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"Agile Denkweise, Methoden und Fhrung" |
"Was Sie erwartetProjektleiter in der Softwarebranche, aber auch in anderen Branchen kommen um agile Methodenkenntnisse kaum noch herum. Es wird immer wichtiger, sich mit Agilitt gut auszukennen sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Theorie. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Agilitt in einem breiten Ansatz kennen: Wir begeben uns zuerst in die Vogelperspektive und klren, wie sich agil von plangetrieben, inkrementell und iterativ unterscheidet. Wichtig ist in diesem Kurs auch das agile Mindset, daher sind agile Werte und Prinzipien ein Thema. Das Herzstck des Kurses ist ein Einblick in das Lean Product Development und die verschiedenen agilen Methoden wie Scrum, Kanban, eXtreme Programming etc. Um Agile vollstndig zu verstehen, ist ebenfalls das Konzept des ""Servant Leaders"" als Fhrungsansatz von agilen Teams von Bedeutung.Wie der Kurs aufgebaut istDer Kurs setzt inhaltlich vier Schwerpunkte:Eigenschaften von Vorgehensmodell-Familien und wie Sie die fr Ihre konkrete Projektsituation geeignete Familie auswhlen knnenAgile Werte und PrinzipienVorgehensweisen, Rollen und Prinzipien der agilen Methoden wie Scrum, Kanban oder XP sowie das Verhltnis von ""Agile"" zum ""Lean Product Development""Fhrung agiler TeamsIn diesem Kurs vermittle ich Ihnen die Informationen anhand von Videos und Artikeln. Sie bekommen von mir keine Aufgaben, in denen Sie das Gelernte ben knnten, haben jedoch die Gelegenheit, anhand von Multiple-Choice Fragen ihr Wissen zu prfen.Fr wen der Kurs istIch habe den Kurs sowohl fr diejenigen erstellt,die ihre Vielseitigkeit hinsichtlich Agilitt erhhen und an Ihrem agilen Mindset - der agilen Denkweise - arbeiten mchten.die beginnen mit agilen Teams zu arbeiten und wenig Wissen ber agile Projektstrukturen haben,aber auch fr diejenigen, die bereits mit einer agilen Methode arbeiten und mehr ber Agilitt erfahren und ber den Tellerrand ihrer konkreten agilen Arbeitsweise (meistens Scrum) hinausschauen mchtenDieser Kurs ist auch fr diejenigen geeignet, die das Zertifikat PMI-Agile Certified Professional (PMI-ACP) anstreben, da dieser Kurs die erste Domain Agile Principles and Mindset vollstndig abdeckt.Sie bentigen kein Vorwissen, lediglich Interesse am agilen Arbeiten und der Denkweise dahinter. Grundwissen im agilen Arbeiten helfen jedoch weiter."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Den Klimawandel verstehen - und mitreden knnen" |
"Prolog:""Ich lasse mich vom Flughafen-Kapstadt mit einem Taxi in die Stadt bringen. Auf meine Frage, wie es um die aktuelle Wassersituation in der Stadt aussieht, beginnt der Fahrer lebhaft zu erzhlen. Dies ist in Kapstadt eine enorm emotionale Frage denn vor nicht allzu langer Zeit, stand die Stadt kurz vor dem ""Day Zero"". Dem Tag, an dem der Millionenstadt das Wasser ausgeht. Die Regierung rechnete fr diesen Fall mit Aufstnden und schweren Tumulten. Nur durch drastisches Wassersparen und Krisenmanagement konnte dieser Tag damals verhindert werden.Die Situation sei O.K., sagt der Fahrer. Keine Minute spter klagt er ber ""Global Warming"" die Erderwrmung. Sie sei Schuld an der Drre und dem Wassermangel in Sdafrika. Er hat Recht. Der Wassermangel und die Drre setzen dem Land stark zu. Nicht nur die reichen Winzer (Sdafrika ist eines der Top-Weinanbaugebiete der Welt) haben groe Sorgen um ihre Ernte. Die Selbstmordrate unter den Kleinbauern ist enorm gestiegen. In manchem Nationalpark sind mehr als 60 % der Tiere in den letzten Jahren durch die Drre gestorben. Die Touristen bleiben weg. Hoteliers schliee ihre Huser. Auch ein enormes wirtschaftliches Problem fr das Schwellenland.Innerlich macht es mich traurig. Wie so oft sind die armen Lnder die, die gerade ansetzten sich zu entwickeln am meisten von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels betroffen. Oft, ohne, dass wir die Bewohner der westlichen Welt es wirklich mitbekommen.Hier in Sdafrika werde ich diesen Videokurs ber den Klimawandel schneiden und produzieren. Eine merkwrdige Situation. Ich bin von einem Ende der Welt geflogen, mit einem Auto in die Stadt gebracht worden, werde mit einem Mietwagen durch das Land fahren und dann wieder ans andere Ende der Welt zu fliegen. Nebenbei versuche ich mich mit einem Videokurs ber den Klimawandel dafr stark zu machen, dass wir Menschen verstehen, was da auf uns zu kommt - um es dann gemeinsam zu verhindern. Absurd? Absurd!So ist der Mensch. Widersprchlich, inkonsequent, bequem ... aber auch neugierig, tatendurstig und abenteuerlustig. Wir Menschen wollen eine bessere Welt. Gleichzeitig soll alles so bleiben, wie es ist. Wir wollen den Klimawandel aufhalten aber selbst unsere Handlungen nicht anpassen. Ich bin Optimist. Wenn wir den nderungen der Zukunft offen gegenberstehen und dem ""Kampf gegen den Klimawandel"" nicht im Wege stehen wenn wir uns informieren und verstehen, was da gerade passiert dann wird die Menschheit gestrkt aus der aktuellen Herausforderung hervorgehen.Das war jetzt sehr emotional und persnlich. Der Kurs soll anders werden. Er soll den Verstand mit Nahrung versorgen absichtlich keine Emotionen wecken oder ngste schren. Nur, wenn wir wissen, was die Konzepte und Ursachen des Klimawandels sind, knnen wir uns ein eigenes Urteil bilden. Nur dann knnen wir Dinge, die wir lesen oder sehen, einordnen. Und nur dann knnen wir fr uns entscheiden, wie wir uns persnlich verhalten wollen.""Der Kurs:Fast jeden Tag gibt es ffentliche und viele private Diskussionen zum menschengemachten Klimawandel. Es gibt viel zu diskutieren: Wie sollen wir uns verhalten? Was knnen wir tun? Was wird passieren? Wirklich mitreden und echte von Fake-News zu unterscheiden geht nur, wenn man sich ein wenig mit den Konzepten des Klimawandels beschftigt hat.Dieser Kurs soll dir dabei helfen, einen guten berblick ber den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft zum Thema Klimawandel zu erhalten. Ich haben diesen Kurs absichtlich so aufgebaut, dass er leicht verstndlich ist - aber trotzdem, wo ntig, in die Tiefe geht.Du wirst dich nicht nur mit den Grundlagen und den Prinzipien auseinandersetzen, sondern auch viele aktuelle Diskussionspunkte in der Wissenschaft kennenlernen. Folgende Themen werden unter Anderem behandelt:Strahlungshaushalt der ErdeTreibhauseffektEinfluss der Sonne auf das KlimaAlbedoDie Milankovi-ZyklenCO2 als beltterDas Gleichgewicht des KlimasTreibhausgase und AbsorptionWarum es so super ist, dass CO2 der beltter istKohlenstoffkreislaufWas ist Klimasensitivitt?RckkopplungseffekteEis-Albedo-RckkopplungStefan-Boltzmann-RckkopplungKlimageschichte - Das Klima der vergangenen 500 Millionen JahreIPCC - der KlimaratDas Pariser AbkommenKipppunkteKlimamodelleFolgen der ErderwrmungZustzlich: Mit Skeptikern reden. Die Antwort auf die wichtigsten Fragen der Klimaskeptiker."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Certificado Scrum Master - Preparacin +240 Preg. Simuladas" |
"Este curso te ayudar a prepararte para el examen Scrum .org Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I ) tambin conocido como PSM 1 .Este es el curso mejor calificado por los estudiantes (4.7 estrellas sobre 5) respecto de todos los cursos de Scrum en espaol. Puedes comprobarlo. Esto es porque nuestros estudiantes aprueban el examen de certificacin PSM I-----------------------Este curso te llevar a cero y te preparar para la certificacin en Professional Scrum Master I. No se necesita experiencia previa en Scrum.En este curso podrs:Aprender sobre el marco Scrum y AgileComprender los contenidos de La Gua de ScrumPracticar con cuestionarios todo lo aprendidoObtener consejos imprescindibles para el examenHacer una simulacin del examen con la ayuda de ms de 240 preguntasInscrbete hoy!== Qu es Scrum y quin es el Scrum Master? ==Scrum es un marco de trabajo en el que las personas pueden lidiar con problemas complejos al desarrollar productos de valor. Scrum es sencillo de entender pero muy difcil de dominar. Scrum se ha utilizado para gestionar el trabajo en productos complejos desde principios de la dcada de 1990. Scrum no es un mtodo ni una tcnica: es un marco de trabajo.Se considera que el Scrum Master es un lder de servicio para el Equipo Scrum. Tambin se menciona en La Gua de Scrum, que el Scrum Master ayuda a todos a comprender los valores, las reglas y la teora de Scrum. Scrum se ha utilizado en casi todo lo que usamos en nuestra vida diaria para desarrollar software, hardware, pero tambin en marketing u otras reas.== El rol de Scrum Master ==Si alguna vez conociste a un Scrum Master en tu vida, puedes haber sentido que quieres tener ese trabajo. Puede que hayas deseado convertirte en Scrum Master tras haber conocido a alguno. Su trabajo es inspirador debido al tipo de tareas que requiere.Te permite tanto ganar como impactar en otros. Este trabajo ensea cmo puedes ayudar a un equipo a trabajar de manera correcta y eficiente, e incluso mucho ms.Los Scrum Masters deben tener una mentalidad gil y estar dispuestos a compartir sus conocimientos para hacer el trabajo de una manera mejor. Si has decidido convertirte en Scrum Master Profesional, debes aprender muchas tcnicas tiles. Los problemas tpicos incluyen la eliminacin de obstculos o restricciones que detienen el trabajo en equipo y capacitar a los grupos lo suficiente como para que se conviertan en un equipo auto-organizado y auto-empoderado.Te recomendamos encarecidamente obtener la capacitacin suficiente previamente a tomar los exmenes PSM . El programa de estudios de PSM I incluye un vasto conocimiento sobre Scrum, que est disponible en La Gua de Scrum. Necesitars tiempo para capacitarte seriamente en las evaluaciones abiertas de Scrum.Aprender de Scrum es aprender acerca de cmo se origina Scrum, sobre cmo evolucion, y sobre su desarrollo progresivo. El proceso de aprendizaje para ser Scrum Master tambin te beneficiar con un conjunto de competencias profesionales de Scrum, cada una ellas sobre sus distintas reas de enfoque.Una vez que hayas completado este curso de Scrum, puedes intentar obtener el certificado. Pero este entrenamiento no es obligatorio: es completamente opcional. Sin embargo, lo que s es obligatorio son los exmenes para obtener la certificacin. Los Scrum Masters Profesionales son todo-terreno, ayudantes, solucionadores de problemas, habilitadores, y sus caractersticas principales influyen en las mentes de su equipo de trabajadores.== Acerca del examen PSM I ==Una vez que hayas terminado tu preparacin, puedes registrarse para tomar el examen. Respecto de la tarifa del examen, es de u$d 150 por cada intento, y si asistes a un centro de entrenamiento de Scrum. org, entonces tu primer intento sera gratis. Obtienes una contrasea personal sin fecha de vencimiento a travs de la cual puedes conectarte a su pgina y realizar el examen.Los principales temas cubiertos en los exmenes PSM (Professional Scrum Master ) son:La Teora de Scrum tal como se describe brevemente en La Gua de Scrumel Glosario de ScrumCmo su disposicin mental y su comportamiento es diferente de otros equipos de desarrollo.Un consejo: realiza la evaluacin abierta de Scrum para aprobar el examen PSM (Professional Scrum Master ) en tu primer intento. Una vez que comiences a obtener el 100% en cada intento, considrate listo para la prueba.== Necesito ser un Scrum Master para tomar el examen PSM I ? ==La pregunta es, para quin es esta certificacin? Este curso y certificacin son para aquellos que estn interesados en trabajar dentro de un equipo Agile.Puedes ser un aspirante a Analista de Negocios, Gerente de Proyecto, Dueo de Producto o Desarrollador. No necesitas ser un Scrum Master o tener el deseo de convertirte en uno. Esta prueba simplemente certificar que sabes cmo serlo.Scrum es para aquellos miembros de equipos Agile que desean ampliar su conocimiento sobre el proceso Agile o que desean adquirir ese conocimiento.== Preguntas frecuentes ==Puedo obtener PDU (Unidades de Desarrollo Profesional) de PMI tomando este curso?No, al realizar este curso no podr obtener PDU.Puedo reclamar las PDU (Unidades de Desarrollo Profesional) de PMI tomando el examen PSM 1?Lamentablemente no. Las PDU de PMI se obtienen asistiendo a un curso y NO aprobando un examen PSM.El Examen de Certificacin de PSM I es en ingls En qu idioma son las preguntas de prctica de este curso?Nuestras 340 preguntas de prctica estn en ingles para que puedas hacer la prctica en el mismo idioma que utilizars cuando realices el examen real.-----------------------Este curso y los exmenes de prctica no estn respaldados, asociados, ni afiliados a Scrum. org.Las declaraciones y opiniones expresadas en este documento pertenecen exclusivamente al creador de este curso y no son compartidas ni representan el punto de vista de Scrum .org. Esta capacitacin no constituye una aprobacin de ningn producto, servicio o punto de vista. Scrum .org no hace representaciones, seguros o garantas de ningn tipo, expresas o implcitas, en cuanto a la integridad, precisin, fiabilidad, idoneidad, disponibilidad o vigencia del contenido contenido en esta presentacin o cualquier material relacionado con esta presentacin. En ningn caso Scrum .org, sus agentes, funcionarios, empleados, licenciatarios o afiliados sern responsables de ningn dao (incluidos, entre otros, daos por prdida de ganancias, informacin comercial, prdida de informacin) que surjan de la informacin o declaraciones contenidas en el entrenamiento. Cualquier confianza que deposite en dicho contenido es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drawing For Beginners" |
"This course is for everyone who wants to enter in the art universe. Step by step, with tips and exercises, the lessons focus on the basic elements of drawing.The course is structured in lessons with different topics, which contain examples and themes for individual exercise, in order for the student to acquire drawing skills as a beginner. Also, the course addresses to those who have already entered the world of art, and wish to enrich their basic notions.The course will be permanently enriched with new topics.Good luck!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Source Filmmaker (SFM) - Course For Beginners" |
"Source Filmmaker - Class For BeginnersThis is the first, one and only, Source Filmmaker (SFM) class online.Once I realized that there are no SFM courses online, I immediately had to make one!This course is created for absolute beginners, people who never worked with Source Filmmaker.Things you will learn in this class:1)Starting Out & The Interface Of SFM2)Making Our First Sequence3)Add Different Shots In The Sequence4)Adding Sound - Music, Sound Effects, etc.5)Making A Shot From Scratch And Importing Elements6)Generate Motion From Scratch - What, When, How7)Final Stop - ExportingIf I see enough interest in this class, I will update it weekly and show you how to create professional animations. For now, you will learn how to use the program and how to create basic Animation Films, which I personally think is enough for a beginner to start using this program!There's also our Class Project so make sure you check it out.Let's Create. We Can Do It."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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"120 . . . . . .1- (26 )2- (17 )3- (20 )4- (19 )5- (26 )6- (12 )"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Teotihuacan the City of the Gods" |
"This course is about the ancient city of Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan is an enormous, mysterious, beautiful and enigmatic city of ancient Mexico. We will travel there together to explore and experience this unique site. There is no other place in the world that even comes close to this magnificent and imposing city, then or now. Relatively little is known about the people who lived here. Their origins and demise are unknown. We have no written records of the ancient Teotihuacanos. We do, however, have their amazing architecture and their art."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Data Science Using Python: Your Best Starting Point" |
"Welcome to Introduction to Data Science Using Python where you will set a good foot in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning.I'm your instructor Ali Desoki and I start from scratch going clearly over all the points in the course along with hands-on practical exercises and projects to summarize all the skills youve learned.This course is designed for Beginners covering all Aspects of what you need to know to start in the fields of data science and machine learning with practice notebooks which summarize all the skills youve learned.At the end of this course, you will be able to analyze and manipulate data with python and be able to start your career in this field.This course covers a lot of useful and essential topics including:Introduction to Data ScienceData Science Most Used PackagesData WranglingModel DevelopmentModel RefinementModel Evaluation Techniques and more...The ideal student for this course is someone who looks to start in the mentioned fields from scratch.All you need to know is Python and basic statistics to start this course.So what are you waiting for! Enroll now and jump-start your career in Data Science and Machine Learning."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Light Codes and Divine Communication!" |
"""Light Codes and Divine Communication"" is a course which will help you Understand the Language of God & activate your Divine Guidance!It is based upon the teachings that I receive through my own Divine Communications from the beloved Ascended Masters/Teachers and the Creator and in this course Ill guide you to connect with the Light Language ~ which is the Language of our Creator, so you may awaken your own Divine Communication and proceed in your spiritual journey by your own!Specifically, in this course you will learn all about Light Language and Light Codes. What they are, where do they come from and how they can be used. Also you will find out if you are a Light Code Carrier and if not how to become one, through a Guided Attunement which is offered in this course! Furthermore you will learn how to activate Light Codes which you receive, how to create your own Light Codes and how to transform the Light Language into anything you desire and bring your creations into manifestation! And you will achieve all these, by understanding the flow of the Light Language within you and by connecting with your Spiritual Aspect, through a unique Guided Meditation, again offered in this course! Finally, this will allow you to connect with the Divine Realm and be able to receive your own blessings, by expressing the Divine Word.In addition, I will present a variety of Light Codes, transformed and expressed through Meditative Prayers and Attuning Psalms. I will provide some general but important information about Prayers and Psalms and I will guide you into an attuning meditative state, in which you will be offered activations, downloads and blessings for your entire life and its different aspects. Through the Prayers and Psalms you will be offered cleansing, protection, expansion of your spirituality, divine grace, higher connection and much more gifts!I hope to see you inside the course and I wish you a pleasant and illuminating journey towards the Light!Divine Blessings!What students say about this course:""This course is singing for the heart so pure blessings that shower our existence. Wonderful done. I pray that everybody will get in touch with these God blessings at some point in their existence."" ~ Evelina Cohn Ph. D ""Such an insightful and beautiful reawakening of the light codes. Thank you! ??"" ~ Sofia Hohnholt""I have just finished the course and wow!! absolutely love this course and how Nikilaos presents everything. i have just signed up for another course of his. Blessings Nikolaos and thank you."" ~ Stacy Beattie ""This is a very excellent course And I really appreciated on how it was well put together I had already started doing some light language prior but I didn't know how to fully understand it as I am now growing more spiritually from many of the healing modalities that I have taken. Thank you. Sincerely, Ken"" ~ Kenneth Meuse""It's made quite an impression on me. I haven't had an attunement for a number of years and have had a busy life of operations chronic illness and divorce that's taken over my life. I now know that being in this space of of waking up to new future brighter experiences of living and mastering my energy will no doubt open doors , be where I'm meant to be now. It is the greatest pleasure to know and I do know that's all behind me now. I've experienced the benefits of attenements before they are incredibly supportive, individual to you, and always have rejuvenated me and shown me the way along the journey to ascension. I don't know where I am on the journey, but all I do know is that I'm where I should be. I'm grateful that my intuitive energy has guided me to meet the most experienced facilitators which suit me, that I understand their energy in a way which has the most benefit. For this is my undoing so I am available to travel light. Thank you for a truly wonderful course it's an amazing experience"" ~ ZoIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Love and Light, Nikolas! Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Twin Flames: Two Souls ~ One Journey!" |
"Have you ever felt that there is someone out there waiting for you? Have you ever felt that one day, you will meet someone so unique, that you will finally be able to become your True Self? If your answers are yes, it's time to explore the magnificent world of the Twin Flames!The term Twin Flames is commonly used in the spiritual world, to describe two individuals who are created in such a way, so they can be characterized as Divine Partners! Not all Souls are created in such a way, but for the ones who are, it is of extreme importance to understand it and find their Divine Partner in this life, so both of them may reach fulfillment.This course will help you find out if you have a Twin Flame and provide you tools and practices to help you prepare yourself so to be ready, to attract your Twin Flame. Because if you have a Twin Flame, you need to overcome this feeling that someone out there is waiting for you and move on to a new vibrational state, that you are ready to find that someone! Furthermore, in this course you will be instructed and guided regarding your Divine Timing, because since we are talking about finding your Divine Partner, it is important to also enter your Divine Path. And all the above will be done, by providing to you necessary information, by following practices and guided meditations to cleanse, restore and prepare your existence, by coming into connection with your Guardian Angels and your Personal Divine Lineage and by understanding the concept of the Law of Attraction.My purpose in this course is not simply to give you information about the Twin Flames, but to offer you a grounded understanding of what Twin Flames are and help you personally, to become free from any restrictive energies which you may carry, to remove any blockages that may prevent you from finding your Twin Flame and to help you establish a clear communication with the Divine Beings, so you may receive their guidance on your own, so you can actually and practically do actions to find your Twin Flame. To set you free of the idea of simply waiting and make you understand, that since all which you need, is already inside you, it's time to use them and act upon your purpose!This course will only be the first step, in a beautiful journey of self-discovery and liberation, which will begin with your choice of making the first step! By the end of this course, you will be left with a crystal clear inner knowledge on what to do next, as you will have received specific guidance and practices and most importantly, you will have activated your Divine Timing. If you feel that your time to find your Divine Partner has come, set your intention clear and follow this wonderful path, until you reach your Destination!My name is Nikolaos Baralos and I welcome you to join me in this majestic journey! To enjoy it, but not to get seduced by it. To move on and reach the Destination!With pure Love and bright Light,Divine Blessings!What students say about this course:""All Nikolas courses surprise me a lot. It has a very deep and clear language in which it makes me understand many points in a very true way. I highly recommend it, his connection with the guides is clearly divine."" ~ Richeli""Absolutely Amazing! I have learned so much through this course and all of your other ones as well."" ~ Jennifer Whittington""Wonderful meditations for connecting with your twin."" ~ Lois R. Hicks""This course was a great match for me... I love this instructor's lessons. He is very knowledgable on the subject. During the cleansing, I felt amazing!"" ~ Isil Artis""Provides everything but your twin flame in person"" ~ Cameron BraithwaiteIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolaos!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Divine Energies: Re-alignment & Expansion of your Existence!" |
"As our life progresses, we often find ourselves feeling dis-located, non-aligned, broken, blocked or even divided. As an outcome we usually experience a negative attitude coming from the depth of our Self, leading us to experience unwanted feelings and thoughts. Since negativity has a low vibration, we immediately experience loss of energy and focus, making it difficult for us to experience inner-peace and balance. As the symptoms are plenty, plenty can also be the reasons for why these symptoms are caused. Restrictive belief systems, negative thought-patterns, blocking energies on the different levels of our existence, oppressed feelings, traumatic experiences from the past ~ both from this life and previous lives, karmic debts & contracts, ignorance of specific virtues, energies that shower our planet and affect us on a cosmic level, the impact of society and of course, our own and unique Soul journey with its ups and downs, are the reasons for which we might just find ourselves, in the middle of a collapse.When all of a sudden, we wake up in a moment and ask ourselves, how did this happen? How did I reach at this point? What is happening to me? This is a moment, in which our very own Core has been affected and probably corrupted in some way. And this is the reason for which, no matter whatever we try, we cannot restore our well-being and experience balance, harmony, inner-peace, love, connection joy and prosperity. When Love, the pure and divine energy of our Creator, seems to been lost and when our Self, stops experiencing the unconditional Love that showers and fulfills our existence, all meaning of life disappears, leaving us empty, being pulled into oblivion, dissolusion and apathy. If the above describe vividly, something that you experienced in your life, something that you might experience right now, something that may have been lasting for years or even your whole life, I welcome you to join me in a journey of re-alignment and restoration of your whole existence. By channeling and being attuned to the Divine Energies of Creation, we will go through a deep cleansing, restoring and empowering the elements that compose us, making us capable of returning once again to our purity, our natural order and function, to our purpose, to our wisdom. Having as a result to proceed further, diving in a Spiritual Quantum Leap, to unlock our true potential and leaving us by the end of this journey, with the ability and the awareness, to preserve our Core in its finest state. My name is Nikolaos Baralos, and I welcome you to a very special course, which I have created with abundant warmth, hoping to provide you an answer, a solution and a help, for the times you cannot find them by yourselves. With pure Love and bright Light,Divine Blessings!* Please note that all mentioned attunements are offered within the course, through Advanced Guided Meditations. What students say about this course:""Beautiful course with high frequency. Beautiful meditations. These tools are valuable for your growing and evolving. Best spiritual course I have ever taken. Feeling deep gratitude. Thank you Nikolaos."" ~ Sari M.""It was a wonderful course, above my expectations."" ~ Lois R. Hicks""Awesome information and assimilated wonderfully as to help us expand!"" ~ Jim McChesney""Wonderful course, really raises your vibrations, and beautifully presented. It was obviously created with heaps of love and integrity. Will definitely revisit the lectures again and again! Thank you!"" ~ Storm Khandro Moon""Wow...what a journey I went on with this course....I've taken many courses but this one surpasses them all...Thank you for the life altering path....Blessings to you"" ~ Jeanette Lee PearsonIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolaos!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Solution Focused Brief Therapy - The Modern Coaching System" |
"Are you curious how to get ahead of your problems quickly and easily?Are you a mental health professional, working in an organization or business, a coach or in a profession that requires conversing with others?Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) or just Solution Focused therapy (SFT) is a wave of thinking and an approach to conversations that strategically empowers both helping professionals in their personal lives and those they help.Different from CBT or REBT, this outlook of solution focused thinking and action brings with it a simple, yet powerful set of techniques that will not only enhance your skills to improve your own life, but radically help in any professional context where you may be involved in interacting with others.The beauty of solution focused therapy lies in it's easy to understand, proven-simplistic approach that works like a form of therapy in a wide variety of settings and actually helps achieve powerful results quickly!Who is this for?The contents of this program are best suited for you if:you struggle with dealing with problems.know someone who struggles/struggles managing their problems to find empowering solutions. if you are involved in coaching, life coaching, public speaking, medicine, psychotherapy, counseling, social work, human resource management, law, business and entrepreneurship, teaching and training, or any other profession involving working with others and looking to add something powerful to your conversational tool belt.The comprehensive video lessons and exercises are designed to help you become more proficient and confident in using solution-focused skills, focus better as well as developing solution focused thinking and action-oriented approaches in your conversations and life. Sign up NOW and learn powerful new ways to deal with any problem you may face in life or help provide amazing care to anyone that is currently struggling with problems to give them a powerful new perspective in a very-short period of time!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Construction MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs from manufacturing. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing; it continues until the project is built and ready for use. Large-scale construction requires collaboration across multiple disciplines. A project manager normally manages the budget on the job, and a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or architect supervises it. Those involved with the design and execution must consider zoning requirements, environmental impact of the job, scheduling, budgeting, construction-site safety, availability and transportation of building materials, logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding. Large construction projects are sometimes referred to as megaprojects.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Building Construction Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 255 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Workflow Development for Beginners" |
"Workflow is a tool for the automation of the business process, consisting of sequence of steps, tasks or event.One similar example to workflow is the automated lines in the manufacturing industry with station points or loading points.You can arrange and manage the dependency of tasks. Users can be sent notification for the task waiting in the SAP inbox for approval or action. Users can be informed of milestones in the process.By automating the process, you free the users from having to know what to do when. Work items are sent to the participants notifying them of what they have to do, and a single click on the notification calls the correct transaction and navigates to the relevant screen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA Purchasing Reporting Basic" |
"This Course covers the following Basic and Important report available in SAP Ecc and SAP S/4 HANASC Stock Monitoring (Supplier)Subcontracting CockpitServices per Purchase OrderPurchasing Document ItemsGoods Receipt ForecastPurchase Orders for Supplying PlantThe tasks of the MM Purchasing component are as follows:External procurement of materials and servicesDetermination of possible sources of supply for a requirement identified by the materials planning and control system or arising directly within a user departmentMonitoring of deliveries from and payments to vendorsGood communication between all participants in the procurement process is necessary for Purchasing to function smoothly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Workflow Testing" |
"Workflow is a tool for the automation of the business process, consisting of sequence of steps, tasks or event.One similar example to workflow is the automated lines in the manufacturing industry with station points or loading points.You can arrange and manage the dependency of tasks. Users can be sent notification for the task waiting in the SAP inbox for approval or action. Users can be informed of milestones in the process.By automating the process, you free the users from having to know what to do when. Work items are sent to the participants notifying them of what they have to do, and a single click on the notification calls the correct transaction and navigates to the relevant screen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Nmap course: Nmap Scanning Tool easily for beginners" |
"Hi and welcome to your course. Thank you for checking the description, and I hope that it will fits with your needs.I believe that you are reading this lines to make your reasonable decision about enrolling in the course or not, and that's exactly what a reasonable person should do, and as I'm the instructor of the course, I will be the one who introduce what it offers, so if you find your needs in the course don't hesitate join us to learn and enjoy our lectures:First of all, this Nmap course offers the possibility to know the first steps in Nmap's history, why it was created, who needs it and how much it got famous and why.Than we gonna learn and understand networking and its different types and what controls the data transfer in a networkAfter that we will see the Information gathering: definition, purposes of information gathering, types, and its relation with the Nmap scanning tool. We gonna see also how to install and setup Nmap on windows and linux, to get ready for the practical lectures. In the practical lectures we gonna learn and understand how protocols work. Also we gonna see what exactly happens when we tape the entre button and how Nmap perform its different scan operations behind the interface curtains (what it sends and how Nmap understand the response). We gonna learn how to discover open ports, operating systems, services versions, pinging hosts... Etc and a lot of network scanning strategies using the Nmap. This Nmap course will be very helpful for every Ethical Hacker (white hat hacker), penetration tester, network administrator, network security expert. This course will be updating every time to involve more Nmap concepts and scanning operations. Also remember that you have the 30 days money back guarantee, so don't hesitate and make your choice. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have found what you were looking for, also I hope that we will meet again down in the lectures, and #PEACE"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Clickbank Success: The Affiliate Marketing Paycheck Secrets" |
"Who Else Wants To Build *INSANELY* Profitable Affiliate Sites, Suck In FREE Traffic On Autopilot And Ramp Up Your Weekly ClickBank Checks?!Are you tired of buying courses after courses from so-called internet marketing ""experts"" that promise you will make truckloads of cash but don't live up to their promises? Are you sick and fed up of trying out short-lived methods only to find out you were late to the party when everyone else already cashed out from the 'fad'?Then it's time to stop whatever you're doing right now because it's obviously bringing little or no results to your bottom-line.Logically speaking, there were so many reasons for me to give up and try something else. At this stage, making money elsewhere seemed so much easier and a very promising option indeed.Introducing... Clickbank Success: The Affiliate Marketing Paycheck SecretsWhile this course is designed specifically for ClickBank affiliates, the principle in general works with affiliate marketing of any form. Even if you promote affiliate programs that are 3rd party or in-house, this will still work.Here's a more detailed look at my step-by-step course:Market ResearchHow to select a niche product to promote - THE SMART WAYKeyword Research, SEO Competition Analysis and Domain SecretsRelated KeywordsWordpress InstallationWordpress Settings and Must Have PluginsAdding Content to Your WebsiteCreating Pages and WidgetsGetting Your Site Indexed FastHow to Scale Up to a 5 Figures Per Month Internet BusinessQuora answer marketingComment on blog posts that use Facebook commentsForum marketingAutomated Twitter marketingAutomated Facebook marketing...and more!If you want to succeed with affiliate marketing, you must first build your business on the right niche.A niche relates to the category of topics or problems that the products you are promoting solve.This step by step guide will help you to create a system that will enable you to make money from ClickBank.You will to learn how to market ClickBank products the right way. You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedDon't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and wealth.Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to grab all the informations!#clickbank #affiliatemarketing #clickbanksuccess"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OptionDetector - Corso Base sul Trading in Opzioni" |
"Il Corso di Trading in Opzioni per imparare a sfruttare le piccole oscillazioni del mercato: genera entrate automatiche con le tecniche pi efficaci del trading in opzioni.Se pensi che nel trading si pu guadagnare solo quando il prezzo sale o scende, stai sbagliando. Nel 67% del tempo, il mercato registra oscillazioni di prezzo minime eppure con il trading in opzioni possibile guadagnare cifre molto importanti.Scoprirai come scegliere le azioni migliori, usare le giuste strategie, creare un trading plan che funziona.Esistono strategie dal risultato testato, che ho applicato per anni al mercato delle Opzioni Americane: un mercato estremamente liquido, versatile e con il miglior rapporto investimento/risultati.E le ho perfezionate per renderle ancora pi efficaci e permetterti di creare un reddito aggiuntivo con il minimo impegno: ti baster infatti dedicare anche solo 1 ora al giorno per controllare le tue operazioni.Sarai in grado di individuare le migliori opportunit di profitto e di andare a mercato in modo semplice e secondo uno schema ben definito per i criteri di ingresso e uscita.A chi si rivolgeIl corso si rivolge a chi, anche senza mai aver fatto trading e con un basso profilo di rischio, desidera generare una entrata automatica dedicando anche solo 1 ora al giorno per controllare le proprie posizioni.E adatta inoltre ai trader che non vogliono pi limitarsi ad investire sui movimenti a rialzo o a ribasso, ma desiderano sfruttare anche il mercato laterale.Nel nostro corso di trading imparerai:Cos il Trading in OpzioniGrafici di gestione dei rischiStrategie pi performanti: Vertical spread, Strangle, Straddle, Covered Call, Iron Condor e altre...Analisi TecnicaPiattaforme di Trading: quali usare e comeGestione del proprio patrimonioAnalisi dei GraficiAnalisi Payoff StrategieSimulazione inserimento ordini"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"After Effects: Animao de personagem - Runcycle (corrida)" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso animao de corrida de personagem, ou seja, runcycle.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a produzir uma animao do personagem Bender correndo.Voc no precisa j saber o After Effects. Ns vamos partir do absoluto zero, comeando com a ilustrao do nosso personagem, em seguida entramos na animao e no por fim eu vou te mostrar como exportar a sua animao.Depois de trabalhar 10 anos como motion design eu pude perceber o quando animao de personagem parece difcil. Por isso eu decidi criar esse curso, para desmitificar esse mito. Eu vou te mostrar que voc capaz de animar um personagem!Ao longo do caminho que a gente vai percorrer para chegar at a animao final, ns vamos passar por vrios conceitos importantes do After Effects e do motion. Por conta disso, o que voc aprender aqui vai expandir as suas habilidades, dessa forma ao final desse curso voc no vai saber apenas como animar o Bender correndo, mas vai ter aprendido tcnicas que vo te possibilitar criar animaes variadas.Vou te levar do zero ao resultado final usando o meu mtodo de ensino. Se voc nunca fez um curso comigo d uma olhada o que os meus alunos acham da minha didtica nos depoimentos nos meus cursos.E eu sempre vou estar por aqui, a qualquer momento voc poder tirar sua dvida e seguir evoluindo.Para facilitar o seu aprendizado eu disponibilizo os arquivos do After Effects para que voc faa o download e acompanhe da sua mquina; importante dizer que no h risco! Aps o pagamento voc ter 30 dias para testar o curso, se dentro desse intervalo voc perceber que o curso no era bem o que voc esperava, voc poder pedir o seu dinheiro de volta. Nem precisa dar explicao, basta solicitar e a plataforma devolve o seu dinheiro.Te espero da sala de aula!Abrao!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Did Failures Mess you Up in Past?: Enhance Your Life Habits" |
"My story:I was worried on many things in life.Most of the time the thoughts were on why things are not going and happening in my way.As I reflected, I found that live is to live. It is our ownership to enhance it in each and every situation. There would be low and high in life. It happens with everyone. You are not exceptional.An unexplored life is not worth living. To enhance our lives, we need to be adaptable to different situations.We will have to introspect a lot. The simplest way is to make habits and live them. Habits make wonders.It took four months to prepare this module. This will help you.This course will cover the following topics:Developing my own spaceMy Happiness CalendarAsking Questions to Yourself as a CEOHow to achieve Great ResultsComfort Zone to Growth ZoneHow to see your inner world everyday ? Habits Me Time, Power of Prayers,Water and You, Goal Habits:To-do list ,Love your body,Rituals of relationship,One big thing ,clothsHow to see the outer world every day?Habits: How you will be visible in organisation ?Habits: Finding stories in each moment that I seeHabits : How to identify Irritation in your life ?Habits : Understanding Pleasures and Pains in LifeHabits : Zero to HeroWhat is Joy Deficiency and How to handle it?Clarity in thoughts5 circles of influenceAwfulisingInquisitive mind-set entrepreneurshipDealing with GuiltTypes of GuiltExamples of GuiltEffects of GuiltHow to deal with Guilt?Being Blissful and lucky with GratitudeHow send a gratitude Note to someone you love the mostBlessings listHappiness an UnderstandingWhat would make you happy today?Circle of HappinessCraze of Collecting Things A Happiness DilemmaHappiness in ActionMy Happiness List newNot Getting Things in LifeMaking your Parents Happy Skill (For Students or Young Adults)Happiness SkillYou will be benefited from this course.Cheers.Kalyan Das"
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Admin. - Dia a Dia DBA - Performance Parte 1" |
"Este curso e o primeiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle em relao a performance, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambiente e ferramentasMemoriasComo a memoria afeta a performanceComo detectar Como ajustar memoriaRelao memoria S.O memoria do banco de dadosEstatsticasComo as estatsticas afetam a performanceComo detectar Como coletar"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Admin. - Dia a Dia DBA - Performance Parte 2" |
"Este curso e o segundo compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle em relao a performance, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:Redos e ArchivesComo redos e archives afetam a performanceComo detectarComo ajustar os redos LogminerLocksComo os locks afetam a performanceComo detectar Ajuste para diminuir locks StatspackProposito Como instalar Como gerar relatrio Como manter Como fazer shrinkComo analisar o relatrioComo desinstalar"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Admin. - Dia a Dia DBA - Performance Parte 3" |
"Este curso e o terceiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle em relao a performance, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:OratopProposito do oratopOnde baixar (MOS - Note: 1500864.1)Como rodarComo analisar as informaesTop/Htop, Iotop e NmonComo instalar pacotes Htop IotopNmonO que avaliarHtopIotopNmon"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Como declarar ganhos de Negcios Digitais - Imposto de Renda" |
"Voc Empreende por meio de Negcios Digitais, atravs de cursos online, ebooks, como infoprodutor, afiliado, e no sabe como Declarar os seus ganhos para o Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Fsica? Ento saiba que voc est no lugar CERTO! Aqui voc ir APRENDER MUITO sobre o Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Fsica (IRPF) com abordagem prtica voltada para NEGCIOS DIGITAIS com recebimento de receitas do exterior e MUITO MAIS!Aprenda na prtica sobre diversos tpicos relacionados ao informe de rendimentos do CPF por meio do informe mensal, antecipado e com dados adicionais sobre o informe anual.E a, bora aprender e empreender?Vejo voc, no incio das aulas! At breve! Prof. Me. Ademir Crico Junior"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Acryl Malerei mit Spachtel. Teil 1. Blumen Kompositionen" |
"Dieser Kurs ist der Erste einer Reihe von Spachtelkursen. Wir befassen uns in der ersten bung mit der richtigen Haltung und dem Griff an der Spachtel/dem Malmesser und machen bungen zum Farbauftrag. Darauf folgt das erste Bild, zwei farbenfrohe Blumen, welches wir auf weiem Hintergrund mit einem Malgang fertigstellen. Danach eine Komposition auf schwarzem Hintergrund um den farblichen Unterschied herauszuheben, dieses Bild braucht zwei Schichten, aufgrund des dunklen Hintergrunds. Abschlieend kommt eine leichte Blumenkomposition mit Hagebutte und Pfingstrosen um das gesammelte Wissen zu vereinen. Alle Kompositionen werden im kleinen Format gehalten (24x30), aber knnen natrlich beliebig vergrert werden. Auf diesen Kurs folgt ""Spachteltechnik 2. Landschaften""."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ecommerce With WooCommerce" |
"Whether youre selling digital products or physical products, creating an e-commerce store is your first step.While there are a variety of different platforms that you can use to set up your e-commerce site, WooCommerce is the number one option if you are utilizing WordPress.If you've wanted to sell your products online for a long time, but you just haven't been able to do so because of the technical learning curve, then this is your solution.By the end of this video course, you'll have the necessary knowledge to set up your e-commerce site from scratch on the WordPress platform.Topics covered:ThemesGeneral Settings OverviewProduct Settings OverviewProduct OrganizationProduct AttributesExpansionWooCommerce Automation"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Designing And Systemizing Organizational Culture" |
"Anyone who works in any organization knows that organization culture is important because it affects the performance of the organization. Culture is not something that you can see, yet it is something that you can feel and experience. Thats why so many people find it difficult to build and sustain the culture that they want to experience.In this course, Designing and Systemizing Organizational Culture, youll learn not just how to design the blueprint of your culture, but also how to create a system that can ensure the sustainability of the culture that you want to experience in your organization.Because when it comes to culture whether you design it or not, it will exist anyway, so might as well design it."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Etsy 2019 Bootcamp + (BONUS) Start an Etsy T-Shirt Business" |
"Learn How to Start an Etsy T-Shirt Business in 2019 with No Costs! Check out our latest January 2020 course! Take your Etsy Store to the next level with EtsyCentral's 2019 advanced course on how to start your very own Etsy t-shirt businessEtsyCentral is a thinkTank comprised up of the best sellers, crafters, artists, hustlers, and makers to ever sell on Etsy. As a collective, they have generated over $15 million dollars worth of sales to date. The knowledge and taught in this latest course took years to discover and develop. As a group, its our deepest mission to spread freedom to those who don't want to live the normal 9-5. ----------------------Hi there! My name is Jackie and I am one of the instructors for this course. Etsy and EtsyCentral has given me the ability to live a life of freedom and sustainability all while doing exactly what I love...crafting. Etsy allowed me, a young woman to chase my lifelong dream of opening my own business. With it, I have traveled the world, met with amazing, inspirational people, and built a life I've only ever dreamed of living.It's hard for me to even begin to explain all of the amazing things that Etsy has made possible for me. I want to share that with ANYONE who wants to learn. I want to share with you every tactic and strategy I've learned along the way to growing and scaling out my own Etsy Store. I'll show you how to add scarcity ""only 3 items left..."" to all of your listings, I'll teach you how to grow your reviews more than you've ever thought possible, I'll teach you how to send monthly emails to your entire customer base automatically. Most of all, I want to help makers grow their Etsy business so that they can focus on their passions.Yours Truly,Jackie-------By the end of this course, you will be fluently versed in the art of selling on Etsy and be ready to make your own sales grow with the strategies we cover.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Over 390 minutes of HD 1080p animated video content covering everything you'll ever need to know to succeed as an Etsy SellerHow to setup a Print on Demand T-shirt business that will generate you sales without having to hold inventory or make purchases in advanceBuilding out your own automated year long follow up email funnel that includes request for honest reviews, and promises of outstanding customer service. Bid Strategy, Google Ads, and External Scaling StrategiesLearn how to spy on your competitors and target their keywordsA catalogue of outstanding customer service responsesOur SEO ready 2019 Etsy product description template$8000+ Etsy SEO bootcamp course materials and curriculumFrom 1 Sale to Etsy Guru with Just One Course-------How To Sell On EtsyIn this course students will learn how to take their Etsy stores to the next level. The course is broken up into 5 modules covering the major categories of selling on Etsy.Module 1 will introduce you to Etsy Central and how to get the most out of this courseModule 2 will go over with you how to setup your store on Etsy and is titled ""Setting Up Your Store""Module 3 is called, ""Branding 101"" and goes over the essentials of branding and how to communicate your stores message and quality standards to your customers. In this section we go over how The North Face, Patagonia, etc. are able to connect with their customers on a deeper level. We'll even create our very own logo from start to finishModule 4 is called, ""What the Heck is Print on Demand"" and goes what the heck is Print on Demand. In this section we will go over a few different Print on Demand backends that will allow you to create and list designs and them fulfill them as customers order them...automatically!Module 5 titled, ""Conceptualizing, Designing, Listing on Etsy"" goes over the process of designing and listing products onto your Print on Demand backend and then onto Etsy. In this module we go over from start to finish, designing, listing and selling your first Print on Demand product! Module 6 titled, ""Yay! First Order... Now What?"" continues the previous module and goes over what to do when you get your first order. How do you fulfill? How do you ship? Module 7 is called, ""The Etsy Search Engine Algorithm and How to Hack It"" and goes over the essentials of Etsy's search engine algorithm and how to work with it to boost sales. We will go over how to leverage keywords and spy on our competitors to optimize our listings for successModule 8 is titled, ""Optimizing Your Listings for Maximum Conversion"" and goes over how to turn your now keyworded listing into a profitable value proposition. In this section you will learn how to add keywords into your listing to MAXIMIZE placement and rankings for your products, how to optimize your Etsy descriptions to better engage potential customers, how to take and incorporate engaging photos that WOW your audience, how to keep customers happy by giving them excellent customer service, how to ask for and obtain reviews, and how to align your interests with Etsys interest to gain their favor! By this end of this module, you will know how to fully optimize your listing for maximum engagement!Module 9 goes over how to use Etsy's native ads program to quickly ramp up your keyword ranking efforts and is called, ""Module 3 : Scaling your store with Etsys Promoted Listings""Module 10 is named, ""Scaling your store with a few emails"" and goes over how to use Aweber to link your customer emails up to your marketing email funnel. This section focuses on how to establish a meaningful connection with your fanbase. Included in this lesson are my individual email templates I used to 10x my return customers!Module 11 is called, ""Driving sales with external traffic"" and goes over how to bring external traffic from outside Etsy into Etsy by purchasing something from your storefront.Module 13 is called ""Applying the Lessons... Scaling for Print on Demand"" and goes over with you how to apply the lessons we learned in the previous modules with the specific needs of a Print on Demand store.I've also included a bonus lecture on the Scarcity Hack I used to beat out all my competitors on the search pageIn addition to all of our lessons, we've included sections on gathering Etsy reviews, how to scale new products, how to grow your storefront into a profitable, sustainable business. Additionally we have also included all of our email and customer service response templates!#howtosellonetsy #bestetsycourse #howtocreateetsystore "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Maya & Unreal 3D Character Kpop Dance Animation Fundamentals" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Maya & Unreal: 3D Character Kpop Dance Animation Fundamentals Complete Guide From Beginners to Pros Body Mechanics & VFX Basics!!In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Animation for games (specifically for the Unreal engine, but this method will also work for other game engines such as Unity).Learn everything necessary for a Character Animation Dance (Kpop example) utilizing Autodesk Maya taught by a AAA game professional with university level accredited instruction! This process can be applied to any style of dance animation for your project!Autodesk Maya is the industry standard 3D animation software, understanding the concepts in this course will help you land a job in the game, film, tv, or music industry. In this course you will learn how to animate your custom created character from scratch.We will cover the following core skill sets:Getting started with Maya and understanding the animation processUnderstanding how to utilize the reference image plane in Maya to create a realistic game engine ready Dance (Kpop) AnimationStrong Fundamentals of Animation Body MechanicsProcess of using IK/FK controllers and best practices of Unreal Engine's A.R.T. tools for Autodesk MayaHow to create animation timing for VFX using 3 different styles of rigs (animated texture, mesh, and visual effect rig)Animation timing of these VFX rigs for pipeline production processUnreal Engine's A.R.T. rigging tools for Autodesk MayaUnderstanding hotkeys to animate and rig quicklyAnimating with keyframesAnimating a production ready dance animation (Kpop) quickly and efficientlyAdvanced polish process to create professional level animation ready for game engine (Unreal/Unity) export***NOTE Course does NOT include custom character mesh. ART tools will include mannequin mesh which will allow all animation and lessons to be animated without a mesh or completing a custom rig. Course is strictly showing the process of animating a character of choice, for ANY character regardless of software or rig limitations.Well be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles!Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engines Maya Animation Rigging Toolset (A.R.T. for short), and the Unreal game engine.Why Learn From Class Creatives?This course features an accredited university level animation instructor who has over 15 years of experience animating both keyframe, and motion capture for studios such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch, Google, Disney and more. Whether it be a complex hyper realistic animation or a cartoony stylized Disney character animation it ALL starts with the fundamentals which we cover in these lectures. Who This Course is For:Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Animation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating animating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |