Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sketchnote e Creativit" |
"In questo corso imparerai a disegnare le tue sketchnote, disegni di testo e immagini utilissimi per annotare idee, svilupparle in modo creativo e comunicarle ad amici e colleghi, anche attraverso il mezzo digitale. Tre lezioni video spiegate e commentate passo per passo, con disegni e materiali aggiuntivi da scaricare, pi test di autovalutazione. La tecnica delle sketchnote riassume in modo semplice e divertente, in un insieme di concetti estremamente sintetici e comprensibili, l'arte del prendere appunti attraverso la forza delle immagini. Non serve ""saper disegnare"": le sketchnote non servono a creare capolavori artistici, ma veicolare il pensiero, fissare idee forti e comunicarle in modo versatile e divertente. Che tu sia un manager che deve studiare un nuovo prodotto col suo team, un insegnate, un artista, o semplicemente un aspirante pensatore creativo, la tecnica delle sketchnote quella che fa per te!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Indesign cc: Apprendre les fondamentaux" |
"Dans cette formation consacre indesign, vous allez apprendre matriser les diffrents points du logiciel, qui que vous soyez, un dbutant ou moiti form cette formation a pour but de vous donner les lments essentiels qui vous permettra de savoir: crer des documentsde placer du textede placer des imagesde crer des formesdinsrer la couleurde grer les documents et aussi voir comment crer des documents interactif avec indesign.La version du logiciel utilise au sein de la formation est Adobe indesign cc 2020, mais cela ne vous empche pas de travailler avec une version ancienne d'indesign (indesign cc version antrieure, cs6, cs5)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling with Hazem El Seddiq -" |
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .This is probably the best storytelling crash-course there is on the web. It's practical. It's focused. And it's made by someone who hates theoretical courses from people who haven't done anything to show for it. This course is an accumulation of how personally learned to make my films and vlogs better, so you know it works.Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker or public speaker, learning how to tell and structure a story is essential to communicating your ideas with people. You don't have to be born a natural storyteller. Storytelling can totally be taught, I promise!In this course, we'll break down the story structure of great movies and analyze how they touch our hearts and keep us on the edge of our seats. We'll learn the famous 3 act structure and the plot structure of short movies. We'll practice the principles of drama together and learn how great characters are made. We'll even learn how to implement storytelling to your YouTube videos. After this course, you'll be the guy no one wants to watch movies with, because you'll be analyzing every scene and probably even predicting what's to come.Honestly, this course will change your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding A Party Invitation Website - Beginner HTML & CSS" |
"In this class, you will learn how to manually code websites using HTML and style them using CSS.We will build a website that is in the theme of telling a story and inviting people to events.You will learn the following:Important Information About HTMLThe Basics of Styling Your WebsiteAnimationsImplementing More Than One PageCreating Forms, Images, Paragraphs, Headings and more"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Structure Benefits and Options for Entrepreneurs" |
"Deciding the business structure choice, also known as business entity choice, that best fits your business can be overwhelming. This course will guide you through the benefits business structures can provide. You'll learn which structures can provide the benefits you need.You must find the right balance of the following benefits that different structures provide:Personal asset protectionTax savingsNumber and type of owners you can haveMinimal complexityEach structure allows some benefits but not others. This course will guide to clarify the benefits that are most important to your businesss success.Once you know the most important benefits, youre ready to learn the basics of popular business structures and business entity choices. Youll learn the pros and cons of each of these business structures in simple language. This class applies to companies in the United States. Well look at the following structures:Sole ProprietorshipsPartnershipsLimited Liability Companies (LLCs)Corporations (C-Corporations, S-Corporations, B-Corporations)This course has three activities that will help you identify and prioritize the benefits you want from your business structure. You'll complete an activity in which you mark the pros you would like from each structure and the cons you most want to avoid. This activity page also serves as a helpful summary of the pros and cons of each structure.Not understanding business structure benefits and choices can mean overwhelming and time-consuming meetings with tax and legal professionals. Youll be well-prepared from this course to work with your tax or legal advisor to quickly choose and form the best business entity for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Decoding finance for startups" |
"This is a crash course for startups, where we touch base upon basics to start a business, various funding options and basics of business financials to take care of operations. In this course, we would be discussing funding options like bootstrapping, loans and investors for businesses at different stages. We would also be introducing the basic business operational finance matters like making a financial plan, creating fund baskets, etc.And in the end, we would introduce the accounting basis for day to day accounts management."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tecniche di hairstyling" |
"Attraverso questo percorso della durata di cinque video, i pratecipanti potranno avere un primo approccio per conoscere le tecniche di lavoro haxtrait: taglio, asciugatura, schiaritura e acconciatura donna e ragazza.Nel corso dei video sono mostrate alcune tecniche che possono fornire delle ispirazioni per lavori da replicare nella quotidianit in salone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Abnormal Behavior & Clinical Psychology" |
"(Certificate of Completion)This course offers an introduction to abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.By the end of this course, students should be able to:1. Identify the various roles that mental health professionals play within the mental health system.2. Describe the theoretical foundations of therapeutic psychology to include: intake, problem identification and assessment, and the facilitation of therapeutic change."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Attraction, Love & Sexual Attitudes" |
"Using the concept of continuing maturation throughout interpersonal relationships, this course focuses on identifying certain aspects that may need personal development. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:--Analyze how attitudes form, change, and how they impact our behavior and thinking;--Recognize the various psychological theories on sexual attitudes, love, and behavior modification.--Apply learned principles to improve personal and professional relationships."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MyAbfindung - Hhere Abfindung bei Kndigung" |
"Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du das geheime Expertenwissen mit dem Du eine hhere Abfindung bei Kndigung oder bevorstehender Kndigung erreichen kannst. Anschaulich, praxisnah und umsetzbar. Expertenwissen aus ber 10 Jahren Anwaltsttigkeit als Fachanwalt fr Arbeitsrecht. Mit diesem Wissen kannst Du mehr herausholen als nur mit der 0815-Formel mit der die meisten Anwlte die Hhe der Abfindung im allgemeinen mit einem halben Bruttomonatsgehalt pro Beschftigungsjahr berechnen. Erfahre hier mehr, wie sich der ""My Abfindung Faktor"" fr Dich auswirken kann. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bilisel Davran Terapi" |
"Bilisel Davran Terapi psikoloji ve psikopatoloji (ruhsal rahatszlklar) alanndaki bilimsel bulgulara dayal olarak gelitirilmi, bilimsel ilkelerin psikoterapi alanna uygulanmasyla ortaya km ada bir psikoterapidir. Bu kurs pratii size psikoloji alanndaki Bilisel Davran Terapi uygulamasnn nasl olduunu ve teorik olarak hangi bilgilerden yararlandn gsterir. Pratik ve teorik olarak yaplan kurs, Bilisel davran tedavinin yntemini, nasl uygulandn ve hangi aamalar ile yaplandrldn gsterecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SPSS 26 for Beginners (Arabic)" |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ta Boyama 101" |
"Yolda bile bulabileceiniz doal talarn stne resim, desen izebilmek hem ok rahatlatc bir hobidir hem de sevdiklerinize hediye edebileceiniz esiz almalar karmanz salar.Bu kursu almak iin resim bilgisine sahip olmanza veya bu konuda tecrbeniz olmasna gerek yok. Doal bir tan stne izilen basit bir desen bile ok etkileyici gzkr. almalarm grp de etkilenmeyen olmad nk bu alk olmadmz bir tr. Aklmzda hep ""resim kada yaplr"" diye kodlanm. Bu nedenle evrenizdekileri artmann yansra tala alrken doaya hissedeceiniz yaknlk da size iyi gelecek.Ben bu sanat trn olumla ne aktivite yapsak diye ararken kefettim ve birok iyi okulda da etkinlik olarak yapldn grdm. Sadece bunun iin renmek bile isteyebilirsiniz. nk ocuunuza unutamayaca bir etkinlik olacak, birlikte kaliteli zaman geirmek de size iyi hissetirecek.Kursun ierii aadaki gibidir:GiriEitimde Neler VarTan yks ve Benim ykmBoyamadan nceTa seimiBoyama ncesi HazrlkGerekli MalzemelerFralarBoyalarBoya markalarDier malzemelerTa BoyamaTaslak izimiRenk KartrmaAstar HazrlamaIklandrmaDetaylandrmaGlgelendirmeUur Bcei EklemeVernikleme lemimza KsmBoyamadan SonraTa SergilemeKutulamaHediye Paketi YapmaDerslerde grmek zere."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Geld mit Instagram und Affiliate Marketing verdienen" |
"In diesem Mini-Online Kurs zeige ich dir wie du als Amazon Affiliate Geld auf Instagram verdienen kannst. Darber hinaus schauen wir uns weitere Affiliate Plattformen an fr physische und digitale Produkte, die du nutzen kannst um dein Following zu monetarisieren.Aufbau:Video 1: Intro - Affiliate Marketing BasicsVideo 2: Vor- & Nachteile vom Affiliate MarketingVideo 3: Wichtige Regeln beim Affiliate MarketingVideo 4: Das Amazon Affiliate Center - wie erstelle ich Links?Video 5: Deine eigene Amazon Storefront aufbauenVideo 6: Beispiele von Amazon InfluencernVideo 7: Weiter Beiepsiele von Amazon InfluencernVideo 8: Weitere Affiliate Programm (Etsy, Ebay, Awin, Digistore24, Clickbank)Video 9: Bonus Instagram Profil in ein Business Profil umwandelnVideo 10: Bonus - 8 Wege wie du Links auf Instagram teilen kannstZudem erhlst du die besprochenen Kurs Folien als PDF Anhang mit den genannten Links.Freu dich darauf und auf geht's! :-)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Sheets - Advanced" |
"This course will teach students advanced concepts and formulas in Google Sheets. Students will learn to use logical statements, lookup functions, and date and text functions. Additionally, students will learn how to link spreadsheets and Sheets files, work with range names, learn the options for spreadsheet protection, create PivotTables, work with macros and scripts. Students will also learn about conditional formatting, inserting graphics, and creating Forms.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript and jQuery Project: Daily Goal Tracker App" |
"So, you've learned the fundamentals of HTML and JavaScript? But, perhaps you're having trouble seeing how you fit everything together to make an app? Maybe you're looking for good projects you can complete to become a stronger developer? Or do you want to start moving away from ""beginner"" status in your development work?This is not a typical Udemy course.This is a full application with code, video instructions, and a printable printed manual. We've designed it for you, the person who has already learned the basics and now needs to move on to developing applications. The Daily Goal Tracker App is a full application built in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the jQuery Mobile library. While building the app with expert instructor and developer Mark Lassoff you use JavaScript to interact with the browsers localStorage object and jQuery to build a cool listview.Specifically, the technologies used in this application include:HTML5HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language) provides the scaffolding for all web applications and many of the mobile applications used today. HTML5 is used to create the user interface in the application.JavaScriptJavaScript is the most important programming language you can learn today. The JavaScript programming language powers web interactivity, communication with APIs and can even be the engine of online games.jQuery MobilejQuery Mobile is the most popular library available for working with JavaScript in the mobile environment. jQuery mobile provides a beautiful, responsive interface for the app. jQuery shorthand is also used in place of lengthy JavaScript methods.LocalStorageFor years, the browser was unable to store any information outside of cookies. However, SessionStorage and LocalStorate, used in the app let us store data between application sessions.In addition to the video instruction, this course includes:29 PAGE, FULL-COLOR, TRAINING MANUALThe included training manual breaks down every single line of code and describes its function in plain English. Program developer and instructor Mark Lassoff has spent 20 years teaching technical topics, so he knows how to make every technical concept easy to understand and apply to your own coding work. This training manual is a perfect companion to the video training.COMPLETE, ANNOTATED CODE FILESWe include both executable code files and annotated code files in which nearly every line of code is commented and explained. This is yet another great way to help you build and understand the application.If you're looking for a project that is fun, and that you can really learn from, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
basics-of-direct-tax-in-tamil |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Game Development: 2D Platform Game Fundamentals" |
"In this course, you'll learn the basics of 2D game development using HTML5/Javascript and the excellent Phaser game engine. The course will focus on character movement for a platform game and introduce level creation using the Tiled level editor.We'll cover how to build a character with various moves and animations. We'll use a physics engine to get the jump and horizontal movement feeling just right similar to classic games like Mario Bros. Well then create a simple platform game level and setup the collision logic for our character to interact with it.Along the way to building a super fun 2D platform game, well be looking at some best practices on structuring and architecting a game project by starting with a robust boilerplate that you can use for any game, as well as exploring the finite state machine pattern as a means of controlling our characters movements and animations. This will give you a solid foundation for continuing your journey into game development and give you a kick start in creating a full blown game!If any of the above sounds a bit daunting, dont worry, the course videos will explain everything in a way thats suitable even for a complete beginner. While a little familiarity with Javascript would be beneficial, well be doing everything step-by-step in enough detail that you can follow along. Basically, if you have an interest in how 2D platform games work and would like to have a go at creating your own, this course is for you."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Compose Emotional Music" |
"Your Journey in Emotional MusicHello Composers and Creative people! Do you want to learn how to compose emotional music? Music that touches your heart, and goes deep into your very soul. You will learn how to compose anything from sad and tragic music, to tear-jerking lush and beautiful music, to intimate and soft emotional atmospheres. I will take you on a learning journey and adventure, where you will learn the secrets of composing and producing emotional music.Learn the Foundations & GuidelinesExplore the Sounds & ColorsDiscover Practical Tips & InsightsGet Live Examples & DemonstrationsMaster Emotional MusicMy name is Mike, and I am a composer.Just. Like. You. =)I started making music back in 1998. And I love to educate, motivate, and inspire creative people, like yourself.So I ask you again. Are you ready to learn and master how to compose emotional music in any style you want. If your answer is yes. Take action, and begin your adventure, right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Blender Jumpstart Course" |
"If you have never used Blender or know it only superficially, and if you want to learn it from the very basics, this course is for you. It covers a lot of the basic techniques used for modeling and shading 3D objects.This Blender basics course covers: creating objects deleting objects object mode vs edit mode ortho view vs perspective view extruding the move, rotate and scale transformations selecting object selecting all deselecting all adding materials selecting edge loops vertex select vs edge select vs face select modes bridging edge loops assigning materials the mirror modifier solid shading vs wireframe shading vs material preview vs rendered shading box select vs circle select modes insetting the last operator panel applying modifiers views : front, back, right, left, top, bottom, camera the array modifier setting origin to geometry moving the cursor to selection the world color point lights creating new collections glass material screen space reflections refraction roughness IOR camera focal length locking camera to view sampling rendering the imageMaster the Basics of Blender Its All Well Within Your Reach.Blender is one of the most popular 3D modeling programs worldwide. Its not just a modeling program, it can do much more, but still the modeling functionality is at its core.The first steps in a new program may be hard, especially when you first see the user interface, which may be daunting. But as you progress, things will become easier and you will soon be quite familiar with the application. And Im pretty sure you will get to love it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zabbix: construindo um ambiente de monitoramento" |
"O MELHOR CURSO DE ZABBIX DA UDEMY. NOVAS AULAS SOBRE ZABBIX 5.Nesse curso voc tem contato direto com o INSTRUTOR, sem intermedirios.Receba respostas das suas dvidas por quem entende do assunto.TODO CONTEDO DESSE CURSO FOI ELABORADO COM A EXPERINCIA DO INSTRUTOR AO LONGO DE 12 ANOS ESTUDANDO ZABBIX E CONCEITOS DE MONITORAMENTO, USANDO TCNICAS PRPRIAS E TAMBM DOCUMENTAES OFICIAIS DAS FERRAMENTAS UTILIZADAS NESSE CURSO.Aprenda com quem tem experincia slida no mercado e inicie agora mesmo no mercado de monitoramento de redes.Instrutor com 12 anos experincia prtica em projetos de monitoramento com Zabbix. 20 anos de experincia no mercado de TI.Autor dos livros Monitoramento de Redes com Zabbix e Consumindo a API do Zabbix com Python Palestrou em todas as edies da Zabbix LatAm Conference e participa ativamente de eventos da comunidade, meetups etc.Esse curso j ajudou milhares de alunos a ingressar no mercado de monitoramento. SEJA VOC O PRXIMO a conquistar sua vaga nesse mercado ou d um PLUS em seu currculo para conquistar uma renda melhor em 2020.Esse curso passo a passo foi desenvolvido para voc iniciar no mundo do monitoramento de redes com Zabbix.O curso Zabbix: construindo um ambiente de monitoramento visa ensinar como preparar um servidor de monitoramento de seus ativos de rede com o Zabbix, abordando desde fundamentos de monitoramento, passando pela conceituao, estrutura e funes do Zabbix. O aluno aprender tambm como instalar o servidor Zabbix, configurar os hosts para monitoramento, enviar alertas, entre outros.O aluno ser capaz de monitorar sistemas operacionais, servios de redes, sistemas web, dispositivos de redes e aplicaes internas de sua empresa.O treinamento foi organizado para ter um vis prtico, no qual o aluno ir realmente seguir os passos dos vdeos para colocar a mo na massa e fazer todas as prticas propostas. As videoaulas demonstram prticas de instalao e configuraes de monitoramento em diversos cenrios com o objetivo do aluno aprender a monitorar equipamentos com uso de agentes Zabbix e tambm utilizando protocolos de rede, tais como: ICMP, TCP, SNMP, SSH e muito mais.Os materiais complementares tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante as aulas prticas.O curso ministrado pelo professor Janssen dos Reis Lima, especialista em Administrao de Redes Linux e autor de dois livros sobre Zabbix: Monitoramento de Redes com Zabbix e Consumindo a API do Zabbix com Python.O contedo do curso atualizado constantemente com as novas verses e recursos do Zabbix."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Szma Testlerinde Metasploit Kullanm" |
"Metasploiti sfrdan renin, teorik ve uygulama dersleri ile, tm zellikleri ve komutlaryla. Yeni eklenen zelliklere nasl adapte olunur. En iyi ekilde metasploitten yararlann.Metasploitin szma testlerinde nasl kullanldn renin. Windows, Linux, Android sistemlere ynelik neler yapabileceinizi; szma testleri, payloadlar, encoderler, nopslar, evasionlar. Nedir nasl kullanlr, kullandnda nasl sonular elde edilir, daha fazlas nasl olur."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Make a Creative Portfolio Website Design in HTML 5 CSS 3 JS" |
"Hi Beautiful People out there !Today I am introducing my Brand new course on Portfolio website Design which will make your website design skills even more batter and put you at the next level for sure For Creating this Modern Looking Portfolio website design i will be using all the modern Technologies such as HTML, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JavaScript & JQuery as well.Hope this course will make you the complete website designer in no time with all the modern TechnologiesContents :HTMLCSS 3BootstrapJavaScriptJQuery24/7 Supports - No matter what the time is Free to use Whole source file includedFull Images added+ Much More ! So why waiting Lets Enroll to it and Do something Creative today"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Axure RP 9 Fundamentals and Mobile prototyping for UX Design" |
"Start learning prototyping with 10 hours online, video training of Axure RP 9 course. Fundamental part is common for the creation of a website or mobile prototype. Advance section is to learn mobile interaction in detailAll the interaction that has created in this course works in both Android or iOS mobile device. Therefore, no matter what device type you have, you can keep on applying knowledge that you learn as you master the course today. The course have used Android mobile device for demonstration purpose. In this course you will get practical experience in -Learning Axure RP 9 new interface and its practical usage.Getting hands on guides, grids, snapping and managing pages.Exploring widgets, shapes, using of images and stylingWorking with dynamic panel, master and repeaters as you advance the course.Taking control of your project.Creating interaction using Math, Functions, Expression and Variables.Drag and drop.Contact form for mobile device.Customizing sample UI patterns.Managing multiple screen size for different mobile device using ""Adaptive view"".This course will teach you everything you need to know to start prototyping. Because, prototyping will help you to see if the solutions and decisions made about the product are efficient or not.Axure RP 9 is the tool for creating wireframes that to quickly, easily and efficiently with completely new interface for your organization. Taking early feedback in design, so that you don't need to run at the end. Showcase your client how their design transform as the project go ahead.Why Axure RP 9 ?Whether youre creating diagrams, customer journeys, or wireframes, Axure RP helps you understand the issues and get everyone on the same page.Create prototypes to test a design and validate it with others, is invaluable for making better design decisions.Quickly make rich, functional prototypes to make informed choices even on your most urgent projects.Sharing your prototype to your anyone with just click's of buttons.Bridge the gap with development.Streamline your product design workflow with Axure Cloud."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de programao com PHP 7 - Mais de 35 algoritmos" |
"Este curso tem grande diferencial para quem est iniciando na rea de desenvolvimento, pois prope a criao de mais de 35 programas para a prtica de lgica de programao com PHP, so aplicados os conhecimentos da linguagem alinhado lgica para criar solues teis para o mundo real.Neste curso, o aluno aprender:Entender como funcionam os servidores web;Instalar o servidor WAMPSERVER;Instalar editores de cdigo como por exemplo o SublimeText;Lgica de Programao;Linguagem PHP 7;Estruturas condicionais: IF,IF...ELSE, SWITCH e OPERADOR TERNRIO;Estruturas de repetio: FOR, WHILE e DO..WHILE, Criar mais de 35 exerccios em forma de programa para praticar os conhecimentos adquiridos em aula.BNUS: Instalao de IDE (Ambientes de desenvolvimento) e tcnicas de programao;IDE Netbeans;IDE Eclipse.Vamos l, no perca tempo, aprenda j a criar seus prprios sistemas e realize o seu grande sonho de ser um desenvolvedor profissional."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Master WordPress Theme Development By Building Projects 2020" |
"WordPress is the leading CMS platform in the world right now. The demand for a WordPress developer is sky high at this moment. In this course, I've converted template into fine WordPress covering all the basic stuff as well. Anyone who's passionate about becoming a WordPress developer can take this course to increase their skillset in the given area."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)" |
"Solution Based Counselling Practitioner (ACCREDITED)Counselling has been around for a long time and its time honoured traditions have been used by countless to help and be helped. In this Fully Accredited Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Course you will learn the core skills that every Counsellor needs and be taken from beginner to professional level.A quick warning though: If you want a traditional Counselling course, something that just contains the basics of Counselling, then this course is not for you! However, if you want a course that takes you on a journey further than standard counselling and into a place where you can truly help people then this IS the right course for you.Please note: The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider and this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Certification is also Fully Accredited - both through the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association - Accreditation Membership Number 10662322.There is one thing about Counselling that I have never been able to get past and it drove me to develop this way of working, the Solution Based Counselling way of working. From the moment I started to study Counselling I was told the Counselling is not about finding a solution for the client.. WAIT WHAT?I remember questioning the tutor about it when she said it but she just reiterated those words. Ive seen them written down in text books and articles throughout my studies and to be honest it blows me away that we, as Helping Practitioners, could have a client come to us and not try to work with them to find a solution to their problems.I dont mean give them the solution, thats not our role! Yet, surely, we should be helping them to discover their own solutions?This is where Solution Based Counselling comes in. A new format, a new framework, for using the core fundamentals of Counselling and adding in tools from other helping areas and my own experience. Solution Based Counselling brings counselling skills into the modern age, an age where we are here to help those who need it.Hit the Buy Now or Enroll Now button if you are ready to dive straight in.We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know - Carl RogersIts time Counselling moved on from the traditional way of having clients come back for month after month and even year after year. The potential to help people discover their own solutions to the problems in their lives is immense and, when harnessed, can help them change their lives drastically.In this Solution Based Counselling course youll uncover the secrets to combining the traditional parts of Counselling with the latest methods for helping your clients. I know that you are a helper, someone who wants to assist people in changing their lives. You might even want to discover how to help yourself do that very same thing. You are probably a good listener and want to transfer that into something that can really and truly help those around you and future clients. You have find the right course and the right place in Solution Based Counselling.It is in your moments of choice that your destiny is formed - Tony RobbinsWill you come and join me? Will you make the choice to come and join me on this journey into Solution Based Counselling and become a Solution Based Counselling Practitioner? All you have to do it hit the Buy Now or Enroll Now button and we can enjoy the journey together.Come and join me and I look forward to seeing you in the course.My Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Robtica com Arduino: o seguidor de linha" |
"Sinceramente, este curso no apenas um curso. Faremos uma viagem ao mundo da robtica educacional e juntos vamos mergulhar no campo da cincia e ser uma viagem inesquecvel. Ol, meu nome Marcos Tulio, seu professor, seu Coach. Neste curso, de forma ativa voc superar desafios e aprender novas habilidades. Este curso diferente de todos os outros por vrias razes: Voc j deve ter imaginado que este treinamento completo e que eu te ajudarei no passo-a-passo para voc programar o seu prprio rob do zero. Usaremos a dinmica de aprendizagem baseada em competncia: isso lhe far colocar a mo na massa e trabalhar junto comigo desenvolvendo o projeto do rob. Eu te ensinarei atravs de um contexto claro e direto, para voc ser capaz de alcanar seu objetivo. O curso possui diversas tarefas e exerccios que o faro se aprofundar no assunto. Junte-se a nossa turma, e clique no link de inscrio do curso. Estou ansioso para te ver l dentro da plataforma. At l!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Astral-Perception ""Remote-Viewing"" - DreamWalkers - C-A6.B" |
"This is one course out of three, which Shamans Chandra Sangat & Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne are collaborating together within Open and Clear, Community's opportunity to extend their knowledge and mastery. This one is focused on how to achieve astral-perception (AP) and viewing from an alternate location remote-viewing.Remote-viewing is when your body is relaxed in one location, you become vividly aware of another location and/or times. Commonly an exciting experience, transcending the use of eyes for seeing to occur. Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because they are recorded back to back. This is an entirely spiritually-guided experience.-----If you would like to purpose a new course concept to be taught or you are interested in being teaching a new course with Rev. Devan, applications are accepted on the contact page on our website."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"BLOCKCHAIN Multi: Sua Nova Especialidade!" |
"Numa linguagem simples e acessvel, este curso foi criado para acelerar o processo de aprendizado de quem quer explorar a tecnologia Blockchain. Alm de apresentar os elementos essenciais, este curso utiliza exemplos prticos que permitem a compreenso da tecnologia e das suas aplicaes. o ponto de partida ideal para entender porque a tecnologia Blockchain oferece um grande potencial de transformao."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"La mthode simple pour crer votre site web pro" |
"Cette formation complte et pure va vous permettre son issue de savoir crer facilement votre site web professionnel avec le logiciel WordPress, qui est une technologie trs populaire dans le domaine de la cration de sites web. Vous serez accompagn tape par tape travers des vidos courtes et concises qui se veulent pratiques. Ce cours est accessible toute personne dsireuse de crer un site web professionnel pour prsenter ses activits ou son entreprise. Vous aurez accs un groupe de travail collaboratif sur l'application Slack travers lequel vous pourrez changer ou poser vos questions. "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |