesine ve daha kullanlabilir olmasna neden oldu sizlere sunduumuz testler ile algsal ynetime kar nasl dayankl olabiliriz bunlar beraber reneceiz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dzen ve Kurulum" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda sizlere hayatmzda dzen ve kurulum ile alakal baz testler verdik bu testler sizlerin hayatnzdaki baz eylerde deiiklik yapmanz gerektiini belirtiyor tabi eer dzensizse nce evrenizden balayarak gzel bir gelecee hep beraber adm atalm ki gelecek bizlerle gzel olsun. Kursumuzu hemen satn alabilir ve sende bu olanaklardan faydalanabilirsin. Hadi durma sende aramza katlabilirsin."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Uyku Ynetimi" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kursumuzda bizlerin en ok sevdii fakat en byk dmanlarmzdan olan uyku ynetimi ile ilgili bir test yaynladk testimizin amac. uyku problemleri ile gnlk yaantmzda ne kadar ok zaman kaybettiimizi ve bu kaybettiimiz zamanmz daha faydal bir ekilde kullanabileceimizi anlamamz salayacaz. En deerli aralardan birisi olan zamann ne kadar kymetli olduunu ve bizim bu zaman nasl kullanmamz gerektiiniz renmeyi amaladk hadi sizde aramza katlabilirsiniz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Etkili Dnme" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu dersimizde sizlere yeni bir forml verdiimiz testler ile retmeyi amalyoruz testimizin asl amac fikir bulma konusunda stresten uzak bir ekilde nasl daha iyi sonular elde edebileceinizi grmeniz ve bu dorultuda daha parlar fikirler ve daha iyi k yolu bulmanz salamaktr. ncelikle stresten uzak olmanz kesinlikle arttr zaten testimizin ana kural budur. Testlerimizi stabil halde kalmadan srekli deiim gsterecek ve yeni formller eklenecektir hadi sende bize katlabilirsin."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build your perfect diet and training plan" |
"This course is for everybody who wants to start with a healthy lifestyle, to learn exercises which will provide you the body you want, to make your diet plan, and to make a training plan.Everybody who finishes the course, you can send me videos of your bench press, deadlift, and squat, and I will give you tips and advice how to improve your technique or your set up for starting lift movement.This course is not so long because in every lecture are shown only facts, without a big boring introduction. The course is separated into few sections: 1. Introduction - basic tips and facts which are good to know2. Diet plans, macros, and supplementation - making diet plans, some tips for calculation calories, basic tips and facts you need to know about macros, and supplementation you need, and supplementation which you do not need and reasons why you need it3. Gym Exercises - this section is separated in a few lectures, separated for body section. Every exercise has a video and explanation4. BodyBuilding Training Types - some types of bodybuilding workouts which are described, which one should you choose and why you should do some type of training and how to make your own training system. 5. Powerlifting Training Types - some types of powerlifting workouts which are described, and which one should you choose and why you should do some type of training and how to make your own training system6. Intermediate Gym Things - when you reach a few years of gym experience, you will need this section and to try some advanced tips and facts described in this section, and in this section is described which gear should you buy, and why and when you need to buy gears.7. My ContactThis is the first version of this course and it will be the complement from time to time and making it better and better.I hope you enjoy this course and find it useful :)Marko"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to draw Street Lamp with Oil Pastel- Step by Step" |
"Oil Pastel Drawing Lessons.This is a Drawing lesson you will learn how to use Oil pastel from start to the end of Drawing.Learn how to do Oil Pastel Drawing with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:* High Definition Oil Pastel Drawing Lessons.* Learn how to do Oil Pastel Drawing with our lessons and tutorials.* Drawing lesson that will guide you from start to the end of Drawing.* This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Drawing.Prerequisites: A curiosity & strong desire to create different types of artwork.All you need are oil pastels, Paper, Paper napkin & graphite pencil.In this course you will: Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this drawing.Learn to draw Beautiful Drawing which you can hang it on your wall or gift it to your beloved ones.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.If you're a beginner or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge you already have, Oil Pastel Drawing Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels. I will help you to gain confidence with Oil Pastel and learn to create, simple & Beautiful Drawings.You will learn my techniques of Using different techniques for Oil Pastel Drawing.Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"70-778 Microsoft Power Bi Practice exams Prep 2020" |
"I recently passed The Microsoft 70-778 Certification on 30/10/2019 : Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI.And I want to share with you the questions that helped me to get this certification easly.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Microsofts Power BI software is the industry standard for analyzing and visualizing data within corporate enterprises. Integrated into the existing Office 365 and Azure platforms, Power BI provides a seamless ETL process with strong support for visualizations and dashboard creation.As a direct competitor to existing products such as Tableau and Pentaho Kettle, Power BI has already established itself as a mainstream solution for BI and the very fact the 70-778 is included as a Microsoft certification further proves that Power BI has a place in the industry for some time to come.This is a practice certification exams for Microsoft certification exam 70-778. testing your knowledge on subjects such as data transformation, cleaning, measures, calculated columns and many other topics."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"70-774 Microsoft Azure machine learning practice exams 2020" |
"due to the excess amount of data present in the cloud, it is easy for the system to learn on its own without having to exclusively feed data. With Azure being the second largest Cloud Computing service provider, it surely has enough datasets from where machines can learn and predict. The service runs on Azure public cloud which implies that we do not have to buy hardware or software, and all deployment and maintenance are taken care of by Azure.In this Course, you will be able to test and perform your knowledge level in Azure machine learning and have more chance to get the certification.In this practice exams, A lot of questions are similar to real exam Try to get more than 70% of right answers and the certification will be affordable. I wish you good luck !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-300 Azure Architect Technologies Practice Exams 2020" |
"We specially release these latest AZ-300 exam questions and answers to ensure you can 100% pass this Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (beta) at your first attempt.Candidates for this practice exams are Azure Solution Architects who advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. In this practice exams, you will find recent questions similar to type of questions in the real exam.Accurate & Verified Answers As Experienced in the Actual Test"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"98-365 Windows Server Administration Practice exam Prep 2020" |
"The MTA certification covers a wide range of fundamental technical concepts, assesses and validates your basic technical knowledge and improves your technical credibility.This practice exam is for Candidates for te MTA 98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals Exam and people who are considering starting a career in technology. Test your knowledge on the different subjects, get a score higher than 70% and be confident to pass the real MTA 98-365 exam"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Python A-Z: Matriser les bases de DataScience en 90 min !" |
"Si vous tes dbutant et vous vous intressez la data science et aux programmations avec le langage python avec les bonnes pratiques, ce cours est fait sur mesure pour vous !Le but de ce cours est d'apprendre les bases et matriser les outils de programmation Python pour la Data science.Le cours englobe de manire condense, les notions indispensables pour dmarrer le plus tt possible vos projets et exprience de Data Science.Nous allons parcourir tous les outils et fonctionnalit de Python indispensable pour mener bien des projets Data.Nous allons dcouvrir galement les bibliothques indispensables dans le domaine e de la Data science et de comprendre leurs utilits en traitant des cas rels.Nous allons utiliser des environnements de dveloppement de tendance pour partir sur des bonnes bases et suivre l'volution du march."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Hogyan vlasszunk mrkzseket sportfogadshoz." |
"Megtanulhatod hogy hogyan legyl sikeres sportfogad, hogyan vlaszd ki a mrkzseket. Milyen stratgival fogadjl. Hogyan kerld el a buktatkat, vesztesgeket. A szmtgp monitorn kvetve mutatom be hogy n hogyan csinlom. Valamint kzben el is magyarzom hogy mit mirt, s mit mirt nem rakok fel. Kln leckkben lesz sz a mrkzsek kezdete eltti eredmnyekre, illetve gl szmra trtn fogadsrl. lben, teht a mr megkezdett mrkzseken lev plusz 1 glra trtn fogadsrl. s a legvgn bankroll hasznlatrl is lesz egy lecke."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Formeln und Funktionen fr Anfnger+" |
"Komplette Kursbeschreibung:In meinem Broalltag ist mir immer aufgefallen, wie einfache Excel Aufgaben in stundenlangem Kopier- oder Vergleichschaos endeten.Anstatt gewissen Dinge automatisch von Excel in Form von Formeln oder Funktionen erledigen zu lassen, wurden irgendwelche Wege gefunden, die zwar funktionieren, aber ungefhr 100x so lange bentigen.Die meisten Leute haben keine Lust oder Zeit sich in Excel weiterzubilden. Mit dem Anschauen dieses Kurses, machst du schon einmal den ersten richtigen Schritt zu einer einfacheren und schnelleren Excel Arbeitsweise.Es ist fr viele anfangs erstaunlich, wie viel Zeit sie sparen knnen und wie auf einmal frher langwierige und langweilige Aufgaben in Sekunden erledigt sind.Genau das wollen wir mit diesem Kurs fr dich erreichen!Philosophie:Viele Kurse bleiben ewig bei einem Thema oder brauchen viel zu lange, um auf den eigentlichen Punkt der Lektion zu kommen.Bei uns erhlst du schnell und kompakt eine Vielzahl an Informationen, ohne viel drum herum Gerede.Wir schtzen deine Zeit und vermitteln das Wissen trotzdem so, dass jeder den Lektionen folgen kann.Aufbau des Kurses:Grundlagen auffrischenEinfhrungKursberblickBasiswissen vermittelnExcel startenStartinterfaceStartmenMenband anpassenZeilen und SpaltenBltterTabellen formatierenBedingte FormatierungFilterSmarttagsFormeln und Funktionen verstehenFormeln & Funktionen Kurs bungsdateiFormelnFunktionenFunktionsmenAdressierungTastenkombinationenFunktionen in der Praxis kennenlernenFunktionen bersicht Kurs bungsdateiSummeWennVerweisSVerweisVergleichWahlDatum, TageFindenIndexWenn DannWenn Dann OderWenn Dann UndHeute, JetztKalenderwoche, WochentageNettoarbeitstageFinanzmathematische FunktionenAdresse, Spalte, ZeileHyperlinkMin, Max, MittelwertZhlenwennsRangLinks, Rechts, TeilGltten, LngeKlein, GrossNtzliche AlltagstippsDoppelte WerteKonsolidierungNamen vergebenDruckbereichKopf- und FusszeileAbschlieender TestPrfung (10 Fragen)Materialien: Der Kurs beinhaltet herunterladbare bungsdateien und Dokumente, sowie ein Kursquiz, lebenslangen Zugang und eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie.Kompatibilitt: Die Lektionen sind kompatibel mit Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 bzw. Office 365."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mergers and Acquisitions - M&A Fundamentals" |
"Are you looking into expanding your knowledge on the fundamentals of Mergers and Acquisitions?Then this course is ideal for You!M&A is a crucial event in the lifetime of managers, as well as the companies involved. However, these grand transactions are known for being complex and working in the field requires precision of knowledge on Corporate Finance.This is where this course comes in! It is here to lay out the basis of any M&A for you so you can build on top of it in your professional career.This course will cover the fundamentals of Mergers and Acquisitions and dive into numerous topics, including: - Historical types of Mergers and Acquisitions - Corporate Valuation process and premium payment - Market reactions and stock fluctuations due to M&A - Calculating required stock swap ratio during M&A - Incentives of Managers and Shareholders for M&A - Strategies on maximizing and minimizing the M&A taking placeJoin the course today to learn how to sell companies during Mergers & Acquisitions!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"MyASPDeadline FannelOptimizepress" |
"MyASPOptimizePressLPDeadLine Fannel3"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"PMI-ACP - Testes pra sua preparao !" |
"Simulado preparatrio para a certificao PMI-ACP. Questes de todos os tipos e que compem contedo adequado para o sucesso! Dentre as informaes que o aluno deve saber para realizar o exame esto o manifesto gil (declarao pblica sobre a filosofia de princpios geis), as metodologias e frameworks geis (como Scrum, Extreme Programming - XP, FDD e Kanban) e conceitos como Lean, Business Value Focus, Continous Integration e Deployment, Value Stream Mapping, entre outras. importante no apenas conhecer a teoria, mas tambm saber como aplic-la: como controlar as reunies dirias (daily scrum meetings) para que no excedam 15 minutos, por exemplo?Alm disso, necessrio conhecer tambm os conceitos bsicos do gerenciamento de projetos tradicional: escopo, cronograma, custo, valor agregado, etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Microsoft Planner" |
"Microsoft Planner lets you and your team create new plans, organize, assign tasks, share files, chat about what you're working on, and get progress updates. Files can be attached to tasks, the team can work together on those files, and have communications about tasks without switching between apps. Microsoft Planner is included with some Office 365 subscriptions. Planner provides a solution to help you organize teamwork through Office 365. This course will give you the necessary understanding of Microsoft Planner in order to efficiently organize your team using Microsoft's Office 365 solution.In this course, you'll learn how to work with an effective team planning solution from Microsoft. First, you'll discover how to create a plan and add tasks to that plan. Next, you'll explore how to organize tasks, add start and much more. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Microsoft Planner needed to organize your teams utilizing Microsoft's Office 365 solution."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HubSpot CRM Essentials" |
"HubSpot is a powerful CRM, it offers a full stack of software for marketing, sales, and customer service. In his course, you'll learn all the essentials of using HubSpot CRM, and learn how to streamline the sales process with the management and automation tools. We'll get into how to connect HubSpot CRM to your email, create new contacts and deals, and use the full-featured dashboards and reports to understand the performance of your pipeline. In addition, discover how to use the meetings and document management tools to collaborate with customers and create more valuable, long-lasting engagements.By the end of this course you should have a solid understanding of using HubSpot"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to use SPSS" |
"This course is for those that seek to learn SPSS and have little to zero experience in using the IBM application.there are no prerequisites for this course. Taking this course only requires your desire to learn and ask questions when you feel that you are getting lost or when something was not presented in a manner that fits your way of learning, yet you want to grasp material presented.From the beginning section 1. There are a number of videos that review the interface of the software and then you will learn to manipulate data, learn and be able to differentiate variable types, learn to read data output, learn to process data and analyze it.By the time you have finished this course, you should have the foundation of using SPSS and be able to move on to more advanced levels."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of MySQL" |
"MySQL is the open source popular database management system. Used by many companies and Fortune 500 companies, MySQL is an open-source option that's very cost effective and affordable.This course explores database fundamentals, as well as MySQL features. Students learn the basics of MySQL that guide you through creating and maintaining a MySQL database of your own. We'll explores the basic syntax, using SQL statements to insert, update, and delete data from your tables. We'll also cover creating a new database from scratch, as well as working with data types, operators, and string and mathematical functions. Plus, learn about the key differences between standard SQL and SQL as implemented by MySQL.By the end of this course you'll have a good understand of the fundamentals of MySQL."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |