Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Apprendre le piano pour les dbutants" |
"Bonjour,Bienvenue dans ce cours o vous allez apprendre les bases du piano et des exercices pratiques vous permettant d'amliorer votre niveau afin de passer de dbutant intermdiaire.N'hsitez pas passer du temps sur chaque module et ne pas aller trop vite dans les exercices !Une fois ce cours matris vous serez capable d'apprendre par vous mme des musiques au piano ainsi que d'tre capable d'improviser du blues au piano.Apprendre un instrument demande du temps et de l'entrainement, votre cerveau doit traiter beaucoup d'information durant l'apprentissage d'un instrument : la mmoire, la dextrit, la synchronisation tout cela entre en jeu alors soyez patients et persvrants !Si vous tes un total dbutant je vous recommande d'aller pas pas et de passer en moyenne 1 mois sur chaque module afin de rellement matriser ce que vous faites et de pratiquer au moins 30 minutes 3 fois par semaine.Au bout de 5 mois vous aurez atteint un certain niveau, continuez d'aller de l'avant et d'apprendre, choisissiez une formation niveau intermdiaire pour continuer votre magnifique progression !PS : Durant la vido de pratique du module 2 session 1, l'accord jou 1min05 est bien en base de R ! (petite erreur l'oral de ma part que je tenais rectifier ici)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persuader & influencer: Russite personnelle ou business" |
"La plupart de nos actions sont guides par notre inconscient et cela est normal, rflchir en permanence utiliserait trop d'nergie alors certaines taches et analyses se font automatiquement par notre cerveau et certains l'ont bien comprit et en abusent...Dans cette formation vous allez voir les diffrentes manires de persuader, de convaincre, de ngocier et d'influencer les choix de vos interlocuteurs que ce soit pour un entretient important, un business ou pour votre enrichissement personnel.Vous allez surement retrouver des vnements de votre vie, qui parfois vous ont marqus au sein de cette formation avec des explications sur ces phnomnes qui sont alls contre vos intrts.Cette formation a pour but principale de vous enrichir sur le plan personnel et de vous rendre plus fort contre un environnement qui ne cesse de plus en plus de jouer sur nos dsirs.(Cette formation n'incite aucun comportement)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PCB design with Altium designer and Circuitmaker Full Bundle" |
"in this course we will cover all you need to design a pcb with very best altiumand even circuitmaker that is free and realy good and powerfullfirst we learn how to create a component then we start a real world projectwe will cover a project on smart home on altium designer then we design a custom arduino on circuitmakerwe cover all the basic like what component we should use and read all the datasheet togetherwhat regulator we should use to be enough and cost effectivewhat is bypass cap and how we should choose themwe talk about uart I2C ESP8266 and some kind of mcu and many morethen we go to PCB and all the rule and calculation that you need to knowwhat is the best placement and routing strategynext we go to advance stuff like snippet , master slave board , multichanel multiboard and many morenext we will analyze power distributionat the how we should send our pcb to manufaturerwith a lot of bounus contentso lets begin"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"microcontroller and c programming language with tft lcd ex" |
"in this course we will talk about all the basic of c programming language after that we will learn all side of microcontroller side of c programming language then we go for more advanced stuff like how you can code so it wont get a lot of ram and rom and even how you can write code so it will be fast to executeafter that we will learn all about tft lcd and how to use them we will write some code together for it as an example to this course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2019 Solid, Sheet metal and Weldments modeling" |
"Most of the features in SolidWorks are called"" sketch based features"", that is why in this course, we have extra attention to 2D sketching then I focused on three main things, the first one is to learn SolidWorks features, the second one is to have practice so you can use these features and the third one is to have real life examples on using these features. By completing this course your level in modeling will be intermediate. Three types of modeling are covered:1- Solid modeling2-Sheet metal modeling3-Structural steel modeling(SolidWorks Weldments)In my opinion, the topics covered in this course must be known by mechanical engineers."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5 -Da el salto de Junior a Senior iOS 13 - Xcode 11.2" |
"Hay muchos cursos y tutoriales en los que aprendes la sintaxis del leguaje Swift y que pueden estar bien para comenzar, pero luego te haces la pregunta:Ahora qu, cmo continuo aprendiendo?. No sabes como continuar, ya que estos cursos no te dan el conocimiento para pasar al siguiente nivel, y parece que sers un desarrollador Junior durante mucho tiempo.Pues bien yo te voy a mostrar en poco ms de 6 horas como vas a dar el salto de Junior a Senior.Vas a aprender lo imprescindible que necesitas para dar ese salto de conocimientos, as poder trabajar en cualquier empresa con un perfil o categora de Senior y Analista iOS, con todas las ventajas no solo econmicas que te va a suponer estar en un nivel ms alto.Los videos estn grabados con naturalidad, para que podis aprender tambin de mis errores mientras desarrollamos la app, creo que es la mejor forma de aprender, iremos afrontando todo juntos y solucionando los problemas que nos iremos encontrando. Considero que as tendris ms confianza en vosotros como desarrolladores, al ver que en la programacin hay errores, que tenemos que solventar y que todo puede ser mejorable.Dentro del curso trabajaremos con:Xcode 11.2.1Swift 5SceneDelegate (new)Arquitectura VIPER y MVVMDI - Inyeccin de dependenciasDiseo de componentes reutilizablesClosuresCallBackPeticiones a servidor get, pasando parmetrosParsear Json (Codable)Control de dependencias CocoaPodsAlgunos Pods, Librerias: Alamofire, KindFisher, LottieSourcetree (Branch y MergeRequest)Repositorio Git BitbucketMapViewTapGestureRecognizerAnimate/transformExtensionesNotificationCenterCiclo de vida del ViewControllerEtc..Quieres dar el salto a Senior?Empezamos?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
cryptotrading |
": , . . , . , , . - Tiger Trade, 3Commas, Tradingview. , . : alpha -, 85 , . Data Science , 30% 70% . : , . , . : . Bitfinex BitMEX (). , , . ""Tiger Trade"" ""Tradingview"" - . . . . (COT )Tradingview . . . . . BTC . "" "" . . . - BitMEX - Tiger Trade. . : . , , , -, . "
Price: 19299.00 ![]() |
"30-Day Evangelism Challenge" |
"Congratulations! You are beginning a journey today an important and possibly life-changing journey. The next 30 days represents your desire to grow in the area of evangelism. Evangelism is one of my greatest passions in life. My heart aches for people who are far from God. I was the very first convert in my family and I am surrounded my lost people. Although I am passionate about evangelism, the dilemma is that Im not very good at it. Im gifted in certain areas, but evangelism is not one of them.If you feel like you are terrible at evangelism, dont feel bad. Only about 5% of Christians (and 20% of pastors) feel they are gifted in this area. This means that 95% of Christians and 80% of pastors feel like evangelism is a weakness. Well, that statistic is somehow both sad and reassuring at the same time.The 30-Day Evangelism Challenge is NOT designed for people who consider themselves evangelists. If you are part of 5% that have the gift of evangelism, you will be sorely underwhelmed and disappointed with this program. That is because this was not designed for you. However, if you are part the 95% that struggle with evangelism, I believe this program can really help you begin a journey to grow in this area.As a church planter and non-evangelistic pastor of a church in an extremely unchurched community, I struggled with two questions:Even though I am not gifted in evangelism, can I lead a church that effectively reaches the lost?Even though I am not gifted in evangelism, can I equip my people to become effective evangelists?The 30-Day Evangelism Challenge is the result of many years of research, study, struggle and experimentation. The goal of this 30-Day Challenge is to help the average Christian get started on the road to become effective in evangelism even though they may not be naturally or spiritually gifted in this area. So lets talk about our goals and expectations.GOALSYou will understand the importance, urgency and your personal responsibility of evangelism.You will begin to overcome the personal obstacles of fear and insecurity often associated with evangelism.You will grow in your confidence and feel more prepared to share the gospel.You will become more inspired and motivated to share the gospel.You will be challenged to continue to grow and take the next step to become abetter evangelist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Crash Course" |
"** The fastest course to teach you about fundamentals of Data Science **Welcome to Data Science Crash Course, where through 1 hours of videos, a complete set of lecture notes and additional texts you'll be able to get what Data Science is about.You will be able to run Python on your laptop and perform simple Data Science experiments.You will understand a difference between supervised and unsupervised learning, classification and clustering and basic methods for them:KNN, Decision Trees, Linear Regression, Neural Networksk-means, DBSCANWe will talk about Keras and Tensorflow, as well as about visualizing your data using matplotlib and Dash."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 Day Chakra Yoga for Gratitude Program" |
"Created with Gratitude & Packaged with Lve just for you!Are you ready to go on a journey to improve your satisfaction in life... and melt away anxiety and depression by cultivating gratitude through a daily yoga practice?These practices are designed to calm your body and mind through a subtle practice of gratitude while exploring the 7 chakras and all their abundance. We send you off each day with feelings of relaxation and a sense of inner peace for what you have in life.This course is for all levels including beginners, intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners. Ashley guides you through each day beginning with an introduction to the chakra you will explore that day. She will then walk you, step-by-step, through a yoga practices that focuses on poses for the given chakra while exploring thoughts of gratitude that each chakra holds for you in your life. Each day will featured a special guest, Sukhmandir Singh Khalsa (Sukh).Sukh has practiced and taught Yoga since 1969. He studied with Yogi Bhajan, Swami Mukhananda, Swami Satchinananda and many others. He helped start the Kundalini Research Institute where he compiled & practiced the continual transcripts of various teachings. He taught classes at UCLA, University High School and other colleges throughout Northern and Southern CA. He has developed a compilation of stylistic and inclusive downloads (metaphorically speaking) for the last 45 years, which has become Kundalini Core...The path of the Siddha.Allow this 7-Day Chakra Yoga for Gratitude practice to strengthen you in body and mind."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Algebra I Skills ~ Multiplying variables,Solving,Factoring" |
"In this course, you will learn many skills. The first lesson in this section will be learning what variables are. After this short and sweet explanation, you will be taught how to multiply them as well as how to solve them. After these simple topics, I will go into an in-depth discussion on how to factor polynomials. After that, I will teach viewers how to use the Quadratic Formula and what it is used for."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Successfully Build a Profitable Business on AMAZON." |
"Welcome to the most complete and to the point Amazon FBA course in the world! The content is designed to give you the most important strategies and information on Amazon FBA so that you can build a profitable business and a career on Amazon. No more 9-5 jobs, just imagine gaining the financial freedom to buy what you want, do what you want and spend time with the people you love most.Over 1 million new sellers joined Amazon last year to gain financial freedom. Its your TIME NOW!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"English for Chinese Speakers (Teachers & Students)" |
"This is a 2 in 1 course that targets both ESL teachers and students.Planning to backpack in China and teach English? Been teaching ESL for ages but dont have a clue on how to teach pronunciation and fluency?Are you a speaker of Chinese language who is learning English as a Second Language? Want to improve your fluency and reduce accent with a few simple tricks?THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Game Asset Creation with Blender 2.8 & Substance Painter" |
"The main principle in creating a game asset is to preserve maximum level of details at the minimum polygon count. In this course you will learn how to preserve details in your low poly without adding more polygons.In order your model to look realistic it requires a highquality texture, together we will create 3 Physically based rendering (PBR) textures for our asset, which can be later exported to an game engine. The look of your model also depends on the engine it is rendered in. We are going to render our asset inside Iray ( Substance painter integrated render engine ) and also inside Marmoset Toolbag. These render engines supports Real-Time Rendering and this is the place where our PBR textured game asset is going to shine ! In order to make you familiar with the entire workflow of creating a game asset, we will create together an M24 Antitank grenade used in WWII. This is going to be the model on which you will learn, practice every step and all the techniques required to create a high quality game asset from idea to its visualization !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Entry Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to this ultimate Data Entry Course for Beginners, from where you are going to learn about Data Entry project types available on freelance marketplaces such as - Upwork and Fiverr.You're going to learn about Data Entry from an well experienced, successful, Top Rated Data Entry Professional!This live project example based Data Entry Course is for all of the peoples who are interested to become a Freelancer and provide Data Entry services to their clients.Along with the DEMO Data Entry project examples, I have added few projects details on which I worked for clients - to give you a clear understanding of:What are some of the types of Data Entry Jobs available in freelance marketplaces?How clients provide us Instruction for the Jobs?How do we work on Data Entry Projects?After watching the lessons, after practicing on the provided practice projects in the course, you will have the CONFIDENCE to move forward, try on getting clients on marketplaces and become a Professional Data Entry Service provider."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Wealth Alignment Webinar Level 1" |
"This journey I've been on has taken me through many places, and now in 2020 it has come back full circle to the beginning of my work as a mentor and instructor on the larger scale. I bring you, The Wealth Alignment Level 1. 6 Topics of value and resources included that every Entrepreneur MUST know in order to create Wealth Consciousness"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Habit of Wining with Options Trading for Professional" |
"We often do the mistake of Acting Too Quick and it always results in Disaster. Don't do the same mistake which is done by almost 90% of the traders and ended up with losses. Do you know when we build a house we FIRST decide on making a STRONG FOUNDATION and that's because ""A Strong Foundation Will Save Us From all the Odd's of Disaster's"".Similarly, know and build your foundation before jumping into the market. This course will help you clearing your basics and understand what you are doing in the market.Know everything you need to know with ""Easy"" examples. REMEMBER, if you want to know whatever you are getting taught is correct and you have the proof around the same. Then this is the course!!Check all what we are doing with BACK TESTING and also know how we can do all these using Simple Excel.Enroll Now and let's get started!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oni Kudaki (Bujinkan Kihon Happo series vol.1)" |
"Welcome to the Zeropoint Training Systems Kihon Happo series, from the ""Ground Up, Core Out .In this series we will use the foundational techniques found in the Bujinkan Martial Arts.However, instead of trying to learn one perfect technique, we will explore the principles underlying these techniques and develop the skills necessary for application against resisting opponents, in a natural learning progression.All humans learned to maneuver in the world starting from the ground, and working our way up, then expanding our awareness from our core (center) outwards.We call this the Ground Up, Core Out learning system."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"CISA Domain 1 - Exam questions, answers with explanations" |
"In this course you will find a set of 150 questions and answers with explanations for your CISA exam. There are 6 tests containing 25 questions which are related to Domain 1 from the latest CISA Manual Review - The Process of Auditing Information Systems, including : 1. Planning2. ExecutionThis course will get you ready for becoming a certified IS Auditor by learning in an easy and fast way, practicing exam questions.Upgrade your career, upgrade yourself!DOMAIN 2 - IS AVAILABLE NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISA Domain 2 - Exam questions, answers with explanations" |
"In this course you will find a set of 150 questions and answers with explanations for your CISA exam. There are 6 tests containing 25 questions which are related to Domain 2 from the latest CISA Manual Review - Governance and Management of IT, including : 1. IT Governance2. IT ManagementThis course will get you ready for becoming a certified IS Auditor by learning in an easy and fast way, practicing exam questions.Upgrade your career, upgrade yourself!DOMAIN 3 - SET QUESTIONS IS AVAILABLE NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Basics of MemoQ" |
"1- CAT Tools. 2- ""MemoQ"" . 3- .4- .5- .."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Principles of Choreography - How to choreograph/dance course" |
"This course is a guide to choreography irrespective of any genre. Whether you are a beginner or an advance level dancer/choreographer, this course provides basics as well as how to integrate them on an advance level. Along with the help of professors and dance researchers, I have created a course of 10 videos that encompass principles of choreography as well as movement. The 10 chapters covered are as follows:1. Time and Musicality - Learn how to use beats, rhythm and musicality to your advantage.2. Energy and Performance - Learn how to project energy to the audience and learn some key performances skills. 3. Stimulus - Learn how to use your 5 senses and objects around you to generate new movement. 4. Improvisation - Learn the art of improvisation and free movement. Learn to connect your mind and body to spontaneously take decisions while moving. 5. Decision Making - Learn about the different challenges you will face as a choreographer. What are the decisions you have to make. 6. Site specific performances - Learn how to move in spaces other than the studio or the stage. How can you make your performance in a field or on the beach?7. Somatics and Proprioception - Learn about the true connection between your mind and body. What is that extra mile that will help you understand your body and its limitless abilities. 8. Form and transitions - Learn the different ways in which you can design your choreography and how to use traditional movements effectively.9. Space and shape - Learn about the many aspects of the space you occupy while dancing and how you can use that to your advantage. You will also learn about the shapes your body can create and what those shapes determine.10. Community Dance - Learn about dance for the elderly, people with disabilities and Parkinsons. How can we extend dance to our communities in order to uplift their livelihoods and what reversing effects does dance have on people with special needs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lifelong Relationship" |
"In diesem Kurs erfhrst du wie es funktioniert eine gesunde und lebenslange Beziehung auszubauen und zu fhren. Du wirst sehr viel ber dich und deinen Partner lernen und Probleme die ihr jetzt habt, knnt ihr aktiv beenden. Die Autorin des Kurses ist Michaela Wesely, sie ist Grnderin der US Amerikanischen Firma Lifelong inc. und hat 25 Jahre lang Erfahrung im Coachen von Beziehungen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
allencarr |
"-. "" "" . . , ."
Price: 6299.00 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Money: How To Get Cryptocurrency Bundle" |
"How to make money with Bitcoin?Do you desire to make additional income in new and innovative ways? Would you like to get a passive income? Do you want to discover how to make money with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but dont know how? If so, then this course is for you!Greetings, Im Christian John SalesI am the author of the Amazon book entitled, Bitcoin Money: The Top 20 Ways to Make Income with Cryptocurrencies. Additionally, Im the founder of MoneyWiseAlpha Blog and YouTube Channel. I am also a cryptocurrency investor, trader, miner, staker, lender, and educator. Additionally, I have worked for cryptocurrency exchanges and marketing agencies.Im a former Senior Product Manager / Investment manager for a venture capital firm. For my academic background, I have a dual MBA with a Masters focus on the topic of Cryptocurrency. Additionally, I have a BS in Computer Science. Im also a Certified Associate in Project Management with over 15 years experience in Software Engineering.This course is intended for people who want to discover proven methods to make money with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies!Here is an overview of the topics that will be covered and material that will be given out:Part 1: Why Bitcoin Is Digital GoldPart 2: Top 10 Active Ways To Make Money With CryptocurrencyPart 3: Top 10 Passive Ways To Make Money With CryptocurrencyPart 4: How To Secure Your Cryptocurrency* Video courses will be accompanied by a detailed PDF version too.Conclusion & RecommendationsResource #1: How To Get Crypto For Free!Resource #2: (5-Star Amazon Book) Bitcoin Money: The Top 20 Ways To Make Income With Cryptocurrencies (116 pages) (PDF)Resource #3: Access to MoneyWiseAlpha VIP Insiders, a private Facebook group.** Don't miss out on this amazing value-packed course bundle! Add to cart now!If you have any questions or would like to ask for my consultation, feel free to call me through:? Call me ? https:// moneywisealpha. experty. ioCheers,Christian SalesMoneyWiseAlpha Founder"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tmgd snavlarnda baary yakalamak iin kurgulanm, rneklerle zenginletirilmi, modler tmgd konu anlatmlarADR snavlarnn nasl zlmesi gerektii, ncesinde temel konularn kavranmas ve soru zmlerinde hzlanmak iin ilave tyolar aktarlmaktadr. Ayrca ADR Tmgd video konu paketlerinin yannda , km snav tmgd soru ve zmlerini de ieren farkl ierikler videolar halinde baka tmgd kurs paketlerine eklenecektir."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Tmgd soru zmlerinde hz kazanmak, doru balang yapmak iin mutlaka detayl sorularmz ve yaklamlarmz izlemelisiniz. zellikle tmgd snavlarnda sre sknts ekenler iin zellikle kurgulanm, sebep- sonu ilikisini anlatan videolardr. Tmgd 64 saat eitim alp, dersleri bitirdikten sonra kark soru tiplerini kolay ekilde bulabilirsiniz. 22 video Tmgd alma ve soru kitab iindeki sorular olup anlatml zmleri bulunmaktadr. Ayrca tmgd alma ve soru kitab pdf'i ve 1 Ad. 40'lk kolay deneme snav pdf'ini de bu pakette indirebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tmgd soru zmlerinde hz kazanmak, doru balang yapmak iin mutlaka detayl sorularmz ve yaklamlarmz izlemelisiniz. zellikle tmgd snavlarnda sre sknts ekenler iin zellikle kurgulanm, sebep- sonu ilikisini anlatan videolardr. Tmgd 64 saat eitim alp, dersleri bitirdikten sonra kark soru tiplerini zor ekilde bulabilirsiniz. 20 video Emre Yaz'n hazrlad zgn tmgd sorular olup anlatml zmleri bulunmaktadr. Ayrca tmgd alma ve soru kitab pdf'i ve 1 Ad. 40'lik zor deneme snavn bu pakette indirebileceksiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"2017 ylnda yaplm olan 3 adet tmgd snavnn soru zmleri, iptaller ve tm detayl zmlerine eriebileceksiniz. 22/04/2017 tarih, 08/07/2017 tarih ve 09/12/2017 tarihli T.C. Ulatrma Altyap Bakanlnn yapm olduu ADR TMGD snavlarna ait 38 ad. videodan olumaktadr.zellikle hangi sorudan balanr, nasl ilerlenir zaman ynetimi ve cevaplarda eleme teknikleri konularna deinilmi ve snavdaym gibi zmler yaplan videolardr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2018 ylnda yaplm olan 3 adet tmgd snavnn soru zmleri, iptaller ve tm detayl zmlerine eriebileceksiniz. 29/04/2017 tarih, 14/07/2017 tarih ve 01/12/2017 tarihli T.C. Ulatrma Altyap Bakanlnn yapm olduu ADR TMGD snavlarna ait 38 ad. videodan olumaktadr.zellikle hangi sorudan balanr, nasl ilerlenir zaman ynetimi ve cevaplarda eleme teknikleri konularna deinilmi ve snavdaym gibi zmler yaplan videolardr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aptitude for Placements 2020: Quantitative Aptitude Tricks" |
"Master your Quantitative Aptitude!The course is divided as:1. Concept Videos:Those who want to clear basic concepts can watch these videos, other-wise can directly go to questions and answer videos.2. Questions and Answers Videos with Tricks: This contains direct video solutions of given questions with tricks and alternate methods.3. Mock Placement Questions: Mixed Questions sets are given in the last section - Very Important and Useful!.The course mainly focuses on Quantitative Aptitude required for cracking Placement Papers of various IT and Core Companies. Questions from all important topics are solved with smarter ways!With the wide experience in training for Placement Papers, Dr. Kiran Derle has emphasized on important on relevant topics. Variety of questions are solved with tricks and shortcuts along with traditional methods in some cases.This is very much useful course designed with systematic way to get the best results."
Price: 4480.00 ![]() |