Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How To Start Your Own Pet Business" |
"If you have always wanted to work with animals and really didn't know where to start you are in the right place! I have owned and operated a 6 figure pet business for the last 12 years and I am going to share with you how to get started, daily operations, how to get clients and so much more! This industry is growing like crazy and animals make the best clients!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SQL Databases - SQL for Beginners" |
"Structured Query Language (SQL or ""Sequel"") is the way we communicate with a relational database. It's an intuitive and powerful language and mastering it is rapidly becoming a prerequisite for career paths outside of software development.SQL has been one of the most common skill sets required by employers for software developers for years, according to research published by Indeed. That fact is not likely to change any time soon, as businesses have woken up to the reality that the data they capture, generate, and store has tremendous business value to improve performance and efficiency and uncover new paths for growth.If you're a software developer just getting started, a Business Analyst, a Test Engineer, Project Manager looking to augment your technical skill set, or a data or financial analyst who works primarily with spreadsheets, you'll benefit from taking this course to learn how you can power up your data skills. We start from the ground up to teach you what a relational database is, how to plan and build a database structure, how to get data into your database, and then how to work with it to retrieve meaningful insights using SQL.In this course, you will learn:What a Relational Database isHow to install Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio on your local computerHow to use SQL Server Management Studio to create, explore, and query a databaseHow to research SQL Server functionality using the online documentationDatabase Design Techniques including how to diagram a database using an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)The basic database structures: tables, columns, data types, primary keys, and foreign key relationshipsBest practices for how to name your database elements (objects)How to learn SQL by automatically generating queries and SQL statements with SQL Server Management StudioInserting data into tables using the INSERT statementRetrieving and filtering data using SELECT statements and WHERE clausesExtracting data from multiple tables with a single query using INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, and CROSS JOIN statementsSorting query resultsAggregating data with aggregate functions like SUM and COUNT and GROUP BY clauses (very important for building reports and summarizing data!)Updating and deleting data with UPDATE and DELETE statementsThis course is very hands on! It is structured as a series of lectures to help you understand what we'll do with labs, exercises, and quizzes along the way so that you're involved right from the start."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online 2020: An Updated Business Plan." |
"Do you have a burning desire of earning money online or you started before and stopped in middle?YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!Learn the tactics I use in my online money making methods.Want to know how I did it?I will go through 10 methods where you can earn money using 15 websites. NOT JUST THAT..After a deep analysation I have discussed about Common Mistakes that people do when they get started just to make sure you don't repeat any of them.I have also attached a Business Plan document which has a list of tasks to be done after course completion. So you don't have to worry about implementing these methods in real time.The methods presented in this course allow us to make thousands of dollars remotely per month and live the lifestyle we always wanted.I guarantee that using these methods in the way the business plan doc says you will change your life to better in no time.This year is going to be great with no procrastination."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Maquiagem Profissional - by Nanny Faria Makeup" |
"COM CERTIFICADO!Curso de maquiagem profissional em 20 aulas completas com as mais modernas tcnicas e uma aula bnus super especial.So quase 15 horas de aulas!Esse curso suficientemente detalhado para voc que est iniciando no mundo da maquiagem, possui uma escala crescente de grau de dificuldade de forma a atender a voc que j tem alguma experincia e traz as novidades, dicas e truques para voc que j um(a) profissional do ramo.Enfim! um curso perfeito para todos os nveis."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Crea diapositivas atractivas online sin Powerpoint" |
"Como emprendedor, empresario, conferencista o tallerista tenemos el reto de cautivar a travs de muchas herramientas, una de las ms tiles a lo largo de la historia han sido las diapositivas, que sirven para complementar o resaltar ideas clave, tambin para captar la atencin de inversionistas, alumnos o cualquier pblico.Muchas veces el contenido que presentamos est saturado, con animaciones que no refuerzan la idea o distraen, obtn los mejores resultados con este curso.Te invito a explorar el increble mundo de la creacin de historias a travs de presentaciones con diapositivas Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
"Preparacin MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals." |
"A partir de la experiencia del autor del curso y recopilando preguntas de los test reales de la certificacin 98-361 se ha desarrollado este simulador que permite al alumno entrenarse para afrontar con garantas la prueba de la certificacin 98-361 u otras de nivel superior.Las condiciones del simulador se han configurado de acuerdo a las exigencias de los exmenes reales correspondientes a esta certificacin.El simulador se puede usar tantas veces como el alumno desee, lo que har que este se pueda entrenar para conseguir acercarse al xito en la prueba real."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Flows, Toning, Meditate and De-Stress" |
"Do you want to de-stress, feel good about yourself and tone but you don't have time? Journey to amazing places with Yoga, Meditation, Toning workouts in 15 minutes and de-stress when you only have a moment. I am a qualified Yoga, Meditation, Dance Fit and Tai Chi Instructor and I have helped clients for over 13 years. Feel calm, de-stress, alleviate neck and back tension and tone when you don't have time. I just recently had a baby so I made this program for busy people who want to tone and journey with me. I am getting back to where I was before my baby too. We are on this journey together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"German Study DIY" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Power your Presence for greater Influence" |
"This course is for you If you are someone who wants to maximise your level of influence in your environment. It may be in your office, with your team, 1-to-1 conversations or even outside of your working life. Its for you if want to understand the power of your presence and how it can have a powerful impression on people. It will provide you with the tools to take to any setting, allowing you to increase the effectiveness of your delivery"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity for kids" |
"In this course we are going to build a Galactic Fight game project. All the files are included in the first lesson.We are going to learn how to set up a project, import packages and design our level.There are some User Interface elements that we are going to build from scratch.The aim of this course is to get familiar with Unity, get a basic understanding of windows and most used elements available in Unity engine so that it's easier to get on with following programming courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PivotTables: From Slicers to Dashboards" |
"Excel PivotTables have been around for a while, but its only recently that the full power of PivotTables has been realised. Using PivotTables you can quickly and effortlessly extract and analyse your data in Excel. They are also interactive; you can filter data using Slicers and Timelines, and from this data you can also create interactive PivotCharts.Ultimately, you can create a Dashboard, which is a single interactive worksheet that contains all your key information as a visual summary, at a glance.Each lesson in the course has downloadable instructions and excel data for you to practise in your own time.Disclaimer although we have made every effort to ensure that the methods and techniques shown are Best Practice, we accept no liability for any costs that may be incurred as a result of incorrect use of Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Office is now continuously updated by Microsoft, with new features appearing at any time, sometimes unannounced; we shall endeavour to keep the course up to date, but you may find that some features have changed or are not yet covered on the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PRO LYRIC WRITING! No nonsense guide to songwriting success" |
"Wanting to improve your lyric and song writing but struggling to find any real examples to help? This is the course for you. My name is Mike and I have performed at some of London's most exclusive and famous venues played at by, for example, Ed Sheeran and Jimi Hendrix, as well as songwriting for clients all around the globe. Throughout our time together I will take you through the basics of great lyric writing in Act One, through more in depth analysis and REAL EXAMPLES in Act Two and finally write a song from scratch uses what we have learnt in Act Three. By the end of the course you will have the necessary toolkit to TRANSFORM your lyric writing potential! Whether you are a singer, songwriter, guitarist, pianist, Garageband/Logic producer or just interested in music composition, this will help your lyric and hook creation. See you on the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"El cerebro de los nios y la tecnologa" |
"Vivimos en una poca donde la tecnologa es parte de nuestra rutina, por facilidad y utilidad, tenemos un constante contacto con las pantallas dentro y fuera de casa. Los nios viven en una era donde la tecnologa y pantallas son parte del diario vivir, donde la exposicin se da desde los primeros meses de vida.Y es que resulta que es durante los primeros aos de vida que el cerebro de los nios tiene un potencial que nunca ms se volver a repetir. Es durante estos aos que debemos cuidar este rgano tan importante brindndole lo que necesita para desarrollar su mximo potencial.Y si justamente estamos hablando de este periodo tan importante Sabemos realmente cmo influye la exposicin a la tecnologa en el desarrollo cerebral de los nios? Sabemos cmo influye en el desarrollo de la atencin, el lenguaje, las habilidades sociales, el control emocional y la creatividad?La neurociencia nos revela datos sorprendentes y contundentes que todo adulto que comparte su vida con un nio debe conocer.nicamente informados podemos tomar mejores decisiones para crear un impacto positivo real en los cerebros en desarrollo."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como aumentar seu score SCR Bacen" |
"Sua divida prescreveu, sua divida caducou mas mesmo assim voc no consegue novo acesso ao crdito e ainda est recebendo cobranas depois de anos e anos?Produzimos esta palestra SCR Bacen para lhe esclarecer e ajudar definitivamente qual os motivos que esto causando esta situao e principalmente o que fazer para reverter e assim voc voltar a ter chances reais de novo acesso ao crdito e aumentar seu score.ATENO: Adquirindo a PALESTRA SCR Bacen voc ter todo nosso suporte depois que acessar e conhecer o passo a passo para superar os problemas, nossa equipe vai lhe orientar e tirar duvidas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to create Your Perfect LinkedIn Profile?" |
"Over 97% of the population is doing this WRONG!!There are over 660,000,000 professionals on LinkedIn, 97% of them dont have a good LinkedIn profile.If you are looking for your next career, your next ideal job, your next business deal, some of your largest clients and employers are on LinkedIn.Some of the worlds most influential people who can change your life, we are talking Business Leaders, CEO of Fortune 100 Companies, Decision Makers that will work with you, are on LinkedIn.The problem is, most of us dont know that we have access to that information at our fingertips, and most people will google search your name and end up on your LinkedIn profile.Thats the first impression.So the question is...Is your profile optimized?Would that recruiter be impressed if he/she check your LinkedIn profile?Would that decision maker want to do business with you after checking your LinkedIn profile?Is your LinkedIn profile working for you?Are you getting appointments for your business after someone view your LinkedIn profile?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Apache Hive and Hadoop Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Apache Hive and Hadoop Course. Apache Hive was developed by Facebook and later open sourced in Apache community. Hadoop provides a robust framework for building distributed applications, but working directly with Hadoop requires writing a lot of code. Hive provides SQL like interface to run queries on Big Data frameworks. Adding structure to data and using a higher-level language such as SQL makes working with Hadoop both easier and faster.In this course, you'll learn:Create and set up the Hive environmentAggregate and sample data in different waysUnderstand the working and structure of the Hive internalsBoost Hive query performance and enhance data security in HiveDiscover how to use Hive's definition language to describe dataDiscover interesting data by joining and filtering datasets in HiveTransform data by using Hive sorting, ordering, and functionsAccess the specialized functions built-in to Hive to manipulate your dataStructure your data and queries to take advantage of Hive's optimizationsBy the end of the course, you will be familiar with Apache Hive and able to work efficiently to find solutions to big data problems. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Paint with Henna Designs on Different Products" |
"In this course I will show you how to paint with Henna Designs on different products. I will teach you step by step which paint and techniques you can use to paint on Canvases, Charger Plates, Candles and other items. I will also teach how you can create Digital images of your Henna Art and use them to create different merchandise such as bags, cushions, prints and more...All you need is lots of practice and most importantly believing in yourself that you can do it!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate NodeJS and MongoDB Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Ultimate NodeJS and MongoDB Developer Course. Nodejs and MongoDB are quickly becoming one of the most popular tech stacks for the web. Nodejs builds fast, scalable network applications while MongoDB is the perfect fit as a high-performance, open source NoSQL database solution. Using these two technologies together, web applications can be built quickly and easily and deployed to the cloud with very little difficulty. Together they provide the power for manage any form of data as well as speed of delivery.In this course, you'll learn:Write and configure a web server using Nodejs Configure your development environment to use Node.js and MongoDBPersist application data using MongoDB and Mongoose ODMReduce your web development time by integrating third-party tools for web interaction.By the end of this course, you will have a running web application developed with MongoDB, Node.js, and some of the most powerful and popular frameworks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Identity Access Management & Security Assessment and Testing" |
"Welcome to this course: CISSP Certification Domain 5 & 6: Identity and Access Management & Security Assessment and Testing. Access is one of the most exploited aspects of security because it is the gateway that leads to critical assets. This course covers provisioning and managing identities, and the access used in the interaction between humans and information systems. Access controls need to be applied in a layered defense-indepth method, and an understanding of how these controls are exploited is extremely important. The core concepts of identification, authentication, authorization and accountability are covered in detail here. In this course, we will explore access control conceptually and then dig into the technologies the industry puts in place to enforce these concepts. We will also look at the common methods the bad guys use to attack these technologies. This course also covers some of the most important elements of security assessments and testing. It is divided into five sections. We start by discussing audit strategies, particularly the pros and cons of using our own internal auditors or bringing in external contractors. We then move on to approaches to testing our technical security controls. The third major section deals with testing our administrative controls, which are mostly implemented through polices. Finally, after we have enough empirical data to assess our posture, we discuss how to report our findings and how those findings play into the executive decision making within the organization.In this course, you'll learn:Control physical and logical access to assetsManage identification and authentication of people, devices, and servicesIntegrate identity as a third-party serviceImplement and manage authorization mechanismsManage the identity and access provisioning lifecycleDesign and validate assessment, test, and audit strategiesConduct security control testingCollect security process data (e.g., technical and administrative)Analyze test output and generate reportConduct or facilitate security audits"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Celebrity Endorsements & Enhanced Brand Preferences" |
"The course explains the idea of differentiated brand communication along with offering crystal clear idea about the role of celebrities in the society and their role as brand endorsers. Several theoretical concepts of celebrity endorsements have been explained along with defining the role of endorsements. The science behind celebrity selection, contributors and outcomes of endorsements have been explained. Also how to manage endorsements across industry verticals so as to enhance company profitability and brand preferences.Although the course carries examples based on Indian market, the designing of the syllabus is globally relevant and applicable"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ngste berwinden 3.0 - Angst besiegen, loslassen & befreien" |
"Traust die dich oft nicht deine Meinung zu sagen? Fhlst du dich unwohl in der ffentlichkeit? Hast du Angst davor einen potenziellen Partner anzusprechen, weil du zum Beispiel Angst hast etwas Falsches zu sagen?Dann kann ich dich beruhigen, du bist nicht allein.Mir ging es viele Jahre genau wie dir. Auch ich hatte einen Haufen an ngsten, die mich mein Leben lang geqult haben. Bis ich mich dazu entschloss meine Situation zu ndern. Ich wollte alles tun, was getan werden muss, um endlich mutig und angstfrei zu sein, sodass ich mein Leben so leben kann, wie ich es fr richtig halte. Und nach 6 Jahren hatte ich sie: Die Formel zu einem angstfreien Leben.Und diese mchte ich hier mit dir teilen. Weil ich selbst genau wei, wie es in dieser Situation ist, sind alle Anwendungen und bungen so aufgebaut, dass du auf jeden Fall direkt damit starten kannst, ganz egal, wo du dich gerade befindest. Weil es sich um universelle Prinzipien handelt, die du an deine Situation anpassen kannst.Und jetzt stelle dir einmal vor deine ngste wren besiegt und du knntest dein Leben vollkommen glcklich und angstfrei fhren. Wie wrde es aussehen? Wie wrdest du zur Arbeit fahren? Klein, mit Katzenbuckel? Oder GRO und mit stolz geschwellter Brust? Wie wrdest du einen potenziellen Partner ansprechen? Stell dir all diese Dinge vor, denn sie sind es, du die du erreichen wirst, wenn du den Schritt wagst und mich dir unter die Arme greifen lsst. Denn alles, was du brauchst, steckt bereits in dir. Du brauchst nur jemanden, der dir zeigt, wo du suchen musst.Was du in diesem Kurs lernen wirst:wie du deine ngste berwinden und langfristig besiegen kannstdu lernst die Grnde fr deine Angst verstehendu lernst die unschlagbaren Angstkiller kennenwie du mehr Gelassenheit entwickelst, sodass dich nichts so schnell aus der Haut fahren lsstwie du das Entstehen neuer ngste verhindern kannstDer heit ngste berwinden 3.0, weil ich dir Lsungen zeige, die ganzheitlich, fr jeden umsetzbar und universell anwendbar sind.Also Komplett-Paket mit dem du deine ngste loswerden und endlich glcklich leben kannst.Klicke jetzt auf ""Jetzt Kaufen"" und sichere dir deinen lebenslangen Zugang."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web Security: OWASP Top 10 for APIs" |
"In this course I will present you an overview of the new OWASP Top 10 for APIs project. You will learn the 10 application security risks that can impact APIs. Learn about broken access control, security misconfiguration, broken authentication, ... with clear examples of security breaches that have been published in the last year."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Start & Grow Your Gaming Channel (2020) Step-By-Step Guide" |
"If you want to learn exactly what it takes to create a successful gaming channel that can quickly get thousands of views and subscribers, you've come to the right place!Welcome to the Grow Your Gaming Channel course, the worlds first complete program that'll teach you exactly how to create an amazing YouTube gaming channel and videos in 2020 using powerful yet FREE software... All in less than 10 hours!You will learn:Video EditingAudio Editing Finding copyright-free resources Recording Your ScreenDesigning Channel Art & Thumbnails. Properly Uploading Your VideosThe ""Dos And Don'ts"" Of Copyright On YouTube.And More. And the best part; youll be provided with all of the software you need for FREE!Regardless of your previous experience, technical ability, budget or age, this course will teach you all the basic, intermediate and fundamental steps to creating a professional gaming channel.Here're a few reasons why previous students love GYGC:They get to personally learn from Marcus, the experienced course instructor, who has garnered more than 50,000 subscribers and 20,000,000 views on his personal gaming channel, not to mention the millions of additional views he's gained working with other channels/clients!They save themselves a ton of time and effort! In 10 hours, this course will provide you with the equivalent of Marcus' 5 years of experience - tips, tricks, and hacks to get you ahead of your peers.Unlike most other options out there, this course is completely up to date and viable for use in 2020 (And is updated whenever there are important new updates!).As if that wasn't enough, if you sign up for the course today you'll receive a 1-year subscription to GYGC Support for free (Value: $299.88):Your GYGC Support Subscription will allow you to personally contact Marcus and his team for help, support and advice!As you can see, this really is the ULTIMATE one-stop-shop for those wanting to start a successful gaming channel and reach thousands of people... But don't just take my word for it! Heres what some of my previous student's had to say...Its an awesome course, I cant recommend it highly enough. Really pleased. Its beena lovely project to spend some time on with my family. Were in the middle of theCoronavirus lockdown at the moment so its been a wonderful project for me to spendsome time on with my kids so its brought me closer together with them as well greatresult. Andy.[The GYGC course is] kinda insane! Before the course, I had about 80 subscribers andsomething like 2,000 views on the channel and now, about 5 months after I took it, I have over 1,500 subscribers and well over 200,000 views on my channel which is..... I cant believe it! Elliot[Note: Just a few short months after writing this review, Elliot now has over 50,000 subscribers!][The GYGC course] is suitable for: beginners whove never used or seen a video editingprogram, for people like me who - have a bit of experience but still need to learn a lot -and even the pros who can edit videos in their sleep! [The GYGC course] helps you getto know more about how Youtube works, what settings are best to use, copyright cause thatsa big thing and other stuff you may not have known JakubI thought theres no way I can [Create professional videos] myself without a bunch oftime and a professional editing team ... Until I came across Marcus course. So I justgot it. I dove right in -took immediate action and I was able to start producing videos on my channel in no time. Professional looking videos too, mind you. EarlTo sum everything up, my students and I believe that the GYGC course is awesome. Because I stand behind my program 110%, I also offer a 100% risk-free guarantee. In other words, if complete the GYGC course and do not get the value you were looking for, I will provide you with a full refund no questions asked."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Disea tu modelo de negocio" |
"Quieres abrir un negocio y no sabes por dnde empezar?Te sientes desubicadx, con muchas ganas de empezar a construir lo que siempre has soado y quieres hacer las cosas bien...Creme que te entiendo, yo he pasado por la misma situacin. Y mucha gente que conozco siente lo mismo que tu!Por qu cree este curso?Llevo varios aos como consultora de PYMEs & emprendedores alrededor del mundo.Me di cuenta que la mayora han empezado sin una hoja de ruta, lo cual los ha llevado a perder dinero y tiempo...Te voy a contar un par de debilidades comunes que identifiqu:Lanzan un producto o servicio sin previamente analizar si es realmente eso lo que necesita el mercado.No han estudiado sus potenciales clientes, su segmento de mercado. En algunos casos ni siquiera saben a quien le ofrecern su producto o servicio. No comparten su idea de negocio pensando que alguien los copiara. Muchos creen que su producto o servicio es genial, sin embargo no saben si su segmento de mercado opina lo mismo. Lo cual no les permite identificar posibles mejoras. Otros quieren tener ms clientes, tener un pblico fiel y posicionarse en un nicho en especifico pero no tienen idea por donde empezar y eso los mantienen bloqueados.Despus de pensar cul era la mejor manera de ayudarlxs, me di cuenta que todas estas debilidades tenan un patrn particular y es el no tener una o varias metodologas estructuradas, entendibles y lo ms importante fciles de desarrollar. Por esta razn decid crear este curso, es un curso corto con un contenido increble y lo mejor de todo es que explico todo con ejemplos prcticos y esta acompaado de workbooks que te permitirn desarrollar paso a paso cada uno de los aspectos que explico a lo largo del curso :)Con este curso vas tener una hoja de ruta clara para desarrollar tu modelo de negocio y lo ms importante es que vas crear bases slidas para que alcances todas las metas que tienes en mente.En este curso te entregar mis 10 aos de experiencia, ms varios meses de trabajo que dedique leyendo e informndome con varios expertos, para traerte informacin actualizada, valiosa y fcil de entender. Te ayudar a tener la libertad que deseas y ganar dinero haciendo lo que amas.Este curso es prctico y estoy segura que vas a disear tu modelo de negocio con los Workbooks descargables!Vas a aprender a Disear tu Modelo de Negocio, basndote en las siguientes metodologas: Design Thinking Business Model Canvas de Alexander OsterwalderSignifica que al terminar este curso vas a: Tener un producto o servicio mnimo viable Conocer y entender a tu segmento de mercado Identificar tu diferencial para brillar frente a tu competencia Identificar los canales que utilizars para hacer llegar tu propuesta de valor a tus clientes Saber cual es la mejor manera de generar lasos de confianza con tus clientes Identificar tus fuentes de ingresos Identificar los recursos que necesitas para desarrollar tu modelo de negocio Identificar claramente tus actividades clave Identificar tus socios clave Tener claridad de tu estructura de costes Toda esta informacin la compil en este curso con mucho amor y dedicacin!Este curso tambin tiene una garanta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 das, as que si terminas el curso completo, aplicas todos los tips y trucos que te doy y no tienes los resultados que deseas (o si simplemente no te gusta el curso) puedes solicitar una devolucin del 100% de tu dinero en los primeros 30 das.--Si durante el curso tienes alguna duda, me la puedes dejar en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas!Estoy ac disponible para ayudarte en el proceso.Un abrazo y muchos xitos!Lina ClevesPdta: Espero verte dentro del curso ;)Para quin es este curso?Cualquier persona que quiera empezar un emprendimiento o negocio"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sabes buscar leaks en tu juego con Holdem Manager 2? En este curso intensivo aprenders a sacarle el mayor rendimiento a HM2 en la bsqueda de aquellas fugas de dinero que hay en tu juego y que hacen que no seas ganador.....Leaks preflop , leaks postflop , valores medios , creacin de un buen HUD...etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como criar uma loja virtual grtis na Loja Integrada" |
"O curso ""Como criar uma loja virtual grtis"" para voc que desejar iniciar sua primeira loja virtual ou experimentar uma nova plataforma de venda online. De forma prtica seguindo as instrues do curso voc poder configurar sua loja virtual em uma das melhores plataformas de e-commerce do Brasil. A hora de tirar aquela ideia venda online do papel investindo o mnimo possvel agora. Com este curso voc cria sua loja gratuitamente e se precisar ampliar os recursos dela futuramente voc pode fazer um upgrade na plataforma voc mesmo. Sem precisar de conhecimentos tcnicos de programao voc pode criar sua prpria loja virtual hoje mesmo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
SzG2020 |
"Szkolenie Inwestycyjne Online w nowej formie! Zestaw 14 lekcji, ponad 24 wykady na temat inwestowania pienidzy na giedzie papierw wartociowych w Warszawie. Kurs przeznaczony dla osb chccych indywidualnie inwestowa na rynkach finansowych, przy uyciu rnych instrumentw inwestycyjnych. We odpowiedzialno za swoje finanse!Szkolenie Inwestycyjne Online w nowej formie! Zestaw 14 lekcji, ponad 24 wykady na temat inwestowania pienidzy na giedzie papierw wartociowych w Warszawie. Kurs przeznaczony dla osb chccych indywidualnie inwestowa na rynkach finansowych, przy uyciu rnych instrumentw inwestycyjnych. We odpowiedzialno za swoje finanse!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build an AirPods finder app in Swift - iOS 13 - Xcode 11" |
"With over 35 million AirPods sold in 2018 alone, you as a developer have a great chance to publish an amazing iOS app that will help millions of people to find their lost devices.This course offers you more than knowledge, it will include a full iOS app with the icon and everything you need in order to publish it on the App Store."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Small Business Series: Getting Started" |
"Want to start your own business, but, don't know where to start? Then this course is for you. You will learn to develop absolute clarity of you business idea. You will fully describe who your customers are. You will clarify exactly what you hope to accomplish.You will then use this information to choose the perfect name for your business. And, choose the most beneficial business structure for your type of business and future plans.There are step by step instructions for obtaining a Federal ID number; and learn some of the state and local requirements as well as miscellaneous items most people don't even think of.What makes me qualified to teach you?I have been working with small business owners for over 30 years in areas of accounting, management and consulting. I have helped dozens of entrepreneurs start their quest for business ownership and, then grow their businesses to their desired levels.I will be here for you during your work on this course. Questions and concerns will be answered in a timely manner through emails or telephone.My goal is for you to succeed in your entrepreneurial venture. I strongly believe the economic future of this country lies in the hands of small business owners and I want you to SUCCEED."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Naked Dieting" |
"The Naked Dieting course is everything you need to know about how to lose weight, keep it off, and live a healthy life. The course includes videos with accompanying PDF handouts for notes and reference on many topics you need to use food to your advantage, and still enjoy life.The videos have been broken down into primary learning points based on 35 years experience helping people achieve health and the body they want.After the introduction, Dr. Willey delves into the basic healthy principles of eating. These principles give you a basic understanding of the how to eat which can be as important as the what to eat. Then Dr. Willey helps you understand the Basics of Food. Now this may sound somewhat simple however, a good review of the different qualities of food, and how the body utilizes them can never be reiterated enough.We then review the Power of Protein and how determining protein content in your diet should be the first step towards optimal health.Dr. Willey then goes into a very controversial topic now with the ketogenic diet fads and the belief by true followers that everyone should be doing low carb. As we certainly do not agree with this, the next video asked the question and allows you to determine - Are you low-carb or low-fat?As calories are important in long-term weight loss and weight loss maintenance, physique development, longevity, and good quality of life, we spent some time on both direct and indirect ways to control calories without having to sit with a calculator to do it.As the world of connectivity has allows travel quite easily and frequently, the Naked Dieting course spend some time on how to eat while on the road. We also discuss how to shop and read labels and surviving the holidays, parties, and office goodies.The next video is unique in the weight loss arena. It discusses how to get your doctor involved in your goals. We review that conversation with your physician as well as discuss and review several of the potentially beneficial medications to use both short-term and long-term for weight loss success.We get into the behavioral aspects of eating as your mouth and your brain are very connected. You might as well learn how to make them work together!Finally, we review in a fun and enjoyable way, the dangers of sugary drinks. Soda pop, fruit juices, energy drinks can cause all sorts of issues in long-term health goals. You would never give your seven-year-old daughter a glass of vodka, but we readily give her a glass of orange juice. Once it crosses her lips, there is no difference in the way the body must respond to it... Learn all about it with the final video in the Naked Dieting series called CHEW IT!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"High Yield Biology Questions for the DAT" |
"This course will cover topics in biology including immunology, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain, embryology, genetics, vasculature, and evolution. The test banks included in this section are adjusted regularly to include high yield information on the DAT. The questions and explanations were constructed to ensure quality and to help you get the most from your studying."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |