Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Beginner Repeat Patterns: One Free iPad App and Free Clipart" |
"Do you want to create a seamless repeat pattern but you have no idea where to begin? And, perhaps like me, you cant draw? Then this class is for you!This class will guide you through how to create a seamless repeat pattern on your iPad using only one free app, Photoshop Mix. Youll also use free clipart and your trusty finger. You dont even need an Apple Pencil or an iPad pro! Any iPad will do.This class is designed for the beginner who doesnt have any experience with creating repeat patterns and for those who wish to create fun and simple patterns using ready-made images.This class will guide you through:Installing Photoshop MixDownloading clipart that is royalty-free and in the public domainChecking that your clipart has a transparent background and removing backgrounds if necessaryArranging your clip art to create a pleasing patternCreating a seamlessly repeating tileSaving your pattern to your iPads home screen or lock screenUploading your design so that it can be printed on a T-shirtTo complete this class, you will need an iPad, Photoshop Mix, and access to a web browser and the internet.Your class project is to make a seamless repeat pattern using public domain clipart and saving it as your iPads lock screen or home screen. I have included a bonus lesson where I show you how to have your design made into a T-shirt. :)At the end of this class, you will have a seamless repeat pattern that can be used on any print on demand website. Imagine having your hand-made design printed on T-shirts and given to your friends or family!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Okuma yazma bilmeden bir kitab anlayp bundan hayatmza deer katacak sonular karamayz. Muhasebe de finansal okur yazarln alfabesidir. Finansla ilgili her alanda finansn alfabesi olan muhasebeye hakim olmak gerekir. Finansal Analizler ve bu analizlerden karlacak sonular yorumlamak nce finansal okur yazarlkla balar. ster finans alan olun, ister yatrmc, isterse kendi iinizin sahibi olun i hayatnn her alannda karnza kabilecek mali veya idari problemleri anlamanza ve zmeniz konusunda size ufuk aacaktr. Bu kurs tm muhasebe konularn kapsamaktadr ve Muhasebenin temel mantn anlayarak ezberlemeden muhasebe renmek isteyenler iin tasarlanmtr.Bu kurs hem teorik hem de teknik olarak Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Mavir ruhsat almaya yeterli ierie sahiptir.htiyacnz olan tm kaynaklar blm sonlarna eklenmitir. Blm sonlarnda hem klasik hem de test sorular yer almaktadr. Bu kurs dnda konu anlatmlarnda herhangi bir ek kaynaa ihtiya duymayacaksnz. Austos 2020 itibariyle Soru Bankas ksm eklenmeye balanmtr...23.05 2020 itibariyle bu ders 300'den fazla klasik detayl soru zm iermektedir. 100 soru daha eklenecektir.Bu paketi satn aldnzda eitime mr boyu sahip olacaksnz ve gireceiniz tm Muhasebe snavlarda yararlanabileceksiniz.SMMM Yeterlilik Snavn gemek iin bu kursu alyorsanz 8 dersin ierisinde en temel ders olan Finansal muhasebe en kolay getiiniz ders olacak. Ayrca Dier SMMM Yeterlilik snavlarndan Maliyet muhasebesi, Finansal Tablolar Analizi ve Muhasebe Denetimi derslerinin salam bir alt yaps olumu olacak.Bir firmann bilanosu nnze geldiinde yaplan dnem ii ve dnem sonu ilemleri anlyor, firmay analiz edebiliyor olacaksnz.Tekdzen hesap plan erevesinde hesaplarn ileyiiyle ilgili konu anlatmlar yaplmakta ve hesaplarla ilgili detayl klasik soru zmlerine yer verilmitir.Blm sonlarnda ek soru zmleri ve SMMM yeterlilik snavnda km sorulardan rnekler zlmtr. Snavla ilgili nemli noktalar ve en ok hata yaplan konular ve soru tipleri incelenmitir.SMMM Yeterlilik snavnda sorulacak olan monografi (Klasik Snav) eklindeki 3 saatlik tm dnemi kapsayan soru-cevap videolarna yer verilmitir.Bu kursun sonunda Finansal okur yazarln alfabesi olan muhasebeyi biliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3DsMax from scratch to render" |
"You will learn 3ds Max from scratch to render, including how to create your own objects, how to modify the objects, how to use modifiers and apply these modifiers on objects, how to add materials to the objects and to adjust the parameters for the materials, how to add lighting and camera and how to create a project and how to finally render your work and get the final result."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Transform Instagram ntr-o afacere" |
"De ct timp foloseti Instagram? De 7 ani? De 5 ani? De 1 an? Ct ctigi din Instagram? Dac tot foloseti aceast platform constant, nu ar fi tare s faci i un ban n plus? Poate urmreti i tu influenceri sau pagini cu zeci de mii de urmritori. Te-ai ntrebat vreodat ct ctig aceste persoane din Instagram? Exist persoane care au sub 10 mii de urmritori i ctig mai mult dect unele care au 100 de mii. De ce? Totul ine de cum foloseti aceast platform. Ai ocazia s te alturi celor care au creat o comunitate pe Instagram. Ai ocazia s devii creator de coninut i s ctigi bani din asta.Te ntrebi cum? Am explicat totul n acest curs. 9 ore de coninut din care vei nva:Cum s creezi o comunitate pe InstagramCum s creezi un profil sau o pagin de calitateCum s strngi urmritoriCum s creezi postri de calitateCum s faci bani din toat aceast munc Sunt activ pe Instagram de 7 ani. n ultimii 5 ani am ncercat toate metodele de a face bani din aceast platform. Dar mi-am dat seama c nu este totul despre bani. Poi crea o comunitate pe Instagram, o comunitate de oameni asemntori cu tine. O comunitate cu care poi mprti idei i preri. O comunitate frumoas, care s te susin i s te ajute. Iar pe lng asta, vor aprea i banii. i vei nva totul n acest curs.CE PRIMETI CND TE NSCRII LA CURS? Acces pe via la toate materialele.Suport i ajutor personalizat pentru tine.Certificat de completare de la Udemy30 de zile garanie dac i se pare c nu nvei nimic din cursBONUSURI Studii de caz i exempleTeste care s te ajute s memorezi tot ce ai nvatCine este instructorul? Robert Cizma, antreprenor i specialist marketing la Storytellers Media. De asemenea, creator de coninut la Lecii de Succes. Am creat o comunitate cu peste 30 de mii de urmritori pe Instagram n mai puin de 18 luni. Educ i ajut oamenii de peste 2 ani i vreau s fac asta n continuare pentru tot restul vieii. Te voi ajuta cu suport pe tot parcursul cursului i i voi rspunde la toate ntrebrile.ACUM ESTE MOMENTUL S TE APUCI DE TREAB! Instagram devine o platform tot mai popular. Acum este momentul s i creezi propria comunitate sau s devii Influencer. ncepe acum i mi vei mulumi n viitor! nscrie-te acum ca s poi beneficia de toate leciile!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"LaTex 0'dan leri Seviyeye" |
"Latex iin tez yazabileceiniz bir ablona sahip olacak ve sorunsuz tezinizi veya projenizi yazabileceksiniz. Yaznz iin gerekli olan tm kodlar bu ders sayesinde elde edebilirsiniz. Kaynak, ekil ve tablo gibi zellikleri eklemek artk kolay olacaktr. Latex kullanm ile dosyanz pdf formatnda kaydedebilir ve herhangi bir ekil hatas olmadan teziniz ve projenizi elde edebilirsiniz. Latex Word'e gre ok daha rahat ve kullanm kolay olan bir programdr. Fakat kullanabilmek iin baz kodlara sahip olmanz gerekmektedir. Bu kurs sayesinde ihtiyacnz olan btn kodlara ulaabilecek, ayrca kodlar hazrlam olduum kaynaklardan kopyalayarak rahat bir ekilde yazabileceksiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teora musical y solfeo para piano: De 0 a 100!" |
"En este curso aprenders desde CERO a como leer cualquier partitura, interpretar los signos musicales y a como aplicar tus conocimientos al piano. Aprenderemos teora con el fin de ganar una base densa sobre la cual poder tocar piezas en el piano sin la preocupacin de no entender la msica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life Course Transform Your Emotions & Become Emphatic" |
"If you are ready to completely shift your life upside down, releasing density from your energetic chakra field and claiming your EMPATH abilities it's time to start your 7-week course today. This isn't your mamas' course on emotions and feelings. If you're willing and ready to see your life and what you have created through the clear light of the soul then let presence ground you into a reality that you can begin actively learning from. Each week you will dive deeply into your own reality to heal your soul level imprints, in doing this you will learn the subtle language of the emotional body and learn how to pick up on the cords of connection between you and others. This course will teach you through the language of the chakras systems. Here you will gain insights that help you move forward confidently knowing what's you, what's them, and how to help."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"G2 Sunday English Stage I" |
"This course is especially designed and arranged for elementary students to improve English comprehensively, which includes vocabulary, grammar, science non-fiction reading, fiction reading, novel reading and writing (essay, after reading review, summary practice) . Students will have to grasp the basic knowledge of English and cultivate the good habit of study so as to improve sharply."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Service Parts Supply Chains: An Introduction." |
"FULL COURSE DESCRIPTIONSpare parts have been around since humans invented things that break and need to be replaced. Service parts supply chains deliver spare parts management as a service. They are an integral part of any hardware based operation, regardless of the industry in question, that do not always get the attention they deserve. Service Parts must be delivered to the customer, and faulty units must often be returned in order to be repaired or otherwise processed. Therefore this area of Supply Chain Management is especially fascinating as it faces challenges from a forward as well as a reverse logistics perspective.In this course you will learn the basic operational principles of service parts supply chains:What they are, their key functions, and how they fit into supply chains in general.The drivers behind the decision to outsource service parts to an external service provider.The main steps involved in preparing for the delivery of the service, from contract analysis, to logistic design, through to system modeling and inventory dimensioning.The approach to service implementation and how service delivery and operations works, including order intake, warehousing and distribution, and repair.How to go about managing a service parts supply chain, covering strategy, demand and supply integration, or cost management.A glimpse into the new technologies that are already making their way into service parts supply chains around the world.BONUS MATERIALSThe course includes three .pdf files with an overview of service preparation, service delivery and operations, and managing the service parts supply chain. You can download these files for your archives, and to keep the big picture in mind as we explore each section."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Unity 3D. De verdad, y sin rodeos." |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo bsico para poder empezar a desarrollar tus videojuegos, de la mano profesionales de actuales diseadores con decenas de juegos creados para mviles y PC.Nos gusta centrarnos en que aprendas lo antes posible, sin necesidad de dar rodeos, y ensearte de una forma clara. Todos los cursos de VR School estn impartidos por profesionales que se encuentran actualmente trabajando en la industria, con proyectos de xito a sus espaldas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
englishfeenglish |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The HR professionals guide to cybersecurity" |
"This course is designed for students who are acting HR professionals, already have knowledge in this Filed or going to get some knowledge, completing this course gives you an understanding about the importance of the HR professional's role in cybersecurity of the company, how HR leaders can enable their organizations to benefit from improved cybersecurity culture, so my course is kind of a handbook For every HR professional to protect a company from cyber attacks and also guide to them Become a Cybersecurity Ninja."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Be Maker 01. Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino." |
"Qui si diventa MAKER!Primo Corso: Corrente, Tensione e Legge di Ohm spiegate con Arduino in 3 Progetti. Inoltre vengo trattati in modo approfondito il LED, il Pulsante e la Breadboard.Questo Primo Corso fa parte di un progetto molto pi esteso che ha quale filo conduttore la finalit di farvi diventare dei makers cio ""creatori"" di vostri progetti di elettronica e robotica.PER CHI E' INTERESSATO AL MATERIALE DIDATTICO UTILIZZATO NEI CORSI BE MAKER CHE INCLUDE ANCHE UNA ROBOT CAR, PUO' SCRIVERMI TRAMITE LA PIATTAFORMA UDEMY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"11-weeks Transformation using Law of Attraction" |
"A Forbes survey revealed that 97% of the population will never reach their full potential.ONLY 3% SUCCEEDOver 11 weeks, learn how the 3% THINK, FEEL and ACT. You'll also receive an ultimate transformation blueprint that you can implement immediately to your life..How will this Masterclass Series BENEFIT You?Study with the Top 1% Success and Mindset CoachLearn actionable strategies to discover your true potentialBe part of a Mastermind Group and grow with like-minded individualsWhat you will RECEIVE from this Masterclass Series:Coaching video once a week for the next 11 weeksWeekly Assignments designed to put your Learnings into PracticeOnline Support in a Private Facebook Group"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
1Y0-203-Citrix-Xenapp-and-Xendesktop-7-15-Administration |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam 1Y0-203-Citrix-Xenapp-and-Xendesktop-7-15-Administration to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn entire Mathematics of 11th & 12th level from basic" |
"This course will be the one roof solution for all requirements that students generally have while learning Mathematics, like, Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematics, Statistics, Vectors, Trigonometry, Complex Number, Probability. Each and every concepts that we have covered are from very basics, so that anyone can easily be understood each and every concept easily. Questions that we have covered are in English Language, but explanation part is in Hindi & English mixed Language."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"HubSpot CRM - How to Get the Most Out of Your HubSpot CRM" |
"In this course, Alexi Leimbach will teach you the most efficient ways to use and optimize your HubSpot CRM for quick and effective sales outreaches and prospecting efforts. This will include learning how to best use the HubSpot prospecting tools, filtered views, productivity tools, and deal stages to ultimately align and customize them to match your specific sales process and business model. Alexi Leimbach is the Director of Marketing at Xcellimark, Co-Leader of the Orlando HubSpot User Group (HUG), and a Certified HubSpot Trainer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Tradicional - Nvel 1" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para te iniciar no Reiki, uma terapia fenomenal que tem sido usada por muitos sculos, em todo o mundo, como uma tcnica de cura. Ela usada para realinhar desequilbrios energticos, mentais, fsicos e emocionais.O curso dividido em unidades fceis de acompanhar, direto ao ponto mas com muito contedo, abrangendo o Reiki Nvel I, desenvolvido com o iniciante em mente. Abordando tpicos como as origens, os benefcios e diferentes usos do tratamento com Reiki, sistemas de energia e chakras, etc. Este curso oferece um alicerde firme para aqueles que buscam equilbrio e conhecimento sobre a energia vital universal.Incluimos vrios recursos, como uma apostila que cobre todos os aspectos do curso, CD para download com msicas temporizadas para prtica do Reiki e vdeo que orienta para a aplicao atravs da imposio das mos.Ao concluir este nvel, voc far uma sintonizao ao Reiki distancia, com data e hora marcadas, seguido pelo seu certificado expedido por ns junto Associao Brasileira de Terapeutas Holsticos e Thai Healing Alliance International..Por que eu devo escolher este curso?Este curso permite que voc obtenha uma compreenso aprofundada e uma base bem fundamentada sobre o Nvel I do Reiki, que pode ser concluda no seu prprio ritmo, trabalhando em torno de seus compromissos do dia a dia.O conhecimento de Reiki que voc obter permitir que voc entenda como ser capaz no apenas de tratar a si, mas tambm amigos e familiares atravs do poder do Reiki.Aps a concluso, voc tambm estar no nvel correto para progredir e se tornar um praticante de Reiki Nvel II, necessrio para uso profisional desta tcnica. Voc obter mais conhecimento sobre as tcnicas mais avanadas usadas no Reiki (como o uso dos smbolos) em todo o seu potencial, alm de entender como possvel executar suas prprias sesses de Reiki como fonte de renda, ajudando outras pessoas.Ento, vamos comear sua jornada hoje?!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Students will learn the step-by-step process in becoming a successful leasing agent. This course will discuss the difference between a real estate agent and a leasing agent. We will look at the pro's and con's of becoming a leasing agent. Students will learn marketing techniques to grow their business and they will be educated on how to pre-qualify potential tenants. Also, those taking this course will learn how to generate unlimited income as a licensed leasing agent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Insider's Guide to Winning Government Contracts in 2020" |
"Many small businesses struggle to find new clients and grow. As a consultant, I have spent 30 yearshelping small firms""hack"" into the Government market grow there business more than they ever thought possible. In this class, I will show you the seven step process that I have taken hundreds of clients through. Here are just a couple of examples of the success my clients have seen using this path: Daniel in Virginia went from $150,000 a year in revenue to over $30,000,000 a year. Michele in Florida went from $800,000 a year to over $12,000,000 a year. Lucia in Texas went from $300,ooo a year to over $14,000,000. These are just a few examples. There are dozens of others. It's not that hard. you can do it too. . "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google Colaboratory with Python" |
"Google Colaboratory is a Google cloud-based service that replicates Jupyter Notebook in the cloud. You dont have to install anything on your system to use it. In most respects, you use Colaboratory as you would a desktop installation of Jupyter Notebook. Google Colaboratory is primarily for those readers who use something other than a standard desktop setup to work.You'll learn about the all features of Google Colaboratory.The course is for you if you're a newcomer to Data Science and Python programming. Google recently update their Google Colabortatory in January 2020. This course is totally on the new version of Google Colaboratory"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Russian Language. Coming to Moscow." |
"This course has 8 units. unit 0 is dedicated to the alphabet, sounds and rules of reading. Every unit consists of 2 lessons except unit 4 and 8. This course contains 12 common situations which you may come across if you travel to Russia. During these lessons you will learn some frequently used words and phrases that will help you understand the person who you are speaking with better in all these situations. This course will also introduce you to the Russian letters and sounds which make the process of studying this language faster, easier and more effective.Important ! At the beginning of every lesson from Unit 1 there is a dialogue in Russian. It shows you what you will learn during this lesson. When you finish this lesson you may listen to this dialogue and check yourself. Every word and construction must be familiar to you at the end of this lesson. If you cannot understand the dialogue of the lesson, you need to go back to a particular slide or watch this lesson once again.Tip. When you listen to this dialogue again, cover the dialogue and try to understand it without using the script. If you have any problems with understanding, use Appendix with the slides (that you can find near Unit 0 lesson 1). All the dialogues in ''Appendix with the slides'' go with the transcription.I hope you will find this course useful and interesting. I would appreciate any feedback."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Word In Myanmar" |
"Microsoft Word ?Microsoft Word Microsoft Word User Interface Microsoft Word Tab Microsoft Word Document Microsoft Word Select Microsoft Word Short Cut Key Microsoft Word Page Section Break Microsoft Word Shapes Microsoft Word Microsoft Word File PDF File Microsoft Word Print"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In this course I teach how to work with various excel functions. I have organized excel 2016 curriculum alphabetically. Specifically for this course, students learn about all Excel 2016 functions starting with alphabet 'A'. I have included 24 lectures with this course wherein each lecture teaches about one function. I wish you a happy learning experience from all of my courses.Your instructor,Anirudh"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Object Oriented Programming Masterclass with Python A-Z" |
"OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING MASTERCLASS WITH PYTHON A-ZCOURSE DESCRIPTIONYou will learn how to create Object Oriented Programming with Python.COURSE PROGRAM AND PROJECTS: You can check the course content for more detailed course programs.ClassesAttributesMethodsMethods vs FunctionsConstructor/InitializerEncapsulationInheritanceAbstract ClassesOverridingPolymorphismRent a Vehicle ProjectWHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST?This is the most comprehensive course for Object Oriented Programming with Python.This course includes many exams to learn better.DO YOU NEED ANYTHING BEFORE TAKING THIS COURSE, LIKE PYTHON?You do not need to know about Python beforehand to participate and be successful in this course. We will learn Python basics, which are necessary for object-oriented programming, step by step. On the other hand, we will do different projects on the subject. All you have to do is listen to what I say, practice it step by step and enjoy the lesson.WHY PYTHON and OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGPython is easy to use, powerful and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts. Python's readability makes it a great first programming language. It allows you to think like a programmer and not waste time with confusing syntax.Object Oriented Programming is a technology that facilitates the work of all expert or novice programmers. It is very useful and provides great convenience in terms of ease of maintenance, extensibility and reusability of the generated code.THE OPPORTUNITIES YOU WILL HAVE WITH THIS COURSECoding ability from scratch: We will code together.Codes and Templates: You can download every Python template and code we have created in the course. Thanks to this code and template, you create the infrastructure for the applications and projects that you will make later.Theory and Logic: We not only tell you how to write code, but also the logic and theory behind the code we write, and why we write such a code.In-class support: We don't just give you video lessons. We have created a professional Python Programmer team and community to support you. This means that you will get answers to your questions within 72 hours.WHO WE ARE: DATAI TEAM ACADEMYDATAI TEAM is a team of Python Programmers and Data Scientists.Let's register for the course and start the Object-Oriented Programming adventure with Python."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PostgreSQL High Performance Tuning Guide" |
"PostgreSQL is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use database management systems. It has strong support from the community and is being actively developed with a new release every year. PostgreSQL supports the most advanced features included in SQL standards. It also provides NoSQL capabilities and very rich data types and extensions. All of this makes PostgreSQL a very attractive solution in software systems. However, getting the best performance from it has not been an easy subject to tackle. You need just the right combination of rules of thumb to get started, proper testing, solid monitoring, and maintenance to keep your system running well, and hints for add-on tools to add the features the core database doesn't try to handle on its own.This course is structured to give you both the theoretical and practical aspects to implement a High-Performance Postgres. It will help you build dynamic database solutions for enterprise applications using the latest release of PostgreSQL 12.You'll examine all the advanced aspects of PostgreSQL 12 in detail, including logical replication, database clusters, performance tuning, and monitoring. You will also work with the PostgreSQL optimizer, configure Postgres for high speed by looking at transactions, locking, indexes, and optimizing queries.You are expected to have some exposure to databases. Basic familiarity with database objects such as tables and indexes is expected. You will find this course really useful if you have no or a little exposure to PostgreSQL. If you have been working with PostgreSQL for a few years, you should still find a few useful commands that you were not aware of or a couple of optimization approaches you have not tried. You will also gain more insight into how the database works.Postgres High-Performance Tuning Guide Overview:Understanding PostgreSQL Server ArchitectureIn this section, we will explore the PostgreSQL Architecture.Shared Buffers works in cooperation with operating system cache, rather than replacing it. These caches improve performance by reducing the physical I/O necessary.Why we need to set Checkpoints carefully to limit crash recovery time, while not impacting the rest of the system's performance.This section will give you all an introduction to why we need the WAL Writer and also the Background Writer.See the stages that the Query Processor has to pass in order to obtain the results.The utility Subsystem provides ways to maintain the database, such as claiming storage, updating statistics and logging.Configuring Vacuum for PerformanceWe will understand why any time we do an UPDATE or DELETE, we will leave a dead row behind (and potentially a dead index entry) that needs to be cleaned up later by some form of vacuum.We will learn that when tables grow very large because of excessive dead tuples then performance will tend to decrease. Therefore the VACUUM process should never be avoided.This section explains why it's better to have a steady low-intensity vacuum work, using the autovacuum feature of the database, instead of disabling that feature and having to do that cleanup in larger blocks.How to use an Index efficientlyUnderstand that adding an index increase overhead every time you add or change rows in a table. Each index needs to satisfy enough queries to justify how much it costs to maintain.In this section, we'll explain why the execution plan of a query depends on the data inside the table. If the data has low carnality, PostgreSQL will most probably ignore the indexIn this section we'll learn why an index is only useful if it is selective; it can be used to only return a small portion of the rows in a table.In this section, we will explore how to use bitmap scans effectivelyIndex Optimization TipsOn top of just using indexes, it is also possible to implement custom strategies for your particular application to speed things up How to be able to answer queries by only using the data in an index using covering indexes.This section covers why defining indexes on foreign keys it's a good practice.In this section, we will explore partial indexes and how small, efficient index can be enjoyed.Indexes can require periodic rebuilding to return them to optimum performance, and clustering the underlying data against the index order can also help improve their speed for queries.We'll explain when it's useful to modify the fill factor parameter of a table. In this section, we will see in which cases it's better to use a combined index vs multiple independent indexes.Making Use of Statistics In this section, you'll explore statistics that can help you find and sort the queries that are responsible for most of the load on the system.PostgreSQL offers a large set of statistics. In this section, we'll make it easier to take advantage of their insights.We'll get to see the fastest way to detect missing indexes but we'll also explore when it's necessary to drop indexes.Spotting Query ProblemsWe'll explain how to read query plans and understand how each of the underlying node types works.We'll get to see how queries are executed as a series of nodes that each do a small task, such as fetching data aggregation or sorting.We'll explore portions of the query that actually had the longest execution time, and see if they had an appropriate matching cost.The variation between estimated and actual rows can cause major planning issues. We'll explore what we can do in such cases.Query Optimizations TipsWe'll see why it's important to first question the semantic correctness of a statement before attacking the performance problemWe'll understand why we should avoid SELECT *, ORDER BY and DISTINCT unless we really need them and there is no other wayWe'll explore PostgreSQL features such as CASE syntax and parallel queries to reduce time execution for queriesHow to set shared_buffers for better performanceWe will see that the PostgreSQL allocation for the default shared_buffers is extremely low and we need to increase it to allow proper shared memory size for the database.We will cover how shared_buffers works in cooperation with operating system cache, rather than replacing it and we should size it as only a moderate percentage of total RAM.We will understand that if we want to do better than allocating a percentage to the shared_buffers relative to the OS cache, we need to analyze the buffers cache contentScaling and ReplicationWe'll see how replication can also be used to improve the performance of a software system by making it possible to distribute the load on several database servers.In some cases, the functionality of replication provided by PostgreSQL isn't enough. There are third-party solutions that work around PostgreSQL, providing extra features, such as Pgpool-II which can work as a load balancer and Postgres-XL which implement a multi-server distributed database solution that can operate very large amounts of data and handle a huge load."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mastering change" |
"Why can't we just decide to change something and make it happen? Why do we reach for the remote when we said we would reach for the running shoes? Uncover the HOW of making change. Learn about unconscious beliefs and thoughts that can hold you back from making the changes you want to make in any area of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
DroolsWorkbench |
"DroolsWorkbenchBusiness Central WorkbenchKie-ServerWildFlyWorkbenchKie-ServerWorkbenchJavaKie-ServerWorkbenchKie-Server"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following should be the FIRST step in developing an information security plan?a) Perform a technical vulnerabilities assessmentb) Analyze the current business strategyc) Perform a business impact analysisd) Assess the current levels of security awarenessQ) Senior management commitment and support for information security can BEST be obtained through presentations that:a) use illustrative examples of successful attacks.b) explain the technical risks to the organization.c) evaluate the organization against best security practices.d) tie security risks to key business objectives.Q) The MOST appropriate role for senior management in supporting information security is the:a) evaluation of vendors offering security products.b) assessment of risks to the organization.c) approval of policy statements and funding.d) monitoring adherence to regulatory requirements.Q) Which of the following would BEST ensure the success of information security governance within an organization?a) Steering committees approve security projectsb) Security policy training provided to all managersc) Security training available to all employees on the intranetd) Steering committees enforce compliance with laws and regulations"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"PMI CAPM Certify Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The stakeholder register is an output of:a) Identify Stakeholders.b) Plan Stakeholder Management.c) Control Stakeholder Engagement.d) Manage Stakeholder Engagement.Q) An output of the Develop Project Team process is:a) change requestsb) team performance assessmentsc) project staff assignmentsd) project documents updatesQ) Managing ongoing production of goods and services to ensure business continues efficiently describes which type of management?a) Portfoliob) Projectc) Programd) OperationsQ) Which type of manager is assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives?a) Programb) Functionalc) Projectd) Portfolio"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Adobe Illustrator profesional, rpido y facil" |
"Sin duda Adobe Illustrator es un programa gigante con miles de herramientas. Hemos vistos excelentes cursos que intentan ensear todo el contenido que este programa ofrece. Esto es bueno, pero en el mundo actual necesitamos aprender de manera profesional las herramientas que nos permitan solucionas rpida y aplicables ya!!!. Este curso es una capitulacin, un compilado profesional de todo el contenido necesario y las herramientas esenciales que te permitirn disponer del 90% del poder, pero invirtiendo tan solo un 10% de tu tiempo.Si deseas el conocimiento para aplicarlo ya a tus proyectos o para una salida laboral, este es tu curso.Podrs decir YOSE Illustrator Profesional"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |