Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Certification in the Foundations of Ayurveda - Level 1" |
"Welcome to the Foundations of Ayurveda. This is a certified course, you will receive a certificate upon completion and this course qualifies for Continuing Education hours for Yoga Alliance teachers (3 hours YACEP). Accompanying the video lectures is a manual that you can use a reference and resource during the lectures, on your own time, and in the future.Subjects covered in this course:- The meaning and origins of Ayurveda- The Chakras and how they manifest in both the physical and astral bodies.- How we balance our mental and physical state through diet, herbs, breath, and meditation- Nature versus imbalance (Prakruti vs. Vikruti)- The 5 elements- The Doshas (individual constitution)- Determining your Dosha- The Dhatus (body tissues)- The Gunas (qualities/characteristics)- Pranayama (breathing exercises- Dinacharya (daily schedule for optimum health)- The Doshas throughout a lifetime and in the seasons- Like attracts like and how to balance with opposing energies- Agni (the digestive fire and why it is crucial to good health)- Ama (toxins and the importance of proper digestion)- Malas (the metabolic waste products)- Prana (universal energy), Tejas (metabolism), Ojas (the immune system)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Managing your Energy" |
"Your body has ten energy centers which influence all your thoughts and feelings. Balancing your energy is the key to a stable life and good health. In this course you will be introduced to the ten energies, as they are described in the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah. You will learn their locations in the body and their effect on your inner life. By the end of the course you will be able to detect the influence of the energies in your day to day life and to learn how to balance them."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Funeral Service National Board Exam Tutor" |
"All studied courses in Mortuary school will be reviewedExamples include but are not limited to Embalming, Restorative Art, Chemistry, Pathology, Funeral Service Law, Microbiology, Etc. Mortuary National exams vary from state to state. Please notify me of which state you reside in. All courses will be reviewed with students to identify their areas of strengths and weaknesses. The Science portion of the National exam strongly focuses on the Embalming and the Arts sections focus will be Restorative Art."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"O Novo Mtodo de League of Legends" |
"Voc quer sair de QUALQUER ELO e chegar ao DIAMANTE ou at um Elo maior?Existe uma grande diferena entre os Jogadores Pro e os Jogadores de Elos mais baixos...e a maior diferena entre eles NO A MECNICA.A maior diferena entre eles que os Jogadores Pro entendem exatamente como o jogo funciona e sabem usar o jogo e os ""atalhos"" certos em cada partida, com cada personagem em cada lane. por isso que eles parecem to melhores do que os jogadores comuns.E se voc aprender exatamente quais so esses ""atalhos"", inevitavelmente voc vai chegar no mesmo Elo dos Jogadores Pro.E isso tudo possvel sem milhares de horas de jogo.Ao longo das ltimas 3 temporadas eu analisei e joguei milhares de partidas para descobrir exatamente o que diferencia um jogador Pro de um jogador comum e descobri uma srie de coisas que eles fazem em comum. Eu juntei absolutamente tudo isso e usei em mim mesmo para sair do Ouro para o Diamante I em menos de 1 semana.Esse mesmo mtodo eu ensinei para 2 amigos que saram do Prata IV para o Diamante 3 em menos de 1 ms.E agora, voc tambm pode ter acesso a isso tudo.Voc tem apenas 2 opes: continuar vivendo o Elo que est, enfrentando troll atrs de troll, sendo afundado pelo seu time e no conseguindo crescer no seu Elo porque voc no consegue carregar os jogos...Ou entoAprender como jogar como um Pro para subir de Elo Subir, independente do seu nvel atual.Est tudo nesse curso. Inscreva-se agora e garanta a sua vaga"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Schlank entsteht im Kopf - OHNE DIT erfolgreich abnehmen!" |
"In diesem Programm SCHLANK ENTSTEHT IM KOPF kannst du endlich abnehmen ohne Dit.Bei den meisten Programmen wird immer wieder an Deinen starken Willen oder das Durchhaltevermgen appelliert, damit erfolgreiches Abnehmen gelingen kann. Aber es sagt Dir niemand, dass dies ein Irrtum ist. Denn es hat gar nichts mit Deinem Willen zu tun, ob Du es schaffst oder nicht. Wenn Du das Geheimnis der schlanken Menschen kennst, brauchst Du keinen Willen mehr. Du wirst die wahren Ursachen kennen und kannst mhelos Dein Wunschgewicht erreichen.Du hast bisher immer nur gehrt, dass bestimmte Lebensmittel verboten sind. Du sollst kalorienreduziert und mglichst fettarm essen und am besten auch ganz auf Fett verzichten.Solange Du diesen Ratschlgen folgst, kann erfolgreiches Abnehmen nicht gelingen.Jeder Mensch hat einen anderen Stoffwechsel und insbesondere der Darm spielt eine wichtige Rolle dabei, ob Menschen schlank sind bzw. werden knnen oder ob sie bergewichtig sind oder bleiben.Denn ohne das Wissen darber, wie Du einen funktionierenden Darm bekommst, wirst auch Du weiterhin Dein Gewichtsproblem nicht in den Griff bekommen.Da es zum Thema ""Abnehmen Ohne Dit"" bisher keine professionelle Anleitung in dieser Form gab und mich zahlreiche meiner Coaching-Kunden immer wieder nach weiterfhrenden Hilfestellungen fragten, habe ich mich dazu entschieden, mein Wissen in einer leicht verstndlichen Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung weiterzugeben.Vernderung beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt! Wenn Du etwas anderes willst, als das was Du bisher hattest, musst Du auch etwas anderes TUN! Wenn Du alles so machst wie bisher, also Kalorien zhlen, weniger essen, Diten, sich Genuss verbieten, dann wirst Du fr den Rest Deines Lebens in der Jojo Spirale hngen bleiben und nie wirklich Dein Ziel erreichen! Du kannst jetzt abnehmen ohne Diten einhalten zu mssen!Das ndert Sich fr Dich in diesem Kurs:Du darfst endlich das essen, was Dir wirklich schmeckt und genieen ohne schlechtes Gewissen.Du wirst nur noch essen, wenn Du hungrig bist und aufhren, wenn Du satt bist, so wie es schlanke Menschen auch tun.Du wirst nicht mehr stndig nur noch an Essen denken, sondern hast wieder Zeit fr die wirklich wichtigen Dinge des Lebens.Deine Essgewohnheiten werden sich automatisch verndern.Du wirst Deine Leber entgiften und Deinen Sure-Basen-Haushalt ausgleichenDu kennst eine super bung gegen Heihungerattacken und GelsteDu wirst Dich selbst annehmen, Deinen Krper lieben und nicht lnger gegen Dein Gewicht und Dich selbst ankmpfen.Du weit, wie Du Dir selbst gute Gefhle verschaffst und wirst glcklicher und zufriedener sein.Du lernst mehr auf Deine wahren Bedrfnisse zu hren, Dich selbst wichtig zu nehmen, was wiederum Dein Selbstwertgefhl und Dein Selbstbewusstsein strkt.Du programmierst Dich mit Autosuggestion ganz einfach auf ""schlank"" und bleibst es auch.Mein groes Versprechen an Dich ist, wenn Du meine Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung eins-zu-eins umsetzt, dann:- werden fr Dich Diten und Ditprodukte der Vergangenheit angehren- darfst, nein sollst Du alles essen, worauf Du Lust hast und solange, bis Du satt bist- wirst Du wieder Spa beim Essen haben und Genuss erleben- kannst Du mit schlechten Gefhlen umgehen, ohne essen zu mssen- fhlst Du Dich wieder wohl in Deinem Krper und behandelst ihn liebevoll- kannst Du das Thema abnehmen fr immer vergessen und wirst Dein Wunschgewicht endlich erreichen!Alle Autosuggestionsbungen stehen Dir als MP3-Dateien zum Download zur Verfgung, damit Du auch offline darauf zugreifen kannst.Alle Materialien dieses Kurses kannst du herunter laden. Dadurch kannst Du sie auch immer offline nutzen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to start investing; A step by step guide." |
"In this course you will learn the basics on how to find a platform to trade on. How to save money to get started investing in your future and how to pick stocks that you understand and can trade with confidence! By the time you have finished this course you should have been signed up for a platform, figured out how much of your income you're going to be using for investing. And have a list of companies that you're going to enjoy owning a part of and starting your investing journey!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"These videos are about spreadsheets, and it has been designed to give you a step by step detailed approach on how to build a spreadsheet from first design to completed projects. The video covers much more than spreadsheet, it includes Windows basics, spreadsheet design, data tables, PivotTables, Financial Accounting etc. - all are fully explained and discussed which will help in building your skills as you learn to perform increasingly specialized procedures and in the long run help you to build well-designed and professional spreadsheets."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"The content of this video is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier versions of Excel & Powerpoint and for people who are discovering Excel & Powerpoint for the first time. In other words, this videos will boost your proficiency in using Excel and also make you understand Windows, the operating system in which Excel runs in order to enable you to manage files in a proper way and also to control your printers.The video also contains the analysis of financial data and figures, summarising the raw data into the alternative perspective of the same source information. Taking up a profession as an accountant, you will need to have a detailed understanding of how to interpret figures and also how to communicate such to the non-financial members of the management team where you work. This video further broadens your knowledge about the 'new' information discovered. This book is designed to teach and equip you with the necessary Excel skills that will help you become a professional spreadsheet user."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"The content of this video is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier versions of Excel & Powerpoint and for people who are discovering Excel & Powerpoint for the first time. In other words, this videos will boost your proficiency in using Excel and also make you understand Windows, the operating system in which Excel runs in order to enable you to manage files in a proper way and also to control your printers.The video also contains the analysis of financial data and figures, summarising the raw data into the alternative perspective of the same source information. Taking up a profession as an accountant, you will need to have a detailed understanding of how to interpret figures and also how to communicate such to the non-financial members of the management team where you work. This video further broadens your knowledge about the 'new' information discovered. This book is designed to teach and equip you with the necessary Excel skills that will help you become a professional spreadsheet user."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Pratik hracat Rehberi" |
"10 ylda 4 ktada ve 30'u akn lkede kazanlan deneyim ile oluturulmu kursumuz, ihracata yeni balayanlar iin pratik bir rehber gibidir. e abuk adapte olmanz ve fark yaratmanz salar. Dersler olabildiince sade, basit ve pratik bir anlatm ile sunulur. Karmak kavramlar, tanmlamalar ve sonu gelmeyen cmleler ile sizi yormaz! Oluturulan net perspektifle hzl sonu almanz salar. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Docker from Zero to Hero" |
"This course is meant for beginner as well as for experienced guys, here i will be explaining all concepts related to Docker in depth with complete practicals, if any one feels any doubt at any point of time can reach out to us via our Facebook Group ""DevOps G"". The contents of this course include Docker containers, dockerfile, docker compose, docker swarm, docker stack."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Onlinekurs Hypnose-lernen (Einstieg)" |
"Carsten Fenner und Christo sind Meister Ihres Fachs. Beide beherrschen die Kunst der Showhypnose und stellen dies immer wieder unter Beweis. Ausgebildet bei den Besten Showhypnotiseuren Amerikas prsentieren Sie eine einmalige Show. Die ""Nice guys of Hypnosis"" legen besonderen Wert auf eine ethisch korrekte und seris durchgefhrte Show. Mit diesem Kurs mchten beide Knstler Ihnen den Einstieg in die Welt der Hypnose gewhren. Es handelt sich bei diesem Kurz um einen Einstieg. Er ersetzt keinesfalls eine gesamte Ausbildung. Carsten Fenner und Christo freuen sich auf Sie!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MS Word For Beginners to Pro" |
"This is an introduction to Microsoft Word Course. this video is segmented into 5-7 according to the segment on the Microsoft word 2013 such as home page, insert page, design,page layout,references, mailing, review and view which are thought in full for each section with practices for beginners who wants to know how to use the Microsoft word because its self explanatory.This course is useful for beginners, intermediate people who are willing to learn the professional way of working on Ms word."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development with Kotlin" |
"In this course, we'll be building a microservice in Kotlin, and by the end of this course, it will be deployed to the cloud.The microservices will represent a cat hostel.You'll be able to add cats to its database, remove cats from it and list them.Why cats hostel? Because as long as you know how to implement basic operations, you can build it for any kind of entities you need: supermarket orders, auction items, taxis, you name it. So, why not cats?Why Kotlin?Modern, productive and highly pragmatic languageType safeNull-safeGenerics that actually make senseIntuitiveExtensibleHighly concurrent: Kotlin uses coroutines on top of best-in-class JIT provided by the JVM, that makes it one of the most efficient and concurrent languages nowadaysRich ecosystem: be it PostgreSQL, Kafka or RabbitMQ, the most solid libraries are written for the JVM. And Kotlin is able to make use of all of themWhy this course?There are many good tutorials and books about Kotlin programming language nowadays. But most of them make the assumption that you're either and Android developer or at least familiar with Java programming language and its ecosystem.This course make no such assumptions. If you're and experienced PHP, Python, Ruby or NodeJS developer, with zero Java knowledge, this course was build with you in mind.What you need to know:Some kind of web technology, be it JavaScript, PHP, Ruby or Python. I expect you to be familiar with terms like Request, Response, JSON and HTTP headers at the very least.Familiarity with Git. Ill provide you with a link to the relevant branch on GitHub after most of the videos, and Ill show you commands that I use, but I wont dive deep into what they do.Basic SQL and Docker knowledge is useful, but not mandatory. What this course covers:Basics of Kotlin programming languageDependency management with GradleKtor web frameworkTesting with KotlinWorking with databases using Exposed DSLRunning Kotlin inside Docker container and Docker ComposeDeploying Kotlin to HerokuExposing GraphQL API with KotlinWhat this course doesn't cover:CoroutinesBuilding UI in KotlinCI toolsSecurityEach of them is a large topic by itself, and I wanted to keep this course as focused as possible, so youll be able to produce a working and well tested application in an hour or two."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tus habilidades de gestin de tu negocio" |
"Todas las personas se dispersan, realizan muchas tareas pero al final del da tienen la sensacin de que no han hecho nada y que lo importante est pendiente todava por hacer.Aprende a gestionar tu tiempo, a organizarte y planificarte. Descubre cules son las causas que provocan que no seas productivo, no te focalices y no cumplas con lo planificado. Videos, herramientas y ejercicios para que empieces desde YA a ser ms productivo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Keys to Successful Property Management" |
"The Easy Way to Manage Rental Property!Are you interested in learning how to manage rental properties? Are you a property owner who wants to find the best tenants for your investments? Are you a property manager looking to improve your property management skills? The Keys to Successful Property Management provides real-world examples, cutting edge marking ideas and effective easy to use strategies for real estate agents, brokers, and landlords. Preparing units for rentHow to determine the rental priceHow to create a great listing for your rental Best ways to advertise your rental for maximum exposure How to avoid bad tenantsHow to properly screen tenantsCompleting the lease and rental paperwork Moving your tenant in Developing relationships for long-term successWhether you are new to property management or have years of experience, this course is perfect for those who want to hit the ground running. Each Module will give you easy to apply strategies that you can apply immediately in your rental property business. Understand what to watch out for and common pitfalls to avoid.It explains in plain language how to manage rental properties and what's required to be successful. You will find examples on how to deal with customers, tenants, and situations of all types. There is so much to consider when it comes to managing rental properties. This course makes the property management business easy to understand."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Your X-tech Globally" |
"Are you looking for practical tips to start your business or drive the business you have started in the direction you want?This course is the best starting point for 2 reasons:Reason 1: the course has been delivered by 2 entrepreneurs just like you are.Reason 2: there is ZERO theory and only practical tools and what worked for them.What you will learn: marketing, sales, trends analysis, strategic partnerships, business planning. SEO for beginners, communication and operations and more + lots and lots of tools and additional resources."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Startup MBA - from idea to first customers - HOW" |
"Do you have an idea? Are you stuck on where to start? This short boot camp course is just for you!You will learn the basics of bringing an idea to live, starting with first customers and details on how to if you are a newbie to entrepreneurship. The course will guide you how to start from idea and get your first sales without any investment (just your own time!)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial analysis using ratios" |
"Description*** Course teaches how to master financial analysis using real life companies like Amazon, Facebook, Walmart and Apple using 34 important ratios****** Excel Templates, Formulas Sheet, Quiz and Ratio Sheet for past 5 years for Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, Apple and many other ***Why should you buy ?To answer in 5 quick waysEnhance Job Skills: If you are looking for jobs as Financial Analyst, an Accountant, an Auditor, a Business Analyst, a Financial Controller, a Financial Manager,a CFO, a CEO,an Investment Banker, an Equity Research Analyst, an Investor or even an Entrepreneur, financial ratios analysis skills are mandatory.Detailed Interpretation of financial ratios: Not mere plug and play using formulas.Time efficient - Covers entire universe of important of financial ratios in less than 3 hoursReal life examples - After learning formula for each ratio, we will interpret the formulas using financial statements of Walmart IncDetailed comparison of all formulas using financial statement of companies like Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, Apple o understand industry dynamics and cause and effect of each ratios.Engaging course - I will take you each ratio using engaging zooming presentation software called as Prezi, Calculate and interpret ratios using ExcelWho this course is for:Anyone looking for finance job Students pursuing courses like CFA, CA, CPA, ACCA, CIMA, MBA Finance, Finance GraduatesSmall and medium business owners, Startup founders, Retail investorsAnyone who wants to learn FinanceHow will this course benefit me once I complete this course ?Increase your skills for finance job searchPick stocks easily using the financial ratiosAnalyze any company about its efficiency, liquidity, solvency and profitabilityRun your startup, business in most better way""Financial Analysis using Ratios"" Course Details:Financial Ratios Analysis is often considered as crucial part of Financial Analysis. Through financial analysis requires through understanding of financial ratios. This is where this course comes into play.This course covers the Financial ratio analysis and interpretation of those ratios.Activity Ratios: Helps you to know about the efficiency with which the company is operatingLiquidity Ratios: Helps you to Understand about the short-term debt paying ability of the companySolvency Ratios: Understand whether the company you are analyzing is in risk of becoming insolvencyProfitability Ratios: Understand how profitable the company is. Does it make any money to investors?Valuation Ratios: Master how to analyze any company and pick only stock which will help you earn positive returnsWhat you will get as part of this course ?30-DAY FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!Updates if any about course contents, downloadable resourcesFormulas Sheet, Calculation templates, Peer Comparison sheetWithin these Ratios We will discuss below ratios in detailActivity RatiosDebtors Turnover ratioDays Sales outstandingInventory Turnover ratioDays inventory on handPayable Turnover ratioDays payable outstandingWorking Capital Turnover ratioTotal assets Turnover ratioFixed assets Turnover ratioLiquidity RatiosCurrent ratioQuick ratioCash ratioDefensive Interval ratioCash conversion cycleSolvency RatiosDebt to capital ratioDebt to asset ratioDebt to Equity ratioCapital gearing ratioFinancial Leverage ratioInterest coverage ratioProfitability RatiosGross profit marginOperating profit marginPretax profit marginNet profit marginReturn on assetsReturn on capitalReturn on EquityValuation or Market price RatiosEarnings per sharePrice to earnings ratioPrice to earnings growth ratioPayout RatioDividend YieldPrice to Cash flow ratioPrice to sales ratioDisclaimer Note:This Financial Analysis using Ratios course is for educational and informational purposes only. Discussion made with respect to Amazon, Walmart, Apple and Facebook as part of this courses are Not recommendation to invest in such stocks !"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"SQL Server query related Interview questions and answers" |
"In this course you will learn SQL query writing, How to become a master of SQL development like-SQL Queries, understanding the requirements, ability to response, ability to handle the difficult situations.We have a quiz sections where you will get more than 50 objective questions and one quiz question just for practice and build your logic strong."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lanza tu Podcast en 30 das" |
"En este curso, aprenders el paso a paso, para que puedas tener listo tu podcast en 30 das. Desde seleccionar el equipo adecuado, hasta grabar y editar tus episodios para poderlos subir a tu Hosting y distribuirlos en las plataformas de Podcasting (Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, etc.).Es un curso muy prctico, no necesitas saber nada de tecnologa ni sonido, para que puedas tenerlo listo.Ser un gusto acompaarte en esta aventura."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Arte final digital no estilo Mang para iniciantes!!" |
"Esse curso procura te ajudar a lhe direcionar e/ou melhorar sua habilidade em arte finalizar uma ilustrao para pginas de quadrinhos. Nesse curso veremos: como trabalhar com o software para ilustraescomo calibrar as diferentes ferramentas para ilustraotcnicas de contornohachurasretculaslinhas de aoAo final do curso, o aluno j ter uma percepo aprimorada e apto a arte finalizar uma pgina de mang."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Credit Repair Hack 101" |
"SECTION 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act does not care whether the negative account is valid or not. The letters dispute the Credit Reporting Agencies right to REPORT the adverse account - NOT whether or not the adverse account is valid. So I will be showing you HOW I fixed my credit with check systems. You can do it! Remove Charge-Off Accounts, Collection Accounts, Late Payments, Foreclosures, Repos and all other negative items. This will save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"SLEEP SOLUTION: Solve sleep issues." |
"Sleep is essential to wellness and success in all areas of living. With proper sleep training combined with hypnotherapy, sleep issues are solved. Everyone needs different amounts and times of sleep. This course teaches you how to CUSTOMIZE your sleep needs and train and condition your body and brain to sleep great and learn to DREAM TO VENT STRESS, DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY. Six sessions with a follow up are guaranteed to solve the most severe sleep issues. Scott Spackey has ONE HUNDRED percent success with his sleep solution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"13 Secrets of Pricing Psychology: Boost Your Profits Today" |
"Are you struggling with pricing of your products & services? Do you keep wondering, day and night, if a price tag of $49.99 would make more sense than $49 or $50 - and if such a small change could potentially impact your business revenue or freelance income in any way?It can.And that's why I've built this course, to remove this doubt from your life once and for all! Uncovering these secrets will help you to sell more products or get more customers or both! By the end of the course, you'll master the art of pricing psychology that will help you to boost profits and you'll also gain more confidence in asking clients for money. All thanks to just few small, but game-changing, tweaks.I'll teach you how to use timing tactics, upselling methods, price color strategies, suitable wording or what's the psychology behind various number sizes - and even how to remove customer's fear of paying plus so much more!I prefer a straight to the point, no BS approach, so you'll be leaving full of great ideas & practical strategies in less than an hour! With today's hectic lifestyle, it's not always possible to commit for longer anyway. What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Andy Turba and I'm a marketer with years of experience in the field across various industries. Along my full-time job as the head of marketing in the music industry, I also run my own marketing & design company and a non-profit dog merchandise brand where 100% of profits are donated to a shelter.During the years I've been implementing & tweaking marketing strategies across various companies, from 1 employee startups to multi-million market leaders. That included some major fails too, which allowed me to gather some invaluable data - there's lesson to be found in everything :)Again and again, any company or country I worked in, majority of the discussions revolved around one topic - correct pricing of the products & services. After seeing so many people struggle and not being able to find the correct answers, it was time to take things into my own hands. I've started collecting all the tried and tested methods and eventually poured them into one place and this course was born!My GuaranteeI've built this course for people like you & me and as a full-time marketer, I'm available to answer any of your questions. Remember, never feel that your question may sounds stupid, this is a no judgement zone and we're all here to learn and improve! Feel free to post a question in the course, or contact me directly here on Udemy.What topics will be covered in this course?Lesson 1: The Power of Number 9Lesson 2: Does Size Matter?Lesson 3: Balance Is the KeyLesson 4: Mastering ContrastLesson 5: Rounding Up + ImpulsesLesson 6: Word It CarefullyLesson 7: Implementing DiscountsLesson 8: No More Fear of Paying!Lesson 9: The Number GamesLesson 10: Timing TacticsLesson 11: Red, Black and GreenLesson 12: Ascending or DescendingLesson 13: Upselling Similar Items... and I've even snuck up a little bonus lesson for those who get to the end.Maybe you're asking yourself if this course really is for you?Truth to be told, I'd do the same. Let me put my two cents in: If you're a marketer with years of experience from Asia owning a successful company or if you've just started on your marketing journey in America with empty hands, there's something for everyone, from any part of the world:You may be running/have just opened a store on shopify, etsy, squarespace, wordpress or other... You might be a freelancer offering design, marketing, SEO, web development or other services...You may own a brick and mortar store selling clothes, furniture, jewellery or other...Maybe you're a complete beginner who started just today...Or an advanced professional looking for that extra edge...No matter what industry you're in or what experience you possess, this course will help to get to the next level. And that's my promise or your money back!Thank you and I'll see you at the first lesson :)Best,Andy Turba"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PMP 2020 Practice tests - 6th Edition - 600 questions" |
"This course provides the best-in-class PMP practice questions available in the market which can be leveraged by the participants aspiring to get certified in Project Management. This package contains 2 practice exams with 100 questions each and 2 practice exams with 200 questions each. This will give you a sense of what to expect in the Certification exam and will allow you to mentally prepare yourself for it.This exam package will help participants to:Acquire the knowledge and skills they need to pass the PMP certification examAttain a better understanding of the concepts discussed in the course content through 600 questions spread across 4 simulation exams.Get a hang of the PMP certification exam and provide the best PMP exam simulator experienceGet solutions and reasoning for each of the questions in the practice simulation test"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Power Of Positive Thinking : Change the Way You Think" |
"Having positive thinking does not mean that you should bury your head in the sand. It does not mean that you should ignore life's painful and unpleasant situations.It simply means having the ability to approach life more positively and productively even in the face of unpleasantness.With this video course you are going to discover how to develop the winning mindset, so that you can achieve anything your want in life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Kotlin Masterclass Using MVVM - Jetpack" |
"What do you get in this course?In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. Youll also have good knowledge to develop Android Apps by using the modern architecture components (MVVM with Jetpack).Should you learn Kotlin?Now that Google is pushing so hard for Android developers to use Kotlin, we are seeing a dramatic shift to Kotlin - It's similar to the iOS situation a few years ago with Objective-C when Apple released Swift.This is what youll learn in the course:Learn Kotlin from scratch and make a good background with it.Learn the new Android architecture components (MVVM) with Jetpack.How to use the Constraint Layout.How to use Fragment.How to use Data Binding.How to use UI layout with material design guidelines to support different Android screen sizes.How to use the Gradle in your app.How to use the room with SQLite database in Android.How to use LinearLayout.How to use FrameLayout.How to use TableLayout.How to use RecyclerView.Mastering Design Patterns in Android with KotlinWho this course is for:Anyone have some prior knowledge about Android development.Professional Android developers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
asur-voice |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |