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"EU MDR Regulation 2017/745 - Essential Awareness Exam"
"Value Addition Alerts: Passing Certification Awarded By InstructorRoad Map for Further LearningCertification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is a novel collection of regulations that encompasses the manufacturing and distribution of medical devices instruments in Europe, and fulfillment of the regulation will be mandatory for medical device companies after the enforcement for all those companies who want to sell their devices in the markets of European countries. Now the companies need individuals who are well trained and competent regarding the new requirements of EU MDR. The practice exam is made envisioning this issue, to help delegates self assess themselves on essential changes in the new regulations. After the individuals complete one practice test, they can review their answers with the textual explanation provided by the Instructor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):The Classification of Medical DevicesThe Rules of the MDRImportant definitions regarding device exposureUnique Device IdentifierEUDAMEDSub-classification of Class INew Products incorporated under the scope of new MDREnforcement and Publication Timelines of the New MDR MDR Versus MDD--------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with EU MDR Regulation knowledge which you hold...If you think you are an expert in EU MDR Regulation after taking courses on the subject and working with Quality Systems...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take  EU MDR Regulation courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining  EU MDR Regulation knowledge.--------------------------------------------------------------------------EU MDR Regulation File: The regulation is published in Official Journal of the European Union. One can view and obtain it online, if you are facing any difficulties, the instructor can help you to have that document.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 49.99

"Sales & Customer Service skills"
"This course will help you understand how to navigate a sale using the buying cycle. How to overcome objections and deal with first impressions. This course can help you understand how to lead a sale, progress in your current retail role and understand great customer service. Learn how to exceed the customers expectations, use the correct terminology and build a sale. "
Price: 19.99

"Autocoaching - Vida Equilibrada"
"O AUTOCOACHING - VIDA EQUILIBRADA, tem como principal objetivo proporcionar a todas as pessoas uma experincia de autoconhecimento, autodesenvolvimento e de transformao.D fcil compreenso, qualquer pessoa pode aplicar as ferramentas e assim descobrir como esto as principais reas da vida, e poder aplicar as ferramentas de transformao, para produzir a mudana que busca em sua vida.Esse Treinamento no indicado para pessoas com depresso, aconselhamos que primeiro procure um Tratamento psicolgico ou psiquitrico para depois passar por esse treinamento, pois o Coaching no terapia, mudana de estado de vida, sada de um ponto que no estamos gostando, para um estado de vida desejado.ContedoIntroduo ao CoachingBenefcios do CoachingIndicaes ao CoachingTipos de CoachingCoaching de VidaRoda da VidaAplicao da Roda da Vida1- Sade, disposio e energia;2- Desenvolvimento Intelectual;3- Equilbrio Emocional;4- Realizao e Propsito;5- Recursos Financeiros;6- Contribuio Social;7- Famlia;8- Desenvolvimento Amoroso;9- Vida social;10- Criatividade, Hobbies e Diverso;11- Plenitude e Felicidade;12- EspiritualidadeAnexos: Exerccios de autoconhecimento, planilhas financeiras e ferramentas para planos e estratgias para metas em Word, Excel e PDF. Prontas para baixar, imprimir e aplicar.Quais os benefcios desse treinamento? Autoconhecimento; Autodesenvolvimento; Descoberta de crenas limitantes; Desprogramao de crenas limitantes; Descoberta de valores; Descoberta de necessidades de realizao; Descoberta do propsito de vida; Melhor percepo do estado de vida atual e o desejado; Mais controle emocional; Planejamento de plano de ao; Compreenso de como traar metas; Compreenso de como aumentar o nvel de satisfao na sua vida."
Price: 99.99

"Cash Flow Statement - A Complete Course"
"WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:  Accounting and Finance Professionals as well as students from ACCA, CIMA, CA, ICAEW,, CAT BBA, MBA and others studying Financial Accounting under IFRSCOURSE OVERVIEWThis a complete course on preparation of Cash Flow Statement using Direct as well as Indirect Method.  The course provides detailed explanation about the importance of Cash Flow Statement and why a business needs a Cash Flow Statement when it already has an Income Statement and Balance Sheet.The course also includes few practice questions apply and test the knowledge that students gain from watching the videosWe start with the very beginning, level zero, and then gradually move towards more complicated scenarios.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORI am a qualified accounting and finance professional with over twenty years of professional experience. I have been teaching accounting and finance courses for over fifteen years and have taught more than twenty thousand delegates including students, young accountants, chief accountant and finance managers."
Price: 19.99

"Der Zukunftskompass - Dein Weg in die Zukunft + WORKBOOK!"
"Zukunftskompetenz ist aktueller denn je.Jedem ist klar, dass es um unsere eigenen persnlichen Fhigkeiten geht, um Krisen zu meistern und Zukunft gestalten zu knnen.Jetzt ist es wichtig, sich selbst in der gegenwrtigen Vernderung zu strken und Werkzeuge in die Hand zu bekommen, um Resilienz zu entwickeln.Wenn du jetzt erfahren mchtest, was es in Zukunft braucht und wie du deine Zukunft nach deinen Wnschen gestalten mchtest, bist du hier richtig!Wie kann ich in einer Krise Resilienz entwickeln?Wohin soll ich mich orientieren?Wie wird meine Zukunft in einem Jahr oder in 5 Jahren aussehen?Dieser Kurs fhrt durch die zwlf wichtigsten Kompetenzen, die es fr eine tragfhige Zukunft braucht. Der Zukunftskompass kann die Richtung zeigen, er ist ein Wegweiser und Mutmacher fr alle, die ihr Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen mchten - beruflich wie privat.Der Zukunftskompass Die Essenz aller Kompetenzen, die uns in eine gute Zukunft leitet - >> inklusive einem spannenden ""Reisetagebuch"" fr Deine persnliche Zukunft!***"
Price: 199.99

"MERHABA YAPI STAT 1 (ZOSTATK SSTEMLER) KURSUNA HO GELDNZ.Bu kurs kapsamnda renecekleriniz:-ZOSTATK KRLERN ZM-ZOSTATK EREVELERN ZM-ZOSTATK KAFES SSTEMLERN ZM-ZOSTATK 3 MAFSALLI SSTEMLERN(KEMER SSTEMLERN) ZM Bu kursu satn aldktan sonra izlediiniz eitim videolaryla ilgili, anlamadnz,kafanz kartran herhangi bir nokta olduu takdirde mesaj yoluyla bildirmenizi rica ediyorum. Anlamadnz yerler ile ilgili yazl olarak veya eitim videosu olarak cevap bulacaksnz."
Price: 99.99

"How to Learn a Foreign Language Effectively and Efficiently"
"Are you ready to learn a new language?  Do you want to speak with people from different countries and cultures?  If so, it's time for you to enroll in my course How to Learn a Foreign Language Effectively and Efficiently.  I'll show you how to build your vocabulary, be a confident speaker, and how to find language partners who can help you practice.  By taking this course and following the advice and tips, you'll be on your way to mastering a new language.  Let this year be the year that you learn the language of your dreams!"
Price: 99.99

"Photoshop CC 2019 Balang Dersleri Eitim Seti"
"Photoshop CC 2019 Balang Dersleri Eitim Seti ile Photoshop renmenin ne kadar kolay olduunu fark edecek ve kiisel geliiminize katk salayacaksnz. Yeni bir meslek edinmi olacaksnz. Photoshop temellerini detayl anlatmlarm yardm ile doru renmeden ileri seviye iler  retemezsiniz. Photoshop kullanmaya yeni balayacaksanz bu dersler tam size gre! Harika almalar yapmay temelden balayp gerekletirin. Bu eitimleri YouTube kanalmdan (Bahadr Snmez) da izleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 129.99

"Gagnez de l'argent en optimisant votre temps"
"Cette formation se dcompose en 4 modules.Le premier module va vous permettre de dresser un tat des lieux de l o vous en tes actuellement et de l o vous voulez aller. A la fin de ce module vous serez en capacit de poser vos objectifs et d'tablir le chemin qui vous mnera au succs.Le second module vous permettra de savoir comment s'y prennent ceux qui russissent et d'avoir une vision claire de votre russite et de sa mise en application.Le troisime module vous fera dcouvrir la mthode CMI. A l'issue de ce module vous pourrez mettre en application cette mthode en vous l'appropriant.Le quatrime et dernier module vous livrera mon propre systme d'optimisation du temps. Je vous donnerai tous les outils que j'utilise, toutes les stratgies et astuces que vous pourrez appliquer dans votre vie.Vous bnficierez enfin de plusieurs BONUS dont une ""checklist"" de 20 outils totalement gratuits qui vous seront d'une grande aide dans l'optimisation de votre temps."
Price: 99.99

"Interview Skills for Accountants"
"We accountants are more project geeks than natural performers. We tend to prefer task lists to presenting and that means we are not always at our best in an interview situation. This course is designed to help accountants and other professionals prepare for interview by structuring it like a finance project.The structure presented allows you to match your skills and experience to the requirements of the role, and to present your project experience in its best light.Get ready for that interview!"
Price: 24.99

"Future of Artificial Intelligence"
"Course Information:Articial Intelligence (AI) is being widely recognized to be the power that will fuel the future global digital economy. AI in the past few years has gained geostrategic importance and a large number of countries are striving hard to stay ahead with their policy initiatives to get their country ready.India's own AI Strategy identies AI as an opportunity and solution provider for inclusive economic growth and social development.Why Enroll:AI uses intelligent machines built in a way that they react like humans. The primary process involved in making these smart machines is to carry out decision making, which analysis and uses data available in an enterprise.It is similar to the human mind absorbing and synthesizing information and providing the required decision. It is used in various fields such as:Healthcare industryArtificial Intelligence in responding to your emails.Smart PhoneSmart Home DevicesAutomobile IndustryMusic and Movie Recommendation servicesRetail industrySecurity SurveillanceFraud DetectionOnline Customer SupportCourse Detail:AI Course is divided into four sections. The first is about the introduction of Artificial Intelligence i.e. what is AI? The second is How & Why AI is important to us, etc. the next section covers the relevance of AI with other technologies like Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, etc. The third section covers the AI Project Cycle - Problem Scoping, Data Acquisition, Data Exploration, Modelling & Evaluation. The last section covers a case study on Neural Network. All these sections will help you to understand AI and also help to decide your career in AI.Note: CBSE has introduced Articial Intelligence as an optional subject at Class IX from the Session 2019-2020 onwards."
Price: 69.99

"Sell on Instagram & Facebook"
"Learn how to make sales for your small business or network marketing business on social media. Be able to create a clear cut plan, and make some money from these social platforms.You will learn:How to create a 1 page social media marketing planHow to implement and use this marketing plan for your social platformsHow to be confident and have fun on social media while making sales"
Price: 19.99

"Meditao a soluo, pra vida e na educao."
"Vdeos curtos como um bate papo para que todos entendam o lado positivo da ansiedade, e aprendam as ferramentas que podem colocar em prtica pra que essa ansiedade seja bem canalizada. Entender que possvel meditar de vrias maneiras, aprendendo essa forma de entender que tudo pode ser um processo meditativo.Que todos entendam que possvel estar cada dia melhor sabendo como manejar a ansiedade de maneira que ela se torne sua aliada em todos os aspectos de sua vida.Estratgias e ferramentas poderosas que pais e educadores podem utilizar com as crianas pra que elas saibam como lidar com as emoes, entender cada uma delas, saber se expressar, e o mais importante, aprender a meditar, pois esse saudvel hbito s traz benefcios sade mental e emocional."
Price: 84.99

"LinkedIn (Advanced): Fast Track Training"
"LinkedIn (Advanced): Fast Track Training.Its so powerfulBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Get More Business With LinkedIn.Dear Friend,LinkedIn is the place where business professionals hang out.You should think of LinkedIn as Facebook for people who actually get stuff done. Are you making the most out of LinkedIn?If not, then youre definitely missing out. Dont mistake this site as one where you'll waste your time talking to others.Sure, you can do plenty of that. But, thats not why you should be going to LinkedIn.The purpose of this site is to network and get to know as many people in the world of business as possible.Business Is All About ConnectionsComputer geeks by their very nature are solitary individuals. Youve got to break yourself out of this cast if you ever want to be successful.Your success will be determined by how many people you know within your niche. You cant go it alone, and no one who does is ever successful.Thats where a site like LinkedIn comes in handy. Youll be able to get to know the talented people in your industry quickly.You wont have to search all day for them. Theyre right there just waiting to connect with people like yourself.Build Business Relationships That LastThe only people who dont care about building relationships are those who operate fly by night companies.If you plan on being in your space for any significant period, then youve got to network with others.Doing so will provide the necessary backdrop of both information and people to get the job done.Youll be surprised by how much you've been missing out on. Business professionals can offer you free sound advice when you need it the most.They can also help guide you in the right direction when youre in need of products and services.IntroducingGet More Business With LinkedIn...Do Business Deals With A Click Or A TapIt may seem overly simplified to say that you can just click or tap your way into a business deal.Its entirely possible if you connect with the right people on LinkedIn. Take the time out to find the people who are serious about their business.Youll see there are plenty of people who are looking to wheel and deal. Its not just another social networking site where you do nothing but gab all day long.Not only is there useful information being shared, youll also find plenty of deals going down.You can add to your bottom line easily if by connecting with the right people on LinkedIn.Cut Down On Wasted Time By Watching Our VideosYoure not going to know how to use LinkedIn right away. If you go at it on your own, it can take weeks, if not months to become an expert.You dont want to waste all of that time. Instead, watch our videos and learn from business professionals who use LinkedIn every day.Theyll show you how to connect with others and the right methods used to make deals.LinkedIn is the one site no business professional wants to ignore.Everything you need to know about this social networking site for professionals can be learned by watching our videos.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video series will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple...Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you to the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using LinkedIn with confidence.LinkedIn (Advanced): Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:LinkedIn (Advanced): Fast Track TrainingSection 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Upgrades and Categories2 - Deciding On A Target Market3 - Upgrades and Categories - Part 14 - Upgrades and Categories - Part 2Section 3: Understanding Advanced LinkedIn5 - Understanding and Using In-Mail6 - Attraction Vs Cold Messaging7 - Who Viewed Your Profile8 - Optimizing Your PostsSection 4: Optimizing & Accepting New Requests9 - Optimizing Your Engagement10 - Accepting New Requests - Part 111 - Accepting New Requests - Part 2Section 5: Using Sales Navigator & New Connections12 - Using Sales Navigator - Part 113 - Using Sales Navigator - Part 214 - Inviting New Connections - Part 115 - Inviting New Connections - Part 2Section 6: Posting & Searching16 - Posting Company Branded Content17 - Posting Your Company's Job18 - How to Look for A Job On LinkedIn19 - How to Look for a Client On LinkedInSection 7: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 19.99

"HTML and CSS for Absolute Beginners"
"Hi guys, Im Dan. I am a self-taught programmer with about 10 years of experience of coding for the web, during which Ive worked on websites and web applications for high-profile clients including Bank of America, EBay, and Deloitte. I currently run Codestart Academy, an online school which helps beginners learn to code.As someone who learned programming outside an academic environment, I know how overwhelming it can be to start from zero knowledge. One of the things I am good at is helping to break things down into the pure essentials so that you dont end up feeling lost and confused.In this mini course, Ill help you learn the very basics of HTML and CSS - the foundational building blocks of the web, to help get your coding journey off the ground.By the end of this short mini course, hopefully youll not only have a better idea of why HTML and CSS are important and what you can do with them, but youll actually have something to show for your new knowledge. Were going to build a simple website for a fictional character, but you can customize what we build for your personal brand or business.Well go over:What HTML, CSS, and JavaScript do and why you should learn themThe basic structure of a web page in HTMLBasic HTML elements such as paragraphs, images, and listsModifying the look and feel of your web page with CSSAdding JavaScript to make your web page interactiveAnd more!Take a look at the course description for an updated comprenehensive list of topics we will be covering. Sign up now, and begin learning coding immediately."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo hacer una mueca de tela y vestirla con lencera"
"En este curso aprenders paso a paso cmo crear una mueca de peluche estilo ""Pussie Toys"". Desde la base de tela, cmo hacer y meter una estructura de alambre sencilla, cmo hacer modificaciones sobre la tela y aadir volumen, vestirla, hacerle zapatos de tacn, bordar la cara y hacer el pelo con lana.La propuesta de curso es que sigas mis pasos mientra haces tu propia mueca, usando mis patrones y diseo para que al terminar el curso tengas las bases para crear tus propios diseos y sepas como ejecutarlos.Est curso est orientado tanto a quien quiera iniciarse en el mundo de hacer peluches y muecas de tela como para quien ya tenga experiencia y quiera conocer tcnicas nuevas. No se requieren conocimientos previos de costura pero si hace falta cierta habilidad manual, paciencia para hacer cositas pequeas  y muchas ganas de coser.Me encantara compartir mis tcnicas contigo y ver que eres capaz de crear con ellas.Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 79.99

"9A0-054 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ACE Certified Practice Exam"
"147 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-054 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ACE Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-054 Adobe Photoshop CS3 ACE Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 147Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (110 of 147)"
Price: 159.99

"Web Scraping with Python: Scrapy Deep Dive"
"Anyone who has dealt with web scraping knows, you can start fast but once it gets more serious, you will need a little more knowledge then writing good request lines. Your scrapers will be more and more specific, so your solutions will be 'tailor-made for that specific site'. What do you need to be able to develop those solutions intuitively? Welcome 'Web Scraping with Python: Scrapy Deep Dive' This course is within the framework of a series to master web-scraping and Scrapy from basic skills to advanced concepts, from deep insights on the tools to the most practical real-life data science example utilizing web scraping on this platform.  A depth and perspective unique to this course series.Web scraping is your only way to collect indigenous data, that no one has seen.I can't emphasize the important of this and the prospects it opens as a datascientist, MORE.I am going to be forthright: As a learner one of the most effiecient way to do web scraping is using Python and its intuitively structured web scraping framework: SCRAPY. No course can cover all the possibilities that can go wrong in web scraping, or the cases where you increase your code efficiency. So you will have to interact, to solve your problems. And to ask the right questions and to have a meaningful discussion and to actually go ahead and solve those, YOU HAVE TO KNOW THE SCRAPY ARCHITECTURE deeply.My course is exactly the one to achieve this. This course will teach you the architecture of SCRAPY in depth like no other.You will be able to find creative solutions to web scraping problems and at final stage, apply those through creating your own MIDDLEWARE from scratch. This is a very advanced skill if you really think about it.What are we going to do in this course?We will start with an introduction and warm-up. Have a look at why we need to learn the architecture of Scrapy. We will have a small talk on request-response cycle to refresh us and pillars of web scraping.Section 2 will be about Scrapy Architecture. We will try to gain the intuition on how Scrapy components interact with each other: the engine, the scheduler, the downloader and the spider object.Section 3 will be about seeing Scrapy components and modules in action. We will develop and follow a case study for that.Section 4 is where we will dig deeper into Middlewares, which is practically a tool to add functionality to scrapy framework.In section 5, we will create a problem solver Middleware from scratch.  It is not a simple task. On the other hand, it could be broken into pieces and intuitively developed if you know the Architecture of Scrapy. So everything we learned until then will help us to do the job. This course is a bundled and refined form of my two earlier advanced scrapy courses. 10000 enrolled students for those two courses in combination is a social proof that this capability is 'valuable and requested'. I know, it is not easy to decide on which course to enroll and start, but if you are serious about web scraping with Scrapy, sooner or later you will have to deal with its architecture and will have to create a middleware or use a third party one, that you might need to modify to exactly match your requirements.You may ask, why this subject is not being as deeply discussed as it should be, elsewhere? Because it is a 'little' more complex, both to be understood and then to be taught. And it feels much better for all parties to give/take that 'pill which solves the problem without knowing what happens inside'. So I am not saying it will be too painless. Here is what I am saying: You need this capability depicted above and this is the best 3 hours you can spend on this very subject THROUGHOUT WWW. Be sure to watch the course video on this very landing page.I will see you in the lectures. Best RegardsTarkan Aguner"
Price: 199.99

"1- 2- 3-   4-   5- 6- 7- 8- 9-        "
Price: 64.99

"Basic Anatomy for Pilates Instructors"
"When I started my Pilates training, I knew zero anatomy. Literally, nothing. I was intimidated big time. When I began my Pilates teacher training course everyone seemed to talk-the-talk. I listened and nodded pretending I knew what they were talking about and hoped I didnt get called on. Needless to say, this was not a great way to begin my training. I was in over my head.I want you to have a different experience. I want you to walk into your first Pilates course with the confidence and knowledge to crush it.This course will:Build your foundational knowledge of anatomy,Teach you to use the correct anatomical language that will be used throughout your Pilates teacher training courses,Give you the skills to understand the anatomy of an exercise, which will allow you to teach directly to your clients needs,Set you up for long-term success and give you the confidence to teach with knowledge. If you dont know what muscles an exercise targets, how can you give a client a well-balanced, educated workout?"
Price: 174.99

"Curso certificado de Inteligencia emocional."
"Vivimos en un mundo habitado por las diferencias, pero que es dominado por caminos homogneos delineados por un patrn ancestral el cual levanta un contexto de normalidad basado en la comparacin y competencia pero que nada sabe de cooperacin, integracin y pasin. El desarrollo humano se ha centrado en la vereda opuesta de tal accin, la acumulacin y el tener parecen dominar la escena, la insatisfaccin es lo usual y el desconocimiento de nuestros procesos internos nos transforman en autmatas condicionados por el medio y su mecnica lgica de progreso. Pedimos a gritos el cambio colectivo y global, sin saber que eso es la consecuencia de la transformacin individual.Sin embargo, el aumento del flujo de informacin y la integracin del conocimiento ha comenzado a expandir las posibilidades por medio del surgimiento de una renovada percepcin, la ciencia ha comenzado a indagar en realidades que hasta hace no mucho eran consideradas solo como ideales esotricos o filosficos.A raz de los ltimos estudios, descubrimientos y teoras provenientes de las neurociencias, Epigenetica, Fsica cuntica y la Astrofsica (entre otras muchas corrientes)  estamos comenzando a entender que tanto los pensamientos como sus emociones generan realidades genticas, neurolgicas y sociales que determinan nuestras experiencias individuales y colectivas.La inteligencia emocional es el punto de partida para comenzar a entender aquella ciencia que gira en nosotros y que es impulsada por energas (pensamientos, emociones) que son filtradas y procesadas de variadas maneras dependiendo del observador. Somos seres distintos que precisan conocerse, aceptarse y entenderse con el fin de tomar conciencia de aquellos procesos cognitivos que delinean nuestro aprendizaje. De esta manera ser capaces de gestionar nuestro mundo interior con el fin de construir renovadas realidades personales, colectivas y sociales.Al entendernos seremos capaces de entender a los dems y reconocer esa conexin que es preciso cultivar y desarrollar si deseamos cambiar el destino de nuestra humanidad.Los invito a ser parte de este entretenido curso el cual les mostrara posibilidades diferentes con el fin de generar el cuestionamiento y reflexin para extender nuestro radio de accin."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19800.00

"SAP BW Modeling and Data Acquisition C_BW4HANA_14 Practice"
"Boost up your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Data Acquisition into BW/4HANA > 12%BW/4HANA Modeling > 12%BW Query Design > 12%InfoObjects and InfoProviders 8% - 12%BW/4HANA Data Flow 8% - 12%Native HANA Modeling 8% - 12%Fundamentals 8% - 12%SAP Analytics Tools < 8%SAP BW/4HANA Project and the Modeling Process < 8%Data Acquisition into SAP HANA < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANAExam Code : C_BW4HANA_14 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 61%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 240 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 179.99

"  ______________________________ . ( )"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a fazer do jeito Certo usando o Microsoft Office"
"Este curso esta disponvel para todos aqueles que desejam aprender a trabalhar com a criao de textos, edio de textos e envio de textos. Tambm para todos aqueles que desejam ter um melhor aproveitamento com uso de dados, sabendo adicionar, editar os dados dentro de uma planilha eletrnica. E tambm para todos aqueles que desejam criar apresentaes super atrativas e convincentes. E por fim para quem deseja ter um maior controlo da gesto de correio eletrnico, calendrios e contactos.Este curso esta disponvel para todos os profissionais, de todas as reas, pois hoje em dia, esta ferramenta indispensvel para qualquer um que queira redigir documentos e enviar.Voc aqui vai aprender de forma prtica, mo na massa como dominar estas poderosssimas ferramentas da Microsoft"
Price: 29.99

"How to Draw a Dragon Head"
"If you have never Drawn anything in your life, this is the program for you. I'm gonna take you step by step over how to draw a dragon head for beginners. It will be realistic. I will give you the tools to design your own and teach you a few specific methods that will help you draw dragon heads easily from this point forward. Let's go over what is in this program. 1- Intro2- Supplies I Recommend3- Easy method to Construct Any Dragon Head4- Two Ways to Generate Dragon Head Designs5- Demonstration of the Entire Process6 - Additional Features of the Head7- Art Advice (bonus video)So lets str drawing dragon heads!"
Price: 19.99

"Documentos de portugal de forma simples, rpida e direta!"
"Se pretende obter sua cidadania portuguesa, mesmo estando no Brasil, ou ainda, se pretende imigrar do Brasil para Portugal, aprenda sobre os principais documentos brasileiros e portugueses de forma simples, rpida e objetiva. O curso tem sua tica principal em brasileiros, porm, os portugueses tambm podem entender dos documentos equivalentes no Brasil!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Apple Pages, Numbers and Keynote"
"In this course, you will learn the basics of Apple Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.  Pages is a powerful word processor that lets you create stunning documents with your Mac. You can even use Apple Pencil on your iPad to add comments and illustrations by hand. And with real-time collaboration, your team can work together, whether theyre on Mac, iPad, or iPhone, or using a PC.  With Numbers, you can create beautiful spreadsheets that include impressive tables and images. You can even use Apple Pencil on your iPad to add useful diagrams and colorful illustrations. And with real-time collaboration, your team can work together, whether theyre on Mac, iPad, or iPhone, or using a PC.  And Keynote is a presentation software application developed as a part of the iWork productivity suite by Apple.In this course, you will learn what makes them different and what makes them similar.  This is an essential course for using Apple's Business Software.  So, let's dive in and learn more about Apple's Pages, Numbers, and Keynote"
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Hidrulica Aplicada"
"O curso de Hidrulica Aplicada tem como objetivo focar os mecanismos dos escoamentos por condutos forados, gravidade e recalque (por bombeamento), alm dos escoamentos livres em dutos e canais. O equacionamento terico e experimental fundamental na soluo de problemas hidrulicos, principalmente no setor de saneamento bsico, no qual a aplicao desses conceitos essencial."
Price: 579.99

"(2020) Goal-setting techniques to set and achieve goals"
"We help you to set goals towards a happy life. Consequently, we support you to achieve these goals.According to Wikipedia the exact definition of a goal is: an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve. You hear everywhere that goal setting is so indispensable. And yes, it is. A life without goals is like being on a fire range and shooting around randomly. Goals channel our energies into the direction beneficial for ourselves and our surroundings. Setting the right goals will reveal more happiness to the people around you, your communities and most importantly the world.Basically what Im saying here is: if we are able to set the right goals, we are able to create a better world for all of us.That said, goal-setting is also considered and widely recognized as an intricate life concept. Goals and setting goals have been researched by thousand, if not millions. According to Locke and Latham (pioneers in the goal-setting theory), goals affect performance in the following ways:Goals direct attention and effort toward goal-relevant activities,Difficult goals lead to greater effort,Goals increase persistence, with difficult goals prolonging effort, andGoals lead to motivation, and to discovery and use of task-relevant knowledge and strategies.At Amplio we believe that having goals is imperative if we want to live a happy and fulfilling life. Setting the right goals will provide you with:A focusA life pathMotivationA distraction-repelling shieldA yardstick for your progressThe benefits of setting goals are obvious, but setting the right goals is a trade of its own.In this Amplio Goal-Setting Course, you will learn:To set goals that are in line with your values and identityTo set goals that will motivate you.Support by AmplioAn Amplio Life Coach is a certified professional who, rather than giving advice based on the coach their journey, helps you to set your personal goals, determine a you-tailored process and cope with any personal impediment towards reaching your potential.Only you know where you want to go in life. Amplios life coaches merely help you to discover that inner desire and strength. Our Life coaches interact with you in a thought-provoking process delving into your deeper desires.With the result that together with the client a creative personal process can be established towards the clients goals. This enables the client to really tap in to their personal and professional potential, being a successful and happy person."
Price: 19.99

"Network Automation - Part 2"
"These days, network automation is a must; it will help you troubleshoot, configure and monitor your devices. This will save a lot of time, reduce errors and network outages, and improve network performance.In this course, we will go over zero-touch provisioning which helps us configure a switch when it is booting up without a startup-config. We will also look at API calls, Netconf and RestconfIf you have any questions and/or if you need any assistance on how to start with network automation,  please feel free to reach out. I would love to help."
Price: 99.99