Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Inferncia de Dados Estatsticos e ORANGE ML" |
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA INFERENCIALEsse curso inicial uma evoluo natural do curso de Estatstica Bsica, com nfase na inferncia Estatstica, ou seja, nas concluses a que chega o Estatstico em relao populao em estudo.Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Estatstica Inferencial:Introduo ao Curso de Estatstica Inferencial, o teorema do Limite Central, Intervalos de confiana, testes de Hiptese e significncia, Modelagem estatstica e um Projeto de Concluso do Curso.Em cada seo, voc encontra materiais didticos de alta qualidade, incluindo o uso de planilhas no Microsoft Excel para aplicao dos conceitos ensinados. Alm disso, preparamos listas de exerccios, links para recursos online e muito mais. Ao final, voc poder aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos desenvolvendo um projeto de concluso do curso.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento da Estatstica Inferencial e ter a base necessria para acompanhar o curso de ORANGE Data Science para a construo de algoritmos de Machine LearningO CURSO DE ORANGE DATA SCIENCE O ORANGE, uma ferramenta totalmente construda em Python, uma das poucas ferramentas de mercado que permite ao analista de dados trabalhar de forma completamente visual, com um amplo aspecto de atendimento s diversas demandas na rea de minerao de dados por meio do uso de algoritmos de Machine Learning.ASPECTOS PRESENTES NESSE CURSO:Aprendizado de mquina de cdigo aberto e visualizao de dados para iniciantes e especialistas. Fluxos de trabalho de anlise de dados interativos com uma grande caixa de ferramentasExecute anlise de dados simples com visualizao inteligente de dados. Explore distribuies estatsticas, grficos de disperso ou mergulhe mais fundo com rvores de deciso e agrupamentos hierrquicos. At seus dados multidimensionais podem se tornar sensveis em 2D, especialmente com classificaes e selees inteligentes de atributos.Explorao interativa de dados para anlise qualitativa rpida com visualizaes limpas. A interface grfica do usurio permite que voc se concentre na anlise exploratria de dados ao invs de codificao, enquanto padres inteligentes tornam extremamente fcil a criao rpida de prottipos de um fluxo de trabalho de anlise de dados. Coloque widgets na tela, conecte-os, carregue seus conjuntos de dados e colete os insights!Use vrios complementos disponveis no Orange para extrair dados de fontes externas. Este curso inclui o ROADMAP ONE, que contempla a base para iniciar os seus projetos de minerao de dados e o ROADMAP TWO, que contempla a parte final, dando nfase aos algoritmos de Machine Learning mais complexos. VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Job Costing QuickBooks Online - Contractors" |
"This QuickBooks Online Job Costing course will provide the resources for learners to develop a solid understanding of job costing concepts and the tools QuickBooks provides to create an effective job costing system.We will discuss the process of setting up QuickBooks for a job costing system.The course will describe the terminology used by software and by the industry, such as jobs, sub customers, and projects.Learners will understand how to set up projects and how they function to track costs and revenue per job.We will cover how to enter bills and allocate costs to jobs using forms such as bill forms and expense forms.The course will discuss the concept of a double-sided or two-sided items, how to create them, and why they are necessary for job costing.Learners will know how to apply materials to jobs.We will discuss how to apply direct labor to a job.The course will show how to apply overhead to jobs.Learners will be able to create invoices for the job using either the estimate or the actual billed costs."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate EKS Course For Docker, Terraform and Helm Experts'" |
"<<<< DISCLAIMER: If you are not familiar with Docker, you may find this course hard. Please think twice before purchase >>>>==============================================A production experience with kubernetes on AWS has been summarized for you in few minutes !We designed this course for anyone seeking to setup a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS for production workload , and reuse this setup with any other AWS account or any other Cloud Provider.We believe that Production requires reliability , while reliability requires codification of all operations.From this principle, we designed this course to explain how you operate a Kubernetes cluster on production namely with AWS EKS using the most relevant ""As-Code"" Techs: - Terraform : Infra as Code- Helm : Kubernetes Apps as Code- Helmfile: Helm Releases as Code- Docker-compose: Containers as Code for executing some CLIs.- Jenkinsfile : Pipeline as CodeBy the end of the course, :You will be Able to Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS quickly and effectivelyYou will be Comfortable to Reproduce your infrastructure with any other Cloud provider.You will be able to make your kubernetes cluster ready for production workload by deploying core applications like: prometheus, grafana, metrics-server, cluster-autoscaler, Ingress and will be able to develop Helm Chart for your own applications and release your apps to Kubernetes Cluster via HelmYou will able to leverage Software-Development-Lifecycle to operate your cluster like a Software Developer.You will be able to setup a CI/CD system like Jenkins , ready for production CI/CD pipelines workload, with integration with Github, Oauth and others."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Creation, texture and hair for a character in Maya" |
"Learn to create from scratch a complete 3D cartoon character with dynamic hair that reacts to wind, gravity and characters movement. The topics covered in this course are modeling, sculpting, retopology, UVs, texturing, dynamic hair creation and render using Maya, Mudbox and ZBrush.We are going to sculpt the base head form directly in Maya, afterwards we're going to retopologize tha piece to get a better animatable geometry, also we're going to model the accessories like the belt, shirt, dress pants and so on.Once we have the basic pieces done, we are going to create the UVs almost automatically, then we are gonna take our model to Mudbox to detail it and texture it.We are going to create the hair in ZBrush fast and esasly and convert it to dynamic hair in Maya, this way the hair will react to gravity, wind and character's movement when we animate it in the future.Finally we are going to configure the illumination and render to present the model."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Kapsaml Matematik Kursu (Snav rnekleri le)" |
"Bu kurs, temel matematik bilgilerinin ileri dzeye tand bir kurstur. Bu kursta, retmeniniz snf ortamnda, istediiniz zaman ve yerde alabileceiniz ekilde dersleri kamera ile iyi bir teknolojide evinize, istediiniz yere online olarak tamaktadr.reneceiniz ve hatrlayacanz dersler, kolay, aklda kalc ve hayatnzn her zamannda size faydal olacak bilgi, teori ve ksa z anlatmlaryla tm hazrlklarnz iin kolaylk salayacaktr.Kurslarmzdan istifade eden rencilerin, temel bilgilerini uygulayabilecekleri bir ekilde gelitirmelerinin hedeflendii bir mfredat izlenmitir."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Pintando com luz e render" |
"Aprenda as tcnicas de luz e render usando o Cinema 4D.Neste curso super tcnico voc vai aprender:- Segredos para criar boas imagens- Pintar com luz e cores- Esttica de luzes naturais e artificiais- Entender o que render e como configurar os menus no Cinema 4D- Introduo a cmera- Lentes e White balance da cmera- Physical cmera e efeitos de desfoque e motion blur e outros efeitos de cmera- Trabalhar com environments- Entender e configurar renders multi-pass- E pintar usando luz e render.Este curso vai te dar uma tima compreenso de como configurar e trabalhar com luz, cmera e render dentro do Cinema 4D."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Own a Home-Base Travel Agency" |
"IF TRAVEL IS YOUR PASSION, LEARN HOW TO BECOME A TRAVEL AGENT AND TRAVEL FOR FREE OR AT AGENT RATES. As a home-based travel agent, you can also go on cruises, stay at all-inclusive resorts, and travel to exotic destinations all over the world for free, or at discounted travel agent rates. This course will give you a solid foundation of travel knowledge by giving you access to a travel website where you can get training and download your certification from a travel website.Act NOW and get into the rewarding world of travel. Order this course TODAY!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Asian Pacific Maths Olympiad (APMO)" |
"The top performers in the AMO (in Australia) are invited to participate in the Asian Pacific Maths Olympiad. This is the first chance students get to represent their country in an internationally recognised competition whose results are published. There are 5 problems and 4 hours to solve them. It usually happens early March each year. Among the participating countries of interest are the USA (qualifiers from TSTST). Our goal here is to review the previous exams and try to prepare as much as possible. Our focus will be 2013APMO and later but may include earlier ones too.APMO2020 news: One of our students represented Australia as the equal 7th-10th placed team member and scoring above the Silver Medal Cutoff, received an Honorable mention. This contributed to Australia's team ranking 5th: the highest rank it has ever achieved. Another of our students was (possibly) within two points of this which is on Silver cutoff or just below and would have been a high qualifier on many other countries as well as in Australia on a different year."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pautado em ferramentas corporativas de neuroliderana, com foco no empreendedorismo e no mercado corporativo, de maneira a desenvolver as competncias essenciais da autoliderana e da liderana de equipes.OBJETIVOO objetivo deste curso de formao preparar lderes, executivos, gerentes e empreendedores na arte de potencializar resultados em seus negcios com tcnicas de coaching, bem como realizar coaching no mercado corporativo.Bem como: educar a empresa e a equipe na mentalidade do coaching educar o mercado, fornecedores, clientes foco no desenvolvimento de competncias e habilidades da equipe alinhamento dos objetivos pessoais aos objetivos corporativos definio de metas, objetivos e planos de ao para a mudana comportamental preparar a equipe para ensaiar e praticar suas novas habilidade e competncias organizacionais mensurao de desempenho, avaliao e indicadores objetivo de apoiar e fornecer feedback sobre as habilidades da equipe no local de trabalho objetivo de monitorar e medir a performance em andamento objetivo de assegurar a autonomia, confiana e competncia da equipe nas habilidades de autorealizao e autocontrolePra voc desenvolver seu plano de carreira, realizar seu alinhamento profissional e potencializar talentos e equipes."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn 150 frequent used words in IELTS exams" |
"Do you want to learn essential IELTS vocabulary fast? Do you like to learn the words? This course is for those students who are preparing themselves for IELTS exams and are looking for an easy and fun way to master and memorize the vocabulary needed for these tests.The practice tests in this course are challenging you to learn in an effective way. Each test comes with very clear and to the point explanations for each and every question.It is aimed at students who are trying to achieve Band 7 but will also be extremely valuable for any students aiming for Band 6 or Band 8. Even Band 9 students may learn something new here!You might think that the IELTS examiners only care about correct spelling and accurate grammar. This is wrong. These are all important, but there is nothing more beneficial than wide range of vocabulary to boost your score.Who takes the IELTS test? More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the IELTS test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency.Students planning to study at an institution or universityCandidates for scholarships and professional certificationEnglish-language learners who want to track their progressStudents and workers applying for visas in certain countriesThis practice test will help you understand what you can do to achieve your best IELTS test score. Instructor Using archived test questions will show you the kinds of ""words"" you can expect."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learning From Scatch! [Korean Language]" |
"KoreanTutor who is born and raised in Korea will kindly teach you Korean.During the course, you'll forget many things you've learned, so those needs to be reviewed and followed up very often. Trying alone can be tedious and difficult, so let's go along with my lecture and work together!!^^No Need for Materials except your tiny notebook and passion to learning!I hope you have a pleasant journey~"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gentle Yoga, Meditation & Relaxation" |
"Gentle Yoga, Meditation & Relaxation CourseYoga is for everyone, at all ages and stages of life.This course includes:* Gentle Yoga and Chair Yoga: postures (asanas)* 20, 30 and 45 minute Gentle Yoga videos (no standing poses)*Guided meditations (15 minutes), walking and candle gazing meditations, yogic breathing exercises (pranayama) and guided 4, 10 and 18 min relaxation videos* Chair Yoga 30 minute classes (seated and optional standing poses)* Healing affirmations and mantras and tips for healthy living* Yogic diet and healthy eating ideas* Video instruction, lectures and practice* PDF downloadsYoga makes you stronger, more flexible, improves balance, concentration and brings inner peace.This course:Instructed by Stacie Dooreck, Certified Sivananda Yoga Instructor since 1995, Gentle Integral and Kundalini Yoga Certified Instructor, Stress Management Specialist for the Ornish Heart Disease Reversal Program and author of SunLIght Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone! and Yoga for Everyone! books."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Mastery: How to Sell Anything" |
"Do you want to master the art of sales?There is an art to selling, negotiation and persuasion. Copy-writing is an essential technique across all disciplines and industries.Do you want to learn how to double or even triple your sales?Whether you're a doctor, lawyer, dentist, business owner, sales associate, realtor, internet marketer, freelancer, etc, you require the art of ""selling"".The truth is this is a hidden trillion dollar industry that surrounds you everywhere you go, and goes unnoticed, and is very underappreciated.Whether you like sales or not our world's capitalistic society is strongly influenced by underlying themes of exchange, commerce and closing deals. Think about it? Themes of selling resonate in almost every aspect of your everyday life. You will in some way, shape or form utilize persuasion techniques to get what you want in life, which is a tenant of sales.Here are 3 real life examples you may come across:Dating - prospecting potential short or long term relationships (marriage)Jobs - when seeking a job you need to ""sell yourself"", specifically your skill setsProperty - When selling your property whether you live in a house or condo, persuasion techniques are essential to make these deals happen. You need to make a compelling case to the buyer on why he/she should invest into your property.Even this promo video your watching for my course can be considered a form of copy-writing! The point I am trying to make here is you cannot escape sales even if you're indifferent towards it. You need to learn essential copy-writing techniques if you want to survive in today's marketplace where almost everyone under the sun is selling something to you in one way or another.What You Will Learn Inside The CourseWhat is Copy-writingMorals & Ethics ( Ethical Marketing)MindsetConcept of ExchangeCopy-Writing DontsWeak Points & NegotiationThemes That SellDealing With ObjectionsHierarchy of NeedsCustomer Buying BehaviorsImmediate GratificationSentiments & Motivators Use of Metaphors & AnalogiesTruth About MarketingCognitive DissonanceSelf-Fulfilling Prophecy Power Words ( influential words that appeal)Bonus Lessons - Additional ContentTake this opportunity to master the art of sales and be able to dominate the marketplace in your respective disciplines and industries.By now you should understand the paramount importance of learning sales because whether you like it or not its here to stay and is something you will encounter on a daily basis.Therefore, if you want to learn how to double or even triple your sales in whatever industry your in I suggest you enroll now.I'll see you inside the course.Buy Now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java 1" |
". . Java . , , . , . . , , Java. , . , Java, IT . , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento WEB com Flask e Django" |
"Aprenda a desenvolver sistemas WEB com os dois principais frameworks do mercado em um nico curso e aumente as suas chances de ser contratado com a linguagem Python. A maior parte das empresas que utilizam Python na WEB fazem uso ou do Flask ou do Django e aqui voc aprender os dois de forma simples e comparativa. Alm de aprender tudo o que preciso para desenvolver qualquer tipo de sistema com estes dois frameworks voc saber tambm como converter e adaptar o cdigo de um para o outro. Seja um desenvolvedor Python completo!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Complete Machine Learning Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Machine Learning Course - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice Exam" |
"203 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA E2C JK0-018 Security + Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 203Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (152 of 203)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"UX Research: Um Guia Prtico de Trabalho" |
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"React Crer Son Propre WhatsApp Web / 9 Puissants Secrets" |
"a fait longtemps que tu chercher crer ton Rseau Social mais tu ne sais pas par o commencer ?Eh ben dans cette formation je te montre comment faire en crant une copie de WhatsApp Web. Et aprs avoir fait le tour je tassure qu lheure actuelle cette formation est la seule qui traite du sujet en Franais (sur Udemy).Sais-tu quactuellement la version officielle de WhastApp Web est construite avec React et Styled Component ?React est un framework JavaScript open source maintenue par Facebook. Il permet de crer des applications Web monopage (single page application), via la cration de composants.Styled-component est une librairie javascript qui te permet de gagner en productivit et de faciliter la cration de composants visuels (UI components) React en crivant du code css dans un fichier javascript.Tu as surement dj entendu dire que pour progresser en tant que dveloppeur (programmeur) tu devais tentrainer sur des projets rels et essayer de cloner (reproduire), avec tes propres codes, les applications qui te plaisent.Cest comme a que je me suis lanc dans la folle ide de cloner WhatsApp Web avec React et Styled Component. Jai t rapidement butt un problme Avec React et Styled Component cot Front-end ctait le top mais le problme est que WhatsApp est un systme de messagerie instantane, ce qui veut dire que les messages doivent arriver en temps rel. Chose qui nest pas simple implmenter avec du javascript (socket) quand on veut crer une application de lenvergure de WhastApp.Cest alors que jai pens Meteor qui est en bref un Framework Javascript FullStack qui te permet de crer des applications en temps rels. Ctait pour moi un challenge, et une fois que jai russie jtais tellement heureux que je me suis dit de partager cela avec la communaut francophone.Voil pourquoi jai cr cette formation qui te permettra de crer une copie de WhatsApp Web avec tes propres codes. Tu pourras mme tinspirer de cela afin de crer ta propre version de WhatsApp.Je suis Julien, dveloppeur web et auteur du best-seller Ionic 4 Crer une Application de Shopping. Jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre crer des applications web React en temps rel en crant une copie (un clone) de WhasApp Web. Grce aussi Meteor, TypeScript, React Hooks et Styled Component. Cest pour toi alors une opportunit unique tant donn que cest actuellement le seul tutoriel en franais qui traite de ce sujet sur le net. Et ce nest pas grave si tu ne connais pas Meteor ou React Hooks ou TypeScript ou encore Styled Component parce-que je vais texpliquer tout a dans lannexe de la formation. l'origine de toute russite, il y a le fait d'avoir os . Alors crois en toi et tu arriveras. De mon ct je mengage taccompagner et rpondre tes proccupations tout au long de la formation.Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune condition. Si le cours ne te plait pas, cest simple, on te rembourse. Alors inscris-toi Maintenant.Cette formation te permettra de :Crer une copie (un clone) de WhatsApp web, ce qui te permettra dimpressionner les recruteurs pour obtenir le job de tes rves ;Dutiliser React et Meteor ensembles ce qui te permettra de crer des applications web avec communication en temps rel ;De te familiariser avec React Hooks et Styled Components ce qui te permettra de crer des web designs flexibles et dynamiques pour crer ton propre rseau social ;De coder en TypeScript la place du JavaScript basique lorsque tu travailles avec React et Meteor, ce qui te permettra dajouter une touche de scurit lorsque tu programmes ;Dutiliser les publications/souscription et les Mthodes dans Meteor afin de scuriser ton application ;Dutiliser Tracker et withTracker pour mettre en place la programmation ractive, ce qui te permettra dimplmenter le temps rel en moins de 20 secondes pour toute ton application ;De filtrer les collections Meteor, ce qui te permettra par exemple dimplmenter un systme de recherche dutilisateur ;Dutiliser le paquet Meteor ostrio:file, ce qui te permettra de mettre en place pour ton application un systme dupload de fichiers (images) ;De maitriser useState et useEffect ce qui te permettra de crer des champs contrls et de mettre jour le DOM de faon ractive ;Dutiliser styled components pour apporter du style tes composants ce qui te permettra de crer des styles dynamiques et des thmes ;Dutiliser la librairie javascript moment pour crer et manipuler des dates ce qui te permettra de manipuler et de grer plus facilement les timezones et les formats de date en fonction de tes besoins ;Dutiliser le Composant Moment mis notre disposition par react-moment, ce qui te permettra dafficher les dates qui ont t crer partir de la librairie moment ;Dutiliser le react-flip-move ce qui te permettra en 3 clics danimer tes listes chaque fois quun lment y est ajout ou supprim. Afin denrichir ton design pour avoir un look professionnel ;Dutiliser react-fontawesome ce qui te permettra dafficher des icons FontAwesome dans un composant React ; Que ferais-tu si tu navais pas peur ? Mark ZuckerbergAlors nattends plus, clique sur le bouton et inscris-toi maintenant et on se retrouve de lautre ct pour commencer. Bienvenue dans cette formation React.P.S.: Si tu as dj les bases, commence directement par l'introduction (Section 4)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Basics And Advanced Of Angular From Scratch" |
"In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Angular and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. This course contain hands on example so that you can understand coding in Angular better. If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Angular, you will like that the course begins with Angular basics. otherwise if you have few experience in programming in Angular, this course can help you learn some new information . By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Angular, Some of the advanced methods of Angular programming and much more."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Data Types and Variables In JavaScript (Part 1)" |
"In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about JavaScript and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. This course contain hands on example so that you can understand coding in JavaScript better. If you have no previous knowledge or experience in JavaScript, you will like that the course begins with JavaScript basics. otherwise if you have few experience in programming in JavaScript, this course can help you learn some new information . By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of JavaScript, Some of the advanced methods of JavaScript programming and much more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Types & Variables In Java" |
"With this course you will learn Java step by step, from basics to advanced easily. This course is designed to take you zero to hero in Java. Start as a beginner and learn advanced Java programming by the end of this course.Why this course?Learn Java programming practicallyGo from beginner to advanced in JavaThis course is easy to learnCreate your own real world application using Java after completing this courseAll the lectures of this course have hands on practical demonstration of coding without neglecting basics and theory. Learn and understand Java from this comprehensive course and become an advanced programmer from scratch."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Best PowerPoint Add-in iSlide: The All-in-One PowerPoint Add" |
"PowerPoint add-in, iSlide is perhaps the most amazing PowerPoint add-in I've ever seen. It can ease the whole process of PowerPoint Design. It provides us with more than 2000 templates. Nearly 3000 color schemes which many famous companies are using. With more than 10,000 layout designs for our design reference. It also provides an icon library, a picture library for free use and a smart chart library to easily create fancy charts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Latest Exam 2020" |
"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Latest Exam 2020Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Azure data engineers who collaborate with business stakeholders to identify and meet the data requirements to implement data solutions that use Azure data services.Azure data engineers are responsible for data-related implementation tasks that include provisioning data storage services, ingesting streaming and batch data, transforming data, implementing security requirements, implementing data retention policies, identifying performance bottlenecks, and accessing external data sources.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking DP-200 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus DP-200 exam Certification questions :Implement data storage solutions (40-45%)Manage and develop data processing (25-30%)Monitor and optimize data solutions (30-35%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA Certified Application Associate Practice Exam" |
"215 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP HANA Certified Application Associate Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP HANA Certified Application Associate Practice ExamTotal Questions : 215Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (161 of 215)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence OTBI" |
"OTBI is a great tool to generate variety of reports which are based on transaction data. You will learn about :Comparison of various reporting tools in Oracle FusionOTBI FrameworkBuild an Analysis reportExporting the data to ExcelGenerating multiple views from an AnalysisUsing report wizard to build reportsCreate dashboardsAdding reports to dashboard"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
facebookadsmasterclass |
". 2019 !"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Do Desenho Pintura Digital" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender a criar sua prpria pintura digital do zero utilizando o photoshop. Desde seus conceitos bsicos de; luz, perspectiva e esboo - avanar para conceitos intermdiarios; anatomia do corpo humano, animais e criaturas - at alcanar os conceitos avanados; uso de cores, valores e acabamento para uma arte digital finalizada."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"3G UMTS Fundamentals-Technology, Architecture, Protocols" |
"This course explains the 3G (UMTS) technology fundamentals. This course highlights the new technologies and changes that were introduced in UMTS or 3G networks. This course focuses on in-depth understanding of UMTS systems, WCDMA concepts, Air interface protocols and procedures. This course is for students as well as working professionals who want to learn fundamentals of 3G technologies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tableau 10 : Data Analytics, Visualization et Reporting" |
"Cet formation sur Tableau 10 est destin des dbutants mais galement des Data scientist plus expriments.Il aborde l'Analytique des donnes et la data visualisation en tirant le maximum des nombreuses fonctionnalits de Tableau afin de produire des documents et des tableaux de bord attractifs. l'issue de ce cours, vous matriserez parfaitement Tableau. Vous utiliserez vos comptences en tant que data scientiste pour extraire des connaissances partir de donnes afin danalyser et de visualiser facilement des questions complexes.Vous serez parfaitement prpar collecter, examiner et prsenter des donnes pour n'importe quel objectif.Vous apprcierez les nombreuses mthodes proposes pour mettre en valeur vos donnes"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Get It Right The Second Time COURSE BUNDLE" |
"I learned about the missing link to passing the PMP exam, through my own experience and with the help of my mentor. And my custom course has helped many others pass the exam. Let me give you a hint here - The secret lies in the processes.This tutorial should help you learn the most important lesson, which is not taught in any book, but is the key to getting that certificate. Take the class and learn for yourself!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |