Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The WebdriverIO Bootcamp [2020]" |
"Get a very deep understanding of how to write WebdriverIO TestsThis course will teach you all the fundamentals about WebdriverIO 5, a Javascript framework for Automated Browser Testing.Specifically you will learn:how to install WebdriverIO 5how to use Page Object Patternhow to to use Reporters/Reportershow to build your own Reporters/Serviceshow to use CI/CD like Travis, Circle CIhow to use REPL Interfacehow to create commandshow to use Cloud Services like Sauce, BrowserStackhow to use Visual Regression"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Studio One Dersleri (Hzlandrlm Trke Eitim Seti)" |
"MerhabaStudio One eitim serisinde, program kullanmak iin ihtiyacn olan tm dersler var.Daha hzl sonuca ulaabilmen iin, dersler anlalr, ksa ve z.Program daha nce hi kullanmadn m ? Sorun yok eitim sfrdan balyor.Eitim serisinde proje oluturma, kanal kayt yapma, projeyi mp3 ya da wav olarak kaydetme, kanallar dzenleme, basit bir ekilde miks mastering yapma, midi kullanm yer alacaktr.Eer kafana taklan bir soru olursa bana sorabilirsin, yantn en ksa zamanda video ekip dersi ykleyerek vereceim.Bol mzikli gnler..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastercam X6 CAD CAM ve CNC Programlama Tornalama Pro +++" |
"Mastercam yazlm dnyada en kolay arayze sahip ve en kolay renilen yazlm olma zelliini korumaktadr. Kk ve orta lekli pek ok firmada kullanlmakta olan bu yazlm bir Cad-Cam yazlmdr. Cad=Computer aided design (Bilgisayar destekli yazlm) ve Cam Computer aided Manufacturing (Bilgisayar destekli imalat) anlamna gelmektedir. Mastercam yazlm yardm ile ayn arayz kullanarak tasarm ve imalat yapabilirsiniz. Ayrca tasarm ve imalat parametrikdir ve tasarmdaki herhangi bir parametreyi deitirdiinizde imalat parametrelerini yeniden girmenize gerek yoktur sadece tek tu ile yenilenemeniz yeterli ve imalat yapyorken ayn tasarm iin Lathe (tornalama) Milling (frezeleme) Wire (telerezyon) uygulamas yapabilirsiniz.Bu eitim seti yardm ile sfrdan balayarak ileri seviyede bir mastercam kullancs olabilirsiniz. Eitim setimiz zellii sadece komutlarn ne ie yaradklarndan bahsetmemesidir ayrca btn komutlarn kullanld eitli sanayi uygulamalar ile btn konular pekitirilmektedir. Eitim setini hazrlayan uzmanmz TeknikOkul bnyesinde 2003 ylndan bu yana sanayide ok farkl CNC makinalarnda birebir alm bir teknik retmendir. Sanayide kazanm olduu CNC ve Mastercam bilgi birikimin tamamn bu set ile sizlere grsel eitim uzmanl ve gvencesiyle sunmaktadr.Eitim videolarn seyrettiinizde CNC alma mantn M, G kodlarn, 2D ve 3D tasarm, 2 eksen freze,3 eksen freze, 4 ve 5 eksen freze, tornalama, C eksen tornalama zelliklerinin tamamn sanayi uygulamalar ile renebileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Matematik Temeli Atma I Matematiin Zincirleri" |
"* Bu kursun amac akc, duru, forml ezberletmeyerek, bol soru zerek ve konunun mantn kavratarak matematiinizi sfrdan alp zirveye tamaktr. Her konu renci bu konuyu hi bilmiyormu gibi anlatlr ve ilerlenir. renci dersleri dinledike matematik yapabilecei anlar ve matematii sevmeye balar. Kurs Sfrdan Matematik - ( lem Yetenei ) konusu ile balar nce renciye TEMEL kazandrmak hedeflenir. lk blm geen rencide "" MATEMATK YAPABLYORUM "" hissi uyanr. * Bu kurs zincir metodu ile oluturuldu. Unutulmamaldr ki matematikteki konular birbirine adeta bir zincir gibi baldr. Biz zincirleri halka halka balayp tamamlamay setik ki rencilerimiz boulmasn. rnein Temel Kavramlar konusunun iine sl Saylar bilinmeden zlemeyecek bir soru koymadk... Videolar sizin grmediiniz konuyu H BLMYORMUSUNUZ GB ekildi...*Ltfen sabrl olun ve kendinize NANIN... Hazr olun KENDNZE AIRACAKSINIZ!..."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Abordagem Teraputica Holstica" |
"A Terapia Holstica Sistmica tem por base oferecer lindos processos de cura envolvendo as 4 reas de prticas de sade de vida integral: Corpo, Mente, Emoes e Esprito. Neste curso introdutrio, voc vai estudar as bases da Terapia Holstica Sistmica, no que envolve a abordagem do Terapeuta, suas aes, sua forma de atuar, bem como o cdigo de tica e a forma de se regulamentar.Voc aprender ainda como lidar com os desafios do seu cliente, tratando-o com prtica naturais que envolve energia. Aprender a lidar com energia, com o vampirismo enrgico, bem como se atentar a alguns cuidados no desenvolvimento de seu espao holstico.Dentro do conceito holstico as doenas no podem ser categorizadas por caractersticas e sim analisadas dentro de um contexto. Um dos objetivos das Terapias holsticas reconectar o indivduo com seu Eu verdadeiro, deixando vir luz suas qualidades que por vezes ficou ofuscada pelo seu Eu inferior.Voc aprender que no existe paciente em terapia holstica, pois este termo remete passividade, ou seja, algum que espera. Usamos o termo INTERAGENTE ao que opta por um tratamento holstico/natural, sendo estimulado pelo terapeuta a assumir uma postura ativa diante do prprio processo de cura. chamado por este termo, pois age em conjunto com o profissional para que o tratamento evolua e conquiste o bem-estar desejado."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Tetration" |
"Cisco Tetration offers holistic workload protection for multicloud data centers by enabling a zero-trust model using segmentation. This approach allows you to identify security incidents faster, contain lateral movement, and reduce your attack surface.This course will help you:Learn how to implement and use the Cisco Tetration platform to address data center security challenges and provide secure infrastructure for workload protectionLearn how Cisco Tetration Analytics integrates into the intent-based network management automation infrastructure using application security policy and other network policiesLearn how the Cisco Tetration big data platform analyses data using unsupervised machine learning and behavior analysis to support application, network, and security use cases"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development 2020 Learn Frontend and Build Apple Website" |
"Do you wanna learn to create a website, how you can make good looking website on the browser. Well check out the content of the course. you will learn complete html5 with adding paragraphs, headings, images, creating forms and a lot more. In css you will to style the webpages with different colours, animations, shadows and a lot more other properties.And we will not just finish by learning the boring content, because that's what you can also do in school and colleges. I will teach you that how you can use and apply all your knowledge to build real website and as an example we are going to build apple website in this course so that you will understand all what you learn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3ds max poligon modelleme" |
"snek birlikte alabilirlik3ds Max; Revit, Inventor ve Fusion 360'n yan sra SketchUp, Unity ve Unreal ile birlikte alr. (video: 3:05 dk.)VDEOYU ZLEYN>Yenilikler3ds Max iin ArnoldMAXtoA eklentisi 3ds Max ile entegre edildi, artk en yeni Arnold zelliklerine eriebileceksiniz.Akkan simlasyonuDorudan 3ds Max'te gereki sv hareketleri oluturun.Open Shading LanguageOpen Shading Language (OSL) haritalarn basit matematik dmlerinden tamamen yntemsel dokulara kadar oluturun.ekil Boole nesnesi3B Boole deerlerinden aina olduunuz kullanc arayzn kullanarak ak veya kapal ekiller iin 2 ya da daha fazla eri zerinde parametrik Boole ilemleri oluturun."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Citrix XA and XD 7.15 Advanced Administration CCP-V 1Y0-311" |
"Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Advanced Administration (CCP-V) 1Y0-311 Practice Tests*One test contains only 25 questions (instead of the official 66 questions) and the time limit is 60 minutes (instead of the official 90 minutes)**Answers have been curated and official reference resources have been provided*Mixed set of questions covering all sections and objectives of the 1Y0-311 exam, seen below:Workspace Environment ManagementFlexCast Management ArchitectureThe Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA)App LayeringUser EnvironmentStoreFrontHDXProvisioning Services InfrastructureStreaming the vDiskTarget DevicesIntegrating Provisioning Services with XenApp and XenDesktopAdvanced Provisioning Services ArchitectureSupporting Provisioning Services"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Akrylmalerei mit Spachtel.Teil 2. Landschaften." |
"In diesem Kurs entstehen 4 Landschaften. Eine monochrome Grau in Grau Komposition, in der wir mit wenigen Mitteln groartige Akzente setzen lernen. Ein roter Sonnenuntergang, welcher auch den Pinsel beansprucht und auf viel mehr Farben zurckgreift. Ein spiegelnder Sonnenuntergang im dunklen Wald, der fr Atmosphre sorgt. Und zum Abschluss wird eine Stadtszene aufgearbeitet, welche abstrakt und belebter ist. In diesem Kurs gehen wir weder auf den richtigen Griff, noch auf die Haltung des Malmessers ein, dazu dient Teil 1, welchen ich im Vorhinein empfehlen wrde."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dashboards mit Excel - Teil 4" |
"ALLGEMEINWeitere ntzliche Excel Tipps fr Diagramme erwarten Sie in diesem Kurs, aufbauend auf die Kurse Dashboards mit Excel Teil 1 bis Teil 3.Sie knnen diesen Kurs auch bestellen, wenn Sie die vorigen Kurse noch nicht absolviert haben, da jedes Video unabhngig voneinander ist, allerdings ist es empfehlenswert, da Sie so die Zusammenhnge noch besser verstehen.Zustzlich zu dem Kurs erhalten Sie die fertigen Excel-Dateien mit den Tools, damit es fr Sie noch leichter ist, diese ideal einzusetzen.INHALTTrendlinie als PfeilTeufelsquadrat im ProjektmanagementFortschrittsanzeige Teil 1Fortschrittsanzeige Teil 2Hinweis: Die Dateien wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, lassen sich allerdings auch auf vorige Versionen anwenden. Die Umsetzungen sind sehr hnlich."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Sweet Bootcamp on Golang [Feb 2020]" |
"In this course we start learning Golang from Scratch. Go is an open source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go! We start with how to install golang on your system and then we proceed to developing our first golang hello world program. Then we start diving into golang structure and syntax. Once we become familiarized with initial go structure, we will start working with more advanced topics like concurrant programming and working with packages. During our course, we will explore a lot of aspects of golang in detail and use important packages for everyday tasks. Golang is very easy to pick up and its syntax is fairly simple as compared to other programming language. However golang requires a lot of effort and practice to master its concepts (for example concurrancy) which could be very tricky for programmers to understand at first. This course aims to make golang learning easy and simpler by working with simple yet useful examples to make the concepts clear."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ASP NET CORE MVC 2 and 2.2" |
"Lots of organizations need software developers but the are lacking on the technology marketplace. It is a great opportunity to do a new career and earn more money.This course will teach you how to plan the development of a software using the use case diagram and the entity relationship diagram. You'll use the use case diagram to share the features of your software with the client. You'll be able to see the entities of your database using the entity relationship diagram.The software will be developed using ASP.NET CORE MVC 2.2. You'll learn about models, views, controllers, partial views, view components, some 3rd components like datatables, bootstrap and much more !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PD1-001 CompTIA PDI + Beta Certified Practice Exam" |
"275 UNIQUE practice questions for PD1-001 CompTIA PDI + Beta Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PD1-001 CompTIA PDI + Beta Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 275Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (206 of 275)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"LX0-102 CompTIA Linux Certification Practice Exam Part 2" |
"116 UNIQUE practice questions for LX0-102 CompTIA Linux Certification Practice Exam Part 2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : LX0-102 CompTIA Linux Certification Practice Exam Part 2Total Questions : 116Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (87 of 116)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Domain Name System (DNS) Administration- Windows Server 2016" |
"Domain Name System (DNS) configuration on Windows Server 2016, topics covered include the following:* Installation and Configuration of DNS Services* Creating and managing DNS Zones* Creating and managing DNS Records* Explanation of special record types and reverse DNS* Root Zones and Nameservers* Load balancing* Configuring DNS Scavenging* Securing DNS in a production environmentIdeally, any practice should be done on a test environment, as some configuration changes can have wide-spread impact on your organisation if done incorrectly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course" |
"This course is perfect for beginners. No previous Adobe Illustrator experience required. In this Adobe Illustrator training course, you will learn everything you need to know about using Illustrator and all the tools available. Plus, I'll show you the same time saving techniques I use for a fast and productive workflow. Throughout the course, I encourage students to practice what they learn and post their work in the discussion area for any type of feedback (or additional questions).Once you've completed this comprehensive course on Adobe Illustrator CC, you'll be comfortable with the tools, how to apply them and have the skill set for a fast and productive workflow.100+ Vectors(Icons,Design elements, Logos, Invitation card, Business card, Infographics and more) included."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bird Watching in Alaska" |
"This course is unique in that we take you into every area in Alaska to help you find a particular species you are looking for, or finding the perfect place to do some birding, anytime of the year! Want to go birding in the Arctic in June? We show you where to find the most species. Want to find that elusive species in the Aleutians in May, we'll show you where to look. All that and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Brilliant On-Air Personality" |
"Podcast provides a simple and effective method of communicating to millions of people online or through dedicated podcasting sites. It is more personal and intimate than video and likewise,simple to produce which is why it is gaining prominence by the day. You can definitely achieve mastery and also earn a living being a podcaster. The choice is yoursThis is a practical course and in a simplified format which will teach you on how to create,produce,edit,and also on how you can submit your podcast shows to various online platforms. If you are looking to building a career in podcasting,you have definitely made the right choice. As an instructor/facilitator or an individual who have a passion for podcasting,be ready to have an engaging course prepared for you.There are lesson worksheets at the end of the course to further aid your understanding of the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Radykalne szczcie praktyczne wiczenia" |
"Masz przed sob kurs, ktry pomoe ci radykalnie podnie poziom zadowolenia z twojego ycia. Niektre zadania mog wydawa si trudne, poniewa bd od ciebie wymagay, by trzewo spojrze na sytuacj. Tylko tak bdziesz mg/moga zdecydowa, czy chcesz co zmieni, czy nie. Ale najpierw musisz zda sobie spraw, e decyzja (oraz jej konsekwencje) naley do ciebie, i tylko do ciebie. Jeli nie dasz sobie tej wadzy nic nie bdziesz mg/moga zmieni. Kurs Radykalne szczcie praktyczne wiczenia ma ci pomc przeanalizowa twj sposb mylenia, dotrze do rda twoich decyzji i pozwoli oceni, jakie s ich konsekwencje oraz znale alternatywne decyzje, ktre nios ze sob alternatywne, lepsze ni dotychczas, konsekwencje. Proces zmiany moe by dugi, ale jest to twj proces, ktry pozwoli ci pozby si niektrych wewntrznych konfliktw. Niektre zadania w kursie s dla zabawy - maj by przeciwwag do powanych rozmyla. Kurs skada si z 4 testw, kady ma 7 zada, tak by codziennie mg/moga wykona jedno zadanie. Kade zadanie ma dwie odpowiedzi wybr naley do ciebie. Odpowiedzi s sugestiami, co moe si sta, jeli wybierzesz to lub inne rozwizanie. Aby kurs by zaliczony - naley zaznaczy 70% odpowiedzi potwierdzajcych, e wykonae/a zadanie zgodnie z zaleceniami. Przejd przez ten kurs i radykalnie podnie poziom zadowolenia ze swojego ycia!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Professional Job Skills" |
"CV You have to start to know how to enter marketplace by creation your CV, since you start study in university ; and attending to valuable training courses so you will accomplish fruitable CV when you to write professional CV and what skills marketplace need ; how you can be ready to market based on what skills market need communication skills , soft skills language skills. customer service skills digital market skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"250-265 UNIX Data Protection Administration Practice Exam" |
"161 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-265 UNIX Data Protection Administration Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-265 UNIX Data Protection Administration Practice ExamTotal Questions : 161Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 161)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"310-052 Sun Enterprise Architect Certified Practice Exam" |
"258 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-052 Sun Enterprise Architect Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-052 Sun Enterprise Architect Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 258Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (193 of 258)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Information Systems Security Architecture Pro - Mock Test" |
"The Certified Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP)The Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP) is a CISSP who specializes in designing security solutions and providing management with risk-based guidance to meet organizational goals. ISSAPs facilitate the alignment of security solutions within the organizational context (e.g., vision, mission, strategy, policies, requirements, change, and external factors).The broad spectrum of topics included in the ISSAP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following six domains:Identity and Access Management Architecture 19%Security Operations Architecture 17%Infrastructure Security 19%Architect for Governance, Compliance, andRisk Management 16%Security Architecture Modeling 14%Architect for Application Security 15%1. Identity and Access Management Architecturea. Design Identity Management and LifecycleIdentification and AuthenticationCentralized Identity and Access Management ArchitectureDecentralized Identity and Access Management ArchitectureIdentity Provisioning Lifecycle (e.g., registration, issuance, revocation, validation)Authentication Protocols and Technologies (e.g., SAML, RADIUS, Kerberos, OATHb. Design Access Control Management and LifecycleApplication of Control Concepts and Principles (e.g., discretionary/mandatory, segregation/separation of duties, rule of least privilege)Access Control GovernanceAccess Control Configurations (e.g., physical, logical, administrative)Authorization Process and Workflow (e.g., issuance, periodic review, revocation)Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities Related to System, Application, and Data Access Control (e.g., groups, Digital Rights Management (DRM), trust relationships)Authorization (e.g., single sign-on, rule-based, role-based, attribute-based)Accounting (e.g., logging, tracking, auditing)Access Control Protocols and Technologies (e.g., XACML, LDAP)Network Access Control2. Security Operations Architecturea. Determine Security Operation Capability Requirements and StrategyDetermine Legal ImperativesDetermine Organizational Drivers and StrategyDetermine Organizational ConstraintsMap Current Capabilities to Organization StrategyDesign Security Operations Strategyb. Design Continuous Security Monitoring (e.g., SIEM, insider threat, enterprise log management, cyber crime, advanced persistent threat)Detection and ResponseContent Monitoring, Inspection, and Filtering (e.g., email, web, data, social media)Anomoly Detection (e.g., baseline, analytics, false positive reduction)c. Design Continuity, Availability, and Recovery SolutionsIncorporate Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Information (e.g., legal, financial, stakeholders)Determine Security Strategies for Availability and RecoveryDesign Continuity and Recovery Solutiond. Define Security Operations (e.g., interoperability, scalability, availability, supportability) Integrate Physical Security ControlsAssess Physical Security RequirementsIntegrate Physical Security Products and SystemsEvaluate Physical Security Solutions (e.g., test, evaluate, implement)e. Design Incident Management Capabilitiesf. Secure Communications and NetworksDesign the Maintenance Plan for the Communication and Network ArchitectureDetermine Communications ArchitectureDetermine Network ArchitectureCommunication and Network PoliciesRemote Access3. Infrastructure Securitya. Determine Infrastructure Security Capability Requirements and Strategyb. Design Layer 2/3 Architecture (e.g., access control segmentation, out-of-band management, OSI layers)c. Secure Common Services (e.g., wireless, e-mail, VoIP, unified communications)d. Architect Detective, Deterrent, Preventative, and Control SystemsDesign Boundary Protection (e.g., firewalls, VPNs, airgaps, BYOD, software defined perimeters)Secure Device Management (e.g., BYOD, mobile, server, endpoint)e. Architect Infrastructure MonitoringMonitor Integration (e.g., sensor placement, time reconciliation, span of control, record compatibility)Active/Passive Solutions (e.g., span port, port mirroring, tap, inline)f. Design Integrated Cryptographic Solutions (e.g., Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), identity system integration)Determine Usage (i.e., in transit, at rest)Define Key Management LifecycleIdentify Cryptographic Design Considerations and Constraints4. Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Managementa. Architect for Governance and ComplianceAuditability (e.g., regulatory, legislative, forensic requirements, segregation, verifiability of high assurance systems)Secure Sourcing StrategyApply Existing Information Security Standards and Guidelines (e.g., ISO/IEC, PCI, SOX, SOC2)Governing the Organizational Security Portfoliob. Design Threat and Risk Management CapabilitiesIdentify Security Design Considerations and Associated RisksDesign for ComplianceAssess Third Parties (e.g., auditing and risk registry)c. Architect Security Solutions for Off-Site Data Use and StorageCloud Service ProvidersThird PartyNetwork Solutions Service Providers (NSSP)d. Operating Environment (e.g., virtualization, cloud computing)5. Security Architecture Modelinga. Identify Security Architecture Approach (e.g., reference architectures, build guides, blueprints, patterns)Types and Scope (e.g., enterprise, network, SOA)Frameworks (e.g., Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA), Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF))Industrial Control Systems (ICS) (e.g., process automation networks, work interdependencies, monitoring requirements)Security Configuration (e.g., baselines)Network Configuration (e.g., physical, logical, high availability)Reference Architecturesb. Verify and Validate Design (e.g., POT, FAT, regression)Validate Threat Model (e.g., access control attacks, cryptanalytic attacks, network)Identification of Gaps and Alternative SolutionsIndependent Verification and ValidationEvaluate Controls Against Threats and VulnerabilitiesValidation of Design Against Reference Architectures6. Architect for Application Securitya. Review Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Integration of Application Security Architecture (e.g., requirements traceability matrix, security architecture documentation, secure coding)Assess When to Use Automated vs. Manual vs. Static Secure Code Reviews Based on RiskAssess the Need for Web Application Firewalls (e.g., REST, API, SAML)Review the Need for Encryption between Identity Providers at the Transport and Content LayersAssess the Need for Secure Communications between Applications and Databases or other EndpointsLeverage Secure Code Repositoryb. Review Application Security (e.g., custom, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), in-house cloud)c. Determine Application Security Capability Requirements and Strategy (e.g., open source, cloud service providers, SaaS/IaaS providers)d. Design Application Cryptographic Solutions (e.g., cryptographic API selection, PRNG selection, software-based key management)e. Evaluate Application Controls Against Existing Threats and Vulnerabilitiesf. Determine and Establish Application Security Approaches for all System Components (mobile, web, and thick client applications; proxy, application, and database services)Additional Examination InformationSupplementary ReferencesCandidates are encouraged to supplement their education and experience by reviewing relevant resources that pertain to the CBK and identifying areas of study that may need additional attention. View the full list of supplementary references at ISC ORG site."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Information Systems Security Engineering Pro - Mock Test" |
"Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (CISSP-ISSEP)The CISSP-ISSEP is an ideal credential for proving you know how to incorporate security into all facets of business operations.This security engineering certification recognizes your keen ability to practically apply systems engineering principles and processes to develop secure systems. You have the knowledge and skills to incorporate security into projects, applications, business processes and all information systems.The Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP) is a CISSP who specializes in designing security solutions and providing management with risk-based guidance to meet organizational goals. ISSAPs facilitate the alignment of security solutions within the organizational context (e.g., vision, mission, strategy, policies, requirements, change, and external factors).The broad spectrum of topics included in the ISSAP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following six domains:Identity and Access Management Architecture - 19%Security Operations Architecture- 17%Infrastructure Security - 19%Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Management - 16%Security Architecture Modeling - 14%Architect for Application Security - 15%1. Identity and Access Management Architecturea. Design Identity Management and LifecycleIdentification and AuthenticationCentralized Identity and Access Management ArchitectureDecentralized Identity and Access Management ArchitectureIdentity Provisioning Lifecycle (e.g., registration, issuance, revocation, validation)Authentication Protocols and Technologies (e.g.,SAML, RADIUS, Kerberos, OATH)b. Design Access Control Management and LifecycleApplication of Control Concepts and Principles (e.g., discretionary/mandatory, segregation/separation of duties, rule of least privilege)Access Control GovernanceAccess Control Configurations (e.g., physical, logical, administrative)Authorization Process and Workflow (e.g., issuance, periodic review, revocation)Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities Related to System, Application, and Data Access Control (e.g., groups, Digital Rights Management (DRM),trust relationships)Authorization (e.g., single sign-on, rule-based, role-based, attribute-based)Accounting (e.g., logging, tracking, auditing)Access Control Protocols and Technologies (e.g., XACML, LDAP)Network Access Control2. Security Operations Architecturea. Determine Security Operation Capability Requirements and StrategyDetermine Legal ImperativesDetermine Organizational Drivers and StrategyDetermine Organizational ConstraintsMap Current Capabilities to Organization StrategyDesign Security Operations Strategyb. Design Continuous Security Monitoring (e.g., SIEM, insider threat, enterprise log management, cyber crime, advanced persistent threat)Detection and ResponseContent Monitoring, Inspection, and Filtering (e.g., email, web, data, social media)Anomoly Detection (e.g., baseline, analytics, false positive reduction)c. Design Continuity, Availability, and Recovery SolutionsIncorporate Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Information (e.g., legal, financial, stakeholders)Determine Security Strategies for Availability and RecoveryDesign Continuity and Recovery Solutiond. Define Security Operations (e.g., interoperability, scalability, availability, supportability)e. Integrate Physical Security ControlsAssess Physical Security RequirementsIntegrate Physical Security Products and SystemsEvaluate Physical Security Solutions (e.g., test, evaluate, implement)f. Design Incident Management Capabilitiesg. Secure Communications and NetworksDesign the Maintenance Plan for the Communication and Network ArchitectureDetermine Communications ArchitectureDetermine Network ArchitectureCommunication and Network PoliciesRemote Access3. Infrastructure Securitya. Determine Infrastructure Security Capability Requirements and Strategyb. Design Layer 2/3 Architecture (e.g., access control segmentation, out-of-band management, OSI layers)c. Secure Common Services (e.g., wireless, e-mail, VoIP, unified communications)d. Architect Detective, Deterrent, Preventative, and Control SystemsDesign Boundary Protection (e.g., firewalls, VPNs, airgaps, BYOD, software defined perimeters)Secure Device Management (e.g., BYOD, mobile, server, endpoint)e. Architect Infrastructure MonitoringMonitor Integration (e.g., sensor placement, time reconciliation, span of control, record compatibility)Active/Passive Solutions (e.g., span port, port mirroring, tap, inline)f. Design Integrated Cryptographic Solutions (e.g., Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), identity system integration)Determine Usage (i.e., in transit, at rest)Define Key Management LifecycleIdentify Cryptographic Design Considerations and Constraints4. Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Managementa. Architect for Governance and ComplianceAuditability (e.g., regulatory, legislative, forensic requirements, segregation, verifiability of high assurance systems)Secure Sourcing StrategyApply Existing Information Security Standards and Guidelines (e.g., ISO/IEC, PCI, SOX, SOC2)Governing the Organizational Security Portfoliob. Design Threat and Risk Management CapabilitiesIdentify Security Design Considerations and Associated RisksDesign for ComplianceAssess Third Parties (e.g., auditing and risk registry)c. Architect Security Solutions for Off-Site Data Use and StorageCloud Service ProvidersThird PartyNetwork Solutions Service Providers (NSSP)d. Operating Environment (e.g., virtualization, cloud computing5. Security Architecture Modelinga. Identify Security Architecture Approach (e.g., reference architectures, build guides, blueprints, patterns)Types and Scope (e.g., enterprise, network, SOA)Frameworks (e.g., Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA), Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF))Industrial Control Systems (ICS) (e.g., process automation networks, work interdependencies, monitoring requirements)Security Configuration (e.g., baselines)Network Configuration (e.g., physical, logical, high availability)Reference Architecturesb. Verify and Validate Design (e.g., POT, FAT, regression)Validate Threat Model (e.g., access control attacks, cryptanalytic attacks, network)Identification of Gaps and Alternative SolutionsIndependent Verification and ValidationEvaluate Controls Against Threats and VulnerabilitiesValidation of Design Against Reference Architectures6. Architect for Application Securitya. Review Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Integration of Application Security Architecture (e.g., requirements traceability matrix, security architecture documentation, secure coding)Assess When to Use Automated vs. Manual vs. Static Secure Code Reviews Based on RiskAssess the Need for Web Application Firewalls (e.g., REST, API, SAML)Review the Need for Encryption between Identity Providers at the Transport and Content LayersAssess the Need for Secure Communications between Applications and Databases or other EndpointsLeverage Secure Code Repositoryb. Review Application Security (e.g., custom, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), in-house cloud)c. Determine Application Security Capability Requirements and Strategy (e.g., open source, cloud service providers, SaaS/IaaS providers)d. Design Application Cryptographic Solutions (e.g., cryptographic API selection, PRNG selection, software-based key management)e. Evaluate Application Controls Against Existing Threats and Vulnerabilitiesf. Determine and Establish Application Security Approaches for all System Components (mobile, web, and thick client applications; proxy, application, and database services)Additional Examination InformationSupplementary ReferencesCandidates are encouraged to supplement their education and experience by reviewing relevant resources that pertain to the CBK and identifying areas of study that may need additional attention."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ezber bozan sat teknikleri" |
"Yeni satclar iin iyi bir klavuz olma zelliinin yan sra, deneyimli satclar iin sra d uygulama fikirleri sunan zgn bir eitimdir. Deien ve gelien dnyada yaratc sat tekniklerini elenerek renmek, fark yaratmak ve zirveye kmak iin bu eitimi almalsnz. Satta ezber bozan temel formller reterek kafanzda yepyeni pencereler aabilir ve sat sade, neeli bir dille deneyimleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"e-Learning AMBA and I2C protocol concepts" |
"This course shall help you learn basic to detailed concepts of protocols such as APB, AHB, AXI and I2C. This will help you learn not only the basic concepts from basic version of protocol, but will also help you get clear view of the latest versions of these protocols and differences among them.These protocols are very generic read-write in nature, but non-trivial from the bus interface protocol concepts understanding perspective.Along with, there have been quite a few new version of each of the above protocol, so it is important to learn the basic version concepts and why there was a need for a new version and what are the differences.This course is highly useful for a VLSI experienced engineer who need to get quickly ramped up on protocol concepts to get started quickly with their hands-on works.At the same time, this is also highly useful for new entrants in VLSI industry to build on their skills and add-on to resume for increasing their chances of getting short-listed and then selected."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Certified Protection Professional Exam Practice Questions" |
"Are you preparing for the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) exam ?Here's 3 important tipsObtain the official study materials - Protection of Assets and download the reference standards and guidelines from ASIS International websiteStudy all the materialsPractice exam questionsThis course contains 200 exam practice questions to enhance your preparation for the CPP exam. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Interview Questions guide to endocrinology for doctors" |
"hello i am Mazia gul and i am a doctor by profession and did masters in biotechnology,So my course is very helpful to you to guide about what is endocrine system and how essential is that, and if you want to give an interview regarding to this i am sure it will be very useful for you, Endocrinology dealing with the endocrine system, its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones. It is also concerned with the integration of developmental events proliferation, growth, and differentiation, and the psychological or behavioral activities of metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction, and sensory perception caused by hormones. Specializations include behavioral endocrinology and comparative endocrinology."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Interview questions of immunology for immunologist" |
"hello i mazia gul i am a doctor by profession and did masters in biotechnology,let me know you that immunology is the advance field of the science, in my course you will learn about antigen and antibody mechanism and immune system and if you want to give interview regarding this field it will be helpful for you,Immunology is the study of the immune system and is a very important branch of the medical and biological sciences. The immune system protects us from infection through various lines of defence. If the immune system is not functioning as it should, it can result in disease, such as autoimmunity, allergy and cancer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programa 5's. Organize seu ambiente de trabalho" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para melhorar o ambiente de trabalho, reduzindo os riscos existentes na empresa, melhorando o clima organizacional, possibilitando a melhoria no layout do ambiente de trabalho.Assim reduzir custos com incidentes, acidentes, doenas relacionadas a atividade labora, retrabalhados. Com a implantao deste programa voc conseguir melhorar o ambiente de trabalho, implantar outros programas e criar uma nova cultura organizacional."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |