Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Absolute Beginners Zbrush course" |
"So you want to express your inner creativity, and let it out to be seen by the world? And you think Zbrush is the way to do it? You are absolutely right, and this course is exactly for you. Welcome to Absolute Beginners Zbrush course by SpeedChar. My name is Niko and I am a 3D character artist with over 12 years of experience in the game industry. In this course, I will guide you through all the necessary Zbrush features and menus, to start sculpting your desired characters and bring them to life.I will slowly and fully explain how to start using Zbrush, how to navigate the interface. The variuos things you need to know to model a head, horns, torso, armors, sword and even a cape, all in Zubrush. While we are working on our character, we will learn how to work with the most important Zbrush functions. I will not make this super complicated by going through everything in Zbrush. I will show you only the things you really need to know to make a fully finished high poly character.We will start by getting familiar with the basic interface and navigation in Zbrush. After that I will show you how to customize your workflow to work much faster again in Zbrush. Then we will start the character from sphere, I will guide you through the process of starting your sculpt and add new elements to it, like horns, arms and body. After that we will create, and adjust the armor. Then we will create the legs and refine the arms. We will go trough the process of making the cape, and also add spikes to the armor. After that i will show you how to make a hard surface object in Zbrush, fast and efficient by making the sword. Then you will learn how to add details on your model so it will look much more appealing. We will also paint the model so it will have better presentation. Following will be a breaf intro to posing the character, until it is time to go trough materials and light in Zbrush. After we apply and are happy with our materials and light setup, we can start rendering the character with Zbrush and then combining the passes in Photoshop, to achieve a professional look. I created this course for people that wants to start digital modelling in the best industry standart program - Zbrush, but don't know how. This is also for those artists, who whants to improve and help their drawing with a 3D base, or why not, become a digital sculptors. This is absolute beginners course, so it doesn't require any previous knowledge of Zbrush or even Photoshop. Everything in this course is real time with constant commentary from me, and i can talk a lot! So don't hesitate, but grab this course and upgrade yourself to the next few levels. Don't forget that investing in yourself will benefit you for the rest of your life, so lets get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing and Speaking Preparation (Academic/General)" |
"Are you going to study abroad or live in another country? You need IELTS But you cannot find a comprehensive and applicative course? Dont worry; Comprehensive IELTS Writing and Speaking is here to help you!International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is one of the most important tests and the main condition of entering universities for international students and living in English-speaking countries. So, if you want to learn it and join your friends in the universities of the world, it is highly recommended to join Comprehensive IELTS Writing and Speaking.The method is based on three principles:1. I teach essential concepts, techniques, and tips and avoid useless concepts2. I teach through the samples and real questions3. I teach clearlyThis course was designed for those who do not have any or much knowledge of IELTS but want to learn everything needed about IELTS writing and speaking. In this course, you will learn about the criteria of IELTS writing speaking. Also, some useful resources of IELTS speaking are introduced to you. Further, you will learn essential concepts, general tips and techniques of IELTS writing and speaking as well as special tips and techniques of each part of speaking. There are also many challenges and exercises which can help you understand how real-world projects are. Totally, in this course, there are two main sections: Writing and Speaking. Some of the things you learn in the writing section are as the following: Criteria Question type Question analysis Brainstorming Idea developing Question types How to analyze charts and graphs How to write a good overview How to write a good introduction How to write a good conclusion How to write the body paragraphs How to write about a graph or chart How to write about a diagram Types of letter How to start and end your letter How to write a good letter Then, in the speaking section you will learn: Criteria of IELTS speaking General tips and techniques Major topics of part 1,2, 3, Idea developing Question types of Part 1,2, 3 Special tips and techniques of Part 1,2, 3 Presentation skills Body languageTherefore, by the end of this course: You know all the question types of IELTS Writing and SpeakingYou will learn how to speak and how to write very well You know all the essential tips and techniques which are highly important to achieve a high score in writing and speaking You can speak more fluent and coherent You Have a better idea of developing You can cover almost all question of examiner very well You learn some presentation skills which are indirectly effective in your band score Achieve at least 6.5 in your speakingWhy this course: It is a combination of academic background and 15 years of in-field experience. All questions of students all answered as soon as possible (less than 12 hours). All applicative and essential tips and techniques of IELTS have been covered completely. Clear explanation Several projects and exercises were designed for students to take a deep dive into IELTS writing and speaking Short videos (Generally less than 8 min) but essential and applicative concepts and techniques All episodes are taught PRACTICALLY. Presentation skills and body language which are indirectly effective in IELTS writing and speaking were covered as well."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ecology in R" |
"Learn a wide variety of ecological data analyses by mining your own species occurrences and environmental data from various online sources. R code provided in each lesson is reproducible and easy to modify for your own projects and research. Upon completion of this course, you should have the knowledge to perform these analyses and GIS techniques with your own data, with an improved knowledge and understanding of the packages, functions, and R language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Arduino Eitim Seti" |
"Elektronik dnyas hayatmzn her yerinde kullanlmaktadr. Kullandmz cihazlara alternatif cihazlar retmek, bu cihazlar ek zellikler eklemek srekli dndmz eylerdir. Bunlar yapmak iin ise elektronik ve yazlm bilgimizin olmas gerekmektedir. Bu eitim serisinde Arduino kullanm anlatlacak ve uzun bir seri olacaktr. erisinde gndelik ilerimizde de kullanacamz bir ok uygulama olacandan sizlerde derste anlatlanlar rahatlkla kullanabileceksiniz. Yazlm veya elektronik bilmenize gerek kalmakszn, seri ierisinde kullanlan tm elektronik devreler neden seildii ve nasl kullanlaca detayl anlatlacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Vaincre sa procrastination MAINTENANT et vie" |
"Avec ce cours vous apprendrez les vraies origines de la procrastination.Vous verrez comment elle est entretenue, notamment par la socit.Et vous dcouvrirez ainsi comment la rsoudre dfinitivement.Ce cours n'est pas un coaching.Ce cours n'est pas une liste de tches.Il est de 1h30 environ pour vous donner les cls de faon complte ; mais sans vous puiser.Les notions expliques ici seront trs diffrentes des autres cours.Ce cours est le partage d'un savoir nouveau, dterminant, pour comprendre la procrastination, la dsarmer, et grer votre temps et votre vie avec srnit... mais aussi avec succs !"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Photography Essentials: Zero to Sixty" |
"Photography Essentials: Zero to Sixty is the complete introduction to photography course for any new photographer with any camera system. We will cover exposure theory, metering, exposure compensation, focusing essentials, tracking subjects, white balance, and essentials of editing. Each section will include a discussion on the theory currently on topic, a mechanical demonstration of how to control this particular aspect of photography, and lastly a practical shoot where you will accompany me in the field as I put our new skills to the test. With four hours of material this course will get anyone off the ground and shooting great images immediately."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear tu negocio de Fotografa desde ceros" |
"Te gusta la Fotografa o eres Fotgrafo y te encantara poder vivir de este arte? Pues bienvenido al curso de como crear tu negocio de fotografa desde cero, donde encontrars toda la informacin necesaria, plantillas, motivacin, informacin unica que no encontrars en nign otro curso, todo el anlisis que necesitas hacer al momento de crear tu negocio, Que esperas?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O jornalista como produtor de contedo para internet" |
"Neste curso ns vamos entender um pouco mais sobre as mudanas que esto acontecendo no universo dos meios de comunicao de massa.Jornalistas que trabalham nas chamadas redaes tradicionais podem ter dificuldades para se adaptar ao novo cenrio e garantir sua relevncia e atuao num mercado de trabalho cada vez mais dinmico e competitivo. bom lembrar que esse curso bsico e no possui a inteno de formar experts em nenhumas reas. Conforme os feedbacks surgirem com novas demandas lanarei novas aulas, ou novos cursos mais avanados para ajudar voc a crescer nesse cenrio.Decida quais habilidades voc ensinar e como elas sero ensinadas. Organize as aulas em sees. Cada seo deve ter de 3 a 7 aulas e incluir pelo menos uma tarefa ou atividade prtica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MASTER MANDOLIN COURSE - Intermediate and Advanced Mandolin" |
"MASTER MANDOLIN COURSE - Intermediate and Advanced Mandolin The #1 Master Mandolin course online. The most in depth Intermediate to Advanced Mandolin course available online.Mandolin Lessons Online.Why take a mandolin course from this guy?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their playing. I feel like playing mandolin can do that. After years of performing and teaching all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make videos of my mandolin teaching style. Here is the result.I hope you will join me on the inside of this mandolin course where you will learn some awesome mandolin secretsBuilding a strong foundation:This is Part 2 for the mandolin. I will teach you a shortcut way to play mandolin to make it easier to learn mandolin faster. Everything in this course will be broken down and explained for an intermediate to advanced mandolin player in easy to understand parts to help you succeed. You will learn major and minor scales on the mandolin scales.You will get backing tracks to be able to play along with to help develop your mandolin skillsWho is the target audience for this violin course? Anyone interested in intermediate to advanced learning on the mandolin Anyone who wants to play mandolin for enjoymentAnyone who wants to be a performer or a musicianGreat for all agesMandolin course that's filled with all the information you need to succeed.All these mandolin videos are all broken down to gear toward the intermediate to advanced mandolin player. If you have some mandolin experience, and know your basic chords and want to get to the next level your are in the right place. I do move fairly quickly in these videos, keep in mind that you can either slow down the videos, speed them up or skip around to the videos that suits your needs.QuestionsFeel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.Thanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this MASTER MANDOLIN COURSE - Intermediate and Advanced Mandolin. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and teaching you how to be a better mandolin player. Chuck Millar Lesson ProsMASTER MANDOLIN COURSE - Intermediate and Advanced MandolinThe #1 Master Mandolin course online. The most in depth Intermediate to Advanced Mandolin course available online.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: + 50 Counter Attacks" |
"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is so popular nowadays, and everyone tries to learn new locks. But escaping the lock turns out to be the critical point in order to be the better grappler.Do you want to improve your jiu-jitsu skills and become a better grappler?Good grapplers are the ones that do NOT TAP OUT! And if you learn how to avoid being locked, there is nothing to stop you win.This is why, in this course, I have put together different escapes from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that will improve your grappling.For each common attack, you will see five different escapes, try them out, and see which ones work best for you.We have focused on the most effective escapes for each of the most popular positions and locks.This is what makes this course different. As a black belt martial artist, I need to teach my students tricks and techniques and tricks that apply to actual grappling. There is no need for fancy techniques that you can not apply. It is a waste of time. What will you learn in this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu online course?Get into a better position from full mount, side mount, and knee mounthow to escape Americana, Armbar, Kimura, Kesa Gatame, etc.small details about each situation that are essential in grapplingimpress your teammates or even your coach with something they do not knowIf you have experience in jiu-jitsu, that is great. But you would know that avoiding being locked depends on how experienced is your opponent and what stage the attack is at. This is why you need to learn how to escape any attack at any moment. I will show you different situations for each attack and position, and you will no longer hesitate how to react during the fight.Enroll today and improve your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. There is nothing to lose.Also, Udemy guarantees it with their no-risk 30-day money-back guarantee.Thank you for signing up for this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu course on Udemy, and I will see you in the first training. I am also available for any questions for the escapes on the course discussion board.Safe grappling!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advanced Psychology - Spiral Dynamics Basics" |
"If you haven't heard of Spiral dynamics and you're a professional coach, psychologist, or just someone who is continuously interested in the field of human nature and psychology, this course is for you.Once you become familiar with its foundation and many implications for personal and social development, you will also be able to discover the answers to the following:HOW people think about things (as opposed to what they think)WHY people make decisions in different waysWHY people respond to different motivatorsWHY and HOW values arise and spreadThe nature of psychological CHANGEThis psychology course explores one of the most advanced and useful psychology theories available to date, Spiral Dynamics. While this isn't an official training, this course covers some of the basics to help you:Genuinely understand the worldview of anyone you interact with.Identify people's internal values and what they find truly important.Resolve persistent conflicts and tensions between different demographics.Know how to communicate a ""common ground"" with people.Understand world conflicts, the complexity of societies, and how culture evolves.Gain a metamodel that explains how a person's psychology evolves. Rapidly expand your self-awareness and knowledge about why we do what we do.This is just the tip of the iceberg for the practicality and applicability of this psychology model, and once you understand it, you'll too find your own unique ways to use it.Sign up now to this advanced psychology course and start your introduction into Spiral Dynamics today."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Intermediate 2 - Everything in HSK 4 (Course A)" |
"Chinese Intermediate 2 (Course A), produced by ChineseQQ is tailored for non Chinese speakers who are at entry intermediate level and are ready to progress to Upper Intermediate level. Chinese Intermediate 2 Course is designed to help you reach beyond HSK 4 level, and will help students equip with all skills required for taking HSK 4 proficiency test. The full course is composed of Course A (lesson 1-7), Course B (lesson 8-14), and Course C (lesson 15-20).Composed of 7 lessons / 69 videos, all lessons in ""Chinese Intermediate 2 (Course A)"" would include a set downloadable lecture notes, which cover the entire lessons content, and a set of practice exercises, which is a combination of speaking questions, sentence structure exercises, short passages writing, etc. Additionally, interactive online study sets are provided, which would contain audio flashcards, quizzes, games, etc. Apart from educational videos, Speaking & Listening practice videos are also prepared in every two lessons. They adds more interaction between students and the instructor, where students are expected to listen to questions asked by the instructor, and answer by themselves. This also further hones students' listening and speaking skills.Lesson videos are designed in a fun and engaging way, with most content animated. It aims to provokes your interests and enhance engagement among lessons, allowing you to learn more enjoyably and effectively."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Ubuntu Linux on a Virtual Machine" |
"Perfect for Beginners/Students but also useful for advanced users. You don't need to install Linux on your physical machine to try it out. You can safely install Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine without any risks, and learn & test that way. You will learn how to install Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine, using Oracle VirtualBox. The course covers how to install Ubuntu Linux, how to create custom partitions for the installation, and there is a brief overview at the end of how to setup your Desktop environment post-installation.The installation of Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine is almost exactly the same as on a physical harddisk/pc, therefore this course can be used to help you install Linux on your physical harddisk/pc/laptop.Please don't forget to rate my course, and you're welcome to send me any questions too. I will be happy to answer them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Salesforce Pardot Lightning App (PLA)" |
"Beginner-Intermediate level introduction to the latest Salesforce Pardot, Pardot Lightning App(PLA) - 2019Salesforce Pardot is a B2B Marketing Automation software, and forms part of the Salesforce family.Salesforce is the world's #1 CRM software/platform.Whether you're a student, agent, team lead or manager, you will learn what Pardot is used for, and how it can help you create and manage effective marketing campaigns for your company in the marketing or sales department.From creating Pardot forms & custom fields and landing pages for your marketing campaign, to capturing landing page visitor email addresses and nurturing them from leads to prospects that you eventually hand over to the sales team, to automation, analytics & reporting, etc.After successfully completing this course you should be able to/ready to start using the Salesforce Pardot Lightning App to setup, execute and manage simple marketing campaigns.Section 1: Pardot Overview; Section 2: Pardot Interface/Navigation; Section 3: Lead Generation; Section 4: Analytics & Reporting; Section 5: Other"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kako da napravite online shop za samo 1 dolar!" |
"U detaljno objanjenim video lekcijama, vi ete biti u mogunosti da za par sati rada napravite od nule svoj online shop, na svom serveru za samo 1 dolar. Jedino plaanje koje ete izvriti jeste kupovina domena .com koja e vas kotati 1$.elite detaljno objanjen svaki korak do izgradnje vae online prodavnice?elite da pritom potroite minimalan iznos vaeg novca?Ne traite dalje!Kurs je na srpskom jeziku!The course is on the Serbian language!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Past Life Regression" |
"It's estimated that about 50% of the people on the planet believe in some type of reincarnation. What if past lives were actually real? And what if you could access the memories of your past life stored in your subconscious mind, though deeps states of meditation. If those ideas aren't intriguing enough, what if memories contained in your past lives could help you heal, understand your relationships, or improve your life in general? In Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Past Life Regression, these are the topics we're going to explore.In this course, I'll provide lectures, contemplations, guided meditations, and true stories to shed light on your past incarnations. You'll discover how Past Life Regressions can bring insight into the reality of your past incarnations, heal certain situations in this life, and provide wisdom that will benefit you in the future.Topics in the course will include:Answers to FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS that will help optimize your understanding and experiences of Past Life Regressions.One CONTEMPLATION to increase your awareness of the possibility (or the reality) of your past incarnations.Three GUIDED MEDITATIONS to take you deep into past life experiences for EXPLORING, HEALING, and gaining WISDOM.One fascinating homework assignment to encourage you to VALIDATE the REALITY of your Past Life Regressions.Two amazing TRUE STORIES of Past Life Regressions that will inspire your quest.A VERIFICATION SHEET to help chart your progress.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some previous experience in meditation will be helpful. But more than anything, what you'll really need is a passionate desire to remember and explore your previous incarnations.On a side note, this class is one of my very favorites because I spent eight months exploring and validating Past Life Regressions. It was a remarkable journey and a captivating phase of my life I'll never forget. I hope the same happens for you.What students are saying:I wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sports Nutrition: Body Building Like a Champion" |
"Sports nutrition is a vital element for reaching peak physical performance. To maximize workouts and athletic ability, this Course offers the most up-to-date nutritional guidance along with delicious recipes to make eating right for an active body building and muscle growth lifestyle, easy.You will know the muscle-making secrets that old pros and promotional hacks dont want you to know:Why hormones are vital to building muscle and how to get the ones you needHow your body responds to demand and nutrition to make you bigger and more powerfulHow to get the good carbohydrates you need to fuel your training and build healthy massWhy protein is essential to packing on pounds of muscleWhen and what you should eat to maximize gains and minimize recovery timeWhy nutritional supplements are the Holy Grail for the fitness industry...And much more!Whether you practice body building, endurance sports or engage in recreational exercise, this course offers the guidance and recipes you need to eat, compete, and succeed. Scroll up and enroll the course now!#sportsnutritionbasics #dietandnutritionforbeginners #bodybuildingguide"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work At Home Jobs & Digital Marketing For Seniors" |
"If you're a senior citizen, you should definitely look in to working from home using the Internet. You may not need the money, but you can definitely use the engagement.Wouldn't you want to work on something that engages your sense of curiosity, adventure and possibility? Wouldn't it be awesome to work on something that produces money while at the same time, pushes you to be as creative and as imaginative as before?Earning an online income may be the answer youre looking for.Topics covered in this video course:Why should you work from home?Get an online job as a virtual assistantCustomer service representative/technical supportGeneral freelancerBecome a bloggerTranslatorBusiness consultingBookkeeper or tax accountantOnline tutor or teacherBecome an Online SellerVirtual JurorOther Work from Home OpportunitiesWhere to Get Online Jobsenior Citizens Guide To Basic Digital MarketingBy the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing top home business strategies across the major online marketing channels.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are either free or very cost effective.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedDon't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and money.Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to start growing your business online today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Anti-Anxiety Formula to Live a Stress-Free Life" |
"We live in a very stressful world. In fact, a lot of people are struggling with anxiety disorders at some level or another.It may have different manifestations, but make no mistake that it definitely gets in the way of a more effective life.Anxiety is the main obstacle that stops someone from reaching their full potential. Anxiety is a common obstacle that stops us from achieving success in personal & professional lives.You will discover everything you need to know about overcoming anxiety, fears, and depression: proven & powerful strategies to overcome your stuck points, how to face your inner demons, the simple step-by-step action plan for overcoming resistance to change, how to silence your fears...This course teaches you how to overcome anxiety without drugs, without professional and expensive psychiatric counseling, and by simply helping you rearrange your 'mental and emotional furniture.'This video course is perfect for those who want to overcome anxiety for good, so that they could live a stress-free life.Topics covered:You and Your Anxiety-How to Overcome Your Stuck PointsYour Mind, Your Body- How to Face Your Inner DemonsOvercoming Resistance to ChangeReflection-How to Arrive at Acceptance and Move on From ThereAction against Angst-How to Act on Your Fears and Achieve Your GoalsNavigating Self-Imposed Obstacles- How to Stop Being a Hard Task MasterPreventing Burnout-How to Overcome Your Anxiety Without Getting Tied-Down by the Idea of PerfectionYouve Got This - How to Banish Worry and Live Panic-FreeDo A Self-AuditPrioritize Your ListCategorize Your Anxiety ChallengesThe Future Begins With MeTaking Hold Of The PastOvercoming Exaggerated MemoriesPractice MindfulnessPractice Makes PerfectBest Practices For All-Natural, Self-Directed Anxiety SolutionsYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedDon't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and health.Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to grab all the informations!#howtoovercomeanxiety #anxietymanagement #anxietyrelief"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Meditation and Mindfulness: The Essential Beginner's Guide" |
"Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. It has become a very popular subject, and for good reason.Everybody is feeling the pressure to succeed and do great in their lives, but the work involved in becoming successful can be enough to make anyone exhausted.We put so much energy into trying to create our best lives that, ironically, we can easily lose sight of the most important part of that; ourselves!By taking the time to learn about meditation and allowing it to be a part of our lives, we can begin to channel our thoughts into more productive patterns and give ourselves the recharge that we need when it seems like life has gotten to be a little bit too much.Topics covered:The History of MeditationThe Benefits of MeditationMindfulness Meditation and How It Can Work For YouThe Benefits of Loving Kindness MeditationActive Meditation with Kundalini YogaThe Benefits of Transcendental MeditationThe Practice of Zen MeditationTips and Tricks for the Meditation BeginnersCommon Myths About Meditation That Might Be Turning You OffMeditation In A NutshellThe Top 10 Benefits Of MeditationPractical Vs Esoteric MeditationThe SEAL Quick Stress ReliefCounting Your BreathPresent Sense MindfulnessWatch Your Emotions Like CloudsMeditation Best Practices...and more!With this video course you will discover ancient and proven methods to triple your productivity, vitality & finally experience true joy!You will learn to:Develop deeper focus and better thinking abilitiesUnderstand what is keeping you from your goals and overcome themBecome a loving person that everyone enjoys being aroundLive the life youve been dreaming ofManage self-doubt, fears, and anxietiesYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedDon't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and health.Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to grab all the informations!#meditation #mindfulness"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting: The Content Writing Secrets to Powerful Copy" |
"Discover How To Become A Six-Figure Copywriter Starting Today to Develop Your Copywriting Skills!Now You Can Write Compelling Sales Letters That Effectively Generate A Call-To-Action And Potentially Increase Sales Leads On A Regular Basis!The biggest copywriting mistake people make is thinking that they are their own audiences. A lot of people dont understand or dont read their copy from the perspective of their audience.Copywriting is important because its a process that goes through what we, in marketing, call the sender who encodes a message in a way that hopefully will get decoded by the recipient in the same way, or the way it was intended to.The problem is oftentimes, when people write copy, were so married with our own product. Were so married with our own books, if were writing books. Were so married to what it means to us that we dont really think about how that message, when we code it - meaning what words we choose to put on paper or what words we choose to put in a video and other kinds of sales presentations - will be decoded by the recipient.We dont think about the recipient so much. We think about how we want to best say it because were so excited about a product. But very often, we choose the wrong message or we choose the message that we know we can understand.Words are a powerful tool if utilized properly by anyone in marketing or sales. Keyword for guarantee is an essential component for most good eCommerce marketing copy.The word Guaranteed appeals to consumer emotional triggers like safety and trust. The word works like a safety net which is a promise made by a retailer to a consumer that they will be pleased with their purchase.In behavioral economics, studies have indicated that humans are inherently afraid of loss when purchasing an item due to the chance of disliking it. By indicating the word guarantee in a sales copy, this would diminish the consumers possibility of loss.Keywords such as guarantee, money-back guarantee, and versions like or you money back should be applied into their sales copy and so much more...In order to write an effective copy, it has to capture attention and be able to amplify the interest of your target audience. It also has to create desire by empathizing with them on the problem that they are facing and propose or produce a solution to solve their problem.Your copy must include a call to action for your audience to take which can vary from signing up to an email list right up to purchasing something immediately.Below are some of the information that you are about to learn inside:Lead Generation StrategiesLead Management TacticsHow to Develop Your Unique Selling PropositionCrafting Your Secret OfferThe CloseLeveling UpKiller Copy BlueprintYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedDon't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and wealth.Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to grab all the informations!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Rudder - Mastering the DevOps" |
"Hello Fellow DevOps Engineer,In this course I brought to you a very decent tool that scales as you wish towards thousands of agents. I also provides you with CI capabilities across your environment and helps you maintain a decent and easily managable infrastructure.The course is supported by a github repository check in the course details."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Linux+ Certification Exam XK0-004 : Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA Linux+ Certification Exam XK0-004 : Practice TestsThe CompTIA Linux+ is for the IT pro who will use Linux to manage everything from cars and smartphones to servers and supercomputers, as a vast number of enterprises use Linux in cloud, cybersecurity, mobile and web administration applications.CompTIA Linux+ validates the skills of IT professionals with hands-on experience configuring, monitoring, and supporting servers running the Linux operating system.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.This course provides practice for taking the actual exam.CompTIA Linux+ Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Hardware & System ConfigurationSystem Operation & MaintenanceSecurityLinux Troubleshooting & DiagnosticsAutomation & ScriptingThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Comptia in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin JUnit" |
"KotlinJUnitKotlinJUnitKotlinJUnitxUnitJUnitxUnitJavaKotlinJVMKotlinJUnit4 + KotlinJUnitJUnit4"
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"pittura a olio per principianti" |
"Molte persone vorrebbero imparare a dipingere ma pensano di non averne le capacit o il talento.Altre persone hanno letto molta teoria o fatto alcuni tentativi poi si sono scoraggiate e hanno abbandonato questa tecnica meravigliosa.Se ti riconosci in una di queste descrizioni allora QUESTO il corso che fa per te!QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO.Avrai da subito la soddisfazione di creare un dipinto da appendere o regalare.Ti spiegher la tecnica senza fare esercizi ma mettendola subito in pratica realizzando immediatamente una vera opera. Ti guider passo passo nella loro realizzazione. Ti assister lungo tutto il tuo percorso! Parleremo nel mio gruppo o per mail. Potrai farmi vedere i tuoi lavori e parlare con me dei problemi che mano a mano incontrerai. Non ti sentirai pi solo e abbandonato.Adesso rilassati e goditi il piacere di imparare questa tecnica meravigliosa dalle mille possibilit che la pittura a olio."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Pronunciation Course" |
"We have found that not only the beginners, but also students who have learnt Mandarin Chinese for several years have the same problem with Chinese pronunciation system, which we called Pinyin in Chinese. You are going to learn all important points of Pinyin from this course. We believe it will help a lot for anyone who want to master Chinese Pinyin and got a very good foundation of Chinese language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Apache Guacamole Server" |
"Como o cliente Guacamole um aplicativo da Web HTML5, o uso de seus computadores no est vinculado a nenhum dispositivo ou local. Contanto que voc tenha acesso a um navegador da Web, voc ter acesso s suas mquinas.Com o Guacamole e um sistema operacional de desktop hospedado na nuvem, voc pode combinar a convenincia do Guacamole com a resilincia e a flexibilidade da computao em nuvem.O Apache Guacamole um gateway de desktop remoto sem cliente. Ele suporta protocolos padro como VNC, RDP e SSH entre outros."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundaes e Geotecnia" |
"Depois de quase 10 anos de formado e duas especializaes percebi que os cursos de curta durao foram os mais eficientes dentre todos que j estudei. So cursos de alguns dias e geralmente ocorrem de fim de semana: 4, 8 ou 12 dias. Considero esses cursos mais eficientes justamente por ser de curta durao. O contedo todo otimizado e filtrado de forma que o aproveitamento fique bem melhor. O problema que esses cursos de curta durao so bem mais caros em termos de quantidade de hora aula por valor financeiro investido. Por exemplo, podem custar R$ 1.500,00 por 4 aulas. Ou R$ 2.500,00 por 6 a 8 aulas. Ento resolvi montar esse curso na Udemy filtrando o contedo que considerei mais interessante de quatro cursos de curta durao na rea de geotecnia que participei. Alm disso, somei com exemplos de casos reais da minha vivncia de 8 anos de experincia na rea. E ainda, tambm inclui contedos de congressos, seminrios e encontros de engenharia de fundaes que participei."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"zhiyun smooth 4" |
"zhiyun smooth 4 , . - , , zhiyun smooth 4 . zhiyun smooth 4 , !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
kurs_dlya_frilanserov_28_vrednykh_soveta_kotorym_vy_sleduyete |
"? , , - . 28 , - . !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Birding with eBird" |
"If you are a birding enthusiast, eBird is an indispensable tool that makes birding fun and beneficial. This course takes you through all the wonderful and fantastic features of eBird and shows you the amazing things you can do with it including managing your own sightings, determining where you are most likely to find the species you're looking for, what time of year a particular species is likely to be seen at a particular location, finding the best birding spots, anywhere in the world, and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |