Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica EsPCEx" |
"Profissional do ensino de matemtica h quase duas dcadas, decidi compartilhar com mais pessoas tudo o que eu aprendi. Neste curso vocs vo entender o perfil da prova, aprender as solues, os macetes, dicas e o principal, sero avaliados dentro dos contedos abordados. No percam essa oportunidade nica.A cada questo que voc resolve e entende o seu sonho se aproxima cada vez mais. Bons estudos e Sucesso!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"#1 The Best Forex Trading Course" |
"We are here to help ALL traders, we need to change the way the masses trade Forex, 99% of courses out there are selling you the wrong information, which then means 99% of you blow your whole trading accounts! We give detailed courses with TRUTHFUL needed information that will help you successfully trade the Foreign Exchange Market FOREX. In our courses we like to take a hands on 1-1 approach.COME AND JOIN THE R12FX COMMUNITY - YOU WONT REGRET IT."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 YouTube Masterclass - A Complete YouTube Guide You Need" |
"Great to have you here, which says that you want to be a fantastic YouTuber.I have been a YouTuber for over 4+ years, done a lot of trials and errors, did a lot of mistakes because there was no one to guide me then. It took me more than 6-8 months to understand the basics. After knowing how it works, we have successfully built many of our channels.Make Your Own Creation: Million+ subscribersDatta Benur Creations: Million+ subscribersA2C Arts And Crafts: 8,80,000+ subscribersSavita Arts: 200,000+ subscribersSavita Benur: 100,000+ subscribers.To help many people succeed in YouTube journey published a book on YouTube earn Money Out Of Your Passion available on amazon, started conducting workshops so that aspiring students succeed faster.You may be having no Idea on how to build a YouTube channel or you may have some experience but need help in growing faster. This course will help you succeed in the journey.It also helps to do it the right way so that your channel does not get banned. If you're looking to grow your brand, get more VIEWS, SUBSCRIBERS AND EARNINGS this is the perfect course for you! This course has been designed for 3 days so that you take action daily and implement it to see the results.There are many YouTube courses available. What makes this course unique is its comprehensive, setup by step instruction, and most importantly you learn from a person who has made all the mistakes and knows how to do it the right way in the fast way possible. So that you dont do the same mistakes, but implement the right way. You may or may not have editing skills, you will learn editing also in this course. A complete guide for your YouTube successful journey, else money back guaranteed."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
asset-formation |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to C# for Non Programmers Step by Step" |
"In this course you will learn how to use variables and what variables are. You will also learn how to perform basic calculations and have an introduction to what if-statements are in c# and why and how to use them. It is a pretty short course for people who are struggling in classes such as intro to computer programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Baixista Consciente" |
"Saia da tnica de maneira assertiva. Com esse curso iremos estudar harmonia voltada para baixistas, no qual abordo oito assuntos divididos em sesses:- Intervalos- Escala maior- Tonalidades - Formao de acordes- Campo harmnico- Cadncias- Modos - Notas evitadas Cada sesso contm uma aula em vdeo e uma aula em texto para complemento, alm de backtracks, videos extras, tarefas complementares, tabelas, simulados e questionrios.O curso vitalcio e tem contedo preparado para ser assimilado em um ano. Vamos aprender as principais estruturas usadas para criar uma linha de baixo, improvisar, compor e assimilar as msicas. Com ele ser possvel tambm desenvolver a percepo musical a um ponto em que conseguimos antever o som das notas vamos tocar. No tenha dvidas. Participe da nossa comunidade no whatsup para conversar com instrutor e alunos e sanar todos os seus problemas."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Como ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas" |
"Generalmente la personas que tiene la habilidad de llevarse bien con todo el mundo ese es la persona que ocupa siempre cargos importantes dentro de una compaa.Todas las reglas, que se mencionan en este curso est basado en la obra majestuoso de DALE CARNEGIE, artculos en diarios y revistas, los archivos de los juicios de divorcio, las obras de viejos filsofos y psiclogos modernos. Revisin de diversas bibliotecas, revisin de incontables biografas, para tratar de establecer cmo los grandes hombres de todas las edades haban tratado con la gente. Adems, biografas de todos los grandes personajes habidos en el mundo. Lectura de la vida de todos los grandes, desde julio Csar hasta Thomas Edison. Entrevistas a veintenas de personas que han triunfado en la vida, inventores; lderes polticos como Franklin D. Roosevelt; hombres de empresa, estrellas de cine; y exploradores. Todo para descubrir las tcnicas empleadas por ellos en las relaciones humanas.Las reglas que se mencionan aqu no son simples conjeturas, Rinden resultados mgicos, la aplicacin de estos principios revoluciona literalmente la vida de las personas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Naucite sve o Drop Servicing-u od 0 do eksperta!" |
"Cao drugari, unutar ovog kursa steci cete neophodno znanje za kreiranje vaseg prvog online biznisa! Ogroman potencijal kao dropshipping pre 4 godine! Krenite na vreme, ne cekajte da trend prodje i naucite sve sto je neophodno korak po korak uz detaljno objasnjene lekcije!U kursu cete nauciti sve o samom modelu kao i softverima koji su vam neophodni za samu izradu biznisa i kanalima digitalnog marketinga koji ce omoguciti da privucete klijente na vas sajt!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Accessing States of Uptime & Deep Trance Experiences" |
"Experience Trance with Elvis Lester! Each trance provides you the opportunity to enhance your state of mind and experience deep relaxation and personal evolution. Take time to take a trance to unwind and let go with intention like you haven't in a long time. These videos are to teach self-hypnosis, and provide you experiential, educational and entertaining trances.Disclaimer: Do not operate equipment or a motor vehicle while listening to this material. This is a guided trance experience using hypnotic language patterns formally known as Self-Hypnosis. The material is for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not meant to serve as a therapeutic intervention."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Build A Successful Business From Scratch And Win Every Time" |
"Hi thanks for viewing my course landing page. If you are reading this, then its safe to say you are looking for a path of entrepreneurship to infiltrate the market with an authentic business idea. You may have tried many times , read the how to books, listened to business coaches, attended business conferences, and received many motivational seminars on podcast and still your business did not have the solid foundation to bring you to the next level of success. The previous concepts you received exhausted your efforts. Ive been there. Ive also realized, there was an energy that thrived within me to never give up on the idea of the purpose that was driving me to succeed. In this course you will learn:1. How to organize the first steps.2. How to identify your niche specialty, product3. Creating your business goals4. Learn four business principles to building a solid foundation for success"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gua definitiva para elaborar la PROGRAMACIN DIDCTICA" |
"Este curso est enfocado a que el opositor que lo adquiera aprenda de forma amena a elaborar una excelente PROGRAMACIN DIDCTICA (LOE/LOMCE). El curso, adems, ofrece consejos y trucos para una sobresaliente defensa oral de la programacin en la oposicin de educacin. Tambin es til para los docentes en activo porque su contenido actualizado permite disponer de una programacin apta para ser aprobada por la inspeccin educativa.Se trata de un curso intensivo de ms de 2 h de vdeos y material descargable. Contiene, adems, una seccin de extras compuesta por recomendaciones, borrador de tiempos para la exposicin de tu programacin y varias guas complementarias.Tanto si eres un opositor primerizo, como si ya has participado en el proceso de oposiciones y quieres un extra de mejora en la estructura y contenido de la misma, este curso os ser muy til y os ayudara a destacar en las oposiciones y obtener la tan anhelada plaza.Tendrs secciones y clases relacionadas con:- Legislacin.- Introduccin y Justificacin.- Contextualizacin.- Objetivos.- Competencias.- Contenidos.- Elementos Transversales e Interdisciplinares.- Secuenciacin y Temporalizacin.- Metodologa Didctica. +Gua docente para ensear en tiempos de Covid-19- Evaluacin y Estndares De Aprendizaje Evaluables.- Materiales y Recursos Didcticos.- Inclusin Educativa.- Tic Y Tac / Familias y Otros Sectores De La Comunidad.- Actividades Complementarias Y Extraescolares.- Propuesta De Innovacin e Investigacin Educativa.- Conclusin.- Bibliografa y Webgrafa.- Anexos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Memorable Life" |
"Our goal in this course is to help you to plan a memorable day and to execute a memorable goal. This year can be your best year yet and it starts with the next 30 days! Join us on this journey and share what you are learning at or text us at 757-354-1543Check out our podcast ""Vitamin Lead"". We hope to be your bright spot in busy days. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking - Prticas e Ferramentas para Gerar Inovao" |
"A Educamind preparou esse curso para quem deseja explorar o seu potencial criativo e inovar desde projetos simples at os mais complexos. O curso foi pensado em uma abordagem prtica e real, por isso, foi selecionado uma srie de ferramentas modernas para desenvolver produtos e servios centrados no ser humano. Alm de demonstrar o processo de inovao de grandes empresas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Transforming the Public Sector" |
"This course is to help people with understanding how the public sector operates. The course will look at different aspects of the public sector including taxation, program spending, audit, economic development and performance measurements. The material is design to help people reform how government can be more efficient and effective."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"State of Canada and Global Economy - January 2020" |
"This course is designed to help individuals to understand issues facing both the Canadian and International Economies. The emphasis will be on job quality, household spending, debt, GDP growth. capital investment, wages and other aspects of the economy.The course should help business owners adapt to changes in market conditions for their customer base."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies - Lab Practice" |
"AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies is one of the key certifications on Microsoft Azure. This certification is part of a requirement for attaining ""Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert"" title/certificationMost of the Azure Certification exam has two components. #1. Multiple Choice Questions #2. Live Lab Exercise to perform on Azure Portal. The intent of the lab in the exam is to # Test the candidate's practical knowledge in working with the Azure portal to perform the requested tasks # Test the knowledge on Azure services and features to pick the right product with optimal pricing tier. # Test the candidate's knowledge in analyzing and troubleshooting various issues within the Azure portalThis course is designed to cover the exam objectives aligned with AZ300 Certification Lab exercises. Key highlights of this course.30+ Unique Lab Exercises focused on Exam ObjectivesAre you not familiar with PowerShell? No worries, This course provides easy to follow power user tips to get productive in PowerShell to perform AZ300 labs using PowerShell.Valuable tips to manage time and handling AZ300 LabsTwo Modes of course presentationExam format Question & Answer/DemonstrationA detailed explanation of the concept and step to understanding the objective/solution in DetailWell organized Playlist of videos to watch and get familiar with the steps involved.Lab Exercises focused on Resource Creation / Troubleshooting issues."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drone Video Masterclass: Making Your Drone Videos Come Alive" |
"Have you ever felt like you're not entirely making your drone videos come alive ? Then this is the perfect course for you.I'm here to teach you how to edit, shoot and operate your drone professionally in order to take your drone videography to the next level.This course is designed to show you what goes into making cinematic drone shots. This will include the technical aspects, editing, color grading, operation of your drone and even how you can make money from your drone footage once you've mastered these steps.We will focus on programs from Adobe like Adobe Premiere Pro & Media Encoder but it is important to know that this can also be applied to any other editing program. Why would you invest in a course from me?I've been a filmmaker for the past few years now and have travelled the world doing so. I've shot drone video in some of the most remote parts of Mongolia, to the cold areas in Lapland. Ranging from documentary to commercial projects I will show you what I have learnt in the past few years, so you can save time and up your work.Why take this course?Drones are becoming more and more common nowadays, this means that we need to stand out in order to make an impact! I've spent countless hours researching and figuring out what works best and everything comes together in this course. From data management & workflows to color grading and exporting your drone videos the right way. Once you have completed this course you should be more than ready to start earning with your skills.Invest in yourself!So what are you waiting for? Invest in yourself and stand out in the crowd by learning these tips and techniques on make your drone videos come alive."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Fortigate Firewall" |
"Welcome to Introduction to Fortigate Firewall Course.In this Course you will learn the foundation to build, manage and support Fortigate firewalls.The Hands-On labs uses in this class will walk you through the steps needed to get all your infrastructure secure, and ready for production.Up-to-Date 2020 version of the course using latest 6.2 and 6.4 Firmware images, and build on multiple platforms you can choose from.By the end of the configuration section you will be able to configure routing, VPNs, Authentication and much more on you platform.Troubleshooting quick start will allow you to resolve common Fortigate issues in no time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Burnout Solution Blueprint For Female Professionals" |
"The course designed to help you have it all! Exceptional dentist, loving mom and spouse, and happy soul.Let's face it, dentistry is hard work and it takes a lot out of anybody working in the trenches. As a dental professional I understand the difficulties you're facing and I am here to help you find a balanced solution that lets you have it all professional satisfaction, quality time with your children and spouse, and time to regenerate and restore your personal self."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AP/SAT/General Biology" |
"In this course, you will learn the fundamental aspects of living organisms. The course will provide an overview of the topics that you need to master biology. The video lectures are designed to get you prepared for AP Biology and SAT subject tests. Finally, the course has integrated online testing to improve your problem-solving skills. The course will undergo some updates and new materials will be added along the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build A WordPress Website Without Code" |
"So youre the brave few that decided building your own website would be more cost effective, youd have creative control and you could finally get your fully responsive digital billboard up and visible to the whole wide world on any type of device. Well youre right. Building your own website is rewarding in more ways than one. And to tell you the truth its not that hard. You can generally build your own website for around $200 dollars, plus the hours you put into it.Today, youll learn how to hook up your website, install Wordpress templates, build pages, build menus, build/deploy contact forms, add interactive maps, and more. By the end of the course you will have created a fully responsive, fully designed and deployed modern looking website without writing any code. Enroll in the course today. Its an investment that will pay dividendsliterally."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Start To Learn Coding - A Beginners Guide!" |
"Welcome to my Java course. In this course you will start as beginner and by the end of the course you will be able to make your own Java applications and also you will be able to do code like a professional Java programmer. This course contain hands on Java programming without neglecting the theory and basics. All of the lectures contain real world Java coding examples. In this course you will learn.Basics Of JavaObjects In JavaFunctionsStingsArraysObject oriented java programmingThis is a complete hands on course without neglecting any basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can learn and understand Java better."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Data Warehouse Fundamentals for Beginners" |
"If you are a current or aspiring IT professional in search of sound, practical techniques to plan, design, and build a data warehouse or data mart, this is the course for you.During the course, youll put what you learn to work and define sample data warehousing architectures and dimensional data structures to help emphasize the best practices and techniques covered in this course. Each section has either scenario based quiz questions or hands on assignments that emphasizes key learning objectives for that sections material. This way, you can be confident as you move through the course that youre picking up the key points about data warehousing.To build this course, I drew from more than 30 years of my own data warehousing work on more than 40 client projects and engagements. Ive been a thought leader in the discipline of data warehousing since the early 1990s when modern data warehousing came onto the scene. Ive literally seen it all...and written about the discipline of data warehousing in books such as the original Data Warehousing For Dummies , along with articles, white papers, and as a monthly data warehousing columnist. Ive led global consulting practices delivering data warehousing (and its related discipline, business intelligence) to some of the most recognizable brand name customers, along with smaller-sized organizations and governmental agencies. My own consulting firm, Thinking Helmet, Inc., specializes in data warehousing, business intelligence, and related disciplines. Ive rolled up my sleeves and personally tackled every aspect of what youll learn in this course. Ive even learned a few painful lessons, and have built a healthy share of lessons learned into the course material.In this course, I take you from the fundamentals and concepts of data warehousing all the way through best practices for the architecture, dimensional design, and data interchange that youll need to implement data warehousing in your organization. Youll find many examples that clearly demonstrate the key concepts and techniques covered throughout the course. By the end of the course, youll be all set to not only put these principles to work, but also to make the key architecture and design decisions required by the art of data warehousing that transcend the nuts-and-bolts techniques and design patterns.Specifically, this course will cover:Foundational data warehousing concepts and fundamentalsThe symbiotic relationship between data warehousing and business intelligenceHow data warehousing co-exists with data lakes and data virtualizationYour many architectural alternatives, from highly centralized approaches to numerous multi-component alternativesThe fundamentals of dimensional analysis and modelingThe key relational database capabilities that you will put to work to build your dimensional data modelsDifferent alternatives for handling changing data history within your environment, and how to decide which approaches to apply in various situationsHow to organize and design your Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) capabilities to keep your data warehouse up to dateData warehousing is both an art and a science. While we have developed a large body of best practices over the years, we still have to make this-or-that types of decisions from the earliest stages of a data warehousing project all the way through architecture, design, and implementation. Thats what Ive instilled into this course: the fusion of data warehousing art and science that you can bring to your organization and your own work. So come join me on this journey through the world of data warehousing!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"React Native with Redux, Firebase, GCP and more." |
"Learn the latest in React Native with an enterprise tech stack and features. Utilizing technologies such as Redux, Victory Native, React Native Router Flux, Firebase, GCP, Kubernetes, and the list goes on. You will be able to define what it takes to build scalable products. - ""Products over Projects"" Authentication? Navigation? State Management(Redux)? You will master them all.This course will get you up and running with React Native quickly. Learn to master your development process and implement professional coding skills that will land you a job as a developer.I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was seeking to land a job as a software engineer. One that builds passion that can be heard when voicing my work to employers. One that is truly scalable but at the same time unique enough for me to test in the world of tech. After taking this course, you will become a wizard in the tech world and your skillset as a developer will be undeniable.Remember ""Products over Projects""!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 20 le Mzik Prodksiyonu Eitimi" |
"Herkese merhaba, ben zgn.Bu kursta sizlere FL Studio zerinden sfrdan balayarak nasl bir para yapabileceinizi retiyorum. Kursu bitirdiinizde kendi paralarnz yapmay reneceksiniz. Kursa ayrca iki ana mzik tr zerinden de rneklendirmeler iermekte. House ve Trap trnde iki para yaparak sizlere her eyi uygulamal anlattm. Bu sayede batan sonra tam olarak para nasl yaplr onu da grm olacaksnz.Kursun ieriini zetleyecek olursam ncelikle FL Studio programn demo olarak indireceiz. Satn almak isteyenler iin de nasl daha ucuza satn alabilirsiniz onu gstereceim. Program kurduktan sonra en temel zelliklerini renmeye balayacaz. Sonrasnda da ses kaydetme, VST ykleme, export alma gibi zelliklere deineceim.Kursun devamnda ksa bir mzik teorisi ve armoni blm var. Burada sizlere elektronik mzik terimlerini reteceim ve kavramlar stnde duracaz. Sonrasnda da akor yazm, bass yazm, melodi yazm gibi mzik prodksiyonundaki en temel bileenlere deineceim.Bunlardan sonra miks yapmaya balayacaz ve miksin mant ve yntemleri zerinde duracaz. Mixing hakknda teorik bilgilerimizi tazeledikten sonra EDM ve Trap trlerinde birer demo para oluturacaz. Full prodksiyon bir para nasl yaplr uygulamal olarak sizlere gstereceim.En son da sizlere mastering hakknda bilgi verdikten sonra yarattmz paramzn mastering ilemini tamamlayp paramz bitmi son haline getireceiz.imdiden iyi seyirler!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Machine Learning From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Machine Learning Course - Learn From Scratch"". By using this comprehensive course you will go from beginner to advanced. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at intermediate level. This course contain Real World examples and hands on practicals without neglecting the basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on Real World as a professional.Join Us! Get the opportunity to learn from this comprehensive course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Crash Course 2020" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Microsoft Excel Course - Learn From Scratch"". By using this comprehensive course you will go from beginner to advanced. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at intermediate level. This course contain Real World examples and hands on practicals without neglecting the basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on Real World as a professional.Join Us! Get the opportunity to learn from this comprehensive course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS Beginner's Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Amazon AWS Certified Solution Architect Course"". By using this comprehensive course you will go from beginner to advanced. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at intermediate level. This course contain Real World examples and hands on practicals without neglecting the basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on Real World as a professional.Join Us! Get the opportunity to learn from this comprehensive course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |