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"In this course, the students will get an overview of the various essential subjects, issues, and aspects which form an integral part of Cyberlaw as a discipline. The students will get to appreciate how Cyberlaw as a discipline is broad enough to encompass various important and crucial subjects including the legality of the electronic format, legality of electronic authentication, internet jurisdiction, cybercrime, cybersecurity, attribution, data protection and also the role of intermediaries. The present course will give a broad of some of the key essential elements which have today contributed to the evolution of Cyberlaw as a legal discipline."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"In this course, the students will get to appreciate the growing dependence on electronic data and the internet and the need for professionals to be knowing about cyber legal frameworks in todays context. In any and every professional working in whatever profession, needs to know about cyber legal ramifications of their activities in the electronic ecosystem as also in cyberspace, otherwise, they could potentially be exposed to a lot of undesirable legal consequences, both civil and criminal. Further, the societal and reputational aspects of such ignorance of cyber legal requirements could massively and prejudicially impact a professionals reputation and business prospects, both in the present and also in the future. Hence, in this course, professionals will be sensitized on what all they need to know about Cyberlaw jurisprudence. How Cyberlaw is impacting their day-to-day professional activities and what all they need to be careful of while doing activities in the electronic format. After doing the course, the professionals will be far more empowered as they will be sensitized about the various cyber legal ramifications of their activities in cyberspace and the electronic ecosystem. After doing the course, the professionals will be in a far more better position to navigate the various legal challenges that they face pertaining to their activities in cyberspace. This course is an absolute must for all professionals of any profession who are dealing with electronic data and also use computers, computer systems, computer networks, computer resources, communication devices, the internet and also data and information in the electronic form."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"In this course, the students will get to have an understanding of the increasing advent and emergence of cybercrimes on social media. The students will further get to know about the distinct new emerging kinds of cybercrimes that have increasingly arrived on the social media landscape and how the said cybercrimes are appropriately regulated by Cyberlaw frameworks in different parts of the world.The students will also get to know more about why there is a need for distinct new strategies to be adopted while dealing with cybercrimes on social media and the need for far more capacity building. I hope you enjoyed doing the present course and prepared yourself for the further exciting digital journey ahead.Social media is an integral part of our day-to-day lives and there is no running away from the same. However, with increasing cybercrimes emerging on social media, it is imperative that you as a user on social media must be sensitized about these emerging cybercrimes on social media so that you can be better prepared to deal with the same.Further doing the said course will help to be more sensitized about how different cyber legal frameworks are seeking to address the newly emerging cybercrimes on social media and why there is an increasing need for adoption of new proactive approaches to deal with newly emerging kinds of cybercrimes on social media."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NLP: inizdeki Potansiyeli Gn Yzne kartn" |
"Nro Linguistic Programlama (Sinirbilimsel Programlama) 1970'lerden beri var olmutur. NLP ou kez 'beyniniz iin kullanc el kitab' olarak adlandrlr ve bu yaam bilgisini incelemek, dnme kalplarmzn hayatmzn her ynn nasl etkilediine dair fikirler verebilir.NLP, dncelerimizi (Neuro), kullandmz dil kalplarn (Dilbilim) ve davranlarmz (Programlama) ileme biimimize ve bunlarn bireyler olarak olumlu (olumsuz) bir etkiye sahip olmasn nasl etkilediine bakmaktadr.NLP, dnce sreci ve insan davrannn anlalmasn salayan ok eitli yntem ve modellerin bir toplamdr. Bu teknikleri anlamak hem kendiniz hem de bu fikirleri paylatnz kiilerde olumlu bir deiiklik getirebilir.NLP'nin tarihsel olarak sormu olduu temel sorular unlardr:Nasl dnr ve reniriz? Hayatta bizi ne tr negatif kalplar tutuyor? Dnyann nde gelen uzmanlar yaptklar olaand sonulara nasl ularlar?Bunlar, ancak bu dersin cevaplamaya alaca baz sorular..Bu eitimimizde Nrobilimsel Programlamaya Girite (NLP), aadakileri yapmay kefedeceksiniz:Hayatnzda istediiniz olumlu sonulardan daha fazlasn yaratn.Yararsz ve ykc duygularn kaynan belirleyin.nanc kstlayc inanlar daha yararl ve glendirici haline getirin.stediiniz yaam deiikliklerini yapn ve daha etkili hedefler belirleyin.Dnce ve tecrbenin temel yap talarndan haberdar olun.likilerinizi gelitirmek iin Nro-Linguistik Programlamadan yararlann.Daha fazla gvenle iletiim kurun ve bakalaryla daha anlaml bir balant kurun.Kiisel ve profesyonel etkinliinizi gelitirmek iin gl NLP becerilerini kullann.... ve ok daha fazlas!Kursun bitiminde NLP'nin ne olduunu bilecek ve kendinizi iten-da doru daha etkili bir ekilde anlayacaksnz. stediiniz kiisel sonular elde etmek iin NLP'yi nasl kullanacanz ve dier insanlarla daha gl bir ekilde iletiim kurmak iin bir stratejiniz olduunu reneceksiniz."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Zaman Ynetimi" |
"Zamannzn kontroln elinize almak ister misiniz? Size 1 gn yetmiyor mu? Haftalar ve aylar kopyala-yaptr hzlca geip bitiyor mu?Tam almaya balarken, gn m bitiyor?Hepsini bir dzene sokmak ister misiniz?Zaman ynetimi insan varolduu gnden bugne varln zihinlerde korudu. smi baka bakayd fakat hi gnmzdeki kadar detaylandrlmamt. Yaam ynetimi, kariyer planlama, hedef belirleme vb. kavramlar hayatmza girdike zamana olan bak amzda deiti. Zaman ynetiminin nemini anlamaya baladk. Eer hayatmzda deiiklik yapacaksak, bunu yapmak iin zaman ayrmak zorundayz. Bu deiiklikler konusunda ciddiysek, kendimizi zaman netletirmeye urarken bulacaz. yleyse zaman nasl netletirebiliriz? ncelikle zamann nemini anlamak gerekiyor.Bu eitim setinde tm bu sorulara i hayatnz ve zel hayatnz iin cevaplar verilmektedir."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"leri Seviye ngilizcesi: letiimin Lideri Siz Olun!" |
"ngilizcesi kapsaml eitim setini size i ve mesleki almalarnzda gereksinim duyacanz veya duyuyor olduunuz leri Dzey ngilizcesini retmeyi hedefleyerek hazrladk. Mfredatn bandan sonuna doru adm adm ngilizcenizi en st dzeye karacak, dil becerilerinizi uluslararas i dnyasnda kullanma zgvenini kademeli olarak kazanacaksnz. e-Ders kavramn hem online hem DVD tabanl eitimler ile uzun yllardr destekleyerek 36 niversitenin e-Eitim sistemlerini hem ierik hem de Eitim Ynetim Sistemi olarak sunuyoruz. Uzmanlar tarafndan hazrladmz bu ngilizce'si eitimimiz ile sizleri:Yeni i frsatlarnn kaplarn aralayabileceksiniz! arkadalarnza ve yneticilere i ngilizce'sine tamamen hakim olduunuzu gsterebileceksiniz!Topluluk nnde ngilizce sunum yaparken artk ok daha zgvenli hissedeceksiniz!Sadece anlamakla kalmayp artk kendinizi bir adm daha ileri tayarak konuma becerilerinizi gelitireceksiniz!----------Ek olarak bilmenizi de isteriz ki aklnza taklan en ufak noktalarda bile bize 7/24 ulaabiliyor olacaksnz. Sorularnz en ksa srede cevaplayarak aklnzda hibir soru iareti brakmamay da hedefliyoruz.-----------"
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"iClone: Gerek Zamanl 3D Animasyon" |
"Kendi 3D film setinizi yaratmanz salayan iClone ile yapay bir dnya yaratabilir, karakterler oluturabilir ve bu karakterlere mimikler ekleyebilirsiniz. Gerek zamanl 3D animasyonlar yaratlmasn salayan program pek ok kapsaml zelliiyle hayal gcnn snrlarn zorluyor.iClone, 3D karakterlerinizin hareket ve mimik kabiliyetini kendi hazr efektleriyle gelitiriyor. Son dnemlerde ok kullanlan HDR efektlerde programn yeni srmnde kullanlabiliyor. iClone ile filminizi belirlediiniz kurguya gre hazrlayabilir ve belli bir zaman izelgesine gre kapsaml sahneler yaratbilirsiniz. Program AVI, WMV, Flash ve MPEG-4 kt ekillerini destekler.Pozlayarak animasyon, kamera geileri, sahne hazrlama, sahne klandrma, sahne set hazrlama ve ok daha fazlasn size adm adm retmeyi hedefliyoruz."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Kapsaml Wordpress Eitimi: Kendi nternet Sitenizi Yapn" |
"Kendi websitenizi gelitirmek ancak ilk olarak nereden balamak gerektii konusunda kararsz msnz?Dnya zerindeki en popler CMS (Content Management System: erik Ynetim Sistemi) ve dnya zerindeki websitelerinin %25'inin zerinden oluturulduu Wordpress altyapsnda size sfrdan adm adm website gelitirmeyi retiyoruz! Wordpress'e dair her ince detaya bu kapsaml eitim seti ile ksa srede hakim olmak tamamen sizin elinizde. Herhangi tek bir satr kod yazmanza gerek kalmadan size website gelitirme dnyasnn kaplarn aralyoruz!WordPress ak kaynak olmasna ve binlerce gelitiricinin bunun iin kaynaklar oluturmasna ramen, onunla web sitelerini oluturup ynetmede usta olmay renmek yine de emek ve zaman alr. Sadece WordPress yazlmn renmek deil, gerekli kk grafik tasarm bilgisi, barndrma ve sunucu ynetimi, krk siteleri veya sorunlar arka u ve sunucu kurulumu gibi birok detay konuya dair de tecrbeli olmanz gerekir. Video Eitim olarak e-Ders kavramn hem online hem DVD tabanl eitimler ile uzun yllardr destekleyerek 36 niversitenin e-Eitim sistemlerini hem ierik hem de Eitim Ynetim Sistemi olarak sunuyoruz. Tm tecrbemizle bu eitim de sizi yalnz brakmadan adm adm tecrbe edinerek ilerleyeceiz.----------Ek olarak bilmenizi de isteriz ki aklnza taklan en ufak noktalarda bile bize 7/24 ulaabiliyor olacaksnz. Sorularnz en ksa srede cevaplayarak aklnzda hibir soru iareti brakmamay da hedefliyoruz.-----------"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator CS6: Yaratc tasarmlar retmeye bala" |
"Adobe Illustrator CS6 serisi ile size en kaliteli eitim sizi sfrdan ileri seviyeye karma gayesiyle, hibir bilginiz olmad varsaylarak hazrlanmtr.Dijital ortam zmleri konusunda lider bir firma olan Adobe'un gelitirdii grafik tasarm program Adobe Illustrator, vektrel tabanl bir yazlm trdr. Illustrator'un bu kadar popler olmas ve profesyonel tasarmclar tarafndan sklkla tercih edilir olmasnn en byk sebebi ise ieriin bandan beri bahsettiimiz ''vektr'' zelliidir.Ksaca rneklemek gerekirse: Tamamen vektrlere bal kalarak tasarmlarn yapld Illustrator'de ne kadar byk boyutlarda almalar yaplrsa yaplsn, grntde bozulma olmaz. Adobe Illustrator'de oluturulan vektr grafikleri znrlkten bamszdr. Yani piksel tabanl tasarm programlarnn aksine herhangi bir kalite kayb yaamadan snrsz kez yeniden boyutlandrlabilir.Gerek fotoraflar kullanmayp vektrler ile oluturacanz herhangi bir tasarmda Adobe Illustrator programn gnl rahatlyla kullanabilirsiniz. Illustrator'un barndrd ok ynl izim aralar ile zgn vektrel izimler yaratabilir, illstrasyonlar ve tipografiler oluturabilirsiniz.rnein; grafik tasarm, web tasarm, site arayzleri, firmalarn; kartvizit, afi, bror, logo, banner tasarm gibi kurumsal kimlik almalarnn tm iin Adobe Illustrator programndan yararlanlabilir. Bu gibi tasarmlarn byk boyutlarda bask uygulamalarnda ise yine Illustrator programna bavurulabilir. nk, Adobe Illustrator'de hazrlanan almalarn leklendirilmesi ok rahat bir ekilde yaplrken grntde bozulma ve kalite dklklerinin nne geilir. Adobe Illustrator'de oluturulan firma logosu kk bir kartvizit zerinde kullanlrken ayn zamanda ok byk boyutlarda bir reklam panosu afiine de ayn kalitede baslabilir. Bu sayede oluturulan tasarm zerindeki en ufak ayrntya kadar her detay net bir ekilde grntlenebilir ve gzden kamam olur.Adobe Illustrator ayn zamanda Windows'un yan sra MacOS iletim sistemlerinde de alabilmesi zellii ile rakiplerinden bir adm ne gemektedir. Dier tasarm yazlmlarnn baz srmlerinin MacOS iletim sisteminde almamas sebebiyle Adobe Illustrator, profesyoneller tarafndan tercih edilen tasarm program unvanna sahip olmutur."
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Containerization using Docker" |
"Understanding Virtual Machines and ContainersWhat is a Virtual Machine A virtual machine is a computer file, typically called an image, which behaves like an actual computer computer within a computer It runs in a window, much like any other program, giving the end-user the same experience on a virtual machine as they would have on the host operating system itself. Multiple virtual machines can run simultaneously on the same physical computer.What is Docker and its Benefits Docker is an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running applications by using containers. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications.The Docker platform uses the Docker Engine to quickly build and package apps as Docker images created using files written in the Dockerfile format that then is deployed and run in a layered container.Benefits of Docker:1. Resource Efficiency: Docker is lightweight and fast. Process level isolation and usage of the container hosts kernel is more efficient when compared to virtualizing an entire hardware server using VM.Docker Architecture and its TaxonomyDocker Engine is a client-server application with these major components: A server which is a type of long-running program called a daemon process. A REST API that specifies interfaces that programs can use to talk to the daemon and instruct it what to do.Create an Image ManuallyStep 1: Update the Code1. Create a New Project - HelloWebApp dotnet new MVC -n HelloWebApp2. Add dockerfile as below DockerfileAzure Pipeline for Build and Publish Docker Image to Docker HubAzure Pipelines can be used to build images for any repository containing a Dockerfile. The building of both Linux and Windows containers is possible based on the agent platform used for the build.Deploying to Web AppYou can automatically deploy your application to an Azure Web App for Linux Containers after every successful build."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Build a Chatbot with AZURE and AWS" |
"In this course , you will learn and deploy chatbot using AWS Lex and Microsoft Azure on the cloud.Firstly, We will learn chatbot development on AWS with lex, polly and transcribe. And we will deploy chat-bots on both platformThen we will create simple chatbot on Microsoft Azure, then after it we will embed chatbot into html website. After it we will create chatbot for Facebook page which will create good customer engagement and provide better 24*7 services to customersThen learn how to crawl from different sources like FAQ links , documentation, product manual etc to create FAQ bot or you can called it as QnA chatbot. Then at last we will going to deploy Luis app. Luis stands for language understanding.Once you complete this course, you will able to develop different kind of bot services provided by Microsoft azure and AWS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure Machine Learning Certification- AZ AI100" |
"As Machine learning and cloud computing are trending topic and also have lot of job opportunities If you have interest in machine learning as well as cloud computing then this course for you. This course will let you use your machine learning skills deploy in cloud. There are various cloud platform but only few are popular like Azure, AWS, IBM Bluemix and GCP.Microsoft Azure a cloud platform where we will going to deploy machine learning skills.In this course you will going to learn following topics (with focus on Azure AI100 Certification Exam):Concept of Machine LearningCognitive ServicesDifference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningSimple chatbot integrate in HTML websitesEcho Bot Facebook Chat botQuestion and Answer MakerLUIS(Language Understanding)Text AnalyticsDetecting LanguageAnalyze image and videoRecognition handwritten from textGenerate Thumbnail Content ModeratorTranslate and many more thingsALL THE BEST !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"likilerde Kullanlan Profesyonel Koluk Teknikleri" |
"likileriniz de partnerinizi tanyn ve mutluluu yakalayn, iliki kolarnn kulland iliki teknikleri ile ilikilerinizde ki karakter, iletiim ve sorunlar tanyn. Ya da iliki koluu alannda meslei yetkinliini artrmak isteyenlerin kullanabilecei teknikleri iermektedir. Bu teknikler sayesinde partneriniz ile mutluluu iliki koluu teknikleri ile yakalayabilir ve hi olmad kadar ilikilerinizi ynlendirebilirsiniz. liki koluu almalaryla ilikilerimizin kalitesi artar. Kiiler farkl sorunlarla etkin ba etmek yollar farkederler. liki dinamiklerinin oluturulmas, daha huzurlu bir ortama sahip olabilmek, daha iyi iletiim kurabilmek iin kullanlan bir yntemdir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kariyer iin Kullanlan Koluk Teknikleri" |
"Kariyer kolarnn, kariyer ynlendirmelerinde ve belirlemelerinde kulland kariyer koluu teknikleri anlatlmaktadr. Bu teknikler sayesinde kendi kariyerinize yn verebilirsiniz. Bu saye de ihtiya duyduunuz kariyer yetkinliklerine sahip olabileceksiniz. Hi phesiz ki kariyer, hayata ki en nemli admlarmzdan biridir ancak baary yakalayan kii says da azdr. te bu tekniklere sizlere doru kariyer ynlendirmesi ile kariyerinizin baar izgisini izmeyi gsterecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yaam Koluunda Kullanlan Teknikleri" |
"Yaam koluunda davran deitirme teknikleri olarak kullanlan teknikler ile yaamnzda davran deitirin. Yaam kolar insan davranlarn deitirmek iin baz teknikleri kullanmaktadr. Bu teknikler sayesinde dananlar daha rahat bir hayat srmekte ve daha kolay bir yaam salamaktadrlar.Bu davran deitirme teknikleri bu eitim seti ierisinde yer almaktadr. Bu eitim seti ierisinde ki teknikleri dilerseniz kendi yaamnza uygulayabilir ya da baka kiilere yardm etmek iin bu bilgilere ve tekniklere sahip olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Farkndalk Koluu Teknikleri" |
"Farkndalk kolarnn dananlarn da kulland farkndalk tekniklerini kendi hayatnda kullan.Bu srete bireyin kendisi, bakalar ve evresi ile kurduu ilikilerdeki davran ekillerine ve bunlarn etkilerine bakmasna alan alr. alma srasnda, duygulara, dncelere, davranlara ve bedene odaklanlr. Ko, hem kendini hem de bireyi dinleyip, kendinde ve bireyle kurduu ilikide fark ettiklerini paylaarak farkndal artrmaya alr. Ko bireyi destekler ve cesaretlendirir.Farkndalk Koluu, bireysel almalarn yan sra, farkl disiplinlerden sanatlarn yaratclk, performans ve kolektif retim srelerine de destek olur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Healing with Trauma Informed Yoga" |
"This is a one-day experiential training course for clinical and non-clinical care professionals looking to enhance their knowledge of self-care practices and expand their tools for use in then mental health and substance use fields. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the history of yoga and a working knowledge of how trauma impacts the mind and body. Facilitator will present research that supports the benefits of yoga on the brain and body regarding addressing stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction recovery, and personal growth. Participants will learn basic trauma informed yoga skills and will engage in the demonstration of applicable skills including hand yoga, meditations, breath control and intuitive movement. Presenter: Lindsay Rothschild, LCSW, CCTPLindsay Rothschild, LCSW, CCTP, graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2007 and a Masters in Social Work in 2011. Through her work in an acute care setting, Lindsay has come to understand the complex impact of trauma on ones ability to self-regulate, as well as the associations between childhood adversity and health. Lindsay is passionate about intentional, deliberate living and focuses her efforts on promoting the mind body connection in an attempt to empower others to heal the wounds of trauma.In addition to her study of Holistic Nutrition at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Lindsay also holds a certificate in Trauma Conscious Yoga. As a leader in the trauma informed mission and mindset, Lindsay openly shares about her own journey of discovery and her efforts to create a lifestyle which promotes wellness, compassion, and kindness.Lindsay has worked in the mental health field since 2010 and practices primarily in a psychiatric hospital where she serves adults and adolescents in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She has extensive experience working with individuals, families, and groups. Lindsay has facilitated trainings for first responders, law enforcement personnel and educators in the community in an effort to promote awareness around Trauma Informed Care Techniques and the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Practical Frontend with Vue.js 2 for Beginners" |
"This is a Vue.js 2 Online Course in which youll learn to develop easy to use and very fast frontend websites. The Topic of the Course is VueJS 2 one of the most popular javascript frontend frameworks. Below youll find more information on what the product consists of, what topics the VueJS 2 Course covers and what you can expect from German IT Academy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Corso Excel Come risparmiare tempo con il foglio di calcolo" |
"Prerequisiti dello studenteQuesto corso prevede la conoscenza di base di Excel.Requisiti richiesto un computer funzionante con installato Microsoft Office o Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 o 365.Il corsoLavori ore con Excel?Cerchi modi efficaci per risparmiare tempo e lavoro?Questo corso fatto per te.Il corso composto da 4 mini corsi in 1 che forniscono le competenze per applicare 4 strategie diverse per risparmiare tempo su Excel.Sono 70 lezioni, per complessive 8 ore, accompagnate da materiali aggiuntivi come checklist, palestre e guide che ti aiutano nellapprendimento.Scopri come usare Excel in modo pi efficiente. Risparmierai tempo e lavoro.E migliorerai la qualit e i risultati del tuo lavoro.Come seguire il corsoIl corso ti guida passo passo, ma non necessario che tu lo segua nell'ordine indicato. Anzi ti invito a seguire solo i moduli che ti possono offrire vantaggi immediati, a seconda della tue competenze. Il resto puoi seguirlo in seguito, quando ne avrai bisogno.Cosa sarai in grado di fare alla fine di questo corso?Sarai in grado di risparmiare fino al 30% del tempo che spendi con Excel.Potrai modificare i tuoi fogli per renderli pi efficienti.Conoscerai meglio Excel e saprai usarlo in modo agile e veloce.Potrai realizzare la tua cassetta degli attrezzi.Saprai automatizzare le attivit ripetitive dei tuoi fogli.Cos'ha di diverso rispetto agli altri corsi?Non ci sono altri corsi come questo. lunico corso pensato per far risparmiare tempo con il foglio di calcolo.ArgomentiRisparmiare tempo richiede di apprendere competenze specifiche, per poi applicarle in pratica.In questo corso vedremo come:1. Usare i tool di Excel pi avanzati e dinamici,2. Disporre di fogli gi pronti alluso,3. Usare Excel pi velocemente,4. Far svolgere le attivit a Excel.1. Usare gli strumenti dinamici di ExcelSignifica in concreto imparare a usare strumenti di Excel pi automatizzati e comodi, in grado di svolgere autonomamente attivit e di richiedere meno tempo alloperatore per la loro gestione.2. Disporre di fogli gi pronti alluso unottima strategia per chi ha bisogno di usare ripetutamente strumenti simili per attivit simili. Richiede linvestimento di tempo nella preparazione di una cassetta degli attrezzi e degli strumenti che ci servono.3. Usare Excel pi velocementeSignificare imparare a usare tastiera e mouse nel modo migliore. Perch Excel stato realizzato proprio per essere controllato in modo efficiente tramite la tastiera.4. Far svolgere le attivit a ExcelRichiede che tu sappia come far lavorare Excel al posto tuo. Dico davvero. Excel stato progettato per eseguire in modo autonomo le attivit che gli ordiniamo di fare.EserciziIl corso Excel Come risparmiare tempo con il foglio di calcolo non prevede esercizi obbligatori, ma dove opportuno te li propone allo scopo di acquisire la pratica necessaria per ottenere il massimo dei vantaggi delle competenze insegnate.Ti invito a fare sempre gli esercizi pratici proposti.LinsegnanteSono Piero, ho 46 anni, una laurea e per 20 anni ho ricoperto ruoli di responsabilit nella Pmi in ambito produttivo e non solo.Ho 20 anni di esperienza nell'uso avanzato di Excel in ambito aziendale. Come strumento di analisi, controllo e business intelligence, e per la realizzazione di gestionali e di strumenti automatizzati.Negli anni ho realizzato centinaia di strumenti avanzanti e automatizzati e oggi aiuto aziende, manager e professionisti a realizzare o migliorare i propri strumenti.Quello che insegno nasce dall'esperienza e dal mio lavoro. Posso mostrarti come Excel possa fare pi di quello che immagini.Sar onorato di guidarti alla scoperta del vero potenziale del foglio di calcolo.Certificato FinaleIl corso fornisce certificato finale che puoi aggiungere al tuo curriculum e al tuo profilo Linkedin.Accesso1. Il corso accessibile da qualunque dispositivo tramite browser. accessibile anche tramite app Udemy che puoi trovare nei migliori store.2. Non ci sono limiti di accesso e di durata al corso. Il corso accessibile sempre e quando vuoi.Garanzia e pagamentoIl prezzo comprensivo di IVA.Puoi pagare con PayPal o Carta di credito.Il corso si paga una sola volta.Se il corso non risulta adatto a te, puoi richiedere il rimborso entro 30 giorni dalla data d'acquisto.Il corso adatto a te?Il corso pensato:1. per chi ha una conoscenza di base di Excel,2. o per gli autodidatti,3. pi in generale per chi lavora ore su Excel4. e cerca modi per risparmiare tempo con il foglio di calcolo.Se non sei sicuro se il corso adatto a te, guarda i video in anteprima e leggi il programma.Se hai ancora dei dubbi, scrivi a felice di rispondere a ogni tua domanda.Investi su te stesso, iscrivi al corsoRicorda che quello che spendi per la tua formazione non un costo, ma un investimento che si ripaga nel tempo. Sempre.Scopri come usare Excel in modo efficiente."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Start Online Business & Become Digital Nomad-5 courses in 1" |
"Ever wanted to be your own boss?What if you could create a business that works hard for you (not the other way around)?Well, thats exactly what Ill be teaching during this course.You see, online business has transformed the way I work.It enabled me to build a business that can run WITHOUT me.It gave me the freedom to travel as much as I want and to choose where and when I workI could finally offer my business to more people and scale my income without worrying about burnout.So of course, I went ALL IN on this business model!And over the years, Ive perfected a super-simple, streamlined system for creating online businesses.And today, Im sharing my step-by-step system with you!But this isnt going to be one of those courses where Ill try to teach you something Ive never done myself.Nope!I follow these exact steps to create my own online businesses.You can create online business using this system - even if you start out with $0 marketing budget!Even if you have no tech skills and 0 followers.Ill walk you through every step of creating and launching YOUR OWN online business.Inside this course you'll get:- Discover The Insider Secrets To Get As Many Customers As You Can Handle Without EVER Spending A Single Cent!- Simple Marketing Solutions reveals ALL of Lanas tried, tested, and perfected methods that work every single time without fail.- What makes These Marketing Solutions different from any other course youve ever seen is Lana uses the techniques she teaches herself, so she knows for CERTAIN that they WORK!- You'll discover which deep psychological factors you can use to influence masses of people in your niche - This is extremely powerful!- You'll also find out questions you must ask yourself before creating viral content - get the answers to these questions right, and you'll be one step closer to sweeping through your niche like a viral tornado!- You'll also find out the #1 mistake marketers make when trying to jump-start a viral campaign, and how to boost your campaign using a proven method.- A surefire method for profiting online by leveraging the power of video marketing using completely free methods! A marketing system that has worked for generating traffic and profits for thousands of businesses.- How to setup a free profit pulling video in literally minutes and how you can turn that one video into a constant flood of targeted website visitors and a potential long term income stream.- The proven system for driving serious amounts of targeted visitors to your profit pulling website.- You'll also discover one secret technique that almost no one is teaching that can increase your traffic almost overnight!- Video Marketing Is Literally On Fire... Do You Have What It Takes To Use This Medium To Catapult Your Internet Business To The Next Level Of Online Success Or Will You Be Left Eating The Dust Of Your Competition?Finally, The Secrets Of Video Marketing Are Revealed!Know Everything That You Need To Know To Master This Field And Discover A Whole New Plateau Of Online Wealth Just Waiting To Be Conquered in this Course!- List Building Technique will change the way you make money forever...How to generate an unstoppable flood of targeted subscribers so you can start seeing profits quickly and easily!The fastest way to make money with even a small list!- How to create fail-proof sales funnels that will drive in sales, all on complete autopilot!- How to monetize your lists instantly even without a product of your own!These killer techniques will skyrocket your income very quickly!- Tools you need to start building your list.- How to create a landing page quickly by using a simple method.- How to create a list and a follow up series.- How to put the landing page together and make it look nice without knowing HTML.- How to create a responsive list and drive traffic to build your list.-Discover How YOU - Or Anyone - Can Quickly & Easily Create Your Very Own Recurring Income Generating Asset Online... Allowing YOU To Make BIG Profits From Repeat Customers PLUS Build Your Expert Credibility Online!- You'll get an in-depth look at how to instantly turn your brand-spanking new subscribers into cash-paying customers using a slick psychological tricks.- You'll also find out how to turn unresponsive followers into repeat buyers, as well as the secrets of laying the perfect bait to persuade prospects to eagerly join your mailing list - List building has never been easier!- Discover The Exact Step-By-Step System To Driving Unlimited Amounts of Targeted Traffic Using Social Media Marketing.....and Start Generating Profits!- This simple, step-by-step system shows you exactly how to: Brand yourself and your business/products, Build a large fan base of potential clients, Build a high-quality email list Driving large amounts of traffic to your website And LOADS More!- Tap into the FUTURE of online marketing by discovering ALL the secrets to Marketing and how to harness the awesome power of it for UNLIMITED Income potential."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Konsep Manusia Unggul di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0" |
"Di era digitalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, kita manusia dihadapkan tantangan-tantangan baru untuk terus berkembang dan mengikuti zaman guna menjadi manusia yang lebih produktif dan mampu bersaing dengan manusia lainnya. Diperlukan pengetahuan untuk menjadi manusia unggul di era 4.0 karena perkembangan zaman dan teknologi akan membuat manusia memiliki daya saing dan terus berkembang. Modul ini akan menyajikan dan mengulas mengenai hakihat manusia dan Tuhan-nya serta apa saja ciri-ciri untuk menjadi manusia unggul di era 4.0"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overview dan Mendalami Properti Manajemen" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Overview Property Management Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengenal atau mengetahui lebih dalam tentang Property Management. Course ini menyajikan materi Overview Property Management yang disampaikan oleh Aries S. Sukimto seorang praktisi yang ahli dalam bidang property management. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Pengertian Property2.Management, Klasifikasi Property dan Nilai Ekonomi/Investasi Property3.Strategy dan Daya Saing Property Management4.Index Property"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to VBA Expert" |
"Why buy individual Excel courses when this whole Microsoft Excel course will give you everything you need!Microsoft Excel all-in-one Package - Become a certified Excel Ninja with #1 Excel courseLooking for an online Excel course to improve your skills and save time but don't know where to start?Start mastering Excel, the world's most popular and powerful spreadsheet program and your sought after excel certification can help you impress your employer and advance your career prospects.I have picked out the Excel Essential skills and packaged them in a structured course.I will take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything from scratch & to be able to use VBA to improve your work flow, save time and automate your current Excel projects.What differentiates this course from other Microsoft Excel Courses?Yes, there are many Microsoft Excel Courses out there teaching you the important Excel functions and features you need to master.BUT, do you get step-step-step learning with Quizzes, Exercises and VBA programming all in one course?This course will get you confident and comfortable designing from simple to complex spreadsheets. You will go beyond Excel basics & advanced section & become a smart user. As you go through the course, you will be able to apply what you learnt immediately to your job.This Complete Excel Course is for two types of people:1. Excel Beginners i.e. anyone who want to boost the career by learning excel from scratch to VBA Expert!2. Excel intermediate and advanced users who want to make sure their skills cover all the essentials. This includes many Excel tricks and hidden features few data analysts know of.This course covers all the fundamentals an Excel beginner needs to know as well as bridge the gaps for Excel Intermediate & Advanced users.This is more than just Excel course as it starts off easy and adds VBA programming that many Excel users don't know of.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""So far, I have found it particularly useful in my personal life. This is amazing course which impacts the learner positively and makes him able to be a leader who cab bring change. it is very easy to understand. 100% i will be able to apply in my work & personal life. i learned so much from this course, it was a great learning opportunity and i look forward to continuing to put the things i learned into real world practice. Thank you for this excellent course. It was rigorous, robust, and very meaningful"". Dips ""Its really what we say basic to build up. Great course and well explained look forward for more courses from these Teacher for Microsoft Office. Thanks for sharing Your Knowledge"". FluidSerspinThe course comes with lifetime access. Buy now. Watch anytime.By the end of the course you'll be confident, writing robust & elegant formulas and functions from scratch, allowing you to:Input Data and Navigate Large SpreadsheetsEasily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your dataApply Excel hacks to get your work done fasterBe able to choose right Excel formula to automate your data analysis (Excel IF Function, ROUND and more)Join datasets from multiple sources with Excel's LOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH functionsGet Answers from your DataOrganize, Clean and Manage Large DataCreate Interactive reports with Excel Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers and TimelinesImport & transform data with tools like Get & Transform (Power Query)Manipulate dates, times, text, and arraysReduce manual routine tasks to the click of buttonVBA programming & read, write own Macro to automate the tasksWe will dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions. Below are some Excel Features & Functions that you will learn:Useful Excel shortcuts for data entry and navigation.Protect your Excel files and worksheets properly.To apply formatting correctly for cleaner and more professional reports.To use important features like drop-down lists and add data validation to the cells. The way you can restrict users to type the data which can be input in each cell.Add Comments & Notes to cells & how to print the same if needed.Add Data & time Stamps to your reports.Lookup/Reference Functions.Statistical Functions.Logic Functions.Text Functions.Date & Time Functions.The most useful & powerful functions such as COUNT, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, Nesting IF functions by nesting AND and OR within them and many more.Excel features that will help you to organize and structure data so it makes (Sort, Filter, Search & Replace Go to Special, combine text with & character.)Excel Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts so that you can quickly get insights from your data.What Excel Power Query can do for you and how easy it is to combine data from different spreadsheetsUse Power Query to unpivot the data drive another Pivot Table, transform messy data to tabular data.Join Multiple Tables & create long table using Power Query that can be used to feed business intelligence solutions & Pivot Tables.Import data from Text File.Three different ways to run the Macro i.e. from Macro Dialog, Using Keyboard Shortcuts & using buttons.More than just Excel! VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) from Scratch to advanced.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll Today and take the next step in mastering Excel and go from Excel Novice to Excel Ninja! Become a certified Excel Ninja Today.The course comes with lifetime access. Buy now. Watch anytime."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bug Sweeping (Beginner)" |
"This course provides a detailed insight into the world of Bug Sweeping. This and the full course was written by industry expert Michael Chandler who is also the author of Technical Surveillance Countermeasures.As stated by the author:Bug Sweeping is a skill that all close protection officers, bodyguards and residential security teams should have in order to establish and maintain a sterile environment, safe from electronic surveillance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NumPy for Beginners in Data Science" |
"Almost Deep Learning ( Artificial Neural Networks ) is completely based on NumPy. Tensorflow, the most popular Deep Learning framework from Google uses Tensors as its basic data structure. Tensor is a specific form of NumPy arrays. Another popular deep learning framework Theano uses NumPy under the hood. Pytorch ( from Facebook ) is another deep learning library that uses Tensors as well. Numpy is a python package specifically designed for efficiently working on homogeneous n-dimensional arrays . Since array level operations are highly mathematical in nature, most of numpy is written in C and wrapped with Python. This is the key to numpys success. This is how the Numpy Course is structuredNumPy Arrays - This is the core data structure in numpy. We will understand how to create arrays using lists and find out shape of arrays, arange function - Similar to the range () function in Python, NumPy has a special function called arange () that creates a NumPy array. We will understand what makes it special and how to create it. reshape function - Once arrays are created in NumPy, they might need to be reshaped. For example, a 6 x 2 array can be reshaped to a 3 x 4 or a 12 x 1. We will see how to do that Read from file - Just like you can read a csv or a tsv from text files in python, NumPy has built in functions to read files. We will see those functions along with their commonly used options.Array Operations - This is where we get the sweet surprise - We will understand the beauty of how NumPy does Element-wise operations. Machine Learning algorithms (Neural Networks) are completely based on NumPy array operations. Aggregate Operations - In this section, we will work on aggregate operations on arrays like sum, min, max, length etc. We will see the concept of axis, and how it effects the way we perform aggregate operations. Array Slicing - Numpy Arrays can be sliced just like Python lists. We will see all the different possible ways of slicing NumPy arrays. Array Manipulation - Sometimes we need to construct the final arrays from multiple sub-arrays. Or sometimes arrays need to be manipulated to eliminate some rows or columns. In this chapter, we will see how to remove/add rows or columns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A-Z Python ile Raspberry Pi 3 Uygulamalar [2020]" |
"** NOT: Kurs srekli gncellenmekte ve tm proje ve videolar bittikten sonra kursa eklenmektedir. Bu kursumuzda Raspberry Pi 3 B+ modelini kullanarak Python ile eitli konularda uygulamalar yapyoruz: lk projemiz ultrasonik ses sensr kullanarak Engelden Kaan Robot yapmak olacak. Bu projeyi yaparken; Python dilinin temellerini, Linux iletim sisteminin temellerini, Linux datmlarnda kullanlan temel komutlar, Ultrasonik ses sensrn, Dc motor srmeyi, Fritzing uygulamasnda devre kurmay, Gerilim blc devresi gibi temel/basit konular da renmi olacaz.Bu projeden sonra, Raspberyy Pi ile Siber Gvenlik konularna giri yapacaz. Bu uygulamalardan sonra da API kullanmay renmek adna Twitter ve Telegram ChatBot'u yapacaz. Bu projemiz de bittikten sonra Akll ehirler, Nesnelerin nterneti ve Ev Otomasyonu alanlarna ynelik birka uygulama yaparak Raspberry Pi ile nasl alabileceimizi renmi olacaz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu orange belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu orange belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu red belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu red belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Herbalism - Herbs For Haircare" |
"I created this course because I feel strongly about avoiding the synthetic chemicals in commercial hair care products. I have fully transitioned my own hair care routine to be completely natural and I have found my hair has never been better. It is stronger, it grows faster and the natural texture has returned.We now know that products we put on our bodies are actually being absorbed through the skin and into our bloodstreams. This fact alone should prompt you to switch to more natural beauty products and preferably products with food grade ingredientsThis course will give you all the information you need to make the transition from harmful commercial hair products to natural, herbal formulations. You will learn how to make herbal hair rinses, herb infused scalp oils, hair masks and leave in herbal hair conditioners. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the Instructor: Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Unit Test Yazma-Asp.Net Core MVC/API(Sfrdan)" |
"Bu kursumda unit test yazmak iin en ok kullanlan xUNIT ktphanesi ile core ve api projeleriniz iin sfrdan unit test yazmay reneceksiniz.Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Unit Test nedir ?Projelerimizi unit test yazmak iin nasl uygun hale getirebiliriz ?xUnit Assert methodlar nelerdir ?Contain/DoesNotContain methodu nasl kullanlr ?True/False methodu nasl kullanlr ?Match/DoesNotMatch methodu nasl kullanlr ?StartsWith/EndsWith methodu nasl kullanlr ?InRange/NotInRange methodu nasl kullanlr ?Empty/NotEmpty methodu nasl kullanlr ?Single methodu nasl kullanlr ?IsType/IsNotType methodu nasl kullanlr ?IsAssignableFrom methodu nasl kullanlr ?Null/NotNull methodu nasl kullanlr ?Equal/NotEqual methodu nasl kullanlr ?Test methodlar parametre nasl alr ?Test Method isimlendirme nasl olmaldr ?Mock nedir ?Moq ktphanesi nasl kullanlr ?Moq verify methodu nasl kullanlr ?Moq throws methodu nasl kullanlr ?Moq callback methodu nasl kullanlr ?Aspnet Core Mvc projelerinizde action method'larnz iin test nasl yazlr (sfr proje zerinden senaryolarla adm adm anlatm ) ?Aspnet Core Mvc API projelerinizde endpoint'leriniz iin test nasl yazlr (sfr proje zerinden senaryolarla adm adm anlatm ) ?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Content Creation for Social Media" |
"The Internet cannot exist without Content. On Social Media, Content is what builds trust and creates a strong relationship between users and brands.With a solid Content Marketing Strategy, you show your expertise and credibility. This is what differentiates you from the crowd.In order to achieve that, you need to have an active, online presence. People visiting your online properties must find value, education, inspiration, and related Content. And this is something both demanding and challenging for any brand.This is why you will find this Course so helpful.Because it gives a structure to Content Creation. It is built from scratch in order to help anyone build meaningful, daily Content for their Social Media Accounts.This is a comprehensive Course, exclusively built to teach Content Creation. In more than 3 hours of video, you will learn:The most well-known content typesOnline Content Creation ToolsHow to find new ideas to turn into ContentHow to create community-relevant ContentThe System I use to create daily, unique content for all my accountsThis is what I also use to create Content for my Blog, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, and Podcast. And I have been doing this for the last 4 years, on a daily basis!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |