Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A Practical Beginners Guide To The Basics Of Live Sound" |
"This course provides practical lessons in the basics of live sound engineering. Whether you are a solo musician, in a band, or need to do sound for live events (such as seminars, meetings or in church), this course is intended to give you a starting point for doing live sound, at a basic level, should the need arise.I'm teaching this course on an analogue mixing desk, but the underlying principles could also be applied in operating a digital mixing desk."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Literatura e Ensino: como analisar gneros narrativos?" |
"O curso tem como objetivo abordar sobre a BNCC - Base Nacional Comum Curricular (com enfoque no Campo Artstico - Literrio), o que so os gneros narrativos, e os elementos estruturais da narrativa, tais como o narrador, personagem, espao, tempo, ttulo, tema, simbolismo, alegoria, fluxo de conscincia, monlogo interior, tom, atmosfera e mais sobre o autor, contexto -histrico, anlise psicolgica e sociolgica no texto narrativo. Alm de trazer exemplos de obras literrias, suporte miditico (msica, vdeo), e propor uma sequncia didtica com anlise de conto, com o intuito de formar professores de literatura e profissionais da escrita que desejam conhecer mais sobre a estrutura narrativa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PowerShell Universal Dashboard" |
"Hi my name is Josh Green. I'm an distinguished PowerShell developer and system engineer who has 15 years experience working with fortune 500 companies.Who is this course for?Anyone who is looking to advance there PowerShell capabilities by building web dashboards.What are the benefits of the course?Learn to build and host a web dashboard using 100% PowerShell code. No web development experience is requiredLearn to run PowerShell scripts directly from the web dashboardLearn to display real time data to the web dashboard from PowerShellIn this courses I will be coveringHow to setup your environment to create web dashboards Creating examples of the dashboard componentsCreating a practical Active Directory and admin tools dashboard"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Co-Design User Experience With The User, For The User" |
"Most organizations take a traditional approach to user research. Using a UX researcher to act as a middle-man between users, designers, and business stakeholders. A researcher conducts user interview, observation etc. In the process, users are not fully consulted, and not given the freedom to express their thought.How Might We bring the user into the Design team, give them a tool to express their thought, to help the team to discover the user experience together in a highly engaging, open and creative environment?Co-Discover User Experience is the alternate approach and LEGO Serious Play method is the revolutionary method that can help to facilitate the process. In this course, I will explain what LEGO Serious Play is about, and how it is applied to the Human-Centred Design - Experiences Research process."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Certification" |
"Every operation serving or selling food needs to have a food safety system in place that is designed specifically to guarantee the food being served is safe to eat. This specific food safety system is called HACCP for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. There are twelve tasks required to develop a HACCP plan and these are designed to ensure that the seven principles are applied correctly. Principle 1, which is to conduct a hazard analysis, requires that the first five tasks have all been addressed in a logical and honest manner so that all real hazards associated with the commodity have been identified. The training will cover the 12 task/stesps in the following order:Task 1 - Establish a HACCP teamTask 2 - Describe the productTask 3 - Identify the product's intended useTask 4 - Draw up the commodity flow diagramTask 5 - On site confirmation of flow diagramTask 6 - Identify and analyse hazard(s) - (Principle 1)Task 7 - Determine the critical control points (CCPs) - (Principle 2).Task 8 - Establish critical limits for each CCP - (Principle 3)Task 9 - Establish a monitoring procedure - (Principle 4)Task 10 - Establish corrective action - (Principle 5)Task 11 - Verify the HACCP plan - (Principle 6)Task 12 - Keep record - (Principle 7)In addition, you will learn about food safety, common foodborne illness and basic ways of preventing foodborne illnesses. In order to get get a good price, use this coupon: HACCP-2020COUPON"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Automatizacin de redes" |
"Este curso est diseado como una introduccin a la automatizacin de redes de datos, mostrando la motivacin y las herramientas que hacen posible que gestionar redes heterogneas, complejas y grandes sea ms sencillo y con menos probabilidad de introduccin de errores manuales.Los contenidos de este curso sern extendidos y actualizados a partir de los comentarios de los alumnos y/o nuevas herramientas o conceptos que aparezcan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ANDROID Hacking & Penetration Testing : BUG BOUNTY Hunting" |
"----------- Learn to hunt bugs in Android Apps with Practical & Hands-on Lessons ----------------********** OFFER : Get Free Licence to BURPSUITE PROFESSIONAL with this course **********[ ************ DISCOUNT CODE: ""HACK-AUG"" for flat @ 499/- INR / $6.55 USD ************* ] This is the most comprehensive Course to begin your Bug Bounty career in Android PenTesting. Most Penetration testers target Web Applications for finding Bugs but most of them do not test the Android Apps which are a goldmine of vulnerabilities. This course will take you from the basics of Android Architecture to the advanced level of hunting vulnerabilities in the apps. No other course may provide with such a structured lesson and there are numerous Practical lesson with hands on hacking real and Live Android Applications. Practicals for finding vulnerabilities are important and this course provides a lot of hands-on practical lessons to clear the concept of each vulnerability."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Build real application by ASP.NET Core Simple To Complex" |
"This course is for anyone who is familiar with ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC basics and This course is a Beginner to Advance level course that show you from basic and simple to complex query. This course is for everyone who wants to be developed on ASP.NET Core.What am I going to get from this course?Build Asp net core application Data annotation and Fluent API to configuration models.Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrationsData SeedingImplement Complex Querying Model View ControllerImplement All Relationship TypesOne to OneOne to ManyMany to ManyUser EditRole EditSecurity.during the course you will use a simple to complex Query Syntax and Method syntax."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Scratch |
"9 ! - Minecraft. , . 21 . . Scratch ( MIT Media Lab). - . , . . Scratch 3.0. . Scratch . . , , , , """" , . , - , ! , , , ( ), ! , , ."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Mindset & Psychology Course: Self-Mastery 101" |
"Whats the biggest difference between someone who strides through life with ease, grace, and confidence - having abundance in all areas of life...and a person who continually sells itself short, watches opportunities and quality relationships pass by, as yet, another year fades away into disappointment, frustration, and unrealized potential?MASTERING THE FOUR PILLARS: Mindset & Spirituality, Health, Wealth, Relationships.The exterior is a reflection of the interior, you have to get the foundations right. You'll never have the result you deserve unless you learn these proper pragmatic mindsets & ideas.You will find yourself FLOATING UP into abundance and success.Youre skeptical. Youve heard big claims before and they didnt pan out.I get it.If you are anything like I was...Youre also frustrated...You know deep inside that unless something big changes, this is exactly what the rest of your life is going to look like...You know you can do more and be more and become part of the 1%.If you can relate to that, I have very good news for you.The answer to all of this, Is right under your nose...You're about to discover what separates you...This secret is the reason that the rich will continue to get richer and the poor keep getting poorerIts the real reason you will keep buying course after course about how to make money.When youll know what I'm about to teach you, you'll know exactly how to turn your life around 180 degrees...I'm Limo Oueslati, At about age 19, I knew I wanted to be a High Achiever, I bought about 60 different personal development products and went to dozens of business conferences and spiritual conferences from Tony Robbins to Eckhart Tolle.Nothing worked on me.Still broke. And still angry. I religiously invested all my money into mentors...High Achievers & High Performers People's brains are conditioned one way.And most other peoples brains are conditioned another...THAT is the only difference between you and Steve Jobs....If he hadnt made money with Apple, hed of made money somewhere else.Because it doesn't really matter what business they are in..They are wired for success. It just comes to them naturally.So I started using those methods & implementing these habits...Tweaking themto make them work for me.It was really weirdBut after a few weeks of doing this...I noticed my attitude started to change...I started to see things more clearly...My dreams about money just came more into focus and became more real to me and more doable.Suddenly I knew exactly what I needed to do... And with no hesitation, I started to do it.All that procrastination, and laziness that was keeping me on the couch, was gone.I started to really enjoy the work I was doing.It just flowed... Ideas started to come.Good solid ideas... I started moving forwardDo you know why you haven't clicked that BUY button yet? It's your brain.It's just another conditioned response telling you that this course is going to be just like all the other ones...It's another routine that's keeping you exactly where you are.With the same paycheck, same relationships, same health, same thoughts, same level of success...What do you think your future will really look like? If you dont make the change now... When will you make the change?With every day that goes by... Those childhood dreams fade further away.Let me show you how to bring those dreams back & have the exact proper mindset I learned from all my mentors & the well-being you deserve.This dual course is part of a bigger course focused on the FOUR PILLARS OF LIFE.You can implement the unique training inside Higher Self Mastery INSTANTLY, and through reflection and action, you will see IMMEDIATE RESULTS.If you apply and work on the assessments in the program will see miracles in your life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Forex MasterClass - Zero to Hero - *FREE Custom Indicator*" |
"Hi Guys and Girls and welcome to the BasicallyFX Masterclass 2020. My name is James and I have been trading Forex for 4 years. I started BasicallyFX to change and revolutionise how Forex trading is taught for beginners.The way Forex is traded is constantly changing each year, so I have created an up to date guide on how to trade. In this course I will strip down Forex to the very basics and build up all the relevant information you need and teach you to analyse the markets the way I do in 2020.No false promises or useless information. We get to the point and teach you from the very basics to the more complicated parts.By the end of this course you will be able to independently forecast movements in the forex markets. Within this course we will be looking at goal setting, what Forex is, and how we trade it, Forex terminologies such as bid/ask, pips and many more, we will also be looking at different types of analysis such as trend lines, patterns and support and resistance, and also how to set up and use TradingView.On top of all these videos you will also have access to a FREE Pattern Cheat Sheet. Showcasing topics such as Popular Patterns, and a Candlestick Cheat Sheet. We have also included an additional section on Cryptocurrency. You will have access to every slide within this video that you can print out and learn on the go.If you are looking to discover Forex for the first time. This course is perfect for you. I look forward to seeing you in the course and in the community!Take care guys!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Befhigte Person zur Prfung und Wartung von Toranlagen" |
"Herzlich willkommen zum ersten Online Seminar, der Fachfortbildung rund um DIN, Norm und ASR 1.7Diese Fachfortbildung richtet sich an alle Fachbetriebe und Monteure aus der Tor und Zaunbranche, die nach ASR1.7 Prfung und Wartung an Toranlagen ausfhren.Sachkunde ist generell auf 2 Jahre Gltigkeit begrenzt, so dass alle Sachkundigen, einen regelmigen Nachweis ber Fortbildungsmanahmen bentigen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sachkunde ASR1.7" |
"Herzlich willkommen zum ersten Online Seminar, der Fachfortbildung rund um DIN, Norm und ASR 1.7Diese Fachfortbildung richtet sich an alle Fachbetriebe und Monteure aus der Tor und Zaunbranche, die nach ASR1.7 Prfung und Wartung an Toranlagen ausfhren.Sachkunde ist generell auf 2 Jahre Gltigkeit begrenzt, so dass alle Sachkundigen, einen regelmigen Nachweis ber Fortbildungsmanahmen bentigen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Carreira 4.0" |
"O curso ajudar voc a encontrar um propsito na carreira e se recolocar no mercado dominado pela Indstria 4.0. - O seu Branding Pessoal ganhar um novo posicionamento com o uso inteligente do LinkedIn. - As inovaes da sua carreira sero desenhadas no Canvas do Modelo de Negcio Pessoal. - A sua produtividade aumentar exponencialmente com a Trade do Tempo. - Voc ser capaz de gerenciar equipes de alta performance com a ferramenta Project Model Canvas e o Modelo de Gesto SCRUM.- Sero apresentadas as etapas de um processo seletivo real, aplicado numa empresa lder de mercado, facilitando a sua preparao para uma seleo online ou presencial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diferansiyel Denklemler" |
"Az ve z bilgiyle diferansiyel denklemleri anlattm bir kurs.Bu kursta, Birinci mertebeden, ikinci mertebeden ve yksek mertebeden diferansiyel denklemler,kinci mertebeden diferansiyel denklemlerin seri zmleri veHomojen ve homojen olmayan lineer diferansiyel denklem sistemlerinin zm yollar anlatlmtr.Dikkat: Bu kurs niversite matematik 1-2 ve lineer cebir bilginiz olduu varsaylarak hazrlanmtr.Ltfen bunu dikkate alnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
how-to-creat-youtube-channel |
"YouTube SEO"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Get a Job at Google - Insights from Former Employees" |
"We've put this course together to debunk a myth! With a full team who's combined Google experience extends into the decades, we've heard the questions hundreds of times before. People on the outside always ask the same two things - 1) ""Is Google really like that on the inside?"" Meaning is it all its cracked up to be, and the answer is always yes, its true!The second question, is always more of a statement - ""but its impossible to get in!"".... Not true!. Google does an incredible job making the world believe that you have to be a genius to work there. They say that to make sure they always have a queue at the door waiting to get in, but most Google employees are just hard workers who are willing to take the time to learn what Google wants, and that's absolutely something you can do too. Weve made this course to explain to you exactly what that is - so that you can stop believing in the myth and start making progress towards the career that you really want.Get ahead of the competitionUnderstand Google's review process in detailGoogles review process is predictable, but its extremely unintuitive if youre not familiar with the details of how it works. Well show you exactly what the review process looks like and how you can optimise your application to fit 100% with what Google wants.Avoid the hidden obstacles!The majority of candidates fail because of mistakes that are easy to make but impossible to avoid as an outsider, especially early in the process. Youll learn exactly what they are and how to get by them while others fail.Work around qualificationsMost Googlers get their dream jobs without relevant qualifications - really! Youll learn how thats possible and how to take advantage of the same loopholes right from the beginning. Its the most important factor in Google careers, and the least well known.Fast progress with detailed templatesWeve done the hard work for you. Youll get a templated guide and step by step instructions to build your resume and application based exactly on those submitted by successful candidatesTestimonials from just some of our happy students:What else can I say, this information got me hired""Great content and explains what everyone understands on the inside but nobody seems to get on the outside, it really is just a matter of following step by step to gain that advantage needed"".- ND, Google EMEA.Packed with so much practical advice!""Amazing! Finally something with actionable tips! This cuts through all the noise out there and explains how it all actually works, and how to make real progress. Anyone who thinks they want to work at Google should take this course!""- Tasha, Google North America."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Revit bsico casa popular" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Visualize Data with JavaScript" |
"Welcome to How to Visualize Data with JavaScript. In this project, join Elisabeth Robson to learn how to incorporate data visualization into your web skills using simple JavaScript along with HTML and CSS. Elisabeth will take you through building an interactive visualization using data downloaded from NOAA, reading data into a web page, adding the data to an HTML table with JavaScript code, adding color to the visualization with JavaScript and CSS, and using a little jQuery to help make selecting and updating elements in the page easy.Pre-requisitesTo successfully complete this project, we recommend that you have some background in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You don't need to be an expert by any means, but you should have experience building web pages with HTML and CSS, and you should have basic programming skills with JavaScript.Learning PathHead First HTML and CSSHead First JavaScript Programming (Chapters 1-6)How jQuery Works: The BasicsThis course: How to Visualize Data with JavaScript"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Visualize Data with D3" |
"Welcome to How to Visualize Data with D3. In this project, join Elisabeth Robson to learn how to incorporate data visualization into your web skills using HTML, JavaScript and the D3 data visualization library. Elisabeth will take you through building a visualization using data downloaded from NASA. You'll learn how to use D3 to read data into a web page, select and create new elements, and position and style elements to generate a striking color visualization. Along the way you'll learn from the ground up how to use D3: how data binding works, how to use methods to add attributes and style on D3 elements, and how to use scale functions to process data points as you build the visualization.At the end of the course you'll have completed a data visualization of the NASA data, and have some new skills you can apply to your own data too."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Visualize Data with R" |
"Welcome to How to Visualize Data with R. In this project, join Elisabeth Robson to learn how to use the R programming language and RStudio to visualize data. Elisabeth will take you through building a visualization using data downloaded from the US National Weather Service. You'll learn how to use R to read data from a CSV file, inspect and understand data and data frames, and use the plot() and ggplot() functions to create data visualizations. Along the way you'll learn from the ground up how to use R and RStudio, including how to create and run an R script, basic R data types and values, how to create a scatter plot graph, how linear regression works, and how to install and use an R package.At the end of the course you'll have completed a data visualization of the weather data, and have some new skills you can apply to your own data too."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build the Game of Life" |
"Welcome to Build the Game of Life, a project that takes you through building a generative, cellular automaton game from start to finish in a one page app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This project is a great way for you to integrate your skills with markup, style and behavior by creating an interactive and dynamic application right in your browser. In this project well make heavy use of the DOM, events, timing and simple logic to create a truly generative application."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Generative Music Box Project" |
"Welcome to Build a Generative Music Box. In this project we take inspiration from Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers Bloom application. You'll build a web application, using JavaScript, that allows you to create generative, ambient music. With a small amount of code you'll handle your mouse clicks, use the canvas for the user interface and graphics, and leverage the Web Audio API to create sound. You'll also spend a lot of time on scheduling events in time and organizing your code. This project is a great way for you to practice programming in JavaScript by creating an interactive and dynamic application right in your browser."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Facebook 101 Marketing for Business" |
"Youve got the product, service or solution your audience needs.But, customers don't even know you exist.And those who do know you, can't seem to remember your business when they could use your service.Why?In this course, you'll learn how to make your business stand out on Facebook for the long run.Hey there! I'm Sarah Douglas your instructor and I'm here to help you WIN on social media!What You'll LearnHow to create the best content, save time with scheduling and connect with your followers!Develop a successful brand on Facebook to increase reach and generate sales.Know the right tools and services to use to save time and get organized!Produce original content that creates buzz and a consistent social media presence.Learn how to Use Facebook advertising in a cost-effective way.Make the most of Facebook features like Live videos and more!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"THEO 101 - Soteriologia Doutrina da Salvao" |
"No modulo THEO 01 - Soteriologia Doutrina da Salvao estudaremos: I. A PROVISO DA SALVAO1. O Pecado do Homem2. A Graa de Deus3. A Proviso de Cristo4. O Alcance da Salvaoa) A Salvao Para o Mundo Inteirob) A Salvao Para os que Cremc) Alguns Abandonaro a SalvaoII. O LADO DIVINO DA SALVAO1. A Prescincia de Deus2. A Eleio Divina3. A Predestinao4. O Chamamento5. Cooperando Com Deus na Salvaoa) O Determinismob) O Livre Arbtrioc) Cooperando Com a SalvaoIII. O LADO HUMANO DA SALVAO1. O Que Converso2. O Que Arrependimento3. O Que F4. JustificaoIV. A JUSTIFICAO1. A Natureza e as Caractersticas da Justificao2. Elementos da Justificaoa) O Elemento Negativob) O Elemento Positivo3. Obteno e Conservao da Justificao4. Os Benefcios da Justificaoa) Um Novo Relacionamento com a Leib) Um Novo Relacionamento com Deusc) Uma Nova Concepo da Culpa Pessoald) Uma Nova Concepo da do FuturoV. A REGENERAO1. A Necessidade da Regenerao2. Os Meios Para a Regeneraoa) Ouvir a Palavra de Deusb) Crer na Palavra de Deus3. Regenerao Mudana4. O Simbolismo do Batismo em guasVI. A ADOO1. O Crente Como Filho de Deus2. O Crente Como Irmo de Jesus Cristo3. O Crente Como Herdeiro do Cu4. Bnos Decorrentes da Adooa) Libertao da Escravido da Leib) Libertao do medoc) Segurana e CertezaVII. A SANTIFICAO1. A Natureza da Santificaoa) Santificao do Passadob) Santificao no Presentec) Santificao no Futuro2. O Propsito da Santificao3. Meios da Santificaoa) Somos Santificados Pela Palavrab) Somos Santificados Pelo Sangue de Jesusc) Somos Santificados Pela Trindade4. O Lado Humano da Santificaoa) Separao do Pecadob) Dedicao ao Servio de DeusVIII. POSSIVEL PERDER A SALVAO?1. O Argumento das Escrituras2. Advertncias Diretas3. Exemplos a Considerar"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"THEO - 102 hamartiologia ""doutrina do pecado""" |
"No modulo THEO 102 - HAMARTIOLOGIA ""DOUTRINA DO PECADO"" estudaremos:I. A ORIGEM DO PECADO1. Conceitos Histricos Sobre a Origem do Pecadoa) Do Gnosticismo a Orgenesb) Os Pais da Igreja Gregac) De Agostinho Reformad) Do Racionalismo a Karl Barth2. O Que a Bblia Ensina Sobre a Origem do Pecadoa) Deus no o Autor do Pecadob) O Pecado Teve Origem no Mundo Anglicoc) A Origem do Pecado na Raa Humana3. O Carter do Primeiro Pecado do Homema) Seu Carter Formalb) Seu Carter Essencial4. A Universalidade do Pecadoa) O Testemunho da Historiab) Todos PecaramII. A NATUREZA ESSENCIAL DO PECADO1. A Idia Bblica do Pecadoa) O Pecado Tem uma Classe Especfica de Malb) O Pecado Tem um Carter Absolutoc) O Pecado Sempre Dirigido Contra Deusd) O Pecado Inclui Tanto a Culpa Como a CorrupoHamartiologia 6e) O Pecado Tem Lugar no Corao2. O Pecado Originala) Conceito Histricob) Elementos do Pecado Original3. O Pecado Atuala) Relao Entre Pecado Original e Pecado Atualb) Classificao dos Pecados Atuais4. O Pecado Imperdovela) Opinies Sobre Esse Pecadob) Opinio Correta a Respeito Deste Pecadoc) O Crente Est Sujeito a Esse Pecado5. O Pecado e o Crentea) Possvel o Crente Pecar?b) Possveis Causas do Pecado na Vida do Crentec) Conseq.ncias do Pecado na Vida do Crented) Como o Crente Deve Tratar Com o Pecado"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Recruit and Hire A-Players" |
"Experts estimate that the cost of a bad hire can range from the tens to the hundreds of thousands of dollars. As small business owners we simply cannot afford to make bad hires. It's like throwing out an anchor on your business, slowing your growth, doing damage to your brand, and upsetting the culture and morale that you have worked so hard to build. The cost of a bad hire can reach up to 30% of the employee's first-year earnings US Department of LaborBad hires cost $240,000 in expenses related to hiring, compensation and retention The Undercover Recruiter74% of companies who admit they've hired the wrong person for a position lost an average of $14,900 for each bad hire CareerBuilder""According to a study by Leadership IQ, 46% of newly-hired employees will fail within 18 months, while only 19% will achieve unequivocal success."" - Why New Hires Fail, Leadership IQ dot comIn my How to Recruit and Hire A-Players course you will learn a proven, step-by-step process for Recruiting and Hiring A-Players. Implementing these proven strategies, you have the opportunity to go from hiring 25% A-Players, which is the average when going by gut and opinion, to 75% or more. This has been borne out in my business and for dozens of clients. Now you get access to these strategies and techniques for a tiny fraction of the cost of a bad hire. You will be able to define and identify A-Players for your organizationreach them with a meaningful message that resonatesqualify them through a thorough hiring processimplement an on-boarding process to not only impress and train the A-Players, but catch any C and D-Players that slip through the cracks limiting the damage, costs, and frustrations to your business. You will have all the steps find and attract more A-Players and build a stronger, more effective team. Enroll now and start hiring more A-Players!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Nuke VFX Compositing: The Essentials - NK101" |
"This Nuke visual effects training course will take you through the fundamental concepts of VFX Compositing in Nuke, and how to learn the user interface. By the end of the course, you will successfully be able to composite what would be considered a ""Junior Digital Compositing"" shot. The final project includes all of the techniques you learn along the way. The class is focused primarily on the 2D aspects of compositing to get you started. It involves replacing a background, color correcting and blending the foreground and background, motion tracking the background to the foreground, and seamlessly bringing it all together. As a bonus, you learn how to create an animated hologram effect from scratch appearing in front of the character!There will be a lot of theory you need to learn first before you can successfully composite a shot, and with anything worth learning there is a learning curve. But if you persist through you will have a great payoff and skillset at the end, and a great shot to show off that you created!A thank you to the BLENDER FOUNDATION and Xiph for providing the free footage of the green screen!Note: You will be required to sign up and download the project files if you want to follow along with this class"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"VFX Compositing Elements Photorealistically in Nuke" |
"In this course, you will learn how to take your elements to the next level. I have used these SAME techniques in many of the feature film studios I have worked in around the globe. These techniques do not only apply to fire, and can be used for many effects.Learn how to study reference, understand camera exposure the relationship between light and shadow, as well as how to make your elements interact with the environment.We will cover such topics as:Exponential glow (and how to layer many glows together to achieve more realistic results)Exposing light through volumetric materials such as smokeReflecting and bouncing light around an environmentSimulating 3d embers as a particle emitter and creating smoldering materials from noise patternsCreating heat distortionFinalizing your composite with overall color grades, and artistic choices on how to balance a shot colors.Many of these techniques are common for other type of effects as well, so you will be able to transfer these skills over onto such things such as:-Lasers passing through environments-Space ship or jet engines, taking off or landing-Explosions-Light beams or spotlights scanning an environment"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Booster votre rentabilit grce la Dcoration" |
"A travers ce cours, je vous accompagne pas pas afin de booster votre rentabilit et augmenter le cash flow de votre/vos appartements.Ce cours a t cre avec une architecte et une dcoratrice d'intrieur afin de vous donner des conseils de professionnels !!!!!Que vous soyez investisseur/se immobilier dbutant ou expert ce cours vous apprendra optimiser les pices, gagner de l'espace grce des trucs et astuces indits, et tellement de conseils pratico-pratiques utiles et utilisables tout de suite pour crer un coup de coeur immdiat !!!Vous allez trouver des ides de conceptions, les couleurs, les tendances et les matires qu'il faut utiliser afin de crer un effet wouhaou. Le 1er coup de coeur se fait distance => sur photo. Le 2nd coup de coeur se fait lors des visites.L'optimisation, la dcoration, l'amnagement nous permettent de louer plus cher, plus vite et aux bons locataires !!!Et cela fait toute la diffrence par rapport vos concurrents et vis vis de votre banquier. Apprenez le faire vous-mme.C'est simple, rapide et trs efficace."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fit & Flirty Over Thirty" |
"The course consists of 21 x 5-10 minute HIIT videos designed to burn calories, build strength, jumpstart your metabolism, and tone the whole body with targeted exercises. The fun part about this challenge is that while each video exercise is between 5-10 minutes long, you can workout for as long as you want by layering more assigned HIIT exercises. So if you want to work out for 20 minutes you can do Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3 exercises all in one day. Or you can stick to the one per day and still get results.There are 4 main sections of the body that this course focuses on: core, arms, legs & butt. The course includes: - 21 x 5-10 minute HIIT, Yoga & Dance blended exercises- A suggested meal plan- The Fit & Flirty Over Thirty e-guide- A social media community of supporters, including private access to our Facebook page with info on fitness, nutrition & more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |