Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hablemos A2. Espanhol para brasileiros" |
"Ao igual do curso do nvel A1, este curso voltado especialmente para brasileiros ou falantes de portugus, interessados em se comunicar em espanhol em situaes bsicas e cotidianas. Neste nvel voc aprender a: expressar cortesia, descrever pessoas fsica e emocionalmente, falar sobre a famlia, expressar gostos e preferncias sobre comidas, descrever rotinas dirias e falar sobre meios de transportes. Enfim, a caminhada pelo seu mundo mais cotidiano.Esse tambm um curso de imerso, ministrado inteiramente em espanhol, para se familiarizar com o idioma desde o incio.Bem vindo ao mundo do espanhol!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Departamento Pessoal: Benefcios Previdencirios - 2020" |
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo e descomplicado para entender sobre os AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E SEUS RESPECTIVOS BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS focados no Departamento Pessoal? Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre este assunto! o/Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:INSTRUIR os colaboradores da empresa que trabalha ou seus parentes e amigos, em caso de um afastamento do trabalho por motivo de doena, doena profissional ou ocupacional, acidente ""comum"", acidente do trabalho, gravidez e recolhimento a priso.ENTENDER a legislao previdenciria no que tange aos benefcios previdencirios estudados.FAZER o clculo dos benefcios previdencirios abordados no curso.AGENDAR percia mdica, solicitar auxlio-maternidade, seguro-desemprego tudo pela internet.O que voc recebe ao se inscrever no curso AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes.Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso Udemy (voc poder incluir no seu currculo).Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias caso o curso no seja o que voc espera, assim voc poder pedir o reembolso de 100%. Mas vou te falar um coisa, tenho certeza que vai amar este curso =)O DIFERENCIAL DO CURSO AFASTAMENTOS DO TRABALHO E BENEFCIOS PREVIDENCIRIOS .Download de todos os materiais utilizados no decorrer das aulas, contendo mais de 19 recursos para download.Boletim informativo quando h alguma novidade na legislao previdenciria que tenha relao ao abordado no curso. Observao: Material disponvel para download na aula que houver a atualizao.Sobre a Instrutora.Depois de anos trabalhando com o Departamento Pessoal e Recursos Humanos passei por inmeras situaes, inmeras mesmo (rsrs..), ento trouxe neste curso um pouco do meu conhecimento sobre a legislao previdenciria, ajudando voc a entender sobre auxlio-doena comum, auxlio-doena acidentrio, auxlio-acidente, salrio maternidade (licena-maternidade) e muito mais. No curso tambm ser abordado como realizar os clculos para chegar aos valores que de fato o trabalhador ir receber do benefcio previdencirio estudado.O pr-requisito para fazer o curso a vontade de aprender ou aprimorar os conhecimentos. No necessrio ter conhecimento prvio de legislao, pois estudaremos a legislao previdenciria atualizada (2020) e explicarei tudo o que precisa saber sobre o assunto, ento fique tranquilo com relao a isso =)Espero que goste dos contedos abordados e nos vemos nas aulas!Prof. Vanessa SilvaInscreva-se agora =)"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Financeira para Pequenas Empresas" |
"O curso de Gesto Financeira um mtodo simples e gil para pequenas empresas administrarem suas finanas de forma eficiente com foco nos lucros.A proposta que com 15 minutos dirios o empresrio consiga fazer toda sua gesto para ter controle de 100% de suas finanas.O curso 100% prtico e desde a primeira aula o contedo j ser aproveitado.Eu como empresrio sei que grande parte da teoria no se aplica no dia a dia do empreendedor, ento eu compactei o essencial para aplicao na administrao de pequenas empresas.Esse mtodo eu uso na minha empresa e nos clientes que tenho de consultoria.Aprenda como fazer lanamentos, fluxo de caixa, planejamento oramentrio (Budget), entre outros.Adquirindo o curso voc receber uma planilha nica automatizada para facilitar sua vida e dia a dia.Seja bem-vindo ao curso de Gesto Financeira para pequenas empresas."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How to Treat Wrist and Hand Pain With Gua Sha" |
"In this course I walk you through how to use Gua Sha, Acupuncture Channel Theory and stretching techniques to alleviate pain, swelling and inflammation, as well as numbness and tingling you may be experiencing from an injury, carpal tunnel syndrome or other pain in your wrist or hand. Used as a regular self-care practice at home or at work, you will experience immediate results and be able to work and get back to the activities you enjoy. Course OverviewThis training will cover:The causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, wrist and hand painSigns and symptomsStretching exercisesUsing the Traditional Chinese Medicine modality of Gua Sha to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, wrist and hand painWhat contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?Signs and symptoms of Carpal Tunnel SyndromeWhat causes joint pain?Warning signs that indicate you should see your doctor"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The HTML5 BuilderBook 2020: Beginner To Expert" |
"Welcome to the HTML5 BuilderBook 2020. HTML is the first language you need to learn to be able to build websites .HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content.The HTML5 BuilderBook 2020, will help you build a strong HTML foundation in the following topics:HTML attributesHTML TagsHTML Images , VideosHTML tablesHTML FormsCourse and Overview.This course is good for developers with beginner experience in HTML or intermediate experience.In the course, I will first walk you throughwhat is HTML , the basic tags and why we use them. I have easy to digest articles articles for beginners to understand HTML, for purposes of use as reference when building your projects.After going through the basics, we will build our first real world basic website with just basic HTML.Our first build will be a Travel Diary complete with a working contact form , a rating system with just basic HTML.No CSS is used in this project or hard external libraries.The course will be periodically updated with new builds to solidify your foundation in HTML5."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Integration Course : SOAP API" |
"Prerequisites:Basic Understanding of API Programming.Good understanding of Apex and Visual force Development.Basic understanding of Salesforce Admin Concepts.Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPS).Good understanding of Salesforce Object Query Language and DML operations.Q : Why to Enroll this course?1. Real time Project Oriented Training with live examples.2. Provided you the live class notes to recall the sessions in future and practice.3. Course is delivered as a high interactive session, with extensive live examples.4. This course is specially designed for the developers / admin / project managers who wants to understand the Salesforce API Progamming using SOAP API.5. Latest videos from a live batch.About Me:9+ years of Real time Experience in Salesforce CRM Cloud Application development. Currently working as a Senior Technical Consultant & Senior Developer.6+ years of teaching experience in Salesforce CRM on different salesforce modules like Admin, Development, Integrations, Lightning and LWC.What you will learn at the end of the course: Course ContentSimply, Complete knowledge about SOAP API in Salesforce.Course Content:1. Introduction to Force Dot Com Platform Integration.2. Why Integration? What are the reasons to go for Salesforce Integrations.3. Real time scenarios on Business level integrations.4. Different type of APIs used in Salesforce Integration.5. SOAP API Architecture.6. Different type of WSDL files used in Salesforce.7. Using Salesforce Provided Webservices (Enterprise and Partner WSDL)8. Using User defined Webservices (Host a user created webservice to the external Service).9. Testing the webservices using SOAP UI Tool.10. Integration one Salesforce instance to another Salesforce Instance using Partner WSDL.11. Consuming external WSDL files in salesforce.12. Remotesite Settings.13. JSON Serialize and Deserialize14. Invoking future callout from trigger (@future annotation)15. Mock test class code coverage using WebserviceMock.16. Governing limits.17. API Limits.18. Best practices."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"'An Inspector Calls' by J.B. Priestley: GCSE English Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying J. B Priestley's play, 'An Inspector Calls'? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been this Shakespeare play? Maybe you are currently studying 'An Inspector Calls' at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate 'Romeo and Juliet' English GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this play, understanding its key themes as well the main characters and symbols when it comes to Priestley's play. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine context related to the Edwardian Era and she will show you what it takes to write a top Level 9 model answer for the play - either for your coursework or exams!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate 'Macbeth' English Literature Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying Shakespeare's play, 'Macbeth'? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been this Shakespeare play? Maybe you are currently studying 'Macbeth' at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate 'Macbeth' English GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this play, understanding its key themes as well the main characters and symbols when it comes to Shakespeare's play. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine context related to the Elizabethan Era and she will show you what it takes to write a top Level 9 model answer for the play - either for your coursework or exams!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' English Literature Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying Robert Louis Stevensons novella, 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been this novella ? Maybe you are a student who is currently studying 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' English GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this novella, understanding its key themes as well the main characters and symbols when it comes to the novella. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine context related to the Victorian Era and she will show you what it takes to write a top Level 9 model answer for the play - either for your coursework or exams!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate English Literature GCSE: AQA Unseen Poetry Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying the Unseen section of the Poetry exams in Paper 2 of the English Literature exams? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been the Unseen poems? Maybe you are currently studying Unseen poetry at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The Ultimate Unseen Poems GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this part of the exams and understanding how to interpret poems you have never seen before. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine literature techniques related to different poem as well as how you can compare and analyse poems you have never seen before during your exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate English Language GCSE: AQA Paper 2 Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to preparing for the English Language Paper 1 portion of their GCSE exams? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in their side has always been English Language Paper 2? Maybe you are a student who is currently studying and preparing for your English Language GCSEs at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Language Paper GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to understanding the structure of this paper, how to answer Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this paper which is the comprehension portion of the paper as well as how to craft a top Non-Fiction Written answer for Question 5 of the paper! If this is what you are seeking, lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
IT |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
SEO5004000PV |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda piano clssico e teoria musical - Dolce Piano 1" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a tocar peas clssicas desde a primeira aula, atravs de um mtodo bem eficiente e simples. O aprendizado de partituras passo a passo nesse curso, o mesmo mtodo adotado em aulas presenciais com eficincia comprovada. O ensino da teoria musical nesse curso est relacionado com a prtica do repertrio, fazendo com que voc tenha mais confiana ao tocar suas peas musicais.Cada aula vem acompanhada com um material que poder ser impresso para que voc possa tocar o repertrio de forma segura e o aprendizado seja mais slido. O ideal que o aluno assista s aulas algumas vezes, para que depois toque sozinho sem precisar recorrer aos vdeos sempre que for praticar. Desta forma, o aluno ficar independente do professor e poder recorrer ao vasto repertrio pianstico de nvel iniciante.Alm do aprendizado da teoria musical, esse curso aborda a tcnica mais eficiente para que voc toque com facilidade sem sentir dores nas mos.Acompanhe suas msicas solfejando, ou seja, cantando as notas enquanto toca. Essa uma forma eficiente para que voc aprenda a relacionar as notas na partitura com o teclado do piano alm de memorizar as peas mais rapidamente. Quando voc mal perceber, estar cantando as msicas fora do piano enquanto faz suas atividades dirias."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Cheating Spouses & Domestic Cases" |
"There are three sections to this Private Investigation course. The first one is based in part on an actual case and deals with a cheating wife who the investigator calls a ""Pro"". The second section deals with a cheating husband case. It's more of a basic walk-through of a day-in-the-life of a Private Eye as he conducts surveillance on a client's husband. Lots of tactics and unmanned cameras. The third section deals with how to handle domestic case clients. Who to accept as a client and who to avoid."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stop Type 2 Diabetes!" |
"You just left your doctors office. Your doctor said you have something called prediabetes and you are freaking out! They said they can get you in to talk with a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)/Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) in about 2 months. They also signed you up for a prediabetes group class that is still 1 month away.But you cannot wait that long and WANT ANSWERS NOW! After Googling prediabetes you came across this Stop Type 2 Diabetes course. A bonus about this course, as compared to others, it is taught by a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)/Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES).the same type person they have you signed up for is now at your fingertipsso you know the information you receive is not someone trying to sell you a new way to reverse diabetes.In this course we learn what is prediabetes and how you can stop it from progressing into type 2 diabetes by making some lifestyle changes. We will talk about simple things you can do to add some exercise into your daily routine and a new way to look at each of your meals/food choices throughout the daya perfect fit for your busy lifestyle! To be completely honest, a lot of type 2 diabetes prevention is finding healthier ways to incorporate positive habits into your current life.At the completion of this course you will walk away with tools that you can immediately start using today to better understand prediabetes and items you can do to prevent it from progressing into type 2 diabetes. So take time for you now to get the tools you need for your tool belt to Stop Type 2 Diabetes!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Benchmarking for Better Performance" |
"The only way to start improving is to understand where you are at the moment. Learn to benchmark your performance internally and against your best competitors, thereby doing things better, faster and cheaper. This course guides you business benchmarking process step by step, utilizing a detailed case study, and in best alignment with your key stakeholders - both internal and external - to ensure you're able to confidently use the benchmarking tool widely across many disciplines and functions, and as well as able to significantly improve the chances of successful execution of your benchmarking exercise outcome in order to achieve best value for your organization!In this course, you will learn key metrics for focused comparisons with internal past/current performance, competitors, or Best In Class companies, when to use it as well when to stop and consult in case of extreme external benchmarking cases, how to perform it keeping scope and business partners in alignment, the data collection methods and understanding the differences down to a root cause until you are sure you have a deep understanding helps you draw appropriate insights and conclusions!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu nube Nextcloud" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear una nube con Nextcloud, con lo que no tendrs que depender de terceras empresas como mega o dropbox. Aumentar la privacidad de tus archivos y documentos y siempre tendrs localizado tu informacin, ya que la nube la puede instalar en tu empresa o hogar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Computing : The Knowledge of Cloud" |
"In reality, the cloud is something that you have been using for a long time now; it is the Internet, along with all the associated standards and protocols hat provide a set of Web services to you. Cloud computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed. The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the Internet and the growth of some large service companies. Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-go, infinitely scalable, universally available system. With cloud computing, you can start very small and become big very fast. That's why cloud computing is revolutionary, even if the technology it is built on is evolutionary. Cloud computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network using virtualized resources and accessed by common Internet protocols and networking standards. Cloud computing takes the technology, services, and applications.In the Cloud Computing : the Knowledge of Cloud, you will see - what is Cloud Computing ?, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and the Benefits. In this course, you will find 50 Questions (objective type, 40 minutes)"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"A02 Dashboards, Stories & Dataupload (IBM Cognos Analytics)" |
"This course teaches how to create dashboards and stories. It deals with the basics for the creation of analyses on own data, as well as the provision of company evaluations and presentations.Tips for learning with the webinar videosThe best way to learn is to work through the lessons in the given orderThe lessons are self-contained. If you only want to learn or repeat a particular topic, you can also start directly with the lesson.Practice simultaneously on your own Cognos systemStart a video and press Pause if you want to follow the steps in your own system.View complicated operations multiple timesAfter each lesson, you should test and deepen your knowledge with your own data on your system."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Professional Forex Trading ( Forex )" |
"Forex Fulltime "" """
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Money Investing System Blueprint" |
"Three Days Comprehensive Course to update your Fundamental Skills in Investing with lot of worksheets, ideas. Learn how to invest in Mutual funds and Fixed Income. We start with basic knowledge about Personal Finance, Budgeting, Risk Profiling, Portfolio Creation, Mutual Funds. It is a complete road map to your Investment Journey. Useful to Students,Working Professionals, Insurance & Mutual Fund Brokers also to instruct / know basic concept behind Financial Planning & Investing"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"#SpineAware - Gleichgewicht fr den Rcken (Rckentraining)" |
"Mein Konzept fr einen gesunden Rcken, resultiert aus einem Gleichgewichtstraining, welches auf den Bewegungsformen von Yoga, Feldenkrais und Tai-Chi basiert.Es ist auch deshalb fr die mentale Gesundheit geeignet, da es viel Aufmerksamkeit gegenber dem eigenen Krper verlangt. Erst die bewusste Bewegung, macht es mglich, dass die Spannung in unserer Muskulatur gnstig geschalten wird. Jede Bewegung soll mit bedacht vollzogen werden. Wir Menschen haben es dem Design unseres Rckens, und der Muskulatur entlang dieser, zu verdanken, dass wir uns allein nur auf den Flchen unserer Fe fortbewegen knnen. Mit meinem Training mchte ich die Aufmerksamkeit zurck auf das lenken, wofr die Wirbelsule konzipiert wurde: zur Aufrechterhaltung des Gleichgewichtes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ansible A-Z" |
"Ansible est une plate-forme d'automatisation open source qui assiste les Entreprise dans des tches telles que le dploiement d'applications, l'orchestration et l'automatisation des tches.L'apprentissage d'Ansible vous aidera faire vos premiers pas vers la comprhension des principes fondamentaux et des aspects pratiques d'Ansible en vous prsentant des sujets tels que les playbooks, les modules et l'installation de Linux"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) : 6 Practice Tests Part [1/2]" |
"This course (CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) : 6 Practice Tests Part [1/2]) Contains 6 practice tests, 450 hand picked questions andCompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+): 6 Practice Tests Part [2/2] (Please check my course) Course Contains 6 practice tests, 450 hand picked questionsThese above two courses(900 hand picked questions) help you to pass the official "" CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) FC0-U61 "" certification Exam on your 1st attempt.We highly recommend retake all the tests until you get 90% or more on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the correct answer for each question.Official Exam Details:Exam Code: FC0-U61 Total Questions: Maximum of 75 questions Type of questions: Multiple choice Time Allowed: 60 Minutes Passing score: 650 (on a scale of 900)----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Training Course in Science Journalism 2.0" |
"+++Introducing Advanced Training Course in Science Journalism 2.0 on Udemy+++Medgenera Academy presents the Advanced Training Course in Science Journalism 2.0 for the science researchers (Master's level or above). The on-demand course available on the online learning platform Udemy teaches the modern tools and techniques for writing great science stories and build cost-effective strategies to promote the write-up to science and non-science background audience.The course is relevant to the researcher (Master's level or above) or professional having experience in the science innovation-based industry and is serious about building their skills in science communication.The course also teaches how to become self-employed as a freelance science communicator in the 8 core areas. It provides a template for the self-assessment of freelancing capabilities. By the end of the course and the successful completion of the assignments, one should:Be clear about what areas to choose for their further careerWhat tools and techniques will best suit their science writing strategiesLearn the ins and outs of digital content publishingLearn the technical know-how of the content management systemHow to make cost-effective content promotion strategiesSome other things that a student will be able to do with this course:How to write a good science news storyHow to create a science feature storyHow to take interviews of scientists, CEOs, and investors, etc.How to handle controversial science topics and newsHow to pitch your story to the editor of big media outletsHow to publish online and get readersThe Advanced Training Course in Science Journalism 2.0 is Medgenera Academys flagship course which aims to equip students to become successful in science communication and get certified for the completion of the course. The course is delivered by Pankaj Mishra, Founder and CEO of the healthcare media company Medgenera and prepared in collaboration with Tiash Saha, associate editor at GlobalData plc and the former in-house editor of Medgenera.+++What is the core strength of the course?+++The core strength of the course is its practical-based approach. Thus its full of practical tips and tricks and do's and don'ts. The real-world evidence cases are discussed. The students are provided with the guidelines and are encouraged to practice and validate their learning with their social and professional network.+++How the course is structured?+++The training course has 4.5 hours of on-demand videos divided into 34 lectures taught in English. The videos are also provided with English subtitles. The course starts with the introduction to the rigorous of subjective science journalism [Module 1] and gradually builds the knowledge and practical skills of science communication and web content publishing [Module 2-8]. A total of 19 assessment tests are provided based on what is taught inside the course. +++How does this course work?+++The course is taught online using the Udemy platform. The lectures are pre-recorded for the students to watch at their own time and pace and they will be able to track their learning progresses.+++What can the user expect on completion of the course?+++How to avoid bad science communication by using the proven methodsHow to use modern tools and techniques to create great science stories for their audienceHow to start a freelance career in science communication, a clear-cut idea on whether they are the right fit (at this time) for a freelance career.How to publish and grow their influence without spending moneyHow to use the content management system (such as WordPress) to keep the hold of their online contentHow to use the content distribution channels, social media, and email marketing to promote the content+++What has been the user feedback from version 1.0?+++The first version of the course was released in mid-2018 on the Medgenera platform and attended by more than two hundred students. Now it is available on Udemy with new and updated content.""My recommendation for the course: 5 out of 5.Starting from no experience with the science communication to writing my own article on LinkedIn. My post gained 110 Likes in 24 hrs! A big thing for me! Thanks a ton for making this course.""- Marc Biersner, Dublin (given on 22.09.2018)""The course is very well structured.The quiz is an efficient addition. I had a very pleasant experience with lots of learning"".-Michael Decker, University of Michigan (given on 15.09.2018)""A very well thought and highly intensive course.The best thing is the experiences shared by the instructor in building the business on the science content. I absolutely enjoyed the course!! The quiz section is an advantage to keep on the track"".-Kelly, UCLA (given on 24.09.2018)""I would definitely recommend this great course to anyone who has an interest in writing and has an understanding of science.It is a brilliant course I would say! It is really important to know how can we reach the scientific as well as the non-scientific audience and let them know about the wonderful research going on in the world"".-Nikita Upadhyay, BHU (given on 24.09.2018)""I was struggling hard to decide what to do after my post-graduation.I decided to take this course and I must admit that this is the best thing I have done this year. Thank you! You have turned my interest in writing into a professional career. I am freelancing now and have already helped a few clients"".-Faizan, University of Karachi (given on 18.09.2018)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Musik verstehen - Die Musik Formel" |
"DIESER KURS HILFT dir mit einer effektiven METHODE, einen umfassenden, tiefen Einblick in die Welt der Musik zu gewinnen.ENTDECKE den SCHLSSEL zum Musikverstndnis und zur Musiktheorie und berwinde deine Vorbehalte gegenber dem Notenlesen, der Gehrbildung und dem Komponieren.Ein auergewhnlicher Kurs, der dir endlich die Regeln der Musik offenbart!Dieser Kurs ist anders als die blichen Musiktheorie-Kurse.Du wirst hier die Musik tief und grndlich und vor allem ganzheitlich verstehen, indem du ihre Krfte und ihre Regeln kennenlernst.Hier wird die Theorie, oder besser gesagt: Hier werden die konkreten Regeln gleich in die Praxis umgesetzt, d. h. es wird gleich aktiv musiziert du wirst die Regeln der Musik nmlich singend erkunden!In diesem Kurs sind alle Fhigkeiten und Informationen enthalten, die du zum erfolgreichen Erlernen der Musiktheorie bentigst.Ich mchte einfach, dass du so bald wie mglich selber neue Melodien und dazu eine zweite Stimme erfinden kannst.Das ist nmlich das Ziel dieses Kurses: dass du aktiv Musik machen kannst.Du wirst kaum eine andere Gelegenheit bekommen, die Musiktheorie so umfassend zu erlernen.Viele einzigartige Info-Grafiken und Zeichnungen machen die komplexen Zusammenhnge der Musik einfach sichtbar.Die ausgezeichneten Erkenntnisse des sterreichischen Musiktheoretikers Heinrich Schenker bilden die Grundlage dieser Methode, wie sie in diesem Kurs vorgestellt wird.Dieses wertvolle Wissen ber Musik wird dir in diesem Kurs zugnglich gemacht.Am einfachsten und sichersten ist es die Musik/Musiktheorie zu begreifen, indem du einfach verstehst, warum sich die Tne auf bestimmte Weise verhalten.Sobald du diese Konzepte verstanden hast, kannst du nachvollziehen, warum eine Melodie bzw. Lied auf seine Weise aufgebaut ist.Wenn du das weit, dann kannst du sogar deine eigenen Musikstcke erfinden!Egal, ob du schon einmal Musiktheorie gelernt hast oder gerade erst anfngst, dieser Kurs ist genau das Richtige fr dich.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet die wahrscheinlich einfachste und gleichzeitig effektivste Musik-Lernmethode, die es zu kaufen gibt.Du hast deinen musikalischen Erfolg in der Hand.Starte jetzt mit dem Kurs!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"NodeJs, Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture e SOLID" |
"Nesse curso irei demonstrar na prtica como criar uma API em NodeJs utilizando Typescript, MongoDb e seguindo as melhores metodologias do mercado. Se voc est cansado de cursos bsicos e quer realmente aprender sobre contedos avanados e relevantes como: Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, SOLID e TDD, voc est no lugar certo. O objetivo maior desse treinamento fazer voc sair da sua zona de conforto e ver que existem muitas coisas a serem estudadas para se tornar um lder tcnico ou um arquiteto de software.Vamos criar uma API completa com Login, Cadastro, Criao de Enquetes, Lista de Enquetes, Responder uma Enquete e Resultado da Enquete.Alm de tudo isso irei mostrar na prtica como utilizar o Git, Docker, Jest, CI/CD, Swagger da forma correta e como fazer para manter nosso cdigo sempre limpo, organizado e bem estruturado, criando inclusive travas para evitar que cdigos defeituosos ou mal formatados sejam commitados em nosso repositrio.Vamos falar sobre o uso correto de middlewares para gerenciamento de permisses nas rotas e segurana na gerao de senhas.Esse curso far voc evoluir mais do que anos de faculdade. Mostrarei pra voc, de forma objetiva, todos os conhecimentos que obtive ao longo dos anos de minha carreira. Voc ter a oportunidade de evoluir em semanas ou meses o que os programadores sniors levam anos para aprender."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"O Melhor Professor do Mundo" |
"Curso voltado para professores de msica, pedagogos e curiosos na rea da musicalizao infantil.O Curso aborda questes prticas do dia a dia de um professor, a importncia da msica nessa faixa etria, objetivos e competncias e atividades importantes para o desenvolvimento musical das crianas. dividido em 3 mdulos totalizando 15 aulas. Uma mdia de 2 horas de estudo.O objetivo do curso o de compartilhar um pouco da experincia acumulada nestes quase 20 anos de atuao em escolas de msica e, principalmente, em escolas de ensino regular. A ideia central passar aquilo que no se aprende na faculdade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla y potencializa el IQ emocional de tus hijos" |
"Aprende de una guia PRACTICA donde la Psicologa Karla Durazo te muestra tcnicas que puedes poner en prctica de inmediato y ayudar a tus hijos a lograr su mejor versin. Por medio de sus centros de estimulacin D.A. Psicointegral, transmisiones en facebook e instagram, ha logrado ayudar a miles de padres a nivel internacional."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La Biblia de Node.js: convirtete en un experto backend" |
"Aprende las entraas de Node.js creando proyectos asombrosos basados en las ltimas tendencias de diseo y desarrollo de software. Conoce como compaas de gran renombre como Netflix, Uber y PayPal implementan sus arquitecturas de software. Mezcla tu conocimiento con tecnologas como: Docker, Microservicios, APIs, CronJobs, Angular, V8, SQL, NoSQL y ms. No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de convertirte en una mejor versin de ti!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |