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"The Ultimate Excel 365 Formulas Course" |
"*** Course access includes files, quizzes & activities, articles for handy reference and LIFETIME access *** ***This course has been updated with the new XLOOKUP function for Excel 365Hands on, reinforced learning to ensure you Master Excel FormulasBecoming a master of Excel means you have to master both simple and complex formula. This course is designed to ensure you achieve your true potential when using Excel 365.With Over 90 functions and formulas covered, this course will take you through the basic formulas and build on this knowledge to more advanced and master level formulas.By the end of this course, you will be able to Explain logical operators. Develop logical formula Create IF statements Carry out Simple and Dynamic Lookups Carry out complex Lookups Use Relative and Absolute Cell References Work with Rounding in Excel. Extract text from text strings Clean text strings Carry out date and time math Set custom formatting for date, time and use in labels Set up data validation Create error resisting formulas Carry out financial calculations such as future value and net present value Calculate payments on a loan from both the borrower and lender view Work with tables, filters and advanced filters Carry out 1 and 2 variable analysis Use Scenario Manager and Goal Seek Understand and User Reference functions Set up and Use static named ranges Set up and use dynamic named ranges Explain a UDF Set up and work with pivot tablesMuch Much More............How this course differs:This course contains video tutorials as you would tend to find on Udemy. However to re-in-force learning, this course also contains many many articles. Some of these articles repeat stuff from the videos, some of them contains new stuff. Its easy to watch a video, but if you really want to learn, then re-in-force the learning with reading activity will ensure you get the most out of this course. Many of the articles also contain gifs for ease of understanding.In addition to the articles and video, there are also many activities for you to complete. So by watching the video, reading the articles and carrying out the activity, you should master excel formula in no time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Chatbot Bootcamp" |
"Build professional grade Chatbots for Facebook Messenger with this course. Chatfuel is the platform of choice for such brands as Netflix, Adidas, HTC, TechCrunch, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, MTV, Reebok and thousands more.If your business doesnt have a chatbot on Facebook Messenger, then youre missing out on a huge opportunity to turbo charge your marketing and keep your customers and clients engaged with your brand.A Chatbot is an autonomous tool that can interact with users using conversational messaging. Conversational messaging is the absolute best way to interact with your audience. A chatbot opens up millions of avenues & opportunities for your business. For instance, a customer service chatbot can interact with your customers on Facebook to provide them support and answers to most common problems. A marketing chatbot can promote and even sell products, all from the comforts of Facebook Messenger. On the other hand, you can build a smart service that pulls information from various sources and presents it to the user as a chat message!The possibilities are endless.Today, users spend more time in messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, than on websites and other social media platforms. A chatbot allows your business to be where your customers are at.This course is designed for developers, marketers, business managers and virtually anyone, who wishes to expand their horizons and use chatbots as powerful tools for enhancing business and marketing potential.We will begin by building chatbots that do not require any coding, but as any experienced bot developer will tell you, bots do require custom code & logic for ultimate scalability and features. Unlike other courses that claim to build bots without any coding, this course takes a realistic stand and gives you a taste of writing custom messenger extensions, integrations, plugin and logic that is built and deployed using cutting-edge serverless technology on AWS.Be a part of this incredible revolution as conversational messaging takes a giant leap across traditional apps and social media.As with all my courses, Im 100% available to each and every student, to help out when in need and beyond. And best of all, this course will be enriched with fresh content from time to time.My name is Sachin Bhatnagar, your instructor and friend, for this course. I have been coding since the 90s and have taught and consulted several organisations over the past 18+ years. Join my extended family of over 15,000 students.Together, lets build some chatbots!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC Masterclass - Actualizado a CC 2020" |
"Incluye actualizaciones de CC 2018 & 2019!""Me met en esto sin saber bsicamente nada y sal con toneladas de conocimientos!""- Louis Matarazzo, estudiante de After Effects de Philnete a este curso COMPLETAMENTE NUEVO de Adobe After Effects CC, para divertirte mientras aprendes rpidamente!Si estas buscando cmo hacer para que tus videos se vean mejor, la mejor manera para conseguirlo es agregndoles animaciones y efectos especiales. After Effects CCes utilizado por profesionales de todo el mundo para todo tipo de produccin, desde videos de negocios y marketing, y videos musicales hasta, documentales y pelculas. Este completo curso es la mejor manera de zambullirte de lleno y hacer que tus videos comiencen a cobrar vida.Haz videos del modo en que te los imaginas!Practica mientras aprendes. Este curso incluye archivos de prctica para que puedas seguir las clases y practicar todo lo que aprendes, hacindolo.Al finalizar este curso, habrs finalizado docenas de proyectos del mundo real, lo cual te har sentir una gran confianza en el uso de After Effects.Te estar enseando usando la versin CreativeCloud, pero si tienes una versin previa (CS6, CS5, etc- Mac o PC), an as podrs aprender sin problemas con este curso.Por qu me considero un instructor calificado?Mi nombre es Phil, y soy editor de videos profesional, creador de animaciones y efectos visuales. Adems, soy el creador de muchos de los cursos de After Effects ms famosos a nivel mundial, con ms de 600.000 estudiantes y miles de calificaciones de 5 estrellas, como estas:""After Effects CC: La Gua Completa Para Crear Animaciones"" de Phil Ebiner es un maravilloso y comprensivo curso para introducirse de lleno en el programa, pudiendo comenzar directamente creando mis propias animaciones.- Cavett RobertCurso muy comprensivo y fcil de seguir.- Dragan VukicevicPhil es un gran instructor que siempre esta dispuesto a ayudar. La manera en que desarrolla el curso es simple y fcil de entender.-Patrick GilmourTe hago una promesaEstar aqu en cada paso del camino. Si tienes preguntas acerca del contenido del curso o cualquier cosa relacionada a este asunto, siempre puedes publicar tu pregunta o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero que este sea el mejor curso posible para aprender a usar Adobe After Effects. Entonces, si existe alguna manera en la que pueda mejorar este curso, slo hzmelo saber y har que suceda.De qu se trata este curso?Preprate para crear animaciones que mejorarn la calidad de tus videos. Si has deseado desde hace tiempo aprender a crear efectos visuales y a crear animaciones, puedes aprender a hacerlo con After Effects ahora mismo.Las lecciones de prctica te mantendrn motivado y avanzando hacia el logro de tus metasLas lecciones han sido diseadas para hacerte pensar del mismo modo en que lo hara un artista de animaciones y efectos visuales. After Effects es una herramienta robusta que es capaz de crear casi cualquier efecto de video que existe. Aprenders tcnicas bsicas, intermedias y avanzadas, desde trabajar con formas, textos y texturas, hasta efectos de video, transiciones, cmara en 3D, etc.Aqu tienes una muestra de lo que cubriremos:Acostumbrarte al uso de After Effects CCComenzar una nueva composicinUsar las herramientas bsicasTrabajar con la linea de tiempo de After Effects CCAgregar capas de forma y textoAnimar posicin, escala, rotacin, y opacidadTrabajar con capas de forma y mscarasProyectos del mundo real como ttulos y logotipos en movimientoPrincipios de la animacin y buenas prcticasUtilizando efectos de video, plantillas y atajos para acelerar tu flujo de trabajoSustitucin de pantalla verdeEfectos visuales y rotoscopioTracking de movimiento y estabilizacin de movimientoCrear transiciones nicasExportar tus proyectosy mucho ms!Conocer After Effects CC es una gran habilidad que est en alta demanda y es muy tentadora para el mercado. He realizado muchsimos trabajos remunerados con las habilidades que te enseo en este curso.Con nuestra garanta de reembolso 100%dentro de los primeros 30 das, no hay motivo para no inscribirte de inmediato y probar la eficiencia de este curso.Adelante y haz clic en el botn de inscripcin! Te espero en la leccin nmero 1Saludos,Phil"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Customer Analytics in SPSS" |
"Learn how to get insights from your customer data, understand your customers deeply and target the right customers with the right products! The SPSS program offers a comprehensive customer analytics tool the Direct Marketing module. With this tool you can conduct powerful analyses without being an expert in statistics and data analysis. The everyday interactions with your customer generates a high amount of valuable data. The customer marketing analysis is the best solution to transform these data into real knowledge. The goal of this analysis is to get you a precise view of your customers, identify the most profitable groups of customers and send them the most appropriate marketing messages. The Direct Marketing toolkit in SPSS includes six practical analysis procedures. Each of these procedures has its own section in this course. The RFM analysis allows you to classify your customers according to the recency, frequency, and monetary value of their purchases. You can pinpoint your most valuable customers (those who buy often and spend much money), as well as adapt your strategy for each RFM customers (e.g. encourage new customers to buy more, reward good customers with discounts and prizes, re-gain old customers that stopped buying from you etc.) The cluster analysis procedure helps you segment your customers or prospects using their most relevant demographic, economic or behavioral characteristics. In each cluster you will find customers that are similar with eah other and different to the others. You can combine this procedure with other analyses, to identify the segments with the highest RFM values, for example, or to estimate the buying probability in each segment. The customer profiling technique helps you detect the customer groups with the highest response rate, based on the results of previous campaign. This way you can know in advance which customers are more likely to respond to your future offers. In consequence, you can significantly improve the targeting of your future campaigns, reduce campaign costs and increase sales and ROI. Another procedure allows you to identify the responses to your campaign by postal codes. This is extremely useful for direct mailing campaigns, because you can find out the geographical areas where most of your customers live. You can compare the response rate of each geographical zone to your target rate and decide where to send your future mailing packages so you can maximize your profits. The Direct Marketing module in SPSS also helps you estimate the probability of purchase for each contact in your list, using an advanced prediction analysis method (binomial regression). You can send your future messages only to the prospects who are most likely to buy from you and remove the inactive prospects from your list. Moreover, you can predict the probability of purchasing for new customers, those freshly added to your list. The Control Package Test method allows you to compare the effectiveness of two or more marketing campaigns. This is useful especially when you intend to test existing campaigns against new campaigns. The differences between the campaigns response rates are evaluated using the binomial test. Most of the procedures above use sophisticated statistical analysis techniques to process your data. However, you dont have to be a statistician in order to use them. You can get the results you need with a few clicks only, in a few seconds. This is what you will learn in this course. Every procedure is explained live in SPSS, and the output is interpreted in detail. At the end of each section you can find a couple of practical exercises to strengthen your knowledge. Join this course today and you will be able to analyze your customer data using state-of-the-art predictive techniques and make informed decisions!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Bible - JavaScript Bootcamp 2020" |
"This course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript and become either Frontend Web developer, or Full-stack Web Developer, or Backend developer.This course includes more than 70 CHALLENGES and all exercise files are available in Git repositories.We will start from the very beginning and you will learn fundamentals and basic concepts of JavaScript.Than you will learn new features included in ES6, ES7 etc.Also we will dive into the Node.js - environment for JavaScript code execution and you will understand what is the difference between Web Browser and Node.js.In separate sections we will discuss Babel, NPM, Webpack and MongoDB. Also you will learn most popular JavaScript framework - React.JavaScript Bible was designed for developers with different levels of JavaScript knowledge.If you are BEGINNER in JavaScript - start with very first section called JavaScript Basics.In case you have SOME experience with JavaScript - jump directly in the sections where I cover ES6 topics such as rest/spread parameters, arrow functions, ES6 Classes etc.If you are experienced MIDDLE or SENIOR developer with years of JavaScript development background - jump directly into the Challenges and test your knowledge. Each challenge has task and solution in separate Git branches.All videos have different labels:LECTURE:in those videos I explain different features and concepts of the language. Main main goal in those videos is to teach you HOW specific feature work under the hood. I don't teach HOWTOUSE feature. Instead I teach you WHY and HOW specific feature works.PRACTICE: here I will dive into the coding and show you different real-world examples of the usage of specific feature. Usually I will present to you several examples for each specific feature. I strongly recommend you to follow me in those videos and code along with me.CHALLENGE: each challenge (except simple and short challenges) has STARTand FINISH branches with task and solution. PLEASE don't skip challenges even if you are already familiar with the topic. Try to solve each challenge yourself.DEMO: in some videos I will demonstrate you examples where you don't necessarily need to follow me and code along with meIf you want to become an Expert in JavaScript, please join this course now!See you onboard!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data visualization and Descriptive Statistics with Python 3" |
"This course is designed to teach analysts, students interested in data science, statisticians, data scientists how to analyze real world data by creating professional looking charts and using numerical descriptive statistics techniques in Python 3. You will learn how to use charting libraries in Python 3 to analyze real-world data about corruption perception, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, the Ebola virus, alcohol and liver disease data, World literacy rate, violent crime in the USA, soccer World Cup,migrants deaths, etc.You will also learn how to effectively use the various statistical libraries in Python 3 such as numpy, scipy.stats, pandas and statistics to create all descriptive statistics summaries that are necessary for analyzing real world data.In this course, you will understand how each library handles missing values and you will learn how to compute the various statistics properly when missing values are present in the data.The course will teach you all that you need to know in order to analyze hands on real world data using Python 3. You will be able to appropriately create the visualizations using seaborn, matplotlib or pandas libraries in Python 3.Using a wide variety of world datasets, we will analyze each one of the data using these tools within pandas, matplotlib and seaborn:Correlation plotsBox-plots for comparing groups distributionsTime series and lines plotsSide by side comparative pie chartsAreas chartsStacked bar chartsHistograms of continuous dataBar chartsRegression plotsStatistical measures of the center of the dataStatistical measures of spread in the dataStatistical measures of relative standing in the dataCalculating Correlation coefficientsRanking and relative standing in dataDetermining outliers in datasetsBinning data in terciles, quartiles, quintiles, deciles, etc.The course is taught using Anaconda Jupyter notebook, in order to achieve a reproducible research goal, where we use markdowns to clearly document the codes in order to make them easily understandable and shareable.This is what some students are saying:""I really like the tips that you share in every unit in the course sections. This was a well delivered course.""""I am a Data Scientist with many years using Python /Big Data. The content of this course provides a rich resource to students interested in learning hands on data visualization in Python and the analysis of descriptive statistics. I will recommend this course anyone trying to come into this domain."""
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Testing Statistical Hypotheses in Data science with Python 3" |
"While there are many courses in Python, Machine Learning and other Data science related topics, they tend to be covering several topics in a piece-meal fashion and often superficially. In other words, those courses are not laser-focused on a given topic that will provide instant mastery. This course is EXCLUSIVELY about testing parametric and non-parametric Statistical Hypotheses in Python 3. It is highly recommended for Students, Data scientists, Analysts, Programmers and Statisticians who will be using Python as the main tool for data analysis and therefore need to understand HOW Python 3 powerful scientific libraries can be effectively used to tests hypotheses that they were used to performing using R, SAS, SPSS, Matlab or other tools.Thecourse has several strengths that should not be ignored.It is hands-on, uses real world data and focuses on testing statistical hypotheses using Python 3.It is taught by an Adjunct Professor of Statistics who taught statistics for twelve yearsIt is taught by a Data Scientist with Statistics background and over twenty years of professional is extensive and cover all aspects of testing statistical hypotheses using PythonIt uses Jupyter notebook and mark-downs to clearly document the codes and make them professionalThe course uses latex to write the statistical hypotheses to help users understand what is being tested/In this course you will learn how to test variousstatistical hypotheses using Python 3. The course covers the most relevant tests about the populationparameters for one, two and many samples. In addition, the course coversANOVA(Analysis of Variance) and many non parametric tests. This course is hands-on with real world datasets to help the students understand how to carry on the various tests."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"use couponGET50 to get50% discount This course is about HTML5 programming using which you can design webpages. This course teaches you the concepts of HTML5 which you need to know for making interactive websites. It will take you around 1 hour to complete this course. It is recommended to take this course on html5 because html is the first step of designing you web pages Topics covered: Html 5basic tags Html5 headings Html 5paragraphs Html 5links Html 5images Html 5lists Html 5tables Html 5forms Html 5iframes Html 5audio/video Html 5marquee effect"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Game designing using scratch" |
"use couponGET50 to get 50% discountScratch has been developed by the Lifelong Learning Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is a platform that promotes mathematical and computational skills as well as creativity, reasoning and collaborative working. Scratch can be used to make a number of multimedia applications such as games, animations, simulations, stories and art and even program robots like play i. Every object (sprite) that is used in a scratch project can have one or more scripts attached to it. These scripts add behaviours to sprites and allow them to act in anyway the user feels suitable in context to the project. The scripts are made up of building blocks that are grouped by category, such as control, motion and sensing. There is very little keyboard input required by the user as all the script blocks are dragged to the scripting area with the mouse and 'clicked' together like lego. All sprites and backgrounds can be created by the user using the built-in paint editor. However, Scratch also allows users to bring in content from other sources. For example, images you have scanned, photographed or taken from the web. It also comes with a library of sprites and backgrounds to get you started quickly. Music and sound effects are just as flexible. Either use the built sounds, record your own from within Scratch or use sounds you have created with another program. My games made using scratch are: gen island shoot duck hunt remix(got featured in cover page of scratch official website) table tennis (got featured in cover page of scratch official website) flappy bird remix"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAS is one of the most popular technology for analytics world even for many more fields. No other software is close to SAS. SAS uses 4th generation programming language which is much easier and faster to learn compare to any other programming language. Even for recent BigData analytics, Machine learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence had become more popular and data scientists had become the highest paying job and new releases are being created likeChief Data Officer (CDO). So anybody who is working in the data must know SAS to grow in their career and first step towards this is always a certification and fundamental knowledge of language. Hence webrings you a Hands On SAS Base Training which will help you not only for your Base SAS certification, but even make you master in SAS Base. Once you do or complete all the hands on session by your own given in our training you will become very comfortable in SAS Base programming. So start learning SAS BASE with thispremium trainingby getting subscription. Other important points about this training.All the sessions have Hands On LabYou dont need to have paid SAS software, entire training is given on SAS University Edition.In less than 12 Hrs. you can complete entire training (Content length 11 Hrs. 30 Minutes), almost entire syllabus is covered.It is based on latest SAS software edition 9.4. Hence, cover required SAS 9.4 features as well.We kept sessionlength around 20 minutes only, so you will not get tired by watching lengthy sessions.PDF and data will be provided as part of training, so you can do hands on practice your own,SAS University Edition Installation steps are provided (For Windows, same on other OS you can apply)."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Drawing Anything - Shading, pencils, more" |
"Hi, welcome to the fundamentals of drawing anything, where youll learn how to draw anything you want from imagination or from reference. Im Neil Fontaine, a professional comic artist, and traditional painter but also the easy-going instructor for this course. I show you all the fundamentals of drawing that will give you the foundation to draw anything. By the end of this course, you will be able to draw in a new way that lets you break down any complex picture into simple forms. More importantly, you will be able to draw from your imagination. In this course, we will learn light, shadow, shading, form, perspective, shapes, and we will learn how to properly hold our pencil and draw nice lines. Then we will put all this together and sketch a landscape and draw realism. I also help you along the way by answering your questions and giving feedback on your progress drawings. This course is for the beginning artist that wish to draw like a pro. Feel free to look through the course. Ill see you inside."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Bust Sculpting in ZBrush" |
"Many 3D artists, even character artists, are often intimidated by the totality of what is required to create a believable character, either reaslitic or stylistic. Even more steer clear of trying to create believable human faces. This course is designed to show how easily one can produce an acceptable model by breaking down the overall view into more 'bite sized' areas of focus to allow one to concentrate only on that singular are before moving onto another area of focus. As the student progresses through this tutorial, they'll learn more confidence in their skills by using fewer tools and some shortcuts to achieve an end result that will help inspire them to continue to tackle more opportunities by looking all the parts that make up the big picture first rather than trying to see the big picture and figure out how to proceed next. By using fewer brushes and some alphas, one can achieve quite a lot in ZBrush.More about the instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the video game development/entertainment arenas, I'm well versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strive to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Having done pretty much everything, I enjoy getting to share my knowledge and experience in the hopes that I can help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to 3ds Max" |
"Most programs have a multitude of buttons, gizmos and menus that often clutter up and confuse students as to where everything is and what they're mostly likely going to use in a production atmosphere. This course is designed to focus on what the student is going to need to know to start and finish any model they choose to undertake to create.The UI, and customization of same, will be explored as well the major creation methods and using sub-object functions (vertex, edge, polygon, element) to their best advantage. From using photo references, the student will be able to clearly and concisely model parts and refine details to create finished meshes.They'll learn to use smoothing groups to best advantage when applying modifiers (turbo smooth) and why such smoothing groups are important. After completing the mesh, the student will then be exposed to UVs and the new unwrap features found in 3DS Max 2017 to facilitate the speed in which the meshes can be unwrapped and laid out for proper texture usage. Finally, the students will be taught how to bake a simple ambient occlusion map quickly and easily to help give their meshes a more believable three dimensional quality so that they can then create the colours for the model as they see fit and blend into the AO to create a usable model.More about the instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the videogame development/entertainment arenas, I'm well versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strive to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Having done pretty much everything, I enjoy getting to share my knowledge and experience in the hopes that I can help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Weather Prediction using METARS & TAFS" |
"NOTICE: OUTDATED MATERIAL. New 30 Hours Course being developed with better audio and video along with references for all the info given. If you purchase this however, you will be provided the new course for free upon release. Thank you. Weather Prediction 101, is a course where you will learn everything about weather prediction and meteorology from scratch. No prior experience required. I base this course on 6 years of experience, and I will teach everything that I've got. You will learn many things about the atmosphere and how everything works. Understand how to get the forecast for yourself the professional way - the same way pilots, dispatchers, and sailors use every day, all around the world. You will first learn basic weather principles, then you will move on to the real deal. What are the different types of weather charts and reports, how to obtain them legally and free of charge, and how to read, decode, and understand them.You will also learn how to access high definition live satellite infrared imagery, legally and free of charge.What are the different pressure systems and how to use them in our daily life.What is ISA and what are its standards.How to Identify the different types of clouds.How many stages does a thunderstorm cell go through and what are they. I assume no previous experience in meteorology, and I will start from the very beginning. So let's get started!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Started with Microsoft Outlook" |
"Microsoft Outlook used by millions of professionals and students all over the world - and it by far the most popular email applications.Microsoft Outlook enables provides better organization, search capabilities, communication and social networking features.A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2ndas the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics.This 'Get Started with Microsoft Outlook' course will have you mastering the basics of Outlook 2016 - 2018. Outlook for Windows has all the tools and functionality you've used before, as well as new and improved features for professional email, calendar, contacts, and task management to help you communicate faster and easier.All the parts of the course are delivered in Jennifer's popular step-by-step teaching style. It ensures that you learn every step and doesn't miss anything out.Jennifer is a knowledgeabletutor who has taught at many abilitylevels. She usesherexperience ofteaching absolute beginners topaces thisvideo course well, in bite-sized piecesand withstep by stepinstructions.Jennifer prides herself on her ability to assume you know something already, tonot leave you confused or as it you are missing a piece of the puzzle.This Microsoft Outlook course does exactly what it says on the tin - 'Get Started with Microsoft Outlook'! You will be able to perform some really key actions which you need to use the email/ calendar and task functions -in an hour -for example Jennifercovers how to send and receive emails with attachments, create a calendar appointment/ event and meeting format, flag emails for follow up which adds them to your task list. The course also contains bonus 'tip' videos to teach you extra features of Outlook and help improve your productivity.Let's get started! Enroll today and see how you too can harness the power of Microsoft Outlook!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PHP For Everybody The Perfect PHP Beginners Course (2020)" |
"Course created for 2019-2020Taught by a top premium Udemy Instructor...I've taught over 130,000 students on Udemy....-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you new to web development (or PHP) or interested in freelancing? Then course is the perfect match for you. You will learn all the core PHP fundamentals you need to get started as a beginner PHP developer.I've started several startups using PHP and it's allowed me to:Build my dream applications from scratchTravel the world Work from home (and work remotely around the world)Find freelance work anywhere I goAlways have clients to work withAlways have money in the bankPHP is one of the worlds most in-demand web languages. WordPress is a content management system that runs over 32% of ALL websites in the world, and it's built using PHP as its coding language. If you decided to learn just one coding language in your entire life, I would suggest PHP because of the high demand for WordPress websites. It's the money-making programming language.If you know PHP, you can create: websites, content management systems, web applications and it will allow you to create startups like Facebook (Facebook actually used PHP!)Everybody is excited to learn brand new languages, but the truth is: PHP runs so many websites it would be crazy NOT to learn PHP. Knowing PHP allowed me to travel the world and start a startup in Ireland and it allows me to code from a beach! If you put economics, market demand and coding languages aside, this is the one language that's enabled me to have a better life. Why?Over 1 in 3 websites use PHP. 32% of websites use WordPress which is built using PHP, plus there are tonnes of sites that use other content management systems, or use frameworks like Laravel (also built using PHP). You can literally find a job anywhere in the world if you know PHP. You can easily supplement your income, or change careers, if you know PHP.Here are some of my students reviews (these are REAL 5 star reviews from my other PHP course)Incredible PHP course*********so far - this course is simple and easy to understand with clear direction and to the point info on exactly what you want to knowNo fluff or nonsense*********He is great! I love that he doesn't talk too much nonsense.It doesn't take 37 hours*************The instructor covered a lot of content in a fast but still understandable manner. Having the basics of PHP I can start making dynamic web pages. Thanks.*********************End of Reviews *********************My guarantee:By the end of this course you will be a Junior PHP Developer. If you need help or get stuck, or just need further explanation... I am here for you (I don't have teach assistants to outsource questions to; you will get an answer directly from ME). I've created a free developer support group with over 13,000 web developer from around the world that means 13,000 more chances for help, answers, clarity and support. But let's be honest: I'm a teacher, my success depends on your success... so I will make sure you succeed!No nonsense or fluff:Many other instructors like to talk your ear off, or tell unrelated stories, and say the same thing over and over again. Personally, I find that extremely boring and I won't subject you to that kind of nonsense. You're paying to learn a new skill, you're NOT paying to hear my life story. There's even a review from a student saying exactly this (above).How I teach:Every lesson is designed with a specific pattern to help maximize your learning time. It goes like this:Learn the theory Learn the code Practice the codeI will teach you about a new subject, we will then dive directly into some code so you can see how it works in real life, and there is a task at the end of every lesson for immediate practice. You can watch some free previews if don't believe me. Other courses have a practice lesson at the end of a section but I know you want (and need) practice right away, so every lesson has a practice task and it's up to you to decide if you want to do them or not.Your investment:You will be learning a skill that can set you free from a boring 9-5 job, help you change careers and help you make more money. If this course helped you earn an extra $1,000 this year, that'd be a great investment, right? Well... when you learn PHP, you can earn A LOT more than that. $1,000 is pennies compared to how much you could make. Or maybe money isn't your #1 motive... you can start a new company and make hobby websites and apps using PHP as your backend programming language.Your risk:Udemy has a 30 day money back guarantee. Don't like this course? Didn't have time to take the course? It doesn't matter what the reason is, you can request a refund. And I completely support this! I don't want your money if you are not going to learn from this course, that's an unfair trade in my opinion. You have NOTHING to lose by learning PHP with this course.Commonly Asked Questions:Q: Should I learn PHP?A: ABSOLUTELY!With over 1 in 3 websites using PHP and over 1,800,000,000 websites (1.8 billion websites as of 2018), it's the smart language to learn. That's over 600,000,000 websites using PHP. That's right. Six hundred MILLION websites. Q: Can you make money?A: YES!When you know PHP, contracts literally fall into your lap. To be honest, I turn down a lot of freelance work because I don't have time for it! Go to indeed dot com and search for PHP: you will see tens of thousands of jobs in the US! These are actual jobs, not just contracts (remote jobs included!)Q: Will PHP be around in the future?A: YES! According to the TIOBE Programming Index, it's the 8th most popular language in the world. And statistically speaking, it's the most popular backend programming language for websites. Remember, over 600,000,000 websites are using PHP (as of 2018).In this PHP course you will learn how to write raw PHP, what PHP is, and how it works behind the scenes... here are just 22 of the topics you will learn (or check out the curriculum for a full list)What is PHPWhere is PHP usedHow to install PHP What a backend developer isPHP syntaxHow to make a web page using PHP Coding commentsPHP variablesPHP super global variablesPHP data typesPHP data structuresHow to mix HTML and PHP togetherType castingConditional statements (if/elseif/else statements)Ternary logicPHP loops (while, for and foreach loops)PHP debugging PHP security How to make websites dynamic without needing a database How to accept custom user inputHow to validate a form (custom user input) to make sure it's usable How to read and understand PHP documentation And much more...At the end of this course is a project you'll be able to finish.Please look at the list of lessons in this course. And definitely watch some free preview lessons to get an idea of how I teach! I think you'll like it :) Thanks for reading all of this!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"All about Lyme Disease" |
"This Course is focused on Lyme disease, that is second most common vector-borne disease in the US, the first being West Nile Virus disease. In the Course, you will have an understanding of the importance of studying Lyme disease and a background knowledge of how the first cases of the disease were detected in Lyme, Connecticut. The Course then describes the three clinical manifestations of the disease, of which Lyme arthritis. Since it is a tick-borne bacterial infection, it describes the tick, the tick life cycle and the bacteria, along with the changes that occur in the bacteria as it is transmitted from tick to humans and vice-versa. Being a spirochete, which is a unique Gram-negative bacteria, a description of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, is also provided. Apart from clinical diagnosis, a laboratory diagnosis, according to CDC with step-by-step procedures for Western Blot and ELISA are provided. It also explains the antibiotics of choice for treatment and the main prevention methods available, along with the challenges of vaccination due to the ability of Borrelia to rapidly change the expression of its surface lipoproteins."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Play Neo Soul, Gospel and R&B Piano" |
"This course will introduce you to the sounds or voicing that make up the sound of Neo Soul, Gospel and R&B. This course will have plenty of examples that you can play to add new flavor to your playing. Each section will have several etudes that are made to get you familiar with the Voicing that are normally used in each genre.Plus new content is added regularly."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder- Certificate" |
"In this course we look at what is PTSD?, the causes of PTSD, the treatments for PTSD, How we can support the client with PTSD in a professional and effective manner, Psychotherapy and pharmaceutical treatments for PTSD, evidence about the likely prognosis of PTSD, Who is likely to get PTSD and why. It is a largely lecture based, with presentations by myself Kevin O'Doherty, together with lots of narrated PowerPoint slides. There are also resources for your use."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"EFT Tapping 3 - Use EFT To Tap For a Future Event" |
"""I am learning to tap away everyday aggravation, negative experiences that leads me to peace. Another great course!"" Elizabeth Gyarmathy****************************************What if you could start your day so you're success is assured?Wouldn't you agree that it's much better to be prepared than to have to do 'damage control' after the fact?That's what this EFT course is all about.It's one thing to tap away physical or emotional pain, it's a whole other thing to tap ""ahead of time"" to make sure that whatever life has in store for you, you'll be able to face them with an inner peace and calm that will make your days joyful and successful.Not only that, but in a few weeks' time you'll notice that you approach your day-to-day tasks with much more confidence and inner certainty, and stress and worry will soon be a thing of the past.Everyday EFT is to help you start and end your days in success - no matter what life dishes out. The exercises you learn in this course will help you go from being a reactive person (having to dodge bullets to life's ups and downs) to becoming a responsive person. You'll notice that instead of blowing up or nervously pacing back and forth searching for answers and solutions, you'll be looking inward in a calm and collected way to draw out any answer or solution you're looking for - in record time. It's a grand day when you can maintain your equilibrium - no matter what!You can also use the EFT techniques you learn in this course to help you expand your dream state and receive intuitive answers while you sleep.I look forward to welcoming you in class. Pre-Requisite: Make sure you have completed EFT No. 1 - An Introduction to EFT, before continuing with this course. EFT No. 2 - Self-Love and Self-Acceptance is strongly recommended.****************************************""Very interesting point of view that can be provided only by someone that is experimented and that has experimented unknown things. Being on course with Cha~zay is as going for a ride in the universe on board the star treck spaceship ""Enterprise."" It seems she has already lived unknown phenomena and I felt exited to discover new ways of seeing and approaching things of spiritual life safely... at last something new to learn and experiment with a real guidance. It's also such a comfortable course."" Pascale M.C.****************************************Keywords:#EFT, #EmotionalFreedomTechnique, #Tapping, #EFT-Therapy, #TheTappingSolution, EFT-Tapping-Points, #GaryCraig, #EmotionallyFocusedTherapy, #Self-Help, #Personal-Development, #Self-Improvement, #EmotionalHealing, #SpiritualHealing, #TFT, #ToughtFieldTherapy"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"EFT Tapping 6 - Reduce and Manage Physical Pain with EFT" |
"""This is such a healing course. While practising EFT, I felt fluttering in areas of pain. To me this is a sign of something shifting."" Karen P.*****************************""I find this format much easier than a long book. Cha-zay is very easy to listen to and I would most definitely recommend her courses. Thank you for the beautiful bonus meditation."" Irene Stevenson*****************************What if instead of reaching for pain pills you could help ease your physical discomforts by using EFT?This course will show you how to use EFT to help each physical aches and pains, and can even help with menopause.Practice EFT Sessions for:Minor aches and pains such as headaches, backaches, and more.Temporary illnesses, such as flu, cough, operations, and more.Menopause and hormonal changes.You will also receive several printable handouts with dozens of additional starting sentences to helping you with your specific situation.PRE-REQUISITE COURSESThis is an intermediate EFT course and not for beginners!To fully participate and understand this course, make sure you have taken EFT courses No. 1 and No. 2 before proceeding with this course.50-MINUTE HEALING MEDITATIONAs part of this course and for your continued healing journey you will receive a (free) 50-minute healing meditation, which is too long to upload here on Udemy (audio lectures are not allowed on Udemy). To download the healing meditation, you will receive the link at the end of this course with instructions on how to download your healing meditation (registration is required, the meditation is free to Udemy students). Enroll Now. See you in class!*Please note that the EFT practice session for chronic illnesses and life threatening situations are not covered on Udemy.*****************************""I indeed enjoyed listening and learning about additional EFT power. Dr. Cha~zey makes enjoyable to watch her sessions, I highly recommend to sign up!"" Elizabeth Gyarmathy*****************************Keywords:"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Weapon Modeling in 3ds Max" |
"In this tutorial we will go over on how to create the high and low poly of a walther p99. We will first go over our reference where we will talk about the best way to approach a complicated model such as this one. Next, we will then move onto creating the body for our high poly model using clean geometry and a non destructive workflow. After that we will do a timelapse, finishing all small details on the body. Then once that is done we will move into the top part of the weapon where we will use a combination of plane modeling and line modeling to get a good and accurate result. Once again, we will finish off with an timelapse of the remaining parts. During all timelapses there will still be a narration explaining the thought process behind all the choices I make. Then finally when everything is done, we will use the non destructive workflow to turn our high poly back into a low poly and optimize it until it is a game ready model.More about the instructor:My name is Emiel Sleegers. I am 21 years old and originally from The Netherlands but I am currently located in the UK. I am a 3Denvironment artist working in the game industry. I have worked for companies like Playground Games and ubisoft with so far one announced title on my name named: Forza Horizon 3, and another title on the way. I am a self taught artist who on one day 4 years ago wanted to know how the amazing games I always played were made. The rest is history."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quick Start Email: How To Become a Gmail Guru (2019)" |
"Are you using Gmail (or would like to use Gmail) but realise that you aren't using all of its features? You feel that you are forever losing emails because you don't know how to use Gmail's labelling system effectively? This is the course for you. I will teach you how to write, reply and forward emails as well as adding attachments. How to file them, archive them and then find them again! Course Requirements: People who use gmail will get the most out of this class. However, all people who spend a lot of time in email will get value out of this class.WHO SHOULD ATTEND?This course is for people who want to increase their productivity and spend less time on email. Everyone from the email novice to expert will find value in this class.The course consists of video tutorials where I show you step by step how to complete all of these tasks. The lectures are broken down into bite sized videos so that you can dip in and out of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Drawing From Zero - Beginner To Advanced" |
"This course is for beginners and also for those who want to gain confidence with the fundamentals , the skills you'll learn here will dramatically improve your art no matter what medium you work in.Even if you think you're not naturally talented my super easy methods will set you on the path from your first pencil lines towards creating professional grade artworks. What am I going to learn from this course?How to draw the eyes How to draw the nose from the frontHow to draw shadowsThis Course has every thing you need and, naturally, comes with my 100% No QUIBBLE Money back Guarantee - well its Udemy's too! So, what are you waiting for?Who this course is for:Beginners and intermediate levelAnyone interested in drawing, painting Student willing to put in a couple hours to learn how to draw"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
progolos_warmup |
"100% - : , , , , , . . : - . . : , , , . , ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Play The Role" |
""All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts" As You Like It, William Shakespeare You just cannot afford to have sloppy communication skills if you work in a high performance organization. And this is especially the case when it comes to running effective meetings. Many organizations hemorrhage away the one resource they cannot get backtime. Its an invisible loss, one that does not appear on the financials. The absence of effective meetings cause no end of frustration in the ranks. Poor meetings have been endemic in American business for decadeslike a genetic defect passed down to each generation. Fortunately, time lost in meetings could be reduced by simply upgrading facilitation skillsespecially meeting communication skills. Great group facilitators have mastered the 26 communication skills they must know about to move a group forward. These communication roles dont last longfrom a couple of seconds to a few minutes. Yet these twenty-six communication skills greatly impact group effectiveness by determining how well group members handle information or even understands whats going on. Topics include: Facilitative LeadershipUnderstanding how to play the role Playing the 10 task group communication roles that insure the job gets done. The 6 relationship communication roles the build bonds between individuals Recognizing and controlling the 10 self-oriented roles that disrupt group progress Identifying four personality types the produce dysfunctional behavior. Remember When managers and other responsible persons in business organizations are asked how much of the work day is spent in communicating, the replies range from 85 to 99 percent." Harold Zelko and Frank Dance"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Basic Series 1: Making Beautiful Images like a Pro" |
"In this course, CHICGEEK will walk you step by step thru creating a fully composed Black and White image with a pop of accent color. You will learn the basics of Photoshop and create professional results by the end of this course. Section 2 shows you quick tips and tricks that the pros use to increase the attractiveness of their photos in 3 easy steps and how to retouch your photos to erase blemishes and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. CHICGEEK teaches Professional Digital Instruction through relevant projects and practical application. Instead of just learning what the tools are, we show you how to make something with them. Instant gratification through desired projects is the best way to retain information to use again and again. This course is great for the novice wanting to learn how to enhance their own images with Photoshop, or the intermediate user looking to add a few more tricks to their bag. Thanks for visiting CHICGEEKHelping make your life more beautiful!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop killer designer - volume 1 (photo manipulation)" |
"Do you get frustrated every time you try to create a photoshop design ?Do you want to work in a magazine and you want some techniques in order to materialize your ideas ?well, this course is for you! even if you are a beginner!because in this course you're gonna learn every thing has to do with photo manipulation and also photo retouching !And after completing this course and starting some discussions you're gonna be able to deal with your own projects What Are You Waiting For !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Open Your Heart After A Disagreement" |
"Open Your Heart After A Disagreement does exactly what it says it does. It teaches you a process you can use any time you have a fight, argument or disagreement with another person - whether at home or at work. When you do this process you end up being able to let go of the fight quickly so you can connect with the other person again, even if you feel they have done something wrong towards you. You will discover how to open your heart and feel love and kindness again, releasing anger, bitterness, hurt, disappointment and other negative feelings towards them.Why take this course?If you would like to be able to connect more deeply with people.If you want to let go of hurt and pain in any of your relationships.If it help you to be able to work more harmoniously with other people. Many disagreements carry on silently long after they take place. You may continue to have negative feelings towards the other person or find it hard to be fully open with them. You may react by withholding your love and affection, or by being less cooperative. This can build up over time to create tension and unhappiness, which gradually damages the relationship. You are then more likely to fight or disagree and the situation may get worse and worse. This all changes when you learn an effective process for healing the relationship. Instead of arguments hurting you both they can become opportunities for growth and development. Your love in personal relationships will increase and deepen if you use this process every time you fight. And at work you will create more and more harmonious relationships with your colleagues (and a much more enjoyable workplace) if you have the skills to grow from the inevitable disagreements that take place from time to time.How long does it take? It will take you a bit more than one hour when you first do it. Once you have mastered the process you will be able to do it in 5 to 10 minutes in most situations. You can do the entire course in one sitting, or break it up if you prefer.What's included? There are 8 videos, between 4 and 13 minutes long and a workbook. The videos explain the 5 key steps you need to take the transform the situation, with lots of examples. For each step you will need to take some notes or do a short exercise to make sure you apply the process personally.You can use the course workbook or your own notebook for taking notes. If you don't like writing you can speak out loud into a recording device (eg on your mobile or computer), or even just speak out loud (make sure you are somewhere no one can hear you)."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn VBA Macros" |
"A macro is a programming language that runs in MS excel environment. The tool we used to write macros is VBA editor. Why Learn VBA? To automate the repetitive task in thespread sheets either from keyboard or mouse. Instead of manually formatting the excel sheetyou can use macroto automate that process. You can customize and improve the spreadsheets, if youre willing to code. MS Excel uses a programming language named Visual Basic for Applications or VBA. You can use VBA to program macros, build user forms for data entry, import and export data, and automatically update frequently changing data. Brief Outline: High Quality Video Tutorials on Learn VBA macros. Includes E-books Includes links to source file VBA programming VBA Editor:The editor is built in MS excel, all you need to install Ms excel (2010 or later). Will you get the Certificate? You'll get a certificate of completion after you completed this course For any queries & help, we are just an E-mail away!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Traditional Origami - Video Tutorials & Resources" |
"If you love the look of Origami but were worried that it seems complicated to make, then this course is for you! Until recently, if you wanted to learn how to make Origami by yourself, you had to rely on Origami diagrams in books. Although the diagram system is a clever notation, it can be difficult to decipher! So that leaves many Origami aficionados struggling to figure out how to get their model from one diagram to the next, which can be very frustrating! Origami should be enjoyable! With the help of these video tutorials youll see that its easy to create complex and elegant Origami models! Each lesson is between 4 and 10 minutes and gets you from the flat piece of paper to the completed model! The Course Includes Origami Video Lessons: To make 7 traditional Origami models: Peace Crane, Flapping Crane, Boat, Butterfly, Star Box, Jumping Frog and Lily Flower. Printable Origami Paper: 12 original designs ready for you to print using your home or office printer. So you can make beautiful Origami today, if you like! Origami Crease Patterns: An Origami Crease Pattern shows where all the folds need to be on a flat piece of paper, to make a particular Origami model. These can be used as the basis of the design of Origami paper for a specific model: With Photoshop or by printing it out and colouring it in! Crease patterns are included for all the models featured in the course: Peace Crane, Flapping Crane, Boat, Butterfly, Star Box, Jumping Frog and Lily. Recommended Origami Paper: Where to buy great Origami paper online (US) Also with the lifetime access and the mobile app, youll always have a refresher in your pocket, in case you forget how to make them! Benefits of Origami Origami is relaxing You get a great sense of satisfaction from being able to pick up a simple piece of paper and making it into a piece of art! Its an inexpensive hobby You can do Origami anywhere that you can pick up a piece of paper! Develop your appreciation of colour & design: Youll see paper and all kinds of design with a renewed interest!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |