Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"2020: How To Choose a Winning Amazon FBA Product Every Time" |
"Whether you are just starting as a seller on Amazon and are a complete novice to the complex marketing world, or you have been selling products on Amazon for years and simply cannot make your mind up as to which product to launch, this course will guide you step-by-step on how to find and select a perfect product in the most efficient way. This course will enable you to fully grasp basic and advanced strategies and approaches when it comes to sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship. What makes this course different, is you will also learn the importance of creating a winning mindset to withstand the emotional rollercoaster of product research and business in general.I will be diving deep into topics the so-called ""gurus"" won't tell you which includes, detailed instructions on how to organize your searching, strategies to follow in order to make the most educated decisions, and how to create a winning criteria that truly helps you distinguish between what products are the perfect option to go for before you move forward in the FBA process.In addition to that, my courses will cover some topics that other leaders simply fail to mention which include, entrepreneurial strategies that are truly ""make or break"" for your business, principles of marketing, basic and advanced product research techniques, as well as real world detail-oriented explanations and business advice from a professional viewpoint. Apart from helping you understand the marketing world and I will go over topics such as self-awareness, mindset and creating various paradigm shifts to take your business to a whole new level!It is very important that you follow the criteria and strict qualifications I share in my course, it will enable you to close the gap tremendously in finding profitable products. I believe my course will enable you to gain the skills that will push you ahead of your competition! There are numerous mistakes even the most experienced sellers make when choosing their products to sell on Amazon and I will cover them in this course to make sure you do not follow the same fate.I will devote my time and energy to every student individually and make sure you understand each step along the way and most importantly I will be going live and demonstrating in detail how I choose a million-dollar product on Amazon."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Agent - Preparing for taxes." |
"Preparing for your taxes as a Real Estate Agent can be a headache. What can you deduct as an expense? What information does your tax preparer need? How to choose a tax preparer? What forms do you need? What is your legal responsibility? After these training videos getting ready for your taxes will be an easy task."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preparing for Taxes - Self Employed" |
"Preparing for your taxes as Self-Employed can be a headache. What information does your tax preparer need? How to choose a tax preparer? What forms do you need? What is your legal responsibility? What can you deduct as an expense?After these training videos getting ready for your taxes will be an easy task."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preparing for Taxes - Construction" |
"Preparing for your taxes as a Contractor can be a headache. What information does your tax preparer need? How to choose a tax preparer? What forms do you need? What is your legal responsibility? What can you deduct as an expense?After these training videos getting ready for your taxes will be an easy task."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Flutter renin" |
"Mobil uygulama gelitirmek iin ekstradan Android veya Swift gibi dilleri renmek iin vakit harcamanza gerek kalmadan kullanc dostu profesyonel uygulamalar gelitirmek ok kolay. Bu kursa gerek rnek ve anlatmlarla profesyonel bir uygulama nasl yaplr, nasl yaynlanr ve nasl reklam verilir gibi incelikleri reneceiz. Kursun sonunda aklnzdaki projeyi gerek hayata dntrebileceiniz dzeyde bilgi sahibi olmu olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bye bye stress" |
"This training contains everything you need to know to better manage your stress in order to be calm, relaxed and no longer be a slave to your stress. I share with you how to understand your emotions, as well as techniques and methods to decrease and control your stress. You could radically change your life! That's good, that is precisely the ambition of this training!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fastest free tricks for instagram growth ; Radioinsta" |
"A different course for learning some amazing tricks practically and step by step.Get from zero to 50 K followers in one month. I'm sure you can not find this course any where and by using this tricks grow up your page in an unbelievable time you can take advantage of different parts in every level that you are without any requirement"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Increase your SELF-ESTEEM and improve communication skills" |
"Hey, I am Kseniia! Welcome to the course where I will you what you can do to become more confident. Learn how to become more confident, get rid of fear of public speaking, how to say No and accept criticism. Increase your self-esteem and start live how you really want! This course will motivate you for self-development and increasing your level of self-esteem. This course is suitable for absolutely everyone who wants to change something in their life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Seu Site Grtis no Google Sites" |
"Curso completo com vdeoaulalas para voc tirar aquele projeto da gaveta e se destacar na internet com um site profissional para seu negcio. So mais de 2h de contedo detalhado e prtico sobre a plataforma Google Sites.Domine a criao do seu site fazendo voc mesmo sem saber programao.A Importncia na internet para seu negcio;Criando conta Google;Conhecendo a Plataforma (Viso Geral);Criando um site juntos;Definindo Layout;Inserindo e formatando textos;Inserindo Imagens e Vdeos;Criando e formatando rodap;Inserindo Widget (cdigos de incorporao);...e muito mais!Iremos aprender do BSICO at o AVANADOPartiremos do absoluto ZERO (portanto, voc no precisa de experincia prvia) e iremos chegar at o nvel PROFISSIONAL, onde voc ser capaz de realizar a gesto completa de seu site e, mais do que isso, obter resultados reais com SEO.Se voc j tem certa experincia com o criao de sites, no se preocupe! Esse curso tambm para voc. Ao longo do curso, iremos ver na prtica as melhores dicas e prticas aplicadas por especialistas do mercado de Marketing Digital. Sendo assim, se voc dono de um negcio ou um empreendedor, a plataforma do Google Sites com certeza uma parada obrigatria na sua trajetria. Seja para aumentar suas vendas ou aprimorar o seu curriculum, garantindo uma excelente valorizao profissional.Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasMuito obrigado por ter dedicado o seu tempo valioso para conferir o curso completo. Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar e vai estar tomando a deciso correta!E porque esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria com a Criao de se Site Google Sites, s clicar no boto! :)Para quem este curso:Iniciantes na rea de Marketing e Comunicao;Empreendedores e empresrios em busca de resultado;Estudantes e curiosos digitais;Freelancers da rea de Marketing e Comunicao."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
product-owner-1h |
"! , - , . , ? , ? . , , . , . , , , 10 , . - . . -, , , , , . 3 : . , . , , . , . , 2 Project Canvas. , User Story .. , , . , , , . , . , !P. S.: , . !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Earn 6-Figures in Sales From Home" |
"In this course, you will be equipped with the skills and know-how to not only close deals but how to land yourself a contract with a Business that enables you to sell from home and generate a minimum 6-Figure Income coming from my own experience of being a 'Contract Closer' for the last 4 years and building a life that runs on my own terms"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fondamenta di Amore: Evolvi, attrai,e conquista le ragazze !" |
"Vuoi diventare un maestro delle dinamiche di corteggiamento tra i sessi ? Vuoi finalmente capire che cosa passa per la testa (ed il corpo) di ragazzi e ragazze quando eccitati sessualmente, che cosa attrae gli uni agli altri ? Vuoi diventare la versione migliore e pi attrattiva di te stesso, superando tutti quei blocchi emotivi e psicologici legati ad una bassa autostima ? Vuoi finalmente riuscire ad esprimere senza difficolt, in maniera autentica e connessa la tua sessualit ? Questo e molto di pi troverai nel programma FONDAMENTA DI AMORE. Migliora la qualit della tua vita e delle tue dinamiche relazionali con l'altro sesso, grazie ad oltre 100 diapositive illustrate, e pi di 10 ORE di contenuti registrati per te !"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Private Label - Make Money Online Home Business" |
"This course is continually kept up-to-date.Last update January 2020Learn step-by-step how to start selling on Amazon from scratch & how to make a great side or full-time income, or much more, as an Amazon FBA seller.Watch over-my-shoulder while I demonstrate how to copy my results & get your business up and running - in the least possible amount of time. Section 1: Finding a Profitable ProductSection 2: Get Your Product MadeSection 3: Get Your Amazon Account and Business Set Up Section 4: Your First Product OrderSection 5: High Ranking Amazon Listing CreationSection 6: Shipping to AmazonSection 7: Turbo Launch Your Product SalesSection 8: Running Promotions and Amazon PPC To Boost Sales ProfitablySection 9: Running Your Business Section 10: Expanding Your Amazon Business Amazon Inc Handles All The Heavy Lifting- Warehousing- Shipping- Most customer emails- Most of the marketing - as 100 million + Prime Members shop on Amazon- Leverage the trust Amazon has built with shoppersStart a Profitable and Sustainable Business as an Amazon Seller by Following a Proven, Step-by-Step Blueprint for Beginners or Existing New Sellers Who Want More Sales"" I've sold $6,000 in the last month - just 3 months after starting - great foundation! ""We go through 100 product ideas to show you exactly how to find a great productStart on a small budget and scale up fastLearn how to source great selling items Rank quickly on amazon by following our product listing MASTERYDiscover simple, little known techniques to fast track your resultsAnd much, much more in bite size steps!Everything you need to be a successful seller is included in this course There are over 150,000 Sellers On Amazon making over $100k a year - people from all walks of life just like you!Amazon is growing at 20% a year! The timing is perfect.Learn how to leverage the multi-billion dollar Amazon platform to sell physical products means that you will no longer focus on living paycheck to paycheck. There are more million dollar a year Amazon FBA sellers being created now than ever beforeEnroll today and begin your journey to a full-time income as an Amazon FBA seller! : )"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Odoo 13 para implantadores" |
"Si quieres un cupn descuento % mndame un WhatsApp +34 616554015.En este curso de Odoo, aprenders a desplegar Odoo en un VPS real para produccin paso a paso. Un curso totalmente prctico.Ademas si eres implantador recibirs todos los materiales necesarios para que puedas desplegar los proyectos de tus clientes en pocos minutos, es un proyecto totalmente automatizado utilizando las ltimas tecnologas (Docker Compose)Nota importante: el proyecto con SSL y actualizaciones slo estar disponible para la versin plus del Curso (alojada en mi web odooerpcloud . com) y tambin para las suscripciones que llevan mas de 35 das activas, las polticas de Udemy no protegen nuestros proyectos y materiales digitales en una devolucin."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
eizo_kiso |
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Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
meditation_basic |
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Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Security Engineering & Communication and Network Security" |
"Welcome to this course: CISSP Certification Domain 3 & 4 - Security Architecture and Engineering & Communication and Network Security. Organizations today are concerned with a myriad of potential security issues, including those pertaining to the confidential data stored in their databases. This course consists of security design principles that are the building blocks of secure software, hardware, and networking products. This course also addresses best practices, proven models, and processes that can be adapted during product design. This course covers security engineering from the ground up. It then goes into how systems are evaluated and rated by governments and other agencies, and what these ratings actually mean. Networking is one of the more complex topics in the computer field, mainly because so many technologies are involved and are evolving. This course will cover foundational concepts in network architecture and network security. IP and non-IP protocols, their application, threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures are covered with suitable examples. Our current technologies are constantly evolving, and every month there seems to be new emerging technologies that we have to learn, understand, implement, and secure.In this course, you'll learn:Implement and manage engineering processes using secure design principlesUnderstand the fundamental concepts of security modelsSelect controls based upon systems security requirementsUnderstand security capabilities of information systems (e.g., memory protection, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), encryption/decryption)Assess and mitigate the vulnerabilities of security architectures, designs, and solution elementsAssess and mitigate vulnerabilities in web-based systemsAssess and mitigate vulnerabilities in mobile systemsAssess and mitigate vulnerabilities in embedded devicesApply cryptographyApply security principles to site and facility designImplement site and facility security controlsImplement secure design principles in network architecturesSecure network componentsImplement secure communication channels according to design"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Sparx Enterprise Architect" |
"In this introduction on Sparx Enterprise Architect you will get an overview of the functionalities available. It is a starting point for creating models in various modeling languages, it describes how you can turn the tool in a repository. Other subjects explained in this course are publishing modeling documents, security, working in teams and maximize your efficency when modeling.This training is relevant for everybody who wants to make a jumpstart in modeling with Enterprise Architect"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Makale Yazarl ile Seo Uyumlu Makale retin" |
"13 Yldr ierik pazarlamas ve dijital pazarlama alannda faaliyet gsteren bir iletmeye sahibim. A'dan Z'ye dijital ierik retimi konusunda detayl bir eitim hazrladk. Bu sayede kendi iinizin patronu olarak, zamana ve mekana bal kalmadan sizde makale yazarlndan kazan salayabilirsiniz. ster ek iiniz, ister tek iiniz olarak icra edebilirsiniz!Makale yazarl konusunda gereken tm bilgileri renerek yarn para kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz!Eitim ierisinde gereken tm bilgiler sfrdan balayan bir birey iin hazrlanm olup eitim sonunda uygulamal olarak herhangi bir konuda sfrdan nasl makale yazlacan da iermektedir. Yeni iinize merhaba diyerek bugn yeni bir meslek edinip para kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D - Curso Interactivo" |
"Este curso est dirigido a ingenieros, topgrafos, arquitectos, diseadores, proyectistas civiles y carreras afines, que deseen entrar en el sistema BIM, a travs de la plataforma Civil 3d, que permite crear elementos topogrficos y de movimiento de tierra, para el clculo y la cuantificacin de material, as como el modelado y manejo de los terrenos naturales y modificados para obtener un proyecto de terraceras completo, base fundamental para la construccin de obras civiles.Objetivo General: - Manejo de puntos topogrficos. - Construir superficies topogrficas, generando sus curvas de nivel, secciones y perfil longitudinal. - Implantar terrazas. - Calcular movimientos de tierra. Objetivos Especficos: - Manejar la plataforma y sus aspectos bsicos. - Introducir puntos, caractersticas y configuraciones. - Manejar la base de datos de puntos. - Crear, agrupar, importar y exportar puntos. - Generar tablas de puntos. - Crear superficies a travs de puntos y curvas de nivel. - Agregar y editar datos de superficies. - Mejorar el modelado de superficies a travs de lneas de quiebre y lmites. - Implantar terrazas, con definicin de taludes de corte y relleno. - Calcular movimiento de tierra. - Generar secciones y tabla del movimiento de tierra."
Price: 2520.00 ![]() |
"Civil 3d - Corredores Viales" |
"Objetivo General:Desarrollar un proyecto vial con la utilizacin del programa Auto CAD Civil 3D, aplicando para ello, parmetros profesionales para su diseo y presentacin Objetivos Especficos:- Definicin y configuracin del Alineamiento Horizontal. - Etiquetado del alineamiento horizontal. - Definicin y configuracin del Alineamiento Vertical (Rasante). - Etiquetado del alineamiento vertical.- Creacin de bandas para la guitarra. - Definicin y configuracin de la Seccin Tpica del proyecto. - Manejo del elemento CORREDOR. - Creacin de superficie de la va y curvas de pavimento. - Clculo de peralte. - Creacin de intersecciones. - Clculo de movimiento de tierra del proyecto. - Clculo de materiales.- Tablas de movimiento de tierra y materiales."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Adsense Arbitrage : How To Find Winning Articles And Niches" |
"In This Course We Will Discover Three Ways To Find & Create Winning Articles And Winning Niches In An Adsense Arbitrage Business .The Methods That You Are Going To Learn Are For This Specific Business Only And This Is The First Place Where They Become Exposed To You .This Course Has Been Designed Specifically To Adress The Issue Of A Winning Niche In Adsense Arbitrage ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"[2020] - Frontend Developer Interview Questions & Answers" |
"Hi and welcome to my course.I am a self-taught Frontend Web Developer and have worked on several different projects with all sizes of companies out there. Companies that had a small team of just 2 Developers to companies that had 33 Developers on the team.With all these projects came a prerequisite, Interviews!Finding a new job can be challenging and intimidating some times. Frontend Technologies are evolving every day and all job requirements seem to be for someone who's no short of a genius ""someone who can hit the ground running from the very first day"". The Frontend Development terminology has evolved so much and everyone has a different definition and understanding of it nowadays. Everyone's looking for a ""Frontend Developer"" who can also perform Design, Backend, and DevOps tasks as well.Let me share my experience when it comes to interviewing for a new job. Always focus on self-education, your first few job applications should be for the job locations that you're probably not interested in. That'll help you understand the current trends/wants of a Frontend Developer job.Some job descriptions could look very intimidating and leave you wondering if you'd be the right fit for the job or not. Remember, not all job requirements come from the actual team you might join if you're selected. Some of the requirements are just Nice-to-haves or standards that are set by the company for that type of role in any team/department.Make sure you're managing your time. Don't schedule interviews for more time than you can handle in a day, that can be pretty overwhelming. The more focused and calm you're, the more you can dig into your interviews and be confident. Just in one day, I had 3 interviews that totaled in 8 hours. By the third interview, I was so burnt out that I couldn't even think of some basic answers and examples to some of the questions.During the interview, don't be afraid to ask questions at any time. It should be as important for you to understand what you're signing up for as whom they are hiring. The interviews I enjoyed the most were where I was asking a lot of questions as well and it was more like a conversation rather an interrogation. And those landed me the jobs I wanted.Speak from experiences where you can, provide real-world examples.Speak slowly and confidently, ask them to repeat themselves if you didn't catch something or understand anything. You don't have to know the answer to everything they ask, it could be something you haven't worked with yet, be honest.If you're coding live and get stuck somewhere, ask for help/hints. Most interviewers in my experience have helped me understand the requirements better or the directions I could take to overcome the mental blockage we have sometimes. It goes back to one of my previous comments, take it as a conversation/ peer programming. Work through the live coding sessions as you'd peer program/ pair code.Last but not least, enjoy the journey!This course will help you brush up on some of the fundamentals of Frontend Web Development. I have put together a list of 30 different Questions and Answers: 10 each for CSS, HTML, and Javascript.Don't stop learning because life doesn't stop teaching. Oscar Auliq-Ice""Frontend Developers never stop learning."" Lol.- Sunil Thakran"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Social Media English" |
"Social media slang and idioms are everywhere in YouTube videos, news, magazines. But, they aren't taught in English language books or classes even though it is vocabulary we use in our daily lives! So, in my Social Media English course you will learn important vocabulary related to 4 of the most popular forms of social media. This course will be quick, easy to understand and at the end of every lesson I provide a list of the vocabulary and worksheets to practice what you have learned."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Complete 2020 guide to Solar PV Installation & Maintenance" |
"A course intended to provide much-needed skill of solar installation. Everyone from a student to a technician has been kept in mind while designing this course so that everyone can be benefitted from this course.Everyone from any background with no prior knowledge of solar can learn solar installation in the easiest way from this course."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Fluxo de Caixa na Prtica" |
"Sejam todos muito bem-vindos ao nosso Curso Gesto de Fluxo de Caixa na Prtica. Eu me chamo Bruce Duarte, sou economista (UFSC), especialista em finanas (FGV), professor e consultor de empresas h mais de 10 anos. Elaborei um curso voltado para profissionais e empresrios que desejam aprimorar o controle financeiro de suas empresas por meio de conhecimentos prticos e focados em resultado."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manuteno Express - Formatao e Reparo de Computadores" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso Manuteno Express!O Curso Completo Sobre Montagem, Reparo E Manuteno De Computadores.Se voc quer atuar como um tcnico em manuteno de computadores, tanto para uso pessoal, uso no trabalho, quanto para voc montar o seu prprio negcio, esse o curso perfeito para introduzir voc a este mundo, ou at mesmo revisar contedos importantes e atualizar-se de forma objetiva. Visando o uso prtico das necessidades e servios do dia-a-dia!No se preocupe se voc no sabe nada de informtica, voc no precisa ser um gnio da computao! Porque eu vou te acompanhar desde o incio. Eu vou te mostrar o passo a passo para voc se tornar um verdadeiro profissional em manuteno de computadores!Ao final do curso voc estar apto a:- Identificar e Solucionar Problemas de Computadores e Notebooks- Realizar Montagem e Manuteno de Computador- Formatar Computadores e Notebooks de Maneira Profissional e com Segurana- Realizar Manuteno Preventiva- Diagnosticar defeitos do sistema e soluciona-los- Aumentar a Vida til das mquinas- Realizar Limpeza de Interna e Externa- Aprender quais so, e como trabalhar com as ferramentas mais importantes para um tcnico- Manuteno Corretiva - Restaurao de Qualidade, Desempenho e Confiabilidade- Fazer os clientes divulgarem voc espontaneamenteO objetivo desse curso ensinar sobre os principais servios de manuteno existentes do mercado, conhecimentos importantes que atendem as maiores demandas do mercado, que so passados de forma clara, simplificada e objetiva. Ento mesmo que voc no tenha conhecimento em informtica, mas tenha vontade de aprender, se voc quer se tornar um tcnico em manuteno de computadores, esse curso pra voc!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Mastery: How To Get Rich Investing Crash Course" |
"Ever dreamed of not ever having to go in to work, being able to work remotely from anywhere in the world, having more money than you knew what to do with, driving a Lamborghini, or enjoying life to the fullest? These are things that everybody wants but we are never taught these skills in school ... we see millionaires on TV but how they made their money or the skills required is unknown, nobody knows right? Digital speakers teach motivation but as a younger guy I always thought why couldn't someone just show me the method or strategy they used to make their money, I'M ALREADY MOTIVATED, JUST TEACH ME HOW AND I'LL DO IT!!!I went from being a broke college student with 80K in debt, living in a run down 1 bedroom apartment, to growing an investment account worth millions of dollars, and I am here to show you how to do it too!This is why I packed years of real world experience and learning lessons into this stock market course, teaching you how you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars by investing in stocks. I learned these lessons the hard way, through years of trial and error, but you learn from your mistakes and help others succeed and avoid them, thats what is so great about the internet, I can share all the information and knowledge I have learned to help you on your journey.The money you can make in the stock market is incredible 80% of millionaires today made their money through either real estate or the stock market, not small amounts of money were talking minimum of tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds if not millions of dollars, as long as you know what your doing. Becoming a millionaire takes a special set of skills, but if you follow and understand the skills in the course you could make more money than you could ever spend, I am confident that you can get there too if you have a fire in you and will do what it takes.But I don't know how to invest, or I don't have a degree in Finance, I won't be able to make that kind of money you might say. Not true, Anyone has the skills to become successful in the stock market, you could be a plumber, a teacher, electrician, retail worker, car salesman, it doesn't matter, as long as you have the desire and know the fundamentals of how to invest properly (which I will teach you), you will make more money than you ever thought possible. Just by tuning in to what I am saying here you are already ahead of the game, and I applaud your effort, and with every fiber of my being I want you to get there too. It's Never Too Late, The stock market is one of the best ways to generate wealth ever created!!Even if you just take 1% of the knowledge explained in this series, meaning you ignore 99% of what I am teaching here you could turn $5,000 cash at age 25 to $1.2 million by age 55 investing in an index fund, without adding another dime than the original $5k, your not slaving away at work doing overtime, spending all day at a computer, looking at thousands of stocks,or taking time away from your family. Sounds like a good deal ehh? I would take that deal.But why would you want to help me, you may ask? Because I get it, I understand making money can be hard work, and between school loans, house payments, retirement, paying for living expenses life can be tough but its always good to have someone on your side and be armed with the knowledge to make a difference in your life. You only get one life, money is one part of life but another is the good feeling that you have helped others and made a difference in their life. That's Why. THIS COURSE WILL TAKE YOU FROM NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT INVESTING, TO BEING A SUCCESSFUL INVESTOR FROM THE GROUND UP AND POTENTIALLY MAKING THOUSANDS IF NOT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.THE CHOICE IS YOURS, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?ALL THE BEST, NOW LETS GET TO WORK!!!!The information published and contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding such information. Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Dividend Investing Course 2020" |
"Welcome to The Complete Dividend Investing Course Are you looking for a working method for making extra income online? or Are you looking for a step-by-step investment guide that can help you profit from the stock market?Investing is very simple...If you think that investing is complicated and risky, you are not gonna be rich!The easiest and most reliable way for making passive income from home is investing in dividend stocks - Low risk, consistently growing income, and most importantly, easy to implement!You can become rich, or become poor. It depends on your financial choice today.The stock market can make you rich, or make you poor. It depends entirely on the way you invest.In this Essential Wealth-Building Dividend Investing Course, you will learn how to make investment decisions by yourself and how you can create an amazing new stream of passive income with dividend stocks.And a good news is that...this investment strategy requires no initial investing skills and experience. Everyone can learn and apply the strategy to make money from the stock market.This is a 'Copy & Paste' strategy, you just need to learn to understand how the Dividend Investing strategy works, and adopt the same strategy to pick high earnings potential stocks BY YOURSELF!Another real truth is that...investing in today's stock markets is not as easy as before. So, every investor should find the right investment strategy that can help them protect and grow their money.Financial education is truly crucial to not only the investors but to every single person who wants to get closer to their financial freedom. So, if you have a dream of retiring early or you want to stay financially free, you will need to upgrade your financial knowledge. This Essential Dividend Investing Course will be a shortcut for you to cut down your education time and help you build a better financial life. The greatest investment you can make is to invest in yourself! In this powerful training course, you will learn...Learn How to Generate Passive Income Online by Investing in Dividend StocksLearn How to Create a Passive Income Making Machine EffortlesslyLearn How to Pick High Income Stocks to Invest Your Money InLearn How to Take Advantage of the 'Double Compounding' Plan to Maximize Your ProfitsLearn How to Evaluate a Company's Financial Strength to Make a Better Investment DecisionLearn How to Assess a Company's Debt Repayment Capacity to Avoid Bad BusinessesLearn How to Evaluate a Company's Management PerformanceLearn How to Invest Wisely and Effectively in Dividend-Paying StocksLearn How to Use the 'Copy & Paste' Investing Strategy to Pick Profitable StocksLearn How to Determine When to Buy and When to Sell Your StocksLearn How to Build a Low-Risk Wealth-Building Investment PortfolioLearn How to Diversify Your Money to Reduce the Risks on Your Investment PortfolioLearn How to Protect Your Money and Build Your Long-term Wealth Effectivelyand more...Additional Course Features:You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated supports from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!The rich are using the same strategy to get richer, and you can learn it too - ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Investing 101: Learn to Fix, Flip, and Sell!" |
"Is real estate investing and flipping houses really as profitable as you see on TV ...or is it all hype?Is it actually possible for you to buy a house without using cash or credit?Can anyone really go from rags to riches through real estate?The Answer Is YESSS!!!Real Estate Investing can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices, they will be able to reach their most challenging financial goals and lead the life they dream about.Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when investing in stocks.THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INVESTOR.Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment) to building a million-dollar real estate investment portfolio. No inheritance or luck just good sound actions over the years that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term real estate investor and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon.This course will reveal how you can successfully invest in real estate, regardless of your current financial position, in today's market, right in their own backyard.You'll learn what most people will never know about creative real estate investing and flipping houses...what works and what doesn't.You'll be able to determine if creative real estate investing is right for you.Best of all, you'll be entertained and inspired along the way, as we energetically and passionately share the secrets we have learned from being a part of more than dozens of real estate deals."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Investing 101: The Complete Stock Market Investing Course" |
"So you want to start investing in the stock market? Great!I know that starting in the stock market can be very overwhelming and challenging, especially if you go at it alone (Ive been there myself..)In the beginning, I just didnt know where to begin..When I started, I made mistakes after mistake, costing me thousands of dollars.It took me years of frustration, hard work and dedication before I finally understood how to become a successful stock market investor.In others words Ive learned the dos and dont of the stock market the hard way.BUT, there's a much easier way to learn investing.. A way that couldve saved me thousands of dollars and A LOT of time - if only I wasnt so stubborn to go at it alone..If I just decided to learn from other experienced investors, whove already achieved what I wanted to achieve.If I just decided to learn in a couple of hours what theyve learned in a lifetime.. I wouldve had a much better start to my investing career.And thats exactly the reason I created this course..So that you can learn in just 2 hours, what I learned in years of investing.With the Stock Market For Beginners course...I want to give you the tools to get a successful start to your stock market journey.I want to prevent you from making (easy-to-avoid) mistakes, losing thousands of dollars and getting demotivated.I want you to know from day 1 what investment strategy is best for YOUI want to give you the secrets of reducing the risks of investing MASSIVELYIn other words..I want you to learn all the essential lessons that I wish someone told me earlier, so that you can start investing successfully from day 1.The Stock Market For Beginners course is designed in such a way that it covers EVERYTHING you need to know to get started investing.From A-Z, well go over the essentials in just 2 hours.Well cover :The basics of stocksHow to keep investing simpleWhat investment strategy is best for YOUHow to avoid the 7 most made investing mistakesHow you can get started investing as soon as possible (even as fast as today!)How to earn a profit in the stock market, consistentlyHow to reduce risks & avoid unnecessary mistakesThe different types of stocks (and which ones SHOULD be a part of your portfolio)What the most successful investors (such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch) do to consistently earn a huge profit in the stock marketHow you can automate your investments entirely (this is really the #1 hack of the wealthy)The #1 secret that all billionaire investors know - and you should too.Furthermore, you'll get :Support materials (2 Worksheets)30-Day Money Back Guarantee - So there is 0 risk involvedThe ability to ask me for investment advice or any other questionDiscount on my other investing courses"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |