Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"1Z0-063 Oracle DB 12c: Advanced Admin -OCP Practice Dumps" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take all 3 test sections or parts ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Execute Your Goals 2X Faster using Toyota's Timeless Secret" |
"If you have goals gathering dust in your shelve, then this course is for you. In this course, you will learn the Scrum method of executing goals. Scrum is based on the idea that whenever you start any project, you should pause and check if what you are doing is leading you to your goals, or to no exit sign. Most of the software companies adopted this method of executing work faster, after they got dissapointed with their old ways of working. The name Scrum comes from the rugby game. It has its roots in Toyota. Edward Deming introduced this concept of Plan,Do, Check and Act to the Toyota Production System in the year 1950's. This is secret that made Toyota to be the number one car manufacturing company in the world. At the end of this course, you will learn the history of Scrum. You will also learn some of the practices in the Planning,Doing ,Checking and Acting phases of the Deming cycle. Applications of this knowledge will enable you to execute your goals 2X faster. It will make you the ""Toyota's"" of today. I personally used this method to create this course you are about to uncover. I tracked my small daily goals and tasks using a free online tool called Trello,which you will find in the resources provided. I had my daily meetings and reflection time. The results were astonishingly good. I beat my delivery time hands down. I couldn't be more happy with Scrum-my all time companion in executing any goal. Gain this unfair advantage today. Start using the Scrum execution method, and usher your goals from the dusty shelves into the universe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"10 powerful tools you can use to overcome obstacles" |
"This course will share 10 powerful tools that you can use to overcome obstacles. You will learn the stories of ordinary people who overcame extraordinary challenges.Their secrets will be covered in this course. Here are some of the stories you will learn What a young girl did, when she faced her parents killers.An Astronaut who went blind in space. How a man accused of triple homicide, walked out of jail unexpectedly better.How Isaac Newton could not control the madness of people. The secret of the Chinese farmer. The power of NOT YET and the magic ring. You will also learn the three insanely great resilience tools. This buttons are very dear to me as I have used them, and I continously use them to overcome any obstacle in my life. This is the reason that I am sharing them with you. You will find them invaluable. Remember to put this ten buttons in your mind. You will need them quite often in your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Triage - Your first step to financial wellness" |
"This is the biginners best guide to financial wellness. This course will take you through the first step of preparing your financial statement. The Personal Financial Statement is a critical tool for anyone who wants to get ahead financially. According to S&P Finlit Global Survey, only 33% of the World's adults are financial literate. By the end of this course, you will be among the 33% of the financial literate population. One more thing, you will get the information to help you make specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound goals. This information has transformed people who have taken time to learn and action the lessons in this course . Your finances will never look the same again after uncovering what is in your Personal Financial Statement (PFS)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB for Engineers and Mathematicians [URDU/HINDI]" |
"In this course, you will master the core MATLAB Programming skills through instruction and interactive exercises. I've boiled down the vast amount of information available to deliver exactly what you need to learn to get started in MATLAB. The topics were hand selected personally on the behalf of practical MATLAB experience during my engineering career. The course focuses on the top skills that enabled me to earn and can help you become a ""Local Expert"" in just a few hours. Imagine having the ability to execute MATLAB commands with ease or create you own functions at will when you're called to solve a problem. What if you could magically impress your boss with professional graphs or analyze data like a champ? Become that person that your peers call upon when they need help and develop your MATLAB skills to create amazing tools, software, or whatever your heart desires."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dermatologic Pathologies" |
"Dermatologic Pathologies will teach you the anatomy of the integumentary system and the most common pathologies affecting the skin and its various components. This course is designed around a college level course for those looking to enter into the allied medical field, as a refresher course or as a practice or preparatory course; or for an individuals own knowlege. This course will include bacterial, viral and inflammatory conditions, as well as, injuries to the skin and cancers of the skin."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Balangtan Orta Seviyeye Shopify Eitimi" |
"Shopify milyonlarca maazaya ev sahiplii yapan bir e-ticaret site platformudur. Siz de kolayca bu platformda bir site hazrlayabilirsiniz. Tabii bunu yapmak iin de bilgiye ihtiyacnz olacak. te tam da bu noktada bu kurs sizin bu gereksiniminizi karlayacak ve hzlca Shopify kurulumu yapabileceksiniz. Bu kursu edinmek iin iinde alma azmi, e-ticaret yapma istei ve giriimcilik ruhu olmas yeterlidir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Temel Sal ve Gvenlii Eitimi Nasl Verilmelidir?" |
"yerlerinde mevzuata uygun konu ieriiyle alanlara ynelik baarl bir Temel SG Eitimi vermeyi istiyorsanz, bu eitime katldnzda gerekli bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlie sahip olacanza emin olabilirsiniz. Bu eitimde Temel SG Eitim sunumu eitmen tarafndan i yerindeki alanlara veriliyormu gibi sunuluyor. Bylece; renciler bu sunum ieriini renerek kendilerini uygun eitim sunumu yapmay da reniyorlar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Patlamadan Korunma Dokman Hazrlama Eitimi" |
"Ulusal ve uluslararas mevzuat ve standart hkmlerine gre ilgili i yerlerinde patlamadan korunma dokman hazrlamakta zorlanan kiilere rehber olmas iin hazrlanan bu eitimin tm dersleri dikkatlice izlenip dinlendiinde katlmc patlamadan korunma dokman hazrlayabilecek duruma gelecektir. Sal ve Gvenlii Uzmanlarnn zellikle ilgilenecei ve i hayatlarnda mutlaka kullanacaklar Patlamadan Korunma Dokman Hazrlama Eitimi e-ducation Academy ve Burak TUNA ile sizlere sunuyoruz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Energy Healing for Relieve Depression Stress Anxiety" |
"Do you often suffer from anxiety and feel irritated or fear around people?Have you avoided crowds and people because you feel you are too reactive and feel too much energy from others?Are you troubled by your own inner voice of self-criticism to the point of emotional meltdown?All these painful struggles are real and you are not alone.I've been through all these myself and have worked on myself over many years through energy healing with personal development.Through my own strong will to change my life, I was able to confront and release my anxiety through therapy, rituals, positive habits, along with continuous reading & learning the works by influential spiritual leaders.The course accumulated many years of learning with daily practice that includes teachings from influential spiritual leaders, psychotherapists, coaches, motivational leaders, and successful entrepreneurs.This course consolidates many books I've read and years of personal experience on what works for me.Life can get very painful to stay stagnant.I hope you are committed to loving yourself and are willing to take steps to change your life, starting by taking this course."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
talentclass |
"123-, John-, Ivy"
Price: 1800.00 ![]() |
"Apprendre le japonais en animation - dbutant" |
"Notre cours :Apprenez le japonais en partant de zro.Matrisez les connaissances de base telles que le vocabulaire, les particules, les verbes, les adjectifs, les temps et les phrases utilises dans les conversations quotidiennes.Idal pour la prononciation, notre enseignante est japonaise native.Au total, 34 vidos, le tout dans un format court et en animation ce qui permet mme aux dbutants dapprendre de faon efficace et ludique. la fin de chaque leon, retrouvez des exercices et un test final une fois toutes les leons termines Notre cours convient pour les personnes souhaitant dbuter la langue, mais aussi pour ceux qui veulent sexprimer confortablement lors dun voyage. la fin de ces cours vous aurez les fondamentaux ncessaires pour avoir des conversations simples et apprendre plus rapidement par la suite."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Success Mindset of Entrepreneurs" |
"Ciao!I have created this course about the necessary soft skills that will help you understand how your mindset influences your entrepreneurial career.Thanks to this course you will understand why over 80% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years.You will learn how to develop a business mindset and lifestyle at the same level of multimillionaires.We are going to go through the strategies to use before any technical execution to have the clear thinking you require.I will help you understand which type of entrepreneurial path you could start, what really means being an entrepreneur, what to consider before building a marketing strategy.Many of the online ''gurus'' which I have seen do not stress enough the importance of these soft skills which will make the difference between failure and success.I have build the course with the essentials to start with a success mindset and tools for self-development, mixing disciplines of philosophy, meditation, self- introspection, entrepreneurial strategy, system thinking and all the methods which are fruit of working with my clients or on myself.These techniques are necessary to be able to overcome challenges in the long term run, and are for people who are extremely serious about becoming an entrepreneurs and have a great impact in the world.To your success!Lu CastelloP.s. This course is not only for young entrepreneurs, but also for those who have experienced failure and want to start again with a fresh mind. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Toyota KATA berblickskurs" |
"Lernziel des Kurses: In diesem Kurs erhltst Du einen berblick der Toyota-Kata, kennst die Elemente des Verbesserungs-Management-Systems und verstehst das Zusammenspiel zwischen Verbesserer und Coach.berblick des Kurses:In den 13 Kapiteln des Kurses werden die Grundlagen der Toyota-Kata anschaulich vermittelt. Hierfr erklren vier erfahrene Kata-Trainer den Zusammenhang zwischen Lean Management und Toyota-Kata, erklren die Arbeit mit der Verbesserungskata und geben einen Einblick in die Grundlagen der Coachingkata. Die Inhalte werden dir in kurzen Einheiten vermittelt, die jeweils aus 1 Erklrvideo und einem Quiz bestehen. Auf diese Weise kannst du das Gelernte direkt selbst verarbeiten.Um einen hohen Bezug von Theorie zur Praxis herzustellen, werden die Inhalte anhand eines beispielhaften Verbesserungsprojektes erklrt. Auf diese Weise erhltst du einen konkreten Eindruck in die Arbeit mit der Verbesserungskata. Anhand gefilmter Coaching-Gesprche wird dir zudem der Inhalt der Coachingkata, die Arbeit mit der Frageroutine und der Hintergrund des Coachings erklrt.Zudem zeigen dir die Trainer den Umgang mit ausgewhlten bungsvorlagen, so dass du im Anschluss an diesen Kurs bereits erste Erfahrungen in deiner eigenen Praxis machen kannst!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Certificado de Liderazgo Transpersonal" |
"En la actualidad, existen diferentes concepciones de liderazgo o visiones del rol que un lder desarrolla dentro de las organizaciones o en la sociedad. Podemos identificar distintas visiones, que van desde las posturas ms conservadoras o convencionales que conciben la figura de un lder como la de un jefe, supervisor, un tipo desvinculado de los procesos cuya misin fundamental es la de generar respuestas, apagar incendios entorno al cumplimiento de mtricas y nmeros. Personaje vinculado a un cargo, un rol enfocado a la toma de decisiones de ndole gerencial.Estos paradigmas, no necesariamente satisfacen las exigencias a las que se ven sometidos las personas y los equipos de trabajo en el contexto de la sociedad actual. Lo que significa, que es necesario generar un cambio o transformacin, tanto en el estilo de liderazgo o direccin, como en la dinmica que se genera al interior de la colectividad.Este curso pretende satisfacer esa necesidad de cambio, dado que desarrollaremos un proceso centrado, no tan slo en los integrantes de los equipos directivos y sus colaboradores, sino tambin, a todos aquellos buscadores de nuevas posibilidades y espacios de crecimiento. A quienes, se presentar un tipo de liderazgo distinto, basado en la generacin y fortalecimiento de las relaciones transpersonales. En cuyo contexto, la figura del Lder se fundamenta en el ejercicio de un liderazgo que se enfoca en las personas como pilar del desarrollo colectivo y social, gestionando competencias individuales al servicio del trabajo colectivo y logro de objetivos comunes, que trascienden a los intereses personales mediante la conectividad de las diferencias.No pretendemos dar mtodos, tcnicas o frmulas mgicas de gestin o desarrollo personal, sino, exponer un punto de vista diferente que nos permita generar posibilidades distintas orientadas a establecer una base de reflexin e introspeccin sobre nuevas formas de relacionarnos con nosotros mismos y nuestro entorno. Pilares de un observador empoderado y conectado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to wrap gifts like a Pro" |
"Welcome to the course ""Learn to wrap gifts like a Pro""! Our Moscow Flower School team is proud to announce a course for those who want to get knowledge from all over the world, wrap gifts professionally and earn money on that.If you ever wondered how the professionals wrap the presents in such a beautiful way, you'll find all the secrets here, in this course. We put a lot of thought into this course in order to give you exclusive and full information about the packaging of the most popular forms - rectangular and cube boxes. Our teacher Polina has 10 years of experience and will gladly share it with you.During this course you'll learn:- how to choose the materials- how to see the difference between professional and amateur packaging- how to package rectangular and square gifts- how to make different types of bows- how to make additional accessories for packaging and where to find unusual ones- how to make a beautiful and authentic Christmas bow out of materials you have at home"
Price: 3799.00 ![]() |
"Kids Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course for ages 2-5" |
"This kids yoga teacher training course has EVERYTHING you need to start teaching fun, engaging and safe yoga classes to kids today!In this course we cover:- Children's physical, mental and emotional development from ages 2-5, including how to manage tantrums and shyness- What are age appropriate yoga and how to teach them well. Once enrolled in this course, you will receive our exclusive, beautifully illustrated, printable kids yoga pose guide! - We will teach you everything you need to know about yoga stories! Kids this age LOVE yoga stories! In this course I give my my simple but effective, 5 step process, to creating your very own super fun yoga stories! And I will show you, step by step, how to perform yoga stories that keep kids engaged and having fun! - We will cover how to teach relaxing, mindfulness meditations to kids. I have also provided you with a PDF printout of my top 3 guided meditations for kids- We will cover what are the best yoga activities for this age group and I have provided you with exclusive, Peaceful Babes kids coloring in sheets that you can print out and give to the kids in your yoga classes to color in or paint as a mindfulness activity!This course will provide you with all of the skills, knowledge and resources you need to start teaching yoga to kids today!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Kids Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course - Ages 2-17" |
"If you want to learn how to teach fun yoga classes to kids of all ages, then you are in the right place! This course will give you all of the skills, knowledge, resources and confidence you will need to start teaching yoga to kids, today!This course delivers all of the need-to-know information about children's development and how it relates to learning yoga, you will learn how to teach excellent yoga classes that keep kids fully engaged and having fun.You will be provided with exclusive Peaceful Babes, printable resources, including:A beautifully illustrated, Kids Yoga Pose Guide - one for each separate age group from ages 2 to 17A fully illustrated, 90 page, pose by pose guide, that includes pose pictures, instructions and benefitsBeautifully designed, printable guided meditations, breathing practices and relaxation practices for each age groupExclusive, Peaceful Babes, kids coloring in sheets to hand out to your yoga studentsPrintable class plansAnd much more!The resources you will receive when you enroll in this course are exclusive to Peaceful Babes and are not offered by any other course worldwide!You will also learn the, Peaceful Babes, 5 steps to creating fun yoga stories, plus tips on how to perform an incredible kids yoga story that keeps kids fully engaged and having a great time!In addition to learning how to teach fun yoga classes to kids, you will also learn the business of kids yoga! The final module of this course is fully dedicated to showing you exactly how to earn a full time income from teaching yoga classes to kids, anywhere in the world!By the end of this course you will have the knowledge, skills and resources to confidently start to teach super fun, engaging and safe kids yoga classes to children of all ages.You need no prior knowledge to take this course, complete beginners are welcome!Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Meditations for Kids - ages 5-17" |
"Welcome! In this course you will find 9 guided relaxation videos that are perfect for children aged 5-17, these practices are all simple enough for children to follow, these practices will leave children feeling calm, relaxed and peaceful in both their body and their mind.This course is perfect for kids yoga teachers as you can guide children through these exact meditation in your classes, this will also be a great course for teachers who would like simple meditations for kids to practice in class and for parents who would like some relaxing, guided, mindful meditations for your own children to do.Each meditation is delivered via an animated video, using our very own, exclusive cartoon character.This course is the perfect accompaniment to our kids yoga teacher training course.These meditations are also great to play for kids at bedtime to help children to calm and relax their body and mind.You can download these meditations so that they can be played without and internet connection at anytime also."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Yoga For Kids With Anxiety" |
"This course will show you how to teach children, who are experiencing anxiety, how to manage and even overcome anxiety, using simple yoga and mindfulness practices.This course begins by showing you what is happening in a child's body and mind when they are experiencing anxiety, understanding how a child feels when they are experiencing anxiety can help you to guide them through the experience.You are then provided with beautifully animated, guided video practices that children can watch and follow, these include yoga practices and breathing and meditation practices, each practice has been specifically designed to stop the anxiety response in the body and leave children feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed. All of these practices can be downloaded when using the Udemy app, this way you can watch the videos offline, without an internet connection, anytime and anywhere you go.By the time you have completed this course you will be confident to teach children with anxiety how they can use yoga and mindfulness practices to manage and even overcome anxiety!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Start and Grow Your Online Personal Training Business with the #1 Platform built for Personal Trainers, Coaches, and Gym Owners SECRET # 1.- How To Instantly Start Making 6-Figures In The Fitness Industry Without A Personal Training Certification Or DegreeSECRET # 2. -How To Help Your Clients Get Results Instantly Without Creating Your Own Workouts And Meal PlansSECRET # 3.- How to Get Clients To Pay You $100-$200 Per Session Without Working At A Gym Or Fitness Center"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autocad : Sfrdan ileri seviyeye (2020)" |
"Autocad sfrdan renmek isteyenler iin ideal bir kurs.Teknik ressam i mimar ve renciler iin tasarlanmtr.Nerdeyse tek gecede autocad retmeyi hedefliyorum.Aslnda renmesi gayet basit olan autocad dzgn anlatmla kolayca renebilinecek bir programdr.Bu kursu tamamladnzda iki boyutlu izimlerde kullanlan komutlar tm alt balklaryla beraber renmi, yaptnz izimleri temel anlamda llendirmi olacaksnz. Temel seviye kurs olduundan izim, altrma ve de uygulamalar basit tutuldu. Kursun devam olarak izometrik izim ve 3d modelleme videolar ile ileri seviye izim dersleri bir sonraki eitim setinde sizlerle buluacak."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Revit 2020: Projeto Lucrativo + Biblioteca 60 GB" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo ao curso do Bimzeiro, meu nome Lucas e serei seu instrutor. Sou graduado em Engenharia Civil, especialista em BIM (Building Information Modeling) e possuo certificao profissional e de instrutor pela Autodesk. Estarei com voc lhe auxiliando durante todo o decorrer do curso.Nesse curso veremos as possibilidades e poderes de um software que utiliza a tecnologia BIM (Building Information Modeling). Com o Revit voc ter uma qualidade superior nos seus projetos em menos tempo e consequentemente mais lucro e valor na sua rea acadmica e profissional. O curso ir trazer para voc um projeto arquitetnico completo onde iremos ver todos os elementos presentes em um projeto como paredes, portas, janelas, pisos, cotas, materiais, topografia, etc. Projeto Lucrativo: O que um Projeto Lucrativo afinal de contas?Um projeto convencional em CAD voc pode levar meses tarefas que seriam feitas em poucas horas ou at minutos no Revit, um software BIM. Tempo dinheiro, tempo lucro e tempo valioso. Um corte por exemplo em CAD levam dias, at semanas, enquanto que no Revit o fazemos em alguns minutos.Nesse curso eu vou demonstrar isso claramente para voc passando por todos os comandos do software e deix-lo apto a fazer um projeto arquitetnico completo no Revit em poucas horas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel from Beginner to Pro" |
"Data is an integral part of every business today, whether small, medium or large. That is why the demand for skilled professionals in this field is increasing exponentially. Having Microsoft Excel knowledge today is like having the master key to the engine room of a business. ""Excel from Beginner to Pro"" takes you from the scratch to a professional level even if you've never used Excel before. At the end of this course, you'll be able to use the Excel software to analyze your dataset like a professional and be ready to challenge the status quo. If you take this course, you'll able to Use Excel Formulas to work on your dataset To analyze data using the Pivot Tables Apply the Excel functions on your day to day taskRun and Interpret Regression Analysis Forecast and grow your business Build charts and graphs with your datasetBuild Dashboard and be ready to present your report to the ManagementBuild a Financial Model and run assumptions"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Step-By-Step Guide to Landing the World's Best Internships" |
"You dont have to be extremely smart to land a kickass tech internship at the worlds most selective companies. Or the most qualified. In fact, anyone can land a lucrative tech internship, even if you studied chemical engineering. By following Rays techniques and methodology, you will get your foot in the door, ace those interviews, and create experiences, friends, and a network that will last a lifetime. The downstream impacts of having an excellent internship will change your life.Whatever age you are, whether in high school, a freshman in university or a graduate student, doing what Ray says will shape your career path. He explains the best ways of getting the experience, putting together your resume and other materials, finding and applying, interviewing to impress, and ultimately, landing the worlds most lucrative tech internships. It is the blueprint for standing out, getting paid and landing in a world where the competition is stiff and the stakes are high.Packed with practical advice, useful resources, and wisdom from former internship veterans, this blueprint gives you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to be the best you can be and change your future for the better.Ray Parker is an internship veteran, with 6 different internships, and has had 200+ interviews and 30+ offers during his time in university. He has worked in a variety of different industries, such as management consulting, venture capital, pharmaceuticals and aerospace at companies such as NASA, Booz Allen, Orbital ATK, and Microsoft. Through trial and error, he learned the best techniques and skills to get where you want to be and succeed."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to succeed on fiverr - Become a Fiverr Professional Now" |
"Are you interested to make some easy money from fiverr.? Without Having Any Skill.?Then this course is for you. With this Fiverr course, I will show you. How you can earn money from Fiverr And How you can become a successful Fiverr seller from scratch. In this course, I will teach you everything from creating Fiverr gig to getting the first Fiverr order. I will also cover the Fiverr gig ranking formula. The beauty of my course is, I record every video on a live screen. I actually share my Fiverr profile. And I follow all the methods first on my own Fiverr profile. And Show you how I am getting orders on Fiverr. My course includes:Full Introduction About Fiverr.How to select your Fiverr Profile Name and Image - Choose Unique Name and Image.Detailed Info:- Fiverr test, Certificate. EFFECTIVE WAY TO ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMER.$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 1)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 2)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 3)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 4)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 5)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 6)$100 DAILY WITH FIVERR WITHOUT HAVING ANY SKILL - (Method 7)Fiverr Gig Ranking, (VERY IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT FIVERR GIG RANKING)Rank Gig In 3 Days. Write Perfect Title, Description, And Tags. 1st Page RankingHow to design EYE-CATCHING Fiverr Gig Image. (In Just 5 Minutes)What to do.?? If you are losing your Fiverr gig impression and views.How to get orders on Fiverr. (1st Method)How to get orders on Fiverr. (WITHOUT SENDING BUYER REQUEST)How to get orders on Fiverr. (2020's Latest Method)How to make more money with Fiverr - How to get Repeated Customer.This course is:In this course, I guide you from the beginner level to the intermediate level. So, It doesn't mean if you are a new seller or experienced person. You can buy my course. With this course, You will learn some very new methods. It will help you a lot to grow fast on Fiverr."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Rank Your YouTube Channel to #1 - Proven Strategies & Tips" |
"Its nothing new that YouTube is a huge source of traffic for your products or services.Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get ranked both on YouTube and on Google then you wont be as effective.That may have worked back in 2005 where you could just throw a couple backlinks at it, but today is different. The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010. Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away.So what works and what doesnt now?What is a long-term strategy that will work for years to come?Its simple.Understanding what Google wants and making sure what you do looks as natural as possible is the key strategy here.We cant say what it is other than that, but you can even outsource this process. Once it is setup, you can let it run.Theres nothing spammy about this method either.So, grab this video course today and you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights and begin generating targeted video traffic the right way."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Discover How to Increase Engagements on Your Website - 2019" |
"If you are a business owner with a WordPress site - then you need to increase your visitor engagement if you want more leads, sales, and profits.Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage - the more they will come to know, like, and trust you.Now to create a fantastic experience for your visitors, there are several different things that we'll be focusing on to ensure you get these straight.The first is - how fast your site loads. Think about it for a second. Nowadays, attention spans are getting shorter.If you go to a site and it takes 20 seconds to load, would you be willing to wait, or would you go back to Google and look for another one? You'd probably go back to Google. Unless, of course, it's a site you've been to before and you like it.Secondly, there are areas of your site that you can enhance to make it more engagement friendly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quick Simple But Powerful Content For Social Media" |
"It's a fact. In order to survive in social media you need consistent content.But not just any content will do. You need content that is engaging but catches your audience within minutes.Content that is too long can become boring and lose your visitors interest and theyll soon go to your competitors.Problem #1 - Not everyone can create content.If you don't have the artistic or creative ability to write content, then it doesn't matter anymore.Now you can create simple images that are super engaging. Problem #2 - But not everyone is a graphic artist either.What if there was a way to create daily content in less than 10 minutes?Is that even possible?This specific training course was designed to help you watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively create simple content quick."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modern Reinforcement Learning: Deep Q Learning in PyTorch" |
"In this complete deep reinforcement learning course you will learn a repeatable framework for reading and implementing deep reinforcement learning research papers. You will read the original papers that introduced the Deep Q learning, Double Deep Q learning, and Dueling Deep Q learning algorithms. You will then learn how to implement these in pythonic and concise PyTorch code, that can be extended to include any future deep Q learning algorithms. These algorithms will be used to solve a variety of environments from the Open AI gym's Atari library, including Pong, Breakout, and Bankheist. You will learn the key to making these Deep Q Learning algorithms work, which is how to modify the Open AI Gym's Atari library to meet the specifications of the original Deep Q Learning papers. You will learn how to:Repeat actions to reduce computational overheadRescale the Atari screen images to increase efficiencyStack frames to give the Deep Q agent a sense of motionEvaluate the Deep Q agent's performance with random no-ops to deal with model over trainingClip rewards to enable the Deep Q learning agent to generalize across Atari games with different score scalesIf you do not have prior experience in reinforcement or deep reinforcement learning, that's no problem. Included in the course is a complete and concise course on the fundamentals of reinforcement learning. The introductory course in reinforcement learning will be taught in the context of solving the Frozen Lake environment from the Open AI Gym. We will cover:Markov decision processesTemporal difference learningThe original Q learning algorithmHow to solve the Bellman equationValue functions and action value functionsModel free vs. model based reinforcement learningSolutions to the explore-exploit dilemma, including optimistic initial values and epsilon-greedy action selectionAlso included is a mini course in deep learning using the PyTorch framework. This is geared for students who are familiar with the basic concepts of deep learning, but not the specifics, or those who are comfortable with deep learning in another framework, such as Tensorflow or Keras. You will learn how to code a deep neural network in Pytorch as well as how convolutional neural networks function. This will be put to use in implementing a naive Deep Q learning agent to solve the Cartpole problem from the Open AI gym. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Twitter 2020 Crea una comunidad fiel en torno a tu marca" |
"Con este curso aprenders lo bsico para crear y desenvolverte con fluidez y gran criterio en Twitter.3 razones para realizar este curso:- Poca gente sabe manejar bien Twitter lo que te har destacar fcilmente y lograr poco a poco a incrementar tu comunidad (despacio pero seguro).- Logrars que tus publicaciones tenga el mayor alcance orgnico (no pagado) posible.- Podrs tener acceso de por vida al curso y realizar todas la preguntas que consideres importantes para mejorar tu perfil en esta red social."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |