Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Spiritual Coaching - Sacred Spiral" |
"This Spiritual Coaching course introduces the central Sacred Spiral themes I work with as a mentor. The course can help many folk with the common issues we all face in life such as relationships, work and career problems, meaning to life and fulfillment and happiness and other. However, more importantly, the course includes information and knowledge along with many tools and techniques that will take us from the common identification with a transient personal self that we all start out with, and guide us into a firm and grounded knowledge and identification with a permanent 'Spiritual Self'. From the Yogic perspective, Deep Meditation and its related areas of relevance such as relaxation, visualization, contemplation and out of body experience, form an integral aspect of all serious Spiritual work. The popular topic of Psychedelics is covered with pro's and con's of this brave new, yet also ancient, method and completion of ourselves as whole Spiritual, Cosmic beings. This transition is really the number one basis for finding a real, lasting and deep meaning amidst all of life's challenges, and once properly achieved, will greatly empower us to move very positively and effectively in response to any situation and condition that arises.This Spiritual Coaching course forms an integral aspect of our Level Two and Level Three Yoga Teachers Training program."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Ls Dyna - Sonlu Elemanlar Yntemi ve LsDyna Programna Giri" |
" LS-Dyna yazlm st dzey bir mhendislik programdr. zellikle Explicit Nonlinear analiz trlerinde bizlere gl zmler sunmaktadr. LS-Dyna zellikle arpma, patlama, dme vb... gibi ksa sre ierisinde yksek deformasyon ieren mhendislik problemlerinin zmlenmesi amacyla kullanlr. Malzeme ktphanesiyle birlikte kapsaml malzeme modelleri, kompleks temas koulu tanmlama zellikleri ve zm algoritmalar ile otomotiv ve savunma sanayinin vazgeilmez bir rn gelitirme arac haline gelmitir.Programn sahip olduu baz yetenekleri aada grebilirsiniz.leri dzey malzeme modelleriModelleme zmleri (punto kaynak)Karmak problemlere kolay zmarpma, patlama ve gvenlik simlasyonlarAra Devrilme simlasyonlarmalat simlasyonu Sac metal ekillendirmeDme simlasyonlarDeprem mhendisliiKu ve cisim arpma simlasyonuBu eitim ile birlikte ilk olarak sonlu elemanlar analizi yntemine bir giri yaparak, sonrasnda Ls Dyna Prpost ksmnda program tanyor olacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor - Tasarm Mhendisi Yetitirme Eitimi" |
" Autodesk Inventor program rn gelitirmeye ynelik hazrlanm bir mhendislik yazlmdr. Bu program kullanclara hzl ve etkin bir ekilde boyutlu modellemeler yapmalarn salayarak bunlardan retim datalar elde etmeyi salar. Parametrik olarak alan bu program saysal modelleme teknolojisinin temelidir. Mhendisler, daha iyi rnler ve daha verimli ilemler iin srekli olarak tasarm almalarnda yenilie ihtiya duyarlar. leride kalmak iin, daha iyi performans ve retkenlik elde etmenize yardmc olan daha hzl, daha gl aralara ihtiyacnz vardr. Autodesk Inventor programyla ile bu zellikler kazanlmaktadr. Bu eitim seti ile sfrdan bu program renmeye balayacaksnz. Programn ara yzn tanyacak, iki boyutlu tasarmlar iin Sketch blmndeki tm komutlar renip uygulayacak, boyutlu modelleme, montajl modellerin oluturulmas gibi program ierisinde yer alan birok blm etkin bir ekilde reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WPQR - Kaynak Prosedr Vasflandrma Kayd Eitimi" |
" Kaynakl imalat Uluslararas standartlarda zel bir proses olarak ifade edilmektedir. Prosesin kalitesini dorudan ve dolayl olarak etkileyn birok faktrn bulunmas bu imalat ynteminin ynetimini ve beklenen kalite seviyesinin salanabilmesi konusunu kritik bir seviyeye getirmitir. Kaynakl imalat ile ngrlen kalite seviyesini salamak, prosesin etkin ynetimini salamak iin bu konuda kalifiye edilmi teknik personele ihtiyacmz vardr. Bu nedende kaynakl imalat konusunda uluslararas standartlara hakim olmak byk nem tamaktadr. Kaynakl imalatn yksek kalite seviyesinde yaplabilmesi, verimli ve etkin bir ekilde ynetiminin salanabilmesi iin birok Uluslararas zel standartlar yaynlanmtr. zellikle kaynakl imalatta kullanlan kaynak parametreleri kaynak ilemi sonrasnda kalite gvencenin salanmas asndan en nemli unsurlarn banda gelir. Yani kaynakl imalatta doru kaynak parametrelerinin kullanm byk nem tamaktadr.Bu nedenle daha kaynak yapmadan kaynakl imlatta kullanlacak parametrelerin uygunluunu kayt altna almamz gerekmetkedir. Parametrik deerlerin uygunluunu garanti altna almak ve tekrar edilebilir kaynak kalitesini yakalamak iin standartlarla tanmlanm zel kaynak dkmanlar oluturulmutur. WPQR yani Welding Procedure Qualification Record, kaynak prosedr vasflandrma kaytlar bu dkmanlarn banda gelir. Bu dkman ile ilgili standart ISO 15614 standartdr. Biz bu standart ile WPS kmannda bulunan kaynak parametrelerimizin uygun olduunu kantlaryla birlikte kayt altna alrz. Bu eitim ile WPQR konusunu standartlar erevesinde renmi olacaksnz. Bu eitim konusunda, zellikle iletmelerde kaynakl imalat blmnde alan personeller kariyer hayatlar boyunca bu alanlarda alma potansiyeli olan alanlar ve henz renci olup kaynakl imalat alannda alma potansiyeli olan (makine, endstri, inaat, metalurji/malzeme, otomotiv vb. blmler) kiiler iin yararl nemli bir eitim olduunu vurgulamak isteriz. Eitimle ilgili tm soru gr ve nerilerinizi bize her zaman yazabilirsiniz, yardmc olmaktan memnuniyet duyarz, meslek hayatnzda baarlar dileriz.Sayglarmzla"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISO 6520 - Kaynak Hatalarnn Snflandrlmas Eitimi" |
" Kaynakl imalat ISO standartlarnda zel bir proses olarak nitelendirilir. Bu nedenle de kaynak ilemlerinin de kalite gvencesi ve ynetimi iin Uluslararas zel standartlar yaynlanmtr. Kaynak prosesi sonrasnda ortaya kabilecek sreksizliklerde ortak bir tanma oturtulabilmesi amacyla Uluslararas standartlar tarafndan tanmlanarak snflandrlmlardr. Bu eitim ile kaynakl imalat trlerinden ergitme kaynanda karlaabileceiniz sreksizlik trlerinin snflarn, bu snflar ierisinde yer alan sreksizliklerin neler olduunu ISO 6520-1 standart kapsamnda reneceksiniz. zellikle iletmelerde kaynakl imalat blmnde alanlar, kariyer hayatlar boyunca bu alanlarda alma potansiyeli olan alanlar ve henz renci olup bu alanda alma potansiyeli olan (makine, endstri, inaat, metalurji/malzeme, otomotiv vb. blmler) kiiler iin yararl nemli bir eitim olduunu vurgulamak isteriz.Bu eitimin kapsam ;ISO 6520-1 standartn temel yapsn ve ierisinde gruplandrlm olan sreksizliklerin srasyla incelenmesini yaparak ergitme kaynaklarnda karmza kabilecek sreksizliklerin standart ierisinde bulunan tariflerini katlmclara anlatmaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende React creando una aplicacin paso a paso" |
"S quieres comprender como funciona React, ste curso es para t. Pienso que la mejor forma de aprender algo es usndolo, por esa razn s quieres aprender React lo mejor sera crear una aplicacin paso a paso. ste curso es breve pero te ayudar a comprender lo fcil que es usar React. Primero muestro cmo configurar React desde cero y despus te muestro como crear una aplicacin web que grafica informacin usando un grfico circular ( Doughnut). ste curso es entretenido e interesante."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ingls para comrcio!" |
"WELCOME!J se deparou com um turista estrangeiro e ficou sem reao? Este curso pra voc! Sim, este curso tem este propsito! - Fazer esse branco, essa falta de movimento e reao desaparecer!Atravs de vocabulrio, gramtica e acima de tudo, contextualizao, discutiremos vocbulos importantes para voc que lida com o pblico em geral e tem este positivo ""risco"" de se deparar com um turista estrangeiro.E no, no me refiro aos nossos hermanos, onde o ""portunhol"" resolve. Nosso foco trabalhar com pblicos de terras mais longnquas, como os norte-americanos, europeus e asiticos - lugares onde a lngua inglesa se torna o meio de comunicao.Vamos juntos construir conhecimento!Best regards!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Y0-311 Citrix XenApp XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced Exam" |
"133 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-311 Citrix XenApp XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-311 Citrix XenApp XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced ExamTotal Questions : 133Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (99 of 133)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Nursing Professionals Get Motivated! Motivation For Nurses" |
"This is purely a course of motivation for those in the nursing profession. Whether you are an established nurse or in nursing school taking nursing courses you will benefit from this positive program. This is a course designed to build the self- esteem of nurses. Nursing is a stressful profession. This course uses positive psychology. The course takes notice of your unique nursing skills and qualities, I encourage you to set out on this month-long journey of encouragement and praise. Day-by-day you will watch one lecture per day on why nurses are valuable and necessary. The course also includes a FREE e-book!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"HitFilm Express Video Editing Course for Beginners 2020" |
"Get started with HitFilm Express and start learning video editing LIKE A PRO.HitFilm Express is a super powerful video editing tool that has many of the same features of other video editing software out there, and best of it's FREE to use!Hitfilm can be used in both film making and as a normal video editing tool to use for editing YouTube videos or even instructor videos for Udemy.This course teaches the essentials of creating high-quality video content using equipment you already have and a the free video editing softwareHitFilm Express. The full range of the production workflow is covered, from setting up a camera, to recording audio, to editing, to sharing your work privately or publicly. We will take you through setup, importing footage, organizing media, editing video, adding transitions, inserting titles, including motion graphics, outputting the final files, and sharing your video presentation.Is HitFilm express really free?hitfilm express is a free software and don't cost you're a penny to download.. it doesn't have all the advanced tools available in the pro version but for simple video editing and VFX works, this is one of the best.Is HitFilm Express legit?HitFilm Express is definitely a legit and safe video editor. But it is not a tool for everyone. If you have some experience with video editing and want a lot of extra features and are willing to spend some time learning, then HitFilm can definitely be a good option.HitFilm Express is a free video editing software with professional-grade VFX tools and everything you need to make awesome content, films or gaming videos. Perfect for beginners, film students, gamers, YouTubers or any creative without a budget."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"11 tapes pour dvelopper une puissante STRATGIE DIGITALE" |
"Vous recherchez un cours complet de marketing numrique pour vous apprendre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un expert en marketing numrique, non?je peux vous affirmer que vous avez trouv le bon cours de marketing numrique juste ici!Grce aux comptences acquises dans notre cours de marketing numrique, vous pouvez: Developper une puissante strategy pour votre contenu en ligne se qui vous donnera loccasion de toucher enormement plus de personne et de crer linfluence que vous voulez Construire une serie de show et contenu que votre audience voudra absolument voir et partager Developper des competences en digital marketing transposable sur toute les plateformesNous nous engageons faire tout notre possible pour vous aider avec toutes ces stratgies de marketing numrique et de marketing sur les rseaux sociaux a travers 11 tapes qui vous amnerons les rsultats que vous mrit : tape 1. Dfinissez votre mission et votre But. tape 2. tablir vos indicateurs de performance cl. tape 3. Connaissez votre public. tape 4. valuer votre position actuelle tape 5. Figure les meilleurs canaux de contenu. tape 6. Dcider des types de contenu tape 7. Crer un contenu Calendrier tape 8. Crer un contenu. tape 9. Distribution et march tape 10. mesurer les rsultats tape 11. Maintenant, amliorer et rpterNous voulons vous aider dvelopper votre entreprise avec le marketing sur les rseaux sociaux, la commercialisation de contenu, le marketing par e-mail, et plus encore!QUEST CE QUE VOUS EN DITESEssayez-nous SANS RISQUE grce remboursement gratuit"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"8 ETAPES pour Multipler votre contenu - de 1 a 64 (PRATIQUE)" |
"Vous recherchez un cours complet de marketing numrique pour vous apprendre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un expert en marketing numrique, non?je peux vous affirmer que vous avez trouv le bon cours de marketing numrique juste ici!Grce aux comptences acquises dans notre cours de marketing numrique, vous pouvez: Developper une puissante strategy pour votre contenu en ligne se qui vous donnera loccasion de toucher enormement plus de personne et de crer linfluence que vous voulez Construire une serie de show et contenu que votre audience voudra absolument voir et partager Developper des competences en digital marketing transposable sur toute les plateformesNous nous engageons faire tout notre possible pour vous aider avec toutes ces stratgies de marketing numrique et de marketing sur les rseaux sociaux a travers 11 tapes qui vous amnerons les rsultats que vous mrit : tape 1 : pourquoi devons-nous produire bien plus de contenu Etape 2 : Quel est votre contenu maitre Etape 3 : construire la division dans la construction Etape 4 : The micro-content strategy la stratgie du micro contenu Etape 5 : Dcider des types de contenu / faire une srie et un show Etape 6 : comment collecter les ides pour votre contenu maitre Etape 7 : Les meilleurs canaux de contenu / la stratgie de publication- Etape 8 : la section comment faireNous voulons vous aider dvelopper votre entreprise avec le marketing sur les rseaux sociaux, la commercialisation de contenu, le marketing par e-mail, et plus encore!QUEST CE QUE VOUS EN DITESEssayez-nous SANS RISQUE grce remboursement gratuit"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 bulut tabanl 3B CAD CAM ve CAE yazlmdr. Tm bu zelliklerini tek bir arayz zerinden kullanabilirsiniz.Kurs sonunda kullanm kolay 3B CAD CAM yazlm Fusion 360 ile hzl ve esnek alarak en iyi rnleri modelleyip 2 eksen ve 3 eksen frezeleme ve tornalama CAM operasyonlarn yapabileceksiniz. AnyCAD teknolojisi ile dier CAD yazlmlarndan gelen modellerle alma avantajn yakalayabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Yeniliki bulut bazl CAD ve render yazlm Tinkercad ile mekan ve zamandan bamsz almann avantajlaryla tanacaksnz. Tinkercad 3D tasarma, elektronie ve kod yazmaya ynelik kolay kullanlan, cretsiz bir uygulamadr,indirilecek bir ey yoktur ve son derece balatmas kolaydr. retmenler, ocuklar, hobi sahipleri ve tasarmclar tarafndan her eyi hayal etmek, tasarlamak ve geree dntrmek iin kullanlr! indirilecek bir ey yoktur ve akl almaz derecede balatmas kolaydr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"V-Ray for 3ds Max, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde hazr model zerinden gece ve gndz sahnesi iin zelletirilmi tekniklerden bahsedeceiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"iReal Pro" |
"iReal Pro iReal ProiReal Pro1000iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, WindowsiPhone, iPad, Android, MacWindowsBluestacksiReal Pro"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Exploit/Zero-Day Discovery and Development" |
"Essential for OSCP Exam Prep (Offensive Security Certified Professional)Try our course rather than paying $800 to $1,200 for the official Offensive Security Training. Two of our exploitable programs are featured in the Penetration Testing with Kali Linux Course.See if aiming for a OSCP is right for you! Knock down the 25 point buffer overflow box in the OSCP exam in minutes, not hours!**In the official OSCP Exam you are given a pre-compiled app for the buffer overflow box that is worth 25 out of 100 points. The exam app expressedly emphasizes the bad character analysis section of the PwK course. There will be about twelve or so bad characters that must be eliminated, following the steps in our SLMail 5.5 exercise (which has far less bad characters).Basic Introduction to Exploit DevelopmentStudents enrolling will learn how to discover and craft custom exploits against both Windows and Linux targetsThe following techniques will be covered in detail1. Stack smashing shellcode2. Multi-stage shellcode3. Post-exploitation4. Pivoting on both Linux and Windows targets5. Anonymity via Tor-over-VPN6. Offensive shell passing between a underpowered Virtual Private Server back to a more capable Metasploit listener at home through reverse TCP and reverse SSH tunnels7. A introduction to ROP-chaining, which is a teaser for my more advanced class (work-in-progress)Debuggers and ToolsStudents will learn how to debug flawed applications and craft exploits using1. Immunity Debugger2. GDB-PEDA (GNU Debugger)3. EDB (Evan's Debugger)Step-by-step guides on setting up your virtual penetration testing lab1. How to install Kali Linux on Ubuntu 18.04 using KVM2. How to install Kali Linux on Windows machines using VMWare Player 15"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Course For Beginners: Complete Guide In English" |
"Join this Best Stock Trading online class in India where we have simplified Stock Market for you.What you will learn in this course.1. What is Stock Market? How does it work ?This course will provide an introduction to the stock market, its various functions and its importance, in a way that will be clear to beginners.2. Complete Understanding of Stock Market.The complicated concepts of the stock market are explained very clearly. You will understand everything about the stock market and how it operates.3. How to Start stock marketing investing and from where to start?We will teach you the proper methods of investing in the stock market. You will learn how to choose stocks, when to invest and all the other details.4. Stock picking Strategies.Stock picking strategies are tried and tested methods of investment. You will learn about the various stock picking strategies and how to use them.5. Tips to avoid losses in the stock market.The possibility of making losses in the stock market is what daunts most people. We will teach you how to avoid losses in the stock market.6. How to buy shares online(procedure).With the introduction of online trading platforms, you can buy and sell stocks at anytime from anywhere. This course is going to explain the procedure for trading stocks online.7. Investment opportunity in the stock market.There is a lot of opportunity for investment in the stock market. You just need to know how to take advantage of it. We will enlighten you on the best opportunities and how to use them.8. Career opportunity in the stock market.With a meteoric increase in popularity of the stock market, a lot of career opportunities have arisen. We will tell you about them and help you choose the best and most suitable ones."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda Javascript do basico ao avanado, sem complicaes" |
"Aqui os Alunos aprenderam todas as ferramentas necessarias para desenvolver seus proprios projetos de forma pratica e intuitiva, pois o javascript e uma linguagem de programao que vem crescendo muito durante o tempo e tambm vem se destacando como linguagem de aplicativos. Os alunos tambm aprenderam a usar o editor de codigo ""Sublime Text"" e a usar o bootstrap."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Implement High Fidelity Designs with Material-UI and ReactJS" |
"Welcome to the most comprehensive resource for Material-UI to date!Across 35 hours and more than 200 lectures, I will teach you absolutely everything there is to know about building finely designed applications using hands-down the most useful tool I've learned since React itself -- Material-UI!Take your web development skills to a whole new level and separate yourself from the average React developer by gaining the confidence to build professionally designed applications!After learning React, I think many developers run into a common problem -- what are the best practices for actually building your own project!? You may have an idea in your head for a really cool application or website but feel like you wouldn't know exactly how to go about creating it with React. Are you supposed to build every little component and piece of functionality from scratch? Definitely not! Learn to let Material-UI do the heavy lifting for you with its comprehensive customizable component library with integrated styling, theming, grid, and responsive design systems.Most of the courses you take while learning React are focused on teaching you the core concepts and fundamental syntax/structures necessary to understand and build React applications. This is usually done by building either a handful of small projects, each focused around a certain concept or by building a large project and incorporating each concept as you go. Learning like this is great, and absolutely essential to understanding the subject.However, I have noticed that due to the focus on the underlying concepts and functionality, most of the designs and layouts aren't particularly interesting! None of the designs are bad by any means -- and that isn't the focus of pure React courses so this isn't a problem -- but they aren't usually something you would give to a paying client, so that does leave a bit of a gap when you begin working on your own. That's precisely why I made this course!We're going to build two complete projects from scratch based on just design files -- including my own actual production website!I'm going to walk you through the learning process that I went through when I built my first production application -- all the way from starting the project with a blank screen to deploying a fully responsive website. What I really try to emphasize is the way to think about structuring layouts in Material-UI. We'll first go over screenshots of the design we're about to build and visually breakdown the grid setup necessary to achieve each look, along with the corresponding code snippets! Then we actually hop into the code editor to put it into action.We'll also be going over the documentation for each Material-UI component before we use it in our project so you'll be familiar with all the different capabilities, not just the features we use! Each component is extremely flexible and one of my goals for this course was giving you enough familiarity with the entire current ecosystem to be ready to understand any future updates.A key part of building production applications is making sure that your styles and functionality don't just work on your system, but are flexible and responsive to any environment. That's why I drill responsive design practices so you'll understand not only the concepts to keep in mind but how to actually implement them with Material-UI and get perfect styles on the biggest, smallest, and every screen in between. This will hopefully become second nature and we'll all enjoy more optimized user-experiences across the web.We will also be covering extra topics like SEO in React, switching our project over to Next.js and the benefits from doing so, hooking up Google Analytics to start making data-driven decisions, integrating animations from After Effects, and so much more!The Course Content Includes:Setting up a new project with create-react-app, React Router, and Material-UIGuided explanations of the documentation for almost every Material-UI component followed by implementing them in our projectDifferent image optimization strategiesCreating a theme for your application by mastering Material-UI's centralized styling systemLearning how to use responsive design to ensure your applications look perfect on any screen size and orientation!Using the Material-UI grid system to align complex layouts perfectlyExporting animations from Adobe After Effects and efficiently importing them into a React application with react-lottieLeveraging serverless functionality with Google Firebase Cloud FunctionsSending emails through Node.jsMaking network requests in React while displaying feedback like loading spinners with Material-UISearch Engine Optimization (SEO) in React applicationsMigrating a project from create-react-app to Next.js and whyCross-browser testing and supportDeploying a Next.js project and adding a custom domain name -- for two different hosting platformsIncorporate Google Analytics to collect data about who is interacting with your application and what they're doingBuild custom organizational functionality to control data displayed in tables including search, filtering, delete, and undoAlong with lifetime access to over 35 HOURS of content, you'll also find easy access to support through active Q/A.You've got nothing to lose -- this course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you aren't completely satisfied!Tackle the challenge, blur the line between design and development, and learn to create the projects you've envisioned."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
"- Creative Screenwriter AIR, "" "" "" "" YouTube . - , . , YouTube, . 4 : 1- 2- YouTube 3- YouTube 4- , . , . , , ."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Quadratic Equations" |
"In this video tutorial you will learn how to solve quadratic equation by the following methods:FACTORIZATION / MIDDLE TERM BREAKINGCOMPLETING THE SQUARE METHODQUADRATIC FORMULAHow to find Roots of quadratic equation which is very important for a STUDENT appearing for GCSE , IGCSE , EDEXCEL , O LEVELS , A LEVELS , IB , OCR . Whether a student is a 9th grader or the 10th grader , 11th grader or 12th grader . Quadratics will stay as a part of your curriculum. INTERSECTION OF LINE AND CURVEGRAPHICAL QUADRATIC INEQUALITYWITH RELEVANT PAST PAPERS QUESTIONS make this course outsanding"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Objective-C |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cration tableaux de bord et rapports pertinents avec Excel" |
"L'objectif de cette formation est de vous montrer comment tirer parti des fonctionnalits d'Excel pour crer et grer de meilleurs mcanismes de gnration de rapports. Chaque session de cette formation fournit un examen complet des concepts techniques et analytiques qui vous aident crer de meilleurs composants de gnration de rapports - des composants qui peuvent tre utiliss la fois pour les tableaux de bord et les rapports.Cette formation vido se concentre sur la comprhension des aspects techniques de l'utilisation des diffrents outils et fonctionnalits d'Excel et de leur application aux rapports.Les sessions de cette formation vido sont conus pour tre des session autonomes auxquels vous pouvez vous rfrer de manire slective si ncessaire. En parcourant cette formation, vous pouvez crer des composants de tableau de bord et de rapport de plus en plus sophistiqus. Aprs avoir suivi cette formation, vous pouvez:Analysez de grandes quantits de donnes et rapportez ces donnes de manire significative.Obtenez une meilleure comprhension des donnes en les consultant sous diffrents angles points de vue.Dcoupez rapidement les donnes en plusieurs vues la vole.Automatisez les rapports et analyses redondants.Crez des processus de reporting interactifs.Voici plusieurs raisons importantes d'utiliser Excel comme logiciel pour vos tableaux de bord et rapports:Connaissance des outils: si vous travaillez dans une entreprise, vous matrisez la langue d'Excel. Vous pouvez envoyer votre chef un classeur de rapport bas sur Excel et avoir confiance qu'il saura quoi en faire. Avec un processus de rapport Excel, vos utilisateurs passent moins de temps comprendre comment utiliser l'outil et plus de temps regarder les donnes.Flexibilit intgre: Dans Excel, des fonctionnalits telles que les tableaux croiss dynamiques, les filtres automatiques et les contrles de formulaire vous permettent de crer des mcanismes qui ne verrouillent pas votre public dans une seule vue. Et comme vous pouvez avoir plusieurs feuilles de calcul dans un seul classeur, vous pouvez leur donner de l'espace pour effectuer leur propre analyse latrale selon les besoins.Dveloppement rapide: la cration de vos propres capacits de cration de rapports dans Excel peut vous librer des ressources et des limites de temps du service informatique. Avec Excel, vous pouvez non seulement dvelopper des mcanismes de rapport plus rapidement, mais vous avez la flexibilit de vous adapter plus rapidement l'volution des exigences.Puissantes capacits de connectivit et d'automatisation des donnes: Excel n'est pas l'application jouet que certains responsables informatiques pensent. Avec son propre langage de programmation natif et son modle objet robuste, Excel peut tre utilis pour automatiser les processus et mme se connecter diverses sources de donnes. Avec quelques techniques avances, vous pouvez faire d'Excel un mcanisme de gnration de rapports pratique qui s'excute pratiquement de lui-mme."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Exam" |
"167 UNIQUE practice questions for 210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices ExamTotal Questions : 167Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (125 of 167)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Building a Multi Layer .NET Core 3.1 Web API from Zero" |
"Hello,I decided to create this course because I actually couldnt find many courses explaining on how to separate your application in multiple layers with ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API.Here we are building a nice API with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It will be an API for an app that stores which musics you like with its artists.I will show you how to: Create an application in separated projects to make it decoupled from each module. Implement Repository and Unit of Work pattern. Use Entity Framework Core for persistence with SQL server. Use MongoDB Database for NoSQL Add AutoMapper for mapping models into API resources. Add Swagger to have a friendly API interface. Integrate the Authentication & Authorization with JWT (JSON Web Token) Application Client with ASP.NET CORE MVC to consume the APIsAnd on top of all these, you'll get:Download the source code"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Home Virtualization Lab" |
"This course will help you build your home virtualization lab. This course will help implement virtualization tool on your laptop or desktop & create different virtual machines using Windows or Linux servers.This course builds your foundation for implementing real-time environment right into your home sysem and simulate the environment at work. This will build your confidence as you would be able to test different server configurations at your own."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Branding Essentials: Design Conceptual and Meaningful Logos" |
"Any graphic designer will tell you that logo design is one of the key skills you need in the industry. A logo is the first impression for any brand, and it needs to look professional and aesthetically pleasing.However with more and more people offering logo design services, and sites offering cheap-o $5 logos, you can no longer compete just on the quality of your graphic design alone. You need the added advantage of creating conceptually.Creating logos using grids, golden ratio and other design principles are all fantastic, useful and you may even say vital for a well balanced design. However thats not what this class is about.For the last 15 years I have been working as a brand specialist and creative director and as part of this video series I want to walk you through how you can create a logo conceptually, so that its not just pretty, but can stand the test of time because of the meaning behind it.With this class I want to empower you with the mindset and the advantage to create logos that are not just aesthetically pleasing, but are meaningful and can stand the test of time.Key Takeaways:Difference Between a Logo and a BrandWhy Design a Logo ConceptuallyStyles and Types of LogosProcess of Developing a Logo ConceptLogo Design Tips and Tricks"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Emlak Yatrm Rehberi" |
"Emlak yatrm kursu sayesinde doru yere, doru zamanda, doru Emlak tipine yatrm yapacak Bylelikle yatrm tuzaklarna dmeden kazancnz katlayacaksnz.Bu yatrm yolunda size bir rehber kaynak olacak Bylelikle ksa srede erken emekli olup yapmak istediiniz eyleri yapabileceksiniz.Bu kurs sayesinde 50 farkl hedefe gtrecek yatrm yolunu renecek Size uygun en karl emlak trn seecek, garantili bir gelecee ulaacaksnz.Hi paranz yok veya dk bir miktar paranz olsa bile nasl Emlak yatrm yapacanz renecek Bu sayede milyona giden yolu ksaltacaksnz.Bu kurs sayesinde neden Emlak yatrm yapmanz gerektiini renecek en karl yntemle kazancnz ksa srede katlayacaksnz.Bu eitim sayesinde nasl pasif gelir elde edeceinizi nasl srekli kira gelirine sahip olup yaamnza devam edebileceinizi reneceksiniz.Bu eitim sayesinde sizleri refaha kavuturacak gelirinizi garantileyecek atlma kaybetme yok olma korkusu olmadan mutlu huzurlu bir hayat Srmenizi salayacak ek gelir, pasif gelir, kira geliri, adna siz ne derseniz deyin bu gelire sahip olmann yollarn nasl yapacanz nereden balayacanz reneceksiniz.Bylelikle hakkettiiniz gelire hedeflediiniz gelire ulaacak mr boyu rahat edip ocuklarnza iyi bir gelecek hazrlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"SalesForce SalesCloud Consultant Certification Practice test" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SalesForce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Lessons and TopicsA candidate should have hands-on experience implementing Sales Cloud solutions and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Industry Knowledge: 7%Implementation Strategies: 12%Sales Cloud Solution Design: 21%Marketing and Leads: 8%Account and Contact Management: 13%Opportunity Management: 13%Sales Productivity: 9%Sales Cloud Analytics: 9%Integration and Data Management: 8%Details about the Actual Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant exam.Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 62%Exam Name : SalesForce Sales Cloud Consultant CertificationTotal Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 600"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GOALS Master Pt.2: Ultimate Strategies for Goal Achievement" |
"You will learn how to feel unstoppable, while being rooted in reality!!!Youll learn how to set your mind on auto pilot that will make achieving your goals almost inevitable. You will learn soooo much because these principles will teach you how to have the right obsessions that will create an almost inevitable feeling that you will achieve your goal.And you know whats the best part?These feelings and thoughts will be GROUNDED IN REALITY.You will learn how to think BIG in a realistic way. You will learn the synergistic process of transformation and achieving your goals. ""These powerful concepts will leave your mind in a post orgasmic state; a mindgasm."" - Chris ThomasThis self help course are some of the concepts that Ive used in my life to take me to where I am today. But what I love about this course is that you will actually learn the most powerful principles to achieve ANY GOAL and overcome ANY challenge in the world.What kind of goals do you have set for yourself? Study after study has revealed that the ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success. It is the single most important skill that you can learn and perfect. Becoming an expert at goal-setting and goal-achieving is something that you absolutely must do if you wish to fulfill your potential as a human being.Today, we live in a smartphone, throw-away, live-for-the-moment society. People change jobs frequently, often moving up corporate ladders by jumping from one position in one company to another position in another company. If personal or business goals are achieved, it is often accomplished by accident.This goal setting course will provide you with the ""nuts and bolts"" of goal setting in a way that is easily understood and easily executed.Some of What You'll LearnThe ""Dynamic Dozen"" Guidelines for Successful Goal SettingEnhancing Your Comfort ZoneThe Importance of Recording Your GoalsGoal ElementsHow to Network Your Way to SuccessRisk Your Way to SuccessVisualization TechniquesAction Planning Discover How To: Become your own source of positive emotions that will eliminate all neediness once and for all and attract people to you with your powerful aura.Reinvent Yourself, By Creating a Positive and Lasting Change at the Core Level of Your ExistenceCompletely Eliminate ALL Rejection from Your Life Instantly and For GoodBecome a Person of Power, Knowledge, and PresenceRadiate Complete Control, Confidence, and Inner Peace Which People Find Super AttractiveArm yourself with the necessary tools to master your emotions in order to stay calm and centered while in the process of major change. Use the power of the self image to DRAMATICALLY AND EFFORTLESSLY change your reactions and behaviorsUnleash your true personality without seeming forcedLearn how to use the self image and presence in order to have a powerful affect on your personalityThis goal setting course will help you take control of many areas in your lifeself-esteem, health and fitness, relationships, communication, career/lifework, finances, and/or life crisisso that you can determine where you're going, how to get there, and when you'll get there, and what you want to do when you arrive. ""Successful goal setting is the continual process of making a goal and achieving it, and making still more goals and achieving them.""Let's get to work,Chris Thomas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |