Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
palpation-basic |
"1. 2. 3. 4."
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Optimum Nutrition Philosophy" |
"You may be suffering from vitamins and minerals deficiency symptoms without knowing that, or maybe you went to see doctors and you couldn't heal from those anoyying symptoms.Now it is time to cure yourself from all the bad symptoms to live healthy as you should be.Take this course to get aquainted with this kind of therapy and don't forget to share it with your beloved ones."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Development With Spring Boot And Neo4j" |
"Hi guys,In this lesson, we will talk about project overview.In our project, we will implement a simple Linkedin Application with using Neo4j.You know that in Linkedin Application; there are users and there are connections between these users.And we can see the connection level between these users.To implement it;We will implement user CRUD operations.Firstly, we will use Spring Boot.It will provide us a simpler and faster way to set up, configure, and run rest API applications.With Spring boot, Model View Controller structure will be implemented.Our MVC structure will work like thatFirst of all, the entity classes are created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, create a repository for it.Call repository from service.Finally, call it from controller. Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use Neo4j as Graph Database.We will map our database tables to objects with hibernate. so we will provide object relational mapping with hibernate.For clean code, we will use Lombok library.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.To handle all dependencies of our service, we will use Gradle.That's all.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stylish Dynamic Web Forms with jQuery validation" |
"This course has many WEBFORMS with jQuery validation html pages available to use immediately that give immediate feedback and validation for inputs, dates, times, emails radio buttons, check boxes etc. OVER50 lessons teaching you all aspects of DYNAMICWEBFORMS.With over 50 lessons, you will gain a complete understanding of the architecture not just of these forms but how forms validation works and learn the ability to create powerful application type forms.Straightforward, code easily changed!Login, register, contact, events, questionnaires...all ready made for you to use straight awayBasic HTML and CSS mean you can easily change the style and success/error message.Conditional forms where new form elements appear based on selections made are also included. The first few lessons show you how to use these templates out of the box and subsequent lessons go into detail on their structure and coding.Students will be able to:Create their own forms using just 'cut and paste' and simple edits.Customise the styling and content of the validation messages.Create colourful input borders with icons inside.All done with basic HTML,CSS and jQuery in a script way with no use of classes or advanced coding techniques.Regular Expressions simplified and made easy to understand. Lots of Regular expression patterns supplied with templates to use as required so you don't have to be able to understand or create them. Links to Regular Expression Libraries also provided.Learn how to use jQuery events to trigger input validation.Use jQuery Datepicker and Progress bar.Templates include both THREECOLUMN and ONECOLUMNforms:Login form.Registration form.Contact form.Event form.Information Request form.Questionnaire type form.Complete master templates with DMY and MDY date format.Conditional logic forms with 'sub forms' appearing depending on selections made.Students will not have to write code. The files are given so that students can focus on understanding the concepts and architecture so that they can create a myriad of forms for themselves if the downloaded templates are insufficient. However, you will learn how to use jQuery to make your forms dynamic so you can join in and code."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnen und Malen. Teil 2. Stadt Landschaft" |
"Dieser Kurs ""Zeichnen und Malen - Stadt Landschaft- Teil 2"" ist als Fortsetzung vom Kurs ""Zeichnen und Malen - kreative Kompositionen - Teil 1"" zu sehen und beschftigt sich mit Stadtarchitektur. Unsere Vorgangsweise bleibt bestehen und wir beginnen wie gewohnt mit expressiven Aqurellhintergrnden unter Verwendung von hochkonzentrierter Aquarellfarbe (Aqua-Ink) , danach kommen freie, aber doch formende Federstriche mit schwarzer Tusche. Das Werk wird mit wenigen Highlights mit knstlerischen Buntstiften (Fa. Lyra) vollendet. Im Kurs ""Zeichnen und Malen- Stadtarchitektur - Teil 2"" werden vier farbenprchtige Kompositionen gemalt und gezeichnet, die nicht sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, aber dennoch knstlerisch sehr wertvoll sind.Teil 3 folgt!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks - Chapas Metlicas" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender a planejar e construir modelos paramtricos de peas de Chapas metlicas, Criao de conjuntos com Chapas e edio dos parmetros de modelos de Chapa metlica. iniciaremos apresentando o curso e ensinando a criar bases e abas para chapas, tabelas de calibre, flanges contnuas e flanges de arestas. A seguir, faremos tratamento de cantos e aprenderemos a cortar, dobrar, desdobrar, espelhar, fazer transio e varredura de perfis, criar bainhas e desvios, criar e inserir uma ferramenta de conformao, soldagem, exportar e importar arquivos dxf e dwg, e planificar uma chapa metlica.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a modelar os principais tipos de componentes e a utilizar as ferramentas de chapas metlicas.O que Chapas Metlicas ?Ferramentas e Conceitos;cones da rvore de projeto;Flange - base / Aba;Converso de Chapa Metlica;Dobra com Loft;Flange de Aresta;Flange Continuo;Bainha;Desvio;Dobra Esboada;Cantos e Soldagem;Cortes extrudado & Furao;Rasgo;Respiradouro;Planificao;Dobra & Desdobra;Dicas;Exerccios"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"3Ds Max Game Modeling: Complete 3D Modeling in 3Ds Max" |
"This course covers all of the fundamentals of 3d modeling game assets. These techniques will allow students to create identical replicas of their concept characters or objects. First, it will show students the finished product, and then run through the whole step by step process of creating that particular model. The techniques presented in this course, are very effective and allow game modelers to quickly develop stand alone props to populate environments and game levels.The course includes the latest modeling techniques combined with tried and tested processes to provide a leg up for artists new to game modeling work, so that they can hit the ground running and achieve professional results."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Financial Management for Beginner" |
"This course introduces Managerial Finance, Financial Tools, Risk and return, Valuation of bonds and stocks, cost of capital, and capital budgeting techniques. It gives students concepts of financial decision in competitive business environment. Content format is using presentation slide, with total duration of materials are about 2 months. By studied this course, students will understand about firm action and share value in financial market, and know how to maximize shareholders wealth."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Strategic Management (Level, Form and Implementation)" |
"Strategic Management (Level, Form and Implementation is material to learn about what are the strategy level of firm, and the implementation. It consisted of 5 module includes the strategy level, forms of strategy, and implementation in corporate governance and leadership. Each module will take 5-7 minutes with total time 30 minutes to finished all of them.After the completion of all modules, it is expected that student able to explain, illustrate and apply the strategy level, form and implementation"
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Strategic Management for Beginner" |
"Strategic Management for Beginner is material to learn about what are the strategy level of firm, and the implementation. It consisted of 5 module includes Strategic Management & Strategic Competitivenes, The External Environment, The Internal Organization, Business - Level Strategy, Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics. Each module will take 5-7 minutes with total time 30 minutes to finished all of them.After the completion of all modules, it is expected that student able to explain, illustrate and apply the strategy management"
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Numpy Complete Tutorial For Machine Learning" |
"There are various library functions available in python for building up machine learning models and end up writing code for pre-existing functions using sheer logic which is a waste of both time and energy, in such times it becomes essential if one understands the nuances of the Library being used efficiently. So Numpy being one of the essential libraries for Machine Learning requires deep understanding ,this is the course where we have discussed everything on numpy and this will help you to develop your skills required for machine learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak Like A PRO" |
"This course guides you through exercises usually reserved for professional speakers like broadcasters & actors. This is NOT a general presentation skills training. It is SPECIFICALLY for your voice and delivery.You'll learn how to speak with warmth and authority, eliminate ""UHs"" and possess a voice that is dynamic and interesting to listen to. Your materials include my book, ""VOCAL POWER - How to Develop Your Voice"", a course text used at colleges and universities in faculties of theatre & journalism. I look forward to working with you. I trust you'll gain a great deal of satisfaction ... both personally & professionally.- Christina Kaya"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel-The Ultimate Workbook How-to Resource Course" |
"Are you looking for a course where you can discover the most valuable Excel features available today? Well, you've found it. This course provides you with an in-depth workbook that explains the most important functions that you NEED to know. Discover the truly awesome power of Excel that will help take your career to the next level.If you are looking for a course where the instructor talks for 6+ hours and gives you little in the way of resources, well... this isn't that course. You will start with the complete resource Excel workbook that I have spent months putting together...Then, I will walk you through the whole thing.This course will prepare you for any accounting/ finance role and improve your performance in your current role.I've used the knowledge contained in this course to build:Fully dynamic dashboards, forecasting models, standard cost models, cost analysis models...By completing this course, you will:Be able to work comfortably with Microsoft Excel and many of its advanced featuresBecome one of the top Excel users in your teamBe much quicker at carrying out regular tasksIncluded in this course:Function Wizard Data Validation Working in Excel Text to Columns Sumif Sumifs Countif(s) Vlookup, Vlookup-MatchIndex Index-Match-Match, Offset, Index-Match-MatchPivot Tables Logical Operators Text Functions Data Tables Quick Access Tool BarCell FormattingConditional FormattingIndirectSumproductLinking CellsBen's Excel Best Practices Word document (Included)Who am I? I have worked in Executive-supporting roles at 6 major corporations during the last 7 years in the accounting arena where I have been able to build my career by knowing Excel better than the last guy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino bsico: o que Arduino?" |
"Voc j ouviu falar de um tal de ""Arduino"", mas ainda no sabe o que ? De repente j sabe o que , mas nunca usou? Ou at mesmo voc est procurando um forma rpida e fcil de executar seus projetos de cincias/arte de faculdade e do trabalho?. Este curso vem de encontro todas estas necessidades: eu te mostro o que o Arduino, pra que serve, como perder o medo de programar seus projetos e te apresento formas de buscar ainda mais conhecimento e recursos. Inscreva-se agora e mergulhe de cabea no mundo das interfaces entre computadores e o mundo real!!!."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Criando Documentaes de Tecnologia da Informao" |
"Aprenda a documentar projetos de baixa, mdia e alta complexidades em Tecnologia da Informao, com dicas prticas simples e preciosas, com modelos reais, que daro muito mais qualidade aos projetos que devero ser entregues ou documentados dentro de sua empresa. Este curso serve como guia, onde tornamos fcil algo que no bem direcionado dentro das empresas, para entregar projetos de qualidade em excelncia. O curso baseia-se em modelos reais, que foram usados em projetos pelo autor e, que serviro de apoio em demais projetos da atualidade. O aluno ter acesso a esses documentos que podero ser usados como base, para projetos corporativos sejam eles de qualquer tamanho e/ou complexidade."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Secrets 4 Smart Dummies Work From Wi-Fi" |
"Do you want a new high paying career? Or to build your own business?Or to freelance and travel the world? I want to help you do ALL of these, see you on the inside! Exclusive Access To:- 10x Traffic Generation Methods- Email Marketing Secrets- The Easiest Google Ads Guide- Web design....and tons more! Beginner and advanced friendly."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ Programming From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Learn C++ Programming From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Angular Course: Go From Zero To Hero" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Angular Course: Go From Zero To Hero"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn Node.js From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Learn Node.js From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Testing REST APIs using Postman" |
"This course will give you the skill set that you would need to test REST APIs using Postman. The course will cover the concepts of APIs and how to use Postman to test APIs manually. You will also learn how write and run automated tests, verify their correct behaviour by writing meaningful assertions and running them using Newman CLI. We will then cover some of the advanced features offered by Postman such as Environment Variables, Collections, Mock servers, and Monitors using step by step examples."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing Course In 2020" |
"""Facebook Marketing in 2020"" Expert ! ! , , ... You want to become expert in Facebook marketing and ads? - ! - - , , Setting ! There are reasons to Buy This Course Now! - ""Facebook Marketing in 2020"" LifeTime Technics , ! Client / Step by Step This course design aim to optimize your Facebook page and maximum reach all type of target market. Basic Advance Level . Campaign , Advert Set, Advert Audience .. . You can find new customers who help you to make presence of your brand high via Facebook marketing.TAKE A ONE STEP RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS, BUSINESS, SERVICES. LEARN FACEBOOK MARKETING AND FACEBOOK ADS IN Marathi LANGUAGE. WHY TO WAIT? ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Blender 3D Model a Lightsaber for Beginners" |
"Hi and welcome to this new 3D Tudor Udemy course, Blender 2.8 Model a Lightsaber for Beginners. Sci-fi is here to stay and I am happy to announce that I am releasing another 3D Tudor modeling course under this genre. I have not moved to pastures anew permanently, but 3D Tudor courses aim to be versatile in helping you explore different art styles. The sci-fi genre would not be the same without certain archetypes, and with Blender 2.8 Creating a Lightsaber for Beginners, we will be learning how to make a lightsaber. As before, we are learning together, and trial and error will help your workflow as you will be presented with solutions to common problems.This is one of my most exciting Udemy courses to date. Like my other Udemy course, Blender 2.8 Beginners Guide To 3D Modeling A Sci-fi Scene, I will be taking you on an extensive 3D modeling journey involving modeling, texturing, freebies, animation, lighting and rendering a sci-fi asset. The focus of this Udemy course is to show you how to make realistic models, to a real-world scale. Enroll in this Blender 2.8 course and experience over 8 hours of content, full of learning opportunities to take your 3D modeling, animation and simulations skills to the next level. By completing this course, you will walk away with a comprehensive view of how to model from the ground up, with a super-fast industry-standard workflow. All this exclusively in Blender 2.8.Using everything I learned from previous courses, mainly from all your helpful feedback, I was able to make a course that really has the wow-factor; something you will be proud of accomplishing.My move into the sci-fi scene has been met with remarkable student feedback, such as:I found the course great. And the asset is shaping to be something that looks at home in Metroid or Halo- I really think the end asset does look that good. Plus for a little extra spice, you could also bring the asset into Substance Painter and truly make it your own. Overall whether this is your first Blender course or you have been around before, the course is worth it. The instructor does not go too fast or skips about how he did; a, b, c -everything is explained..Through my introduction of on-screen tooltips, 3D Tudor courses have become much more beginner-friendly and in-depth. The focus of this new course is to take anyone no matter their level in 3D modeling and teach them how to model a lightsaber from the ground up. The course has nearly 9 hours of content and is a one-stop course to take you on your way to a professional level. By joining this Udemy course you will engage in a journey of in-depth learning focused on the most important aspects of 3D modeling and animation. Blender Procedures will cover modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, and rendering. By the end of the course, you will have created a professional-looking sci-fi asset most commonly known as a lightsaber.ModelingWe will be creating one of the most famous sci-fi assets the lightsaber a contraption reminiscent of popular cinema titles. This course is coming out just a few months before a major game release that will revolutionize the sci-fi genre, Cyberpunk 2077 by Project Red.Blender 2.8 Creating a Lightsaber for Beginners has a new learning format that will be relevant to beginners. This course is also relevant to those students who are more familiar with 3D creation and modeling using Blender software, or those who are transitioning into Blender from another piece of software or from the previous older versions of Blender.This Udemy course aims to teach you from the ground up. It will cover the very basics of modeling and teach you the tips and tricks that the pros use in Blender 2.8. This course explains everything and will include a step-by-step exploration of all the new shortcuts that have come with this new Blender version. You will be able to keep up with the courses pace through having an on-screen visual tooltip. Anything that needs some explanation is explained easily using a small pop-up box, so you will never be lost. My goal here is to not only have students re-create this lightsaber but for them to come away with a comprehensive understanding of how and why. By the end of the course, the knowledge you will have learned can be put to use independent of the direction you take in 3D modeling following the amateur or the professional path.TexturingTexturing is perhaps the most important part of any 3D model. I will show you the most efficient and quickest ways of preparing a mesh for adding materials in Blender. We will be going over how to mark seems, how to correct texture resolutions, and how to UV-unwrap. A new thing in this course will be learning how to mark sharps, so that you can create hard and soft edges for your 3D models within Blender 2.8. You will also be able to keep these edges you create even if you are exporting to Substance Painter or Unreal Engine 4. All these course components would be a course in their own right, so by enrolling, you will be able to develop your skills in a multi-faceted way. To save time on your usual trial and error process, I will show you both the right and the wrong way of doing this. You will be fully prepared and provided with the skills to clean a 3D model mesh to an industry standard.We will also explore the Blender 2.8 node system in depth, where you will learn not only how to import textures and maps, but also how to change the way materials look.AnimationHave you ever wanted to learn how to build a full animation cycle? The learning outcomes of this Udemy course include creating a complete animation cycle in Blender 2.8. The lightsaber we will be creating will be animated with light coming out and in. The animation will be set up in such a way that the light (i.e., blade) will be following the assigned movement consistent with how the lightsaber moves making it perfect for fight scenes!. You will learn all about armatures and bones, and you will be shown how to keyframe. We will move on to the complex fundamentals of animations, where we learn how to weight and attach bones to meshes. This is exactly the same process as in Hollywood for computer-generated imaging (CGI) or the respective gaming industry. You can apply these skills to any animations you decide to make in the future, and I would be excited to see you upload animations of other models as part of this Udemy course project.FreebiesYou will be glad to know that this Udemy course comes with a small resource pack of five 2k resolution texture maps including all albedo (i.e., color), normal, roughness, metallic, and displacement maps free to download with this course. These are resources that you are free to download and reuse in your other projects. You could also utilize them in your lightsaber course project, which you are encouraged to upload as part of this course. Freebies also include two references, created in Adobe Photoshop, created specifically for this course: a dual lightsaber, and a small lightsaber. I created all these textures and resources using a mix of Substance Painter, and Adobe Photoshop. All textures included for free with this course are custom made specifically for this course.LightingI always feel that lighting is one of the key components that tend to be the most overlooked. To be honest, I learned this the hard way, seeing as lighting is important with regards to making a scene look overwhelmingly beautiful or realistic or tragically bad. I went back to the drawing board and developed my skills in Blender and in lighting. Over time, I learned exactly how to light scenes. This knowledge I now pass on to my students. You will learn all about Blender 2.8 lighting and lighting effects.RenderingFinally, after all the preparations for making a realistic sci-fi scene, we will be rendering two stills in one of the best renderers in the industry Eevee Render. Through this course, you will gain the knowledge to create great-looking scenes in Eevee rendering engine. We will also be setting up studio lighting to create a nice render for a portfolio piece. You will spend a lot of time on getting your emission nodes correct. We will be setting up cameras and I will be going through different techniques to help improve the quality of your renders.Happy modeling everyone!Neil, 3D Tudor"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Responsive Website Design In Adobe Xd" |
"Creating responsive design is an essential part to any designers skill set, especially in today's market where more and more traffic is coming from mobile devices and tablets.Adobe Xd makes this process really easy because it has some great tools inside to help you speed up the responsive part of your design.And it also has great exporting options which means it's going to make the developers happy because you are going to deliver files on time and in proper file formats.Hey there my name is Alex and in this course you will learn:What is responsive design and why it mattersHow to design using columns and contentHow to work with different librariesWhat are break points and how to deal with themHow to create a design in Adobe XdThen make it responsive for different sizesAnd how to properly send those files to developers and clientsThis course is for everybody interested in responsive design in Adobe Xd and you don't have to know how to use Adobe Xd, we are going to cover it all in this course.So if you want to be more desirable as a designer and deliver files faster to clients and developers, then click enroll and i'll see you in the course.Have a creative day!Aleksandar"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Journaling 101: Learn to journal and create a journal habit." |
"""Life is the stories we tell ourselves.""A lot of people are into journaling, lately. The reason is obvious. Journaling has proven to help people to know themselves, to get unstuck, happier, and improve productivity. Thus, it is no surprise that keeping a journal is one of the most effective self-development tools out there, and the best thing: It is free!If you would like to gain any of these benefits, this course can get you there with very little time investment.Enrolling in this course will help you to:Learn why the idea of daily journaling is a myth!Get started with journaling within the first 15 min of the course!Learn five foundational techniques that help you to:Gain clarity in life and careerLearn from your (work) experiences and find opportunities to develop yourself every dayGain new perspectives on life and get you unstuckIncrease your happiness and personal well-beingImprove your productivityDecide if you should go analog or digital.Develop a daily journaling habit.Overcome common barriers to journaling incl. writer's block and motivational lows.No matter if you want to journal when you face a personal challenge (journal reflex), or if you want to journal every day (journal habit) enrolling in Journaling 101 will get you there!Course overviewYou'll start by learning the benefits that journaling can provide. We will look into how entrepreneurs, actors, and successful individuals use journaling as a way to develop themselves and their careers. Next, we will take five minutes to uncover your journaling goals by doing a first journaling exercise. Through this process, you will not only gain clarity regarding your goal - which is essential for motivation - but you will also learn a first, versatile journaling technique.We'll move on to cover the five basic techniques. These techniques (or variations of them) are used in most pre-printed journals. They form the foundation of most journaling practices and are versatile in their use.Now that you know your goal and technique, we will discuss the right tools. Analog vs. digital, finding the right journal, and finding the right pens are topics a lot of beginners struggle with. Instead of telling you what ""is the best"" I will help you figure out what is best for you!Knowing your tools, techniques, and goals, I will help you develop a journaling habit or reflex. Reflex journaling supports you to cope with life challenges. Habit journaling helps you with daily self-development and insight.Finally, you will learn what you can do when you lose steam or when you face writer's block.By the end of the course, you will have completed your first journal entry, identified your goals and techniques, and designed a habit or reflex that fits your lifestyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98 - 364 Database Fundamentals 100% Guarantee" |
"BE CAREFUL, THIS IS NOT A TRAINING VIDEO !!!These are questions to help you pass the certificationExam 98-364: Database Fundamentals is a Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) entry level certification exam. Please note that this course is specific to Microsoft SQL ServerThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Cyber Security Masterclass: Beginner to Advance" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Cyber Security Masterclass: Beginner to Advance"". By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Cyber Security, Some of the advanced methods of Cyber attacks and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Cyber Security and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. Learn to launch cyber attacks like a professional hacker. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. In this complete Cyber Security course you will learn,Cyber Security BasicsScanningSniffingSpoofingDOS AttacksDDOS AttacksPassword HackingBuffer OverflowCryptographyAttacking Using Kali LinuxMetasploit HackingWebsite HackingIn every part first you shall learn the basics and theory then we will cover the main topics."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Metasploit Course: Beginner to Advance" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Metasploit Course: Beginner to Advance"". By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Metasploit, Some of the advanced methods of Metasploit and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Ethical Hacking or Metasploit and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. Learn to launch ethical hacking attacks like a professional hacker. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. In this complete Metasploit course you will learn,Basics Of MetasploitLearn and Understand MetasploitHacking using MetasploitLaunching Attacks Using MetasploitIntelligence Gathering and ScanningVulnerability ScanningMetasploit Auxiliary ModulesMeterpreterMeterpreter ScriptingKarmetasploitWiFi HackingPassword HackingSocial Engineering HackingCreating Undetectable Backdoors and Using RootkitsPrivilege EscalationControlling VictimUsing Metasploit and Kali Linux TogetherAdvanced Hacking Using MetasploitIn every part first you shall learn the basics and theory then we will cover the main topics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn R Programming For Machine Learning and Data Science" |
"Hello and welcome to this course which is designated for beginners and advanced r programmer, where you are going to learn R programming from scratch to advance. R programming is one of the most popular language for Machine Learning and Data Science. And if you want to be a R programer then this course is for you. On this course I'll be assuming no prior knowledge of R programming or any programming language. You do not need to be a programmer, or you do not need to know any programming language. You just need to have an interest in programming in R. On the course you'll be learning R programming Basics, Some of the advanced R programming concepts and along the way you'll be applying your new skills practically."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React Course For Complete Beginner" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive React course. React is a very easy to learn and powerful language. If you have no previous knowledge or experience in React, you will like that the course begins with React basics. otherwise if you have few experience in programming in React, this course can help you learn some new information . We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of React, Some of the advanced methods of React programming and much more.This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Excel Course: Zero to Mastery" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive course ""Complete Excel Course: Zero to Mastery"". In this course you will learn excel from scratch. Start as a beginner and become an advanced excel user by the end of this course. This course cover all the basics and advanced methods of using Excel. In this course you will learn,Excel BasicsCreating Beautiful DataWorking With CellsWorking With RowWorking With TablesWorking With ColumnWorking With FormulasWorking With FunctionsWorking With Chart and GraphsAnalyzing Different Data and AppendixesProgramming Excel With VBAAdvanced Uses Of ExcelStart as a complete beginner and become and advanced user of Excel by the end of this comprehensive course!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How Sports Marketing Changed the Game" |
"SummarySports and marketing have long been entwined, and as the years go by, the connection between the two industries grows stronger. Marketing focuses on building solid connections with the consumer and making sure that the product or service offered provides value to consumers. Meanwhile, sports marketing focuses on building a connection with consumers through sports. Usually, a sports marketer is promoting a product or service towards the fans of a sport, athlete or team. Sports marketing relies on building strong connections with fans who take the place of regular consumers. Fans help to make sports marketing unique, and marketers should pay close attention to fans if they want to be successful.Sports marketing has a long history, ever since the ancient Olympics sports were being used to promote towns and businesses. Now, thanks to the advent of radio, tv and the internet, there are more sports fans than ever. More fans mean more money, not just in the form of athlete wages but also in the amount of money businesses are willing to spend on endorsements. Modern sport has become full of big money sponsorships, and big brands can gain huge exposure due to being associated with a star athlete or major sports team. Red Bull, Procter & Gamble and Heineken are all examples of companies which have gotten it right by achieving a lot of exposure through sports marketing.In the future, companies will increasingly turn to the internet and social media, in particular, to help promote their brands. Social media has grown massively in recent years, and the future will see more sports teams, organisations and athletes than ever using the platforms to connect with fans. Social media gives marketers the chance to see the direct impact of their campaigns and choose athletes for sponsorships based on their engagement with fans. Sports will continue to spread to new markets, and increasing adoption of female fans can open up new avenues for sports marketers who arent afraid to step out of the mould.What Youll LearnWhat sports marketing isThe critical differences between sports marketing and regular marketingThe importance of fans and the differences between fans and consumersWhat are target audiences and why are they importantHow sports marketing first beganHow radio led to an explosion in sports fan numbers and kickstarted modern sports marketingWhy companies first started to invest in sports marketingHow new technologies helped to spread sports to global audiencesWhat ambush marketing is and how marketing continues to adapt to new innovationsHow future trends will continue to shape the face of sports and sports marketingAbout the Author, Saam Momen:I have a true passion for teaching! I have proudly taught university courses in Switzerland, USA and Brazil. My career spans over 15 years in the sporting industry with jobs at the London Olympic Bid Committee, UEFA, CSM and TEAM Marketing. I possess a Master Degree in Sports Management and an Executive Education diploma at Harvard Business School on The Business of Entertainment, Media and Sports. I hope that throughout this course you are able to have a wonderful learning experience! Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any queries.Why Choose This Course?This course has been developed to broaden your understanding of sports marketing and the ways it has affected the sports industry over time. If youre looking to start your career in the industry and would like to increase your knowledge, this is a great place to start. Were not going to bore you with irrelevant information and out of date figures. Weve designed this course to be up to date and filled with essential information that will help you to understand sports marketing better.In modern times, marketing has become interconnected with the sports industry itself as its grown and developed. The sports industry is incredibly broad and continues to grow each year, both in terms of overall revenue and in total spending. As the numbers grow, so too does the need for sports marketers to be smarter and better prepared. This course is an excellent step in the right direction for you becoming a better and more rounded sports marketer who can adapt to changes. Even if you dont plan to work directly in sports marketing, learning the foundations of the subject is a great way to improve your general knowledge of how things work in the industry.Rather than focus on just theory and explanations, this course will help you to gain a deeper understanding by introducing you to real-world examples. Throughout the presentation, youll discover how sports marketing has been used both successfully and unsuccessfully. Youll be able to examine lots of different examples of sports marketing which mostly come from the past few years, meaning theyre still relevant to todays industry.One of the best ways to learn is by looking at relevant case studies. Here youll be able to examine each example and learn about why the campaign was chosen, what made it a success and how that success can be replicated. Of course, youll also have a chance to learn about why a campaign failed and how to avoid making similar failures. These details can help you to plan or understand future campaigns during your own career. Youll gain a deeper understanding of how brands can connect with fans and how brands use exposure to their advantage.Whilst some courses might just focus on one side, we show you the benefits of sports marketing from multiple perspectives. Rather than gain a one-sided view of the industry, here youll be presented with a clear picture of how sports marketing affects sports themselves, sports clubs, athletes, the fans and sporting organisations. Well show you how sports marketing has changed each area of the industry and show you just how different the sports industry is today, thanks to marketing.Youll learn more about how sports marketing first began and what drives it to keep changing and innovating. The industry has come a long way in a short amount of time, and well be exploring just what has caused this rapid shift. Instead of just focusing on the present day, youll be able to learn more about sports marketing through the ages and how the changing landscape of technology and consumers have altered sports as we know them.Finally, youll gain a deep insight into how sports marketing will look in the future. We may not be able to predict the future, but by using our knowledge of the industry, well show you future sports marketing trends. If you want to succeed in the sports industry, youll have to stay ahead of the pack and innovating is a big part of that. This course can help you to learn and understand what a sports marketer needs to do to adapt and change with future trends.This course is designed to give you the best possible understanding of the industry, letting you learn from real examples and discover just how sports marketing has evolved and changed over the years. For those looking to start their careers in sports or sports marketing, it represents an excellent way to broaden your knowledge of the subject. Sports marketing is an incredibly diverse and complicated field, so it makes sense to take a course which is serious about the topic.Enrol now 100% risk-free since you receive 30 days, unconditional money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied, no problem, you are one click away from a refund. No hassle, no hard feelings!"
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