Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Theo Di Chuyn i Bng Google Tag Manager Tht D" |
"Bn ang s dng website vo cng vic kinh doanh? Nu khng th tr li bt k mt trong cc cu hi sau y th kho hc ny chnh l ni dung Bn ang cn trin khai ngay lp tc:Chin dch qung co no ang mang li n hng?Bn c hiu r khch hng online ch yu l ai, tui bao nhiu, nam hay n, thnh ph no khng?Bn c cn c g lp k hoch doanh thu hay li nhun khng?Nhng knh traffic no ang pht huy hiu qu?Bn c th nh gi hiu qu mt chin dch marketing bt k (SEO, ads...) khng?Bn c bit chi ph trn 1 n hng ang l bao nhiu khng?Thc ra cn nhiu cu hi na, nhng chc l Bn on c im chung. tr li c tt c cu hi trn, iu duy nht chng ta cn l nm r chi tit ton b hnh vi ca khch hng ti website.V thc hin iu ny, chng ta cn phi thit lp theo di chuyn i & hnh vi quan trng.17+ bi ging video hng dn chi tit theo hnh thc cm tay ch vic s quay li mi thao tc trn Google Tag Manager Bn khng b b l bt k chi tit no d l nh nht.S tht l marketing l mt mn khoa hc da trn d liu. Hon ton khng phi cm tnh.Trc khi Bn mun ci thin bt k vn g, u tin phi tin hnh theo di, o c. Sau mi tin hnh phn tch, nh gi d liu thu thp c a ra cc phng n ti u.Trong digital marketing, thit lp theo di chuyn i chnh l vic u tin Bn bt buc phi lm, khng c cch no khc."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comercializacin de productos sanitarios en Europa." |
"Presentamos este curso de: COMERCIALIZACIN DE PRODUCTOS SANITARIOS.Est destinado a fabricantes, importadores y distribuidores. En especial, est indicado a aquellas empresas que inician su actividad en este sector, o bien cambia su papel, por ejemplo de distribuidor a fabricante, o bien necesita asegurarse que est cumpliendo con todo lo dispuesto en la legislacin debido, principalmente, a la nueva reglamentacin que entra en plena vigencia en mayo del 2020.La legislacin desarrollada aqu es la reglamentacin europea vigente desde el ao 2017 (* Reglamento UE 2017/745) y la legislacin nacional espaola vigente (** RD 1591/2009).Repasaremos los requisitos que todos los agentes econmicos deben conocer para realizar su actividad conforme a la legislacin nacional y europea vigente de los productos sanitarios. Hemos preparado el curso para que sea de gran utilidad a importadores y distribuidores, ya que abarca todos y cada uno de los requisitos que deben cumplir. Para fabricantes, no vamos a profundizar, para no extendernos, en los requisitos sobre el diseo de su producto y su dossier tcnico, ni sobre cmo implantar un sistema de gestin de calidad de productos sanitarios.Lo que haremos es analizar todos los artculos de los textos normativos citados, y los explicamos de forma muy clara y sencilla y que pueda ser aplicado por todo tipo de empresas desde pequeas a medianas empresas. Consideramos que se aborda toda la legislacin referente a la comercializacin de los productos sanitarios de forma suficiente para que conozca todos los requisitos y pueda empezar a implantar su cumplimiento en su empresa.* Reglamento (UE) 2017/745 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 5 de abril de 2017, sobre los productos sanitarios, por el que se modifican la Directiva 2001/83/CE, el Reglamento (CE) n. 178/2002 y el Reglamento (CE) n. 1223/2009 y por el que se derogan las Directivas 90/385/CEE y 93/42/CEE del Consejo (Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE. ).** Real Decreto 1591/2009, de 16 de octubre, por el que se regulan los productos sanitarios."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Transfer Pricing Masterclass (Part 1)" |
"The aim of this module is to highlight the legal framework that covers Transfer Pricing. Transfer Pricing touches multinational corporations, working in multiple jurisdictions. This module will provide the student with an overview of the tools needed to assess the the legal environment of a specific jurisdiction when applying the transfer pricing principles. This is a very broad module, however, it lays the foundation for the rest of the course. The appreciation of operating within an ethical framework and specifically within the Transfer Pricing environment is discussed with the students.The module also covers the very important Arms Length Principle and Functional Analysis, laying further groundwork for the rest of the course.The ""Arm's-Length Principle"" of transfer pricing states that the amount charged by one related party to another for a given product must be the same as if the parties were not related. An arm's-length price for a transaction is therefore what the price of that transaction would be on the open market.The functional analysis is used for transfer pricing purposes. It analyses the functions performed (taking into account assets used and risks assumed) by associated enterprises in a transaction."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS Composer 2020 Eitimi - 3DVIA - CATIA" |
"SOLIDWORKS Composer'n temel zelliklerini ve baarl kullanmlarn anlattmz bu dersi tamamladnz zaman CAD tasarm dosyalarndan rahatlkla 2 boyutlu ve 3 boyutlu ktlar alabiliyor olacaksnz.Vektrel grafikler (svg, eps), resimler (jpg,png), detay resimler oluturarak dokmantasyonlarnz iin ierikleri hazrlayabileceksiniz. Ayrca animasyonlardan etkileimli para listelerine eitli ktlar ile mterilinizi etkileyebileceksiniz. -Bu kurs 2 gnlk canl bir dersin kayddr-SOLIDWORKS Composer nedir?Daha nce 3DVIA Composer ismiyle sunulan SOLIDWORKS Composer; ek bir tasarm bilgisi gerektirmeden, 3D CAD verilerini kullanarak ierikler oluturmanz salayan bir aratr. Montaj talimatlar, rn klavuzlar, eitim materyalleri ve pazarlama faliyetleri iin ierikler gibi ok eitli teknik ktlar almanz salar. Ayrca btn bu ieriklerin otomatik olarak gncellenebilmesini salayan aralar sunar.CATIA ComposerProgram ayn zamanda CATIA Composer ismi ile halen sat devam etmektedir. Aralarndaki fark CATIA dosyalar ile alabilmesidir. Onun dnda arayz ve zellikler olarak ayndr.SOLIDWORKS Composer Player nedir?cretsiz olarak kurabileceiniz bu program ile SOLIDWORKS Composer'da hazrladnz projeleri istediiniz Windows tabanl bilgisayarlar, tabletler veya kiosklarda inceleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Videoschnitt fr Anfnger mit Premiere in einer Stunde" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger, die noch nie Videos geschnitten haben.Dein Guide:Lucas ist seit mehreren Jahren professioneller Filmmaker und hat als Freelancer bereits fr Weltkonzerne und globale Marken Videos geschnitten. Er zeigt dir in diesem Kurs kurz und schmerzlos, wie du selbst Videos mit Premiere schneiden kannst. Du bekommst neben vorbereitetem Material auerdem seine E-Mail-Adresse, falls du auerhalb des Kurses noch Fragen hast oder Feedback zu deinen Videos haben mchtest.Der Kurs:Die meisten Kurse & Tutorials sind viel zu lang und werden von Hobbyisten unterrichtet.Dieser Kurs hingegen gibt dir in einer Stunde das ntige Wissen, deine eigenen Videos zu schneiden sei es fr Youtube, deine Familie oder den Start deiner Filmmaker Karriere. Unterrichtet wirst du von jemandem, der seit mehreren Jahren damit sein Geld verdient.Hier wird nicht lange gelabert oder dir unntige Funktionen gezeigt: Du lernst das Wichtigste und vor allem lernst du es whrend du es selbst tust. Learning by doing du verwendest entweder deine eigenen Aufnahmen, oder das von Lucas gestellte Filmmaterial. Keine langweilige Theorie, sondern nur Praxis.---Voraussetzung:PC / Mac mit Adobe Premiere (Test- oder Vollversion).Grundlegendes PC-Verstndnis (Du bist in der Lage, die Verzeichnisse deines PCs zu navigieren und weit, was ein Linksklick ist.).Bock darauf, etwas Kreatives zu schaffen.Du bist hier richtig wenn:Du schon immer mal Videos schneiden wolltest, aber nicht weit, wo du anfangen sollst.Dir 10 Stunden Tutorials auf die Nerven gehen.Du einfach loslegen willst.Du keinen Bock auf Theorie hast.Du kreativ werden willst.Du 20 Ideen fr Filme hast, aber allein das ffnen von Premiere dir Panikattacken verursacht.Du bist hier falsch wenn:Du bereits ein Premiere-Gott bist.Du bereits ein anderes Schnittprogramm beherrschst.Du keinen Bock hast, kreativ zu sein.Du alles serviert bekommen willst, ohne etwas dafr zu tun."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sell Your Home, on Your Own" |
"If youre a DIYer, go-getter or homeowner looking to control the process of selling your home while experiencing less stress, you can sell your OWN home and save THOUSANDS of dollars.You already know that people sell their home ""For Sale by Owner"". This has always been an option. You also probably know that with the internet the real estate industry is changing. Realtors no longer have the power or control they once owned. You already know that buyers can find a home by searching on Zillow or Realtor, and NOW you know that YOU as a seller have the right to sell your home yourself."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Writing Maintainable Unit Tests" |
"Are unit tests causing you pain? Are they constantly failing whenever you make changes to your production code? Do you spend a lot of time fixing them when they break? Are they difficult to set up and run? Do you have a hard time maintaining or structuring your unit test code? Are they causing you headaches from time to time? Are you ready to give up on writing unit tests or have you already done so?Or do you just want to step up your game and want to learn more about how to write readable and maintainable unit tests?This course is for software developers who want to improve upon their existing skills for writing unit tests. By the end of this course, students will have gained the knowledge to build loosely coupled, highly maintainable and robust unit tests that are trustworthy and improve the overall code quality of your software applications. The content of this course is based on 15+ years of experience with Test-Driven Development. This knowledge is essential for becoming a senior-level software developer or a technical lead.Although the examples that are used throughout this course are written in C#, the principles and guidance discussed here are broadly applicable to other platforms and programming environments as well. So students will be able to universally apply this knowledge throughout the rest of their careers as software developers."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Oto hipnoz ile stres ynetimi" |
"Stres metabolizmamzn, tehlikeye kar ald bir nlemdir. Ancak ilerimizde, eitimde, hemen her snrlar zorlayan her durumda stres oluruz. Stresin zm ok basittir. Pozitif dnerek, stresin etkisini azaltabilirsiniz. Ancak stres durumunda, dncelerimizi deitirmek neredeyse imkanszdr. Bu eitimimizde, oto hipnoz ile, kendi kendimize, pozitif dndrecek yetkinlii kazanacaz. Fayda olarak da, stresimizi, kaygmz, endiemizi, korkumuzu, paniimizi ortadan kaldrabileceiz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Sketch, beginner to pro in less than 2 hours" |
"Learn how to make layouts, grids, choose colors, make symbols and advanced nested symbols. We will learn to use typography properly while making two designs to boost your portfolio. We will create a landing page and an a couple of app screens. That will make you learn all the tools of Sketch and give you the confidence to design anything!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raja Yoga - Explore Your Deepest Self" |
"This course is like an atomic bomb that won't take much of your time but will leave a permanent effect on your whole life in ways you have never imagined.Karma's literal meaning is action and whatever we do (consciously or subconsciously) leaves a residual effect on our system. What we ignorantly call destiny or luck is basically these residual effects of Karma giving out their effect. Simple cause and effect right? But it goes much deeper. So deep that our minds cannot simply understand its intensity in its normal state. We will start with the grosser (understandable) aspects and slowly move on to the subtler aspects while we enhance our perception on our way. One day, if you follow the process, you would have gained enough mastery over the subtler aspects of your existence, and the whole universe will reveal its secrets in front of you. It will appear to you in its causal form, and you will get to your real ultimate Self. Since the dawn of history, various extraordinary phenomena have been recorded as happening amongst human beings. Witnesses are not willing in modern times to attest to the fact of such events, even in societies living under the full blaze of modern science. The vast mass of such evidence is unreliable, as coming from ignorant, superstitious, or fraudulent persons. In many instances the so-called miracles are imitations. But what do they imitate? It is not the sign of a candid and scientific mind to throw overboard anything without proper investigation. Surface scientists, unable to explain the various extraordinary mental phenomena, strive to ignore their very existence. They are, therefore, more culpable than those who think that their prayers are answered by a being, or beings, above the clouds, or those who believe that their petitions will make such beings change the course of the universe. The latter have the excuse of ignorance, or at least of a defective system of education, which has taught them dependence upon such beings, a dependence which has become a part of their degenerate nature. The former have no such excuse.For thousands of years such phenomena have been studied, investigated, and generalized, the whole ground of the religious faculties of man has been analyzed, and the practical result is the science of Raja-Yoga which we are going to learn in this course. Raja-Yoga does not, after the unpardonable manner of some modern scientists, deny the existence of facts which are difficult to explain; on the other hand, it gently yet in no uncertain terms tells the superstitious that miracles, and answers to prayers, and powers of faith, though true as facts, are not rendered comprehensible through the superstitious explanation of attributing them to the agency of a being, or beings, above the clouds. It declares that each man is only a conduit for the infinite ocean of knowledge and power that lies behind humanity. It teaches that desires and wants are in man, that the power of supply is also in man; and that wherever and whenever a desire, a want, a prayer has been fulfilled, it was out of this infinite magazine that the supply came, and not from any supernatural being. The idea of supernatural beings may rouse to a certain extent, the power of action in humans, but it also brings spiritual decay. It brings dependence; it brings fear; it brings superstition. It degenerates into a horrible belief in the natural weakness of humans. There is no supernatural, says the Yogi, but there are in nature gross manifestations and subtle manifestations. The subtle are the causes, the gross the effects. The gross can be easily perceived by the senses; not so the subtle.This course will teach you how to start perceiving the subtler aspects of reality and hence give you a kickstart on your journey towards your own Infinite nature."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Game Kit (no coding) level design" |
"Want to build a playable game level with little programming? Unity 3D Game Kit is the answer, and the experts here at the School of Game Design have over 22 years of experience in both game development and teaching, that make it simple and fun to learn. Both the Unity Engine and the 3D Game Kit are completely free to download and start using to build your game development skills.This Unity 3D Game Kit comes packed with beautiful graphics, easy-to-use design tools and plenty of creative freedom to explore your inner game designer. This course is perfect for someone interested in becoming a game designer or level designer without needing to worry about building an entire game in order to create fun playable designs right now.The output from this course will be your very own fully-functional action adventure game. Create beautiful and interesting environments using the assets that come with the 3D Game KitAdd moving platforms, doors, keys / locks and other building blocks necessary for making an interesting levelAdd and tune enemies for the player to interact withAdd hazards, and obstacles for the playerbuild your terrain and skybox to make it really your ownBuild, interact and equip a shield to your player"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Brand Yourself as a Professional Model" |
"Want To Brand Yourself As A Professional Model But Dont Know Where To Start?Maybe youve received advice from other agents but none of them gave you any real guidance or direction on what to do.Or maybe you've been scammed by people who claimed to be professionals but left you with nothing but empty promises.Here's What You Get In The Course...5 Video Trainings From Industry ExpertsInsider Secrets to the Modeling IndustryBranding & Social Media TipsGuidance on How to Build Your Modeling Career& More!Meet the Founder, Marie P. AndersonMarie here, Founder of Boss Babe Models. Trust me, I know how you feelBefore I coached teens and young adults to launch their modeling careers, I was a model too. I didnt even know where to startI was so frustrated when agents didnt call me back. I would start to wonder, is it me? I started to wonder if I should just give up...Until I realized, just because an agency doesnt call you back, doesnt mean its me, its the way I was positioning myself that made all the difference. Thats when I hit a serious breakthrough in my own modeling career & now help hundreds of other teens and young adults achieve this same breakthrough in their modeling careers! In this course, Im going to show you how position and brand yourself as a top model so agencies are coming to you! ...even if youre just starting out. Marie P. Anderson xoxoWhat actual clients are saying about Boss Babe Models...Alex Crockford 28 yrs old@alexcrockfordI was extremely lucky to gain contact with Marie and she has been an incredible guide all the way through my modeling career. I know that the advice and guidance that I receive from Marie, I can trust.Natalie Aponte 17 yrs old@nataliemaponteI've only known Marie for a few months, she has helped me more than I could have ever imagined. I can't thank her enough for helping me with some really big decisions in my life. One of those really big decisions is me becoming way more outspoken and changing up my social media.Stephanie Shapiro 21 yrs old@stephanieshapiro.officialMarie took me under her wing. She signed me up with the agency that she was with at the time and became my mother agent. She has taught me so many things about the model industry that I don't think I would ever know if it wasn't for her. I'm so thankful for everything that she's taught me.Are you ready to build your brand & be seen as a professional model? Then get this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Three.js 3D Graphics for Web: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques" |
"Three.js is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for displaying 3D content (such as models, games, music videos, scientific and data visualizations, or anything else you can imagine), on the web, right in your browser (and including mobile devices!).In this course, you'll learn neat tips, tricks, and techniques for using the library that will take your skills to the next level. You will start with advanced geometry techniques you can use to create models, then learn how to work with GLSL, and master Three.js physics and particles. You will also learn about various Three.js helpers and debugging techniques you can use to track down problems and use Chrome's developer tools in to edit 3D projects at runtime. Next, you will delve into path-finding techniques and 3D audio tricks (such as navigation mesh and AudioListeners/analyzers) to add life to your 3D projects.By the end of the course, your expertise in using Three.js for your 3D graphics and visualization projects will be richer and broader, thus separating you from the competition.About the AuthorNik Lever started work in 1980 as a cartoon animator. Buying a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 was the start of a migration to a role as a full-time programmer. The ZX81 was quickly swapped for the Sinclair Spectrum; a Z80 processor and a massive 48K of RAM made this a much better computer on which to develop games and he developed games using Sinclair Basic and then Z80 Assembler. The Spectrum was swapped for a Commodore Amiga and Nik developed more games in the shareware market, moving on to use C. At this stage, programming was essentially a hobby. Paid work was still animated TV commercials.Nik finally bought a PC in the early nineties, created a sprite library ActiveX control, and authored his first book, aimed at getting designers into programming. In the mid-nineties along came Flash and the company he was now running, Catalyst Pictures, became known for creating games.Since then, the majority of his working life has been devoted to creating games, first in Flash and then Director, as Director published the first widely available 3D library that would run in a browser using a plugin.In recent years, his game development has involved using HTML5 and Canvas to create 2D and 3D games using both custom code and various libraries. His preference is to use the latest version of Adobe Flash, now called Animate, which exports to JavaScript via the Createjs library and uses the THREE.js WebGL library.Nik has developed online content for the BBC, Johnson and Johnson, Deloitte, Mars Corporation, and many other blue-chip clients. The company he's run for over 30 years has won several awards and has been nominated for a BAFTA twice, the UK equivalent to the Oscar.Over the last 20 years, he has been struck by just how difficult it has been to get good developers and has decided to do something about this rather than just complain. He runs a CodeClub for 9-13-year-old kids and has developed several courses for Udemy in the hope of inspiring and educating new developers."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL - Getting Started With The Basics" |
"Do you want to level up your data analytics skills?Do you want to learn the worlds most popular database software, used by corporations and businesses all over the world?If so, youre in the right place - and were happy to have you here!It's great to have you here. WE LOVE WORKING WITH DATA!Maybe you're an Excel user who has done a little bit of SQL code, or maybe you have quite a bit of database experience. Either way, we've made this course to help you become skilled at with SQL code and SQL Server databases.Start building databases, manipulating data and building data analytics capabilities in your job today!If you've started to hit the limits of what is possible in Excel, either with the size of data or the complexity of your processes, then SQL Server is a logical next step. It allows great control, faster data processing and more reliable and repeatable results than working in spreadsheets. SQL is (thankfully) a straightforward programming language to learn. This course will teach you everything you to start working with databases today. The course includes:Downloadable lesson code filesChallenge lessons to practice your skillsSQL Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet to download for quick referenceWhat makes me qualified to teach you?I'm Martyn Blythin, and I've been using SQL and SQL Server for over a decade. I'm a data scientist and have worked for many global financial services corporations, building data analytics, KPI dashboards and databases.Plus, I run some of Udemy's most popular Excel courses, with over 30,000 students and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:The instructor does a good job of starting simple and building up to more complex ideas using practical examples. Jerrett MMartyn's course is simple and coherent. It is well taught and I do feel that Ive gained important, practical information. Shoma BThoroughly enjoyed the course as it was very well paced. Bite sized yet providing clear concise detailed instructions that I could follow the activities in a separate file and learn by doing. Good clarity in speech and good examples help. The instructor also reverts back quickly if you have a question or suggestion. Cathy BMY PROMISE TO YOUI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.We want to make this the best course on learning SQL and SQL Server. So if there is any way we can improve this course, just tell us and we'll make it happen.WHAT'S THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT?Whether you're using SQL for the first time or are brushing up on your skills this course will teach you how to use SQL Server and Microsoft SQL to its fullest potential.When you are done with this course you'll be able to work with data in SQL with ease. You'll be able to manipulate data tables, create new ones and query your existing data to answer specific data questions with confidence.You'll also be able to add to and edit existing data tables and spend less time working in Excel. You'll be able to export your query results to Excel where needed to turn data into reports.Well do this by covering SQL Server setup and configuration, downloading a sample database, covering how to write tidy code, and how to navigate the SQL Server interface. You'll know the main commands needed to run a basic query, and how to filter your results using the WHERE clause. You'll be able to sort and group your query results and how to insert, amend and delete data from tables, and much more.Make your database skills count with this great course!Each lesson is available for download, so you can take it with you wherever you go.KEY TOPICS:Navigating the SQL Server applicationWorking with the different types of objects and data in SQL ServerSelecting data using simple queriesUsing Where clauses to query specific data in tablesAggregate queries - learn to sum, count and average numeric fieldsSorting your query resultsJoining tables togetherUpdate data in tablesInsert new rows into tablesCreate new tablesDelete and clear table contentsWith our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Martyn"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Network Programming (Sequel) - Build 5 More Apps" |
"Why would you take this course?Hi! My name is Mihai. I've been a Network Engineer since 2008, having the privilege of working for 3 major corporations and configuring, maintaining and testing multi-vendor network environments. At the same time, I managed to obtain several well-known certifications, such as CCNA, CCDA, JNCIA and CCNP, which complemented the skills I was getting from my job and increased the number of job offers I was receiving to my LinkedIn inbox.But the thing that simply jumpstarted my career was learning the Python programming language and implementing it in some of my daily tasks and processes. I've been a self-taught guy for most of my adult life and, since I lacked the time to read endless, boring programming books, I chose to learn by watching video tutorials and ""getting my hands dirty"" with code. Unfortunately, at that time I was unable to find a complete, coherent programming course for network engineers, so I had to put together various pieces of information scattered across Google and YouTube.Almost two years later, after I had the chance to practice my new Python skills intensively, performing various tasks on network devices and automating hundreds of network tests, I decided to create this course for you - the network professional who knows that getting a certification just isn't enough anymore in today's job market. The ability to write scripts and automate certain tasks is one of the primary skills that the big employers are looking for.This course simply enables you to save time and efforts whilst acquiring these in-demand skills and upgrading your career.Join thousands of successful network engineers who decided to learn Python network programming using my 100% hands-on courses! Without further ado, I'll let you read more about the contents of this course down below and I'll hopefully see you in the first lecture. Multiple hours of Python 3 content designed for Network Engineers I am updating the course frequently with new videos and code I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours Full Python 3 applications, code and notebooks are included Downloadable Python 3 Beginner's Cheat Sheet is included Udemy Bestselling Instructor with over 3000 reviews Over 70.000 satisfied students across several e-learning platforms Certificate of Completion is Included! What others have to say about my Python courses?Before you read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about my courses:""What an incredible value and learning experience!"" by Sean A.""Excellent material. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level of creativity."" by Anthony W.""I can say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining in the most empirical/foundational way."" by Kolapo A. What's this course all about?Python Network Programming (using Python version 3.8) course aimed exclusively at network professionals / engineers / admins.During this course you will build 5 very useful network tools:IntroductionSetting Up the Working Environment in GNS3Application 1: Read SNMPv3 objects with Python 3Application 2: Build a Basic NMAP Tool with Python 3Application 3: Build a Rogue DHCP Server Discovery Tool with Python 3Application 4: Filter and Monitor LLDP Log Messages with Python 3Application 5: Build an OSPF Network Discovery Tool with Python 3Final Section Equipped with working files, cheat sheets and Python code samples, you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and each application. I will provide the full code for each application, so you can save time and start coding and testing on the spot. What others have to say about my courses?""I have been programming since 1978 and wanted to learn python. I have had no java or OOP experience, and I tried several 'paper' tutorials but got little out of them. The first part of this course is a steady walk through the Python language at just the right speed. The instructor seems to touch all the basis in a logical and methodical way while providing examples and explanations. I can only conclude the instructor is a professional educator who spent considerable time structuring and organizing the course. The result is evident. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO LEARN PYTHON!"" by Larry Laswell""I've tried learning from the books & multiple videos - most were too basic to make a practical app. Some books were too thick and made me sleep. But still none of the materials had the perfect balance like this course where all the basics were covered, instructions were concise, and Mihai walks you through how to create 7 practical apps step by step. I've also tried reading some advanced python book which didn't make sense because it was too advanced. Let me tell you, this is hands down ""that course that takes you up to beyond the basics"" to bridge you to the advance topics. Right now I'm hitting the advanced topics and it finally makes sense..."" by Joon Park""Usually I'm not doing courses review but this time I will make an exception. During time I took a lot of trainings but very few provided by Udemy proved as having the right approach in teaching the audience. I will mark this one as being one of my personal top three best trainings as content's quality, technical explanations, and additional learning materials perspective. Long story short this course is a very simple, straight forward way of learning Python for managing IT networks."" by Johnny Stanescu""This is a great course for network engineers who would like to start automating their tasks. Geared towards beginners, this course teaches the fundamentals of programming and applying those concepts to networking. There is a lot of fluff about python on the internet, however the instructor managed to put together the necessary information to start automating the network. A working knowledge of TCP/IP is needed to get the most out of this course. Should you understand every lecture, you will be ready to start writing your own scripts according to your needs. In particular, I loved the use of scapy, an amazing tool which should be in the arsenal of anyone working with TCP/IP."" by Costin-Alin Neacsu""I've seen the blueprint and some demo videos and I was convinced right away. Without a doubt, it's one of the best trainings a network engineer can have. It gives you actual valuable and marketable skills that you can use in your daily job. Mihai explains the topics really well, with practical examples making it a fun way to learn. Highly recommended."" by Vlad Vlaicu Important information before you enroll!In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked.Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you choose to drop the course during the first 30 days).You will benefit from my full support regarding any question you might have and your course colleagues will help you, as well. This is not just a programming course, it's an amazing learning community!Check out the promo video at the top of this page and some of the free preview videos in the curriculum to get a taste of my teaching style and methods before making your decision!""I would firstly thank you for making this course . Secondly, i did like the approach. You understand the mindset of the beginner. I would recommend this course for all those who want to consider using Python for network automation."" by Pramod Ramu Enroll NOW and hop on the Python 3 Network Programming train. Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"VFX Compositing with Nuke: Invisible Visual Effects" |
"If you want to learn how to use industry-standard software, Nuke, to composite impressive invisible visual effects (VFX) shots, then you're looking at the right course. This course will reveal the tips, tricks and applications of invisible VFX compositing in post-production visual effects - one of the most common types of shot assignments you'll get as a compositor.Learn How to Composite Industry-Quality Invisible VFX Shots.Using 3 real live-action films as test shots for this course, learn by actually working on shots while following the course as a step-by-step guide to proper and professional invisible VFX compositing.Why This Course?Taught by a real professional in the visual effects and film industry who worked on actual Hollywood blockbustersStep-by-step guide with practical and hands-on live-action shots to work onInsights and know-hows that would save you time and money when working on your own visual effects shotComplimentary course in a series of other advanced visual effects tricks, tips and methodsNetworking and open collaboration opportunities with instructor and studentsPick up the Tricks that Keep Your Invisible VFX Shots Perfectly Invisible.You will Learn How:Invisible visual effects are applied in film and televisionTo composite realistic invisible VFX shotsTo use Nuke for invisible VFX compositing in live-action filmsTo apply basic and advanced invisible VFX compositing techniques and tricksTo apply effective and smart techniques of doing compositingThe best part about this course is that it's going to cover all that you need to know about invisible VFX compositing in only the time that is necessary to get the lessons across.If you are truly serious about learning how to composite invisible VFX shots that fool audiences, in a real-world setting similar to working artists, then this is the right course for you.P.S. instructor final project working Nuke scripts are now included as a resource!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mathcad desde cero" |
"Mathcad Prime es la herramienta No.1 para hacer clculos de rutina, debido a lo fcil que resulta escribir y realizar operaciones matemticas. El contenido del curso abarca desde convertir de unidades, hasta realizar algunas rutinas cortas de programacin y realizar complejas operaciones matemticas, de manera simple.El principal objetivo de este curso es mejorar tu productividad, a travs de una herramienta que te permitir enfocarte en el contenido de tus clculos, simplificando lo relacionado con la operatoria matemtica.Entre el contenido del curso encontrars:Herramientas para realizar operaciones matemticas de forma automatizadaManejo de diversos sistemas de unidades en ecuaciones y operaciones matemticasHerramientas para realizar grficas de varios tiposElementos de programacin predefinidosSolucin a operaciones de lgebra, aritmtica, de calculo diferencial e integral, operaciones lgicas, entre otrasHerramientas para manipular el formato del documentoFunciones para imprimir y/o exportar en PDFY mucho ms...El curso parte desde cero para aquellos que no tienen ningn conocimiento del programa, y abarca el uso de las herramientas ms avanzadas del programa, entre ellas las de programacin.Es un curso dedicado a cualquier disciplina, y solo requiere conceptos generales de matemtica para poderse aprovechar.Si tienes alguna duda acerca del curso, no dudes en escribirme."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Idioms and Expressions with Diana" |
"Do you want to speak English fluently?Would you like to travel and explore the world, make new friends, visit new countries...?Would you like to have all the amazing opportunities of people who can speak English fluently?My name is Diana, and I help people learn English idioms in an easy, fun way!English Idioms are really important because you need them to understand native speakers. Native English speakers use English idioms all the time and very naturally in English conversation.Not just this... English idioms can make you special - they make your spoken English language sound more native and more fluent.When people hear you using the English idioms you learn in this course, they will be amazed at your ability to speak like a native English speaker.I love to teach English idioms because they seem so confusing to people who want to learn English and speak English fluently They can cause a lot of confusion and frustration for English learners who don't have the right teacher.For example, look at the following sentence:She wants to go cold turkey to stop smoking.You understand cold and you understand turkey.But what is the connection between cold and turkey and ""to stop smoking""?Can you see why this is confusing for someone learning English?In the English language we have groups of words that have new meanings these are English idioms.If you dont understand the important English idioms, you have a serious disadvantage trying to learn English.But with this course, I have created a fun new way to learn idioms, supported with a lot of examples and personal anecdotes from my life. I understand that students dont only need to learn English - they are busy people with families, working many hours, responsibilities and hobbies and so on... but when they do dedicate themselves to it, my job is to make learning English as memorable as possible.I like make sure this information is immediately useful in peoples lives. I love showing my students how idioms can be used practically by offering a multitude of examples to demonstrate the use of each individual expression.~~~~~~~~~~What is wrong with the way English idioms are taught in traditional English language schools?It just seems a bit mechanical. People are very busy and have many responsibilities, so when learning is not fun, people learn very slowly!Why is your approach fun and easy and better than traditional options?People like to see how something can actually benefit their lives. If it is not useful, why learn it? I show my students how English idioms can be used practically by offering a multitude of examples to demonstrate the use of each individual expression.What is your most sincere wish for someone who watches your lesson?To have fun with whatever they are doing, learning, improving about themselves. No one is born perfect. Everyone was put on this earth to learn and develop themselves. You have to remember: whatever you put your mind to, you will get there eventually - but make the process of improvement fun by fully embracing it.At the end of the lesson, what is the main benefit for the student?Theyve made a small step towards having a more complete knowledge of the practicalities of idioms. I dont expect anyone to remember all the idioms Ive talked about during the class after just one time, but if you can remember even one or two from the first session and know how to apply them, you are a star!What is the main advantage for someone who has a great knowledge of idioms?Not only do they sound more interesting to others, but their knowledge of the language is much broader - it enters the cultural and historical aspect of the English language, therefore providing a wider understanding of the English language. The majority of my students are not interested in just learning the linguistics - they also want to know about the British culture, traditions, modern lifestyle and curiosities. By learning and understanding English idioms, you kill two birds with one stone.After this course what advantage will this course give the student?This course is for anyone who wants to excel from good to great. It will take the students knowledge of the English language just a notch higher and make them feel more confident and more interesting as an individual when conversing with others in English.Why are these lessons perfect for someone interested in learning British English?People like to compare and contrast American English with British English. The truth is, many idioms are the same and are used and understood in both territories. Of course, there are some very particular British idioms, that you might hear only in Britain (and during my classes), so people who are interested in working, studying and/or living in the UK, will greatly benefit from this course.What will I learn in this course?In this course you will learn many idioms and expressions, such as:idioms to say you are busyparty idiomsidioms about beautyidioms about happinessexpressions to say you like or dont like somethingand more!The course is not just the video lessons with me... After each lesson there is a special test video for you to receive automatic feedback about your understanding of the lessons!Whats more, you can download the complete course in mp3 and PDF for total learning flexibility!Start this course now to start learning with me!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dragn Hiperreal para Film o Game e Induccin a Blender" |
"Una de las principales preocupaciones en nuestros proyectos es el tiempo de render. Este curso fue pensado para dar respuesta a la posibilidad de poder hacer un render de calidad aceptable en tiempo record a travs de Blender.Este programa gratuito se ha posicionado en la industria de tal forma, que poco a poco ms gente tiene el deseo de aprenderlo y ya es una realidad que cada vez hay ms fuentes de trabajo que lo piden como conocimiento extra, a parte de los programas tradicionales.Que vamos a ver es este curso:Modelado en ZbrushRetopolizado y UV en MayaTexturizado en Substance PainterRigging y Skin bastante rpido de un dragn con un 2 plugin gratuito.Animacin en Maya del Dragn.Induccin a Blender.Fuego y Humo en Blender.Partculas.Animaremos la cmara en Blender.Animaremos un material en Blender.Aprenderemos a trabajar con los Render Layer para generar un OpenEXR Multilayer con passes Eevee.Composicin en Blender.Render con Eevee en tiempo rcord de nuestro video final.Como ultima parte haremos un ejercicio de Integracin con Blender.En la ltima seccin se encuentras los archivos editables maya, blender y las texturas del Dragn.Si no le tienes miedo al conocimiento, y no deseas quedarte atrs. Te espero en clases!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"AWS Virtual Servers Expert Master Class in Hindi (2020)" |
"Topics Covered In this class (With Labs): - EC2, EBS, Load BalancingAWS Course IntroductionIntroduction to AWS and its ServicesHow to create AWS Free Tier accountAWS Global Infrastructure Region, AZ and Edge LocationsLaunch your first Ubuntu ServerAWS EC2 How to Host a WebsiteAWS EC2 How to Launch Windows ServerAWS EC2 Choose Best EC2 Instance TypeAWS Security Groups, Placement Groups, Volumes, Snapshot, AMIAWS Load Balancer LabAWS Auto Scaling Lab"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
Python |
" 20 Python NumPy 101Pandas 101Pandas"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Startuplar in Sosyal Medya" |
"Merhaba ben Uur KILCI, bu eitim setini alan kiiler kurduklar startuplar en az abayla, en az zamanda ve en yksek katmadeerli sonular almann tekniklerini kefedebilecekler. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, SnapChat hatta TikTok'u bile nasl ynetebileceklerini renebilecekler. Bu da kurulan sosyal medya hesaplarndan markanza mteriler getirmenin yolunu bulabilecekler. Sonuta giriimcilik.Bu ilemleri gerekletirirken nceliimiz zamandr. En ksa zamanda, en az abayla ve en fazla katma deerli bir ekilde sosyal medyada deer retmeyi, o deeri kazanca dntrmeyi greceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Xero Accounting Bank Feeds & Credit Card Feeds 2020" |
"This course will jump right into bank feeds and how to use them.Many Xero courses will spend a lot of time talking about how a full-service accounting system works using Xero. We do recommend spending time learning the full accounting process, and we do have a course that does this.However, many small businesses want to get right down to data input as fast as possible, and others already have a good understanding of the system and want to focus specifically on bank feeds.This course will do just that.For example, some small businesses may be perfectly happy using a cash basis system and will, therefore, not need some of the functions used in a full accounting cycle. Businesses that use a cash basis model can structure their data input to be much more heavily dependent on the bank and bank feed data.We will discuss types of businesses that fit well into a cash basis model as we work through the practice problems. We will also discuss some problem areas many businesses have and how to set up a system that works.This course will work through a practice problem and will provide test data that learners can use in their system to follow along if they choose.One obstacle to learning bank feeds is access to a clean company data file to practice with. Xero is a great resource because they currently offer a free 30 trial."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Variable Frequency Drives: wire & program a VFD" |
"In this course we will be working with the Allen Bradley PowerFlex4 variable frequency drive.You may have heard about VFDs, seen them in operation or you might have even installed one or two yourself. Whatever your experience level is with VFDs this course will give your skills a major boost, especially for the model that we will be working with. Using the quick start manual provided in the course, together we will learn step by step the art of wiring and programming a VFD from scratch!In a nutshell:We start off by pulling our VFD out of the box to familiarise ourselves with it.We then learn how to protect the drive and wire it up to our motor for the first time.Resetting the drive back to it's factory settings is next which will prepare us for our first round of programming.After powering-up our drive we use the keypad controls to fire up our motor and explore some display features.Once we have graduated from the keypad controls we will learn all about remote control wiring.Gradually adding levels of complexity to our installation we move onto using the relay outputs and analog inputs.We then explore some advanced wiring and programming concepts with plenty of demonstrations.To bring it home we look at possible fault situations and the fault codes that relate.In detail we will learn:Power wiringGeneral precautionsKeypad operationMotor parameter entryStart source, stop mode and speed reference2-wire, 3-wire and potentiometer controlRamp time adjustmentRelay output wiring and selector programmingSINK vs SOURCE configurationExternal supply controlMultiple preset frequency output0-10volt and 4-20ma analog controlElectric brakingPWM output frequencyFlying start Process factorStart boostVoltage band adjustmentFault codesAnd much more.............If you want to get the edge and learn all about VFDs I'll catch you in the course.Cheers!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Selling Low Content Books On Amazon, No Writing" |
"Have you ever wanted to make some money from the comfort of your own home without doing network marketing and having high upfront costs? The truth is that you can self publish books to Amazon and other leading book providers, with no experience, writing, or design skills.I've been self publishing low/ content books online and you can too. Sometimes, it's easier to just use a road map that someone else has already had experience with. Why spend hours re-creating something that is already out there? That's what I do here, share with you the tools, resources, research, and knowledge to get you publishing books in no time.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Open a KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) AccountLearn What other channels you can publish to including Barnes & NobleLearn which types of books to createLearn how to create these books, including research and the coversStart Your self publishing empire and earn PASSIVE IncomeThis course includes:Text information, Video screen-shares, and downloadsTools that are FREE and some paid that I use personallyA teacher that is always available to help! Just send me a message!If you're ready to start this side hustle, enroll now! You will be technically a published author in no time!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Questo corso ti insegner come sfruttare il software GetResponse Per Gestire & Automatizzare Il Tuo Email Marketing.Entro la fine di questo corso sarai in grado di svolgere da solo tutte le tue attivit di marketing via email.Alcune delle abilit che imparerai entro la fine di questo corso includono:Imparerai come creare moduli e incorporarli in qualsiasi sito Web.Imparerai come aggiungere e importare i tuoi contatti nel tuo accountImparerai a creare newsletter e autorisponditori, quindi a inviarliImparerai come utilizzare la funzionalit di automazione del marketingImparerai come utilizzare il nuovo strumento CRM GetresponseImparerai a usare e creare sondaggi, landing page e webinarImparerai molto di pi sulle altre funzionalit e strumenti di Getresponse.Leggi la sezione curriculum qui sotto e guarda i video gratis. Ti dar un'idea di quanto sia approfondito questo corso completo su Getresponse in Italiano.Aggiornamento: iniziate ad essere numerosi iscritti, come bonus incluso in questo corso , appena lo avrai preso,se ti va, hai anche l'accesso Gratis al Gruppo VIP riservato su Facebook, qui: groups/getresponseitaTi basta mandarmi un messaggio privato e accederai anche te alla Community di GetResponseIta...ATTENZIONE: UDEMY FORNISCE UNA GARANZIA DI RIMBORSO DI 30 GIORNI A TUTTI GLI UTENTI. Effettua il tuo acquisto sapendo di essere protetto.Se hai domande nel corso, contattami senza problemi, rispondo sempre a tutti entro massimo 72h.I soldi sono nelle tue liste di email... Quante volte lo hai sentito dire?Oppure...per 1 investito nel tuo Email Marketing ottieni indietro almeno 43 di guadagni... Ma sar ancora vero?Perch non provare?Uno strumento indispensabile per gestire i tuoi business online un software di email marketing e GetResponse il King, il Re, il Numero Uno... Provalo Gratis per 30 Giorni e Sfrutta il Bonus da 25 che trovi nel corso...--> FA ATTENZIONE PERO': Mi assumo io tutti i rischi: Garanzia Soddisfatto o Rimborsato al 100%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prendi questo corso su ""EMAIL MARKETING CON GET RESPONSE 2020: LA GUIDA COMPLETA""senza pensarci troppo perch potrebbe cambiare il tuo modo di vedere e vivere i tuoi clienti, i tuoi contatti...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perch un conto cliccare e aspettare secondi impazienti, un conto avere tutto subito: fast, veloce, immediato.Ti aspetto dall'altra parte?N.B: Chi prima arriva paga meno: man mano che aggiunger altri video di aggiornamento aumenter anche il prezzo, perci chi prima arriva meglio alloggia! ;-)P.S. Visto che iniziate ad essere numerosi iscritti, incluso in questo corso , appena lo avrai preso, se ti va, hai anche l'accesso Gratis al Gruppo VIP riservato su Facebook, qui: groups/getresponseitaTi basta mandarmi un messaggio privato e accederai anche te alla Community di GetResponseIta...+++ Ci vediamo dall'altra parte: inizia anche tu a svoltare il tuo Email Marketing con Get Response..."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Divi crer un site Wordpress personnalis sans coder" |
"Divi Divi est un puissant diteur visuel pour Wordpress. Il permet de crer et modifier des pages Web sans coder. Il permet ainsi de crer un site web Wordpress en partant de rien, et de personnaliser des pages d'un site Wordpress existant. Divi est la fois un constructeur de page et un thme. Le constructeur de page permet d'diter n'importe quel page partir d'un thme Wordpress. Il est ainsi possible de crer des pages originales, avec une libert que vous n'aurez pas juste en utilisant Wordpress. Tout se fait par des cliquer dposer, ce qui veut dire que vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir coder, vous ditez vos pages facilement comme dans Wordpress mais en utilisant la puissance de Divi pour crer vos pages. Le thme Divi permet de crer un site web en partant de rien. Vous avez ainsi une libert totale. Il est possible d'utiliser le constructeur de thme pour crer une en tte, des sections principales ainsi qu'un pied de page, et de choisir quels pages les appliquer. En prenant la licence Divi, vous aurez accs l'ensemble de ces fonctionnalits. Pourquoi utiliser Divi- Vous pouvez personnaliser vos pages de votre site Wordpress- Vous pouvez utiliser la puissance du thme Divi - Vous pouvez crer un site web sans coder La formationDans cette formation je vais vous montrer comment utiliser Divi. Vous allez ainsi voir comment installer Divi, aussi bien le thme que le constructeur de page. Vous verrez ensuite comment utiliser les diffrents module, qui vous permettront de construire des pages, aussi bien pour un thme Wordpress que pour un thme Divi. Vous verrez le constructeur de thme pour crer un site Wordpress en partant de rien. Enfin je vous montrerez un exemple de site web simple en utilisant le thme Divi."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Teams" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU MICROSOFT TEAMS QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Microsoft Teams...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Microsoft Teams!If your goal is to become a master of Microsoft Teams, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to master Microsoft Teams...Learning Microsoft Teams is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have mastered Microsoft Teams, you can get around Microsoft Teams quickly!In short, a good understanding of Microsoft Teams is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Microsoft Teams even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Microsoft Teams.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup a free account with Microsoft TeamsOn top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN MICROSOFT TEAMS BY DOING! (LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MICROSOFT TEAMS FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Microsoft Teams. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account free with Microsoft TeamsB) Be able to Download and Install Microsoft Teams Desktop AppHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Microsoft Teams is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Microsoft TeamsYOU CAN TRY MY COURSE FOR 30 DAYS WITH UDEMYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!Enroll Now Id love to see you inside and help you learn and master Microsoft Teams!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Photo Album Designing from Scratch in Hindi" |
", , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Successful Photography Business from Scratch" |
"Welcome to our this course, in this course you will learn about how you can turn your hobby into a profession and business which will help you establish a valuable brand over time.We will walk you through basic steps to keep in mind while starting your business and how you can avoid many dangerous pitfall and lawsuits which might haunt you if you are not careful enough.You will learn about : -How to name your brand-Principles to follow while starting-How to build your brand identity-Social media management-Creating a logo-Building a website portal which showcases your work-How to find reliable freelancers -Legal issues to take care before starting-How to set pricing for your services-Spamming and cross-promotion and much moreSo if you are looking to start earning from you business, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Whatsapp Business : For Better Business Growth in Hindi" |
"Whatsapp , , , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |