Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Devenez portraitiste en 21 jours (mme sans y connatre)" |
"Dans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment devenir un photographe portraitiste. Des bases de la photographie jusqu' des techniques plus avances en passant sur le choix de son matriel, vous aurez des connaissances abouties dans la photo de portrait. Aprs plus de 7 ans d'exprience dans le domaine, je me suis dit qu'il serait intressant pour moi de crer une formation vido afin d'aider les personnes se lancer dans le portrait"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Meditate Basic Course" |
"This course is meant for those who are going to start practicing meditation. Simple techniques of meditation are taught in this course. Concept of meditation is cleared in this course. Pranyaam, Breathing pattern and yoga nidra are the key feature of this course. . . . ? . - ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Influencer Secret 2020 Rapid Instagram Growth & Monetization" |
"Step-by-Step Video Training Course to Teach You How You Can Rapidly Grow Your Instagram Page to 100k Followers and How You Can Monetize it to Make Money Along the Way. Instagram Growth and Monetization Strategies that Will Continue to Work in 2020. The Ultimate Course to be an Instagram Influencer Fast."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Swift Basics: Learn to Code from Scratch For Beginners(2020)" |
"Welcome to the Swift Basics Course where we aim to start learning about Swift Programming from SCRATCH !!Do you ever wanted to try out programming but didn't know where to begin? Want to learn Swift Programming so that you can create beautiful iPhone and iPad applications? You have come to the right place. Swift is a fast growing programming language for developing iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS applications. This course is designed for complete beginners who have no programming knowledge.You don't need any past programming experience and/or mobile app development experience in any programming language to take this course, we will learn to Code Swift from Scratch. If you have a bit of programming background that's great, you'll catch up fast with Swift.This Course Focuses on:Use of Xcode's Playground Environment - Learn to use Playground which is very powerful Interactive work Environment for Swift ProgrammingSwift Variables and Constants - Learn the basics of Variables, Constants and their Data Types in SwiftOperators in Swift - Learn how to use various operators in Swift that includes Arithmetic Operators, Compound Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators.Characters and Strings - Learn to manipulate Strings and Characters in your code and different functions associated with them.Collection Types in Swift - Learn about Arrays and Dictionaries in Swift and how to use them. Also learn about different properties associated with them.Swift Control Flow - This section deals with iterators and conditionals. Learn to use while loops, repeat while loops and different For-in Loops in your Swift Programs.Swift Functions - Finally, we will learn about Functions, how to create them, pass parameters to a function and get return values from a function.Additional Perks: We will create a Coin Tossing iOS Application for your iPhoneBy the end of this course, you will be well versed with:Swift FundamentalsVariables and Conditions in SwiftHow to use Operators in SwiftCreating Functions & LoopsAnd you will be ready to create your first iOS AppYou would have created a Simple Coin Tossing App yourselfTo get the most out of this class, code along with me or after completing the video code by yourself and run your code to know how it works. This course is optimised to run all the functions in Swift 4 and Swift 5. If you get stuck anywhere, don't worry you can search for the errors online and I am sure you will find a solution. And I am always here to help you out.So, what are you waiting for?Get Started Right Now and Learn about Swift Programming!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp (2020)" |
"Welcome to The Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp where we aim to start learning about How to create Custom Alexa Skills from SCRATCH !!Do you ever wanted to create your Own Custom Alexa Skill but didn't know where to begin? Want to learn how to create an Alexa Skill in the very simplest way? You have come to the right place. This course is designed for complete beginners who have no experience of programming or Developing Alexa Skill.Alexa is a Smart Virtual Assistant build by Amazon and currently there are more than 100 Million users using Alexa Powered Devices for Day to Day activities, Home Automation, Searching and Playing Music, Directions, Traffic and Transport, Booking Rides, Booking Tables for Dinner, Games, Friends and Family Trivia, Roasting, Flash Briefings, Education, News, Match Scores, Lifestyle, Weather, Controlling Home Devices like LED, Webcam, Servomotor, temperature sensor and much more.And it is projected that by 2020 there will be more than 100 Million Smart Phone Users using Smart Speaker everyday. One in every 6 American Owns a Smart speaker in their home. And Alexa is Leading the Market of Smart Speaker with its Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Show, Fire TV Stick Devices.So with the increase in Market, the Demand Increases for new and Innovative Alexa Skills, thats where Alexa Developers show their Talents of creating amazing Skills for Alexa. And because of the same reason why we will be learning how to create alexa skills and publishing them to Alexa Skill Store. We are in the near future of a world with complete Voice User Interface (VUI) like we have seen in the movie iRobot or J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man.Why take this course?As this is the perfect time to learn about Alexa Skill Development. Soon there will be lot of demand for Alexa Skill Developers as more and more companies wants to add Alexa voice service to their products and services. You can even use Alexa in your custom build device using Arduino, Raspberry pi, or any other device.This Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp teaches you the required skills you need to become an Alexa Skill Developer. This course covers most features of Alexa Skills with real-world example Skills which we will Publish it to Skill Store and that Live Skill you can try out on your Alexa Echo Device or Alexa Mobile App.By the end of this course, you will be well versed with:Fundamentals of Amazon Alexa Skill Development.Know your way around Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) and Alexa Developer Console.Understand deeply about Invocation Name, Intents, Sample Utterances, Endpoints, AWS Alexa Lambda Function, etc of an Alexa Skill.Learn about what are Slots and Slot Types (Custom and Pre-defined Slot Types) and how to use them in your Skill.Create Multi-Turned Dialogs with Alexa and User using Dialog Directive.Store User Data in Session using State Management.Know what are Blueprints for Alexa Skill and use one to create a Flash Briefing Skill.Certify and Publish your Skill in Amazon US, UK, India, Australia and Germany Skill Store.This Course Focuses on:Walkthrough around Alexa Skills Developer Console - Create a Amazon Developer Account for Alexa Skill Development and understand how Developer Console Works.Create a User Introduction Alexa Skill - Create a simple User Introduction Skill using Custom Intent and Handle that intent in Alexa's AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lambda Function using NodeJS (You don't need NodeJS Programming knowledge). Test your skill in Alexa Device or Mobile App or Alexa Web Simulator.Using Slots - Learn about What are Slots and how to create and use Custom as well as Pre-defined slot types in your Alexa Skill.Dialog Management using Dialog Directive - In this section, we will learn how to use Dialog Directive to have Multi-Turn dialogs with Alexa. This helps Alexa to get more information from the user so Alexa can fill in all the required slots in your skill.State Management in Alexa - Learn about State Management and how to save user data in a Session and use that saved data in session for different intent of your skill.Create a Geographical Facts Skill - This section we create a Geographical Fact Skill which when activated Alexa will speak out a new random fact about geography. And then we will publish this skill to Alexa Skill Store.Flash Briefing Skill using Blueprints - Know about Alexa Skill Blueprints and use one to create a Flash Briefing Skill about Inspirational Quotes using Custom Hosted RSS Text or Audio (Podcast) Feed. To get the most out of this class, build skills along with me or after completing the video create a skill by yourself and test out your skill. And do play around with the skill you create, try new things to know how it works. If you get stuck anywhere, don't worry you can search for the solutions to the errors online and I am sure you will find a solution. And I am always here to help you out.So, what are you waiting for?Get Started Right Now and Create Amazing Alexa Skills!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Laravel, Laravel API, Flutter From Scratch" |
"Learn Laravel, Laravel API, Flutter From Scratch make ecommerce, multi vendors, news, api using Laravel and make ecommerce appin Course your Learn: Laravel From Scratch How To make Laravel API Dart & Flutter From Scratch Connect Laravel API With FlutterProgramming Any Application Andtoid & iOS Using Laravel API and FlutterProgramming E-commerce Application Andtoid & iOS Using Laravel API and Flutter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programming API for Application of Land Ways Using Laravel" |
"Programming API for Application of Land Ways Using Laravelmake api for landways application for android and ios operating system-Learn How to make Laravel API For Any ApplicationTha API Lavavel Contains Authentiction (Passport)Response Json Search Using LocationShow All Places Show Detail For Place Make Favourite On Place Un Make Favourite on Place Track Using Google Maps Find Location Find Places In My Location The Project Contains ( XD )Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 6" |
"(Laravel) . Taylor Otwell 2012. 2013 2014 7.1.3 (Composer). , , , , , , , , Laravel , Sass Css , PHP ! ... Laravel , Laravel php , , Laravel MVC MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER , , Laravel , Laravel. , , . Laravel , , php Laravel php , = , . MVC , OOP ( ) , , php , , HelloWorld php , 4 10 ( ) , , , ! , PHP , ! , , , , , . , Composer : Composer , , composer global require laravel/installer laravel new blog Blog Composercomposer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog , Command Line cd , :php artisan serve , , http://localhost:8000http:// Ports ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Login Screen Using Flutter" |
"Hi, Enjoy ! In the course Learn How To make Login Screen In Flutter (iOS - Android).In the course Your learn Learn How To make Login Screen In Flutter (iOS - Android) the Login Screen Can User Login In Application From Mobile (iOS - Android) And The Register Screen Can User Register in Application From Mobile (iOS - Android) I'm Help For you to Make A Clean Code In Flutter Thank You"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Bottom Navigation Bar In Flutter" |
"Create Bottom Navigation Bar In FlutterAnimated bottom navigation Using Fluttermake Bottom Navigation Bar and Put the icons and after click the icons change to second Page Using FlutterAn animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customisable..Add the plugin (pub coming soon):dependencies: ... fancy_bottom_navigation: ^0.3.2Adding the widgetbottomNavigationBar: FancyBottomNavigation( tabs: [ TabData(iconData: Icons.home, title: ""Home""), TabData(iconData:, title: ""Search""), TabData(iconData: Icons.shopping_cart, title: ""Basket"") ], onTabChangedListener: (position) { setState(() { currentPage = position; }); },)TabDataiconData -> Icon to be used for the tabtitle -> String to be used for the tabonClick -> Optional function to be used when the circle itself is clicked, on an active tabAttributesrequiredtabs -> List of TabData objectsonTabChangedListener -> Function to handle a tap on a tab, receives int positionoptionalinitialSelection -> Defaults to 0circleColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeinactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemetaxtColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemebarBackgroundColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Themekey -> Defaults to nullAnimated bottom navigation Using Fluttermake Bottom Navigation Bar and Put the icons and after click the icons change to second Page Using FlutterAn animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customisable..Add the plugin (pub coming soon):dependencies:...fancy_bottom_navigation: ^0.3.2Adding the widgetbottomNavigationBar: FancyBottomNavigation(tabs: [TabData(iconData: Icons.home, title: ""Home""),TabData(iconData:, title: ""Search""),TabData(iconData: Icons.shopping_cart, title: ""Basket"")],onTabChangedListener: (position) {setState(() {currentPage = position;});},)TabDataiconData -> Icon to be used for the tabtitle -> String to be used for the tabonClick -> Optional function to be used when the circle itself is clicked, on an active tabAttributesrequiredtabs -> List of TabData objectsonTabChangedListener -> Function to handle a tap on a tab, receives int positionoptionalinitialSelection -> Defaults to 0circleColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemeinactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemetaxtColor -> Defaults to null, derives from ThemebarBackgroundColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Themekey -> Defaults to null Who this course is for:GeeksStudentsCollagesany Person Using Flutter in Project"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
sekrety_pervogo_vpechatlenija |
""" "" , , . . . , , , , . 2 15 8 , . , . , !: , . , . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Erste Schritte am Klavier 1.0" |
"Was wre wenn Klavierspielen-Lernen und Notenlesen ganz anders mglich wre, als man es bisher kennt? Viel spielerischer, bildhafter und gleichzeitig effizienter, strukturierter und deshalb viel mheloser?Mit Leichtigkeit Klavier und Keyboard im Selbststudium spielen lernen - auch wenn alle anderen Versuche bisher gescheitert sind. Das richtige System bringt Dich da hin!Klavierspielen lernen mit Strategien, die Dich weiterbringen!So kannst Du am schnellsten und am einfachsten mit dem Klavierspielen starten. Ich erklre es Dir mit einem System, das Dich garantiert weiterbringt!Hier lernst Du gleich zu Beginn mit Leichtigkeit Akkorde zu spielen!Klavier- und Keyboardspielen leichter mit MusternNotenlesen lernen grndlich und leicht gemacht.Notenlesen lernen war noch nie so einfach! Dank ganzheitlichem Denken. Auch um Keyboard zu lernen.Noten so einfach zu lesen wie eine Landkarte oder wie ein Film. Mit einfachen Konzepten und Bildern ist das mglich!Kopfloses ben ist pass. Zusammenhnge machen das Lernen leichter durch ganz genaue Anleitungen!Der Inhalt von Erste Schritte am Klavier:Diese Klavierschule entwickelt durch Bilder und Fantasie strukturelles und analytisches Denken, um so fhig zu werden, selbst komplexe musikalische Strukturen mhelos und praktisch umzusetzen. Dieser Kurs ist der einzige Online-Klavierkurs zum Schneemann-Klavierlernsystem."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"In einem Tag Klavier spielen. Wie Tobias Mller vom SRF!" |
"WAS WRE, WENN DU ENDLICH AUCH EIN KLAVIERSTCK SPIELEN KNNTEST?Entdecke wie Du es schaffen kannst einfach und leicht Klavier spielen zu lernen und gleichzeitig Noten lesen zu knnen - damit Du nie wieder Probleme oder Hindernisse erleben musst!Dieser Mini-""Kurs"" gibt dir einen Einblick, wie Du fast blitzartig mit Noten mit dem Schneemann-Klavierlernsystem ein neues Stck lernen kannst. Als Beispiel nehmen wir das Klavierstck, das Tobias Mller vom Schweizer Fernsehen whrend den Aufnahmen zu der Wissenschafts-Sendung Einstein innerhalb von einem Unterrichtstag erlernt und am nchsten Tag vorgetragen hat.Dieser Mini-""Kurs"" bietet nur einen kleinen Einblick in diese besondere Art, das Klavierspielen zu erlernen und zeigt, wie wirksam sie ist. Den weitaus tiefgrndigeren Kurs fr Anfnger findest Du als Online-Kurs ""Erste Schritte am Klavier 1.0"" hier auf Udemy unter diesem LinkInsgesamt 16 Videos, inklusive Noten fr das im Kurs vorgestellte Stck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EU Institutions & Law Passing Process" |
"How is the EU structured and how does it work ? Who is in Brussels to influence law makers ? How are laws passed and implemented into the Member States ? Who is doing what at the EU level ? Why do we have the laws we have now ? Do Member States enforce the laws they should enforce ? Are we governed by the laws our EU MEPs have voted ? You will learn everything about these issues by following this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Costruisci la tua Offerta di Valore" |
"Questo corso stato pensato per aiutare commercianti, liberi professionisti e piccoli imprenditori a identificare i reali bisogni dei loro clienti e a costruire unofferta di valore davvero soddisfacente.In un mercato sempre pi difficile, con una concorrenza sempre pi spietata, obbligatorio avere un modello di business ben definito che vada realmente incontro alle esigenze dei clienti.La costruzione di un modello di business efficace per la propria attivit un processo complesso, basato su un metodo ben preciso che parte da 2 elementi fondamentali: chi sono i tuoi clienti e cosa offri loro, ovvero a quali Segmenti di clientela ti rivolgi e qual la tua offerta di valore per soddisfare i loro bisogni.In questo corso ti mostreremo come capire cosa vogliono i clienti e come migliorare la tua attuale offerta di valore per rendere pi felici i tuoi clienti ed attrarne di nuovi senza sforzi n costi in pubblicit.Potrai scaricare schemi e strumenti pratici da stampare e compilare per analizzare e costruire la miglior offerta per i tuoi clienti.Troverai schemi da stampare e compilare per analizzare e costruire la miglior offerta per i tuoi clienti e distinguerti dalla concorrenza. Hai a disposizione anche articoli di approfondimento e materiale di supporto per lapplicazione degli strumenti.Se vuoi dare nuova vita alla tua impresa devi andare oltre le aspettative dei tuoi clienti e tenere alta la loro soddisfazione giorno dopo giorno!Trova la formula giusta e fa in modo che siano i tuoi competitors a copiare te!OBIETTIVIComprendere i vantaggi di unimpresa orientata al clienteScoprire le nuove regole del mercato e capire come sfruttarle a proprio vantaggioIdentificare i Segmenti di clientela e analizzare il Profilo dei propri clienteIndividuare i bisogni espliciti e impliciti dei propri clientiCostruire unOfferta che soddisfi a pieno le esigenze dei propri clientiConoscere princpi e strategie per la soddisfazione e fidelizzazione dei clientiApprendere luso di strumenti pratici per lanalisi dei propri Segmenti di clientelaApprendere un metodo replicabile in autonomia"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Gestione del tempo e aumento della produttivit" |
"Questo corso pensato per te che desideri aumentare la tua produttivit imparando a gestire meglio il tempo durante larco di tutta la giornata.Non il solito corso di time management.La novit di questo corso, ci che lo differenzia da tutti gli altri, il fatto che non identifica una regola generale uguale per tutti, ma parte dalle caratteristiche personali di ognuno e ti spiega come applicare princpi, metodi e tecniche alla TUA personalit.Ti presenteremo per la prima volta le 6 PERSONALIT DI GESTIONE DEL TEMPO da conoscere e analizzare per scoprire qual il tuo stile prevalente e su quali caratteristiche personali costruire il tuo sistema di gestione del tempo.Scopri CHI SEI:Un GiocoliereUn TalentuosoUn VisionarioUn PerfezionistaUn IstintivoUno StrategaOBIETTIVIApprendere le giuste definizioni dei concetti base per la gestione del tempoConoscere princpi e leggi scientifiche utile per la gestione del tempo e capire come applicarli nella quotidianit della vitaImparare a riconoscere le priorit in base ai propri obiettiviScoprire il proprio stile di gestione del tempo e capire cosa fare per aumentare la produttivit in modo coerente con la propria personalitComprendere come gestire e aumentare la produttivit del proprio team di lavoroConoscere e imparare a gestire i fattori fisiologici e psicologici che influenzano la gestione del tempoApprendere i metodi di gestione dello stress e dellansia"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Brand Identity: cos' e come crearla" |
"Perch scegliere te e non un tuo concorrente? Cosa offri di meglio (o di pi)? Chi sei? Cosa fai e come? Queste sono le domande che ogni consumatore inconsciamente si pone quando deve decidere a chi affidarsi.Una Brand Identity forte e definita evitare al consumatore di chiedersi tutto ci e rende pi facile la scelta. Costruire unidentit di marca chiara e definita equivale a porre le basi per il successo di unazienda.Nellepoca in cui viviamo il valore del prodotto un valore percepito. La concorrenza pressoch illimitata e le decisioni di acquisto degli utenti ne subiscono le conseguenze. Perch scegliere te e non un tuo competitor? Convincere il proprio pubblico a scegliere la tua azienda e a rimanergli fedele un duro lavoro, che si basa per lo pi sulla solidit del tuo brand.Per questo necessario definire unidentit forte, inconfondibile e riconoscibile. Un brand non pi solo un fornitore di servizi ma un dispensatore di emozioni ed esperienze. Ogni consumatore in cerca di una vera e propria esperienza, vuole essere coinvolto e sentirsi partecipe di una comunit o di una visione condivisa.Definire una Brand Identity il primo passo (e anche il pi importante) per il successo di unazienda. Oggi ci che conta sempre di pi sono le emozioni che si danno al consumatore e lessere presi in considerazione diventa fondamentale per avere una chance.CON QUESTO CORSO IMPARERAIIdentit digitale e Brand IdentityGli elementi che definiscono un BrandCome costruire il proprio BrandI canali di comunicazione: come raccontare online chi sei e cosa faiCome avviare lo sviluppo dellidentit aziendaleCome pianificare una Brand StrategyLobiettivo di questo corso aiutare aziende e liberi professionisti nella costruzione di unidentit chiara e definita ma soprattutto riconoscibile agli occhi dei consumatori.PROGRAMMA1// Costruire unidentit digitale forte e coerente con la tua attivit2// I principi guida della Brand Identity: Reputazione, Innovazione, Valore, Esperienza3// Come si costruisce una Brand Identity4// Pianificare una brand strategy per aumentare la popolarit del tuo marchio"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Scrivere Online" |
"Vuoi aprire un blog e non sai da dove iniziare?Hai un sito ma i tuoi contenuti non catturano lattenzione?Probabilmente non sai che la scrittura online e la creazione di contenuti per il web seguono delle regole molto diverse da quelle dei contenuti tradizionali.Occorre molta pratica per sviluppare dei testi che riescano a centrano il vero obiettivo della comunicazione: mandare un messaggio al cuore di chi legge. Coinvolgere ed emozionare il lettoreA che rivolto questo corsoIl corso Scrivere per il web pensato per tutti gli amanti della scrittura che vogliono intraprendere un nuovo percorso professionale e per tutti coloro che desiderano apprendere le pi EFFICACI TECNICHE DI SCRITTURA per gestire al meglio un blog o un sito personale e/o aziendale.Il mondo online per eccellenza il mondo delle nuove opportunit e delle nuove professioni.Blogger, copywriter, web content editor sono solo alcuni degli sbocchi professionali che la scrittura per il web in grado di offrirti.Cosa imparerai durante il corsoIn questo corso imparerai non solo a scrivere testi per il web ma anche a creare contenuti efficaci in grado di sfruttare tutti i mezzi comunicativi che la rete mette a disposizione.IMPARERAI A:Come progettare un testo per il webTecniche pratiche e regole di base per scrivere testi onlinePrincipi di engagement e storytelling per il coinvolgimento del lettoreCome monetizzare i tuoi contenuti e guadagnare in automatico dai tuoi testiCome aprire un blog con WordPress e gestirlo in modo efficacePROGRAMMA DEL CORSOUnit1:Luniverso del webCompetitor e mercato digitaleOpportunit e modelli di businessUnit 2:Obiettivo della scrittura e proposta di valoreTarget e segmenti di pubblicoCome progettare un testo per il webRegole di scritturaEngagement e StorytellingUnit 3:Titolo e sottotitoloModi verbali e punteggiaturaStile e formattazione del testoLink buildingUnit 4:Avvio alluso di WordPressCreazione del tuo primo articolo con WordPressCalendario editoriale e gestione del blog"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Manage Your Mindset: Coaching for Confidence" |
"What is the course about?This online coaching programme will introduce you to a number of areas which will help you to develop your skills and abilities in managing your emotions, use of time and general performance.This will make you feel more confident and enable you to move forwards with greater belief.Course MaterialsA number of exercise worksheets are included with the course which will allow you to practice what you learn.A Daily Confidence audio file is available for you to download and listen to.Course LengthThis course can be completed in about four hours. Ideally, for maximum benefit, you should spread this course over four weeks. This will allow time between the main sections to practice, listen to the daily confidence audio and to reflect on what you have covered.Course StructureThe course is split into six sections. An introduction, followed by four main sections that take you through the steps to improve your confidence. Finally a summary section is used to recap learnings and prompts you to make a 'I commit to...' promise.Why take this course?If you're serious about wanting to improve your confidence, this course will help you explore and challenge your current approach to situations and the confidence levels you have, and inspire you to improve."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The F Word: Recognising and Overcoming Fear" |
"What is the course about?This online course will introduce you to how the brain works and why you feel the way you do as well as introducing you to where fear comes from and how to overcome it.This will make you feel more confident and enable you to move forwards with greater belief and free from fear.Course MaterialsA number of exercise worksheets are included with the course which will allow you to practice what you learn.A number of video and audio resources are available for you to download and use.Course LengthThis course can be completed in about four hours. Ideally, for maximum benefit, you should spread this course over a few weeks.Course StructureThe course is split into eight sections. An introduction, followed by the main sections that take you through the steps to improve your confidence and overcome your fear. Section 6 is packed with activities for you to try and use to help you overcome fear. There are a number of techniques based on your learning style. Finally a summary section is used to recap learnings and prompts you to make a 'I commit to...' promise.Why take this course?If you're serious about wanting to overcome your fear and increase your confidence, this course will help you explore and challenge your current approach to situations and the confidence levels you have, and inspire you to improve."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mental Wellbeing for HR" |
"What is the course about?Mental Health is moving higher and higher up the agenda, and HR shouldn't fall behind. The role of HR, whilst enjoyable, can be tough, challenging, stressful and have an impact on our long-term mental wellbeing. This course is for HR professionals who want to prioritise their own mental wellbeing, living and working as an advocate and role model in their businesses.With the World Health Organisation now recognising burnout as a medical condition and an increase in HR professionals experiencing mental health issues, we need to be doing more to get people to recognise the signs of mental health, take steps to be proactive in caring for our mental wellbeing and start to put ourselves first.Weve been delivering our Mental Wellbeing for HR course as a workshop for some time now and we've had some great feedback with delegates saying it's created a real legacy of thinking differently about mental wellbeing.Course MaterialsA number of exercise worksheets are included with the course which will allow you to practice what you learn.Course LengthThis course can be completed in about two to three hours. Ideally, for maximum benefit, you should spread this course over a couple of days. This will allow time between the main sections to practice and to reflect on what you have covered.Course StructureThe course is split into eight sections. An introduction, followed by six main sections that take you through the steps to improve your confidence. Finally a summary section is used to recap learnings and prompts you to make a 'I commit to...' promise.Why take this course?If you're serious about wanting to improve your understanding of mental wellbeing, this course will help you explore and challenge your current approach to improve your ability to help yourself and others."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"This course will enable you to learn essentials parts of Animal and plant cells , apply knowledge of human histology and cytology with specific cell physiology, anatomy, physiology of tissues and organ systems; you will learn about standard and new techniques of cell and tissue specimen preparation for microscope analysis; recognize essentials of cytology of inflammation and tumor cells."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Argentine Tango for Beginners" |
"Se anche tu vuoi divertirti imparando a ballare i balli argentini, allora devi avere questo corso di Tango Argentino, Milonga e Tango Vals che si vanta di essere l'unico strutturato in modo tale da far apprendere questa disciplina nella met del tempo di qualsiasi altro approccio in modo facile e veloce, grazie al mio metodo di insegnamento esclusivo."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Program" |
"The Five Minutes to Mindfulness Kids Yoga & Mindfulness program has been developed especially for kids, and the parents, teachers or caregivers who guide them. It offers a unique holistic and fun approach to kids mental health & wellness. The program features modules covering:1. Breathing/Pranayama for kids2. Yoga postures/Asana for kids3. Meditation for kids4. Mindfulness for kids5. Mantra & Affirmations for Kids6. Mindful Values for KidsThe program offers a simple, yet effective drug free approach to kids physical, mental and emotional health based to on creative and playful, yet therapeutic strategies that are simple, fun and easy to implement into even the busiest of routines. This curriculum is proof that the therapeutic approach need neither be a chore nor a bore!The goal of this program is to provide children and their families with simple and fun strategies for everyday yoga and mindfulness which focuses on the development of emotional wellbeing, and mental and physical health. The strategies are holistic in nature and are derived from natural, non-invasive approaches to health and wellness such as yoga and meditation, mindfulness, color therapy, creative visualization, breath work, and creative play and crafty activities for kids.This program can help your child:Develop a strong sense of self awarenessDevelop a positive self-imageBecome emotionally self-aware.Build skills in emotional regulationLearn to respect his body, physical space and that of others.Have awareness of his emotional boundaries, and those of othersUnderstand and celebrate diversityUse creative play, journaling, color and art as a therapeutic toolLearn how to use his breath and body to manage difficult feelings and emotionsBuild trust in relationships though group mindfulness exercisesLearn how to communicate effectively with othersAs a parent/teacher you will:Learn drug free, guilt free strategies to help your child help himselfLearn easy to implement strategies that the whole family can take part inHave fun with therapeutic workBegin to understand your child and his behavior/reactions in a new lightDevelop a new sense of mutual trust and respect for your childLearn how to help your child overcome resistance and setbacksBegin to feel a new sense of empowerment and control as a parentHave a happier relationship with your child, and with your household as a whole.""I have written this simple online program as a place for you to begin helping your child on a journey toward knowing him or herself more deeply, and naturally. Yoga and mindfulness practices are a gift that can help both children, and adults alike to relax, slow down, and turn inward. It shows us an example of how being at peace within, helps achieve a sense of peace with being in the world around us.I hope you are your child enjoy this program I have written for you. The the children pictured in the images, demonstration examples of yoga postures and breathing are my own two children. While we are not perfect at practicing yoga, and life together, we accept that it is a journey of learning, and that even through the tough times, we are growing stronger, and gaining a better sense of who we are together, and as individuals. I hope that this program helps you to have this experience too with your child, or children.~ Dr. Ashleigh Stewart"""
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA-Profitable product research Criteria masterclass" |
"Do you want to start a profitable business on Amazon FBA?So first of all, your job is to find a good product.If you start a business on Amazon with a product you like and want, you may never get good results, Because thousands of people like you are selling similar products,If you can find some good products by following the fancy Criteria and launching those products at Amazon, you will never get into big competition.The main purpose of this whole course is to introduce you to some fancy criteria's so that you can find some good products for your Amazon FBA and launch them and make great results and you can benefit a lot.So if you want to find some good products for your Amazon FBA and want to get acquainted with some good criteria's and get good results then this course is very important for you."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al TRADING: cmo empezar en 2020" |
"Con este curso entenders como funcionan los mercados financieros, aprenders a interpretar grficos, reconocer patrones, tendencias, tips a la hora de operar por primera vez y cmo preparar tu mente para aceptar el riesgo. Nuestro objetivo, mediante una introduccin de teora acompaada de casos prcticos, es aprender a manejar el mercado con seguridad lo antes posible"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos Do Bitcoin & Blockchain" |
"Estamos hoje beira de um grande abismo tecnolgico. Neste momento crucial do desenvolvimento humano, algumas tecnologias esto se destacando no mundo e iro compor a ponte que ir levar a nossa sociedade para um novo momento da histria.Bitcoin e Blockchain so tecnologias certamente indispensveis quando refletimos sobre as mudanas do mercado previstas para o futuro prximo. Praticamente qualquer coisa que podemos consumir est vinculada a um preo e, no mbito de uma sociedade globalizada, uma forma de pagamento igualmente ampla se torna necessria para que a sua vida possa ser sem fronteiras. O mercado est se adaptando ao estilo de vida que almejamos para o futuro.- Blockchain, a tecnologia por trs do Bitcoin, citada pela Gartner como uma das 10 tendncias responsveis por levar a indstria e os negcios um novo patamar, estima que este mercado ir criar 3.1 Trilhes de dlares at 2030. - O Bitcoin, o primognito dessa tecnologia, uma criptomoeda que em apenas 10 anos de existncia j possui uma capitalizao que corresponde uma considervel fatia das empresas gigantes do mundo, como a Apple e a Google, e foi responsvel por um dos maiores trends na internet do sculo 21. Guiar-se em um territrio desconhecido certamente um grande desafio. Se voc est buscando um conhecimento em Criptomoedas, em especial o Bitcoin, e em Blockchain, este curso para voc. Juntos, Bitcoin e Blockchain so os temas deste curso que pretende consolidar o inicio da sua caminhada rumo a este novo momento do mercado global.Com uma abordagem fundamentalista e exerccios gamificados e pensados para estimular os conceitos apresentados em aula, garantimos que sua experincia ser muito satisfatria.Faa parte da mudana!"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Wordpress. Diseo de Pginas Web" |
"Cuando As Capacitacin comenz a utilizar la herramienta de WordPress como su gestor de contenidos hubo un antes y un despus. Saber que puedes crear una pgina web con plantillas diseadas a cada modelo de negocio y no debes tener ningn conocimiento de programacin, fue una gran oportunidad para crecer como empresa.Por qu utilizar WordPress?Nosotros hemos vivido la experiencia de usar esta herramienta en As Capacitacin y actualmente tenemos miles de visitas cada mes, el contar con un vendedor virtual las 24 horas del da los 7 das de la semana nos hizo posicionarnos y crecer como empresa de manera exponencial.Sin embargo nosotros tuvimos una etapa inicial a prueba y error. Ahora, imagina obtener toda la experiencia necesaria de todos los errores que tuvimos previo a triunfar, esto te ayudar a que no pierdas el tiempo teniendo errores iniciales. Actualmente contamos con nuestra propia agencia de diseo web, en nuestra agencia de Marketing wiHAUS. Es por eso que creamos este curso con un contenido simplificado para que cuando crees tus pginas web, obtengas los mejores resultados ahorrando las etapas en las que pierdes dinero y tiempo.El objetivo de este curso es que conozcas todo el proceso de creacin que implica una pgina web, que entiendas por qu Wordpress es una de las mejores alternativas para disear tu propia web y por ltimo que aprendas a disear tu propia web de forma estratgica para que empate con tus objetivos profesionales y se convierta en tu vendedor virtual las 24 horas del da, los 7 das de la semana.Al hacer la compra del curso tendrs acceso de por vida y tambin tendrs acceso a nuestra comunidad exclusiva de un grupo de Facebook para que podamos cubrir todas las dudas que te vayas surgiendo. Estamos tan seguros de la calidad de lo que te estamos ofreciendo que si en un lapso de 30 das al comprar tu curso, no cubri tus expectativas, podrs solicitar una devolucin del 100% del monto pagado.Adems obtendrs incluido una licencia del Tema Divi con un costo de $250.00 USD y una licencia para exportar e importar sitios de manera ilimitada con un costo de $69.00 USD."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Google Ads. Crea tus Primeras Campaas" |
"Cuando As Capacitacin comenz en Google Ads con una estrategia de Marketing Digital hubo un antes y un despus. Saber que existe un mercado que ya est interesado en tu producto o servicio, fue una gran oportunidad para crecer como empresa.Por qu utilizar Google Ads?Nosotros hemos vivido la experiencia de usar esta herramienta en As Capacitacin y actualmente contamos con la Insignia de Google Partner como agencia certificada por Google para ofrecer este servicio. Llevamos ms de 5 aos con diferentes cuentas en nuestra agencia de Marketing Digital llamada WIHAUS, que ha dominado en diferentes sectores y ha generado excelentes resultados a cada una de los clientes.Sin embargo nosotros tuvimos una etapa inicial a prueba y error, en dicha etapa perdimos muchas oportunidades valiosas en esos momentos. Ahora, imagina obtener toda la experiencia necesaria para triunfar sin que pierdas el tiempo teniendo errores iniciales.Es por eso que creamos este curso con un contenido simplificado para que cuando crees tus campaas de Google Ads, obtengas los mejores resultados ahorrando las etapas en las que pierdes dinero y tiempo.El objetivo de este curso es que conozcas todo el proceso que implica crear una campaa de Google Ads, que entiendas por qu Google Ads es una de las mejores herramientas de marketing digital y por ltimo que aprendas a disear una estructura de forma estratgica para que empate con los objetivos de las empresas que vas a anunciar.Al hacer la compra del curso tendrs acceso de por vida y tambin tendrs acceso a nuestra comunidad exclusiva de un grupo de Facebook para que podamos cubrir todas las dudas que te vayas surgiendo. Estamos tan seguros de la calidad de lo que te estamos ofreciendo que si en un lapso de 30 das al comprar tu curso, no cubri tus expectativas, podrs solicitar una devolucin del 100% del monto pagado."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OBJETIVO GENERALDar a conocer las terapias que complementan a la acupuntura mediante laestimulacin de puntos especficos en la oreja. Preparar profesionales de la saluden la aplicacin de la Auriculoterapia como un recurso teraputico complementariopara el control y tratamiento de padecimientos agudos y crnicos.Este curso comprende 2 ejes temticos: Bases tericas de la Auriculoterapia. Prctica clnica de la Auriculoterapia."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create your best version of yourself" |
"In this course, we will learn all about self-development to start a new chapter of your life with happiness and productivity way and how we change our thoughts and believes to help us overcome the obstacles... we start from the beginning how we set up our goals in a different way and how our subconscious mind effect on the goal achievement ... and we will know more about personal values, passion, and mission, and then we will talk about some great habits as positive thinking, gratitude, affirmations, and self-discipline and how we use them effectively in our life."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |