Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Crie Estrutura Profissional Rpido e Fcil (e economize)" |
"Esse curso vai lhe dar no somente a forma mais objetiva de entrar e ganhar dinheiro, como tambm vai lhe dar o caminho (literalmente) e o macete para garantir sua comisso em todos os casos gastando at 70% menos do que gastaria. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de montar criar seu projeto com todas as diretrizes de um projeto de sucesso.Confira TUDO o que vai aprender aqui.Por onde comear a desenvolver a mentalidadeRegistrar domnio + Verificar Propagao + Assinar hospedagemDeclarar Propriedade do DomnioAtivar certificado de segurana (https) em domnios adicionaisInstalar Wordpress em menos de 3 minutosConfigurar o Wordpress para iniciar os trabalhosEconomizar mais de R$2.000,00 em Temas e PluginsIntroduo ao Marketing de AfiliadosComo Encontrar Produtos Com Maior PotencialIntroduo ao SEOCriar Artigos do Jeito Que o Google Gosta de LerComo Divulgar Sem Spam e Sem Parecer Que Est Tentando VenderComo Nunca Perder Venda para os ""Espertes"" que amam seu Review e vo para a pgina do produtor compra l.Como GARANTIR CONVERSO Prxima ou Superior a da pgina de vendas do Produtor SEM SABER NADA DE COPY em TODOS OS PRODUTOS QUE DIVULGAR sem perder o lead pra ele."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master CMake for Cross-Platform C++ Project Building" |
"Learning CMake was never so easy! Welcome to the course Master CMake for Cross-Platform C++ Project Building, where you will learn the CMake tool from the beginning. After completing this course, you'll be able to Build CMake based projects, Export your project, and Link your executable against any CMake/ Non-Cmake based libraryEnroll Now and enjoy the 3.5-hours ride to learn the most powerful way of building the C++ projects.This course is made after extensive research on Stackoverflow, Quora, Reddit, Youtube, and other Q&A websites to handpick the concepts which are difficult to understand for the beginners. The course starts with compiling a simple C++ code; and, over the modules, various functionalities are added as the complexity increases.The broad outline of the course is as follows:Section 1:Problems associated with NOT using a build systemDifference between a build system (Make) and a meta-build system (CMake).Section 2:Installation of CMakeFirst executable using the CMakeSection 3:Managing large projects using sub-directoriesSection 4: Variables, Lists, and Strings Scripting Capabilities of CMakeSection 5:Flow Control commands (If-else commands and the Loops)Functions, Scopes, Macros, Modules, and Listfiles.Section 6:Configuring a project using Cache VariablesConcept of LibrariesUsing Ninja Build System with CMakeSection 7:Installation a package that is developed by someone elseExport our package so that someone else can use itSection 8:(Read through Section)Miscellaneous small concepts, FAQs and tips Section 9:Problems while installing and using External LibrariesUsing External Libraries developed using both CMake and Non-CMake based build systemsEnroll Now and enjoy the 3.5-hours ride to learn the most powerful way of building the C++ projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Sales Mastering the Fundamentals" |
"1. AdvertisementsFrom Advertising Strategy to Effective Marketing Communications2. Research & SurveysFrom where you stand on the market to influencing the market3. NegotiationsFrom product knowledge to customer value emphasis4. MediaFrom prime time to raising the volume on real time operations5. Customer DealingsFrom Greeting approach to progressing the sale & leaving wow-factor6. Eployee RelationsFrom traditional management to identifying advantages that advance your business"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding for Teachers Professional Development Scratch 3.0" |
"Working with technology can be frustrating at the best of times. No sooner have you learnt something, does it become almost instantly outdated. The experience feels futile and integrating digital technology into your classroom can take a backseat.And that's just the tech.Mix in this coding business that's all the buzz with words like 'automation and digital literacies, and the mind can be left swirling with where to begin.Coding for Teachers is the perfect way to kickstart your learning journey with coding. Be the person who answers the key coding questions and feel confident knowing that you've covered curriculum content.You will build your first coding project and be able to use it with your group of learners in just a couple of hours.Let's debunk the myths of coding together."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Jira Administration: Configuring Jira for Agile Teams" |
"The Jira administration training course: Configuring Jira for Agile Teams is aimed at intermediate to advanced users of Jira who would like to learn how to configure Jira projects and customise this powerful tool to optimise their agile processes. The course focuses on showing users how to configure Jira projects with a specific agile SLDC example. You will further understand security in Jira Core and how to secure a Jira project. At the end of the course you will have a holistic overview of how the various Jira administration elements fit together, to support effective Jira project administration and best practice for any Jira project configuration.Jira Core is also a very powerful workflow or business process automation tool which can be used in IT and non-IT areas. Jira Core is very configurable and it allows various teams within the same organisation to use Jira customised to their own particular needs without affecting the operations or configurations of another team or area.Jira Core provides the base configuration capability for all other Jira products like Jira Software and Jira Service Desk and encapsulate all the configuration capability of all Jira products.In order for your organisation to fully grasp the benefits of utilising the powerful and very configurable Jira Core solution, you will require an in-depth knowledge of the Jira administrator capabilities.The following modules are available as part of this course:Module 1: Jira configuration conceptsModule 2: Using out of the box Jira project templatesModule 3: An agile SDLC exampleModule 4: Security in JiraModule 5: Managing access to a Jira projectModule 6: Building a project template from scratchModule 7: Mapping Project configuration to agile boards"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Morning Ritual: One Minute Daily French Courses" |
"This is NOT standard Classic French Language Course.Why this course is created?Because this course is designed to inspire you to ""think different"": learn as you go, a different way to learn, to practice and to teach your children or other people(teaching is learning twice).Pourquoi choisir ce cours?""Phil, que penses-tu de son cours?""""Il s'agit du fruit de ses expriences d'apprentissage qu'elle a acquis, et je suis certain que vous apprcierez la lecture de son cours.Ce cours, au format digital, contient toutes ses astuces d'apprentissage actif vous permettrait de vous auto-former dans la langue Franaise.""=> ""Dans l'apprentissage, n'ayez pas peur de faire des erreurs! Osez vous lancer! <=Merci Phil!Merci Scratch! ""Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.""Merci vous!Bien cordialement,Elise ; - )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Devenir Coach Sant Bien-tre" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre les notions essentielles pour un bon Coach Sant Bien-tre. Nous voyons comment la sant physique, mentale et motionnelle de notre client sont inter-relies et comment tenir compte de lentiret de la personne dans toutes nos interventions. Dans cette optique, nous apprenons les notions essentielles en nutrition, exercices, gestion du sommeil, respiration, mditation, ayurveda, estime de soi et beaucoup plus. Par les webinaire inclus dans la formation, vous avez accs une formation continue en mettant vos connaissances jour et en les appliquant dans des histoires de cas concrtes."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Entdecke, welche Strken in dir stecken!" |
"Nicht nur frs Vorstellungsgesprch, sondern vor allem fr die richtige Wahl des (nchsten) Jobs ist es unerlsslich, dir darber klar zu sein, welche natrlichen Strken in dir stecken und welche Bedrfnisse an dein Umfeld, deine Aufgaben und deine Mitmenschen damit einhergehen. In diesem Kurs wirst du deine Strken entdecken und besser kennenlernen. Auch wenn du dir einiger Strken schon bewusst bist, lohnt sich der Kurs, da du dir klar machen wirst, welche Bedrfnisse und welche Ausstrahlung sie mit sich bringen. Du lernst, diese Strken selbstbewusst zu formulieren und bekommst eine Idee davon, wie du sie knftig besser in dein (Arbeits-)Leben integrieren kannst. Wir stellen auch ganz kurz den StrkenRadar Onlinetest vor, der Zugang dazu ist aber NICHT in diesem Kurs enthalten. Du kannst ihn als Erweiterung kaufen, aber der Kurs funktioniert auch ohne den Test sehr gut."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
hajimenoenoippo |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"CIPS Level 4 Diploma: Ethical & Responsible Sourcing (L4M4)" |
"It is a challenge to find practice tests to check the preparedness for the CIPS examinations especially under the new syllabus. As a person who has successfully completed the CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma, I can fully understand the importance of practice tests. The passing of CIPS examination is no mean feat. You do not want to be under prepared and then fail the exams. This practice paper will not only increase your confidence but will assist you in achieving high scores in the examinations. There are over 60 questions designed by experts and more are added regularly.The practice test contains comments that gives an explanation of the right answer. The explanation also helps you revise the concept.Connect with me on LinkedIn or through email and I will send you the lecture notes which will be useful for revision. Be Prepared. Best of Luck."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Para-Raios" |
"O curso de manuteno em para-raios foi criado para especializar os profissionais da rea de eltrica como, eletricistas, tcnicos de eltrica, automao e engenheiros eletricista que no conhecem a rea de inspees e ensaios eltricos especificamente, nossa principal meta fazer esses profissionais aprenderem a realizar uma inspeo de uma forma tcnica, aprender a efetuar ensaios eltricos, na fase de comissionamento de um determinado projeto ou na manuteno preventiva em paradas de manuteno eltrica em diversas industrias e seguimentos.O objetivo principal do curso passar as informaes e ensinar como realizar as inspees e ensaios nos para-raios de baixa e mdia tenso, instalados em ptios de subestaes eltricas, painis eltricos e entradas de cabines primrias.Atravs deste curso ser possvel analisar com segurana e confiana possveis erros de fabricao, analisar documentos, verificar falhas de funcionamento e conceitos de emisso de um relatrio final dos servios realizados.comissionamento.manuteno preventiva."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas prcticas para mejorar Contenidos en Redes Sociales" |
"Soy Nacho, profesor de Marketing Digital en Buenos Aires, New York, Boston y Berln y vengo a presentarte las bases para mejorar tu contenido en Redes Sociales. Con este Curso Intensivo vas a aprender:Elegir los Hashtags correctamente.Usar la Geolocalizacin de manera estratgica para atraer ms trfico de calidad.Construir una Voz de Marca solida.Definir tus Conceptos Satlites.Qu es un Copy y como estructurarlo para lograr ms interacciones.La Principal tcnica del Storytellingy mucho ms!Con material descargable, links a recursos y herramientas online y ejercicios para que puedas asimilar mejor lo aprendido.Te animas al desafio?!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TensorFlow and neural networks crash course" |
"This course is for beginner python programming language who wants to learn the mathematical basics of the neural networks such as gradients, forward and backward propagation. Also, this course explains how to make a Neural Network for numerical/tabular data and the Convolutional Neural network for images using core TensorFlow.Due to the easy delivery of knowledge in this course, anyone can learn TensorFlow and Neural networks. As learning TensorFlow is not an easy task but we make it super easy through this courseWhy you should learn TensorFlow:Using TensorFlow you can build a lot of cool stuff such as face recognition models, chatbots, image segmentation models, basic machine learning algorithms, self-driving cars, etc. Also, TensorFlow is a very demanding skill in the deep learning industry which enables you to land as a Data Analyst Deep Learning Engineer Computer Vision Natural Language Processing Business Analyst Machine Learning Engineer Data Scientist IoT & roboticsThe ideal student for the course:Mental RequirementsSomebody who is willing to be dedicated during the course duration, can watch videos and grasp the knowledge as the content is made super easy for everyone. Someone who can watch videos without delay and with discipline.Physical RequirementsSomeone who is looking to build a career as Deep Learning Engineer, Computer Vision, NLP, Robotics can join this course as we teach TensorFlow and Neural Networks in-depth basics which is very crucial for AI careerAll you need is a goal of what you want to achieve after this course and dedication if both meets, enroll yourselfUnique Value PropositionYou need to know basic python Everything is discussed from scratchBasic calculus knowledge is required"
Price: 8960.00 ![]() |
"TREINAMENTO DE VENDAS Completo e Passo a Passo" |
"Aprenda tudo que precisa para ser um Campeo em Vendas. Aqui voc vai aprender tudo que precisa saber e fazer para que consiga fechar suas vendas com muito mais facilidade.No precisa ficar sofrendo para fechar uma venda ou para fidelizar um cliente, basta seguir o passo a passo, que voc ser um sucesso nas vendas.Passo a Passo testado por milhares de vendedores. Aprovado e garantido."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"How to start a freelance design business" |
"But not sure how to get started or what are the basic requirements of a freelance designer? Come join Black Bear Creatives Justin Marchant for a 50-minute eye-opening class on how to start your own freelance design business. Each lesson is packed full of tactical advice and tips from a real-world designer that created a home-based design studio from scratch. Learn how to avoid the mistakes and seize opportunities from Justins experiences of running his own creative studio.Using tactical advice provided in these lessons you will be able to:Plan your finances and minimise your risk associated with the costs of starting up a freelance businessKnow the main software programs used for graphic designersThe importance of accountingHow to set up your business structure and work agreementsHow to brand and position your business to get your ideal clientsCreate an effective portfolioMarket yourself on social mediaHow to meet people through networkingThis class is meant to be an overview, laying the foundation for the startup process. So lets get started and see you in the 1st lesson!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Zendesk Training for Customer Service Agents" |
"If you want to know how to solve tickets in Zendesk and how to work on customer questions efficiently this course is for you. You will learn everything you need to know to use Zendesk as a Customer Service Representative for your current job or your new role.We will start with the basics such as where tickets come from and who sends themThen we'll move to Tickets, all the details about tickets and how to work with themI'll show you how and why to personalise your Zendesk for agentsOnce you got the hang of it we'll go on to increase your efficiency with all the functionality Zendesk has to offer.I will demonstrate things in a demo environment and you can follow along on your own screen.Training delivered by Nils Rebehn (Certified Zendesk Admin) of Guidoo Services, a Certified Zendesk Select partner. Zendesk is a trademark or registered trademark of Zendesk, Inc."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
pepzwuqx |
"Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do19972003200920169"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Autosar from Scratch (Beginner to Intermediate)" |
"In today's ever growing Automotive industry, knowledge on Autosar is mandatory. If you are an architect or designer or software developer or even if you re a validation engineer, Autosar is very essential for your work. So this is a course on Autosar Software architecture. You don't need any prerequisites for this and you can become n intermediate level. Very helpful for beginners and intermediate level and good revision and overview for an Autosar Expert. Enjoy the course.Happy learning"
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Ya soy jefe, y ahora qu?" |
"Eres directivo en una empresa o quieres serlo? Garantiza tu xito con esta gua para cualquier persona en un puesto directivo, ya sea en una empresa pequea, mediana o grande. Aprende cules son las funciones bsicas del directivo, qu tareas determinarn tu xito y cundo aplicar cada una. Adquiere los conceptos clave que manejan con soltura todos los directivos y ejecutivos de las empresas multinacionales y aplcalos directamente."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Germana de la 0 Nivelul 1" |
"i cu cteva cuvinte putem spune multe! - Primele cuvinte, reguli gramaticale i expresii n german.Vei nva lucruri de baz, nu avei nevoie de cunotine de german. Dac urmai cursul corect, la sfritul acestuia v vei putea exprima att oral ct i n scris - bineneles, n limita unui anume vocabular. Vei nva s v prezentai, primele conjugri i chiar s spunei primele propoziii. Pn la urm, nvm cu toii o limb strin pentru a comunica, nu? Ok - cu excepia limbii latine :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tap In: How to Create a Foolproof Tapping Sequence" |
"Ready to heal from trauma, have healthier relationships, treat acute and chronic pain, release your self-limiting beliefs, and manifest the life you've always wanted? Tapping expert Jill Wener, MD will teach you to empower yourself with the life-changing technique of tapping. You'll learn to effortlessly create your own tapping sequence, and you'll learn how to maximize the effects of tapping by making it a daily practice. No tapping experience needed!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen fr erfolgreichen Vertrieb" |
"Die recht trockenen theoretischen Definitionen von Vertrieb haben alle die gleiche Kernaussage: Vertrieb macht das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung fr den Kunden verfgbar. Neben der Logistik, die hier auen vor gelassen wird, geht es insbesondere um die Pflege der Beziehungen des Anbieters zum Handel oder zum Endverbraucher - letztlich mit dem Ziel, die eigenen Produkte und Leistungen zu verkaufen. Die verantwortlichen Personen im Vertrieb bentigen entsprechende Vertriebskompetenzen, die vor allem beim Verkauf von Investitionsgtern, komplexen und technologieintensiven Produkten und Dienstleistungen von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Zunehmend geht es neben der Neuakquise um die Kundenbindung und darum, wie sich das Vertrauen des Verbrauchers gewinnen lsst, damit er dem Unternehmen treu bleibt. Neben den persnlichen Qualifikationen stehen beim Thema Vertrieb die Vertriebsstrategie und ihre Umsetzung und die effiziente Gestaltung des Vertriebsprozesses im Vordergrund.Die Rahmenbedingungen zum Verkaufen haben sich in wenigen Jahrzehnten enorm gewandelt. Massenmrkte sind kaum mehr vorhanden, Unterscheidungsmerkmale bei Produkten und Leistungen sind geringer und hufig erklrungsbedrftiger geworden. Mrkte sind einerseits gesttigt, erfahren aber andererseits starke, teils disruptive Vernderungen durch neue Technologien. Es herrscht hoher Konkurrenz- und Preisdruck. Welche Rolle spielt unter diesen Bedingungen der Vertrieb, welche Rolle spielt der einzelne Vertriebsmitarbeiter und welche Rolle spielt der Kunde? In diesem Kurs liegt der Fokus darauf, wie Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter im Vertrieb wirksam werden knnen, insbesondere wie Sie einen guten Kontakt zu Ihren Kunden aufbauen und darber Ihre Vertriebsziele erreichen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project 365 - Advanced" |
"This course covers the features within Microsoft Project 365 that every project manager needs to know. Students will learn how to update tasks, split tasks, reschedule project work, move a project and set new baselines. In addition, students will learn to use the variance table, display progress lines, edit and create custom tables, create custom views, and sort and filter project information. Students will work with Project reports, create custom reports, and work with visual reports. Finally, students will set default options, save a project template, use the content organizer, compare Project versions and work with Subprojects.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creating Accessible Files In Microsoft Office & Adobe" |
"This course is designed to teach users the importance of ADA Compliance in an ever more accessible virtual world. The course will provide information on how best to format files within the Microsoft Office suite of applications (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) as well as when using Adobe Acrobat to create .PDF files.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin & Firebase: Authentication and Firestore for Xamarin" |
"Welcome to the Xamarin & Firebase: Authentication and Firestore for Xamarin course, in which you will learn to Create Android and iOS Apps that use Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore Services, and use Mobile DevOps (CI/CD)I created this course because Mobile App Development is about so much more than just learning a language or a tool such as Xamarin.It is about working in teams and have source control in your projectsWorking with authentication servicesWorking with databasesIt is also about delivering your app to your users, preferably automaticallySo this course covers all of this and more. In this course, you will learnThe basics of Git & Github for version controlThe basics of Xamarin Forms so you create native apps that share C# and XAML codePowerful Xamarin Forms features such as Data Binding and Dependency ServicesData Binding so that you use the MVVM architectural patternDependency Services so that you implement platform-specific code and use it in the shared codeFirebase authentication for registering and authenticating users with email and passwordsCloud Firestore for real-time databases in the cloudThe basics of App Center so that you implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in your development processCI so that you create automatic signed builds of your code when you push new commits to GithubCD so that you distribute the signed builds automatically to your users.With 7+ hours of HD video, you will learn the step-by-step process of using each of these tools in your Xamarin development process.By the end of this course, you will not only feel more comfortable using Xamarin to develop Android and iOS apps, but you will also have a complete arsenal of tools under your belt!Don't waste your timeDon't waste your time looking through the entire internet for all the things you need to learn, spending weeks learning a tool just to figure out that there is another tool to learn. This course is designed to be self-contained so that everything that you need to know about developing Xamarin applications is here.Why you should pick this course among many others?This course is unique in the way that it covers so many tools individually. Sure if you watch the entire course you will learn all of them, but if right now you only want to learn one, you can do that too! And when you are ready to learn another tool, there is no need for you to go looking for another course, this one already covers it! Learn how to use Git and GitHub with your Xamarin apps, then how to create powerful Xamarin Forms apps with MVVM, then how to use Firebase Authentication, then how to use Cloud Firestore databases, and finally how to use Mobile DevOps with App Center, or one topic at the time! It is all in here.By the way, I'm so confident that you'll learn so much in this course that I offer a FULL money-back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risks.See you inside!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Decision-Making Mastery" |
"In this course, I'll show you simple tools you can use instantly become a better decision-maker.Because if youre tired of making bad decisions...Tired of knowing what to do, but not doing it...Tired of feeling stuck...I Made This Communication Course For You.Here's what you'll learn inside:1. Youre going to learn the Monster Decision-Make Myth and how it's sabotaging your decisions [LECTURE 2]2. Youre going to learn how to create a personal decision-making rulebook so you always know what to do [LECTURE 3]3. Youre going to learn the 4 Villains of Good Decisions [LECTURE 4]4. You're going to learn a 4 step process to make better decisions [LECTURES 5-8]And more...To take your decision-making to the next level, click the ""buy now"" button and Ill see you inside the course.To your success!-Brandon Hakim"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Chen Style Tai Chi Competition Routine - 56 Postures" |
"Chen Style Tai Chi Competition Routine - 56 Postures combines the agile body movement, the punching skills, the elbow strike and even wrestling skills! It is a Well-Balanced Tai Chi Workout. There are 3 reasons: 1. It combines almost all Chen Style postures from Traditional Frame and New Frame.2. It balances well between energy consuming kicking and jumping movements and graceful slow Tai Chi Movements.3. It trains both left handed postures with right handed postures. It is good aerobic sweating Workout. It will take you 30-60 hours to master it! You can take the individual posture to practice many times as aerobic sweating Workout. It will help to build your muscle strength and flexibility! Tai Chi or Shadow Boxing, another school of Kungfu in Chinese martial art culture, was born in Henan Province, 70km north to David Yao's native place.Tai chi, short for T'ai chi ch'an or Tij qun (Chinese: ; pinyin: Tij qun), is a traditional Chinese martial art which combines mind and awareness of our body, the deep diaphragmatic breathing and Qi, the inherent vital energy, through graceful movements to achieve mindfulness and relaxation. Tai chi is practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation.Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: qgng literally: ""Life Energy Cultivation"") is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in belief it promotes health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind. Qigong can be viewed as a medicinal movement practice, combining breath work, relaxation, movement and self-massage all in one. In Chen Style Traditional 74 Form LJ1 ( Chn sh tij qun lo ji yl Chen Style Tai Chi Traditional Form One; Chen Style Tai Chi Old Form Set One) is the foundation of all Chen Style Tai Chi which keeps the kicking, jumping and leaping movements which will apply in fighting. Base on Chen Style Traditional 74 Form LJ1, I will show more advance skills - Chen Tai Chi Fighting Style which combines mind, awareness and traditional Martial Art Kong Fu Skills You May Never Seen! The features of Original Chen Style Old Form Two are the agile body movement, the punching skills, the elbow strike and even wrestling skills! What makes Chen Style Tai Chi unique? It is f l, (releasing power; releasing power in explosive way), It integrates whole body power and keep body in a relax states when release the power in very short and explosive way. The hitting point can be fist, elbow or knee. This Fali is different with boxing or kickboxing. You can take some movements to practice in fast speed and this can be very good sweating workout for you. This will take you around 3 month to finish it. However, you can just take a single posture to practice.Tai Chi Strengthens Mind and BodyTai Chis focus on posture and body placement may add benefits beyond what cardiovascular or resistance-training can provide. Tai Chi, a moving Yoga, does more than burn calories and tone muscles. It will enable you to gain flexibility and strength, reducing stress and allowing for greater relaxation. It's a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation or relaxation. The health benefits of tai chiThis gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. Tai chi is often described as ""meditation in motion, moving Yoga,"" which originated in China as a martial art. The Chen Style Tai chi is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional family styles of Tai chi. Chen-style is characterized by Silk reeling, alternating fast/slow motion and bursts of power. The Chen Style is Originated in Hen Nan Chen Jia Gou, 70 KM at north of David Yao's birth place.There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health. In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of motions. As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention as in some kinds of meditation on your bodily sensations. Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Static and Interactive Data Visualizations in R" |
"Hello, My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment), graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation).I have several years of experience in analyzing real-life data from different sources using statistical modelling and producing publications for international peer-reviewed journals. If you find statistics books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical, then youre going to love this course!I created this course to take you by hand and teach you all the concepts, and tackle the most fundamental building block on practical data science- data wrangling and visualisation using the R Programming Language. GET ACCESS TO A COURSE THAT IS JAM PACKED WITH TONS OF APPLICABLE INFORMATION! This course is your sure-fire way of acquiring the knowledge and statistical data analysis wrangling and visualisation skills that I acquired from the rigorous training I received at 2 of the best universities in the world, the perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in a renowned international journal like PLOS One.To be more specific, heres what the course will do for you: (a) It will take you (even if you have no prior statistical modelling/analysis background) from a basic level to creating impressive visualisations (b) It will equip you to use some of the most important R visualisation packages such as ggplot2. (c) It will introduce some of the most important data visualisation concepts to you in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) You will also be able to decide which visualisation techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.(e) You will work with real-life data to create publication-quality interactive visualizations with packages such as Plotly. The course will mostly focus on helping you implement different techniques on real-life data such as Olympic and Nobel Prize winnersAfter each video, you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects immediately! Reinforce your knowledge through practical quizzes and assignments. TAKE ACTION NOW :) Youll also have my continuous support when you take this course just to make sure youre successful with it. If my GUARANTEE is not enough for you, you can ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase in case youre not completely satisfied with the course.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with this course is a success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"All About Python! Learn to Code and Make Multiple Apps!" |
"We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Learn how to use NumPy 1.12.0, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python! This course is suitable for coding beginners because we begin with a complete introduction to coding in Python, a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram. This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter.In Part 1, you learn how to use Python, a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram. You learn the basics of programming, including topics like variables, functions, and if statements. You learn about data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and sets. We cover how to use for and while loops, how to handle user input and output, file input and output. We apply our knowledge to build a fully functional tic-tac-toe game. You learn classes, methods, attributes, instancing, and class inheritance. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer.In Part 2, you take your Python knowledge and apply it to Matplotlib. We go over many cool features of Matplotlib that we can use for data visualization. We show you how to make line plots, scatter plots, candlestick plots. You learn how to customize the visuals of your graph and to add text and annotate graphs. And much more!Machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are all around us, and they're not going away. I will show you how to get a grasp on this ever-growing technology in this course.With this course I will help you understand what machine learning is and compare it to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Together we will discover applications of machine learning and where we use machine learning daily. You will learn how to analyze images with the Keras library. We'll also take a look at TensorFlow Lite to:Build an object-localization appBuild image/text classificationBuild a text summarizerThis course is full of projects!No experience? No problemI'll teach you all the fundamentals of PyCharm, Python, TensorFlow. Even if you have coding knowledge, going back to the basics is the key to success as a programmer. We will build and run Python projects. I teach through practical examples, follow-alongs, and over-the-shoulder tutorials. You won't need to go anywhere else.Build ModelsBy the end of this course, you will have tons of machine learning projects on your belt. You will know how to build complete computational models and train models to make predictions.With this course I will help you understand what machine learning is and compare it to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Together we will discover applications of machine learning and where we use machine learning daily. Machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are all around us, and they're not going away. I will show you how to get a grasp on this ever-growing technology in this course. We will explore different machine learning mechanisms and commonly used algorithms. These are popular and ones you should know.Next I'll teach you what TensorFlow 1.4.1 is and how it makes machine learning development easier. You will learn how to install TensorFlow and access its libraries through PyCharm. You'll understand the basic components of TensorFlow.Follow along with me to build a complete computational model. We'll train and test a model and use it for future predictions. I'll also show you how to build a linear regression model to fit a line through data. You'll learn to train and test the model, evaluate model accuracy, and predict values using the model.Also now Included in these bundles are our Extra Courses, if you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way!We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level!Let's get started!Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma Black Belt Certification: Six Sigma Phase 2 & 3" |
"Start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today from Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE).The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement, with over 10,000 open Six Sigma jobs in the US alone.In this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Video based boot-camp, you will get all our Six Sigma Black Belt Phase 2 (Measure) and Phase 3 (Analyze) videos, downloadable slides for both the phases, 30 practice questions, and answers to key questions asked by upcoming Six Sigma Black Belt professionals.The only two prerequisites to apply for this Black Belt Certification course is that you should have completed AIGPE's Six Sigma Green Belt training and Six Sigma Black Belt: Phase 0 & 1 training. There is no other prerequisite.In Phase 2 (Measure) we will cover:Introduction to MeasureCost of Poor Quality (COPQ)Process Map8 WastesValue Stream Map (VSM)XY MatrixData Collection PlanOperational DefinitionSamplingMeasurement System Analysis (MSA - Errors only)Run ChartNormality TestBox-Cox TransformationYieldProcess Capability - DiscreteProcess Capability - ContinuousIn Phase 3 (Analyze) we will cover:Introduction to AnalyzeBrainstormingFishbone Analysis5 Why AnalysisPareto AnalysisBox PlotScatter PlotStem-and-Leaf PlotInterval PlotFault Tree AnalysisMulti-VotingControl-Impact MatrixAll Statistical Tests covered in GB plus:One-Way ANOM (Analysis of Means)Kruskal-Wallis TestFitted-Line PlotKey topics that are covered in AIGPE's Green Belt training are recalled in this Black Belt training. Hence, it is critical that you should have completed AIGPE's Green Belt training before applying for this course.Prepare for the 2020 version of AIGPE's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam.You'll Also Get:Lifetime access to the course and all course updatesFast and friendly support in the Q&A SectionA Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download Bonus materials: 30 Six Sigma Black Belt Practice Questions for Phase 0 and 1Bonus materials: Downloadable Six Sigma Black Belt Phase 0 and 1 slides (in pdf format)30-days no questions asked, money back guaranteeClick the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Business Course" |
"Many people have heard of Amazon FBA, but many dont know what it stands for and how it can help them improve their online selling.FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, which the company is set up so you could use the Amazon warehouses to store and ship items you sell through the Amazon website.Its a simple but powerful process that ensures your business will grow without spending a lot of money.Consider this scenario: youre doing some product sourcing and have several items youve picked up DVDs, books, toys, some home and beauty items, etc.Most people, by this point, are thinking they want to purchase more stock but lack the room to store it. This is why Amazon came up with its Amazon FBA program. You can have a basic Amazon selling or Pro-Merchant account to use the program.All you need to do is list items into your selling account and several clicks later, youll be given some barcodes to print out.Did you know that a majority of the people out there are visual learners?How about you?How do you prefer to learn?If youre like most people out there, and youre a visual learner, watching something being done as opposed to just reading about it will almost always give you better results.To make sure you get the best results possible as quickly as possible, I've created a video upgrade to the guide you just purchased...With the video version, youll be able to- Youll be able to learn about FBA much fatser.- Learn how to become a FBA guru almost overnight.- Guarantee you get the best results possible especially if youre a visual learner.What you will learn:Fulfilment by AmazonWhy you should consider starting an Amazon BusinessHow to get startedHow to use FBA successfully/Why you should use FBA programSelling physical productsWhat products can be sold through AmazonWhat you need to sell books through AmazonSelling food through AmazonMaking your business successfulThe secret to Amazon's online retailImportant tips to be successfulMaking money through AmazonBecome a top rated seller on AmazonFinding suppliers for you products"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |