Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The 30 days challenge to develop your emotional intelligence" |
"In this course, you will learn to manage your emotions through simple strategies that I called challenges. Apply these challenges every day and your skills in emotional intelligence will improve. These challenges can be used on their own or they can be applied together. The key aspect is to be constant and do this daily. And all you must do for this is invest 30 minutes of your time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Stop procrastinating within 30 days challenges" |
"We all procrastinate in one way or another, so it is not something unusual. How much and for how long we procrastinate makes the difference between people and the results they can achieve. Procrastination can be a set of bad habits repeated daily or it can become an attitude. Regardless, the good news it that bad habits can be unlearned and changed. And the solutions are simple and straightforward. It requires some consistent work and dedication. For this, I gathered a set of 30 challenges that you can do over a period of 30 days or less, provided you want to do one a day. The entire course is a short one with a lot of applied activities. All you must do is go through the course and do the indicated exercises. So, without any more procrastination, let us start these 30 days challenges."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Improve your memory skills in 30 days challenges" |
"Memory is one of the most important attributes in nature, both in humans and animals. Simply put, there is no life without memory. Having a good memory is essential for anything you must do.This course is about the strategies and tips and tricks you can learn to improve your memory skills, through 30 challenges in 30 days or less. It includes challenges that look both at psychological strategies, as well as physical ones, in an attempt to integrate them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Quit your smartphone addiction with(in) 30 days challenges" |
"This course is by no means a course in treating nomophobia. It is merely a set of activities that anyone can do in an attempt to control and reduce the use and abuse of time spent on a smartphone. So if you know you are having a problem with the time you spend on your smartphone or a specialist told you that you should get treatment, then do that. Look for professional treatment to the problem you identified and use this course only as a plus, to help you strengthen the professional treatment you receive."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The way you think influences the way you feel and behave. Irrational thoughts will lead to emotional distress and behavioral problems. Rational thoughts will help you experience positive emotions or negative, yet adaptive emotions. Learn how to identify your irrational thinking patterns and make them more rational, through rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT). You will learn the main disputing techniques that will give you control over your thoughts and thus, over your emotions and behaviours."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Unique BROW LIFT/BROW LAMINATION (brow hair re-modeling)" |
"Unique course on uDemy Check my Instagram for photos of examples! Possibility of additional accredited certificateLearn how to reshape eyebrows by using special brow lift products. Some clients' eyebrows grow untidy in every direction, so with the help of this treatment we will model them as we wish. Then, the coloring follows where we adapt a color individually. The final step is to remove unnecessary hairs by tweezing, waxing and trimming."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Calculus Masterclass: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Interested to have a mastery in Calculus 1? Then this course is definitely for you.I have been teaching Calculus for 15 years and in this course, I have put up my best efforts to make learning Calculus as simple as possible.I will be taking you step-by-step from the Foundation of Calculus to the application of derivatives. With every tutorial you will gain crystal clear concept of how Calculus has been designed and how to solve complex mathematics questions by Calculus.This course has 180 lessons which includes both videos and explanatory notes of everything in Calculus 1. It has 42 quizzes to help you to check yourself how much you have understood the concept. The lessons in the videos has been taught in a very simple manner to let you have a strong hold from basics of Calculus to the Mastery in Calculus.I have organized Calculus 1 Masterclass in 4 Sections:Foundation of Calculus (Functions)Limits and ContinuityDerivativesApplication of DerivativesTangent and NormalIncreasing and DecreasingWhat this Course Includes:Videos: The videos are created in such a form to let you understand Calculus and make it as simple as possible. With every topic video there are videos which will explain the problem examples based on that topic. These example videos will increase your concept of that topic of how to apply and what steps to be taken while solving such problems or questions.Notes: Each section has its own explanatory notes. The notes of each topic contain the detail explanation of topic with graphical explanation to your concept as much clear as possible. These notes will also help you in your academic exams.Quizzes: The best way to check your concept is to attempt quizzes. Thats why in every section there are quizzes for only that particular topic, so that you can check your knowledge and how much you have understood that topic. If your score is good, you have understood and if your score is not satisfactory, you can view the videos and notes again or ask me in Q&A section.Quiz Solutions for quizzes in each section: In each section there are quizzes. So, after solving the questions in the quizzes you might need their complete solutions, dont worry! I have provided complete solutions of each quiz in each section."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Mitologia Grega + Deuses e Mitos Gregos" |
"Um dos temas mais fascinantes na Histria do nosso mundo o Politesmo Grego e Romano, pois nossa civilizao moderna possui muitos traos dessa antiguidade. Quem nunca ouviu falar no famoso mapa-mndi ""Atlas""? Devemos este nome ao prprio Tit Grego Atlas, que teve como castigo de Zeus, segurar o planeta terra por toda eternidade! Isso pra no mencionar que at os carros nos dias atuais so usados como ""Instrumentos"" da antiguidade: seja ele ""Creta"", ilha onde Hrcules derrotou o touro gigante, ""Cronos"" o famoso Deus Grego do tempo e da renovao; ""Virtus"", o Deus Romano da virilidade!Muito do que somos hoje como civilizao, devemos aos gregos e romanos! A partir dessa ideia o curso foi criado, no intuito de mostrar pras pessoas o quo fascinante e como os antigos gregos romantizavam em escrita tudo o que faziam!Este um curso perfeito para leigos. Venha fazer o curso e abra a sua mente em relao ao mundo real ao seu redor!FAA PARTE DO CURSO E CONHEA INMEROS MITOS GREGOS!Curso de Mitologia Grega + Deuses e Mitos Gregos - Curso com Certificado de concluso, EAD (a distncia), 100% online e com custo benefcio diferenciado! Curso de Mitologia e Mitos Gregos mais relevante do Brasil! Contedo raro! Poder usar seu Certificado na Faculdade e at mesmo no currculo! O contedo do curso foi tirado + 130 de Fontes Externas. 4 Horas de Curso + Exerccios de Fixao do contedo; me assegurei de no te fazer ficar com sono!O QUE MITOLOGIA GREGA? ""A Mitologia Greco-Romana originou-se da juno das religies grega e romana. As duas se fundiram por apresentarem aspectos semelhantes, como nas tradies por exemplo. Os gregos e os romanos construram diversos templos para seus deuses, locais em que faziam oraes e rituais, onde inclua sacrifcios de animais. Os deuses gregos eram semelhantes aos deuses romanos. Mas alguns deuses romanos possuem diferenas significativas com relao aos deuses gregos. Na Religio e Mitologia Grega, os nomes so em grego. Na Religio e Mitologia Romana, os nomes so em latim. Ambas as religies, adoravam centenas (pra no dizer milhares de Deuses) e esses mesmos Deuses possuam representaes e sentimentos humanos: apaixonavam-se, sofriam, lutavam, choravam e cometiam erros.""OS 15 DEUSES GREGOS MAIS QUERIDOS:Zeus: Deus dos deuses, do trovo, dos raios e do cu;Poseidon: Deus dos mares, dos rios e dos oceanos;Hera: Deusa do matrimnio, da famlia, a rainha dos deuses;Hermes: Deus do comrcio, dos ladres, o mensageiro dos deuses;Afrodite: Deusa da beleza, do amor, dos prazeres e do pecado carnal;Apolo: Deus do sol, das artes, da msica e da poesia;Ares: Deus da guerra, da discrdia e da violncia;rtemis: Deusa da lua, da caa e dos animais;Atena: Deusa da inteligncia, da sabedoria e da guerra justa;Demter: Deusa da agricultura, da fartura e da colheita;Dionsio: Deus do vinho, da festa e dos bacanais;Hades: Deus do submundo e dos mortos;Hefesto: Deus do fogo, da metalurgia, o construtor dos deuses;Hstia: Deusa do lar, da chama hospitaleira;Asclpio: O deus da sade e medicina.OS DOZE TRABALHOS DE HRCULES:1 Matar um leo que devastava o vale da Nemeia.2 Deter a Hidra de Lerna, um monstro de nove cabeas que renasciam assim que eram cortadas.3 Capturar a cora de chifres de ouro e patas de bronze da deusa Diana, e entreg-la a Eristeu.4 Apanhar o javali de Erimanto.5 Limpar os estbulos do rei ugias, no qual trs mil animais viviam acumulados.6 Exterminar as aves de rapina do lago Estinflia. As aves eram ferozes, tinham asas negras, cabeas e bicos de ferro.7 Apoderar-se do touro de Creta.8 Capturar os cavalos selvagens de Diomedes. Os quais se alimentavam de carne humana e soltavam fogo pelas ventas.9 Encontrar o cinturo de Hiplita, rainha das amazonas.10 Roubar os bois de cor de sangue do gigante de trs corpos Gerio e entreg-los a Eristeu.11 Vencer o co Crbero, guardio do submundo.12 Apanhar as mas de ouro das Hesprides.PERSEU E MEDUSAPerseu era o filho do deus Jpiter com Dnae. O pai de Dnae e av de Perseu, Acrsio, foi avisado pelo Orculo que o filho de sua filha (Perseu) seria o instrumento de sua morte. Ento, colocou Perseu e sua me Dnae, dentro de um ba e os jogaram no mar. O ba foi achado por um pescador, que o conduziu para Polidectes, o rei da regio. O rei tratou a Perseu e sua me muito bem, e quando Perseu havia se tornado homem, deu a ele a misso de conquistar Medusa. Medusa j fora uma linda mulher, porm quis competir com a deusa Minerva (Atena), que a puniu transformando seus lindos cabelos, em serpentes. Medusa tinha um aspecto to assustador que qualquer um que olhasse para ela se transformava em pedra. Com a ajuda da deusa Minerva, que lhe deu um escudo, e do deus Mercrio, que lhe deu sapatos alados, Perseu entrou na gruta em que Medusa estava dormindo, cortou sua cabea e entregou Minerva.FILHOS DE ZEUS COM MES DESCONHECIDASAleteia, At, Cero, Litas, Tique, Calabro, Geresto, Tnaro, Corinto, Crnaco._______________Nosso objetivo apresentar de forma dinmica o essencial da mitologia greco-romana principalmente a leigos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Contesto + Stakeholders = Swot Analysis" |
"La SWOT Analysis uno strumento manageriale molto noto ed applicato in diverse aziende per capire i punti di forza, di debolezza, le opportunit e le minacce.Nello stesso tempo, i sistemi di gestione richiedono di analizzare il contesto interno ed esterno e le aspettative degli stakeholders dell'azienda.In questo corso imparerai come arrivare alla SWOT Analysis passando attraverso la valutazione del contesto esterna della tua azienda e poi a quello interno."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Scuola Biblica: Livello Avanzato" |
"""Scuola Biblica"" un corso biblico progettato con il proposito di addestrare i credenti a servire il Signore. La Scuola si divide in tre livelli: Base, Intermedio e Avanzato.""Non voi avete scelto me, ma io ho scelto voi; e vi ho costituiti perch andiate e portiate frutto, e il vostro frutto sia duraturo, affinch qualunque cosa chiediate al Padre nel mio nome, egli ve la dia."" (Giovanni 15:16) Il livello avanzato progettato per prepararti ad iniziare un ministero spirituale. Gli argomenti che tratteremo nel livello avanzato:La Consulenza CristianaLa Guarigione fisica soprannaturaleLa Guarigione interioreComprendere le dinamiche nella cellulaModellare il CarattereComprendere il TemperamentoLa Guerra SpiritualeStoria BiblicaIl Governo della ChiesaContinua anche tu questo percorso e preparati per servire il Signore al meglio."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastery in International Business Management" |
"Mastery in International Business management is a great course of choice in the increasingly connected modern world. International businesses have a growing need for senior personnel with high quality management skills and specialist regional knowledge. By completing a Mastery in International Business management course, you'll discover the processes behind the commercial exchange of goods and services and learn how international markets work. You will also discover how to manage a business with offices in multiple regions of the world and how to conduct cross-border transactions. This means youll have to develop the skills necessary to adapt businesses to the countrys local culture, which is an important factor in the management of employees whose mindset can vary significantly.Youll study concepts from different fields, such as Economics, International Relations, Marketing, and others. This will enable you to develop a global mindset and learn negotiation skills and managerial techniques. Additionally, youll discover how to use specific accounting tools, including global financial systems. You will also expand your knowledge of international accounting, business economics and marketing. You will be able to use these newly acquired skills to supervise supply chains and make sure that the manufacturing process and products respect the required standards. Additionally, you will be able to analyse business data and have a say in the decision-making process. As you become more experienced, you will even be able to start partnerships or find investors, which will be extremely important and highly appreciated by your company.You will study the interplay between global and local factors that influence management decisions in business. Additionally, students will also become acquainted with the main issues and methods in Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Banking, and Financial Econometrics. The programme will present Finance as a scientific discipline with a rigorous methodology, but at the same time will describe the way financial markets and institutions actually work in a variety of contexts.This course offers you exceptional insights into financial institutions and markets in major cities in the world. In addition, the course offers specialist knowledge of financial and management systems in the emerging markets of Africa, Asia and the Middle East something that will set you apart from graduates of other universities that normally focus on the analysis of Europe and the Americas. You will develop an excellent understanding of key issues shaping international business strategy in a global financial environment. . As the regions of Asia and of Africa take roles as leading and emerging economies in the world, this Mastery in International Business Management responds to this need."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Start painting wildlife animals" |
"This course is for beginner and Intermediate artist who want to learnHow to paint realistic African Elephant.Which brushes should be used for which purpose.How to create realistic wild life painting.How to block colours underpaintingHow to add details step by step in painting.How to merge colours without messing.How to paint sky and sandy stormy ground."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Business Intelligence C_TBW45_70 Certification Practice" |
"Boost up your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_TBW45_70 SAP Certified Application Associate- Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas40% Conceptualize complex processes into customer prominent solutions... Based on professional application and advanced analysis qualification, customer business requirements can be recognized and transferred into concepts and blueprints of prominent customer solutions in...40% Build solutions by independently researching valid implementation options... Based on profound understanding and deep application skills, project requirements can be transferred into solid customer solutions in...Data FlowTransformationInfoSourcesDataSourcesInfoObjectsInfoProviderInfoCubesMultiProvidersVirtualProviderDataStore ObjectsInfoSetsInfoObjectsDirect AccessBEx AnalyzerBEx Query DesignerSource SystemsUD ConnectService APIFlat FileDB Connect20% Accomplish solutions for defined project tasks... Based on profound knowledge and basic understanding, identified tasks can be performed during system implementation, configuration, and testing in the areas of...Integrated PlanningAnalysis Process DesignerMeta DataMeta Data RepositoryRemodeling ToolboxBI ContentBEx WebBEx Web Application DesignerBEx MapWeb PrintingBEx Web AnalyzerDocumentsDevelopment InterfacesUD IntegrationWeb ServicesPerformance TuningAggregatesQuery PerformanceBI AcceleratorScheduling & MonitoringProcess ChainsData Transfer ProcessReal Time Data AcquisitionData Load MonitorData WarehousingData Warehousing WorkbenchData ModellingBEx BroadcasterBEx Report Designer No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate- Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0.Exam Code : C_TBW45_70 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 64%Reference Books TBW20, TBW45, TBW42, TBW10, TBW41Total Questions to check your knowledge: 210 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"SAP Activate Project Manager-C_ACTIVATE05 Practice test" |
"Scenario based exam questions for C_ACTIVATE05 SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your answers are immediately available, while you stay focused on your results. Provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Fundamentals of SAP Activate Methodology > 12%New Implementation On-Premise > 12%New Implementation in the Cloud > 12%Agile Project Delivery 8% - 12%SAP Activate Methodology content access 8% - 12%Agile Project Planning 8% - 12%System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA < 8%What is SAP Activate < 8%Components of SAP Activate < 8%Landscape Transformation to SAP S/4HANA < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager.Exam Code : C_ACTIVATE05 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 68%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 80 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4HANA Implementation Scenarios C_S4IMP_1610 Practice" |
"Boost up your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. When you get a new certification, you're going to see it in a much different light. It'll be easier to find a job if your certification score is high.Scenario based exam questions for C_S4IMP_1610 : SAP S/4HANA Implementation Scenarios Certification Practice Test.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic AreasNew Implementation System Conversion Introduction to SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA Architecture and Choice of Deployment Transition scenarios to SAP S/4HANA SAP Activate as Accelerator for the Transition Landscape Transformation Preparation to ImplementationOfficial Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP S/4HANA Implementation Scenarios CertificationExam Code : C_S4IMP_1610 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 61%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 120 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & Procurement (C_TS450_1709) Practice" |
"Boost up your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_TS450_1709 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement (1709).Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Procurement Processes in S/4HANA> 12%Valuation and Account Determination8% - 12%Purchasing Optimization8% - 12%Inventory Management8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Essentials8% - 12%Logistics Processes in SAP S/4HANA8% - 12%Master Data and Enterprise Structure Configuration8% - 12%Procurement Processes in SAP ERP8% - 12%Configuration Procurement8% - 12%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement (1709).Exam Code : C_TS450_1709Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 64%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 120 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sam and Mel English" |
"'Sam and Mel' is a unique way of learning English for children. Your child will learn 10 new words in each lesson, and speak in meaningful sentences as they watch and interact with our 2 presenters. 'Sam and Mel' is a fun way of learning English, but the pedagogy behind each video scene and exercise has been carefully measured to suit the age and learning styles of young school children. This Course includes:> 100 lessons and exercises> Download 10 songs (MP3s)> Receive a certificate of completionRead what previous users of Sam and Mel English have said:Bravo for this incredible content! My students love English and could work on this material all afternoon! (Cline Sichet, France)Our son Paul is 9 years old. All of a sudden he has started speaking English. We all have a lot of fun during your videos. (Daniel H., Germany)Siria is 6 years old and enjoys the lessons. She sings along with the songs, she repeats and makes the signs. Only reading is a bit difficult. Siria is going to enjoy the certificate. What I like about your lessons is that they come without any violence. (Daria, Switzerland)As an ESL teacher, Ive seen different reactions of learners to videos. This video effectively encouraged the students to speak up while watching and that is great practice! (Joy Chuyako, Sui Yun Xuen Primary School, Guangdong Province, China)Ive been banging on about how great an idea this is! This format is perfect for Thai learners, especially the incorporation of physical movements to accompany the words. (Mark Newman, Thailand)I am delighted with this playful learning method and my pupils love it. (Sylvie Duhamel, France)This is the best media that Ive found on the internet so far. All my students enjoy all the lessons youve made. I hope that you may have a plan to make more media like this. (Tanachai R., Thailand)Dear Sam and Mel, your lessons are great! Our girl really loves them! Do you only have 10 lessons? We need more J ! (Monika R., Austria)The video has an integrated approach; its clear and easy to understand and the students have fun in learning. They respond positively and are motivated to be active. Its easy for them to retain what they hear and see on the video. (Grace Masangcay, ESL Primary School teacher, Sunshine School, Laos)I am really happy to hear that Sam and Mel are back. Your lessons are definitely wonderful that I highly recommended on my Facebook to my friends to hope that more and more people will know your lessons. I absolutely appreciate your work. (Huyen Nguyen, Vietnam)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulation using ANSYS - Fluent English version" |
"the course requires you to have very basic knowledge on fluid dynamicsthe course is split into 3 parts:1. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS CAD software 'space claim' (we start from the beginning till we can make assembly, and import parts from other CAD software ).2. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS meshing tool, and measure the mesh quality.3. learn how to work professionally on CFX and Fluent , and view the results on CFD-postin every program, we understand its GUI, all the options they have, and the physics behind every value or option we usethe course contains 34 projects (10 projects in space claim , 6 in meshing tool , 3 in CFX , and 15 in Fluent)in every project, we learn new tools and get more familiar with the programsthe instructor will be available with you through the entire course, and ready for any technical questions you havethis is the course content:Session 1: -intro to FEA -intro to Space Claim (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D drawings ) Session 2: -more on Space Claim: Importing drawings from other CAD software Drawing flow domain for a 3D wing importing .txt file to spaceclaimUsing pattern tool in drawing blades Working on Assembly (assembling parts drawn on space claim, and parts drawn on Solidworks) Session 3: -intro to Meshing -GUI of ANSYS meshing tool -Meshing three main parts (Global settings, Meshing methods, and Local settings) -Pipe model mesh (structured mesh) -Car flow domain mesh -Aerofoil flow domain mesh -Aerofoil structured mesh-2 rectangle blocks domain structured mesh (2D) -2 rectangle blocks domain structured mesh (3D)-Mesh quality Session 4: -intro to CFD -GUI of CFX -Turbulence models, and Boundary conditions -Solving flow in pipe (comparing different cases) (CFX) -Solving flow over a car model (CFX) -Solving flow in a Convergent Divergent nozzle (CFX) (supersonic flow) Session 5:-GUI of Fluent -Solving flow in pipe (comparing CFX and Fluent results)-Solving flow over aerofoil (Fluent) -Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent) -Solving a combustion chamber case (Fluent)-Solving a convergent divergent nozzle case(Fluent)Session 6:-GUI of CFD-post -Using CFD-post to view results with all Fluent and CFX projects-Solving a water filling in a tank case (Fluent)-heat exchanger- heat transfer (Fluent)-Solving Rotating Cylinder case (Fluent)-Simple FSI Fluid Solid interaction case (Fluent)-Boiling water in a tank case (Fluent) -Solar load and radiation case (Fluent)Session 7:-VAWT (vertical axial wind turbine) (Fluent)-Pipe in a wall heat transfer (Fluent)-Car in a garage case (Fluent) -Gate in a pipe (UDF + dynamic mesh) (Fluent) -Centrifugal Compressor (Fluent)-bullets race Advanced FSI case (Fluent)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Dis-Empowering Painful Memories Workshop" |
"We all can our past with us all the time. if its painful, our life becomes miserable. it already happened and now can't be change. but we can change our mind and it can help us to dis-empower pain from our memories. in this course you will learn 6 techniques to dis-empower your painful memories"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Web Accessibility for Designers" |
"Web accessibility is often something that gets pushed to the side. Its easy to assume that all users can see, user a keyboard, use a mouse or touch screen, and overall interact with your website or product content the same way you do. But this simply isnt true. Assuming everyone can use things in the exact same ways leads to an experience that works well for some people, but creates major issues or barriers for others. Accessibility is starting to gain more traction in the design and tech industries, especially since more and more countries are creating laws surrounding accessibility. If youre a web designer or a UI/UX designer of any level who doesnt feel confident in their accessibility knowledge, this is the course thatll level you up with practical skills.What youll learn in this course:How to design for those with vision impairment of different degreesHow to design for those with color vision impairmentHow to design for those who are hearing impairedKeyboard accessibility for all usersCreating target areas that work for all usersWhat accessibility tools are available to youHow to convince your team, organization, or client to adhere to accessibility standards"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw the Ear - The Easy Way" |
"If you have never drawn anything in your life, this is the place to be. I go through how to draw the Ear step by step and easy. I show you exactly how to do this as a beginner. This is the easiest way I can think of and I know you'll draw the ear better than ever. The ear is an essential facial feature to learn. its actually the easiest feature, I'll show you. here is what is in the course:-Intro-Supplies I recommend- Ear Structure- Parts of the Ear-Demonstration of the Entire Process- Art Advice (Bonus)So this is fast and you will forever be able to draw the ear after this course. Let's get drawing!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Full Agile Methodologies Bootcamp: Zero to HeroAgile Master" |
"The ""Full Agile Methodologies Bootcamp: Zero to Hero"" course introduces you to the concepts and best practices for Agile ,Scrum,Dynamic System Method Development ,Feature Driven Development,Lean Software Development and Extreme Programming . Agile is a project management approach that is well-suited for projects that are complex and uncertain, and more than 50 percent of Agile projects use Scrum, making it the most popular Agile method. This course will help you build the requisite skills and expertise to pass the certification exam on the first attempt.This course will enable you to:Become proficient in Scrum terminologies and their applicationsFacilitate daily scrums, user stories, sprint planning, and sprint reviewsCapable of producing different Scrum artifacts, including the product backlog, sprint backlog, finished deliverables, and the definition of doneImplement a distributed Scrum over teams spread across geographiesGrow into a Scrum Master role with any organization implementing ScrumPass the Agile Scrum Master exam on your first attemptApply best practices crucial for getting the maximum value from the Scrum methodology"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP 100 (2020)" |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Cisco ccna 200-301 (new practice test)" |
"The Cisco Certified Network Associate v1.0 (CCNA 200-301) exam is a 120-minute exam regarding the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. The course, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA), helps candidates prepare for this exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Open Conversations - CoachYourBoss" |
"Do you ever wonder why some conversations go smooth as butter and others are sharp as a knife?Do you often feel reluctant to engage in important but difficult conversations?Do you find yourself overwhelmed when another person is presenting arguments or is asking hard questions?Do you feel like you need more time to think things through?Then this is the place where you will learn effective conversational techniques!This quick-course offers you the tips and tricks that will enable you to open up any conversation!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Front End Web Development-How to Sell on Themeforest & Earn" |
"Front End Web Development-How to Sell on Themeforest & EarnBuild A Premium Html Template Using Your Front End Web Development Knowledge: How To Create A Premium HTML From Scratch For Themeforest.In this course, you will learn everything you will need to create and sell a premium front end template that is guaranteed to get accepted on marketplaces like ThemeForest.Become a Website Template expert and make money online by publishing your templates! After finishing the course you will be able to do:You can create a premium quality site template for premium marketplaces like ThemeForest and earn money.You will go one step further in the path of becoming a professional front end web developer.You will be able to use advanced javascript plugins on your website to make it more attractive and eye-catching.You can submit your front end templates on Themeforest and other marketplaces all by yourself.You will have the basic skills of graphics designing and you will be able to design a simple logo, favicon, thumbnail image, preview images, etc.You will be able to create awesome designs and get ideas about design.You will be able to make money right away by using your front end web development skills.Take your HTML & CSS knowledge to the next levelAre you looking to code premium HTML templates that will pass the coding standards review on websites like themeforest?Do you have great designs or you work with a designer and you have HTML/CSS/JS knowledge and you want to convert your designs into a great front end website templates?Do you have some front end web development knowledge and you want to expand your knowledge and get deeper into the world of professional front end web developers and be able to sell themes online?Then this course is for you!This course is the essence of my experience with submitting templates to the themeforest. In these lectures, I will share everything I know about creating HTML templates. After completing the course you will be able to create templates coded to match Themeforest's coding standards. You should have no problems passing themeforest's code review as long as you have a great design!This is not a Design/HTML course!!! If you are looking for that, I am sure you will find a lot of other resources. In this course, I will just focus on the complete process of creating and submitting an HTML website templates in ThemeForest using Front End Web Development. Also, you should have some basic front end web development knowledge. I will not teach you html & css from scratch here, so if you are interested in taking this course, I suggest taking a beginner's front end web development course first!Who is the target audience?Developers who have basic HTML/CSS knowledge and wish to create professional HTML templates from scratch.Front end web developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level.Front end web developers looking to create premium templates that get approved on marketplaces like themeforest.Anyone interested in learning advanced coding practices and standards.Intermediate level front end web development learners.This course has a rating of 4.82. See what are the students saying about this course:Dawa Rinzin Tamang:""Awesome! Excellent teaching method. Worth Money. What you invest you will get double of it. No need to worry. Thanks sir for this.""Prince Velasco:""WORTH THE MONEY! Every code is written is well explained! And it is up to date. I wish that you create more courses like this.""#frontendwebdevelopment #createpremiumhtmltemplate#Front End Web Development"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gerencie suas Emoes" |
"Nossas emoes so descargas de energia que acontecem o tempo todo em ns. Algumas vezes elas so mais fortes, e em outras so mais fracas. Ns somos todos os dias bombardeados por informaes e por estmulos que despertam nossas emoes a todo momento, sem nenhuma interrupo. Todos ns precisamos aprender a lidar de forma adequada com essas emoes, afinal todos ns conhecemos casos em que enormes prejuzos foram causados por reaes ruins a emoes negativas, sem falar em carreiras profissionais inteiras que tiveram seu fim prematuro graas a uma resposta ruim a um estimulo externo.Nesse curso, voc aprender sobre como suas emoes funcionam, por que motivos elas existem, e que informaes elas do a voc que no podem ser ignoradas. Voc ir tambm aprender a gerenciar as prprias emoes, entendendo melhor as formas pelas quais elas o afetam e como voc pode reagir melhor a elas. Oferecemos no curso um mtodo que ir possibilitar que voc neutralize emoes negativas ou, quando isso no for possvel, possa associar estmulo negativos a emoes positivas. Acima de tudo, com esse curso voc poder se preparar melhor para reagir bem s prprias emoes e, talvez ainda mais importante que isso, deixar de responder a elas de formas que s criaro mais problemas mais tarde!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to become a successful Online English Tutor" |
"Hey guys!In this course you will learn how to do an amazing job that will give you a lot of freedom and flexibility. You will learn how to help others improve themselves and you will meet a lot of interesting people from various backgrounds. I can tell you that I would not trade this job for another since I am my own boss and I decide how much I want to work and earn. I hope you will give it a chance. The people that I have helped, who started doing doing this job and who use the approach I laid out in this course, are still working and are happy and satisfied. So all the best and I hope I will see you in the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam AWS Certified SysOps Administrator to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Theme Development with Twig and Timber" |
"Important: Course has been updated in July 2020. Chapter 3 and 4 are live with more information and also increased font size.--------------------------Default WordPress templating system has some weaknesses. I will show you how to use Twig and Timber to create themes with modern approach where template is separated from the controller, templates are clean and readable just like in HTML with some extra features.You will learn basics about Twig and Timber and how to use it in WordPress. As the project we are going to create a website from scratch using this environment. PHP and Bootstrap knowledge is useful bot not required. The only requirement is basic knowledge about HTML and CSS to understand the code.Additional information:This course is more like an introduction, we are going to stay near the beginner level for most of the time. It is not a full guide covering all features of Twig or Timber."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil ECSS Certified Security Specialist Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following security protocols are based on the 802.11i standard? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) WEPb) WPA2c) WPA d) WEP2Q) Which of the following OSI layers is responsible for protocol conversion, data encryption/decryption, and data compression?a) Transport layerb) Presentation layerc) Data-link layerd) Network layerQ) You are responsible for security at a company that uses a lot of Web applications. You are most concerned about flaws in those applications allowing some attacker to get into your network. What method would be best for finding such flaws?a) Vulnerability scanningb) Manual penetration testingc) Automated penetration testingd) Code reviewQ) Which of the following representatives of incident response team takes forensic backups of the systems that are the focus of the incident?a) Lead investigatorb) Information security representativec) Technical representatived) Legal representative"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |