Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ETF-tracker: Investir en bourse sans risques ni connaisances" |
"Quand on parle des marchs boursiers cela suscite rapidement des ractions trs varis...Certains pensent trading, d'autres investissement et d'autres casino.Avec cette formation vous allez penser simplicit & scurit !Une mthode utilise pour gagner en bourse sur le long terme est l'analyse fondamentale mais celle ci demande des connaissances et surtout un mental d'acier (mais les rentabilits sont extraordinaires)Nous, dans cette formation nous allons voir comment profiter de la hausse des marchs boursiers et ce n'importe quelle priode : crise, krach ou quand tout va bien.Je vous invite regarder la vido sur les intrts composs disponible gratuitement en extrait pour comprendre la puissance de la mthode que vous allez voir.Cette mthode se base sur un investissement passif aussi passif et facile que mettre votre argent sur votre livret A mais avec une rentabilit beaucoup plus leve.PS: en bonus je vous montre comment profiter d'investissements court et moyen terme sur une assurance vie, c'est cadeau en plus de la formation sur les ETF !On se retrouve sur votre formation o je vous montre TOUT de A Z (mme comment acheter l'ETF sur mon propre compte en bourse)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conversational Romanian for Beginners" |
"Conversational Romanian for Beginners is an engaging course for motivated learners, structured in 20 lessons with practice activities. This course:focuses on communication and pronunciation drills while also teaching important grammar rules in a playful and practical way. provides plenty of listening practice and dialogue. to make things as practical as possible, every lesson comes with a quick exercise to help with learning structured following the content plan established by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Regarding the level, the content is situated between A1-A2."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Psychology of Images - 5x your profit by image that engage" |
"in this course i going to give you 5 years of experiences of how to make a winner image in a YouTube or in a facebook ads most people don't know that 50% of them money lost because the image of the ads and after i spend 1,2 million in ads i realized the more power of image you have the winner ads you gonna get and in this short course i going to move step by step about everything about image This course basically boils down to developing and launching great image that customers fall in love with. It is a great addition to anyone who is make video on youtube ,make ads ,or copywriter , or selling a product in general (it helps them develop new physcology and teaches them how to differentiate from the competition).Why Psychology of Images Masterclass ?thinking is a powerful process of problem solving that begins with understanding unmet customer needs. From that insight emerges a process for innovation that encompasses concept development, applied creativity, prototyping, and experimentation. When psychology approaches are applied to business, the success rate you get"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Align Your Body, Mind & Soul" |
"This meditation course is designed for newcomers to meditation who wish to learn practical, yet simple, meditation styles for relaxation and overall well-being in their daily lives. Using her 35 years of personal practice and experience as an instructor, Sjeka teaches this course with ease of learning in mind. Using various meditation methods, learners will be taught easy, relaxing and enjoyable meditations that can be easily added to their daily routine. Through well-explained videos, lectures, guided meditation audios, PDF downloads, and a course transcript that may be used as a reference at any time, this course is easy to follow and the learner will be able to practice meditation at their own pace. Also included is a section on How to Guide A Meditation Session for Others. Here learners will discover everything they need to know to set up and offer meditation to family, friends or even future clients. Meditation is an amazing way to reduce stress, depression, anxiety and pain while improving sleep, focus, compassion, kindness and healing. It also benefits our personal relationships and interactions with others.As learners progress through the course, they will gain a better understanding of how to boost overall well being, find relaxation and experience joy all through the simple practice of daily meditation."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Corporate investment management: from beginner to expert." |
"Do you want to understand the financial press? Do you want to start a career in finance? Or do you want to improve your knowledge to become an expert in how to create stakeholder value?This course will make sure that you can respond to the answers positively in a very fast pace! Being able to assess whether an investment project is worth executing, it is of crucial importance to master the right techniques. When the investment project is another company to be taken over, failing to making a proper analysis could destroy substantial value. This course includes 10 chapters in the areas of corporate investments: Goals and governance of the firmInvestment vs financing decisionsRole of the financial managerThe investment trade-offEconomic rents and competitive advantageThe investment decisionPositive NPV-rule (including constant growth perpetuity and annuity calculations)Estimation of free cash flowsEstimation of the discount rateWeighted average cost of capitalProject WACC vs. company WACCCapital structure decisionsCost of debtCost of equityCapital assets pricing model (CAPM)Markowitz' mean-variance approachEstimating and interpreting betaArbitrage pricing theoryFama and French (1992) free-factor modelCarhart (1997) four-factor modelWhy financing decisions matterTaking inflation into accountsensitivity checks, scenario analysis and simulationsAgency problemsAgency problems of equityAgency problems of debtOverinvestment problemUnderinvestment problemOther investment techniquesPresent value indexProfitability indexAccounting rate of returnInternal rate of returnMethod of the typical yearPayback periodiscounted payback periodEconomic value added and market value addedEVAMVAComparing EVA, MVA and NPVValuing bonds and the theory of interest ratesCorporate vs government bondsValuing a simple bondTerm structure of interest ratesCredit risk driving yieldsValuing companiesBook value vs. market value vs. intrinsic valueComparable companies approachDividend discount modelDiscounted cash flow modelCapital structure theoriesTrade-off theoryPecking-order theoryJensen's FCF theoryBehavioral finance theoriesFinancial slack WACC in case of multiple sources of financingAdjusted present value approachFinancial benchmarksImportance for coporate finance analysesThe benchmark ecosystemRegulationEuribor and Eonia as well as their reformsAlternative RFRsPrivate equity, venture capital and buyout investmentsDefinitionVenture capital vs. buyoutsTypes of buyouts (leverage buyouts, management buyouts, secondary buyouts, family buyouts, divisional buyouts, etc.)Syndication of buyout investorsBuyouts: value creation?Real options analysisDifference with traditional investment analysisFinancial options analysisValuation using the Black & Scholes formulaValue of a companyBinomial models (method of the replicating portfolio, neutral probabilities approach, etc.)Disadvantages of real options analysisEach of the chapters contains examples and practical advantages and challenges are discussed. "
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 19c SQL Fundamentos - Completo (Teoria e Prtica)" |
"Perfeito para iniciantes!Este curso direcionado para quem quer aprender Oracle Database SQL literalmente do Zero, elaborado para ser o melhor curso para iniciar em Oracle SQL.ltima verso do OracleO curso foi desenvolvida na ltima verso do Oracle que a verso 19c, mas seu contedo abrange tambm as verses anteriores 11g, 12c e 18c.O que voc vai aprender?Voc ir aprender desde onde realizar o download dos softwares da Oracle (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer) para estudo e pesquisa, realizar o download dos softwares (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer), instalar o banco de dados Oracle Database XE para Windows 64 Bits, configurar uma conexo ao Oracle Database XE utilizando Oracle NET, instalar e utilizar as principais ferramentas utilizadas para desenvolvimento em Oracle SQL, tais como SQL Developer e SQL*PLUS, configurar conexes no SQL Developer ao banco de dados Oracle.Alm disso, voc aprender a linguagem Oracle SQL, todos os conhecimentos tericos apresentados sero totalmente demonstrados na prtica, todas as prticas alm de demonstradas sero disponibilizadas para download para que voc possa tirar quaisquer dvidas e executar todos os comandos realizados no curso.A primeira etapa para um desenvolvedor Oracle ou DBAEste curso a primeira etapa na preparao para um Desenvolvedor Oracle que poder atuar em desenvolvimento de sistemas corporativos, aplicativos, Business Intelligence ou Data Science. Este curso a primeira etapa na preparao para um Administrador de Banco de Dados Oracle (DBA). Enfim, este curso se destina a quem quer iniciar e aprender na prtica Oracle Database SQL ou para quem deseja iniciar a preparao para conquistar certificaes Oracle. Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoArquivos scripts de todas as prticas realizadas no curso disponibilizados para downloadCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasA Udemy possui uma poltica de reembolso de 30 dias"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Highly Realistic PMP 6th Edition Practice Exams" |
"Pass the PMP Exam On Your First Try! Fully Updated with the PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition - For the 2020 Exam!400 High Realistic PMP questions in 4 Practice Exams. Almost all PMP exam questions are scenario-based, which will test your ability to choose the best answer. The practice test has 100 questions, and you are allowed two hours to complete all 100 questions, you have to get 80% of the scored questions correct to pass these practice tests. They will test your skills and knowledge of selecting the best answer. All questions come with detail explanations of why a choice was correct and having the Pmbok reference page number. You should probably go over the PMBOK Guide/Rita/Head First/Andy Crowe etc. 6th Edition at least once before taking these practice tests. The majority of questions on the practice tests are situational (like the real exam).Instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test. (as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.These questions have taken an extensive amount of time to create and are currently used by our aspirants to pass the PMP on their first try.Happy Learning and Best Wishes!!!Instructor(s)PMP New Horizon Group!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gamificao na Prtica" |
"Um dos assuntos mais recentes e impactantes o uso de Games como ferramenta de gesto de pessoas e conquista de resultados, desenvolvido de forma direta e prtica. O objetivo oportunizar a voc colher os verdadeiros resultados em qualquer segmento, modelo de negcio ou tamanho de equipe.Conhea o passo a passo do processo de construo; Compreenda como as peas devem se encaixar; Metodologias; Gesto por indicadores e muito mais. Faa voc mesmo!Mais que uma moda, a Gamificao chegou para ficar e fazer dos processos algo leve e desejado por todos.Bons estudos e excelentes Resultados!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cours de franais - Niveau dbutant" |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dbutez en Rust" |
"Rust est un langage libre dvelopp par la Fondation Mozilla pour coder le moteur de rendu de Firefox. Grce ses performances trs proches de C/C++ il est souvent considr comme le successeur de ces langages. Rust est en train de devenir incontournable dans le dveloppement informatique et un grand nombre d'entreprises l'utilise pour leurs projets (Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, AWS, Mozilla...). Rust est utilis pour toutes sortes de projets : des serveurs web (Rocket web Framework), du dveloppement de jeu (Piston), de la cration de langage (DenoJS)... un systme d'exploitation mme t cod en Rust (Redox OS)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Normas de correcta fabricacin (GMP)" |
"Durante este curso, aprenders desde el principio los conceptos que todo trabajador de la industria farmacutica debe saber y cumplir, ya que el cumplimiento de las normas GMP es el aspecto decisivo para la fabricacin de productos de alta calidad. Asimismo, veremos los distintos departamentos que forman una empresa farmacutica y los comportamientos adecuados que se deben de seguir."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practice Exams Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071" |
"These tests are simulations of what the real exam will be like. If you ace these practice tests, you'll be in good shape for the actual exam. Each question has a detailed explanation and links to reference materials to support the answers which ensure accuracy of the problem solutions.The questions will be shuffled each time you repeat the tests so you will need to know why an answer is correct, not just that the correct answer was item ""B"" last time you went through the test.What's covered in the Practice Tests:Relational Database conceptsRestricting and Sorting DataUsing Conversion Functions and Conditional ExpressionsDisplaying Data from Multiple TablesUsing SET OperatorsManaging Indexes Synonyms and SequencesManaging ViewsManaging Objects with Data Dictionary ViewsRetrieving Data using the SQL SELECT StatementUsing Single-Row Functions to Customize OutputReporting Aggregated Data Using Group FunctionsUsing Subqueries to Solve QueriesManaging Tables using DML statementsUse DDL to manage tables and their relationshipsControlling User AccessManaging Data in Different Time ZonesThese practice tests will help you prepare for the Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 Practice Exam but should not be the only training source you use."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de meghmetro" |
"Neste curso o aluno irar aprender como utilizar o meghmetro, conhecer todas as suas funes de operao, conhecer os itens de identificao de segurana e utilizar todas as funes existentes no equipamento.O curso de meghmetro foi criado para especializar os profissionais da rea de eltrica como, eletricistas, tcnicos de eltrica, automao e engenheiros eletricista que no conhecem a rea de inspees e ensaios eltricos especificamente, nossa principal meta fazer esses profissionais aprenderem a realizar testes operando o meghmetro de uma forma tcnica e segura, aprender a efetuar ensaios de resistncia de isolamento, na fase de comissionamento de um determinado projeto ou na manuteno preventiva em paradas de manuteno eltrica em diversas industrias e seguimentos.O objetivo principal do curso passar as informaes e ensinar a manusear o instrumento, em equipamentos de ptios de subestaes eltricas, cabines primrias e salas de controle, em nveis de tenses de baixa, mdia e alta tenso.Atravs deste curso ser possvel analisar com segurana e confiana possveis erros de operao e medio.omissionamento e manuteno preventiva."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
screenplay |
". , The Academy of Art in San Francisco. , , , - . . , ... . , . , , , , film language, , /. - , : , , , . , 30 , , ., ?1. . . , , , 4- . 2. message . 3. , backstory, . flow, arc, journey and stake. . 4. . . . , , , , , , .5. , failing accident .6. . . :1) , 2) 3) , 4) ,"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Fundamentals (Earn 5.5 PDU's)" |
"Looking to get into one of the fastest growing professions in the modern world or just to brush up on your fundamental knowledge? Either way, this course is for you.Project management is growing at an immense rate, that despite the job market uncertainties brought about by the 4th industrial revolution. The Project Management Institute (PMI), probably the most recognized authority on project management worldwide, estimates that job growth in the project management industry will be a staggering 33% or 22 million jobs by 2027. If you are still researching your future career path, stop here, project management education is certain to secure you with a good future career packed with growth opportunities and top it all off it is one of the highest earning jobs out there.The course is an excellent and thorough introduction to project management. It also caters for seasoned project managers looking to brush up on the basics, and in the process earn some PDUs towards their PMP renewal.This course will cover essential definitions and concepts that will help improve your personal project management methodology, and it will brush you up on project management lingo. We will also be looking at the importance of a phased approach towards project planning. The course provides some insight into the various common organizational structures and how these structures influence your role and authority as a project manager in an organization. The final sections of the course provides a thorough process overview of the five project management process groups as set out in the Project Management Body of Knowledge. In these final lectures we also look at some practical advice for improving effective execution of these processes.The course design caters mainly for those who wish to lay the foundations for a career in project management and it will be instrumental to their personal en professional growth. However, the course is structured to add value even to seasoned project managers."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Couples Counseling Masterclass by Psychotherapist DrNica" |
"This Masterclass is led by Dr Nica Coxon - a licensed Psychotherapist/Counsellor who for 3 years has worked face-to-face with clients to help improve their communication in their relationships. This course aims to to help you and your partner develop a new way to communicate with each other, by understanding which parts of you are being activated in the relationship and where in your childhood these may come from and how they can be healed together.Section 1. of this course starts by focusing on you. I hope to help you understand exactly which part of you is being triggered, if your partner triggers anxiety or fear of rejection in you then It may be that your partner is triggering a young ""inner child"" part in you. Did you feel anxious and abandoned as a child, for example? Have you chosen a partner who is like your father/mother? If so that anxious child part of you may need attention and healing. I will hope to help you to understand how your past and your childhood may need healing first and foremost. In Section 2. we will then go on to look at how you relate to your partner and may be able to use this insight to relate better within your relationship. I will offer insights, and tips on how you might be able to heal yourself first and then you can heal your relationship, by understanding your partners point of view, being able to communicate your feelings in a calm contained way and being able to hear them and hold a space for them as well as yourself. There is also an opportunity to hear how your partners childhood may also be triggering them in relation to you. Ins section 2 there are also some interactive exercises that you can do as a couple to help understand and heal your relationship. By the end of this course you will be able to detach from the automatic ""hurt child"" or ""angry parent"" roles that are being activated and understand your own dynamic together better in order to work on it and heal together. The course provides a way to interact with your partner which may overcome those worn-out habits which possibly stem from each of your own childhoods, which are so painful for you both.In Section 3. there are come concluding and ending words and advice from me on whether to consider an individual or a couples counsellor as your next step. Finally, If you enjoy the course I will be happy to offer a free video counselling consultation session with me, which can be done face-to-face via Skype or Zoom - which may also help to further heal your relationship."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Asansr sunumu" |
"Amerika'da zellikle Silikon Vadisi'nde, giriimcilerin, giriimlerini ok ksa bir zaman iinde anlatabilmeleri iin hayata geirilmi bir sylemin, hayat bulmu eklidir. Bu eitimi hazrlarken, insanlarn nasl ikna olduu, nasl kara verdii ve bilinalt ekseninde nasl dnd gibi konular gz nnde bulundurarak, mr boyu ara ara dnp, inceleyeceiniz bir eitim hayata geirdik. Eitimin 1. versiyonu yaynda, ara ara yenilikler ekleyecek, hatta videolar yenileyerek, bu eitim setini gncel tutacaz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Dashboard Out - Gerenciamento de Almoxarifado - KPIs" |
"Dashboards, ou painis de indicadores so um poderoso recurso no Excel para anlise de dados e tomada correta de deciso. Voc vai aprender tcnicas fceis de implementar que podem ajud-lo a criar rapidamente uma representao visual de seus dados utilizando formatao condicional, grficos, imagens, como importar dados externos, criar um modelo utilizando tabelas dinmicas, segmentaes, macros e botes de ao para tornar o modelo mais interativo.No perca tempo e matricule-se agora mesmo. Trabalhar com o Excel fundamental para quem deseja atuar no mercado de trabalho, o Excel uma ferramenta muito importante na administrao de qualquer negcio, alm de ser um fator decisivo na hora da contratao."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Earn Your Passive Income in Simple Steps" |
"This course will teach you how to earn passive income on a side along with your full time job or just additional income. I will introduce to you the system, which you can easily apply and collect an passive income per month. Every section of this course you will have quiz because I want to make sure you thoroughly equipped on your journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
!-Shopee(AmazoneBayWish)() |
"KIKINARUKO? !.?! ! !!? ? ? ? ?(AmazoneBayWish)! "
Price: 2800.00 ![]() |
"How To Have Better Meetings!" |
"By the end of this course, you will know when a meeting is necessary, how to plan with specific results in mind, and how to get those results while keeping the meeting on track, on topic, and on time. You will learn how to develop a meeting purpose statement and target realistic outcomes that you want to achieve. You will understand how to write an agenda needed to achieve those results within your time constraints and get practice writing meeting minutes. You will learn how to set-up and lead virtual meetings to get the most out of your conference calls and video conferences. And lastly, you'll learn how to take charge of your meetings with some key meeting phrases and hold people accountable to their promises, responsibilities, and tasks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cypress: Web Automation Testing from Zero to Hero" |
"This class will give you a complete understanding of what is Cypress framework and you will learn how to use all key framework capabilities. Cypress is a very modern JavaScript-based framework. It has everything you need right out of the box: Test Runner, Assertion libraries, reporters and so on. It s very nicely and easily can be integrated into the front end application (this is what we will do) and your tests will be executed in the same run loop as your application. That's why this framework is very fast! And don't worry if you never used JavaScript before. Writing automation tests in Cypress looks more like knowing what sequence of the Cypress commands you should call to perform certain actions in the browser. It s not really programming. It's a kind of scripting following Cypress rules.We will start with the very basic concepts of Web UI Automation so you will have the right foundation from the beginning (From Zero). Even if you will use any other framework for web automation in the future, the basics from this class will remain with you forever and will be very useful. I promise that you will be a GURU in building locators for any web element on the page. This is one of the most important parts of UI Automation and I have spent a lot of time on a detailed explanation of that.Unlike many other Automation frameworks, Cypress can interact with APIs as well and you can automate API testing with Cypress actually. So again, if you don't know what API is about, we will start with Zero and learn everything you need to know about Cypress capabilities for API interaction.And we definitely go through Page Objects, which is very important to use! When you have 10 to 20 tests, you can maintain your code as is, but when you have 200-300 tests, the maintainability of the test framework is a number one priority. The right structure of page objects is a key for the code reusability (no copy/paste your code) and maintainability.Also, we will go thought different advanced topics such as environment variables, setting up multiple reporters, cypress retry plugin for failed tests and eventually we will run tests in Docker Container. If that will be your first experience with Docker, no worries, we will talk about basic Docker concepts as well.By the end of the class, trust me, you will be a Cypress Hero :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass for Artisan Skincare Entrepreneurs" |
"Today, its clear that being a small-batch artisan skincare maker can mean big business. And you dont necessarily need an expensive degree or chemistry background to do it. Natalie Cascella, CEO, Author and Founder of Nuworld Botanicals is your Masterclass Coach, along with her sister Lana Marconi, Ph.D., R.Ac and her team of Nuworld Botanicals Mixologists. Natalie sees a unique opportunity to draw from her own history of building a successful Canadian natural skincare company to helping other entrepreneurs looking to start or grow their business. Natalie has created, marketed and sold her own brand of natural skincare products in major retailers including Whole Foods Market, The Shopping Channel and Indigo for 7-plus years and now she's breaking down the steps, for you! This course will teach you the art of raw skincare making and the business of launching into retail. The course is a mix of practical business lessons, proven and tested recipes and ingredients knowledge. You will learn how to create retail-ready products in your own kitchen including organic face oils, masks, body scrubs, vegan body creams, hair conditioner, shampoo and cleansing bars and more! Some of the recipes Natalie shares are best-sellers she's sold in Whole Foods Market. You will learn practical and proven business strategies from pricing your products for the retail shelf to testing, labeling and branding. In addition, Natalie shares how to adapt your marketing strategies in times of COVID-19.Natalie's original recipes can be made with less than 10 raw ingredients and completed in under 30 minutes! Formulation methods are super easy, quick and uncomplicated. No specialized equipment required (at the most a double-boiler). Some ingredients you may even have in your own kitchen. Natalie loves to work with organic superfood ingredients she uses in her smoothies, like spirulina, turmeric for example and she encourages you to mix and match ingredients to make each recipe your own. If you are looking for easy, effective and safe skincare making using strictly raw organic plant-based ingredients, this course is for you. This course is 100% chemical-free!Ready to build your natural skincare empire? Lets go!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The New Leader in the Room" |
"Welcome to the New Leader in the Room course.We will teach you 4 things:How to build credibility and trustHow to motivate your teamHow to apply a leadership modelHow to build a leadership development programRemember Simon Sinek said that Leadership is the courage to put the needs of others ahead of your own. If you're ready to care for the people you've been charged to lead, then continue on with us and learn how to be the New Leader in the Room."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Design de Sobrancelhas e Visagismo" |
"O Curso Avanado de Design de Sobrancelhas ""Os Segredos do Design"" foi criado partir de uma srie de pesquisas no setor das maiores dificuldades encontradas em milhares de profissionais do setor. Neste curso voc aprender tudo o que h de mais novo em metodologia para Design e Micropigmentao de Sobrancelhas.Um Contedo EXCLUSIVO criado pelo Master RD Diamond em Sobrancelhas da empresa TBS Club - Rgua Diamante, Anderson Youngs. Ele ensinar voc todos os maiores segredos que voc JAMAIS teve acesso at hoje, segredos que ele demonstrou em seu WORKSHOP OS SEGREDOS DO DESIGN Gratuito em 4 aulas!Sua chance de mudar de vida depende de voc, e Anderson Youngs, ir ajudar voc a transformar sua vida profissional agora!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Grind to Virtual Freedom" |
"The proven step-by-step system to find legitimate remote jobs, apply to get interviews, and get hired to start your remote career.I've taken everything I've learned from my years of interviewing regularly to land a regular job in 6 days and a remote job in 30 days, and channeled it into a step-by-step implementation program that teaches you exactly what you need to do to land the most competitive jobs on the market.The end result: A more flexible job so you no longer have to live to work and can spend all the time you want with your family or seeing the world during your working years.CORPORATE GRIND TO VIRTUAL FREEDOM is the ONLY program of its kind that1. Teaches you where to find remote jobs suited for you2. Provides templates and a proven process to create your job search materials as effortlessly as possible3. Teaches you how to apply to remote jobs to get an interview4. Teaches you how to interview to land the job5. Teaches you how to market yourself to rise to the top of the applicant pool"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"High Yield Emergency Medicine Board Review" |
"The content of this course is pulled from 20+ years of practicing emergency medicine. High-yield bullet point facts are presented in a simple to understand format.Each module has an accompanying PDF with links for those who want a deeper dive into content.You are busy and time is the most valuable asset any of us has. There's no need to spend thousands of dollars to capture the essential facts that are tested over and over again. This course delivers the high-yield emergency medicine Fast Facts to help you pass.The instructor has successfully passed the ABM emergency medicine board certification exam three times as well as scoring among the top residents during a highly rated emergency medicine residency training program. He has also written thousands of exam review questions for several board review prep companies."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Universidad Spring - Aprende Spring Framework y Spring Boot!" |
"Actualizado a las ltimas versiones de Spring Framework y Spring Boot. Si ya ests inscrito en el curso de Universidad Java no es necesario que te inscribas a este curso. ""La Universidad Spring es el mejor curso para aprender a programar en este fabuloso frramework Java y en Espaol"". Este curso es una especializacin del framework ms popular de Java y de aplicaciones Web y Empresariales, Spring Framework con Spring Boot. Comenzaremos absolutamente desde cero, sin embargo Spring es uno de los frameworks ms avanzados y abstractos de Java, por lo que si lo requieres tambin tendrs acceso a los cursos de Fundamentos de Java, Programacin Orientada a Objetos, JDBC con JDBC, Servlets y JSP's, y Hibernate incluyendo todo esto utilizando Maven, Log4j2, patrones de diseo, mejores prcticas, arquitecturas empresariales multicapa y mucho mucho ms. Con todo lo anterior, tendrs las bases para aprender Spring Framework absolutamente desde cero. Es el nico curso que necesitars para convertirte en un experto en Spring. As que la Universidad Spring no es un simple curso, ests ante un mega curso que nos ha llevado aos de preparacion y esta es la culminacin de capacitar a miles de alumnos de manera Online en Java, todo para brindarte todo el arsenal de herramientas y tecnologas que necesitas para el mundo real y profesional como desarrollador Back End o Full Stack en Java utilizando el framework ms popular a nivel mundial: Spring Framework con Spring Boot.Este es slo parte del mega temario que te espera:Leccin 1. Introduccin a Spring Framework y la Universidad Spring: Adquiere los fundamentos necesarios sobre el Framework Spring y Spring Boot a las ltimas versiones. Este framework te permitir agilizar y simplificar en gran medida el desarrollo de aplicaciones Java Empresariales. Leccin 2. Configuracin de Spring con Spring Boot y Apache NetbeansRealizaremos el proyecto de Hola Mundo con Spring Boot, de esta manera ya no ser necesario realizar configuraciones complejas para inciar con Spring, al da de hoy es de lo ms sencillo crear aplicaciones Web con Spring Framework apoyndonos de Spring Boot.Leccin 3. Thymeleaf y Spring MVCEn esta leccin aprenderemos a utilizar Thymeleaf que es la tecnologa que sustituye a los JSPs para la creacin de los componetes de la vista. As mismo aplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC utilizando Spring y veremos cmo Spring aplica este patrn de una manera muy sencilla. Leccin 4: Spring Data, Hibernate y JPAEn esta leccin aprederemos a integrar nuestras aplicaciones Spring con Hibernate y JPA, de igual manera veremos lo sencillo que es al da de hoy integrar estas tecnologas y podremos evitar la mayora de las configuraciones que anteriormente eran necesarias, adems con Spring Boot prcticamente todas las configuraciones ya vienen por default, y slo tendremos que realizar modificaciones mnimas para integrar nuestras aplicaciones de Spring con bases de datos.Leccin 5. Manejo de Transacciones Estudiaremos el tema de transacciones y lo simple que es aplicarlo al da de hoy con la ltima versin de Spring Framework y Spring Boot. Leccin 6. Creacin de una aplicacin CRUD completa con Spring Framework y Spring BootCrearemos nuestra primera aplicacin CRUD completa, aplicando todos los conceptos vistos hasta el momento y as pondrs en prctica lo ms rpido posible la creacin de Aplicaciones Web con Spring Framework, Thymeleaf, Spring Boot y Spring Data utilizando Hibernate/JPA.Leccin 7. Validaciones con Spring FrameworkAgregaremos el concepto de validaciones a nuestros formularios Web con Thymeleaf y el framework de Validation de Java Empresarial aplicado a Spring Framework.Leccin 8. Manejo de Plantillas con ThymeleafEstudiaremos el concepto de Plantillas con Thymeleaf y as evitar la repeticin de cdigo HTML, CSS o JavaScript en nuestras aplicaciones Web con Spring FrameworkLeccin 9. Manejo de Mensajes e InternacionalizacinEn esta leccin veremos cmo preparar nuestra aplicacin Web para el manejo de varios idiomas aplicando el concepto de mensajes dentro de archivos de propiedades y el manejo de internacionalizacin (i18n)Leccin 10. Seguridad con Spring Framework y Spring SecurityEn esta leccin aprenderemos a integrar seguridad a nuestra aplicacin Web, primero de la manera ms simple sin utilizar una base de datos, y posteriormente conectandonos a una base de datos para agregar el concepto de seguridad, usuarios y roles, entre ms temas relacionados a la seguridad de nuestras aplicaciones Web tales como autenticacin y autorizacin con Spring Security. Leccin 11. Aplicacin Final con Spring Framework utilizando Spring Boot y BootstrapMejoraremos visualmente nuestra aplicacin, aplicando todos los conceptos aprendidos hasta el momento para crear una aplicacin Web empresarial con todas las capas y patrones de diseo, las capas son Presentacin, Negocio y Datos. Los patrones de diseo son MVC en la capa de presentacin, DAO (Data Access Object) en la capa de datos, DTO (Data Transfere Object) en los objetos de Dominio o Entidad, entre varios temas ms, con esto estaremos listos para crear cualquier aplicacin Web del mundo real utilizando Spring Framework y Spring Boot.Adems podrs acceder a todas las bases de Java para entender a detalle Spring Framework en caso de que lo necesites, todo dentro de este mismo curso:Temario de Fundamentos de Java Leccin 1 - Comenzando con la Tecnologa JavaEl asombroso mundo de la programacin en JavaQu es la tecnologa Java (desde un enfoque prctico)Nuestro primer programa en Java desde ceroLeccin 2 - Variables y Operadores en JavaUso de Variables en Java y para qu las utilizamosTipos de Datos en Java y cmo se clasificanManejo y Clasificacin de operadores en JavaLeccin 3 - Sentencias de Control en JavaUso de la estructura if-else y dnde utilizarlaManejo de la esctrutura switch y cuando aplicarlaLeccin 4 - Manejo de Ciclos en JavaUso del ciclo for y su usoUso del ciclo while y cmo aplicarloUso del ciclo do-while y cuando utilizarloLeccin 5 - Programacin Orientada a ObjetosIntroduccin a la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO)Manejo de Clases en JavaUso de Objetos en JavaLeccin 6 - Funciones en JavaDeclaracin de Mtodos o Funciones en JavaUso y llamado de Funciones en JavaLeccin 7 - Manejo de Datos en JavaUso de Arreglos en JavaManejo de Matrices en JavaLeccin 8 - Herencia en JavaManejo de Herencia en JavaUso de superclases y subclases en JavaLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se integra todo lo aprendido en este NivelTemario de Programacin con JavaLeccin 1 - Polimorfismo en JavaQu es el polimorfismo y su aplicacinSobreescritura en Java y su usoLeccin 2 - Manejo Avanzado de Objetos en JavaConversin de Objetos (cast)Identificando el tipo de objeto con el operador instanceofLa importancia y uso del operador thisLeccin 3 - Manejo de Bloques de Cdigo en JavaAlcance de Variables (Scope)Uso de bloques estticos y no estticosLeccin 4 - Uso de Clases Abstractas e Interfaces en JavaDiferencias entre Clases Abstractas e InterfacesDeclaracin y uso de Clases AbstractasManejo de Interfaces en Java y cundo utilizarlasLeccin 5 - Manejo de Excepciones en JavaProcesando las excepciones en JavaUso de try-catch y propagacin de ExcepcionesMdulo 6 - Manejo de Colecciones en JavaUso de las colecciones en JavaManejo de List, Set y Map y la aplicacin de cada estructuraMdulo 7 - Manejo de Archivos en JavaManejo y uso de archivos en JavaManejo de Streams en Java y sus usosLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se aplica todo lo aprendido en este nivelTemario de Conexin a Bases de Datos con JDBCLeccin 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)La necesidad de una base de datosInstalando MySql y OracleDescarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la baseLeccin 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacionalCdigo JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datosLeccin 3 - Sentencia SelectPasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBCUso de la sentencia select para leer la informacin de la BDLeccin 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBCPasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y deleteUso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular informacinSeparacin de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBCLeccin 5 - Metadatos con JDBCConocimiendo la estructura de las tablas de BD con JDBCLa importancia del uso de Metadatos en JDBCLeccin 6 - Patrones de DiseoPatrn de Diseo DAO (Data Access Object)Patrn de Diseo DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)Laboratorio Final con la integracin de todo lo visto en este NivelTemario de Servlets y JSPsLeccin 1 - Introduccin a la Tecnologa Web con JavaEl asombroso mundo de la tecnologa Web con JavaLa revolucin de las aplicaciones Web y cmo aprovecharlaEl servidor de aplicaciones Glassfish y cmo utilizarloLeccin 2 - Conceptos Bsicos de los ServletsSin misterios: qu es la tecnologa de los ServletsElementos y ciclo de vida de un ServletLeccin 3 - Manejo de Sesiones con ServletsImplementacin del concepto de Sesiones con ServletsAprenderemos el uso del objeto HttpSessionImplementaremos un carrito de compras WebLeccin 4 - Conceptos Bsicos de los JSPsEstudiaremos cmo crear pginas Web dinmicas con JSPsAprenderemos los elementos fundamentales de los JSPsLeccin 5 - Conceptos Avanzados de Servlets y JSPsVeremos cmo crear una aplicacin Web integrando los Servlets y JSPsProcesamiento de datos con Servlets y despliegue de informacin con JSPsLeccin 6 - JSTL y EL (Expression Language) en JSPsEntenderemos las etiquetas JSTL para facilitar el uso de JSPsVeremos el poder de EL (Expression Language) en los JSPsLeccin 7 - Patrn de Diseo MVC (Model View Controller)Estudiaremos una arquitectura multicapas del mundo real con Servlets y JSPsAplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC con Servlets y JSPsLeccin 8 - Aplicacin SGA (Sistema de Gestin de Alumnos)Integracin de los primeros 5 niveles en un proyecto final (Control de Clientes)Anlisis, Diseo y Desarrollo de la aplicacin Control de ClientesTemario de Hibernate y JPALeccin 1 - Introduccin a Hibernate FrameworkInstalacin de Herramientas necesariasCreacin del proyecto HolaMundo con Hibernate y JPA (Java Persistence API)Leccin 2 - Operaciones Bsicas con Hibernate/JPAVeremos las operaciones como INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Y SELECT con Hibernate/JPACrearemos un ejercicio para poner en prctica cada una de estas operaciones bsicasLeccin 3 - Aplicacin Web con Hiberante/JPACrearemos nuestra primera aplicacin Web incluyendo Hibernate/JPALeccin 4 - Asociaciones con Hiberante/JPAEstudiaremos los tipos de asociaciones posibles en Hiberante/JPALeccin 5 - Ciclo de Vida en Hiberante/JPAEstudiaremos los temas relacionados al ciclo de vida en Hibernate/JPALeccin 6 - Persistencia en Cascada en Hiberante/JPAVeremos y aplicaremos el concepto de persistencia en cascada en Hibernate/JPALeccin 7 - Aplicacin Web Final: SGA (Sistema de Gestin de Alumnos)Integracin todo lo visto a lo largo del curso y crearemos una aplicacin Web del Mundo real utilizando Hibernate/JPA para la capa de datos, y otras tecnologas para la capa de presentacin y servicio.As que esto es slo parte del mega-temario que podrs estudiar en tu curso de Universidad Spring.Al finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido con la Universidad Spring y a partir de ese momento grandes oportunidades laborales y profesionales te esperan en el mundo real como programador Java y Spring profesional.Saludos y te vemos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaPasin por la tecnologa JavaFundador de Global Mentoring"
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