Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP HANA Basic Level" |
"ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the default programming language for SAP applications. This course will teach you basic to advance ABAP programming.ABAP is one of the many application-specific fourth-generation languages (4GLs) first developed in the 1980s. It was originally the report language for SAP R/2, a platform that enabled large corporations to build mainframe business applications for materials management and financial and management accounting. ABAP establish integration between independent software.ABAP used to be an abbreviation of Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor, German for ""generic report preparation processor"", but was later renamed to the English Advanced Business Application Programming. ABAP was one of the first languages to include the concept of Logical Databases (LDBs), which provides a high level of abstraction from the basic database level(s),which supports every platform, language and units.The ABAP language was originally used by developers to develop the SAP R/3 platform. It was also intended to be used by SAP customers to enhance SAP applications customers can develop custom reports and interfaces with ABAP programming. The language was geared towards more technical customers with programming experience.ABAP remains as the language for creating programs for the client-server R/3 system, which SAP first released in 1992. As computer hardware evolved through the 1990s, more and more of SAP's applications and systems were written in ABAP. By 2001, all but the most basic functions were written in ABAP. In 1999, SAP released an object-oriented extension to ABAP called ABAP Objects, along with R/3 release 4.6.SAP's current development platform NetWeaver supports both ABAP and Java.ABAP has an abstraction between the business applications, the operating system and database. This ensures that applications do not depend directly upon a specific server or database platform and can easily be ported from one platform to another.SAP Netweaver currently runs on UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux), Microsoft Windows, i5/OS on IBM System i (formerly iSeries, AS/400), and z/OS on IBM System z (formerly zSeries, S/390). Supported databases are HANA, SAP ASE (formerly Sybase), IBM DB2, Informix, MaxDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server (support for Informix was discontinued in SAP Basis release 7.00).[4]"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Bootstrap: Criando Projetos Reais" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender o que precisa para utilizar o Framework CSS mais famoso do mundo, o Bootstrap, muito utilizado por sua curva de aprendizagem fcil, hoje todas as grandes empresas do mercado como: Netflix,Google, Microsoft e muitas outras utilizam Bootstrap para criar front-end.Ponto forte sua responsividade, todo o design se adapta muito bem ao tamanho das telas, seja celular,tablet ou desktop. Isto facilita na hora de desenvolver para web.Neste curso iremos criar one page, tela de login, footers,headers, uma gama de cdigos que voc vai aprender passo a passo e tambm algumas sugestes de plugins em javascript para incrementar seus projetos. Com estes mdulos prontos, atravs de uma estrutura voc capaz de criar muitas variaes de pginas com as dicas deste curso completo para quem quer comear a trabalhar com design na internet.<html><h1>teste</h1></html>No perca tempo, comece hoje aprender Bootstrap neste curso atualizado semanalmente"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Interface Grfica para Apps feitas em C com GTK e Glade" |
"Interface grfica, tambm comumente abreviada como GUI (Graphical User Interface) o modelo de interface do usurio que permite a interao com os dispositivos digitais por meio de elementos grficos, podendo selecionar e manipular cones e smbolos visando realizar tarefas com tais dispositivos. Um ambiente grfico um programa criado para tornar mais fcil a utilizao do computador por meio de representaes visuais do sistema operacional. O Linux, por exemplo, possui vrios ambientes grficos; dentre os quais podemos destacar o Gnome, que construdo utilizando o GTK (GIMP Toolkit). Por sua vez, GTK o kit de ferramentas originalmente desenvolvido para o GIMP (programa para criao e edio de imagens) e escrito em C, podendo tambm pode ser utilizado para a construo de aplicaes para Windows e macOS.Os desenvolvedores que utilizam a linguagem de programao C geralmente encontram algumas dificuldades para a criao de interfaces grficas para suas aplicaes. Isso ocorre devido ao fato de que apesar de existirem diversos kits de ferramentas, comumente estes vm acompanhados de pontos negativos que acabam deixando o trabalho mais lento. Alguns exemplos so: falta de componentes grficos, componentes grficos com visual precrio, falta de documentao organizada e de fcil compreenso, problemas de mau desempenho, bugs, travamentos, difcil aprendizagem e ferramentas pagas com custos elevados.Baseado nesses pontos negativos que surgiu a ideia deste curso, ou seja, voc vai aprender passo a passo como construir interfaces grficas para seus programas escritos em C. Desenvolveremos quatro exemplos principais:O famoso ""Ol Mundo"" para testarmos os recursos mais bsicos das ferramentasInterface para calcular o ndice de massa corporal baseado no peso e na alturaUma calculadora com todas as operaes bsicas funcionaisSimulao de um sistema de cadastro e listagem de usurios em memria, com janela de login e senhaO objetivo do curso ser rpido e prtico para que voc possa resolver seus problemas o mais rpido possvel. As interfaces grficas sero construdas utilizando o GTK+ 3, o qual usado em um grande nmero de aplicaes e no ambiente de desktop Gnome do Linux. Para agilizar o desenvolvimento, tambm abordaremos o Glade, que um construtor de interfaces grficas RAD (Rapid Application Development) para o GTK. O GTK gratuito, rico em componentes grficos, possui uma tima documentao e por ser escrito em C, seu desempenho excelente. Alm disso, o GTK multiplataforma; ou seja, as aplicaes funcionam no Windows, Linux e MacOS. Tambm usaremos o construtor GtkBuilder, que permite a construo dos objetos GTK em vrias linguagens de programao, como por exemplo: C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl, Python e outros.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Keto Course + Ebook" |
"Learn How Use The Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis For Weight Loss, Building Muscle, Healthy Eating, Meal Planning, Nutrition & Dieting Hi, I'm Kevin Kockot, Master of Arts in Prevention & Health Promotion, Amazon Author and Udemy Teacher with more than 32.000 students. My new Course ""Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Course For Beginners"" is designed for anyone who wants to understand the ketogenic diet in dept and practically appying the knowledge, no matter if you're male or female, joung or old, want to build muscle or loose fat. This course is not a simple copy of some blog articles and Youtube-Videos on that topic that are already well know. Instead you will get a step-by step guide how to understand the ketogenic diet answering the most frequently asked questions on the keto diet. The course is based on my book on the Ketogenic Diet that you can find on Amazon.Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about the keto diet that you can find in forums and videos, causing a lot of unsecurity for the people that are interested in that topic. There are a lot of myths about the ketogenic diet. This course will help you to see clearer and understand what to expect of the ketogenic diet in terms of weight loss, diabetes, building muscle mass, the right amound of carbohydrates, fats and protein in the diet and many more! Overall that are substantial informations to live a healthier life and have more energy overall! These are the questions I answer in this course:WHT I THE KTGENIC DIET?WHT I KETOSIS?WHO INVENTED THE KETOGENIC DIET?HOW CAN I START A KETO DIET OR LOW CARB DIET?WHT R THE BNFIT OF A KETOGENIC DIT?IS THE KETOGENIC DIET SAFE?7 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT EAT A KETOGENIC DIET ON A LONG TERMWHAT KIND OF FOODS CAN YOU EAT DURING KETOGENIC DIET?WHAT KIND OF SUPPLEMENTS SHOULD KETO DIETERS CONSIDER?CAN I T FRUITS N A KTGNI DIT?WHAT ARE THE TOP 10 KETO FRUITS TO EAT?WHAT ARE THE FRUITS TO AVOID ON A KETO DIET?HW N I MUR KTI IN MY BD?DOES THE KETOGENIC DIET MAKE ME ALKALINE?CAN I U TH KETOGENIC DIET FR WIGHT L?CN I U A KTGNI DIET AS A DIBTI?CN I U A KTGNI DIT A RN WITH NR?CAN I U A KTGNI DIT A RN WITH IL?CN I USE A KTGNI DIT A PERSON THAT HAS HRTNIN?CN I USE A KTGNI DIT IF I WANT TO BUILD MUSCLE M?CAN THE KETOGENIC DIET CAUSE HAIR LOSS?HW MN CARBS CAN I FIND IN A KETOGENIC DIET?CN THE KTGNI DIT CAUSE LVTD LIVR NZM/ FATTY LIVR ?WH R THE L WH HULD STAY W FROM TH KTGNI DIT?WHT R GOOD RI FR TH KTGNI DIT?WHAT IS A GOOD KETO MEALPLAN FOR A WEEK?WHAT ARE GOOD KETO SNACK OPTIONS?PS: Beyond that - if you have any additional questions you can always message me and I will reply the best answer I can! :)All In All The Course Includes 80 Videos, Recipe Ideas, A Mealplan For A Week, A List Of Additional Information & My E-Book For You! - That makes ""Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Course For Beginners"" the most comprehensive course on that topic you can find here on Udemy!So If You Want To Understand The Ketogenic Diet, Boost Your Mental Performance, Have More Energized & Live A Health Concious Life:This Is The Right Course For You! PLEASE NOTE: There is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee here on Udemy. There is no reason to hesitate any longer! Enroll now and learn more about the topic so you can start using the ketogenic diet the right way today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master YOUR Mental Health in 5 Days - Certificated" |
"""I suffered from severe depression, stress and anxiety as a result of financial problems. This ended my 16 year marriage and caused me health problems resulting in 14 operations over a 7 year period on my vocal cords. Often I was unable to speak. I hit rockbottom, so I took my myself on a journey and I discovered how to solve all my mental health issues. Now I am in control of my life and know the secrets to mastering mental health. All my problems have gone and my life is now brilliant. I am now sharing my secrets to help over 100,000 people get control back over their lives and master their mental health. I hope this includes you."" marc****** IF YOU HAVE DEPRESSION OR ANXIETY OR ANOTHER MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE IT FEELS LIKE YOU LIFE IS STUCK ****** ******* THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO KICK START YOUR LIFE *******This course has been specifically designed to help all those people whose life is being ruined because of stress, depression, anxiety or any other mental health condition. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS COURSE WILL WORK FOR EVERYONE IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>However, this course is NOT for everyone. This is because I take a no nonsense approach, I am brutally honest and tell you exactly what you must do to master your mental health. I will tell you that your problems are actually an illusion, I will prove it to you and you will see for yourself that I am right. The tools and techniques I give you take less than 60 seconds and you will quickly see your perceived problems just disappear.Having helped 1,000's of people, I have learned there are three types of people.Type 1 : Those who do what I say and they master their mental health, and their lives are great.Type 2 : Those who say they will do what I say, but in the end do nothing. Their lives remain crap.Type 3 : Those who like moaning about their problems, worrying and feeling crap. <<<<<<<< IF YOU ARE A TYPE 1 PERSON, YOU WILL LOVE THIS COURSE AND IT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE AMAZING >>>>>>>>>If you are type 2 or 3 person, don't buy this course because you are wasting your time and money.This course is built on three simple principles :PRINCIPLE 1 : CONTROL - the reason why so many people suffer mental health issues is because they have given away control over different aspects of their lives - relationships, health, money, confidence etc. In this course you will learn that you were given control over your life when you were born, but due to bad experiences and bad decisions you have lost confidence resulting in you giving that control to other people.I put you back in CONTROL of your life with an incredibly powerful technique in under 60 seconds.This is important because it means you can then feel the difference between your life now which can be 'crap', and feeling STRONG AND AMAZING after my technique.PRINCIPLE 2 : CHOICE - it is impossible for the two opposite things to exist in the space at the same time - like being warm and cold. I will teach you the power of choice and because you have control back over your life, you will be able to make choices that totally benefit you. For example, you can choose to feel sad and down or great and excited.When you choose to be 'excited' it is impossible to feel depressed. I will give you my personal secret tools to give you the strength to make CHOICES that make you life amazing.PRINCIPLE 3 : PURPOSE - when you have mental health issues, it often feels like you have no direction in life. This is principally because all your perceived problems mean you have lost sight of your purpose. Its like getting lost in the woods and unable to find the path out. In this course I will show you your purpose in life and how to build that purpose back into your daily life. This means from when you wake up, your life will feel great because you have a purpose and a direction to that day.THE COURSEThe course is structured in to the following sections :KNOWLEDGE - if you are going to build a house, you need a solid foundation or it will fall over. So to master your mental health, you need valuable knowledge as that foundation on how life works. Therefore I will tell you :Your purpose in life and why you are hereHow the spiritual world wants to help you 24/7 make your life amazing5 DAY MASTERING PLAN - every day comes with the a valuable 'mastering' lesson, a powerful exercise you must do and a programme for that day. The 5 days cover the following valuable lessons :WANT - know the 50 things you want in life, instead of focusing on everything that you don't wantCONTROL - powerful technique that puts you back in control of your lifeCHOICE - giving you the inner strength to make the choices that really benefit youEXCITED - this is the key that unlocks the door to eternal happinessPURPOSE - define yours and suddenly your life has meaning, direction and wonderful things happen11 COPING TECHNIQUES - because every one is different, I have created 11 different coping techniques that you can use to deal with anxieties, stresses, depression moments or times when you feel down and want to feel great again.Each technique is short (like 60 seconds) and powerful. You pick the one(s) you like and feel the difference immediately.21 DAY HABIT PLAN - when you have mental health problems, it also means you have developed bad habits like focusing on problems or looking for the worst in situations. I have created a daily plan that is simple, easy , makes you feel great and puts you back in control of your life.When you do this plan for 21 days, you develop habits that support a fabtastic life where you have no mental health problems. Its just like re-programming your life, but doing it in just 21 days.DAILY SUPPORT - all my students are able to join my facebook page where you receive daily support, inspiration, motivation and training to make sure your life is amazing each and every day. ******* YOU MUST KNOW MAKE A CHOICE ******* DO NOTHING AND YOUR LIFE WILL REMAIN CRAP or BUY THIS COURSE AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER""I do hope you can join me on a fantastic journey where I am able to help you master your mental health and make YOUR LIFE totally amazing (like mine).'Stay excited.""marc"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Guitarra para principiantes - Nivel 1" |
"Si eres alguien interesado en comenzar a tocar la guitarra y todava no te has animado a comenzar, o bien, ya empezaste a tocar y te trabaste en algn punto y necesitas otra perspectiva de como avanzar en el estudio de la guitarra.Esta es tu mejor opcin!Porque?Porque comenzamos con bases slidas cuidando cada aspecto para poder tocar la guitarra:PosturaPartes de la guitarraTipos de pua (plumilla) y cmo afecta el sonido. Adems de la tcnica correcta para que empieces a dar tus primeros pasos en la guitarra.Ejercicios de coordinacin entre ambas manos para que tengas mayor destreza y puedas empezar a tocar algunos acordes y melodas en el siguiente nivel.Primer acercamiento con el metrnomo, valiosa herramienta que te ayudar a tocar a tiempo y a interiorizar las subdivisiones rtmicas de: Redonda, blanca, negra, corchea y semicorchea.Lo que aprendas en este curso te servir para el siguiente nivel en donde podrs avanzar mucho ms rpido si dominas este curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How writing changed my life for better?" |
"How writing changed my life for better?I am Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course How Writing Changed My Life for better, Just showing you how a writer starts the day of writing and continue to write from there. You will know the benefits of becoming a writer, how it grows helpful to improve your life, and at the same time, you can be of use to the others around you.Learning to write is not difficult if you become dedicated and develop a real passion for it. Here again, I have shown the ways to improve your writing skills, people like writing for various reasons, for happiness, to make money and maybe to become famous but that said the writers are also in a way teaching others as well.Writing job is one of the cost-effective positions to make money for you as you can do that job from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop. When you set up your writing business, you have an opportunity to make money without any start-up costs as you can start it from your bedroom. A writer has all these, but why do they fail?Writing well is right for your life in various ways. It makes you a happy and confident person, become creative and knowledgeable. You do not need a degree in your language if you want to become a writer. It might make you famous and bring in lots of money as well.Therefore, in this course have given the tips to write an attractive article, eBook, or some essays. If you want to make money, you cannot expect to make money with any topics. It would help if you researched first to find out the market for your niche. Then the problem that you are going to write will have to interest you. If you are happy with all that start, you are writing straight away. If you wait for inspiration, you will never do it.Now you are ready to start; you have to remember a few things to create an excellent article. Writing a piece that could be readable and enjoyable by people is essential. Then you have to choose between online or offline writing. In any case, I have given general tips to format your article. Say now you have done your item, but nobody knows about it.What is that you have to do it? Promote it by starting with the submission to review sites. Join the writing groups for collaborative writing and mixing around with other authors. It allows you to get yourself known to the writing community. People will have to know your work to buy from you. After all, you are doing this to make money and have a better lifestyle. Do not stay away from promoting your work"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lose the Fear of Camera" |
"If in 2020, you want to start creating engaging videos, then this e-course is for you.How this e-course will help you?1- Overcoming the fear of the camera2- Avoiding silly embarrassing mistakes which all newcomers do3- Creating better videos and not monotonous ones4- Avoiding being boring on the cameraWhat will you learn?1- How to be confident on camera2- How to make your videos engaging3- How to improve your emotions and expression in front of the camera4- How to use editing to make your video more engaging5- How to get the best video quality in the minimum amount6- Understanding the social media marketing of videos7- How to create a constant video creation strategy (it takes less time than you think)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"30+ Alternatives to College or University" |
"Im not against attending college or university. I Promise. I think that if you are excited about certain trades (doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer science) then college is the right investment of your time and energy.But I also believe there are many paths forward and that a 4-year university is not a one size fits all answer for everyone.If you are questioning the next steps for you or your children, use this guide as a resource to get some ideas. See the possibilities of what you can spend a year doing.At the end of 12 months, you can always plan to attend college if it still makes sense for you.And you can do it with a clear head that youre making the right decision.Not that youre just following the crowd or doing what youre supposed to do next.Enjoy!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Libertad Financiera en 7 pasos + Estrategias de Inversin" |
"Quieres mejorar tus finanzas personales y alcanzar la libertad financiera?Necesitas un mtodo para valorar y reducir tus gastos?Quieres saber cmo aumentar tus ingresos y tu tasa de ahorro?Necesitas ayuda para manejar tu dinero?Quieres invertir pero simplemente no sabes por dnde empezar?Si tu respuesta a alguna de estas preguntas es S, entonces este curso es para ti.S lo difcil que es poder mejorar nuestras finanzas en el mundo actual ms teniendo en cuenta que los conocimientos financieros que nos ensearon son escasos, por suerte en este curso tendrs estos conocimientos que necesitas de manera sintetizada.Este curso te ensear los pilares bsicos para mejorar tus finanzas y los pasos necesarios para que cambies tu relacin con el dinero, de tal manera que reduzcas tus gastos, aumentes tus ingresos y tengas un camino claro para ser financieramente libre.Este no es el curso tradicional de finanzas personales, sino que es un curso enfocado en ensear a personas normales como t y como yo las habilidades y el conocimiento para entender realmente cmo manejar el dinero con un camino claro hacia la libertad financiera para ti y tu familia y puedas disfrutar de tu tiempo y de tu vida.Adems, en este curso se proporciona una plantilla Excel con la que automatizar todos los clculos fcilmente y que te ser de gran utilidad para cada uno de los 7 pasos hacia la libertad financiera.Si quieres aprender cmo mejorar tus finanzas, este curso es tu gua para conseguirlo, te aseguro que ser una gran inversin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get started with VSDC - free video editor" |
"VSDC is a great tool for video editing, no matter your level of expertise. This course will get you started and show you how to apply different effects, cut video and more. You will begin with basic overview of the software, then move on to creating objects (rectangles, text) and finally you will see how to apply and establish different effects - zoom in, fade in/out, spin and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acting MASTERCLASS: Be a Working Actor and Book Auditions!" |
"Welcome to Acting MASTERCLASS! Get ready to learn how to turn your dreams into reality. I have been in show business for over 20 years. As an award winning actor, I have performed on Broadway, played recurring roles on ""Young and the Restless"", FX's hit show ""You're The Worst"". I also guest starred on Amazon Studios ""The Boys"", ABC's ""Switched at Birth"", CBS's ""Criminal Minds"", Nickelodeon and many other principle leading roles in feature films and television.I specifically designed this course to isolate all of my WINNING techniques into a program I wish I had as a young actor. It would have saved me years, not to mention dollars of unnecessary classes and workshops that regurgitated the same jargon over and over. One of my biggest pet peeves is teachers who spent hours talking FLUFF and NOT getting to the valuable information. We get right to it! Over the span of my 20-year career, I have worked with incredible mentors and powerhouses in the industry. As a result, I have developed an acting technique that books jobs! Join me on this journey to learn how to conquer your fears and manifest your dreams into reality. I hope to see you soon."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Web Front-end com React - Edio 2020" |
"O React a mais popular biblioteca para desenvolvimento web front-end atualmente e por um motivo muito justo: ela a melhor! Mas, como tudo no mundo da tecnologia, ela muda muito rpido e suas ferramentas se atualizam constantemente, e por este motivo, o React de meses, ou at de semanas atrs, no o mesmo que o de hoje. Isso faz com que seja muito importante se atualizar.Neste curso sero abordadas as mais recentes ferramentas adicionadas biblioteca React, como a Hooks API, que permitem a criao de componentes sem o uso de classes, e o novo Context API, que nos permite criar um continer de estados sem o uso da biblioteca Redux e com uma grande facilidade.Ento caso voc queira aprender esta biblioteca incrvel ou atualizar seus conhecimentos acerca dela, este curso perfeito para voc!"
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"Lectures on mechanism of Mandarin's Pinyin system" |
"Everything has a beginning and mechanism including Chinese Pinyin system. Knowing the beginning and mechanism of a thing will dramatically accelerate ones learning and grasping of the thing, same does for learning Pinyin-the Chinese phonetical system. Chinese Pinyin system were developed and implemented during 1950s based on Roman letter system which English system comes from. Therefore if you speak English, you can grasp Chinese Pinyin system in no time.This series of concise lectures on Chinese pinyin system will explain or decode how the system had been developed and how they are relevant to English.They can help you to grasp the mechanism of mandarin's Pinyin , make your mandarin learning fast and efficient enough and help your pronunciation sounds like a native speaker"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Chinese characters in a most effective and fun way" |
"Everything has a beginning and mechanism including the system of Chinese characters. Knowing the beginning and mechanism of a thing will dramatically accelerate ones learning and grasping of the thing, same does for learning Chinese characters. Every Chinese character make a sense in terms of its creation or building-up. And it is also very a fun to know the cultural context behind the characters which are the ways of thinking and behaviors of Chinese people. One who studies Chinese official language-mandarin is or will be communicating with Chinese, learning Chinese characters and their cultural context will most efficiently enrich ones knowledge of Chinese culture"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Zirveye Kodlama Bilmeden Mobil Uygulama Yapma Kursu" |
"Merhaba arkadalar bu kurs ile hibir kodlama bilginiz olmadan sadece srkle brak yaparak profesyonel-gelimi android uygulamalar gelitireceiz.Peki Gelitireceimiz Uygulamalar Neler?Bilgi YarmasNot DefteriGzel SzlerWebsiteyi Mobil Uygulamaya evirmeQR Code OkumaQR Code OluturmaEl FeneriHesap MakinesiSay TahminiYazy Sese evirmeSesi Yazya evirmeVe zamanla sizin isteinize gre bu uygulamalarn says artacak. Yapmamz istediiniz uygulamalar mesaj olarak iletirseniz bu uygulama ile ilgili bir blmde hazrlayabiliriz.Peki bu kursta neler yaptk;yelik Sistemi OluturdukKayt Olma Sayfas Ve lemi EkledikGiri Yapma Sayfas Ve lemi EkledikMySQL Veritaban Balants Kurduk Ve Veri Alverii YaptkFirebase Veritaban Balants Kurduk Ve Veri Alverii YaptkOnesignal le Uzaktan Uygulamaya Bildirim GndermeAdmob Banner Reklam Ekleme lemiAdmob Gei Reklam Ekleme lemiFacebook Banner Reklam Ekleme lemiFacebook Gei Reklam Ekleme lemiMobil Uygulama Yapmay rendikKodlama Bilmeden Andorid Uygulama GelitirmeyiUygulamaya Uzaktan Bildirim GndermeyiNot Defteri Uygulamas YapmaySay Tahmin Oyunu YapmayQR Code Okuma Uygulamas YapmayQR Code Oluturma Uygulamas YapmayGzel Szler Uygulamas YapmayYazy Sese evirme Uygulamas YapmaySesi Yazya evirme Uygulamas YapmayHesap Makinesi Uygulamas YapmayEl Feneri Uygulamas YapmayWebsiteyi Mobil Uygulamaya evirme Uygulamas YapmayVe daha birok zellik...Appinventor Ve Kodular Kullanarak Srkleyip Brakma Mant le Mobil Uygulama Yaptmz Bu Kursa Sizi de Beklerim"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Creating COCO Datasets" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to create your own COCO dataset with images containing custom object categories. You'll learn how to use the GIMP image editor and Python code to automatically generate thousands of realistic, synthetic images with minimal manual effort. I'll walk you through all of the code, which is available on GitHub, so that you can understand it at a fundamental level and modify it for your own needs.(Important:If you only want to do manual image annotation, this course is not for you. Google ""coco annotator"" for a great tool you can use. This course teaches how to generate datasets automatically.)By the end of this course, you will:Have a full understanding of how COCO datasets workKnow how to use GIMP to create the components that go into a synthetic image datasetUnderstand how to use code to generate COCO Instances Annotations in JSON formatCreate your own custom training dataset with thousands of images, automaticallyTrain a Mask R-CNN to spot and mark the exact pixels of custom object categoriesBe able to apply this knowledge to real world problemsI've saved weeks of my precious time using this method because I'm not doing the tedious task of manual image labeling, which can easily take a full 40 hour work week to create 1000 images. You should value your time too. After all, how are you going to solve the world's problems if you're busy clicking outlines on images for the next couple weeks?Soundtrack by Silk MusicTrack name: Shingo Nakamura - Hakodate"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reinforcement Learning: AI Flight with Unity ML-Agents" |
"Interested in the intersection of video games and artificial intelligence? If so, you will love Unity ML-Agents.Reinforcement Learning with ML-Agents is naturally more intuitive than other machine learning approaches because you can watch your neural network learn in a real-time 3d environment based on rewards for good behavior. It's more fun because you can easily apply it to your own video game ideas rather than working with simplified example problems in a library like OpenAI Gym.In this course, we will create a complete game with incredibly challenging AI opponents.We'll start with an introduction to ML-Agents, including how to use and train the example content.Then, we'll use Blender to make custom assets for our game (you can skip that part if you just want to code).Next, we'll create a full environment for the airplane agents and train them to fly through checkpoints without crashing into obstacles.Finally, we'll take our trained agents and build a full game around them that you can play, including menus for level and difficulty selection.Important note 1: We DO NOT cover the foundations of deep learning or reinforcement learning in this course. We will focus on how to use ML-Agents, which abstracts the hard stuff and allows us to focus on building our training environment and crafting rewards.Important note 2: While the course was originally recorded with ML-Agents version 0.11, we have updated it for version 1.0.As you work through the course, you'll have plenty of opportunities to customize it and make it your own. At the end, you'll have a complete game that you can share with friends, add to your portfolio, or sell on a game marketplace."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Gesto do Conhecimento" |
"Neste curso, ns vamos ver os fundamentos tericos da disciplina, como ela se posiciona no ambiente corporativo, mas principalmente como implementar aes que possam gerar valor, atravs de estudos de caso, experincias bem sucedidas. Provavelmente, o termo mais repetido neste curso ser a palavra Relevante. A literatura demonstra vrias prticas de Gesto do Conhecimento, mas nossa preocupao aqui ser se realmente tem potencial para funcionar na sua empresa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Life Changing Magic Of Decluttering Your Life" |
"This step by step video guide will teach you all the skills you need to start decluttering your life.Topics covered:The Danger of Cluttered LivingYou Can Do Something About ClutterGet ClearStart With What You Can SeeGet Rid of Emotional ClutterGet Rid of Psychological ClutterGet Rid of Career ClutterLearn To Enjoy More With LessLearn The Art Of Contentment"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creating Baby Yoda_Part 1_Zbrush Sculpting" |
"Inspiring by the character Baby Yoda in the episode of Mandalorian. This is part 1 of the Creating Baby Yoda tutorials series, including the whole sculpting process in Zbrush, some alpha making in substance designer, and UV making in unfold 3d.HD Video English Commentary The software using in this tutorial including: Zbrush Unfold 3D Substance Designer"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creating Baby Yoda_Part 2_Texturing Rending" |
"Inspiring by the character Baby Yoda in the episode of Mandalorian. This is part 2 of the Creating Baby Yoda tutorials series, including texturing in Mari, making Vray materials in Maya, using xGen to making the hair, lighting and final rending using vray next for Maya.HD Video English Commentary The software using in this tutorial including:Mari Maya XGen (for the hair) Vray Next for Maya Nuke"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprend a Vender en Internet en Mercado Libre y Redes" |
"En este curso aprenders como vender en internet a travs de los principales sitios de venta online en Latinoamrica:Mercado Libre y todo lo relacionado: Mercado Pago, Mercado Envos, Mercado Shops.El E-Commerce aplicado en Instagram y Facebook: conocers las herramientas de E-Commerce que brindan las Redes Sociales.Publicidad paga en Instagram y Facebook.Como crear tu propio sitio web con Tienda Online.Whatsapp Business.En este curso aprenders todos los conocimientos que necesits sobre el uso prctico de cada uno de estos sitios, y qu estrategias son las ms adecuadas para cada plataforma (es muy diferente vender a travs de Mercado Libre que en las Redes Sociales o en tu Tienda Online)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprend a hacer Publicidad en Instagram" |
"Este curso consta solo de 3 clases, donde aprenderemos como hacer publicidad en Instagram paso a paso, desde como activar la cuenta publicitaria, las distintas formas de publicidad que podemos utilizar, como segmentar por inters, veremos como aplicar una estrategia comercial para optimizar los resultados de la publicidad que hagamos, como ver y analizar las estadsticas, como administrar el presupuesto y los gastos, y por ltimo veremos como activar Instagram Shopping, una de las ltimas funciones de Instagram, que permite linkear un posteo de muro con una web o tienda online, lo cual se ve muy profesional y pocas empresas hoy la utilizan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Community Manager" |
"En este curso aprenders como usar las Redes Sociales de forma profesional, aumentar las ventas de tu negocio, mejorando la visibilidad, la presencia y el alcance de tus cuentas de Instagram y Facebook (aplicable a tu negocio, o desarrollo profesional). Cul es el Objetivo del Curso?El objetivo es dar herramientas sencillas, prcticas y sencillas para poder manejar con facilidad las redes sociales, mejorar la imagen de tus cuentas y que puedas aumentar el rendimiento de las publicaciones y los contenidos. Aumento de seguidores, plan de contenidos, tipo de de publicaciones, armado de textos, uso de hashtags.A quin va dirigido este Curso?Todas las personas interesadas en manejar las Redes Sociales de su empresa, marca o que trabajen para otros, y quieran aprender Tips, Claves y cmo hacer que las cuentas que manejan se destaquen frente a toda la competencia.TEMARIO - CURSO DE COMMUNITY MANAGER:?? Cmo conseguir ms seguidores y Me Gusta.?Armado y plan de contenidos.? Cmo programar contenidos.? Cmo personalizar tu cuenta. Qu hacer con comentarios negativos.? Historias de Instagram: trucos, tips, destacadas. Fuentes.? Presencia profesional en las principales redes sociales:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.? Implementacin de objetivos.? Uso de indicadores.? Estadsticas. Google Trends.? Estrategias de trfico al perfil."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arabic: Learn Arabic Language Online Arabic Language Course" |
"Hello and welcome!This is a comprehensive Arabic course. It is for students who would like to enjoy learning Arabic in details and would like to learn:The spoken Arabic so they can start speaking with Arabic speakers from around the world without having to learn a certain dialect and at the same time The Arabic that Arabs learn in school in order to read Arabic books and understand the newsHow to use Modern Standard Arabic in speaking and sound like an Arab especially if you have learned MSA already------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to solve any of the problems below or you have any of the desires below, then this Arabic course if for you:Many students spend many years learning Pure Modern Standard Arabic in schools, college or even on their own. Then, they realize that Arabic speakers have a hard time understanding them or don't understand them at all.This Arabic course will teach you tips on how to change few things here and there in the Pure Modern Standard Arabic you have learned and start speaking with Arabic speakers from around the world and be understood.It also teaches you how to change it slowly into dialect.You want to learn to read books and written texts in Arabic, and understand the news in Arabic. This Arabic course will teach you Modern Standard Arabic that is used in Arabic books, Arabic texts and Arabic news. Arabic speakers learn it in school.You want to learn to speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world without having to learn a specific dialectIn this Arabic course, you will learn the Arabic that all Arabic speakers can speak and understandYou want to learn grammar and conjuration------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am here to help you learn Arabic correctly and easily. I am available to answer all your questions. Just send me a message through on the discussion board and I will answer you as soon as possible. You can count on me to give you correct answers because: 1- I am a professional Arabic teacher with 20+ years of experience teaching Arabic. 2- I am passionate about teaching the Arabic language-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After taking this online Arabic language course, you will start to: Speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world Understand Formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic that Arabic speakers learn in school Make sentences in the Arabic language on your own Speak the version of the Arabic language called ""White Dialect of Arabic"" that Arabic speakers from different countries speak and understand. Understand Arabic Grammar and Arabic Conjugation. Understanding Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation will allow you to learn Arabic quickly.Pure Modern Standard Arabic or Fusha is the form of Arabic used in Arabic schools, Arabic books, Arabic news, Arabic documentaries, Arabic history movies, Arabic formal speeches, and signs such as road signs in Arabic countries.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This online Arabic course uses methods which help you learn Arabic and remember what you have learned A spiral learning method meaning that you will learn Arabic vocabulary, sentence construction in the Arabic language, Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation by mastering one topic at a time. Some Arabic courses teach you an Arabic word and an Arabic phrase there which leaves you confused on how and when to use them. In this Arabic course you will learn everything you need to talk about a certain topic.Colors to help you learn Arabic easily, and retain the information you have learned in this online Arabic course, especially if you are a visual learner. Our brains retain information when it is written in different colors, especially in bright colors or colors you personally like. Repetition of Arabic words, Arabic phrases, and Arabic rules to help you learn and retain Arabic pronunciation, Arabic vocabulary and Arabic rules, especially if you are an auditory learner. An auditory learner is someone who learns by listening.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this online Arabic language course I will teach you:How to speak a version of Arabic that all Arabic speakers can speak and understand called Arabic White Dialect. Arabic speaking individuals from different Arabic countries use it to communicate with each other when they fail to understand each other's Arabic dialects. Modern Standard Arabic : Formal Arabic : Fusha Tips on how to convert Modern Standard Arabic into a Spoken version of Arabic called White Dialect of Arabic. Arabic Grammar and Arabic Conjugation How to start making sentences on your own in Arabic How to pronounce Arabic like an Arabic speaker from an Arabic speaking country Tips on how to learn the Arabic language correctly, as quickly as possible for you and easily---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to clarify some confusions: Arabic speaking individuals do not speak Pure Formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic in their daily lives. Speaking the pure Modern Standard Arabic in daily life will sound as if you are speaking Shakespearean English language. Arabic speakers, however, speak a converted or modified version of Modern Standard Arabic which is called White dialect in situations such as: Arabic speaking individuals speak Arabic White Dialect when they fail to understand each others' Arabic dialects. Arabic speaking individuals speak Arabic White Dialect when they are doing a show which targets all Arabic speaking individuals such as some Arabic cooking shows especially when the Arabic presenter of the show speaks the Arabic version called North African Darija."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3DS Max + Corona Render: do Bsico ao Avanado sem enrolao" |
"UM CURSO DIFERENTE DOS OUTROS EXISTENTES NO MERCADOEste um curso sem enrolao e direto ao ponto, onde eu trago toda a minha experincia de mais de 20 anos de mercado, tendo trabalhado em dois dos principais estdios de maquete eletrnica do Brasil e tambm como freelancer e hoje dono de minha prpria empresa.DIFERENCIALMais do que simplesmente aprender a utilizar o 3DS Max, voc tambm aprender a como configura-lo e personaliza-lo para que voc tenha um fluxo de trabalho Rpido, Profissional e Eficaz. Ns no queremos ensinar mais um hobby pra voc. O objetivo deste curso ensina-lo a ser um profissional de sucesso no mercado. De nada adianta levar 2, 3 ou at mais dias criando imagens super realistas. Voc simplesmente no conseguir atuar nesse mercado que exige prazos curtos. Voc s conseguir ganhar curtidas em redes sociais. Mais dinheiro que bom...Atravs de uma metodologia utilizada nos principais estdios de maquete eletrnica voc aprender a criar imagens internas e externas de alta qualidade e bem aceitas pelo mercado.PLANTA HUMANIZADAVoc aprender a criar plantas humanizadas de excelente qualidade diretamente no 3DS Max.Isso far voc:- Poupar tempo: Pois ir aproveitar todo o trabalho que voc j realizou para gerar as imagens. Sem retrabalhos.- Economia: Voc no precisar de outros softs para criar a planta humanizada.TODOS OS MODELOS E MAPAS UTILIZADOS NO CURSO DISPONVEIS PARA DOWNLOAD"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Canva 2020, Desde Cero Hasta Experto!" |
"QUIERES CREAR DISEOS GRFICOS PROFESIONALES GRATIS CON CANVA?nase a nuestro curso completo para mostrarle cmo crear diseos grficos profesionales con Canva. Independientemente del propsito de sus diseos, este curso le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para crear diseos grficos profesionales gratis en Canva. He estado usando Canva durante ms de 5 aos para mis negocios en lnea, lo que me convierte en el ms calificado para ensearte sobre Canva.Curso de Canva 2020, Desde Cero Hasta Experto!, es el curso ms completo que encontrar en Internet, curso que le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para crear diseos profesionales gratis paso a paso con Canva, sin saber de diseo grfico, de forma rpida y sencilla.EN ESTE CURSO, APRENDERS:Cmo dominar todas las herramientas de Canva para disear de forma profesional.Cmo crear logotipos profesionales para tu negocio.Cmo crear curriculums (CV) , tarjetas profesionales y collages de fotografas.Cmo crear infografas profesionales para las plataformas web de tu negocio.Cmo crear un EBOOK (libro virtual) para tu negocio.Cmo crear diseos profesionales para tus redes sociales y para tu negocio.Cmo crear imgenes impactantes para Anuncios en Facebook.Cmo crear diseos profesionales impactantes para tu sitio web y blog.Cmo crear animaciones y videos profesionales para tus redes sociales y sitios web.Cmo ganar dinero con tus diseos y tus servicios de Diseador Grfico.Si desea realizar diseos impactantes utilizando la plataforma Canva, este es el curso que necesita. Haremos todo lo que necesita saber cuando se trata de usar Canva y cubriremos los conceptos bsicos hasta las cosas ms avanzadas. No puedo esperar para mostrarte todo lo que s sobre la creacin de diseos grficos profesionales en Canva.QU ME CALIFICA PARA ENSEARTE?Mi nombre es Renato y soy el creador de uno de los canales de Youtube ms populares del mundo en el tema de tutoriales y marketing digital: Programacin Fcil, SEO y Marketing, con ms de 100,000 estudiantes (Botn de Plata de YouTube), ms de 50 MILLONES de reproducciones y miles de comentarios en mis tutoriales, tales como estos:Hola te felicito por los tutoriales, muy bien explicados y sobretodo de mucha utilidad. Gracias y saludos. - RIGO TovarMuy buena las explicaciones en sus tutoriales, lo felicito. - Carlos CabarcasExcelente caballero muchas gracias por tan buen aporte. - Alexander GraysonMuchas gracias, bien explicado y efectivamente muy TIL. - Dulce RodrguezGracias por tu video fue muy sencillo el procedimiento y muy til. - Vernica TrujilloMI PROMESA PARA TI!Soy un instructor en lnea a tiempo completo. Estar aqu para usted en cada paso del camino. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con este tema, siempre puede publicar una pregunta en el curso o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero que este sea el mejor CURSO DE CANVA que se encuentre en Internet. Entonces, si hay alguna manera de mejorar este curso, solo dgame y lo har realidad.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de COMPRAR AHORA y te ver en la leccin 1!Saludos,Renato Jess Yacolca Neyra"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Solfege and Music Fundamentals Book 1 Part 4" |
"Please check Udemy Solfege and Music Fundamentals Book 1 Part 1 for the full background description answering the question: What is the worst mistake a beginner-level musician can make?Part 4 covers exercises 40 - 59 in Dannhauser Solfege des Solfeges plus:Mixed duration notes3/4 time signatureCut timeMinor scalesMulti-bar restsThinking at a meta-levelProofreadingScale degreesEar training and music dictation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn React by coding a Charts creator" |
"If you want to learn React in a few hours then this course is for you. You will understad how a web app created with React works. This course covers how to create a web app that displays a custom Chart. Understanding how a React web app works under the hood is important so that you can customize your development environment therefore this course covers how to set up a React web app by using Webpack."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"HP0-081 OpenVMS System Administration Certify Practice Exam" |
"133 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-081 OpenVMS System Administration Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-081 OpenVMS System Administration Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 133Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : (99 of 133)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |