Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Job Search 4.0" |
"This is not your average course in which youll only learn how to produce a good resume or LinkedIn profile. This course goes beyond these elements into the art of influencing hiring decisions and balancing the scales in your favor. Gain insight into the way you can differentiate yourself from the other candidates throughout the entire recruitment process. We know how busy everyone is, so we were able to synthesize the information clearly and deliver it in a timely fashion without unnecessary padding. So youll get everything you need in just 1 hour of training.What can you expect from this course?15 dedicated lessons50+ sample interview questions &possible answers20 sample candidate questions18 tips to keep in mind8 downloadable resources1 hour of continuous sparks to learn how to shine during the recruitment processThe ultimate job hunting course that will enable you to get any job you want!* Intro Music:""Groundwork""Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Python A-Z : Python per Data Science con esercizi reali" |
"Impara a programmare con Python con progetti pratici!Ci sono molti corsi e lezioni su Python. Tuttavia, Python ha una curva di apprendimento molto ripida e gli studenti spesso vengono sopraffatti. Questo corso diverso!Questo corso veramente graduale. In ogni nuovo tutorial ci basiamo su ci che avevamo gi appreso e facciamo un ulteriore passo avanti.Dopo ogni video , imparerai un nuovo e prezioso concetto di python che potrai applicare immediatamente e la parte migliore che impari attraverso degli esempi in tempo realeQuesta corso pienao di sfide analitiche della vita reale che imparerai a risolvere. Alcuni di queste sifde le risolveremo insieme, altri ce le avrai come esercizi per i compiti.In sintesi, questo corso stato progettato per tutti i livelli di abilit e anche se non hai alcuna esperienza di programmazione o background in statistica, avrai successo con questo corso!Non vedo l'ora di vederti a bordo!Cordiali saluti,Kirill Eremenko e Hidran Arias"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"49 ESL Lesson Plans to Help You with Your Classes!" |
"A short video series giving you some basics about planning lessons for ESL classes. The main objective of this training material is to give the student 49 lesson plans filled with activities to assist in creating engaging ESL lessons--or to just use these!These lessons are for students of all levels, from beginner to advanced. And they are all downloadable so you can take them with you into the classroom!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mster en Formulacin y Nomenclatura Qumica 2020" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Mster en Formulacin y Nomenclatura Qumica 2020 desde cero, para todos aquellos que quieran comenzar a aprender conceptos bsicos en nomenclatura y formulacin e ir un poco ms all. El curso contiene los siguientes captulos: 1. Presentacin 2. Tipos de elementos y compuestos3. La tabla de las valencias 4. La tabla peridica5. BONUS: Curso de Iniciacin a la Qumica Gratis6. Nueva Nomenclatura y Formulacin 7. Nomenclatura de los Elementos Qumicos8. Nomenclatura de Iones Simples9. xidos cidos 10. xidos Bsicos11. Hidruros: Cmo identificarlos y Clasificacin12. Hidruros Metlicos13. Hidruros No Metlicos y Combinaciones del Hidrgeno con grupos 16 y 1714. Iones Heteropoliatmicos15. Hidrxidos16. Sales Voltiles17. Sales Neutras18. Perxidos Inorgnicos19. Superxidos20. Oxocidos21. cidos Polihidratados22. Oxosales23. Derivados de Oxocidos24. Tiocidos25. Peroxocidos26. Ejercicios de repaso para examen27. BONUS: Errores tpicos en Nomenclatura y FormulacinP.D: Si te gusta el curso te agradecera encarecidamente que dedicases un minuto de tu tiempo a valorarlo, esto te sirve para darme las gracias y me ayudar a llegar a ms alumnos. MUCHAS GRACIAS."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"investimento em aes para iniciantes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender todo o conceito que engloba o mercado acionrio, desde a histria das aes no mundo at estratgias avanadas para ter um desempenho extraordinrio.Este curso voltado para quem quer investir com pouco dinheiro de forma simples e objetiva a curto, mdio e longo prazo.Nele voc ver conceitos sobre investimentos seguros e investimentos um pouco mais arriscado com uma probabilidade de um retorno financeiro muito maior.."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create a Happy Workplace" |
"Imagine a workplace where people are energised and motivated by being in control of the work they do; where people are trusted and given freedom, within clear guidelines, to decide how to achieve their results; where colleagues are able to get the life balance they want and are valued according to what they achieve, rather than the number of hours spent at their desk.Wouldnt you want to work there? What it would feel like to be the person or team that is creating a workplace like that?This course will guide you through the key principles of Henry Stewarts Happy Manifesto. Written and practised at his award-winning company, Happy, the Happy Manifesto sets out simple ideas and principles that change the way people work."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Spanish" |
"This course will introduce students to basic lexical and grammatical aspects of the Spanish language. Students will be exposed to basic Spanish in the spoken and written form that is used in practical everyday business situations, also they will be exposed to important aspects of culture in the Spanish speaking world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"virology interview quiz for virologist" |
"Hey! i mazia gul, i am a doctor and also did Msc in biotechnology, let me know in your concern that this course provide information about what are viruses and what their mechanism, what their structure how they reproduce,After taking the course, some of the students might want to become virologists. The course will also provide the knowledge required to make informed decisions about health issues such as immunization against viral infections. It should also be possible to spot badly constructed headlines about virology stories and also help you in interview and i am sure you will be select.basically Virology is the study of viruses and virus-like agents, including (but not limited to) their taxonomy, disease-producing properties, cultivation and genetics. It is often considered a part of microbiology or pathology."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulado - WINDOWS 10 Preparao para o exame MD-100" |
"Esse simulado uma boa ferramenta para que est se preparando para a prova de certificao MD-100 Managing Modern Desktops. As questes retratam de forma real o que cobrado na prova oficial.Todo o material em ingls e ao decorrer do curso sero acrescentadas mais perguntas totalmente gratuita. Seguindo o simulado, voc tem grandes chances de obter a to sonhada certificao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wellness Workshop: Balancing Your Energy Body" |
"You used to wake up feeling refreshed, but now wish you could sleep for another day (or two)? You feel minor aches and pains that are becoming more bothersome. You're dealing with constant fatigue and burnout. You are trying to remember the last time you didnt feel so stressed out.Most people accept that energy forces and emotions affect us; the debate is about measuring the effects in our own well being. Research has been done on the effects of energy in the human body, we will go over how to measure our own energy and give balancing self-treatments to effectively clear past traumas, anxiety, stress, intense emotional reactions, and phobias."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estratgia para reconhecimento de risco ocupacional" |
"Neste curso voc vai saber quais os riscos envolvidos nas atividades da organizao e conseguir reconhece-los.Tambm receber uma tabela para registrar os riscos encontrados. Poder desenvolver este reconhecimento durante o curso com atividades, onde o objetivo fazer com que voc consiga enxergar dentro dos processos produtivos e administrativos quais situaes podem gerar danos a sade e segurana do trabalho, entender os meios de propagao dos riscos e quais so as possveis fontes geradoras dos mesmos."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Skills for 2020 Success" |
"This course discusses the main 10 skills as short-listed by the Economic Forum to be the most needed skills for success in 2020. Many materials, online as well as off-line is available in concern with these skills but none addresses the skills in relation to day-to-day living.Available content is either too brief to be understood, or it is too elaborate and technical to adapt. This course provides you with practical and easy summarized material for understanding the values of the skills. Not only this, it also summarizes short steps towards inculcating them easily.Not only this, to help you further, this course includes, Visualizations and guided activities that will help you clear your outcome and repeatedly check the status of your mindset towards your goals and your success."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Kotlin fr Einsteiger" |
"Kotlin ist eine relativ junge, moderne und einfache Programmiersprache. Es lohnt sich, sie zu lernen. Denn seit 2017 ist sie die von Google offizielle Programmiersprache fr Android Apps. Aber auch in anderen Firmen wie z.B. Atlassian, Uber oder Pinterest wird Kotlin erfolgreich eingesetzt.Aktuell viel nach Entwicklern gesucht, die Kotlin als Programmiersprache beherrschen. Mit diesem Kurs will ich dir nicht nur die wichtigsten Grundlagen von Kotlin erklren, sondern auch viele fortgeschrittene Themen. Das schne an Kotlin ist nmlich, dass du die gleiche Sprache fr verschiedene Plattformen einsetzen kannst. So gibt es fast nichts, was du nicht mit Kotlin machen kannst.Folgende Dinge wirst du unter Anderem in diesem Kurs lernen:Variablen zu deklariernFunktionen zu schreibenObjektorientiertes ProgrammierenGenerics zu benutzenUmgang mit Collectionsund vieles mehr!Du bekommst dabei Lebenslangen Zugriff auf die Videos und eine 30 Tage Geld Zurck Garantie. Wer da nicht in sein Wissen investiert ist selber Schuld!Viel Spa beim lernen!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Language: Real Life Chinese" |
"This course will be updated to at least 100 videos!Hi Chinese Learners, While studying Mandarin, youve probably noticed,You can understand each and every individual word, but you cant work out what the entire sentence means; you can say a lot of words by themselves, but you cant put them together in one complete sentence.Youve memorized a lot of texts, but you then realize, its only useful for written Mandarin, and you find it SO hard to hold a decent conversation with a Chinese person. But thats not all, other times, your Mandarin is spot-on, you can understand each sentence, but youre struggling to understand the emotions and feelings of the other person.If you are looking for an answer to these problems, then look no furtherIve taught a wide range of students and all of them have once experienced this same dilemma. From my many years of teaching, Ive found a way that can quickly help you solve these problems.Ive specifically made this series of videos for you, and have carefully chosen from the most useful, and the most local published materials to help you. By listening to these interesting short and concise stories, you will be able to within lesser than 3 minutes, speak the most fluent and widely used sentences, and this is very important. Now I guarantee you, if you can remember them, then both your spoken Mandarin and your listening skills will improve like never before.So, what are you waiting for? Its time to learn some proper Mandarin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide To Public International Law" |
"This is a whistle-stop tour of the study of Public International Law. This is looks at the governance system of the relationship between different countries, international organisations and individuals. This is a key aspect of the broader field of international relations. We shall assess this subject through the lense of some significant geo-political issues in society today.This course is PERFECT for:Those who are unsure whether to study this subject and wanting a taster to get to know a little bit more; Those already studying the subject and are looking for an excellent revision guideThose who are wanting some knowledge about this subject to help them in a career in international relationsSimply some leisurely interest in the subject- THIS SHOULD GIVE YOU ALL THE KNOWLEDGE NEEDED TO PASS AN EXAM IN PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW -Please interact by providing answers to questions in the comments section, or by sending messages to myself. This can include in relation to substantive content or for feedback.Many thanks for your interest! You're one big step closer to success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Basis + HANA Administration" |
"SAP BASISSAP SYSTEM MONITORING what? , why?SAP SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING what/why has to be checked/alerted?SAP SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES - configurationsSAP SECURITY CONCEPTS user concepts, roles, missing authorizationsSAP HANA ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES Start and stop of the database, Basic Monitoring and so onEach & every concept is explained clearly with real-time examplesConcepts are explained with clipart's/pictures which helps the freshers, beginners to understand clearly and in an easy wayNot only Basis concepts we have covered SAP security concepts as wellBonus - Basis HANA administration activitiesThe course will be updated on a monthly basis with rarely used concepts of SAP BASIS"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Certificate in Foundations of Quality Management" |
"Quality management is the discipline of managing quality processes in organizations. This course provides an overview of quality management concepts. At the end you will be able to answer the following questions:What is quality assurance vs. quality difference? What tools can I use to improve quality?Who are the founders of quality concepts? What are the different methods of quality management approaches? Is quality expensive? etc. The following topics will be covered in the training. Introduction to qualityQuality ManagementQuality GurusCost of qualityTotal Quality Management Quality Control ToolsQuality Control Approaches Quality Control StandardsQuality in healthcare Quality in educationQuality in pharmaceuticals Quality in food"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crash course on presentations" |
"You were asked (or you were told) to deliver a presentation within next 24-48 hours. It can be a scary task if you haven't done it before or if your past experience has struggle and lots of labour put in it. If you are in this situation then I put this course together for you. It takes you from the moment you were told to make a presentation to the time when you relax after delivering it in 49 minutes of video. Allowing 2h of actual composition I expect that you will be able to design a 5-30 slide presentation within 3-4h.This course guides you through the process of composing (designing) and delivering a simple PowerPoint, KeyNote or Impress presentation. Basic techniques, tricks are given. No advanced theories. No time-consuming exercises and change engines. I use shortcuts whenever feasible: if not necessary I will not explain why certain things are done the way I teach. I prepared all to get you onto the other side of creating and delivering a presentation saving as much of your time as possible. This course is NOT a comprehensive tool to become a great public speaker or presenter. For that you should seek some other courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English for Pre-Intermediate Level (A2)" |
"English Club Global is a website designed to help students to improve English by incorporating a fresh, innovative approach to online self-learning. Offering English video lessons created by a panel of experts, based in Great Britain. Each section is carefully designed to make sure students learn to understand English, grasp the principals of grammar, overcome common language barriers and even pick up particular words and terms quickly.Students learning English online are categorized on their current knowledge levels. The site helps students gauge these levels based on an online self-evaluation test and classified into five distinct levels i.e. Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced.The Pre-Intermediate level also known as A2 covers the four base modules; Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Vocabulary Expansion and Grammar. As with the Elementary level, each level in the Pre-Intermediate level has shows and episodes centering on current affairs and day-to-day interactions to improve English.All English video lessons presented are in the news or game show format which makes them interesting to watch and also very informative."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English for Upper-Intermediate Level (B2)" |
"English Club Globals Upper-Intermediate (B2) level aims at students who are of a more advanced knowledge base than its Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels. English Club TV is a stunning resource for students who wish to learn English online at all levels. All online educational material designed by a panel of experts based in Great Britain focuses on ensuring students understand spoken English, learn the intricacies of grammar and learn new words, phraseology and terminology as well.English learners who are looking to learn English online can have access to these lessons based on an online self-evaluation test of their current comprehension levels.The Upper-Intermediate level also known as B2, spans four primary modules; Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Vocabulary Expansion and Grammar. Each level consists of English video lessons specially designed as shows and episodes cantering on current affairs, facts and day to day interactions."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English for Advanced Level (C1)" |
"English Club Global is an established resource for those who want to improve their English online. The site incorporates an innovative approach to online learning where students are encouraged to watch a series of shows designed to specifically address each aspect of English learning. Developed by a panel of native speakers from Great Britain, the site is segments into modules, each of which is customised based on the students level of comprehension of English.Students looking to improve English are offered English lessons based on their current knowledge levels. These levels are determined based on an online self-evaluation test and are categorized into five distinct levels i.e. Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced.The Advanced level also known as C1, covers four base modules; Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Vocabulary Expansion and Grammar. Each level consists of several English video lessons specially designed as shows and episodes centring on current affairs and day-to-day interactions designed to improve English.The presentation of each shows, in news or documentary format makes these English video lessons unique and readily understandable."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Data Structures and Algorithms BootCamp" |
"The course teaches students the fundamental data structures and algorithms commonly found in coding interviews. Students do not need any prior knowledge of data structures or algorithms, but having some experience programming in languages such as Java, Python, or C++ are beneficial. If you get anxious or nervous when you enter coding interviews and find that this affects your performance, this course is certainly for you. You will be able to fill in any gaps in your understanding of data structures and algorithms and become more confident after answering numerous coding interview questions. This course also teaches students techniques how to de-stress and focus during the coding interviews, which is an imperative skill. The course is great for understanding the patterns to solving different kinds of interview questions. Viewing the video tutorials and answering the practice interview questions will benefit students the most. So get ready to buckle down and get prepared to take this course; it truly is a game changer in the software industry!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Este curso est diseado especficamente para que puedas aprobar el examen para la certificacin de SAP MM. En los exmenes estn las respuestas correctas y los contenidos tericos que dan soporte a dichas respuestas y que forman parte del temario del curso SAP MM.La certificacin SAP es la ms conocida a nivel internacional. Con ella mejorars tu cv y multiplicars tus posibilidades de obtener mejores trabajos.Los exmenes estn actualizados, hay un total de 650 preguntas con respuestas y contenidos tericos de todos los temas que incluyen el mdulo SAP MMSi vas a certificar SAP MM, deberas saber que es un mdulo dedicado a la gestin de materiales, se usa para la gestin de compras. Los manuales que debes estudiar, adems de la teora que vas a conseguir en cada una de las respuestas son TSCM52 Aprovisionamiento"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Full Stack Django 3 Blog app and REST API With Python" |
"In this tutorial series we are going to build and deploy very good looking Blog application as well as with lots of Functionality.We will cover django framework API (bonus).The things we are going to learn along this course :Django basics (backend)MVT- Model, Template and views. How they workHow to post blog post through Django backendUrls mappingBasic setting configurationLearn important HTML tagsHow to manage Media files and Static filesHow to load images in our websiteHow to load javascript pluginsHow to add commentHow to add like, share and follow button in our websiteHow to add paginationHow to use social media plugins in your websiteDjango REST FrameworkBuild your own web apiDjango REST API permissionsWorking with GIT(version control)How to push your code on githubFinally we will learn how to deploy our project on PythonanywhereAfter this course you will be able to add some more functionality and able to build your own different sitesYou can work as freelancer or Full time web developer"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Global 8D Problem zme Teknikleri Eitimi" |
"Global 8D Problem zme Teknikleri Eitimi dnyasnda karlalan problemlerin ekip almasyla zlmesini salamak ve kalite ynetim sistemlerinin salam temellere oturtulmas Global 8D Problem zme Teknikleri ile salanabilir. dnyasndaki problemler gnlk hayatn bir parasdr. Karlalan problemi anlamak ve tanmlamak, arkasnda yatan kk nedenleri ekip yaklam ile analiz etmek ve tekrarn nleyerek kaliteyi srdrlebilir klmak kurulular iin byk nem tamaktadr. Bu noktada GLOBAL 8D Problem zme Teknikleri kurululara sistematik yaklamlar sunmaktadr.Bu eitim katlmclara aadaki yetkinlikleri kazandrmay amalar; GLOBAL 8D Problem zme Teknikleri ile ilgili kavramlar ve yntemleri retmek, Kendi kurulularnda GLOBAL 8D Problem zme Teknikleri sistemini kurmalar ve uygulamalar iin yetkinlik kazandrmak."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"KAIZEN (Srekli yiletirme) Eitimi" |
"KAIZEN (Srekli yiletirme) EitimiBu eitimde KAIZEN (srekli iyiletirme) hakknda temel bilgi sahibi olacak, uygulama yntemleri ve nasl kullanlaca anlatlmaktadr.Eitimin HedefiDou kltrnde srekli ve bitmeyen iyiletirme anlamna gelen KAIZEN, kk kk de olsa iyiletirmelerin srekli ve sistematik bir biimde gerekletirilmesi ve alkanlk haline getirilmesi yntemidir. yileme iin byk yatrmlar gerektirmeyen, tm personelin yaratclklarn n plana kartan, alanlar tarafndan uyguland iin benimsenmesi kolay olan bir yntemdir.Bu eitim; KAIZEN hakknda temel bilgilerin yan sra uygulama yntemleri ve naslkullanlacaklar hakknda katlmclar bilgilendirmeyi hedefler"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Otomotiv Kalite Ynetim Sistemi (IATF 16949:2016) Temel Eit" |
"Otomotiv Kalite Ynetim Sistemi (IATF 16949:2016) Temel EitimiIATF 16949:2016 Kalite Ynetim Sistemi otomotiv reticileri ve ilgili tedarikileri arasnda ortak bir dildir. Bu eitimde IATF 16949:2016 standardnn artlar anlatlmaktadr.Eitimin HedefiKatlmclara, otomotiv retimi ve ilgili tedarikileri arasnda ortak bir dil olan IATF 16949:2016 Kalite Ynetim Sistemi hakknda temel bilgileri vermek. Uygulama aamasnda IATF 16949:2016nn artlarnn doru yorumlanmasn ve anlalmasn salamak. IATF 16949:2016nn temeli olan ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Standardnn da doru anlalmasn salamak."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Otonom Bakm Eitimi" |
"Otonom Bakm EitimiBu eitimde bakm faaliyetlerinin; bakm operatrnden retim operatrne aktarlmas faaliyetlerine sistematik bir yntem ile yaklalmas anlatlmaktadr.Eitimin HedefiOtonom bakmnda benim makinem yaklamnn nasl oluturulmas gerektiinin anlalmasn ve bakm faaliyetlerinin; bakm operatrnden retim operatrne aktarlmas faaliyetlerine sistematik bir yntem ile yaklalmasn salamaktr.Bu eitimde bakm faaliyetlerinin; bakm operatrnden retim operatrne aktarlmas faaliyetlerine sistematik bir yntem ile yaklalmas anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"lm Sistemleri Analizi (MSA) Eitimi" |
"lm Sistemleri Analizi (MSA) Eitimilm sisteminin gvenirliinin tespit edilmesi, analizler sonunda iyiletirme frsatlarnn ortaya karlmas, izlenecek yntemlerin seilmesi gibi konularda bilgi verilmitir.Eitimin Hedefiletmelerde derecelendirme, deerlendirme veya kalitelendirme amac ile kullanlan lm sisteminin gvenirliinin tespit edilmesi, analizler sonunda lm sisteminde iyiletirme frsatlarnn ortaya kartlmas iin izlenecek yntem seimi konusunda katlmclar bilinlendirmek."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Poka-Yoke Eitimi" |
"Poka-Yoke EitimiPoka-Yoke Eitimi ile mterilerin rn ve hizmet taleplerini yerine getirirken oluabilecek hatalar ortadan kaldrn.Eitimin HedefiMterilerin zamannda, kaliteli, hatasz ve dk maliyetli rn ve hizmet taleplerini yerine getirmek iin hata olumasn imkansz klarak yok etmeye ynelik bir teknik olan Poka-Yoke prensiplerinin katlmclara aktarlmas.Poka-Yoke Eitimi ile mterilerin rn ve hizmet taleplerini yerine getirirken oluabilecek hatalar ortadan kaldrn."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Psychology of Human Sexuality (Certificate of Completion)" |
"Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:Describe and compare the several theoretical approaches to sexual development and indicate how each theory explains the key factors involved in emotional, mental, physical, cultural, social, and procreation processes.Demonstrate a general knowledge of the basic concepts of human sexual behavior from adolescence and throughout the life cycle.Utilize the course to gain insight into his or her own developmental process, sexual attitudes, and behavior.Understand the concept of orientation, sexual variations, sexual disorders, and how these apply to human sexuality and self-image."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |