Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Criando Jobs e Alertas com SQL Server Agent." |
"Automatize tudo que voc precisa no SQL Server usando o SQL Server Agent.Configure Jobs para executar:Comandos T-SQL;Stored Procedures;Scritps em Power Shell;Comandos do sistema operacional, arquivos executveis e arquivos de lote;Pacote feito em Integration Services Execute os Jobs quando:Uma agenda for acionada;Uma alerta for disparado;Ocorrer ociosidade da CPU;Quando o servio do SQL Server Agent for reiniciado;Quando ocorrer um acionamento manual.Configure Alertas para disparar quando:Um evento de erro no SQL Server Log;Uma alterao de valor nos Contadores de Performance (Perfmon)Um evento detectado por Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI);SQL SERVER Agent um servio que vem junto com a instalao do SQL Server 2017 e totalmente administrado pela ferramenta SQL Server Management Studio. Esse servio permite a automatizao das regras de negcios de banco de dados para as suas aplicaes e sistema como tambm permite ao DBA ou Desenvolvedor automatizar suas atividades de administrao dos banco de dados e desenvolvimento. Veja o que podemos fazer com o SQL Server Agent, com automatizao, alertas e envio de email:Criar rotinas para criar backups dos bancos de dados;Processos de organizao e criao de ndices em tabelas;Monitorar crescimento de dados em tabelas e bancos;Efetuar limpeza de dados;Verificar consistncia de tabelas e banco de dados;Monitorar crescimento dos arquivos de dados dados e dos arquivos log dos bancos;Executar processos de negcios como:Fechamento contbil;Gerar relatrios de vendas dirias ;Consolidao de estoque;Envio de arquivo XML, JSON ou TXT;Monitorar o recebimento de arquivos;Transferncia de dados entre bancos, servidores e empresas. Voc ainda tem processos que permitem o envio de e-mails para diversas contas SMTP. Os e-mail podem ser enviados quando:Um processo ou rotina apresenta uma falha de execuo quando foi concludo com sucesso.Uma alerta foi acionado, executando uma atividade e enviando um e-mail.Tenha um timo treinamento.Wolney."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Assoziatives Bilder Coaching - Basistool fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs stelle ich dir ein spannendes Tool fr die eigene Persnlichkeitesentwicklung, sowie fr den Werkzeugkoffer als Coach vor. Ich biete dir hier ein komplettes System mit 72 Bildkarten zum Ausdrucken und einem wichtigen Legesystem, dass sich fr die meisten Coachinganlsse eignet. Begleitend gibt es ein Skript, in dem ich Reflexionsfragen, Affirmationen und Erfahrungsbungen zu dein einzelnen Bildkarten zusortiert habe.Das assoziative Bildercoaching ld dich oder dein Gegenber dazu ein, verschiedene Sichtweisen zu einem bestimmten Thema zu erkennen. Durch das freie Assoziieren werden vorbewusste Inhalte ins Bewusstsein gebracht."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop -" |
"Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BIPower Query EditorPower BIPower BISee You in the CoursePower BI DesktopBig Wave"
Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"Sviluppare Full Stack App con React e Spring Boot Reactive" |
"Benvenuti nel corso 'Sviluppare Full Stack App con React e Spring Boot Reactive'. Lo sviluppo di moderne web application richiede competenze in diverse tecnologie e piattaforme. Al termine di questo corso, lo studente avr un chiara e solida conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:sviluppare il lato back end delle applicazioni web usando il Framework Spring Boot 2 nella variante Reactive capire la differenza fra le web api Reactive e Servlet sviluppare da zero il lato front end delle applicazione web usando il Framework Javascript Reactcapire cosa sono e come vengono creati i componenti in Reactcreare diversi tipi di componenti (funzionali e di classe) e il loro ciclo di vista capire cosa sono e come si creano da zero le Web Api Rest con Spring Boot Reactorcapire come usare il Reactive per creare Web Api asincrone con lo Spring Boottestare gli unit test delle web api con il Junit 5creare un contenitore Docker dove far girare MongoDButilizzare la shell del MongoDB per creare diverse query (selezione, filtro, inserimento, modifica ed eliminazione)capire come far interagire il front end React con il back end Spring Boot Reactive conoscere come proteggere le web api utilizzando la autenticazione di baseintegrare l'autenticazione di base nel front end Reactconoscere cosa e come si crea lo standard di sicurezza JWT (JSON Web Tokens)integrare il JWT in React creando un sistema di autenticazione Per il mese di marzo 2020 prevista la creazione di una nuova sezione di approfondimento.Le tecnologie che verranno trattate in questo corso sono:Spring Boot 2 ReactiveReactMongoDb Si utilizzeranno inoltre:Docker e Docker ComposeJavaJavascriptGli studenti che sottoscriveranno questo corso avranno i seguenti vantaggi:accesso on demand illimitato a tutte le lezioni presenti e future del corso accesso alla sezione Domande & Risposte (D&R), dove potranno porre quesiti all'autore e agli altri membri della comunitaccesso a tutte le integrazioni e modifiche che verranno creante in futuro accesso al tutto codice sorgente dei progetti e ad altro materiale informativoLe lezioni sono state girate su piattaforma Windows 10 Pro usando Visual Studio Code e Spring Tool 4I progetti e i tool utilizzati sono compatibili con le piattaforme Windows, Linux e Mac Per poter usare il Docker necessario possedere il Windows 10 Pro, Linux o Mac"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Living beyond Anger - Transcending Perceptions A6.4" |
"How to get over the feeling of being angry and frustrated. A course on training your mind to escape its own traps.KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood.----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because one is recorded for each, back to back. These courses are guided by spiritual support and inspiration. ----This one course of a seven-part course-series called Transcending Perceptions. It is complete in itself, however, this one course is specifically focused on getting over being angry and frustrated. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne this mind-training comes second nature and is a simple choice that can be made at any time if desired.Here you will learn techniques and strategies to think differently and overcome the blocks and obstacles which seem in the way of allowing yourself to live an enjoyable life. Justifiably you have felt this way in your life because there have seemed to be many reasons in the world conforming to the need for it. Part of this mind-training is in the realm of recognizing you have misunderstood the reality of these justifications, and have made then perceptually larger and more unmovable then they actually are. A common occurrence when the mind attempts to protect itself from seeming threats.A large part of this course and for you to truly succeed in what it offers is the willingness to see things differently. Your emotions are justified in the world (of bodies). So the key is to see the world differently. In a spiritual-universe, the rules and regulations are drastically different. Freedom is our inheritance within this spiritual reality. This pain you feel is a part of your self-made prison, which IF you recognized how you got into it, also would you recognize your way out!KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Matemtica para Data Science - Aprenda Tudo sobre Limites" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender um dos mais importantes e interessantes assuntos relacionados ao mundo cientfico.Pode ter certeza que o mundo das tecnologias comea com o aprendizado do clculo diferencial e integral. Os estudos de funes e limites so os alicerces para o completo domnio desta to interessante rea indispensvel para o mundo tecnolgico que o Clculo.Por isso, tenha certeza que caso voc queira compreender e dominar com agilidade e segurana o mundo do Big Data com as reas de Machine Learning e Deep Learning voc precisar comear pelos estudos dos Limites!Contudo, vamos comigo desbravar e se divertir nesse to importante e interessante campo da matemtica.Aguardo voc nas aulas!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Self Publishing - Hrbcher, Musik & eBooks verffentlichen" |
"Mit einem Klick auf allen relevanten Verkaufsplattformen?Deine Inhalte schneller und effizient verkaufen?Wie verdienst du mit Hrbchern, Musik und eBooks noch mehr Geld?In diesem Self Publishing Kurs zeige ich dir wie du:deine Inhalte einfach und schnell verffentlichst.die Plattform Feiyer fr ein hheres passives Einkommen nutzt.deine Inhalte bekannter machst.professionelle Hrbcher erstellst.deine Inhalte optimal vermarkten kannst.Dieser Videokurs spart dir nicht nur wertvolle Zeit, sondern zeigt dir mit Feiyer eine geniale Mglichkeit auf, deine persnliche Reichweite zu erhhen.Nicht das beste Produkt setzt sich im Markt durch, sondern das bekannteste. Worauf wartest du? Schreib dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und baue dir ein passives Einkommen mit Musik, eBooks und Hrbchern auf.Du lernst die wohl beste Plattform fr Self Publishing und deren Funktionen kennen. Du kannst nach diesem Kurs sofort loslegen, deine Inhalte erfolgreich zu verffentlichen und damit Geld verdienen.Wir sehen uns bei unserer ersten Lektion,Leon Dawi"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Como criar Mapas Mentais aplicados pesquisa cientfica" |
"Curso sobre o que so, como e onde criar Mapas Mentais e como utilizar essa dinmica em pesquisas acadmico-cientficas, no desenvolvimento de projetos e aprimoramento de estudos em todas s reas do conhecimento. Esta tcnica pode ser utilizada em artigos, papers, projetos, monografias, TCCs, dissertaes e teses, e muito mais. Ao final do curso, o aluno aprender como fazer um mapeamento visual de sua pesquisa a partir recurso dos Mapas Mentais (Mind Maps), tornando seu trabalho singular."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Google Advanced Search" |
"Google Advanced SearchIn this course you will learn how to use google Advanced Search operators to search the web in a more efficient manner. You can save a lot of time by knowing how to use Googles search operators. Google provides logical AND and OR operators and in addition to that many other search operators and filters for videos, images and text based search. Most people just through some keywords in Google search dialog box and then get lost in million of results google through back on them.Video Lectures:1. Introduction to Course2. Understanding How Google Search Works3. Google Quick Search with Unique Results4. Some Basic features, calculations and Map5. Using site operator and filters6. Combining Search Operators to Refine Search Results7. Searching for a Particular File Type with Multiple Search Criteria8. 6 Advanced Search Operators"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PyTorch ile Derin renme" |
"Facebook tarafndan gelitirilen PyTorch ktphanesi en temel seviyeden balayarak projeler ile rneklendirilerek bilgilerinize sunulmutur. Kursun ierii temel olarak aada paylalmtr:1. Kurulum2. Numpy Ktphanesi3. Pandas Ktphanesi4. PyTorch Temelleri5. Makine renmesi6. Yapay Sinir Alar-rnek Proje7. Evriimsel Sinir Alar -rnek Proje8.Doal Dil leme - rnek ProjeVideolarda anlatlan uygulamalar ve ek dosyalar paylalmtr. dev ve quizler eklenecektir.Katlmclarn yorum ve nerileri dorultusunda ilave video dersleri hazrlanmaktadr."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create Contemporary Owl Art With Acrylic And Collage" |
"This course is easy,funand approachable for all levels. Learn new methods for creating expressive animal art.Explore PatternsThis course will explore incorporating patterns. Discover some tips and tricks that will make this exciting and fun to experiment with.The ultimate goal here is to branch out! Try new ideas so that you are constantly adding more techniques to your expressive painting tool box.Includes Two DemonstrationsDemo OneThis version uses the following techniques and mediums;acrylicscollagingsmudginglayeringcompressed charcoalexpressive mark makingpatternsDemo TwoThis version uses the following techniques and mediums;acrylicsnegative space paintingpatternssmudgingmark making with liner brushscratching and scribing"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Still Life Painting: Paint Your Own Expressive Art" |
"In this class you will learn a variety of tips for how to paint expressive still life artwork. As with any style an artist needs to develop the right approach to their creativity in order to find freedom in their work.Painting loosely requires just as much skill as any other style. Perhaps less time but the technique needs to be there! To pull off abstract style art you need to develop good fundamentals and be willing to invest time in design and composition. This is where you find freedom!The Common MisconceptionMany artists think painting loosely is easy. Just grab a brush, load it up with paint and start slinging it on the canvas. You may get lucky once in a while doing this but more often than not it ends in more heartache. Plus you waste valuable studio time, materials and money.There's ABetter SolutionSimplifying your subjects into basic geometric shapes can easily improve your paintings. Why? Because now you will have the opportunity to work quickly in the design process. It's much easier to sketch basic shapes than detailed objects. And once you understand this concept you will start to envision how these basic shapes fit within the frame.Included In This CourseThree complete finished painting examples that are created from start to finish. Each example is slightly different and will focus on certain aspects of design and expressive painting techniques. This will give you a well rounded look at how you can approach your subjects and teach you various methods for painting expressively."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Tips For Blending Traditional And Contemporary Color Theory" |
"Hi, I'm Robert JoynerAnd I've created How To Blend Traditional And Contemporary Color Theories for people like you that want to loosen up their creativity and make art fun!If you've always wanted to...Learn a simplified approach to basic color theory.Develop the right tools for creating more dynamic artwork.Eliminate common mistakes like muddy and garish artwork.Then this course is for you!Develop the necessary techniques for quality color mixing.Discover practical solutions for making subjects more three dimensional.Learn an easy exercise to explore harmonious color combinations.Easy techniques for blending traditional and contemporary color methods.Material ListAcrylic paint (you may use watercolor but demos are completed with acrylic)3 warm primaries (cad. red medium, cad. yellow medium, ultramarine blue for example)3 cool primaries (alizarin crimson, hansa yellow, lemon yellow, phthalo blue for example)titanium whiteOther2 sheets drawing paper (small)3 sheets multi-purpose paint paper (140 lb. cold press - student grade)Selection of small and medium brushesWhat You Will Get24 high-quality video tutorials with detailed instructions and text breakdown for each lesson.4 Quizzes to test your knowledge.Ask questions and get answersTestimonialsBy far my most needed and favorite class!!! This class answered my questions about HOW & WHEN to apply color, value, to be be more ""artistic"" with my approach. Thank you, Robert!!!!Lisa R.Learning the different techniques to neutralize colors was extremely helpful to me. I love the colors I can get now!Carla EnsinkVery enlightened videos. I have a much better understanding of color now, thank you.Marinette Wagner"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Secure Coding" |
"In diesem Kurs dreht sich alles um die sichere Entwicklung von Software. Dieser Kurs fokussiert sich auf die einzelnen Schwachstellen und Probleme von Applikationen und zeigt Grundprinzipien fr Secure Coding auf. Ebenso wird in diesem Kurs das Thread Modeling fr die Erkennung von Bedrohungen und gleichzeitig um Security im Design zu schaffen, betrachtet. Die OWASP Top 10 haben ebenso einen Platz in diesem Kurs und werden sowohl in Betracht auf der Schwachstelle in der Software analysiert, als auch mgliche Verteidigungsmechanismen aufgezeigt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alla scoperta dell'Italia - Mesi e tradizioni" |
"Scopri l'Italia attraverso le sue tradizioni!Migliora il tuo Italiano imparando ci che accade durante i mesi dell'anno: lingua e cultura ti aspettano!Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze linguistiche con: esercizi di ascolto, comprensioni del testo, quiz, ripasso ed esercizi di grammatica.12 unit, tanti esercizi e curiosit legate alla vita in Italia ti permetteranno di migliorare le tue competenze e conoscenze, non solo linguistiche.Un corso creato da Sarah, mia collaboratrice ed insegnante certificata DITALS dItaliano L2/LS."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ISO 19011:2018 - Exam for External & Internal Auditing Skill" |
"Value Addition Alerts: Passing Certification Awarded By InstructorRoad Map for Further Learning in ExamsCertification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The essence of the new release of ISO 19011 is the incorporation of the risk approach with enhanced technologies for the auditing program. ISO 19011:2018, although a guiding standard, is now improved with the increased coherence with other different international standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015. ISO 19011:2018 standard is made on the philosophy of Plan, do, check and Act Cycle. Organizations have to check themselves whether their operations are done according to plan phase or not. Similarly if you are an auditor whether provisional, or lead auditor, or provisional internal auditor or lean internal auditor you also have to check your expertise in Auditing Knowledge as per the new guidelines of the ISO 19011. This self assessment exam helps you to check and validate your knowledge on ISO 19011:2018 standard and its fundamental concepts like risk based approach in auditing and communication technologies during auditing virtual activities.---------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionISO 19011The process approach7 principles of ISO auditingKey elements of an ISO auditProfessional judgementAuditing of complianceDifferent types of ISO auditAuditing of relevant points of the HLS, such as context, leadership, risks & opportunities or the life cycle;Auditing of physical and virtual locations---------------------------------------------------------------------Note: ISO 19011:2018 standard is a copyright document of ISO. We will not be sharing the standard. Please purchase it from ISO store.Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take ISO 19011 courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining ISO 19011 knowledge.---------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.---------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics a Graphical Approach (Intermediate)" |
"Do you want to learn mathematics in an intuitive fun way. Then why not learn mathematics the easy way using simple graphics to introduce all the main concepts before moving onto the equations. We will cover a broad range of introductory topics and it will all be introduced firstly in an intuitive graphical manner to help build up confidence before we start to write down the equations and finally move onto examples. We will use a free online graphical calculator called DESMOS which will allow you to learn in an intuitive fun graphical way. All the simulations are in the resources section so you can go online to the graphical calculator and recreate everything for yourself.If you are stuck at calculus (integration and differentiation) or with trigonometry then this is a perfect course to really get a great graphical understanding of what is going on. Rather than plug numbers into formulas without knowing what is going on , why not OWN the subject ? You can do this with an Intuitive Graphical Introduction to Mathematics.I have used this graphical approach to tutor students in basic mathematics for many years and have perfected the graphical approach that really adds value to your understanding and MAKES MATHEMATICS MAKE SENSE.Most importantly. You have direct access to me so if you get stuck then get in touch and I will help you out.You won't find another mathematics course like this one !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Formuy Tablicowe Klasyczne i Nowe" |
"Excel to najbardziej popularny arkusz kalkulacyjny. Pomaga w rozwizywaniu zarwno prostych jak i skomplikowanych problemw zwizanych z danymi. Ten kurs ma za zadania uatwi Ci poznanie Formu Tablicowych w Excelu zarwno w klasycznych wersjach Excela jak i od Excela tablicowego (nowe zasady pracy na tablicach wprowadzi Microsoft od lutego 2020r. w wersji Excela 365), a tym samym pomc Ci w znajdowaniu odpowiedzi na trudniejsze pytania zwizane z danymi.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co da Ci ten kurs?Ten kurs pozwoli Ci lepiej zrozumie czym s tablice w Excelu i jak Excel wykonuje operacje na tablicach. To uatwi Ci zrozumienie dziaanie Excela, bo przecie kady arkusz to tablica 2D ;)W tym kursie znajdziesz rozwizanie wielu pyta, ktre bez uycia operacji na tablicach byyby bardzo trudne do rozwizania. Z kursu dowiesz si jak nowe funkcjonalnoci tablicowe (przede wszystkim rozlewania formu) wpywaj na takie funkcjonalnoci Excela jak:Listy rozwijaneFormatowanie WarunkoweTworzenie wykreswKurs przedstawia zarwno klasyczne rozwizania rnych problemw jak i najnowsze sposoby korzystajce z najnowszych funkcji (UNIKATOWE, SORTUJ, SORTUJ.WEDUG, FILTRUJ, SEKWENCJA, LOSOWA.TABLICA, X.WYSZUKAJ, X.DOPASUJ) i funkcjonalnoci Excela.Z tego kursu dowiesz si midzy innymi jak znale odpowiedzi na takie pytania jak:N najlepszych wynikw sprzeday/zawodw/studentwPodsumowania po wielu kryteriach na zasadach Oraz i LubSortowanie i Filtrowanie danych za pomoc formuZnajdowanie list Unikatowych wartociWyszukiwanie ostatnich i przyblionych wartociNajciekawsz moliwo jak daj nowe formuy tablicowe jest moliwo stworzenia dynamicznych raportw podobnych do Tabel Przestawnych, ale majcych t zalet, e same si odwieaj.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spis treciKurs jest podzielony na 8 sekcji, ktre umoliwi Ci poznanie zasad pracy z Formuami Tablicowymi w Excelu krok po kroku, zaczynajc od podstawowych tematw przechodz do coraz bardziej skomplikowanych:Wstp do tablic w ExceluKlasyczne funkcje tablicoweOperacje logiczne na tablicachNowe funkcje tablicoweWyszukiwanieStae tablicowe i nazywanie formu tablicowychFormuy tablicowe, a funkcjonalnoci ExcelaDynamiczne raporty-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wiczeniaJak to si mwi wiczenie czyni mistrza tak jest i w sytuacji Excela, musisz sam przewiczy poszczeglne funkcjonalnoci, eby lepiej je sobie utrwali w pamici, dlatego do poszczeglnych rozdziaw znajdziesz te wiczenia do samodzielnego rozwizania, eby mg utrwali sobie poszczeglne formuy Excela. Dodatkowe plikiW kursie znajdziesz dodatkowe pliki, ktre uatwi Ci zrozumienie formu i pomog odnale najwaniejsze dla Ciebie informacje:Plik opisujcy skadni wszystkich funkcji uytych w kursiePlik zawierajcy informacje jakie funkcje zostay uyte w poszczeglnych filmachBibliografi, czyli z jakich rde korzystaem wybierajc najwaniejsze informacja o Formuach Tablicowych w ExceluZobacz udostpnione filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Schnell & einfach zum Fhrerschein"" das Fhrerschein 1x1 """ |
"Hi ich bin Philipp und bin dein Fahrlehrer. Also eher ein Coach sogar ein ""geheimer"" Coach. Ich helfe dir vor und whrend der Ausbildung zum Fhrerschein, dass du auch wirklich Erfolg hast. Nach mehr als 10 Jahren Fahrlehrererfahrung mchte ich dich an meine Tipps und Tricks teilhaben lassen. WIR SCHAFFEN DAS!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Borsa Teknik Analiz Kursu" |
"Borsada bilincli islem yapmak zarar yapmanizi nler. Egitim kendi kararlarinizi bilincli bir sekilde vermenizi saglayacaktir. Bylece tiyolara ihtiyac duymadan kendiniz degerlendirebileceksiniz. Borsa sadece indikator yada tiyolardan ibaret degildir. Borsa c temel ayaga oturur. Bunlardan c maddeye TeRaPi denebilir ve syle siralanabilir .Teknik uygulamaRisk ynetimi PisikolojiBu kurs kendi borsa TeRaPi nizi gelistirmenize ve bunun sonucundada bir yerden duysaniz bile kendi kararlarinizla hisseyi degerlendirme yetenegi verecektir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Negociao e Influncia COMPLETO" |
"Negociao uma forma de resolver conflitos em que as partes dialogam diretamente. Negociar fundamental em tempos modernos, pois existem grande nmero de conflitos que podem se arrastar por muito tempo, gastando recursos de tempo e dinheiro desnecessariamente. Quem negocia bem tem capacidade de abreviar conflitos e negociaes que poderiam se arrastar por muito tempo, assim como realizar vendas mais rapidamente, fazer com a que as pessoas realizem coisas com sugere o influenciador, etc. O curso lhe ensinar as principais caractersticas e atitudes de pessoas com a habilidade de influenciar e negociar. Voc aprender tambm a ser mais influente e exercer autoridade, transmitindo confiana e segurana nas negociaes. Por fim, voc ver uma tcnica eficiente de negociao e entender a importncia da dedicao ao tema para continuar se aperfeioando.Aproveite bem essa jornada. Ser um prazer ter voc como aluno. Bons estudos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Solid State - Chemistry" |
"Different types of Crystal geometries and shapes. A solid is defined as that form of matter which possesses rigidity and hence possesses a definite shape and a definite volume. Unlike gases and liquids in which the molecules are free to move about and hence constitute fluid state, in a solids the constituent particles are not free to move but oscillate about their fixed positions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Concepts of Chemistry" |
"Matter is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space, e.g., water, air, wood, metals, trees, animals etc. Matter can be classified as follows:A.Physical classification of matter (i.e., solids, liquids and gases)B. Chemical classification of matter.(i.e. Elements , Compounds and Mixtures)Element. An element is the simplest form of matter and therefore, can not be split into simpler substances by any chemical or physical method. Elements can be classified as(a) Metals, (b) Non-metals and (c) Metalloids.Compound. A compound is a pure substance made up of two or more elements combined in a definite proportion. Compounds are homogeneous and have entirely different properties as compared to the individual elements. There aretwo types of compounds."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This Course deals with the Extraction of Metals and Non Metals, Physical and Chemical Properties of Metals and Non Metals and Uses of Metals and Non Metals.The elements which are quite reactive and have a tendency to react with moisture, carbon dioxide, oxygen, sulphur, halogens, etc., are found in combined state. Most of the metals are found in the combined state as minerals."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Atom was considered as the smallest particle up to 19th century. A series of experiments were performed to explore the structure of atom. We shall discuss the structure of an atom and study the characteristics of atomic spectra and chemical properties of various atoms. An atom is made up of three subatomic particle electron, proton & neutrons. These three particle are called fundamental particle of matter.The size of nucleus of atom is very small in which neutron and protons are present so the entire mass of the atom is situated in nucleus. Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus are collectively termed an nucleons. Number of neutrons is called mass number of the element."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xeque-Mate: Curso Bsico de Xadrez" |
"um curso bsico sobre o jogo de xadrez, no entanto este curso possui um contedo que o torna singular com relao a outros que esto no mercado. Com esse curso voc aprender um pouco sobre a histria do jogo, noes de tabuleiro, movimentao e valor das peas, notao algbrica, sinais complementares, registro de lances e partidas, objetivos de jogo, maneiras de terminar uma partida, jogadas especiais, entre outros assuntos relacionados. O diferencial desse curso que ele contm orientaes interdisciplinares, cujo principal objetivo mostrar a importncia de aprender a jogar xadrez usando e relacionando o jogo com o aprendizado de outras disciplinas. Nesse sentido, o curso pode ser til no apenas para curiosos que querem aprender a jogar xadrez, mas tambm para estudantes, professores das mais variadas disciplinas, Pedagogos, Profissionais de Educao Fsica, Agentes Escolares, Monitores de recreao, esporte e lazer, etc. E mais: no curso voc aprender tambm formas de ganhar dinheiro com o xadrez, sim, possvel ganhar dinheiro com xadrez e nesse curso eu vou te ensinar como trabalhar e ganhar dinheiro com o xadrez, seja como um trabalho principal ou como forma de complementar a sua renda, dessa forma voc poder com pouco investimento ter uma fonte de renda extra ou at mesmo viver com os lucros que o xadrez pode proporcionar.O curso tambm possui certificado de participao com registro de carga horria, o que pode ser usado para fins de cumprir com a carga horria de atividades complementares em instituies de ensino para alguns graduandos ou para melhorar o curriculum vitae de diversos profissionais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The App Developer Bootcamp" |
"Do you want to learn to code for the App Store? Do you dream of releasing an app on the App Store? Do you want to learn programming in a friendly, straightforward way? This course is perfect for you.Even if youve never coded before, you can take this course. This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.This course is for anyone who is completely new to the Apple iOS platform, with no Swift programming skills. Well use native iOS development tools, which is Xcode.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MB2-716 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization & Configuration" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass MB2-716 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" MB2-716Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration This exam covers all the topicsConfigure Microsoft Dynamics 365 (20% - 25%)Implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 entities, entity relationships, and fields (20% - 25%)Create and manage Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions, forms, views, and visualizations (25% - 30%)Implement business rules, workflows, and business process flows (20% - 25%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Solution Exam Q&A" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass MB-600 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Solution Architect ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICS1. Perform solution envisioning and requirement analysis (30-35%)2. Architect a solution (45-50%)3. Implement the solution (20-25%)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"MB-700 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Latest & Updated Q&A" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass MB-700 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" MB-700Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution Architect Exam This exam covers all the topics1. Identify solution requirements (30-35%)2. Design solution components (40-45%)3. Define solution testing and management strategies (25-30%)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |