Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ultimate Crest CPSA Practice Test" |
"The Crest Certified Practitioner Security Analyst is the minimum required exam for being a crest team member. Our guide will teach you and make your network fundamentals clear. This guide or practice test questions are those which are being likely asked in the CPSA Exam. Make sure you keep this guide on your fingertips."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in Machine Learning mit Swift & iOS" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich auf was genau Machine Learning ist und wo es sich von Knstlicher Intelligenz abgrenzt. Welche Vorteile die Verwendung auf Smartphones bietet. Gemeinsam werden wir ein einfaches User Interface erstellen und mit dem UIImagePickerController Daten aus von der Kamera oder der lokalen Mediensammlung importieren. Mit dem aktualisierten Vision Framework von iOS 13 werden wir dann eine Texterkennung implementieren. Wobei das ""Usage Pattern"" unter anderem, ebenso auf Gesichtserkennung, Barcode Erkennung und allgemeine Bilderfassung, angewendet werden kann."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Jogo de Tiro - Primeira Pessoa - Unity3D" |
"Este curso para voc que quer aprender ou aprimorar suas tcnicas no desenvolvimento de jogos 3D na Unity. Irei estar ensinando a desenvolver e no apenas fazendo com que voc copie cdigos. Voc ir aprender passo a passo de forma otimizada e com cdigos simples de entender, dessa forma aprendendo tudo oque preciso para construir um jogo 3D na Unity. Vou explicar para voc o ""pulo do gato"" em cada parte, para que se torne uma experincia incrvel de aprendizado. Desde j agradeo e espero vocs na nossa primeira videoaula! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn C# programming with the Unity Game Engine 2019" |
"C# is a powerful cross-platform language used to build a variety of applications. With C#, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, websites and desktop applications.In this course you will learn the fundamentals of C# programming in a fun and clear, step-by-step manor. You will also learn best practices and shortcuts to help you become a better developer.If you want to learn C# and become a better programmer, this is the course for you. Learn not just what to do but why you do it. You will see common errors that pop up as part of developing applications with C# and we will guide you on just how to resolve them with ease."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes Tutorial - Complete Guide for Beginners" |
"Kubernetes also referred to as K8 has gained significant popularity among the app developers. From being an open-source container-orchestration system to helping programmers for automatic deployment, scaling, and management of the containerized application, Kubernetes has become very important. Apart from these, it provides n number of other advantages like easy availability of services, tools, resource isolation, horizontal scaling and so much more. These & a few other factors have significantly increased the demand of the individuals who are skilled in Kubernetes. Because of this, we have brought this online course that will give you an in-depth understanding of various aspects of Kubernetes.Why you should take this Course?It is one of the most comprehensive courses that covers all the essential aspects of Kubernetes. It begins with the simple introduction of this technology and then slowly takes you to the more advanced concepts like Container Orchestration, Node & Cluster, Control Plane Components, Objects & API Concepts, and others. Not only these, but it also teaches you about various aspects of Kubernetes Security & Networking. You will also learn to build a Kubernetes Cluster along with the installation of Kubernetes with Kubeadm & Weavenet. Later, it will give you insights into K8s Core Workloads, ConfigMaps in K8s, Secrets in K8s, Security Compliance checks with Kube-bench, Deployment of WordPress application with MySQL DB & so much more.This Course Includes-A basic intro of Kubernetes along with all the tools & featuresKubernetes concepts like Containers, Docker, Container Orchestration, Pods & Containers & othersKubernetes Security & Networking, Kubernetes Storage & VolumeBuilding a Kubernetes ClusterManaging a Kubernetes ClusterDeploying a Micro-Services Application on Kubernetes, and so much more!This technology has significantly gained its popularity among developers & it is the perfect time to master Kubernetes. Begin now to learn the Kubernetes in-detail."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Steps by Step Guide for Modern WordPress Theme Development" |
"Its been over 15 years since WordPress arrived in the market. Back then It used to be one of the most popular blogging software but with time, it has also transformed into the content management software. It is not only used for blogging but also for e-commerce, portfolios, brand identity, businesses and so much more.Because of all the advantages such as ease of use, SEO friendly, 0 requirements of programming language knowledge, 100% customizable and so much more has made WordPress very popular among individuals all over the world. Today, over millions of websites are running over WordPress and this is the reason you can find thousands of online courses; however, going a step ahead, we have proposed this unique course that will teach you more about theme development in modern WordPress.What This Course Covers?IntroductionSetting up the Parent ThemeChild Theme(Twenty Twenty Child)WordPress filters for titles and excerptsColophon MenuAdd Reading Time to Post MetaAdd FontAwesomeEnqueue a JavaScript FileEnroll in this course now & get a step ahead in WordPress by learning Modern WordPress Theme Development!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Networking Fundamentals: Hands-on Training for Beginners" |
"Get started on the amazing journey of network engineering with our course on network fundamentals. The course will provide you all the skills you will need to ace in networking. The course will cover fundamental topics of the field and provide a solid understanding of underlying concepts.Why is this course great for you?It starts from scratchHelps you build conceptual understandingProvides practical skillsExplains theoretical concepts with real world examplesConcepts covered in the course:Network FundamentalsNetworking modelsImportant ProtocolsNetworks and its typesLearn all this and much more in this amazing course. Enroll and lets get started"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Business with Stand Out Market Stores" |
"Establishing a Successful Market Store at Markets, Shows & Expos, takes some hard work, knowledge & experience. This course takes the Headaches out of the Equation by giving you - An extensive Check List with a thorough explanation of each check pointLinks to make the journey of searching & researching Supplies & Suppliers much easierLinks to find the best Markets, Shows & Expos to suit your businessHandy hints along the way which you may have never thought aboutCorrect procedure for business & legal reasonsOngoing advice & support to enable you to operate successfullyAnd so much more ...Follow the course thoroughly and you will be set for Market Store Success!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Success With Stories On Social Media" |
"Stories, which started with Snapchat are now a part of every prominent social media platform.Facebook,Instagram, YouTube, they all have stories.The best news, Stories are really powerful when it comes to grabbing your audience's attention and turning that into engagement and conversions. Now it's your turn to use Stories to drive your customer engagement and sales. This quick course will show you everything about stories and put you on a fast track to using them effectively."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Why 5,100 Students ""Jump Right In"" & Start An eBay Business!" |
"Learn the Secrets to Making Extra Income on Ebay Do you have the entrepreneurial spirit but don't know where to start?Have you tried other methods of making money online with little success?Take advantage of this course as taught by an Ebay PowerSeller with 6 years of experience. This course is the ultimate complete guide to selling on Ebay and walks you through step-by-step everything you need to know to make an additional income by selling on Ebay.Learn how to avoid the countless mistakes I have made through trial and error throughout the years. . In this course you will learn How to start a business on Ebay (by watching me guide you through every step of the way) and create an additional source of income Ideas for things to sell and where to get them which means you can avoid wasting hours looking for products in the wrong places (learn from my mistakes) The business side of Ebay and how to avoid losing $100's of dollars in beginner mistakes Best practices and strategies in selling so you can sell more products quickly and earn greater profits . Your Success and Satisfaction is Guaranteed In this course I, the instructor, will always be available to answer any questions you have.My ultimate goal is for my students to succeed. I want you to be proud of your Ebay business.If you do not get huge value from this course let me know and I will refund the full purchase, no questions asked. Click on the 'Take This Course' button in the top right corner to get started without delay.The fact that you are reading this shows you are already on the path to creating an additional source of income on Ebay, lets get started! . You Do Not Have to Fear 'Getting Stuck' Have you ever signed up for some form of training in the past only to stop when you had a question that no one would answer.You do not have to fear being stuck and not knowing where to have your questions answered. This course is an open community where every question, no matter how simple it may seem, is valuable.I have already given countless thorough answers to all the questions I have received. All of these answers are listed in a FAQ that you have access too.This means in most cases you will get a thorough answer to your question instantly. . What Students are Saying About this Course: ""I recommend this course. You can call it the bible of ebay commerce"" Evan Excellent course! Eric does a great job of explaining the material! He answers your questions thoroughly. Definitely learned things I didn't know before!"" Andres Great in-depth course. Eric's a good teacher and it's awesome that he takes the time to answer everyone's questions and concerns."" - Sergiu"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"50 Things You've Been Doing Wrong in C# and .NET Core" |
"Professional software development involves many different skills. As a C# developer, you must be skilled in the C# language and the .NET Core runtime. With this course, you'll take your C# and .NET Core skills to the next level by avoiding common mistakes when coding, using design patterns, developing microservices, persisting your data, securing your application, and even debugging problems.Learning the basics of a language or platform can easily be done by following a course/book and with some hands-on practice. The path to becoming a software developer encounters many edge cases. During this course, you'll learn from my hard-earned experience, garnered from real-life situations, regarding the C# language and .NET platform. You can take this course as a vaccination against future coding infections!By the time you finish this course, you will have developed your skills to ""sniff out"" coding issues effectively and avoid mistakes. Whatever your issues, the aim of this course is to take you to the 'Bring it on!' point when it comes to solving your .NET and C# problems.Please note that this course assumes familiarity with C#, .NET Core, and ASP.NET Core, together with Visual Studio (2017 or 2019).About the AuthorOnur Gumus works as a lead software engineer in Dubai UAE. He has 15 years of experience in .NET and web development. He is a functional programming enthusiast and has completed many large projects with ASP.NET."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Interpret Dreams & Symbols" |
"Did you know that just one dream, well understood, can change a life and a destiny? This course is presented in a very simple, accessible way by Kaya, one of the most important professor & symbol specialist of dream interpretation. It's been prepared to raise awareness in students to learn to discern and understand the importance and impact of our dreams in our behaviors, feelings, and way of thinking. Knowing to interpret dreams creates and accelerates our evolution. In the long term, it gives rise to responsible people who know how to tell the difference between good and evil and how to make decisions consciously, with profound understanding of their life program and that of others. It creates the possibility to travel in our past (memories), in our present time and also open the doors to the probabilities of what we can become. It gives a solid foundation to understand that before being physical, everything is metaphysical. This course leads students to better understand the memories that are hidden behind fears, behind limitations. This very advanced Dream Introduction Program called Dreams & Symbols, The Source Code, provides accessible tools and knowledge to all students of all ages. Understanding Symbolic Language gives students the key tool to not being afraid of their nightmares by de-dramatizing and understanding that they represent a hidden potential that creates who we are eventually if we do not cleanse it. Students will learn in this course that coincidence does not exist and that there is a reason for everything, that a nightmare is a true key, a work of transcendence that we need to do to free ourselves form it. KAYA is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and International Lecturer and a worldwide specialist on the Interpretation of Dreams, Signs & Symbols in more than 43 countries. His profound spiritual knowledge, expertise on dream, sign & symbol interpretation, his philanthropy, exemplary devotion, and humanitarian aid is a source of inspiration for millions of people on the planet. He is also the Author of the Dictionary, Dreams-Signs-Symbols, The Source Code published by the multinational non-profit organization, UCM Publishing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Interpret Signs & Symbols" |
"This course is presented in a very simple, accessible way by Kaya, one of the most important teachers & symbol specialist of dream & sign interpretation. It has been prepared to raise awareness in students and help them learn to discern and understand the importance of signs in our materialization, decisions, changes, etc. Knowing how to interpret signs helps accelerate our evolution. In the long term, it gives rise to responsible people who know how to discern the difference between good and evil and how to make decisions consciously, with profound understanding of their life program and that of others. This course leads students to better understand the memories that are hidden behind daily situations, even the simplest ones. We learn that life can be interpreted like a dream; that there is no difference between the physical and metaphysical worlds. This very advanced Sign Introduction Program, called Signs & Symbols by Kaya, provides accessible tools and knowledge to students of all ages. Understanding Symbolic Language gives students the key tool to interpret their life and the daily situations they experience. In this course students will learn that coincidences do not exist and that there is a reason for everything. Did you know that life can be interpreted like a dream? KAYA is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, International Lecturer and a worldwide specialist on the Interpretation of Dreams, Signs & Symbols in more than 43 countries. His profound spiritual knowledge, expertise in dream, sign & symbol interpretation, his philanthropy, exemplary devotion, and humanitarian aid are a source of inspiration for millions of people on the planet. He is also the Author of the Dictionary, Dreams-Signs-Symbols, The Source Code published by the multinational non-profit organization, UCM Publishing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tecnologas para Educar: Apps de GAMIFICACIN en el Aula." |
"Imagina un da en el que ests dando una clase, una capacitacin o una charla frente a muchas personas. Se muy bien que estars mas que preparado. Pero tambin imagina que a lo mejor ese grupo de personas necesitan mas que solo la tradicional persona frente a ellos, comiencen a bostezar y a perder la atencin en cualquier otra actividad. O tal vez esto no suceda (que bueno) pero tu quieres hacer mas dinmica tu capacitacin o asegurarte de que te pusieron atencin y como no quieres asustarlos aplicndoles un examen, les aplicas un juego, el cual te proporciona informacin importante a ti y aprendizaje a tus oyentes. La emocin de tus asistentes te contagiarn a ti y viceversa. Basta de imaginar ahora te preguntars: Como logro lo anterior? Fcil, este curso te enseara un conjuntos de aplicaciones para hacer juegos en tu saln de clases, en tus capacitaciones o conferencias.Es difcil? Para nada, las apps se encargan de todos los aspectos tcnicos, tu solo tienes que descargar, iniciar sesin y enfocarte en la creacin de tu contenido.Estas apps son pesadas o de pago? Las apps no pesan mas all de unos 10mb (lo comn en una app en estos das). Todas las apps tienen una version gratuita y una de pago, nos enfocaremos en la versin gratuita de todas ellas, pero les mostrare la versin de paga de algunas de ellas. Ya decidirs t cual usar en un futuro.No soy hbil con la tecnologa crees que pueda llevar a cabo el curso? Claro que si, explico cada detalle del mismo y cada version posible de cada app, desde la PC hasta las tablets y smartphones.Ahora imagina que aprendes a usar cada una de estas apps y todos los das son das de juego con aprendizaje en tu labor. Mejorars tus clases, asesoras y capacitaciones en un 90%. No estas mas que a un clic de lograrlo. Aqu aprenders todo lo necesario en cuestin de apps sobre gamificacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Marketing 2020: Tips, Strategies And Trends" |
"Are you ready to succeed with modern video marketing today? Its Time For You To LearnThe Ins And Outs Of Successful Online Video Marketing!You have to wrap your mind around the fact that video marketing is both new and old.Depending on how you navigate these factors, you will either succeed or fail.Either your video is going to convert people into buyers or theyre just going to sit there on YouTube getting zero views.The good news is you can do something about it.Heres where this course comes in.With What You'll Learn In This Course: You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing. You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing. You will understand the concept of return on effort. You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process. You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done!Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside: Effective video marketing in a nutshell Video marketing: the modern (and EFFECTIVE) way Let your competitors do your video marketing homework for you Modern video marketing essentials Figuring Out the Different Types of Video Marketing Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right for You? VideoScribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right for You? Personality-Focused Videos Marketing Videos on Social MediaPlus, a whole lot more...Is this the right course for you?If you answer YES to any of the below, then you've come to the right place: You want videos that close the deal on a consistent basis. You want to maximize your ROI. You know you have to start with the basics. You want to be systematic and methodical. You want to spend as little time doing something while getting as many dollars out of that activity as possible.CLICK THAT ENROL BUTTON FOR INSTANT ACCESS AND LET'S GET STARTED TODAY!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Bootcamp : Crons un site personnalis pas pas" |
"Dcouvrez avec ce BootCamp comment crer un site internet avec un design personnalis en conjuguant les forces de WordPress + Elementor.Ce cours a un format un petit peu particulier : je cre avec vous un site internet en suivant un design pris au hasard sur Pinterest. De l'installation de WordPress et d'Elementor sur votre ordinateur la cration de notre thme en passant par la publication du site sur internet (en passant par un hbergeur) vous dcouvrirez quel est ma feuille de route lorsque je cre des sites internet pour mes clients.Le but est d'aller vite : nous n'allons pas nous perdre dans les dtails inutiles de sous-menus obscurs que vous n'utiliserez jamais. Au contraire, nous allons nous concentrer sur les lments qui nous ferons gagner du temps et grce auxquels vous allez pouvoir crer votre propre site internet aisment.Ensemble, nous allons faire face des problmes que vous pourriez tre amen rencontrer, et nous allons trouver des solutions. C'est l qu'on apprend le plus.Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre :Crer un site WordPress en local sur votre ordinateur en quelques clics,Mettre votre site en ligne pour qu'il soit accessible tous,Dvelopper votre thme personnalis grce Elementor & WordPress,Optimiser vos images pour amliorer votre rfrencement et a vitesse de votre site,Crer un en-tte transparent qui change quand on descend la page,Crer des modles de pages,Grer un hbergement et un nom de domaine,Avoir un site responsive (c'est--dire compatible mobile)et bien d'autres choses !Prendre cette formation, c'est notamment :Avoir accs au forum interne sur lequel je rponds en moins de 24h,Suivre une mthode nouvelle trs pratique (thorique),Dcouvrir comment il faut ragir quand on fait face des bugs,Profiter d'un formateur expriment dont c'est le mtier :-)Note : il est conseill de connaitre les bases de WordPress car les choses peuvent aller un peu vite : jetez un oeil aux vidos disponibles pour l'aperu pour vous rendre compte ;-) Dans tous les cas, vous bnficiez de 30 jours pour demander un remboursement si la formation ne vous convient pas."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD - UX UI Fundamentos de la Experiencia de Usuario" |
"Ests emocionado de entrar en el mundo de UI / UX pero no sabes por dnde empezar? Este curso le permitir agregar el diseo UX a su CV y aprender nuevas habilidades.Hola! Mi nombre es Sebastin Seplveda y ser el instructor de este curso. Estoy aqu para ayudarte a aprender Adobe XD de manera eficiente y completa. XD es una herramienta de diseo fantstica utilizada por profesionales de la industria para crear maquetas funcionales y de alta calidad. Al final de este curso, podr producir diseos prcticos y efectivos de experiencia de usuario (UX) e interfaz de usuario (UI).Este curso est dirigido a personas interesadas en el diseo de UI / UX. Comenzaremos desde el principio y trabajaremos hasta el final, paso a paso. Si ya tienes experiencia en diseo de UI / UX pero quieres ponerte al da con Adobe XD, este curso tambin es perfecto para ti!Primero, repasaremos las diferencias entre el diseo UX y UI. Aprenderemos sobre wireframing de baja fidelidad y cmo hacer uso de los kits de diseo de interfaz de usuario existentes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Inner WOD" |
"Peak Performance!Its the Holy Grail of CrossFit.But it takes more than what you can do physically. Much more.Its why the strongest, fastest, and quickest often dont hit peak performance.As you hit age 40 and beyond, it gets even harder to hit peak performance. And youve probably been in that situation yourself. Frustrated because you KNOW you can do more. You think youre giving it your best youre all. But your mind tells you youre not.And then - FUD starts to creep in. Fear - Uncertainty - Doubt.Fear that you wont be as strong or as good as you used to be.Uncertainty about whether or not you will be able to keep progressing.Doubt that you might never make it to the CrossFit Games.There is HopeButIt doesnt have to be that way.What if I told you its not only possible, but probable that you can hit peak performance regularly.That your mental and emotional mindset hold the key.And that theres nobody better qualified to teach you how to get to peak performance on a consistent basis than me.YOU have the mental capacity to overcome to hit peak performance and I can show you how.The Proven Techniques I teach have helped CrossFit athletes and other elite athletes from around the world to achieve consistent Peak Performance!Mental Strength Coaching is THE Answer!As a certified CrossFit judge and Maters Athlete I know the importance and the obstacles of achieving peak performance on a consistent basis.And thats why I developed The Inner WOD program.The Inner WOD is all about mental strength training.I knew there had to be more to excelling with my training than just the physical workouts. Working with Gregg and The Inner WOD has been the best move for my training Ive ever taken. I cant recommend it enough!Val Bend, ORWhy it Works?The Inner WOD gives you the vision for where you want to go, a reason/purpose for going there and the confidence that YOU really can achieve personal peak performance (however you define it).When youve finished The Inner WOD, youll know your WHY and HOW and have an action plan to achieve peak performance.The Inner WOD and Peak PerformanceIts where Physiology meets mindset.A difference of just 100 milliseconds can be the difference between winning and losing. That difference can be made by the mental focus of a CrossFit athlete.Your mental strength is at least as important as your physical strength for improving performance. You as a CrossFit athlete have to be able to relax and control your mental state if you want to perform at your best.The Benefits of Peak PerformanceWhen youre at peak performance, youll not only be achieving the results that you want; youll also experience great physical and emotional health and the high energy levels that come with them.What you will get with The Inner WOD:Youll learn how to improve peak performance by:Understanding and applying the 4c of Mental Strength:ControlCommitmentConfidenceChallengeLearn the all-important training technique of visualization. This technique will help you to reduce stress, enhance relaxation, and sustain your focus without interruption.Optimizing the CrossFit training process for your unique needs.Be able to anticipate and overcome potential road blocks.Determine your unique 3 steps to peak performance.Know what you need to be at your best AND what pulls you off trackPlus These Bonuses!Bonus 1: The CrossFit Training Guide:The CrossFit Training Guide is a collection of CrossFit Journal Articles written over the last 10 years primarily by Coach Greg Glassman on the foundational movements and concepts that comprise the CrossFit methodology.Bonus 2: Four dynamic guides to help you in all areas of CrossFit:Concentration SkillsDealing With AdversityBuilding Confidence of a ChampionCreating FocusIts hard reaching peak performance and even harder to get back to it. With The Inner WOD you'll develop the strategies to do just that: to get you back on track and enjoying peak performance again!Im so confident that this program will work as well for you as it has for everyone thats joined, that Ill give you a full refund within 30 days if you dont find it beneficial. The only thing I ask is that you put in the time and effort. Youll find an inner strength you didnt know you had!My personal message to you -The pursuit of flow and peak performance is something that each of us should aim for everyday. This program will inspire, motivate, and help you to reach that level and youll see improvements in every area of your life. I look forward to working with you as you achieve peak performance and your personal best.Sincerely,Gregg SwansonMental Strength Coach, Certified CrossFit Judge, and Maters Athlete"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Flutter e Desenvolva Apps Para Android e IOS 2020" |
"Bem vindo ao curso Flutter e Dart - Aprenda e Construa APP iOS e Android 2020Participe do mais completo e mais vendido curso Flutter e aprenda como construir incrveis apps iOS e Android!Voc no precisa aprender Android/ Java e iOS/ Swift para construir apps mveis nativos de verdade! Voc vai se tornar um desenvolvedor de App (Android e iOS) com este curso!Flutter - um framework desenvolvido pela Google - permite que voc aprenda uma linguagem (Dart) e construa belos apps nativos para celular em pouco tempo. Flutter um SDK que fornece a ferramenta para compilar cdigo Dart em cdigo nativo e tambm lhe d um rico conjunto de elementos UI pr-construdos e pr-instalados (os chamados widgets) que voc pode usar para compor suas interfaces de usurio.Flutter uma tendncia muito forte e usado para grandes apps do Google como seu aplicativo Adwords - agora est marcado como ""pronto para produo"", por isso agora a hora de entrar de cabea e aprender!Este curso vai ensinar Flutter & Dart do zero, NO necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio de nenhum dos dois! E voc certamente no precisa de nenhuma experincia de desenvolvimento com Android ou iOS, j que a ideia por trs do Flutter aprender apenas uma linguagem.Voc vai aprender Flutter no s em teoria, mas vamos construir vrias apps completas e realista ao longo deste curso. Este app apresentar tanto o bsico quanto recursos avanados como o uso do Google Maps, a cmera do aparelho, adicionando animaes e muito mais!Com o Flutter, voc poder escrever cdigo apenas uma vez e enviar suas apps tanto para a Apple AppStore como para o Google Play.Use o Material Design do Google para construir apps bonitos, totalmente personalizveis, em pouco tempo e com quase zero de esforo. Voc pode usar o rico conjunto de widgets que o Flutter fornece para adicionar elementos comuns de IU como botes, switches, formulrios, barras de ferramentas, listas e muito mais - ou voc simplesmente constri seus prprios widgets - o Flutter tambm faz disso algo muito suave.Aqui est o que est includo no curso:1 - Instrues detalhadas de configurao tanto para MacOS como para Windows2 - Uma introduo completa a Flutter, Dart e o conceito por trs dos widgets3 - Uma viso geral dos widgets incorporados e como voc pode adicionar os seus prprios widgets4 - Dicas e truques de depurao5 - Navegao de pginas com separadores, gavetas laterais e navegao por pilha6 - E mais!Este curso para voc se:1 - Voc estiver interessado em construir verdadeiros aplicativos mveis nativos para as duas plataformas mveis mais populares - iOS e Android2 - Voc quer explorar o conjunto completo de recursos que o Flutter oferece3 - No quer passar horas para aprender duas linguagens completamente diferentesAlguns temas que voc vai aprender neste curso:Fundamentos e Noes bsicas (Flutter) - Nesse curso voc vai aprender as noes bsicas e fundamentos do Google Flutter e tambm da linguagem Dart (Como tipos, estruturas de controle, funes, orientao a objetos e mais), para que dessa forma voc possa aprender essa tecnologia mesmo sem ter conhecimentos avanados de programao! Tudo isso com uma tima didtica e utilizando formas simples de se entender!Apps e Interfaces - Voc vai aprender a criar Apps do zero com interfaces responsivas e adaptativas, com navegao e mltiplas telas tambm. Tudo isso utilizando formas simples de se entender, com ferramentas leves e que voc pode testar diretamente no seu celular enquanto edita o App!Projetos - No curso voc vai se deparar com diversos projetos super completos aonde voc aprender formas de lidar com diversas situaes, como gerenciamento de estado e navegao.Input e formulrios - No curso voc vai aprender tambm a trabalhar com inputs do usurio por meio de formulrios. Assim voc vai conseguir fazer a interao do usurio com o seu app de forma eficaz!Autenticao - Voc aprender a fazer a autenticao do usurio dentro do seu aplicativo com cadastro e buscar em banco de dados!Animaes - Sero adicionadas e explicadas as animaes no seu aplicativo, como transies e tudo mais!Features nativas - Voc vai aprender a utilizas as features nativas dos aparelhos, como cmera, localizao, microfone!Executando Nativamente - Vai ser explicado como executar o cdigo nativamente para cada sistema. Kotlin para Android e Swift para iOS.Publicao (Deploy) - No fim do curso ser mostrado como se fazer o deploy nas lojas de aplicativos!Widget (Stateless/Stateful) - No curso voc ir aprender os conceitos de Widget, como funcionam, o que fazem, e como constru-los! Vai aprender qual a diferena entre Stateless Widget e Stateful Widget, quando e onde usar cada um deles e tambm como criar cada um deles.Provider - Voc ir aprender a utilizar o Provider, uma forma de gerenciar o estado do seu aplicativo e expor valores para outros widgets.Banco de Dados - O curso ir mostrar como se trabalhar com banco de dados dentro do Flutter, fazendo a persistncia de dados dentrod o seu aplicativo.MobX - Nesse curso voc vai aprender a utilizar o MobX, uma biblioteca para gesto de estado, o que significa que podemos utilizar ele para estados locais ou globais. O MobX se baseia em observveis, aes e reao, um conceito que vem da programao reativa.HTTP - O curso ir abordar toda a questo de http requests. Voc vai aprender a preparar o seu backend, enviar requests via post, trabalhar com async e await, a buscar dados, atualizar dados.Firebase - No curso voc ir aprender a como utilizar o Firebase como backend, a fazer upload de imagens e a utilizar as notificaes push. Tudo isso dentro um de projeto de app de chat!Pr-requisitos do curso:1 - Conhecimento bsico da linguagem de programao ajudar muito, mas no um requisito exigido.2 - Voc NO precisa conhecer Flutter ou Dart3 - Voc NO precisa saber iOS (Swift/Objective-C) ou Android (Java)"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"1.5 Hours That Will Change Your Freelance Journey" |
"You have always wanted to have control over your destiny. You want to call the shots and make the decisions that ultimately determine the success or failure of your business. Nobody will get in the way of your vision.My freelancer course will give you a great shot of adrenaline knowing you are in charge of your financial and emotional freedom. The flexibility of freelancing looks attractive to many, but they miss having the right tools to shorten the journey and create the success you want for yourself and your family. This course is for you if you are ready to take responsibility for the results. If you are prepared to take charge of your time, your schedule, your work tasks, your financial outcome, - then, welcome to the 90-minute course that Will Change Your Freelance Journey and Set You for Success Now. These one and half hours of proprietary content gives you all the key elements - all you need to know to build a successful freelance career that can provide you with the financial stability you want most now.You do not need numerous books and hours of courses showing little or no return. Ill give you the strategies used in my successful management consulting and coaching business for over a decade. Were going to shift strategy. if you hold on, I can guide you to the life you yearn for. Focus on the elements I outline for you in these 1.5 hrs, you can increase your belief system, gain more energy, and overcome what has held you back for so long. This is your time to seize on a fast-paced one of the kind program you are destined for.My name is Lucy. I am vice-president of a leading management consulting firm where we help people reinvent their lives and careers so they can live on their own terms. One thing the recent layoffs have taught us is that we cant wait. You have to take charge of your own life now. I started freelancing over six years ago, and it was difficult. I didnt know what I didnt know. But I've learned how to overcome nearly every obstacle, how to change and adapt gig economy requirements, how to be resilient, and attaining the motivation to attract the success I used to dream of. Today, based on all the experience Ive had I'm running a highly successful coaching program for starters-freelancers.This year, I decided to share my knowledge with more people with this Udemy course.This course opens up all the secrets you need to know to build a successful freelance career from zero or elevate your current freelancing game. Like me it isnt just the career, you want the freedom and respect of living on your own terms.It is time to take your destiny in your hands where I will give you the tools and motivation. In just a one and a half hours - all essentials in one place, no 'water', no 'fishing'.It works for you if you only thinking to start a freelance career you already started by feeling lost you started some time ago but feeling stuck and want to find a different perspective you are ready to take responsibility for your results.Are you ready to make this your moment in time? Message me to book a call!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"aprenda fazer uma cabea masculina de argila" |
"Nestas aulas voc aprender passo a passo a executar uma cabea masculina de argila, ensino a base onde voc poder criar vrios personagens como criei este ndio brasileiro como manifesto do que ultimamente anda acontecendo em nosso pais com estes povos tradicionais.Esta obra foi queimada na queima Raku, onde em outras aulas ensino, obra doada para o museu do ndio no estado da Baihia."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Android Game Development : Build a Math based Game" |
"Hi, do you want to learn how to build Android Games in Java?My name is Sandip and I have published more than 10 android games in Google Play. So, I happen to know a little bit about game programming and Ill show you exactly how to create this interesting math-based game, I call it Math Games using Android Studio and Java.******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* Excellent Course for Learning Android Game. Very informative Course. I have learned new ways which will be help to improve my programming skills in future. Best of luck sir. The course was really helpful. All the concepts were explained in details so that even a beginner will able to grasp it. Great course! It contains a lot of stuffs to master Android game development. The instructor demonstrates stuffs professional and understandable.******* Course Overview *******This course is perfectly suitable for anyone who started learning Android Development. I'll show you how to design a LinearLayout, how to work with CountDownTimer, and how to develop this fairly complex game logic in android.I believe the best way to learn game programming is by making one. So, I will walk you through the process of creating this game, from start to finish, step by step in a completely hands-on fashion.At the end of the course, youll be able to build this complete Math Games app which you can publish in Play Store. You'll have a clear understanding of XML layout design and programming a fairly complex game logic in Java. So, youll have an improved programming skill.Android is the largest eco-system for gaming so if youre serious about your career in the gaming industry, this is a great place to start. Or, if you just want to learn to program then Java is an excellent language for Android and building games is great fun. Over the years, I have helped thousands of students in making their Android games and theres absolutely no reason why you cant as well. Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"- - Public Relations" |
"! . - - ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El arco de la historia" |
"Introducir el proceso para la creacin de una historia novelada de largo alcance a travs del uso de herramientas que permitan disear y estructurar las tramas, hasta integrar un proyecto que puede ser presentado a cualquier casa productora. Desarrollar la capacidad para crear historias de alto impacto en la tele audiencia.Poder estructurar una trama que sea interesante y creble."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Living beyond Guilt - Transcending Perceptions A6.2" |
"How to get over the feeling of guilt and shame. A course on training your mind to escape its own traps. KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood.----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because one is recorded for each, back to back. These courses are guided by spiritual support and inspiration. ----This one course of a seven-part course-series called Transcending Perceptions. It is complete in itself, however, this one course is specifically focused on getting over guilt and shame. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne this mind-training comes second nature and is a simple choice that can be made at any time if desired.Here you will learn techniques and strategies to think differently and overcome the blocks and obstacles which seem in the way of allowing yourself to live an enjoyable life. Justifiably you have felt this way in your life because there have seemed to be many reasons in the world conforming to the need for it. Part of this mind-training is in the realm of recognizing you have misunderstood the reality of these justifications, and have made then perceptually larger and more unmovable then they actually are. A common occurrence when the mind attempts to protect itself from seeming threats.A large part of this course and for you to truly succeed in what it offers is the willingness to see things differently. Your emotions are justified in the world (of bodies). So the key is to see the world differently. In a spiritual-universe, the rules and regulations are drastically different. Freedom is our inheritance within this spiritual reality. This pain you feel is a part of your self-made prison, which IF you recognized how you got into it, also would you recognize your way out!KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Root Cause Analysis" |
"This course is designed to help the employees to find out the root cause of any problems and fix it so that the problem does not repeat. This course lays emphasis on long-term focus attitude towards problem solving as short-term focus does not help organization in terms of profitability or growth. At the end of this course, the reader can get a clear idea of What is Root Cause Analysis, Importance of Root Cause Analysis, How to Use RCA for Boosting Productivity, Difficulties in RCA, Effective Root Cause Analysis etc. It is a great and amazing course with engaging content. Course contains nuggets of information for employees of all levels. After joining this course, the reader will know why it is important to analyse the root cause of any problems and how important it is. The content is very crisp and short and it will help the reader in a great way to solve all the issues in the organization. Why still wait? Jump in and enrol this course and enjoy learning!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Succession Planning" |
"The main objective of Succession Planning is to understand the long term goals and objectives of the organization, identify and develop successors for critical positions and identify positions that are critical to the organization. At the end of this course the readers will be able to get a clear idea about Core Principles of Succession Planning, Factors to be Considered in Succession Planning, Steps of Succession Planning, Challenges of Succession Planning, Challenges of Succession Planning etc.It is going to be an interesting course for the readers because the course starts with an interesting introduction part and it also has a sample of Succession Summary Plan and Executive Development Plan. This is going to be a good visual treat also for the readers because various colourful templates and apt pictures have been used to make the course more interesting. Enrol to this course immediately to learn in detail about the concept of Succession Planning in detail."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Team Building" |
"Are you a team leader or manager in your organization and struggling to build your team or finding it difficult to develop a good rapport among your team members, then you are in the right place. Enrol into this course and you will learn Differences between Group and Team, What is Team Work, Effective Team Management Skills, What is Team Building, Role of Team Leader in Team Building and various other related concepts. The course is written using simple language and most of the concepts are explained in well-laid out manner. The various types of teams like Permanent Teams, Temporary Teams, Task force, Committee, Workforce Teams, Self-managed Teams, Cross functional Teams, Virtual Teams are very well explained in this course. This well-structured course is packed with full of ideas that can be used to build the teams in the organizations. After going through the introduction part, the reader will be definitely motivated to go through the entire course which can be used to implement in his/her organization."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Theory X and Y of Motivation" |
"Is your manager or boss authoritative in character and micromanages all your work? OR Is your manager co-operative, helpful and does not micromanage your work at each step? Are you interested in knowing whether your manager is a Theory X or Theory Y class of manager? Here is an interesting course for you. At the end of this course the reader can understand Theory X and Y of Motivation, Importance of Theory X and Y of Motivation, Implications of Theory X and Theory Y, Traits of Theory X Organizations, Traits of Theory Y Organizations etc.After reading this course, one can learn how to motivate different personalities of people like Mediocre, Difficult and Brilliant people. Throughout this course the reader can learn how to: How to motivate employees Strategies to motivate employees Characteristics of Theory X and Y managerA classic real-life example given in this course explains how to handle a Theory X boss. So, if you wanted to learn on how to handle your boss, just click on Buy this course button and enjoy reading the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Investir dans l'immobilier via une SCI : Guide Complet" |
"Une enqute mene en 2017 a montr que la SCI est le cadre juridique plbiscit chez les investisseurs aguerris, car""les plus avertis, ceux qui dtiennent le plus grand nombre de biens locatifs choisissent la SCI.""Donc, pour donner un cadre idal vos investissements, vous devez utiliser les leviers de la SCI.Mais avant, vaut mieux savoir exactement de quoi cela retourne, pour en tirer le meilleur parti. Et c'est l'objectif de cette formation.Si vous avez dj quelques investissements en nom propre, vous devez savoir qu' un moment donn votre banquier refusera de financer vos projets car vous avez atteint un plafond au niveau de votre endettement. Et bien, la solution consiste alors de crer une SCI pour continuer vos investissements jusqu'au niveau de revenu que vous souhaitez atteindre.Si vous dbutez dans l'investissement l'immobilier, la SCI vous permettra de partir tout de suite sur de bonnes bases, les bases solides pour aller aussi loin que vous le souhaitez sans avoir trop vous casser la tte d'ici quelques annes lorsque votre patrimoine immobilier commencera a bien s'agrandir. Vous serez alors trs fier d'avoir opt pour la SCI ds le dpart.En effet, en investissant via une SCI vous allez : laborer des stratgies d'investissement digne des frus de limmobilier Faciliter l'investissement immobilier car cest le support le mieux adapter quand on ne se pose aucune limite Augmenter vos revenus en utilisant des nombreux leviers offerts par la SCI Optimiser votre fiscalit Prparer votre future retraite Protger votre famille et vos proches Modifier les consquences du mariage Raliser des montages efficaces simples Et encore beaucoup plus d'avantages que vous allez dcouvrir et dont vous ne souponniez mme pas lexistenceConcrtement, voici le programme de cette formation de 7 modules qui est un vritable guide Complet pour faire EXploser votre Patrimoine en utilisant les leviers de la SCI.Module 1 : Les Atouts de la SCI Vous verrez Diffrents types de SCI, les Avantages d'une SCI ainsi que Inconvnients d'une SCI classique et surtout dans cette formation, je vous donnerai les lments qui vont compltement anantir ces inconvnients Et la fin de ce module Vous commencerez voir pourquoi la SCI est un outil patrimonial trs intressant.Module 2 : Montage dune SCIVous verrez alors l'efficacit d'une SCI et vous pourrez dj utiliser quelques montages de base mais dja mieux que rien cest dire mieux que dinvestir sans SCI.Module 3 : Gestion dune SCIVous saurez comment grer efficacement une SCi en y passant le moins de temps possible parceque je vous donnerai tout ce quil faut, des modle tout prt, juste tlcharger et utiliser votre compte et aussi je vous indiquerai quelles sont les erreurs viter.Module 4 : Fiscalit dune SCIA la fin de ce module 4 ,Vous aurez des comptences juridiques, fiscales et patrimoniales vous permettant de raliser des oprations bien prpares et d'optimiser votre patrimoine.Module 5 : Financement d'une SCICe module, Vous permettra de savoir comment financer vos acquisitions immobilires plus facilement grce la SCI et donc de faire sauter les limitations dans vos investissements immobiliersModule 6 : Comment Crer votre SCICest dans ce module que vous allez voir comment crer facilement votre SCI, en vitant toute la paperasse administrative et pour 4 fois moins cher que Mr Tout le monde..Module 7 : Montages StratgiquesDans ce module, je vous prsenterai 14 montages SCI Stratgiques.En effet la SCI est le support qui offre le plus de possibilits . En fonction de votre situation vous avez mme la possibilit de faire des combinaisons de montages pour laborer un montage spcifique qui colle avec votre cas personnel qui est particulier et unique. Je vous montre tout cela dans ce module. Et pour parfaire et tre sur que vous aurez vraiment tout ce quil faut pour russir, je mets votre disposition gratuitement en BONUS, des Modles tlcharger. Vous y retrouverez Un Exemple d'objet de la SCI que vous pouvez copier librement Un modle de compte rendu dAssemble Gnrale Et aussi un modle tout fait de Suivi de la Comptabilit de la SCIAvec ces modles, la gestion administrative qui est le principal inconvnient de la SCI est simplifie et facilite.Comme vous voyez, cette formation est un vritable guide complet, qui va vous aider utiliser le levier de la SCI pour tendre vos possibilits en immobilier,car vous allez pouvoir en laborer des stratgies d'investissement digne les Experts.Et en Optimisant votre fiscalit, vous allez faire dune pierre 2 cailloux, puisque vous allez Augmenter significativement vos revenus lis aux investissements immobiliers tout en Protgeant vos proches dans le mme temps.Inscrivez vous ds maintenant pour commencer laborer la stratgie adapt votre situation personnelle et vous enrichir sans limitations avec limmobilier.A trs bientt juste aprs votre inscription"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Water Resources Engineering MCQ Practice Questions (Civil)" |
"Water Resources Engineering or Hydrology is the scientific study of the movement, distribution and management of water on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability. A practitioner of hydrology is called a ""hydrologic engineer"", working within the fields of civil and environmental engineering. Hydrologists can also be scientists studying earth or environmental science and physical geography. Using various analytical methods and scientific techniques, they collect and analyze data to help solve water related problems such as environmental preservation, natural disasters, and water managementHydrology subdivides into surface water hydrology, groundwater hydrology (hydrogeology), and marine hydrology. Domains of hydrology include hydrometeorology, surface hydrology, hydrogeology, drainage-basin management and water quality, where water plays the central roleHydrological research can inform environmental engineering, policy and planningThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Water Resources Engineering Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 151 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |