Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fiverr Blueprint Masterclass" |
"Hello, I am Julian Wright and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with youHave you ever had the sudden thought to quit whatever youre doing now? Feeling tired and bored with your current 9 to 5 conventional job? Sitting on the same old desk for 5 to 10 years Working on the same routine day by day Being underappreciated by your boss and paid peanuts for a pile of tasks you have done Most importantly, you lost your direction and passion. Youre not doing something you like for life. You lack of a platform to show of your skills and talents. Working is a lifetime event. If working life is torturing, youre not going to be happy with it for the rest of your life too. Instead of doing something that you hate, why not working on something you are truly passionate? How about starting your own independent career at a platform where you can make use of your skills and talents to earn top dollars in a wealthy and profitable way? The platform I am going to introduce you is: Fiverr.************************If youre an active netizen, I am sure youve heard of Fiverr. In case you dont, Fiverr is a platform where you could post a freelancing offer of your service and anyone else from the world that needs your service will pay you to do it. You dont have to attend to an office. Instead, you could just work at the comfort of your home. As long as you have a digital device that can access to internet. Of course, most importantly, you must have internet or Wifi. Besides, you could also work on a flexible basis at times whenever youre convenient. Every job you offer at Fiverr starts at a flat rate of $5 gig.Until today, there are already a few millions of freelancers using Fiverr to make extra income. Some of them have even quitted their full time job to fully focus on building their online Fiverr career. If youre looking for a breakthrough for your career, this is it.************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate of completion. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of.************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zero Cost Traffic Tactics 2020" |
"Hello, I am Julian Wright and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with youNow You Can Get Instant Access To10 HOT Video Tutorials To Get Free Traffic To Your Website..There's a long way and a short way.The long way?Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.Want to know the short cut instead?Good news!I recorded 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll show you the tools, techniques and my top tips to get free traffic to your website.Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?Well, these videos will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos!************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate of completion. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of.************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Fundamentals 2020" |
"Hello, I am Julian Wright and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you!Are you looking for a proven roadmap to making a lot of money online?Although there are all sorts of methods that you can use to make money online, many are difficult, require a lot of time and effort, or even require a substantial monetary investment.The big reason many people fail online is because they dont make money fast enoughand they give up.To build a REAL, online business, you need to get some BIG wins very quickly.The best way to do that is with affiliate marketingHeres why affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to start making serious money online regardless of marketing budget, online experience, or even general marketing experienceYou can get started with affiliate marketing as soon as today.You dont have to do a bunch of market research or even create your own product or service you get paid for promoting someone elses product.Getting started is as easy as choosing a market and promoting it.Many affiliate programs pay commissions as high as 75%... that means, youre often getting paid more than the product owner.SO START TODAY!************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate of completion. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of.************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Power of Email Marketing 2020" |
"Hello, I am Julian Wright and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you!Im excited to bring you this special course where Ill be sharing someof my most valuable secrets and tricks on the subject of email copy.I commend you for taking this step in growing your business. Emailmarketing has surely given me the success and freedom and I hope forthe same for you.This guide is purely dedicated to crafting and writing email copy thatattracts and motivates your subscribers to open your emails and getthem to take action. Thats what we want in the end, right?Copywriting is an art. Its not something you can buy. Its a specialform of writing to help you influence and persuade your prospectsinto delivering your message across effectively.Use the techniques shared in this guide in all aspects of yourmarketing such as your product offers, landing pages, social mediaprofiles, print ads and more.BONUS!!I Have attached 3 Bonus Ebooks to help you in starting:5 Minute Sales Copy Formula300 Power Word Phrases to Use In EmailsInstant Winning Headlines************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate of completion. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of.************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Fundaciones con STAAD Foundation Advanced-Nivel 1" |
"Con este curso podras aprender a obtener un diseo y una documentacin eficiente en el diseo de fundaciones, utilizando herramientas de diseo especficas, mltiples cdigos de diseo y diferentes tamaos de barras, optimizacin del acero de refuerzo y generacin automtica de dibujos. STAAD Foundation Advanced ofrece un flujo de trabajo simplificado a travs de su integracin con STAAD.Pro y otros programas de anlisis estructural. Usted podr disear prcticamente cualquier tipo de fundacin, desde la ms bsica hasta la ms compleja."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Gravidez e parto sem medos- Iniciao ao Hypnobirthing" |
"O meu nome Maria Ribeiro, tenho 54 anos, sou me de 2 filhas lindas e av de muitos ""netinhos do corao"", os bebs Hypnobirthing. Sou tambm a fundadora do Hypnobirthing7 e dedico-me divulgao deste mtodo fantstico a famlias que procuram um nascimento harmonioso.Est grvida, carrega a vida, e o seu corpo maravilhoso! Durante 9 meses, o seu corpo altera-se para gerar vida e fazer crescer o seu beb. Uma verdadeira transformao interior acompanha esta nova etapa da sua vida. A forma como pensa, as alteraes no seu corpo, a produo hormonal e a forma como se sente mudam constantemente.Para a maioria das mulheres, o parto associado a um momento de sofrimento, no entanto, trazer uma vida ao mundo um momento nico e uma revelao extraordinria!Dar vida a um ser humano a maior demonstrao do poder de uma mulher e essencial que conhea e se conecte completamente com seu corpo para vivenciar o parto de forma nica.Trabalhando a sua mente, possvel retirar a carga de sofrimento associado ao parto e desfrutar das sensaes de movimento e abertura que lhe permitem trazer o seu beb.A dor uma informao enviada pelo crebro como um aviso de alarme de que algo no seu corpo precisa de ateno e nesta preparao ir aprender a harmonizar a mente e o corpo para garantir uma gravidez mais tranquila e um nascimento mais harmonioso.Principalmente nesta altura de incerteza, a calma e confiana so imprescindveis e este curso traz-lhe algumas tcnicas que a iro ajudar, tal como j ajudaram tantas outras mes.Com este acompanhamento, aprende a tranquilizar a mente e a ajudar o corpo enquanto se prepara para o nascimento do seu beb, e o seu renascimento como mulher.Abra-se a novos conhecimentos, experimente e sinta a diferena!**********Este curso no substitui o acompanhamento por profissionais de sade e ideal para quem frequenta ou pense frequentar um Curso de Preparao para o Parto porque torna toda esta experincia ainda mais eficaz.No tenha qualquer dvida sobre os resultados do Hypnobirthing porque, apesar de requerer envolvimento e treino, como qualquer outra atividade na qual pretenda alcanar resultados, os nmeros falam por si.Ir trabalhar ao seu ritmo e sempre acompanhada. Se sentir necessidade, estarei disponvel para esclarecer as suas dvidas.Experimente! Permita-se ter uma gravidez nica e prepare-se para um parto harmonioso, adquirindo j este curso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Strategy: Strategic Implementation and Execution." |
"After the Strategic Planning process comes the Strategy Implementation process. However, understanding Strategy Implementation should be part of any business operators knowlage base: whether or not they are involved in Strategic Planning. Implementing Strategy correctly is vital, as strategy, it could be argued, is the soul of the Organisational system; and is therefore an ever present and powerful influence. Indeed, a business's success can often be attributed to controlled strategy implementation. In this course you will learn how to implement and infuse strategy throughout the Organisational system. This essential course in driving strategy within Organisational systems is designed for busy individuals. Whether you're a student; a manager; an aspiring manager; an entrepreneur; a business owner; a freelancer; or a senior executive; this course will deliver a robust framework that will allow you to execute strategy efficiently in any organisational system be it large or small; profit or non-profit. Join our class and start enhancing your strategic lens!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Die ultimative Instagram Masterclass 2020: alles von A-Z" |
"Lerne in dem Kurs wie Du im Instagram ECHTE REICHWEITE/ECHTE FOLLOWER aufbaust, Deine Follower zu Kunden umwandelst und fr Dein Business die passende Strategie entwickelst, die langfristig Dein Erfolg sichert und Dir Umstze bringt!In diesem Kurs bekommst Du:die richtige Strategie, die zu Deinem Business passt, unabhngig ob Du eine Dienstleistung anbietest, ein Influencer werden mchtest oder ein physiches Produkt verkaufst, um Deine Umstze zu steigern!die genaue Anleitung wie Du deinen Instagram Account aufbaust, den INSTAGRAM ALGORITHMUS KNACKST und ihn fr deinen Account arbeiten lsst sowie insbesondere worauf solltest Du dich fokussieren um langfristig Vorreiter zu bleiben und deine Aktivitten zeitsparend zu gestalten.das komplette Wissen mit allen Erfahrungen, Tricks und Know How wie ein erfolgreicher Instagram Account aufgebaut wird (mit diesen Strategien ist mein Account ber 90k jhrlich gewachsen).In dem Kurs bekommst Du in dem Bonus unsere trendigsten 28 PRESETS ALS GESCHENK und lernst, wie Du schnell Bilder mit ein paar Klicks bearbeiten kannst.Weiterhin zeigen wir Dir zu Deinem Business passend die genauen Content- sowie Wachstumsstrategien - branchenspezifische Content Strategien frEntrepreneur, Coaches, Consulting, Anwlte, SteuerberaterInfluencer, Blogger, Persnlichkeiten, Knstler, Musiker, BandsSport Branche - Sportler, Personal Trainer, Verkauf von Sport ProduktenBeauty Branche - Hair&Make Up, Kosmetik, Verkauf von Beauty ProduktenConsumer Goods, Food, FoodbloggerFashion Branche, Consumer Goods, Online ShopsTechnische Branche - Technik Produkte, DienstleistungenVersicherungsbrancheDieser Kurs ist fr Jeden, der endlich echte Follower im Instagram aufbauen will mit Hilfe des Instagram Algorithmus sowie Geld mit Instagram verdienen mchte und Instagram als Werbeplattform fr sich und seine Produkte nutzen mchte."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Luxury Facial, Facial Machines, Chemical Peeling" |
"This course will teach you the techniques required to provide your clients with a luxury facial. It is a detailed step by step. You will cover cleansing, exfoliation, professional peeling, steaming and softening skin, extraction, massage and mask treatments to achieve clear flawless skin. It will include aesthetics beauty tools Diamond Peel mini micro-dermabrasion, Ultrasonic eye and face tool, Phototherapy LED, High Frequency tool. It includes in salon Professional glycolic peeling.This course educates from disposals to product training. It is a detailed step by step to immediately doing facials with confidence after this course. You can start facial with confidence straight away. This course enables you to start learning the practicals at your own pace, achieve diploma certificate on the completion at the end of this course. Please give us a 5 star review so I can continue to do more Advance courses. You will see my actual client 5 stars reviews. From medical surgeons to people with acne for 20 years cured in 6 sessions. Transderma melasma most stubborn of them all done in 3 sessions. Optional Grading - You can submit 1 case study recorded on video and add on to a youtube private link. (email me when you have completed to get a grade)This course is open to complete beginners or existing therapists who like to upgrade to learn 5 facial machines. No previous experience required to attend. Everything is taught here to progress to advanced level. We have been approved by The CPD Accreditation Group as an Accredited Training Provider Centre Number: 778071 for Institute of Beauty Secrets Accreditation Academy a Register Company providing Beauty Training only. We have also co-founded CPDonlineaccreditation (in Design phrase) to bring more quality online courses around the world.Thank you and we look forward to delivering satisfied clients."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simplified PHP for Beginners - Learn Latest PHP (2020)" |
"Learn PHP and other deep programming concepts in this simplified tutorial. With a detailed syllabus designed for both beginners and experts, you'll get to write excellent PHP codes.This course will make you fall in love with PHP & programming. Its the ideal course for beginners who wants to understand and fall in love with PHP. Core programming concepts are emphasized so you can easily move to other languages like python, java, C++ when you take this course. Plus some of the algorithm exercises are interview questions from top tech company across the world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Customer Success: Build Cross-Functional Relationships" |
"Have you ever been frustrated because it seems like other teams inside your company don't care about customers in the same way that you do? Do you want to encourage other teams to adopt a customer focus? Do you wish that you had the ability to effectively lead a cross-functional team in order to drive a better customer experience? If you said yes to any of these questions, this is the course you're looking for!Customer Success: Building Cross-Functional Relationships will help you understand the goals and pressures that drive other teams inside of your company, as well as the intersections between each team and Customer Success. We'll focus specifically on marketing, sales, support, services, product, finance, and leadership. This course will help you create a stronger customer experience by providing practical tips on how to engage other teams in your organization in a way that is meaningful to them. At the end of the course we'll zero in on three common blockers to building cross-functional relationships, and teach you how to combat them. My name is Kristen Hayer, and I'm the CEO of The Success League, a customer success consulting firm. As a former sales and customer success executive, I've seen first hand how poor cross-functional relationships can negatively impact the customer experience. Over time, I learned what drives other teams inside an organization, and how to build strong relationships between groups. I'm excited to share my experience with you in this course!I've included exercises to help you build your skills and worksheets you can start using right away. At the end of the course we provide a resources list full of books, articles and suggestions for continuing your learning on this important topic.Building skills in cross-functional leadership will enable you to stand out as a CSM, move into management roles, and shine as a leader. This course is designed to help you build the knowledge and skills you need to grow your career in customer success. If you're ready to create more productive partnerships with teams in your company, join me in this course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Reviewer - Prodotti Gratis" |
"Se vuoi guadagnare online sei capitato nel posto giusto! Guadagno Testando ti consente di creare una vera e propria rendita mensile, sicura al 100% .S, hai capito bene! Puoi lavorare da casa, oppure in hotel, in qualsiasi parte del mondo. Il bello di questo corso proprio nella facilit, rapidit e comodit del gestire i propri guadagni anche da casa, non a caso serve soltanto uno smartphone o un pc con una connessione ad internet.Le guide di Guadagno Testando , ti spiegheranno alla perfezione come si lavora e quanto si guadagna da TESTER."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Frauenselbstverteidigung - Crashkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen damit du dich in Zukunft wieder etwas sicherer fhlst!DU BEKOMMST:-> Basiswissen zur Selbstverteidigung-> Effektive Techniken im Stehen und am Boden-> Die wichtigsten Trefferzonen am menschlichen Krper-> Einen Trainingsplan der wie ein Fitnesskurs aufgebaut ist und noch mehr! ;)Dieser Crashkurs ist so aufgebaut, dass du zustzlich zu den Interviews und dem theoretischen Teil auch effektive Techniken und einen Trainingsplan bekommst, mit dem du einerseits die Bewegungsablufe der Techniken automatisierst und anderer seits die ntige Muskulatur strkst.Die Videos sind so gestaltet das du die bungen ganz einfach von zuhause nachmachen kannst!Viel Erfolg!WICHTIG: Fr das Training mit Partner/in solltest du dir unbedingt eine Schutzausrstung besorgen! Es wird von unserer Seite keine Haftung fr Verletzungen bernommen!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Frauenselbstverteidigung - Komplettpaket" |
"Lerne die Fhigkeiten, Strategien und Techniken um dich effektiv verteidigen zu knnen!-> DU WIRST DICH SICHERER FHLEN!-> DU SPARST ZEIT UND BIST FLEXIBEL!-> DU WIRST AUFMERKSAMER UND KANNST BERGRIFFE VERMEIDEN!-> DU WIRST IM ERNSTFALL RICHTIG REAGIEREN!100% Praxisnah! Sofort umsetzbar!Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt in der Prvention, also dem Vermeiden von Gefahrenquellen. Dies kann jedoch nur mglich werden, wenn ich alle Mechanismen meines Krpers und vor allem die des Angreifers kenne. Im ganzheitlichen Sinn wird in diesem Kurs auf die unterschiedlichsten Themen eingegangen, um dir eine fundierte Basis zu schaffen. Nur wer wei, wie er sich verteidigen kann, wird sich verteidigen knnen."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Self-Development Program" |
"Do you want to become the best version of yourself?Maybe you have goals you want to accomplish and a vision of your ideal future.Or maybe you simply want to improve and take your life to the next level.If so, youre looking to develop self-mastery, which is when you have a clear understanding of:1. Who you are2. What you're trying to accomplish with your life3. A clear and strategic plan on how to make your dream a reality.Stop trying to figure it out by yourself.Let me give you the step by step process you need to take your life to the next level. Think about the years of time and stress youll save by finally having everything located in one place!My name is Samuel Reichman, and I am a professional speaker, author, and coach who has traveled the world inspiring thousands of people at my live events and millions through social media. I have already transformed the lives of hundreds of people who have taken this course on other platforms and I'm excited to finally bring this content to Udemy.About Self-Mastery Academy:1. Based on the Essential Principles of High Performance PsychologyWe don't need any more ""get great quick"" schemes. We need a principle based system, which not only provides the strategies and habits for success, but gives them a larger framework that shows how every implementation is part of a larger interconnected system of self-development and higher living.2. A Clear Step-by-Step Process to Guide You Through Every Step of Your GrowthEach module is designed specifically to help you take the next step forward in your personal journey.3. Tools, Exercises, and Worksheets to Help You Implement Every Single PrincipleInspiration doesn't last. We know this. What does last is habit and consistent implementation of the ideas we learn. No longer can we settle for great talks that we forget hours later. Every single video in this course comes with worksheets to help you concretize and actualize everything you just learned and help you create clarity and momentum moving forward.4. Audio Downloads for Every VideoWith bonus audio downloads available, you can personalize your learning to your exact schedule."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Read and Play through Jazz Chord Changes" |
"Thanks for your interest in this course on reading chord changes. I know you are going to get a lot out of the information Im going to be giving you.I started out playing my saxophone at jam sessions, small scale events and even on street corners. I was hungry to just play music and learn about how to be the best musician I could be. Learning to improvise is a life-long process and you never stop learning new things. Thats what makes it such a rewarding endeavor, its something you can get joy from your whole life.Even if youre just interested in playing for yourself or a small group of people, the information youre going to get from this course will open you up to a new way of playing and expressing yourself."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing digital no processo comercial" |
"Esse treinamento tem como objetivo ensinar tcnicas de marketing digital no meio comercial; mas tambm entender a jornada de compra do cliente. O Treinamento prepara o micro,pequeno, mdio e grande empresrio para desenvolver todo o processo de Marketing e Vendas em sua empresa, otimizando suas vendas e seus lucros. O Treinamento aborda o uso da internet e redes sociais o Marketing Digital como o instrumento fundamental de vendas e aplicao nos processos comerciais de forma prtica e objetiva.Os mdulos dos treinamento so divididos em:Mdulo 1: Planejamento do processo digitalMdulo 2: Estratgia de negcioMdulo 3: Produo e publicao de contedoMdulo 4: Anlise de resultadosMdulo 5: Social mdiaMdulo 6: Gesto de mdia social"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020" |
"**************************************************************************************************ATENO: As Provas de Certificao da AWS so em Ingls e por isso os Simulados so todos em Ingls, facilitando sua memorizao.**************************************************************************************************Os testes simulam a prova real, sendo assim o simulado possui tempo.AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam valida os conhecimentos do candidato em relao a:Definio do que a AWS Cloud e sua infraestrutura globalDescrever os princpios de arquitetura e melhores prticas da AWS CloudDescrever a Proposio de Valor da AWS CloudDescrever os principais servios da plataforma AWS e seus casos de uso comumDescrever os aspectos bsicos de Segurana e Conformidade bem como o modelo de Segurana CompartilhadaDefinir o faturamento, gerenciamento de conta e modelo de preosIdentificar onde encontrar documentao tcnica e os nveis de suporteDescrever as caractersticas principais de entrega e operao na AWS Cloud."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D VR" |
"3D VR !! VR , VR .VR . VR . OS Unity 2019.2.4f1 . . VR . 1-3 . Oculus ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
pukcawgw |
Price: 2000.00 ![]() |
"Sewing Basics" |
"You'll learn the basics:How to set up your machineWhat thread to buyHow to wind a bobbinDifferent options of stitches you can useHow to finish an edge in three different waysHow to do a blind hem on dress pantsAll about zippersAll about buttons and button holesGeneral rules to follow, including some tips and tricks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acquisire Clienti a Costo Zero con i Social" |
"LUnico Corso per Parrucchieri che ti Permetter di Attrarre Clienti Nuovi nel Tuo Salone a Costo Zero anche se non sei un esperto di Marketing o un informatico laureato.Ti Sveler le Strategie per:Acquisire Clienti Nuovi a Costo ZeroCreare la Tua Offerta Magnetica Attira ClientiAumentare il Numero di Like della Tua Pagina Aziendale FacebookAumentare la Visibilit su InstagramAumentare i Follower su InstagramCome Avere un sito Internet GratisCome Essere pi Visibile nelle ricerche della Tua zonaPosizionare il Tuo Salone nelle ricerche GooglePerch Non Riesci pi a Vedere Clienti Nuovi in Salone?Una volta bastava saper lavorare Bene, un Buon Passaparola, magari qualche volantino oppure il tuo bigliettino da visita nella locandina della sagra del paese per attrarre nuovi clienti.Ma Oggi l'Evoluzione del mercato, la Concorrenza, pi o meno sleale, la nuova tecnologia e i social hanno portato a un nuovo modo di comunicare con i potenziali clienti.Oggi, per attirare nuovi clienti, i vecchi sistemi non sono pi efficaci o per lo meno vanno Integrati con i Nuovi Metodi.Il Metodo Semplice che Apprenderai Testato e Studiato appositamente per i Saloni di Acconciatura.ESCLUSIVO! Il Sistema con cui ho generato oltre 1000 iscritti in Soli 50 giorni sulla mia pagina Aziendale Facebook partendo da ZERO e senza avere Budget a disposizione (e come puoi farlo anche TU...)Per chi ?Per tutti i Parrucchieri che comprendono che non basta solo aggiornarsi a livello Stilistico e Tecnico ma esiste anche una componente Imprenditoriale/Manageriale.Per tutti quei Parrucchieri demotivati e privi di stimoli e idee che hanno voglia di Trasformarsi da Artigiano a Imprenditore. Per tutti i Parrucchieri che hanno compreso che O ti Evolvi o ti EstinguiPer tutti i Parrucchieri che hanno Capito che devono Apprendere Nuove Strategie per il proprio Guadagno.Per tutti i Parrucchieri che Vogliono Distinguersi dalla concorrenza.S, caro Parrucchiere, oggi non pi sufficiente saper lavorare, se vuoi proseguire la Tua attivit nella quale hai investito Denaro e parte della Tua Vita, devi Cambiare e Subito!Per chi non ? Parrucchieri che pensano che i Social non servono ad attirare clienti nuovi Parrucchieri che pensano Nella mia zona non si pu far nulla Parrucchieri che pensano Ma i miei clienti . Ho gi fatto altri corsi simili (prima partecipa, poi giudica J) Io sono unartigiano. ( vero: sei un artigiano ma con partita iva e non aggiungo altro J..) Se soffri di Rimandite acuta Parrucchieri che pensano servano competenze da Informatici per sfruttare ed usare i socialI Vantaggi che Avrai acquistando questo Corso: Avrai un piano Strategico per il Tuo Salone Riceverai 3 Potenti Strumenti che ti aiuteranno a Gestire meglio e rimanere Focalizzato sul Tuo Salone Acquisirai un Metodo Testato per attrarre Nuovi Clienti Non devi Pagare Agenzie Marketing per avere Nuovi Clienti"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"A Vida que Eu Pedi a Deus" |
"Voc sonha em explorar uma nova carreira?Quer emagrecer? Viajar? Aprender a tocar violo ou a falar um novo idioma?No faltam sonhos no comeo de cada ano. Queremos ser a melhor verso possvel de ns mesmos. Mas nossa boa inteno, que comea em Janeiro, j no faz muito sentido no carnaval. Isso sem falar naquele mega sonho. Sim, aquele mesmo que voc no conta pra quase ningum (at porque no est completamente claro na sua cabea) e porque gela a barriga s de pensar.Este curso foi criado pra te ajudar a resolver estas questes. Nele voc vai encontrar um mtodo simples e bem prtico para organizar seus pensamentos, encarar de uma vez (e em primeiro lugar) o seu grande sonho e, de quebra, organizar e planejar seus pequenos projetos.O mtodo tem 2 diferenciais: muitas ferramentas e estmulos visuais para manter sua motivao l em cima, e espao para espiritualidade e f, incluindo essa importante parte de voc no caminho para a realizao dos seus sonhos.Ao final, voc ter uma trilha clara at a vida que pediu a Deus, e ter ainda curtido um momento s seu, de autoconhecimento e foco naquilo que realmente importa."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After effects : Formation dbutant" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation Adobe After Effects qui vous permettra de prendre en main cet outil puissant vous permettant ainsi de donner vie vos ides.Ddie aux dbutants, cette formation vous guidera entre les diffrents outils proposs vous permettant ainsi de couvrir les besoins que vous serez susceptible de rencontrer lors de la cration de vos vidos.Vous dcouvrirez : L'interface du logicielComment manipuler une compositionLe compositingL'dition et l'animation de texteLes diffrentes mthodes de suivi et de stabilisation... et d'autres outils puissants !Vous souhaitez dcouvrir ce logiciel aux possibilits illimites ? Alors n'hsitez plus, ce cours est fait pour vous !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Api da point mini, mercado pago em php." |
"Com este treinamento voc vai aprender a criar um pequeno sistema em PHP para automatizao da maquininha do mercado pago POINT MINI. necessrio que voc teja uma conta no mercado pago para poder acompanhar o treinamento, e ter um conhecimento bsico na linguagem de programao PHP, no momento do treinamento ser necessrio que voc esteja acessando o site do mercado pago na opo de desenvolvedores.Veremos como:Enviar ordem de pagamento, Deletar uma ordem de pagamento e fazer busca de um pagamento realizado.Utilizaremos:CURL DO PHP, o fileZilla e o editor de texto Sublime text."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Practical Ways to Lose Weight-Naturally" |
"This course deals with four approaches for losing weight and help you attain your physical fitness in no time, naturally by getting control on ways of dealing with food and the exercise mechanism with no side effects. Be patient, Trust in god and follow our tips, u will be healthy, slim and fit as earlier. Most of the people would have gained weight by cultivating bad eating habits, may be due to long working hours, stress and few of them post-pregnancy. This course teaches you the discipline to control yourself, lose weight and get you back on track.Weight loss surgeries require recovery time, which could mean missing a few days of work or not been able to return to a normal activity level for at least a couple of days. Weight loss surgery can make any one nervous, instead try out Practical ways mentioned in this course to achieve weight loss naturally."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como seu paciente se relaciona com a comida?" |
"Prescrever uma dieta nem sempre garantia de que o paciente vai conseguir emagrecer e adquirir novos hbitos, sejam bons porque muitas vezes aprendem a comer mais salada e frutas, seja ruim porque se privam do comer social em funo de no poder sair da dieta. Prescrever dieta pode ser fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de Transtornos Alimentares.E, se nunca se fez tanta dieta e a populao nunca esteve to doente, qual ser uma alternativa no tratamento desses pacientes que vivem em briga constante com a comida e o corpo?O CURSO: Como seu paciente se relaciona com a comida? est na sua 9 edio e se prope a capacitar profissionais e estudantes de Nutrio e Psicologia que desejam se aprimorar na rea do comportamento alimentar com um olhar mais humano, ouvinte e menos prescritor."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to be Vegan" |
"Was essen eigentlich Veganer? Ist eine pflanzliche Ernhrung kompliziert? Was bestellen Veganer im Restaurant? Deckt eine pflanzliche Ernhrung alle Nhrstoffe ab? Sind Frutarier auch Veganer? Und ist Honig berhaupt vegan? Antworten auf diese und noch viele weitere Fragen gebe ich dir in diesem Kurs. Lerne die Welt der pflanzlichen Kche kennen, hol dir Ideen und probiere dich selbst aus!In diesem Kurs bekommst du eine Einfhrung in eine vegane Ernhrungsweise. Du lernst, welche Lebensmittel vegan sind und welche nicht, was du als Ersatz fr tierische Lebensmittel verwenden kannst und wie man mit der ein oder anderen Herausforderung umgeht. Auerdem bekommst du eine Basics-Einkaufsliste sowie Rezeptideen und ich verrate dir Tipps und Tricks, die dir in deinem Alltag als Veganer helfen knnen. Am Ende des Kurses wird berdies mit Vorurteilen aufgerumt. Fr diesen Kurs sind keine Voraussetzungen zu erfllen. Jeder, der sich fr Veganismus interessiert, ist herzlich willkommen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Meditao" |
"Esse curso para todos que querem aprender a meditar e tambm transformar as suas vidas! um curso para todos os nveis, com diversas tcnicas para aprender a meditar, alm de meditaes para limpeza do ser, reprogramao mental, relaxamento etc...Cronograma das aulas:Aula 1 - Curso bsico de meditao;Aula 2- Curso bsico de meditao foco na respirao;Aula 3- Curso bsico de meditao foco na visualizao;Aula 4- Curso bsico de meditao foco nos 7 chakras;Aula 5- Curso bsico de meditao Foco no Mantra Ohm;Aula 6- Curso bsico de meditao Guiada;Aula 7- Curso bsico de meditao Foco no Perdo;Aula 8- Curso bsico de meditao reprogramaao mental;Aula 9- Curso bsico de meditao bsico Foco em msicas mantras indianos;Aula 10 - Curso bsico de meditao foco na prosperidade e amor prprioEspero vocs!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom for Beginners" |
"In this course, I'll be showing you my entire process for editing photos in Adobe Lightroom start to finish. I'll be sharing with you some great tips and tricks along the way; for example, things such as how to effectively import or what file formats to choose. The videos are made to be short, sweet, and to the point, so if that's what you're looking for, you came to the right spot."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Artistic Pen Techniques: Create Realistic Drawings" |
"This course goes over the fundamentals of using a ballpoint pen; more specifically, how to integrate the medium into your artwork. We will be going over mark making, tips and tricks, and how to create a beautiful drawing using pen from start to finish. This course guides you on how to approach a pen drawing start to finish."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |