Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Complete Guide to Protect your Online Presence" |
"The curriculum includes, but is not limited to, an explanation of the black-market secret Internet, Sex trafficking survivor tactics in response to Online Profiling, phone and Internet tracking methods used by criminals, how to determine if someone is stalking your online presence, how to locate your picture(s) anywhere on the Internet, methods to fight against Online Harassment or threats to your Online Reputation, ways to combat Internet Character Defamation, removing or minimizing your online presence from all Internet types, how to prevent your Social Media account(s) from being hacked, how to stop hackers from stealing your personal/financial data, ways to avert a vehicle or Bluetooth hack, techniques used to stop someone from hacking into your phone to track your location and/or steal data, how to check if any of your email addresses have been compromised and so much more.Updated recommendations from Industry expertsDownloadable document with Course linksWeb types (public and hidden)Frauds, scams and schemesSex trafficking survivor tactics/recommendationsCyber-stalking and Child tracking apps.5 Steps to Protect Against Cyber-stalking & Online HarassmentProtect against Cyber-stalking & Online Harassment Important ResourcesOnline reputation and Internet DefamationDoes your device have an IP address? If so, it can be tracked.Is my Online Presence being tracked?Deep-fakes (face-swap technology)Deep-fake Detection $10,000,000 challengeMinimize or Eliminate Online Footprint: Interview with a New Jersey Private DetectiveAdditional Methods to Remove Online FootprintCyber-warsVehicle hackingFake NewsBluetooth/Hands-FreeIoT (Internet of Things)Facebook Hacking PreventionSocial Media Account Hacking PreventionOnline gamingTips to recover from hacked social media accountsVirtual TextingMobile device securitySecuring your Homes Wi-fi RouterFinancial Information Compromised?Has my email address been compromised?Is your data safe? (Personal and business recommendation)Mobile Payment App hacking preventionApple iCloud credentials compromised?Online Shopping TipsDefend against Multi-Factor Authentication attacks"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"How to draw by using the hatching technique" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to draw by using hatchings. this techniqu can be done with normal tools, like pencils and paper, or with a graphic tablet and softwares. this course is showed with the fotware Clip Studio Paint, but can be applied with many other tools.The different videos are going to present you several techniques to start or improve your drawing skills by using hatchings. This can be applied to draw characters, landscapes and many other subjects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHOTOSHOP: Inking and coloring from a pencil sketch" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to ink and illustration that was draw with normal pencil tools. First, the drawing is scanned, and then we put it into Photoshop for the inking. We are going to review several inking techniques and then to complete the illustration with a simple coloring technique."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to draw Doodle Art" |
"You like the idea of creating Doodles? Learn in this course very easy tips to draw your own Doodles. You will see, this is very easy and fast. You just need some pencils, or a graphic tablet, and to follow step by steps the videos of this course. In the end, you will be more able to draw Doodle Art and will feel more comfortable in drawing in general."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROCREATE: Learn the basic options" |
"In this course, you are going to learn the basic use of Procreate. This is a presentation and demonstration of the main tools of Procreate to use for drawing. I'm going to teach you how to start with procreate and what are the more relevant options that will be of interet for any artist. Be ready to experiment a very, very powerful tool for any people who are drawing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROCREATE: Tips to draw faces and heads" |
"In this course, we are going to see ho to draw faces and eyes with procreate on IPAD Pro. You will see that, with the technique i'm teaching you, that it is very easy to draw sketches and without going into too much different brushes. Learn many easy techniques you can drill and repeat over and over to increase your drawing skill."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROCREATE: Illustrations step by step" |
"In this course, you are going to see different illustrations created step by step with different techniques and tools of Procreate.You will learn many techniques, tips and advises to improve your drawing skill while using Procreate, regarding colors, inking, sketching and many other things. So get ready to a very straight course from A to B that will give you the key ooptions to draw efficiently with Procreate."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROCREATE: How to paint landscapes" |
"In this course, we are going to see how to use Procreate to create landscapes. This course is giving you plenty of tips to improve your creativity and gives you very simple techniques to create faster plenty of different landscape. In thi end of this course, you know more about how you can simply use Procreate to produce very interesting and beautiful landscapes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile Operations Fundamentals" |
"The Agile Operations Fundamentals course helps operational teams develop the foundational skills to plan, structure, deliver, monitor and improve on operational activities and processes. This course builds on our previous foundational courses such as the ""Agile Program Fundamentals"" and provides guidance on recommended practices, tools and techniques - all aligned to the core Agile values & principles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Chatbot Web Apps in Javascript" |
"Do you wanna create a chatbot web app using Javascript?Do you wanna improve your javascript skills by create uncommon web app?With the advance of technology, chatbots have become important and even mandatory in many applications these days. Several e-commences stores, banks, businesses, and different sorts of apps have added chatbots in their application because they knew the importance of having chatbots.In this course, you will learn how to create chatbots using vanilla Javascript. Firstly, you will get to know how chatbots work, then I'm gonna walk you through 4 different chatbot apps that are commonly used these days. This course does not incorporate Artificial Intelligence in the process of creating chatbots. It neither uses a server nor a database. Instead, it only uses Javascript where the complete logic will be created in the front-end (client-side). So this course is perfect for web developers, specifically, front-end web developers.What is different about this course?Well, instead of teaching unnecessary concepts that you may forget quickly and might not use. I'm teaching you the ""how to"" in a very simple steps so that you understand everything easily and you learn how to create your own chatbots.By the end of this course you will have:learned the logic behind 4 different chatbot web apps.created 4 different chatbot web apps.the ability to create your own chatbots.Wish you an incredible learning experience."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DevOps : Tout savoir de Docker en quelques heures" |
"Ce cours s'adresse un public de niveau dbutant et des professionnels de l'IT qui souhaitent comprendre comment mettre en uvre de la manire la plus efficace la mthodologie DevOps travers la construction, le test et le dploiement de conteneurs grce Docker et Compose.Profitez d'un contenu prouv, et donn en prsentiel dans plusieurs coles d'informatique parisiennes (ESGI, CFI, ITIC, ...), un vrai guide suivre pour matriser les bases de Docker et enfin pouvoir utiliser les conteneurs comme un pro.Selon sysdig ""Docker reprsente plus de 83% de l'utilisation des conteneurs aujourd'hui"".De plus, aujourd'hui, une matrise de Docker est demande dans la plupart des mtiers de l'IT, que ce soit en dveloppement ou en systme, voir en scurit, notamment avec l'mergence du nouveau mouvement DevSecOps qui regroupe l'ensemble des trois prcdents mtiers de l'IT avec la prise en compte de la scurit tous les niveaux.C'est ce que j'utilise au quotidien, en tant que DevSecOps, et c'est ce que je veux vous faire partager avec la sortie de ce nouveau cours portant sur la matrise des bases de Docker, en incluant cette formation :Cours sous format PDF disponibleInstallation de Docker pas pas sur l'ensemble des systmes (Linux, MacOSX, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, et 10)Un dpt gitlab avec des exercices et des templates que vous pourrez utiliser pour crer vos propres imagesUtilisation de DockerHub pour stocker vos images mais aussi pour tlcharger tout ce dont vous avez besoinDe nombreux QCMs pour valider vos nouvelles connaissancesPlusieurs exercices pour utiliser Docker de manire pratiqueIl n'y a besoin que de connaissances basiques en systme (Linux) et en fonctionnement d'un serveur web, pour pouvoir suivre ce cours, toutes les notions importantes et ncessaires seront abordes au pralable et les manipulations y sont expliques pas pas.Dans la partie Introduction, nous prsenterons le contenu de la formation, du formateur, comment tlcharger les supports, et commencer par aborder rapidement l'histoire de Docker !Dans une deuxime partie, nous verrons qu'il existe plusieurs versions de Docker, et qu'il est tout fait possible de l'utiliser sur Linux, Windows ou MAC, pour finir par vrifier si la virtualisation est possible sur votre machine.Dans les troisime, quatrieme, cinquime et sixime parties nous verrons pas pas comment installer Docker Desktop for Windows pour les utilisateurs de Windows 10 Pro, et Enterprise; Docker Toolbox pour les utilisateurs de Windows 7, 8, 8.1 et 10 Home ainsi que MacOSX; puis de Docker natif pour les utilisateurs de Linux.C'est dans la septime partie que nous crerons nos premiers conteneurs avec une revue des commandes Docker de base, et les diverses manipulations que l'on peut faire pour interagir avec nos conteneurs et apprendre rcuprer un maximum d'informations les concernant.La partie rseau de Docker sera aborde dans la huitime partie o nous en apprendrons plus sur le fonctionnement du DNS, du DHCP et du NAT pour ensuite voir comme interagir avec les rseaux de Docker, en crer de nouveaux et relier les conteneurs selon les rgles de bonnes pratiques.Dans la neuvime partie nous apprendrons faire des recherches d'images sur DockerHub, mais surtout crer, builder et personnaliser nos propres images Docker, notamment en manipulant les tags.Les conteneurs sont par dfinition des lments phmres, mais dans la dixime partie nous verrons que l'on peut utiliser les volumes et le bind mounting pour permettre aux donnes gnres par les conteneurs, de persister dans le temps et d'tre rutilisables par d'autres lments dans Docker.Enfin dans une dernire partie, nous verrons comment on peut utiliser Docker Compose, pour construire un environnement de tests complet avec plusieurs conteneurs, de nouveaux rseaux, des variables d'environnement et des interactions spcifiques.Chacune des notions techniques seront associes plusieurs exercices, avec une correction dtaille pour chacun d'entre eux.Bien entendu, comme tous les autres cours, celui-ci est remboursable 100% s'il ne vous apporte pas satisfaction. Alors n'hsitez plus, et commencez ds aujourd'hui utilisez les outils et les mthodes pour utiliser Docker sur votre plateforme."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mobile App Development with AWS and Java" |
"In this course, we would explore AWS mobile services available on Amazon Cloud. We would begin our journey be learning few basic requirements and fundamental tools like IAM (Identity and Access Management), Cognito, AWS-CLI (Command line interface), Storage, Compute and Analytics services that can be integrated with various mobile services.After that we would be learning all of the mobile services- Mobile Hub, Device Farm, AppSync, Mobile Analytics (Pinpoint). We would be creating instances for each services with practical examples.In the later sections, you will be learning Java Programming language. Here we would start right from the beginner level exploring fundamentals like JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime Environment). We would be realising strengths and weakness of java as a programming language.We would then learn the core java programming including conditionals- if else, switch case, loops- for, while, do while, identifiers, datatypes, operators, etc. And later we would be learning OOP (Object Oriented Programming) covering- class, object, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, overriding, etc.We would learn theoretical concepts in lectures and perform practical with practical excercises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
retouch_secrets |
", . . , . , Adobe Photoshop, , . , , ."
Price: 3799.00 ![]() |
"Drawing Fundamentals 2: Perspective Basics for 3D Sketching" |
"In this part of the Drawing Fundamentals Made Simple series, you're going to learn the foundational skills and perspective principles that will allow you to draw from your imagination.In the first section of this course, we'll begin by learning the basics of perspective drawing. You'll learn concepts like the horizon line, vanishing points, line convergence and how to use them to create 3D objects and scenes. We'll cover how one and two-point perspective work and then we'll go through step-by-step exercises where you can practice drawing simple boxes and modify them to create a variety of shapes.Once you're comfortable with constructing boxes, we'll apply this knowledge to drawing actual 3D objects from imagination. We'll do this in both one and two-point perspectives.Now that you have a good understanding of how to draw boxy objects, in the next section, we'll cover curved objects. You'll learn the simple rules that explain how ellipse and circle perspective works and how to use them to draw cylinders at various angles.Then we'll go through a bunch of different exercises where you'll learn how to combine boxes and cylinders to create all sorts of everyday objects.Lastly in the final section, we'll dive into drawing spherical forms. Again, you'll learn how to use perspective to create three-dimensional spheres.And we'll go through lots of examples of how to use this knowledge to draw even more complex subjects.By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of how to draw boxes, cylinders, and spheres and how to use them to construct more complex objects from your imagination.This course was designed for beginning and intermediate artists who want to build a solid foundation in constructive drawing.All the concepts are explained in a clear, easy to understand manure and you'll get lots of step-by-step examples to help you deepen your understanding."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Zarzdzanie konfliktem" |
"Konflikty s nieuniknione. Codziennie spotykamy si z ludmi, ktrzy maj inne zdanie, cele oraz priorytety ni my. W yciu osobistym oraz w biznesie czsto napotykamy mur, ktry jest ciko przeskoczy. Utrudnia, a czasami nawet uniemoliwia nam to, osignicie naszych celw. Rozwizywanie konfliktw jednak jest umiejtno, ktrej mona si nauczy. W swoim wieloletnim dowiadczeniu, natrafiem na wiele rnych osb i problemw z ktrymi musiaem sobie poradzi. Dzisiaj wiem, e wikszo z tych przeciwnoci mogem pokona o wiele szybciej i korzystniej, czsto dla obu stron. W tym celu powsta ten kurs. Poka Tobie z jakimi rodzajami konfliktw spotkasz si w swoim yciu, z jakimi typami ludmi bdziesz musia negocjowa oraz przedstawi strategi, jak to robi szybciej i skutecznie ni dotychczas. Zapraszam do ogldania!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Level up English grammar by speaking and listening usage" |
"English Grammar: Level up your English by learning Idioms is a course instructed by Cristine, a Filipino English speaker. You will be able to acquire knowledge about English grammar that we have discussed profoundly.Level up your English by learning English patterns!This course includes some of the following: Classes about selected English patterns Speaking and listening practice about the selected English pattern Some downloadable resources that will help you to practice the topic.This course will help you to be proficient in English language by being familiar in English grammar.Who are the target of this course?Enroll in this class if you want to become proficient in English grammar.Enroll in this class if you want to familiarize yourself with different English pattern and appropriately use it in your own sentences.Enroll in this class if you want to speak like a native speaker.Enroll in this class if you want to enhance your listening and speaking skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Packer (Product of HashiCorp) Images from Scratch in OCI" |
"At the end of this course you will able to create OCI Custom Image by Packer & that Image will be use for Image base solution for OCI (Blue & Green) implementation.How to install Packer in Windows/Unix?Understand packer.json file (templates)How to use builders? How to use provisioners?How to user post-processors? Note: not supported in OCI yet.Jenkins Packer IntegrationPacker with OCI, creating new images, installing few Software'sAll will be done in Windows/Unix like Operating SystemNOTE: All videos and examples used for learning purpose only, All product owner(Oracle, HashiCorp, Jenkins, Movaxterm and any others) have right to change their product and as instructor I will implement change as per my time and availability."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Spanish for Travelers" |
"Learn easy Spanish for your next trip to any Latin country. No boring grammar, rules or phrases that you won't use. Just the Spanish that you need. You will be able to download the slides to review them at any time on your potable devices, as a bonus, at the end of this course you can schedule a 20-30 min Skype conversation in Spanish with me that you can practice and ask me anything you need for your next trip. Start learning now! Vamos!*This is a FREEcourse for you and the only thing I require is that you leave a review for this course. Gracias!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer des effets de survol" |
"Dans ce cours en vido, nous allons apprendre coder ensemble 7 projets avec des effets de survol.Que ce soit en CSS ou en JavaScript, on peut facilement amliorer lexprience des utilisateurs l'aide d'animations au survol.Nous allons ensemble utiliser ""mouseenter"", ""mouseleave"", ""hover"", mais aussi les transitions, les animations, etc.A la fin du cours, vous aurez dvelopp 7 projets d'effets de survol que vous pourrez utiliser dans vos propres projets personnels ou professionnels.Je reste disponible dans le salon d'entraide pour rpondre vos ventuelles questions.On se donne rendez-vous de l'autre ct pour commencer coder tout a !"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Python 3" |
", Data Scientist? , Python , ! !, : . Pandas. . Plotly. . Cufflinks. . Geographical plotting.Machine Learning.Linear Regression.Logistic Regression.And More! , , , Data Science! Python, Python! , : PythonNumPy Python pandas Data Frames pandas Excel , ! Python Data Science NumPy pandas matplotlib Data Science !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Technology Strategy Success" |
"Enterprises need to select between technologies and solutions. A clear direction, measurements and options are needed to success. This course will teach how to create technology strategy successfully!Technology strategy aims to recognize current strengths and weaknesses of organizations technology portfolio. Later you need to collect information about future opportunities and threats to make strategic decisions about direction the enterprise need to go next. Research and development department and each individual needs alignment to strategy, goals and objectives. This comes from Technology Strategy Success. Business people need to think about competitors and market and feedback strategic decisions based on this. Investing in current and future technologies is only way to survive in market.To start creating technology strategy enterprise needs absorptive capacity for new technologies, new skills and capabilities. Then it's possible to have an ability to differentiate by organizational culture and history, keep on track.Enroll the course and learn your first enterprise level technology strategy basics and be able to make it. This course will give you techniques and template to success!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy RACHUNKOWOCI od Zera do Buchaltera pocztkujcego" |
"Bilans musi wyj na zero! Tak mwi ksigowi. Tylko co to znaczy w praktyce? W tym kursie ksigowoci poprowadz Ci od zerowej wiedzy na temat rachunkowoci finansowej do bardzo, bardzo solidnych podstaw. Daj Ci gwarancj, e po rzetelnym przerobieniu ze mn tego kursu poczujesz si jak pocztkujcy samodzielny ksigowy. Ksigowy, ktry ""ogarnia"" cao systemu ksigowego przedsibiorstwa i rozumie kady jego najwaniejszy element. Jeli Ci rozczaruj, zadaj 100% zwrotu pienidzy! Potrzebujesz porzdny kalkulator, brulion A4 w kratk, dugopis, korektor i... wiele, wiele wolnych wieczorw. Ten kurs to nie tylko duo wykadw, ale i zada obrachunkowych do samodzielnego przerobienia. Oprcz tego bdziemy take studiowa fragmenty ustawy o rachunkowoci, kodeksu cywilnego, kodeksu spek handlowych. Razem poprowadzimy uproszczone ksigi rachunkowe w MS Excelu i sporzdzimy sprawozdanie finansowe (bilans, rachunek zyskw i strat, informacj dodatkow) hipotetycznej spki w MS Word. Na koniec sprbuj Ci zachci do poprowadzenia ""Amerykanki"" w Excelu przez kilka miesicy.Bdzie sporo roboty i ""wkuwania"" na sam pocztek! Ale zysk jest bardzo konkretny i wymierny! Rachunkowo finansowa to midzynarodowy jzyk biznesu. Uczc si podstaw rachunkowoci na tym kursie moesz aplikowa o prac w dziaach finansowo-ksigowych na caym wiecie: w Krakowie, Berlinie, Londynie, a nawet Nowym Jorku. Wystarczy oprcz rachunkowoci zna jzyk obcy. Nic te nie otwiera tak oczu na moliwoci inwestycyjne i biznesowe, jak wanie rachunkowo! W niej bowiem zawarta jest przenikliwo i elegancja mylenia ekonomiczno-finansowego! Zapraszam na kurs ksigowoci!Aha! I jeszcze jedno! Zwr uwag na super atrakcyjn cen tego kursu! Gdyby ten kurs by organizowany w formie stacjonarnej w Twoim miecie, to musiaby kosztowa Ci ponad 1.000 z. Poniewa jest w formie on-line, moesz go mie poniej 100 z!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Alla scoperta dell'Italia - Mangiare e cucinare" |
"Ami il cibo e adori la cucina italiana? Ti piace lItalia e vorresti migliorare il tuo Italiano?Allora questo corso fa proprio per te!Troverai esercizi, quiz, letture, domande e materiale stampabile. Perfezionerai, cos, le tue conoscenze e le tue capacit linguistiche; imparerai curiosit culturali italiane legate al cibo; potrai metterti alla prova con due ricette.10 lezioni suddivise in 6 sezioni ti permetteranno di sviluppare nuove competenze e ti forniranno materiale utile, imparando anche tratti culturali tipici italiani legati alla cucina e al cibo.Sei pronto per iniziare questo viaggio culinario?Un corso creato da Sarah, mia collaboratrice ed insegnante certificata DITALS dItaliano L2/LS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server: Programacin Avanzada 2020" |
"ATENCIN: Aplica el cupn ONLYFOR1299SEP para obtener un mayor descuento en tu compra.De que se trata SQL Server?SQL Server es un motor de Base de Datos Gratuito en su versin Express y Developer, que permite almacenar informacin ordenada y estructurada de manera tal que pueda ser consultada rpidamente. Puede ser utilizado para Sitios Web, Aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles o bien para almacenar datos de un Videojuego o cualquier aplicacin.En este Curso aprenders tcnicas de programacin avanzada que te permitirn desarrollarte en el mbito profesional del rea de desarrollo tecnolgico, destacndote del resto.Si te haces estas preguntas, este curso es tu oportunidad:Tengo algunos conocimientos de SQL Server pero me gustara aprender ms.En mi trabajo quieren implementar una Base de Datos para el negocio y aprender me vendra genial.Tengo algunas dudas al momento de desarrollar consultas un tanto complejas.Tengo algunos conocimientos de SQL, porqu debera tomar este curso?En este curso abordamos tcnicas y procesos avanzados, que te servirn para desarrollar consultas complejas y resolver problemas de manera fcil.El curso se mantiene actualizado constantemente con nuevas clases y contenidos.Hay secciones dedicadas a la prctica?Todo el curso cuenta con explicaciones y ejercicios prcticos.Como podr interactuar con el Profesor?Quiero que cada alumno avance y aprenda los conceptos de manera clara.Mi objetivo es que aprendas SQL Server a nivel Avanzado/Senior.Voy a seguir paso a paso tu proceso de aprendizaje y estar cerca para ayudarte con cualquier duda que pueda surgir, con el fin de que puedas lograr el objetivo y llegar al prximo nivel.No dudes en escribirme, desde aqu o por el grupo exclusivo de Facebook.Qu aprenderemos exactamente?Vamos a instalar y configurar el Motor SQL Server en su versin DeveloperAprenders sentencias de actualizacin avanzadas como UPDATE FROM, DELETE FROM, SELECT INTO, INSERT SELECTVamos a profundizar en tcnicas de bsqueda de informacin mediante el uso de LEFT JOIN, ISNULL, CASE y CROSS JOINExplicaremos como utilizar Full Text Seach, esta potente herramienta para desarrollar bsquedas avanzadas desde tu aplicacin.Entenders el funcionamiento de un Stored Procedure Dinmico y como poder implementarlo en tu proyecto.Sabrs implementar Cursores de diferentes tipos y analizaremos las ventajas y desventajas respecto de Tablas Temporales.Aprenderemos a utilizar el Paginado de consultas, a fin de suministrar a la interface de usuario los datos en pginas de acceso diferentes.Explicaremos el uso de los operadores relacionales PIVOT y UNPIVOTVamos a implementar ndices IK con el propsito de mejorar los tiempos de respuesta de nuestras consultas.Aprenders a utilizar instrucciones y expresiones como CONTINUE, GOTO, WAITFOR, NULLIFVamos a profundizar en el manejo de Transacciones y retorno de errores con la funcin RAISERRORAprenders a implementar una Interface de Importacin de archivos CSV y a programarla mediante un Schedued JOBTendrs claro como implementar distintos mtodos de importacin de datos mediante Distributed QueriesTodo esto y muchos temas ms, estn descriptos en el Programa del Curso.Todas las clases estn disponibles en Full HD 1080 con alta definicin.Es un curso de nivel Senior, en donde explicamos SQL Server a nivel Avanzado.Es por ello que se requieren conocimientos bsicos del entorno y del lenguaje Transact-SQL.Te esperamos!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Self-Publish a Coloring Book" |
"Who doesnt love coloring books? Adult coloring burst onto the market a few years ago and the books quickly grabbed the top-seller spots in publishing. And they have not gone away; devotees of this colorful hobby are still buying thousands of books every day. Theyre also a standard practice in many therapy settings. Maybe its time to add coloring books to your creative business!In this class I will walk you through the process and save you a few years of trial and error. How to develop your idea, how to make your pages sparkle, what customers are looking for in a book. Then I will take you step by step through the process of self-publishing your final book. Really, its all in here. Hi, Im Ronnie. Im the author/illustrator of over 20 (and counting) best-selling coloring books for adults. I embraced this market early and have developed an enthusiastic and loyal audience for my Coloring Caf series of books and journals. Its been a lot of work, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Along the way I learned a few things, most of all how to produce a book that my customers enjoy.So lets get publishing!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment faire un Beat for placements [FL Studio 20]" |
"Dans cette formation ""Comment faire un Beat pour le placer [Fl Studio 20]"", je vous montrerai comment faire une instrumental sur FL Studio 20. Un type beat Larry qui laisse de la place pour que le rappeur pose dessus. Si vous avez un niveau plus confirm vous allez apprendre de nouvelles techniques ou alors juste aimer voir comment j'ai fais l'instru. Fl Studio est logiciel de musique sur ordinateur (MAO) qui permet de composer, mixer et masteriser une musique de A Z.La particularit de ce logiciel est qu'il a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui ne sont pas musicien, qui n'ont jamais touch un instrument de leur vie, qui ne connaissent rien la thorie musicale !I) Pourquoi apprendre la MAO sur ce logiciel ?Pour :Sa facilit d'utilisation (avec ce cours, vous pourrez matriser les bases en 20 min !)Son rapport qualit/prix : C'est le logiciel professionnel le moins cher du march. A noter, toutes les mises jours sont gratuite vie !Les VST intgrs : Dans Fl Studio vous avez TOUT ce qu'il faut pour composer et mixer un morceau professionnel (plusieurs synthtiseurs, une basse, des batteries, un piano, rhodes etc.).Vous allez savoir faire du piano, du violon, de la guitare sans jamais n'en avoir fait, non ce n'est pas de la triche, juste du talent ;PII) Pour qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours s'adresse tous. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissance ou de matriel en particulier.Vous avez juste besoin d'un ordinateur et d'un systme d'coute ainsi qu'une dtermination dbordante !III) A la fin du cours- Vous serez capable de :Crer une instru/beat pro que vous pourrez envoyer aux rappeurs pour faire des placements. La qualit de votre musique dpendra :De votre bonne assiduit de cette formationL'application des conseils que je vais vous donnerEn continuant faire beaucoup de mixage/mastering, en vous entrainent et en ne lchant rien ! Vous allez voluer, il suffit de s'en donner les moyens !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Amor propio: Aprender a valorarse es una eleccin personal" |
"Este es un curso basado en mi libro AMOR PROPIO: 29000 das para quererte. Me han pedido mucho la versin en video, as que si eres de los que prefieren ver cursos en lnea en lugar de leer, estoy segura que te gustar y podrs encontrar buenas ideas.Voy a contarte muchas de las herramientas que utilizo en mi propia vida, y tambin en las sesiones de coaching y consultora con mis clientes. Fortalecer tu autoestima es una de las cosas ms importantes que puedes hacer para sentirte bien y conseguir lo que quieras."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete AWS Certified Solutions Architect -Associate Course" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete MySQL Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete MySQL Course: Beginner to Advanced"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Python Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive python course. In this course you will master the python basics. So i will start from setting up the environment that you need to run python then i will teach you how you can do coding in python. Python is very easy to learn and an awesome programming language. With this course you will learn practical python programming from scartch. So all of the lectures of this course contain hands on practical example without neglecting basics. This course is very informative, updated and useful for beginners as well as for advance python programmers.Start now! Learn to write your own python codes from scratch."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Programa de Gestin de Crisis en Redes Sociales" |
"Este es un programa pensado para emprendedores, lderes de pymes, dueos de startups y profesionales que han comprendido que la reputacin es un componente fundamental del valor de su negocio.Los participantes estarn en contacto con metodologas y herramientas para desarrollar una estrategia efectiva de manejo de crisis en redes sociales, basada en cmo actuar antes, durante y despus de que ocurra. Te esperamos!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |