Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduction to Integration (Integral Calculus)" |
"This is an introductory course on Integral Calculus. It comprises of a total of 5 hoursof videos and quizzes. This is perfect for secondary school students seeking a good primer on IntegralCalculus. It is also great as a refresher for everyone else. However prior knowledge in Differential Calculus is a MUSTbefore learning this topic.The course is arranged from the very basic introduction and progresses swiftly with increasing depth and complexity on the subject. It is recommended that the students do not skip any part of the lectures, or jump back and forth, because good understanding of the fundamental is important as you progress.Quizzes are included on 7 subtopics to strengthen your understanding and fluency on this topic. So it is advisable that you attempt all the questions.The course is delivered by an experienced teacher with five years of experience teaching students on a one to one basis. The instructor understands the difficulties that students normally face to become competent in mathematics. So words and examples were carefully chosen to ensure that everybody gets the most out of this series of lectures. This is a MUST course for all secondary school students.Have fun learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Exponent (Index), Surd and Logarithm" |
"This is an introductory course on Exponents (Indices), Surds and Logarithms. It comprises a total of 8.5hoursworth of videos and quizzes. This is perfect for secondary school students seeking a good primer on all the related topics leading to understandingLogarithms. It is also great as a refresher for everyone else.The course is arranged from the very basic introduction and progresses swiftly with increasing depth and complexity on the subject. It is recommended that the students do not skip any part of the lectures, or jump back and forth, because good understanding of the fundamental is important as you progress.Quizzes are included on 23 subtopics to strengthen your understanding and fluency on this topic. So it is advisable that you attempt all the questions.The course is delivered by an experienced teacher with extensiveexperience inteaching students on a one to one basis. The instructor understands the difficulties that students normally face to become competent in mathematics. So words and examples were carefully chosen to ensure that everybody gets the most out of this series of lectures. This is a MUST course for all secondary school students.Have fun learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to REALLY Profit With Branding: The Grand Brand Sandwich" |
"The Grand Brand Sandwich: From Purpose to Profit, allows students to clearly define their mission, communicate it efficiently, and create marketing assets that will exude the brand's purpose, leaving room to provide value and ultimately increasing profits. Cheryl has a unique approach to creating powerful mission statements, brand semantics, effectively pitching new clients, email marketing, creating great graphics, utilizing sound and videos, increasing online engagement and so much more! This isn't about finding your personal brand so you can tweet it once. This course is about discovering and deploying brand alignment to attract the right customer and increase profits.Each video lesson is a personal conversation with Cheryl that will guide you to becoming your grandest brand. Supporting materials are provided in the form of pdfs or excel documents for your convenience. The Grand Brand Sandwich course is the most profound, time-effience and cost-effective way to:1) declare your purpose and mission and share this ""Statement"" aka Commitment through your branding,2) create a Brand Assessment one-sheet to hone in on your messaging and voice and distribute to potential hires, collaborators or contractors,3) write pitches to make unreasonable requests (hint: the BEST way to see the BIGGEST results!),4) create marketing assets (including social media headers and informational videos using a very specific formula),5) align your brand messaging with your mission such that the colors, fonts, and consistency of your brand's look and feel will attract the right customer. Do not hesitate. Put this brand strategy in place today to set yourself apart from the competition tomorrow."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Perfect Pitch: How to Get a ""Yes"" Every Time" |
"The Perfect Pitch is an 8-Step process that will set you up for a successful interaction; whether writing an email to a friend or colleague, or making a cold call to a prospective client, The Perfect Pitch will be THE reason you get a higher response rate, more YESes, and start seeing much bigger results. Understand the importance of follow-up etiquette, learn how to make a powerful request so that you hear YES every time, and start to make this process a daily habit in all of your interactions.Once youve used The Perfect Pitch in your outreach, cold calls, and requests, youll start to see how easy it is to get results BIG results that will propel you forward!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2013 para profesionales y directivos" |
"Excel 2013 es la nueva versin de Microsoft para su aplicacin de hojas de clculo. Entre los objetivos que vamos a ver en este curso online de Excel, encontraremos la creacin y modificacin de tablas dinmicas, la creacin de grficos dinmicos asociados a los datos resumidos. Por otro lado vamos a aprender a filtrar, ordenar, clasificar, dar formato a los datos de manera que se pueda hacer un mejor anlisis de la informacin extraida o simplemente para una mejor visualizacin.En este curso online vamos a analizar grandes volmenes de informacin para crear informes que ayuden al rea estratgica, directiva o gerencial de la empresa, y analizar informacin de difrerentes reas de la empresa para su seguimiento y evaluacin peridica.Aprenderemos a crear cuadros de mandos que englobe los datos econmicos de la empresa.En este curso online de Excel, tambin vamos a aprender a utilizar un informe de tabla dinmica para hacer ms comprensibles y fciles de interpretar de un solo vistazo conjuntos complejos de datos. Incrementar la rapidez en la creacin de informes personalizados y a analizar y organizar datos empresariales con las tablas dinmicas. Aprenderemos cmo obtener indicadores tipos del anlisis empresarial:Indicadores sobre las ventas de los comerciales.Indicadores sobre el comportamiento en las ventas de los productos.Indicadores sobre los pedidos tramitados.Indicadores sobre la actividad con clientes."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Prestashop 1.6 en ESPAOL: Tu negocio online" |
"Con este curso vas a poder crear tu negocio online en la Red. Se explica de manera detallada desde elegir el hosting de alojamiento, instalacin de prestashop hasta la gestin ntegra de toda la tienda. Se explican como gestionar:* Productos* Clientes* Empleados* Categoras* Etc.Hay muchas soluciones de comercio electrnico pero PRESTASHOP es una de las ms utilizadas por su sencillez, la comunidad de usuarios que ya lo utilizan y las ayudas que existen entre los miembros de dicha comundad.El software es totalmente gratuito y est continuamente en desarrollo y mejora. Al mismo tiempo tambin existen mdulos de pago ( pero a bajo precio ) que permiten que el programa sea mucho ms completo.Una de las caractersticas ms interesantes de PRESTASHOP es que permite configurar la apariencia de la tienda y poder elegir un tema que se adapte a nuestra temtica.El curso lo completars siguiendo los vdeos en 30 horas. Para ello debes de ser constante y visualizar un vdeo o dos diarios para seguir una lnea de aprendizaje contnuo, y no espaciar mucho las clases.Si te apuntas a este curso crear tu tienda online no tendr secretos para t. No te arrepentirs y te convertirs en un profesional de dicha herramienta."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Domina Excel en CINCO HORAS EN ESPAOL" |
"El curso que vas a ver a continuacin llamado Domina Excel en cinco horas, tiene como objetivo principal el dotar al alumno que tiene unos conocimientos bsicos de Excel, de las herramientas necesarias para que se convierta en un profesional de la hoja de clculo ms utilizada del mercado.Microsoft Excel es la herramienta por excelencia para el tratamiento automatizado de muchos de los datos con los que se trabajan en una empresa. Por eso es muy valorable el disponer en el CV de conocimientos avanzados de esta hoja de clculo. Gracias a la creacin de plantillas, se pueden gestionar aspectos contables, financieros e incluso de Recursos Humanos con los conocimientos adecuados y que yo te aseguro que adquirirs en este curso.Muchos usuarios creen que saben manejar Microsoft Excel, pero solo se limitan a las operaciones bsicas, dejando de lado algunas funcionalidades que las consideran complejas o que creen de manera errnea que no solucionan problemas de su trabajo diario.En este curso aprenders a manejar funciones complejas, organizar los datos, analizarlos, crear tablas dinmicas, incluso automatizar tareas repetitivas para hacer el trabajo mucho ms fcil y sobre todo productivo. Uno de los bloques incluidos en el curso es el de Seguridad, en el que te voy a presentar como proteger y auditar la hoja de clculo. Con la proteccin podrs limitar la modificacin de ciertas celdas y con la auditoria podrs realizar una bsqueda rpida de errores, para conocer el origen de dicho error.Adems en el ltimo bloque del curso se detallan cinco plantillas listas para ser utilizadas, entre las que destaco la plantilla para la gestin de facturas e inventario de cualquier empresa de productos.Aprovecha la oportunidad que te ofrezco para manejar todas aquellas funcionalidades avanzadas que existen en Excel y que nunca te atreviste a utilizar por falta de formacin. Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Hebrew Vocabulary Enhancing - The Program" |
"This course is all about enhancing your Hebrew vocabulary in a fair & decent price.Every section contains 100 new words and it works like this:First Lecture of a section - Presenting the new catagory, with a brief introduction, the lecture includes (downloadable):PDF file with the new 100 words - Hebrew - English Pronounciation - English Meaning.MP3 file with a sound pronounciation of every word (Both Hebrew & English)5 Quizzes 20 Questions each to cover the 100 words given in that section.1 Closing up Quiz to make sure you got that section right.As for the moment there are 11 Full Sections with a total of 1,100 words.The course is all about your motivation, and your own pace, the average is 1.5 weeks per section (learning 10 words per day)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia Digital para web com Photoshop" |
"Com o curso Fotografia Digital para web com Photoshop, aprenda a utilizar o software de edio de imagem mais popular do mundo, e crie imagens para a web e redes sociais. Aprenda as funcionalidades bsicas e essenciais de Photoshop e comece e editar as suas fotografias digitais. Saiba como remover um fundo, como retocar pormenores, eliminar imperfeies e alterar cores e dimenses. Saiba como manipular fotografias para tornar os momentos especiais inesquecveis! Aprenda a fazer vdeos a partir das suas fotografias. Com o curso Fotografia Digital para web com Photoshop vai comear a editar imagens com facilidade e bons resultados no Photoshop. Acompanhe os vdeos com a demonstrao dos passos essenciais. Um curso com durao de cerca de 5 horas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile marketing para iniciantes: aplique no seu projeto" |
"Esta formao com dicas prticas, permite melhorar o desempenho do seu negcio de uma forma simples e eficiente, com a grande vantagem da maioria das orientaes no implicar investimento adicional. Com os conhecimentos que vai adquirir de um profissional experiente e especializado, aplique de forma assertiva na estratgia da sua empresa. Este curso com o formato Express, apresenta um programa essencial, para que consiga melhores resultados em menos tempo. Venha conhecer as vantagens do mobile para fazer crescer o seu negcio. O curso inclui vdeos explicativos. O formato express torna-o num curso breve, onde o essencial do mobile marketing abordado: 3 horas. Consiga mais visibilidade para o seu projeto, em todos os dispositivos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing" |
"Com o curso Social Media Marketing faa uma viagem s principais Redes Sociais para alm do Facebook. Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin e Instagram, bem como outros Social Media importantes para o seu negcio. Promova o seu negcio, diversificando nas redes sociais adequadas. Neste curso sero abordados temas como o Planeamento e estratgia, Analtica e mtricas, Tipo de contedos e formatos, como criar imagens fantsticas com recurso a ferramentas simples, a importncia do vdeo, Otimizao Mobile e Integrao website e redes sociais. Durao: 2 horas. Para quem pretende ter uma presena ativa nas Redes Sociais, adaptando contedos e mensagens aos requisitos de cada uma delas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sites profissionais com WordPress" |
"Com o curso Criar sites profissionais com WordPress, aprenda a criar o seu site ou blog na plataforma de gesto de contedos para a web mais utilizada no mundo. Crie um site profissional, atrativo, funcional e fcil de atualizar. Conhea as ferramentas do WordPress para obter mais resultados. Neste curso, vai aprender como criar presena online, registar domnio e alojamento; como planear e criar website; como criar pginas e menus de navegao; como personalizar aspeto grfico do website; como estender funcionalidades e como pode criar contedos interessantes. Um curso com vdeos para poder acompanhar melhor os contedos. Melhore o desempenho do seu negcio de uma forma simples e eficiente, com a grande vantagem da maioria das orientaes no implicar investimento adicional. Com os conhecimentos que vai adquirir de um profissional experiente e especializado, inicie o seu website em WordPress."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
acupressure-for-emotional-wellbeing-mental-health-russian |
""" "" - Udemy, ! , Full HD . . . ."" , [] , ."" - , , , F.I.A.C.A., - . . :+ .+ .+ , .+ . :+ + + Full HD "" ! , . , , iPhone iPad""- , Siemens, . . , , , . , ! ! - 30 ? Facebook - Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
acupressure-for-sports-fitness-massage-tcm-russian |
""" "" - Udemy, ! , , Full HD , . , . , . , . , , ."" , [] , .""- , , , F.I.A.C.A., - . . :+ .+ .+ , .+ . :+ + + Full HD "" . , . , , iPhone iPad""-, . . , , , . , ! ! - 30 ? Facebook - Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
acupressure-for-best-sex-love-life-potency-russian |
""" "" - Udemy, , ! , , Full HD . . , ."" , [] , ."" - , , , F.I.A.C.A., - . . :+ .+ .+ , .+ . :+ + + Full HD "" . , . , , iPhone iPad. !""- . . , , , . , ! ! - 30 ? Facebook - Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
acupressure-fitness-beauty-chinese-massage-tcm-russian |
""" "" - Udemy, , ! , , Full HD , . . . . . , ."" , [] , ."" - , , , F.I.A.C.A., - . . :+ .+ .+ , .+ . :+ + + Full HD "" , . , . , , iPhone iPad""-, BMW, . . , , , . , ! ! - 30 ? Facebook - Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
acupressure-for-emergency-self-healing-russian |
""" "" - Udemy, ! , , Full HD , . , . , . , . , . , . , ."" , [] , ."" - , , , F.I.A.C.A., - . . :+ .+ .+ , .+ . :+ + + Full HD "" , . , . , , iPhone iPad""- , Siemens, . . , , , . , ! ! - 30 ? Facebook - Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Time Management for Web Designers" |
"What would you do with an extra day a week?Have you ever felt that everything would be better if you ""just had an extra day a week?"" How much easier would it be to get through your projects if you could manage tosqueeze in extra 8 hoursinto every week? Or perhaps you could work on growing the business, take on a side project or even take more time off.Time Management for Web Designersis a self-paced, online training course that teaches youhow to get a lot more productivity out of every day. If you struggle to get through your projects and find yourself working weekends and holidays, you're not alone. The good news isit is easy to changeby by implementing proven strategies used bytop entrepreneurs. You really can get an extra day - or 8 hours - into every week,without burning out. The course was developed by web veteran Richard Pearce, whose development career spans over 20 years.Oh ... the irony!I know, I know. This course is about time management, yet you have tomake timeto watch it. That's why each lesson isunder 10 minutes. These bite-sized pieces of learning allow you to watch and implement one strategy daily. But do short lessons mean that you're somehow missing out? No.Our lessons are scripted, so we can teach you each point quickly, without the usual umms, ahhs, backtracking and fillers that you'll experience with other training.Just some of what you're going to learn:how planning to accomplishjust 3 tasks a dayresults in more productivity overallmake email your friendby learning simple techniques to get toinbox zerothenumber oneway of getting more done bytime chunking7 tipsto help youget through through your workthe number one wordall successful entrepreneurs use7 simple waysto leverage your timetaking care of yournumber 1 assetFAQ'sIs this only for web designers?No. Although the examples used are tailored towards someone running a web design business, anyone will benefit from these strategies.I have never been able to stop procrastinating. How will this help?Although procrastination is bad, improving time management has more to do with changing the way you do things. That's what this course teaches, which in turn will help you get on with the work.How long will it take until I see an improvement?3 of the strategies can be implemented immediately and you will see significant improvements within a day. The other 3 are longer term and their effectiveness depends on how quickly you act on them. However we're only talking weeks, not months.When will I need to watch the lessons?This is a self-paced course that you can take at a time that suits you. The lessons are always available and never expire.Why should I invest in a training course when so much is available on the web for free?The problem with most online advice is that you only learn one or two things which isn't enough for you to experience real change. This course has been carefully created to ensure you are able to move forward and see fast improvements.Can I ask questions?Yes. The course includes a discussion area where you post questions and interact with other students. We also have a private forum on our main site.Can I download or do I have to watch online?You can watch the lessons online or download each lesson for offline viewing.What's Included9 online video tutorials- learn at your own pace, replay whenever you want and download if you wishThe Site Skills Scheduler- to ensure you get through your daily tasks3 expert video recommendations- to reinforce what you've learntSupportTo us, the greatest value in this course is the support. If you're ever stuck, you can ask questions and receive replies from experienced web designers. Past students have told us that thesupport alone makes the course worth many more times the investment. Imagine always having an expert on hand to ensure you're never stuck again and instead move forward to success!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Conversational French Made Easy" |
"Do you wish learning French was an easy thing to do? Do you wish you were be able to communicate easilywith French speakers when traveling around the world or in your own country?If so, the Conversational French Made Easycourse, will give you the tools to communicate effectivelywith French speakers anywhere in the world.This course takes you from learning how to pronounce French words correctly to understanding others and expressing your needs in anumber of situations.How have we accomplished this?Instead of focusing on grammar lingo and concepts, we focus on useful phrases and sentences that you can start using from day one.Through a carefully designed language-learning curriculum, you will learn essential conversational French in a number of common situations. Starting with simple vocabulary that you can use when meeting people, to more complex vocabulary and phrases that will allow you to order food, follow directions and other important skills that will make your trips to French-speaking countries that much more enjoyable.This is what some of our students are saying:""This course is extremely helpful in developing basic conversation skills. I can't wait to become proficient enough to put everything to use!""""The instructor is amazing! This course is well organized and it explains the most important details of what it takes to learn French!""Course Bonuses:In addition to the video lectures, practice videos and quizzes, you will have access to ready-to-print PDF's that you can review in your free time to help you keep your conversational French skills fresh.This course also includes recordings of French speakersfrom differentcountries, so you get used to different accents from different parts of the world.Join our over 12,000 member language learning community. You'll have direct access to your course tutor and course peers to get an answerto anyquestions you may have.Remember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee. Sign up and start learning French today! See you inside the course!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Spanish Made Easy (Beginners)" |
"Spanish Made Easy is a comprehensible course to acquiring Spanish as a second language, delivering the information and instruction in easily digestible, bite-sized lessons, part of a well thought out curriculum and course progression to keep you motivated and make your learning journey a fun and rewarding experience.It is the closest thing to a Spanish language immersion program you can get online, addressing both spoken and written Spanish. Throughout the course we give you lots of words, phrases, and dialogues, complete with pronunciations and easy-to-follow instructions to give you an under-the-hood solid foundation for your ongoing learning process.From saying a simple hello, to forming more complex sentences, the Spanish Made Easy course for Beginners will help you master the basics of this language and take your speaking skills to the next level. Our easy-to-follow curriculum will put you on the path to Spanish proficiency, like no other online course before. And since language retention requires lots of practice, we created video-guided Practice Exercises and ready to print materials to help you keep your Spanish skills fresh.Additionally, our private Facebook group gives you direct access to your tutor and course peers - to ask questions or expand on any of the topics learned.Click on the Take this Course button and start learning Spanish today! Expand your world of possibilities by adding a second language to your skills."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Make 5 Android Apps in 1 Hour No Coding With App Inventor 2" |
"My Udemy Courses have been taken by over 6,000 people in 135 countries. They have also received high ratings throughout Udemy.Android devices are used worldwide and over 1.15 billion Android Devices are predicted to ship this year. Did you know that's more than apple?Making Android Apps has sort of always been thought of as some magical process that only programmers can do. It was never thought possible that anybody would be able to make Android Apps.I'm here to tell you that it is possible! Plus, you never have to write a single line of code! In this course I teach you how to use a tool called App Inventor 2 to make Android Apps using an easy mouse-driven drag and drop block system to make your app work. You build the user interface visually,and then just click the blocks together using the mouse to make it work.I know you might be thinking that apps you can make are limited, right? In all honesty, most any kind of app can be made using App Inventor 2, and they are updating it quite often.App Inventor 2 is also free to use. It's run by MIT and you use your Google Account. Easy!In this course you learn how to use App Inventor 2 to make 5 apps. You will see how you can make those 5 apps in only 1 hour while learning the power of App Inventor 2.What are the requirements?You will need a computer with an internet connection. Can be Windows/Mac/Linux.You should have an Android device, but not required. Although would make it easier.A desire to learn.What am I going to get from this course?Over 1 hour of video lectures showing you how to create Android Apps without coding!You learn the App Inventor 2 environmentYou get periodic course updates.Learn how to monetize your apps with ads.A good understanding of how Android Apps are made and work.A way to make your ideas a reality.What is the target audience?Beginners interested in learning to make Android Apps.Anybody interested in learning how to make Android Apps without coding.Anybody who has an app idea that needs to learn how to make it a reality."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Android Apps No Coding App Inventor 2 Complete Course" |
"My Udemy Courses have been taken by over 6,000 people in 135 countries. They have also received high ratings throughout Udemy.Android devices are used worldwide and over 1.15 billion Android Devices are predicted to ship this year. Did you know that's more than apple?Making Android Apps has sort of always been thought of as some magical process that only programmers can do. It was never thought possible that anybody would be able to make Android Apps.I'm here to tell you that it is possible! Plus, you never have to write a single line of code! In this course I teach you how to use a tool called App Inventor 2 to make Android Apps using an easy mouse-driven drag and drop block system to make your app work. You build the user interface visually,and then just click the blocks together using the mouse to make it work.I know you might be thinking that apps you can make are limited, right? In all honesty, most any kind of app can be made using App Inventor 2, and they are updating it quite often.App Inventor 2 is also free to use. It's run by MIT and you use your Google Account. Easy!In this course I teach you, in over 5 hours of video instruction, how to leverage the power of App Inventor 2 to make Android Apps easily and without coding. It's set at a pace that starts out at a beginner level and works it's way up to a more advanced level to include making 2 games.What are the requirements?You will need a computer with an internet connection. Can be Windows/Mac/Linux.You should have an Android device, but not required. Although would make it easier.A desire to learn.What am I going to get from this course?Over 5 hours of video lectures showing you how to create Android Apps without coding!Learn how to make 2 games.You learn the App Inventor 2 environmentYou get periodic course updates.Learn how to monetize your apps with ads.A good understanding of how Android Apps are made and work.A way to make your ideas a reality.What is the target audience?Beginners interested in learning to make Android Apps.Intermediates who took my Make 5 Apps in 1 Hour course.Advanced users who are coders that want to learn an easier way to make Android AppsAnybody interested in learning how to make Android Apps without coding.Anybody who has an app idea that needs to learn how to make it a reality."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"A complete guide to learn the essentials as well as the advanced features in Microsoft Excel 2010. This course starts right from the basics of entering data into a cell to the advanced features of excel. Learning is made easier with the exercise files provided along with each of the tutorials. Take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerPoint 2010" |
"A complete guide to learn the essentials as well as the advanced features in Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. This course starts right from the basics of adding slides to a presentation to the advanced features of Powerpoint. Learning is made easier with the exercise files provided along with each of the tutorials. Take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2010" |
"Learn the World's most widely used Word Processor.This tutorial is a complete guide to learn the essentials as well as the advanced features in Microsoft Word 2010. The course starts right from the basics of entering data in a document and progresses to features like Styles, Sections, Tables and Themes. Learning is made easier with the exercise files provided along with each of the tutorials. Take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2013 - Be the Excel master !!" |
"A complete guide to learn the essentials as well as the advanced features in Microsoft Excel 2013. This course starts right from the basics of entering data into a cell to the advanced features of excel. Learn how to enter Formulas and functions, insert and edit different types of shapes, learn the different Data Validation options. With the new and improved look of Excel 2013, working has just become a lot easier. With new and advanced features like Flash Fill, Recommended charts and the new quick analysis tool, life just got way easier. Learning is made easier with the exercise files provided along with each of the tutorials. Take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administracin del Tiempo y Productividad Personal" |
"Ests Frustrado? No terminas tus quehaceres y el trabajo se sigue acumulando? Ests exhausto? Necesitas tiempo para ti? Te sientes atrapado por tu horario? Tu lista de cosas que hacer tiene las mismas entradas al final del dia, al final de la semana e incluso al final del mes? La clave para alcanzar tus metas es encontrar las barreras de creas con tu comportamiento que no te permiten acabar tus tareas para alcanzar tus metas. ----- Aprende a estar en control de tus prioridades, establece las metas correctas, y planea tu tiempo en la forma adecuada para que puedas vivir tus sueos Aprede como superar el comportamiento que te hace aplazar las cosas Aprende cual es tu personalidad y como afecta la forma en la que usas tu tiempo Aprende a tomar y mantener control de tu horario"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ganar dinero y olvidarte de la oficina" |
"Curso actualizado una vez ms el da 26 de Septiembre de 2015Por promocin este curso se ofrece gratuito. A partir del 1ero de Octubre, el precio pasar a ser de $19.Este curso se ofrece con 30 das de garanta, si no ests 100% satisfecho te reembolsaremos tu dinero. Sin preguntas.TE UNES A LOS MAS DE 3.000 ALUMNOS INSCRITOS QUE ESTN APRENDIENDO Y EMPRENDIENDO?===================================================================================== Y tu, ya emprendiste?Hola! Sabas que para el ao 2020, la mitad del personal que actualmente trabaja en oficinas pasar a trabajar de manera independiente? Ests listo para este reto? Este curso lo he diseado especficamente para mostrarte paso a paso como prepararte para este cambio. En este curso aprenders: A ganar dinero usando tu experienciaA cmo dar el primer paso para emprender A validar tus ideas de negocios en 3 das A tener la libertad de trabajar desde donde quieras y cuando quierasTESTIMONIALES ""Tips. me gusto mucho los tips y recomendaciones prcticas para emprendedoras."" Victoria C. ""Excelente Curso. Me gusto muchsimo es muy interesante este curso. Muchas gracias Priscilla pues la explicaciones son muy claras y buenas para aprender. Espero que el prximo curso sea de aprender a tomar fotografas y como ganar dinero vendiendo fotos."" Rocio N. ""Sencillo, claro y preciso. Excelente curso. Sin contenido basura."" Bulmaro S. ""Buen curso. Me gusto el curso, tiene buenos tips en general y te dice el porque deberas ser emprendedor online. Despus de ver este video compre el curso de 'como ganar dinero con YouYube'."" Oziel L. ""Excelente. Priscilla me cay super bien, su entusiasmo te contagia. Si bien las cosas que ella (presenta) no descubre el hilo negro, te ayudan, te dan gua, te estimulan a tomar decisiones. Lo recomiendo. Saludos."" Javier A.================ NO CREES QUE YA VA SIENDO HORA DE PASAR A LA ACCIN? ================Este curso es ideal para aquellos que: Estn cansados de trabajar para otros Son pro-activos en las metas que se trazan Tienen ideas de posibles negocios pero no estn seguros Este curso NO es para aquellos que: Quieren ganar mucho dinero sin trabajar================== STE ES EL CURSO PERFECTO PARA EMPEZAR A EMPREDER. =================="
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Decdete a emprender: Aprende decoracin Navidea para uas" |
"- QUIN QUIERE EMPRENDER DECORANDO UAS ?- NO NECESITAS EXPERIENCIA - PUEDES EMPEZAR DESDE CERO- NO NECESITAS COMPRAR EQUIPOS COSTOSOS- NO NECESITAS HACERTE PUBLICIDAD EN MERCADEOHay mucha gente emprendiendo con decoracin de uas, tu tambien puedes!================ NO CREES QUE YA VA SIENDO HORA DE PASAR A LA ACCIN? ================A parte de todo, es un curso entretenido y divertido. Tienes preguntas? Tenemos respuestas! Hay una entrevista al final del curso donde la instructora contesta todas tu inquietudes.Una vez completado este curso, tendrs el conocimiento y los recursos necesarios para: Decorar tus propias uas, la de tus familiares o amigas con preciosas caricaturas y motivos navideos Emprender en el mundo de las uas. Validar tu idea antes de incursionar con las uas. Ensear a otros a como hacer diseo de uas.=========================== TODAVA NO ESTS CONVENCIDO? =========================== Inscrbete ahora y accede al contenido sin lmites desde cualquier parte del mundo. Un curso en espaol adaptado a tus necesidades, impartido de manera amena. Adems, te garantizo la devolucin de tu inversin en 30 das si no quedas satisfecho con los contenidos del curso. No tienes nada que perder!=========== STE ES EL CURSO PERFECTO PARA EMPEZAR A EMPRENDER - QUE ESPERAS? ===========A quin est dirigido este curso? Este curso est dirigido a todas aquellas personas principiantes, que deseen aprender a realizar decoraciones navideas sobre uas naturales o artificiales Este curso cubre el nivel bsico de decorado de uasQu necesitas para este curso? Adems de las ganas de aprender, para este curso necesitars: Dedo y uas de prctica Esmaltes de uas de colores variados y con glitter Brillo o Top coat sellador Pinturas acrlicas de colores slidos Pinceles para decoracin de uas Un pedazo de esponja o goma espuma Huevera o plato de vidrio pequeo Toallin de papel absorbente Removedor de esmalte Un vaso con agua Papel, lpiz y borrador"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a entender a Bblia" |
"O livro mas vendido a Bblia e muitos pensam que difcil de entende-la mas aqui em somente 3 etapas voc vai descobrir sozinho os princpios para uma vida bem sucedida nas diversas reas do seu cotidianos. As aulas so de fcil compreenso e acompanhe o material. O instrutor esta a sua disposio mediante email pessoal"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"La biblia: Su Historia Desde Su Nacimiento" |
"Presentacin de las clases conociendo de la biblia temas importantes de su origen, formacin y desenvolvimiento. El canon de la biblia es presentado en su veracidad y ecigencias para su formacn. Temas com revelacin, inspiracin e iluminacion que son importantes para la teologia son vistos como centrales para la compreensin del asunto tratadoSon presentados argumentos para la defensa de la misma en la areas de sus textos originales. Son presentadas las referencias necesrias a respecto de valor que ella se da. El panorama general de las divisiones de la biblia son presentadas en terminos graficos para ser recordados con facilidadEste curso de introduccin biblica es importante y bsico para desenvolver otras etapas de la bibliologia y de la teoloiga sistemtica. Asi el alumno podra tener una construccin teologica firme en su teologia de vidaEste curso es indicado para todos aquellos que estudian en areas de humanidad, sea historia, psicologia, filosofia,teologia etc. Pero independiente de la forrmacion este curso ofrece un conocimiento general de la biblia. Sbeiendo que la biblia es un libro universal y de una de las religiones mayores en el mundo, es recomendable participara para asi conocer mejor la formacion del occidente y su culturaNo es exigido de una formacion formal y superior. Basta tener el interes en el conocimiento general del ser humano. No son exigidos recursos especiales en terminos de software o de otra naturaleza.Este curso esta estructurado em seis secciones las cuales cada una de ellas inclui sus clases en particular. Al todo son 18 lecciones que daran al alumno informaciones suficientes para establecer un conocimiento basico de la Biblia"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |