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"Meditation for Beginners... Without the Fluff!" |
"Are you easily tired, exhausted or emotionally shaken by the world around you? Do you find it difficult to relax and calm your mind? Do you want to become the master of your mind?In this course, we cut through common new age teachings to deliver a simple and direct method for establishing an ongoing meditation practice.... without all the fluff! We discuss what meditation is, what it isn't and why many people find it so difficult. Best of all, inside the course you will have 3 downloadable audio meditations that you can use anytime to help you establish an ongoing meditation practice. For those who may find it difficult to sit in traditional meditation postures than this course offers an introduction into a unique style of meditation with a downloadable, audio meditation so that you can practice meditation lying down! (Perfect for beginners) In this course we explore: - What is meditation - 3 very powerful, simple, practical meditations - Common myths about meditation - The basic science of meditation - How to start mastering your mind instead of being mastered by your mind Some benefits of meditation include: - Reduced anxiety and stress - Better quality sleep - Enhanced creativity and intuition - Enhanced feelings of calm, confidence and relaxation - And much more..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building a Crafting Game: GameMaker Studio 2" |
"Hi there!This course is all about developing a crafting game, in GameMaker Studio 2. We'll learn to code with GameMaker Language and develop our game from the ground up!About the InstructorHi, I'm Gurpreet S. Matharoo! I've been teaching game development for years, and making games for longer. I've taught over 5 courses on Udemy, published numerous tutorial posts on my blog, and regularly create free tutorials on my YouTube channel, GameMakerStation. I've also been featured on the official YoYo Games blog as a guest writer.About the CourseWhether you're a beginner with no coding background, or a game developer looking to gain more experience; this course will help you get where you need to be. We're gonna go through many practical lessons, learning something new at each step!Here are some things we'll be learning in this course:GameMaker Language basicsPlayer movement with pickaxeResolution handlingBreaking objects with pickaxeSetting up data with arrays and enumsStacking inventory using data structuresUser interfacesCrafting systemsand more!SupportI'm always active in the Q&A forum, so if you ever need to ask any questions or clear any doubts, I'll be there to answer them!You'll also be given a download to the finished project, along with all the resource files used. You can simply use the given images to build the game, so that you don't have to create your own sprites.I'm looking forward to you joining the course. Let's start our journey!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Educacin Creativa, 50 ejercicios para tu aula." |
"Este curso est orientado a servir de complemento educativo y formativo de las labores educativas en aula o en lnea, y cuyo fundamento se cie a los principios de la Educacin Creativa. Es importante sealar que la teora que sustenta estos ejercicios, est fundamentada en el Curso Tcnicas y Estrategias para una Educacin Creativa."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"BEGINNER 5 STRING BANJO - Learn Banjo From Scratch! Banjo" |
"BEGINNER 5 STRING BANJO - Learn Banjo From The Very Beginning - Banjo#1 Beginner Banjo Course OnlineOver 50,000 Enrollments from 169 Countries in Lesson Pros CoursesFeatured in Minnesota Music Hall of Fame, Recorded in Nashville with Grammy Award WinnerWinner of Minnesota Trick Fiddling Contest, MNTA Most innovative Teaching SystemHave taught along with National Touring Bands in Workshops all across the US and South AmericaThe most in depth Beginner Banjo Course Online Banjo LessonsWhy take a banjo course from this guy?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their banjo playing. After years of performing and teaching banjo all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make banjo videos of my teaching style. So here is the result.I hope you will join me on the inside of this banjo course where you will learn some awesome banjo fundamentals.Building a strong 5 String Banjo foundation:For the beginner banjo players who would like to learn and/or improve their banjo skillsLearn your basics - I will teach you a shortcut way to play the banjo to make it easier to learn banjo faster. Every Detail will be broken down and explained in easy to understand parts to help you succeed at playing the banjo.You will learn everything to get you started playing the banjo.You'll learn how play banjo in time with real musicians in backing tracks, just like playing with a real band. It makes learning fun and effortless, because you're having fun while you're learning. You'll learn cool beginner tricks as well in this course, so there will be something for everyone. Who is the target audience for this Banjo course? Anyone interested in learning the banjoAnyone who wants to play banjo and enhance their playingAnyone who's never started playing banjo or those who have started and failedThose who play banjo now but wish it was better at playing the banjoThose who are ingrained in the way they taught themselves how to play the banjo, but realize now that they need to go back and re-learn how to play banjo the correct way. Great for all ages - Kids and Adults tooBanjo Course that's filled with all the information you need to succeed. All these banjo videos are all broken down to the smallest detail. This course is geared to a person who has never attempted to play banjo. If you are a current banjo player and have experience, and it's too broken down for you, simply increase the speed of the video to skim over the topics and discussion points, and/or skip to a video that more suits your needs. Questions Feel free to send me any questions you might have on this banjo course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.Thanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this Beginner Banjo Course - BANJO MASTERY FROM THE BEGINNING course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and teaching you how to be a better banjo player. Chuck Millar Lesson Pros - Building Confidence Through MusicBEGINNER 5 STRING BANJO - Learn Banjo From Scratch! BanjoBeginner Banjo Course - BANJO FROM THE BEGINNING - BEGINNER 5 STRING BANJO - Online Banjo Lessons - BluegrassBeginner Banjo - Start banjo from Scratch - The most In depth Beginner Banjo Course Online Banjo Lessons"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Best Secrets to Improve Memory Power with Mind Power and NLP" |
"This is course in memory improvement for students, housewife, businessman etcImprove memory with power of subconscious mind and NLP Techniques. Here you will learn memory improvement techniques with some powerful illustrations which can make your visualizations easier.How to improve memory techniques, memorize fast and easily with memory trick to improve memory power with help of NLP Techniques as well.I invite you to join this course and get benefits of more marks, stress free study, happier study and confidence."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Master LibreOffice Writer - The Free Word Processor" |
"LibreOffice is a free & powerful office suite. In this course we use LibreOffice writer.Take full advantage of the free & full featured LibreOffice word processor called writer.DescriptionThis course uses a practical approach to guide you through the creation and modification of office documents. Go from beginner to advanced with this step by step course and get ahead with LibreOffice writer.The course covers:Adding, editing, selection, navigating & formatting of text & stylesWorking with headers & footersCreate and modify table layoutsProtect documents from editsStep by step creating & Formatting documents to include:Dynamic & customized bibliographyBuilding dynamic table of contents with navigationDraft previewCreate forms for end usersCreate and manage templatesCreate a custom resume templateCreate & Insert external mediaand much more!Format documents effectively using LibreOffice styles, Create and modify table layouts, Create templates, custom documents, Format reports, add in a dynamic bibliography and create and protect forms."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SysAdmin Linux para o mercado de trabalho" |
"O curso SysAdmin Linux para o mercado de trabalho no requer que voc tenha absolutamente nenhum conhecimento de Linux. Voc no precisa de nenhum conhecimento prvio para se beneficiar deste curso, com exceo de conhecer conceitos de Sistemas Operacionais e tambm de redes TCP/IP.Voc ser guiado passo a passo usando uma abordagem lgica e sistemtica. A medida que novos conceitos, comandos ou jarges so encontrados, eles so explicados em linguagem simples, facilitando a sua compreenso.Voc ter exemplos reais para aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o curso em suas atividades profissionais ou mesmo para te ajudar a conquistar aquela to sonhada vaga dos sonhos de SysAdmin Linux.Neste curso voc ser direcionado para atuar em uma carreira DevOps focado em infraestrutura. Sem o bsico de Linux, voc no ir avanar em sua carreira, muito menos ter capacidade para trabalhar com as ferramentas mais pedidas pelo mercado atualmente.Inscreva-se agora e comece a aprender as habilidades necessrias para melhorar sua carreira!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Chatbots com Python e Dialogflow: O Guia para Iniciantes" |
"Dentro da rea de Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina) existe uma sub-rea que o Processamento de Linguagem Natural, que tem o objetivo de reproduzir em computadores a compreenso automtica de lnguas humanas naturais. Alguns exemplos clssicos dessa rea incluem: traduo de voz para texto, texto para voz, sumarizao automtica de documentos, adio automtica de legendas em vdeos, deteco de entidades em textos, gerao de linguagens, reconhecimento ptico de caracteres (OCR), dentre vrias outras. E uma das aplicaes mais famosas e relevantes atualmente so os chatbots (robs de conversa), que consistem em sistemas de Inteligncia Artificial que so capazes de entender a linguagem humana e darem respostas, tanto em texto quanto em voz! Esse tipo de tecnologia vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado por grandes empresas para acelerarem o atendimento ao cliente, ou seja, ao invs de voc conversar com uma pessoa voc conversa com um chatbot. Vrias empresas de tecnologia tem investido grande capital no desenvolvimento de chatbots, como por exemplo: a Apple (Siri), a Microsoft (Cortana), o Google (Google Assitant) e a Amazon (Alexa).Vrias previses sugerem que 80% das empresas usaro chatbots at 2020, e empresas que ainda no integraram esse tipo de tecnologia s suas operaes comerciais podem ficar atrs da concorrncia! Devido a isso, existe uma grande demanda para a construo de chatbots bsicos que trabalhem para as empresas. Empresas procuram desenvolvedores dessa rea, o que abre novas oportunidades no mercado de trabalho! E essa demanda no est somente relacionada a chatbots complexos (assistentes virtuais) como os desenvolvidos pelas grandes empresas, mas sim chatbots que fornecem informaes bsicas sobre as empresas. Por exemplo, uma empresa de consultoria pode precisar de um chatbot para apresentar seus produtos e servios para novos clientes, informar horrios de atendimento ou simplesmente fazer o primeiro contato com um potencial novo cliente. A tendncia que muitas empresas precisaro deste tipo de chatbot muito mais do que ferramentas complexas que requerem um investimento muito maior. Do ponto de vista do desenvolvedor/programador, o desenvolvimento de chatbots do zero complexos requer um conhecimento muito mais avanado na rea de Deep Learning e Processamento de Linguagem Natural, alm de requerer recursos computacionais maiores.Pensando nisso, o objetivo deste curso apresentar a rea de chatbots de maneira fcil e rpida para que voc consiga desenvolver seus prprios chatbots! Ao final voc ter as ferramentas necessrias para construir chatbots bsicos que possam ser utilizados pelas empresas. Veja abaixo os projetos que voc desenvolver passo a passo:Chatbot bsico para pedido de pizzas com a ferramenta Dialoflow, sendo integrada em um site web e tambm no Messenger do FacebookConversar com a Eliza, que foi o primeiro chatbot da histria desenvolvido em 1966! Usaremos o Python e o pacote chat da biblioteca NLTK (Natural Languagem Toolkit)Chatbot baseado em regras para conversar sobre diversos assuntos, tambm usando o Python e o NLTKChatbot para pesquisa de textos em documentos: criaremos um pequeno crawler para extrair textos de pginas web, e depois, nosso chatbot ser capaz de responder perguntas feitas pelos usurios sobre os textos! Tambm usaremos o Python e a tcnica de TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) para fazer a filtragem do documentosEste curso categorizado como nvel iniciante, ou seja, para quem est comeando no mundo dos chatbots!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Dibujar un Hermoso Paisaje al Pastel a Tiempo Real" |
"La tcnica del pastel es sumamente bella, mezcla caractersticas tanto del dibujo artstico como de la pintura. Con ella puedes realizar trabajos interesantes, pero es necesario saber utilizar de forma correcta sus principios y procesos tcnicos.En este curso vas a aprender a dibujar un paisaje estilo realista con tizas pastel, irs aprendiendo a dominar la tcnica mientras vas dibujando lentamente. Los movimientos y la aplicacin del pastel, son muy tiles pues ayudan a mejorar tu pulso, el cual es aplicable a otras tcnicas artsticas, tales como la pintura.Es hora de comenzar a sumergirte en el fascinante mundo del pastel y descubrir su belleza y gran potencial. Te veo en la primera clase!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Computing for Beginners" |
"Build a Solid Foundation on Quantum ComputingQuantum Computing has immense power. Classical computers are reaching their limits. Quantum computing is built on Quantum Physics, and uses properties like Superposition, Entanglement to do the computation. In this course you will learn about:What is Quantum Computing?How to design Quantum circuits and run in IBM Quantum ComputerSuperposition, Entanglement & Teleportation conceptsApplications of Quantum ComputingQubit and Various Quantum gates, comparison with classical gates"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete NumPy course For Data Science : Hands-on NumPy" |
"It's difficult to describe everything around us with just one number. The world is multidimensional. The data we are consuming, product we use on daily basis, from non living organism to living organism require many feature to fully characterise and quantify it.So if you want to learn about fastest python based numerical multi dimensional data processing framework, which is the foundation for many data science package like pandas for data analysis, sklearn scikit-learn for machine learning algorithm, you are at right place.This course introduce with all majority of concept of NumPy - numerical python library.I will teach from what and why of NumPy to all important concept of N dimension data processing.This course covers following topics.Why and What NumPy isNumPy installationCreating NumPy arrayArray indexing and slicingArray manipulationMathematical & statistical functionLinear algebra functionHow to persist NumPy arrayNumpy practical application on ImagesRGB Image to Gray scale conversionApply average and edge detection filter on imagesSee you inside course.Happy learningAnkit Mistry"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D: Adm Adm Eitim" |
"Cinema 4D, kapsaml bir 3 boyutlu modelleme ve animasyon programdr. Filmlerde grdmz birok zel efektlerin yaplmasnda kullanlan bir programdr!3D animasyon, zel efekt, karakter modelleme ve render alannda profesyonel kullanclara hitap eden Cinema 4D, yksek performansndan dolay yaknda broadcast yaynclk ve film endstrisinin baucu program olabilir.Maxon Computer tarafndan retilen Cinema 4D pratik olmasndan dolay ok hzl bir ekilde animatrler tarafndan benimsendi ve bir ok projede kullanlmaya baland. Film endstrisi tarafndan da ok yakndan tannan Cinema 4D zellikle Spiderman (rmcek adam) filminin baz efektleri iin kullanlmasyla da gndeme geldi ve isminden olduka sz ettirdiMaxon, Cinema 4Dyi bu alanda lider konumda bulunan 3D Studio MAX, Maya ya da LightWavee rakip olarak piyasaya srmedi. Firmann byle bir iddias yok. nk her 3 programda kendisinden istenilen ilemleri ve render metodunu kendi teknolojisini kullanarak gerekletiriyor.rnein Cinema 4D 8 animasyonlarn render srecinde ilgin bir ekilde titreimi ortadan kaldrabiliyor. Bu titreim olay 3D dnyasnda zellikle animasyon ilemleri srasnda olduka sinir bozucu bir durumdur. Hatta bir ok animatr teknolojinin bu konuda olduka yetersiz olduundan yaknr. te Cinema 4D 8 bu soruna biraz olsun (bir eit farkl tarama yntemiyle de olsa) zm getirmi saylyor.Bir dier nemli konu zekice tasarlanm arabirim. Zira bu arabirim sayesinde tm tasarm ilemlerini son derece anlalabilir bir ortam iinde ve istediiniz aralara kolay ulaarak yerine getirebiliyorsunuz. Akcas program kolay renilebilir yapsndan dolay 3D tasarma ekingen yaklaanlar bile kolayca etkisi altna alabiliyor."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Algoritmos de ML WEKA e Estatstica Inferencial" |
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA INFERENCIALEsse curso oferece ao aluno uma base terica slida em Estatstica Inferencial, e o ajuda a desenvolver as habilidades para resolver problemas prticos envolvendo a Estatstica Inferencial.Nesse curso, iremos estudar o teorema do Limite Central, os Intervalos de confiana, testes de Hiptese e significncia e a Modelagem estatstica, dentre outros, e ao final apresentamos um Projeto de Concluso do Curso.Ao concluir esse curso, voc ter a base necessria para acompanhar o curso de Algoritmos de Machine Learning com a ferramenta WEKAO CURSO DE WEKA - MACHINE LEARNINGAs grandes empresas esto em busca de profissionais que saibam tratar e trabalhar dados, permitindo que novos insights sejam descobertos e aplicados ao seu negcio. Atualmente, a minerao de dados se mostra fundamental para a descoberta de novas informaes e conhecimento, formatados em regras e padres, a partir de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados rea de minerao de dados. Esta abordagem visa uma sintonia com as tendncias empregadas atualmente no mercado no uso desta tecnologia de modo a preparar o futuro profissional a avaliar e, sobretudo, facilitar seu entendimento no emprego de metodologias e tecnologias avanadas.O curso aborda o tema Minerao de Dados, atravs de aulas prticas e tericas, utilizando-se de tcnicas avanadas de descoberta de conhecimento, os quais provm a capacidade de descobrir novas informaes, formatadas em regras e padres, oriundas da anlise de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados a rea de Minerao de Dados a principal habilidade adquirida por quem conclui o curso.Todo o contedo visto praticado na ferramenta WEKA, que gratuita e de fcil entendimento. So 6 laboratrios totalmente prticos que voc pode realizar durante o curso, detalhados e explicados passo a passo. Voc entender os algoritmos e poder praticar com suas bases de dados, sejam arquivos texto ou banco de dados. Contar com um Framework integrado que apresenta os resultados estatsticos.Venha e confira!VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Unity - Kurs Tworzenia Gier MEGAPAKIET" |
"Czy grajc w gr 3D zastanawiae si Jak oni to zrobili?. Moe miae kiedy pomys na wasn gr, ale zrezygnowae bo to za trudne?Przedstawiamy ci kurs, ktry pozwoli tworzy wasn gr 3D bez posiadania doktoratu z matematyki, informatyki czy grafiki komputerowej. Ludzie posiadajcy ogromne umiejtnoci z wielu dziedzin stworzyli rodowisko Unity, ktre pozwoli da upust twojej kreatywnoci i przy odrobienie samozaparcia, zrealizowa najbardziej szalone pomysy na poziomie znanym z gier AAA.Poszukaj w internecie historii gry The Forest. Gra survivalowa, ktra wniosa sporo wieoci do tego gatunku, bya pomysem zaledwie 4 osb. Nie obyo si bez komplikacji, ale ju pierwsze wersje alpha pojawiajce si na platformie Steam pozytywnie zaskoczyy wszystkich. Oczywicie w miar czasu zesp si rozrs i gra rwnie rozwina si, ale rodowisko Unity umoliwio start gry ze wietn opraw graficzn i zoon sztuczn inteligencj postaci.Warto wspomnie, e rodowisko Unity jest dostpne w wersji darmowej. Dopiero, gdy twoja gra zacznie zarabia wiksze pienidze musisz niewielki procent dochodw odda jego autorom.Uzyskasz take dostp do ogromnej iloci obiektw i postaci 3D oraz animacji MOCAP poprzez Unity Asset Store. Dostpne s tam take moduy tworzone przez inne osoby pozwalajce rozszerzy funkcjonalno Unity. Spora cz tych materiaw jest darmowa i pozwoli szybko stworzy co co zadziwi Twoich znajomych. Kto wie, moe docz do twojej ekipy i stworzycie co rwnie dobrego jak The Forest.Dziki Unity powstao sporo gier dobrze ocenianych przez graczy, jak chociaby: The Long Dark, Firewatch, Wasteland 2, DreamFall Chapters, Syberia 3, RimWorld.Jeli z kolei jeste grafikiem lub tylko programujesz i tworzenie gier Ci nie pociga, moesz tworzy przy uyciu Unity dla Asset Store, zarwno darmowe treci jak i odpatne.Unity pozwala take tworzy gry na rne platformy rwnoczenie: Android, Mac OS, Linux , Windows, a nawet przegldarki internetowe.Pierwsza cz kursu przeprowadzi ci krok po kroku od procesu instalacji, poprzez obsug interfejsu, edycj obiektw, tworzenie terenu i rolinnoci, ustawianie owietlenia i kamer oraz wstawianie dwikw i tworzenie prostych animacji. Stworzysz take sterowan przez gracza posta FPP czyli posta ktrej oczami obserwowany jest wiat gry.Jako dodatek midzy pierwsz, drug czci kursu Unity, zamiecilimy kurs C#, ktry od zupenych podstaw omawia zagadnienia zwizane z programowaniem i wykorzystywany jest w samym Unity. C# (C Sharp) jest obiektowym jzykiem programowania, bardzo zblionym do jzykw C++, Delphi czy Java. Oprcz tego, e jest to jzyk przyszociowy, doskonale nadaje si do efektywnej nauki programowania obiektowego i zapewnia atw przesiadk z/na inne jzyki. Kurs omawia programowanie dla platformy .NET i przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre chc rozpocz przygod z programowaniem oraz tych bardziej zaawansowanych, ktre chc przesi si na jzyk bardziej uniwersalny ni Delphi czy C++.W drugiej czci kursu Unity poznasz wektory i tajniki tworzenia skryptw pozwalajcych na oddziaywanie siami na obiekty w grze, ich interakcj miedzy sob, wykrywanie kolizji i obsugi kontrolerw. Poznasz dwa sposoby na tworzenie interfejsu uytkownika w grze. Stworzysz take inteligentnego robota, ktry sam bdzie znajdowa drog i zmierza do wyznaczonego celu.Trzecia cz nauczy ci przenoszenia ruchw aktora na dowoln posta w grze. Poznasz skrypt pozwalajcy na ledzenie za pomoc kamery dowolnego obiektu w grze. Stworzysz take posta TPP, czyli posta sterown przez gracza z kamer za jej plecami.W czwartej czci wykorzystasz ca zdobyt wiedz do stworzenia gry, pozwalajcej na zgodne z prawami fizyki podnoszenie, obracanie i rzucanie przedmiotw, a take ich interakcje.Gra bdzie posiadaa take menu z ustawieniami graficznymi dziaajcymi bez ponownego uruchamianie gry."
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"AWS for Intermediate" |
"Welcome to the course AWS for IntermediateIn this course, you will learn about-Introduction to Cloud ComputingGetting started with AWSIdentity and Access Management IAMAmazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)Simple Storage Services (S3)Database ServicesVirtual Private Cloud (VPC)Auto ScalingElastic Load Balancing & Auto ScalingAWS Route 53Cloud FormationCloud WatchAbout the trainer:Mr. Rahul Rampurkar, is a Professional trainer and perfectionist who believes in giving the real essence of technology to the learner.This uniqueness has made him earn a strong foothold in the I.T training industry. A graduate (B.Tech Electronics and Communications) with a professional experience of 22 years is a Sun Certified Java Programmer, Sun Certified Java Architect, and an AWS Certified Solutions Architect. His expertise includes Java, Java EE, XML and Web Services, Database technologies, and Cloud Computing with specialization in AWS."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Creating A Chip-8 Emulator In C" |
"In this fantastic course you will learn how to create your very own emulator for the Chip-8 in the C programming language. The Chip-8 is a virtual machine from the mid 1970s designed to make game development easier.This course is great for anyone who has programming experience and would love to create an emulator but just does not know where to start or has attempted to do it but ran into problemsYou are taken through every step of emulator creation, throughout this course we start by setting up our project, then we start writing code to emulate the display and keyboard from the era. We soon move to simulating the entire Chip-8 instruction set.After you complete this course you will have a fully functioning Chip-8 emulator that can run space invaders, pong and many other classic games."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(2020) Python ile Makine renmesi (Machine Learning)" |
"Makine renmesi; bilgisayarlarn insanlara benzer ekilde renmesini salamaya almak adna eitli tekniklerin gelitirildii bilimsel bir alma alandr. Bir kiinin belirli bir hastala sahip olup olmadnn tahmin edilmesi, uaklarn rtar srelerinin tahmin edilmesi, bir ev fiyatnn ne olabileceinin tahmin edilmesi ya da mterilerin segmentlere ayrlmas gibi durumlarda makine renmesi teknikleri kullanlabilmektedir.Programlama anlamnda makine renmesi birka satr koddan ibarettir. Bizler iin mantna odaklanacaz ve gerek hayatta uyguladm model gelitirme tekniklerini sizlerle paylaacam.Gerek hayat projelerinde en nemli noktalardan birisi veri n ileme konusudur. Bu kursta eksik gzlem analizi, aykr gzlem analizi, deiken dnm ilemleri gibi ilemlerle olduka geni bir adan veri n ileme konular ele alncaktr. Ayrca her bir algoritma iin iin teorisini, nasl model kurulacan, kurulan modellerle nasl tahmin yaplacan ve modellerin optimizasyonlarn ele alacaz.Ayrca 200'den fazla altrma ile rendiklerinizi pekitirme imkan yakalayacaksnz. (Altrmalar eklenmeye devam etmektedir bittiinde toplam 350 altrma olacaktr)Hadi balayalm :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ganar dinero con tus aplicaciones mviles" |
"Muchas de las aplicaciones que subimos a la play store y app store son gratuitas, para generar ingresos existe Google Admob el cual nos provee de diferentes anuncios como Banner, Intersticial, Videos, el cual nos permite generar ingresos con los clicks que realizan los usuarios a las aplicaciones y los videos que ven los usuarios.En este cursoaprenderas a agregar publicidad de google para Cmo poner Google ads en tus aplicaciones - AdMob - Phonegap y generar ingresos por publicidad Resumen del cursoCreando aplicacin con phonegapConfigurando Google AdmobAgregando el plugin cordova-admobAgregando publicidad a la aplicacin mvilGenerar apk para probar publicidadPor qu debera tomar este curso? Aprende a Agregar publicidad de Google AdmobAprenderas a Monetizar aplicaciones mvilesTengo muchas preguntas.Haz preguntas en el video.Yten respuestas en el menor tiempo posibleActualizando contenido continuamente.Regstrate en el curso Cmo poner anuncios en tus aplicaciones - AdMob - Phonegap ,No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Mysql 8.0 (2020)" |
"O curso Mysql 8 destinado a pessoas que j possuem qualquer conhecimento sobre MySQL, mas precisam aprofundar no gerenciamento, ajustes, performance, aprendendo para que servem os arquivos que compem o banco de dados. O mesmo pblico que j comprou algum curso na Udemy sobre MySQL e que viram sobre selects, inserts, updates, deletes, triggers, stored procedures, o pblico ideal para este curso, cuja finalidade o aprofundamento no servidor. Geralmente, quando trabalhamos com MySQL, instalamos uma soluo rpida como xamp, wamp, mas no sabemos o que est sendo operado ali por trs. Como o MySQL instalado? Como so criadas as suas tabelas e dicionrios? Como ele acessa e administra o HD, a memria, o processamento do computador? Ficamos no escuro, pois sabemos muito bem os comandos SQL, mas em caso de alguma solicitao do chefe/cliente para melhorar o desempenho do servidor, alterar alguma opo mais avanadas, no teremos respostas. Esse curso dar conhecimento para seu destaque diante de sua chefia, clientela e parceiros, pois so poucos os que se interessam em conhecer um pouco mais dessa ferramenta.O curso divido em parte terica e o ""mo-na-massa"", onde, passo-a-passo, explicaremos cada sesso proposta na ementa, partindo do bsico ao avanado, sem deixar o aluno no escuro. Todo o processo ser acompanhado e digitado, e o aluno poder praticar em conjunto com as aulas.Por fim, aps completar o curso, o aluno ser capaz de montar uma topologia de banco de dados distribuda, equilibrada, segura, com alta disponibilidade, balanceada e redundante. Ter o conhecimento do que est ocorrendo por trs dos bastidores, sem ficar no escuro. Poder realizar o ajuste fino de performance para os diversos cenrios e equipamentos que encontrar pelo caminho."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"WordPressGoogleASP65YouTube2020.03.26 2020.03.27 2020.07.21"
Price: 19200.00 ![]() |
"Karuna Ki Reiki livello 1 - certificato" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Karuna Ki Reiki di 1livello.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Il Karuna il metodo di Reiki pi conosciuto e utilizzato dopo il classico Reiki Usui.E' universalmente riconosciuto come molto potente, per questo serve essere attivati almeno al secondo livello di Usui Reiki, meglio ancora essere gi Reiki Master.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria, ti verranno rivelati quattro nuovi e potenti simboli, come attivarli e come utilizzarli.Il Karuna, la via della compassione, ha bisogno anche di te.Sei pronto ad un nuovo, pi potente ed entusiasmante percorso energetico spirituale?Sei pronto ad ampliare la tua conoscenza in campo olistico?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Karuna Ki Reiki livello 2 - certificato" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Karuna Ki Reiki di 2livello.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Il Karuna il metodo di Reiki pi conosciuto e utilizzato dopo il classico Reiki Usui.E' universalmente riconosciuto come molto potente, per questo serve essere attivati almeno al secondo livello di Usui Reiki, meglio ancora essere gi Reiki Master, oltre che, naturalmente, al primo livello di Karuna.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria, ti verranno rivelati quattro nuovi e potenti simboli, come attivarli e come utilizzarli.Il Karuna, la via della compassione, ha bisogno anche di te.Sei pronto ad un nuovo, pi potente ed entusiasmante percorso energetico spirituale?Sei pronto ad ampliare la tua conoscenza in campo olistico?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Karuna Ki Reiki Master - livello 3 - certificato" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Karuna Ki Reiki Master.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Il Karuna il metodo di Reiki pi conosciuto e utilizzato dopo il classico Reiki Usui.E' universalmente riconosciuto come molto potente, per questo serve essere gi dei Reiki Master, oltre che, naturalmente, essere attivati al secondo lilvello di Karuna.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria, ti verranno rivelati quattro nuovi e potenti simboli, come attivarli e come utilizzarli e le tecniche per attivare i tuoi futuri studenti ai vari livelli di Karuna Ki Reiki.Questo corso ti dar tutte le informazioni necessarie per poter avviare la tua attivit di maestro di Karuna Ki Reiki, al pari di un corso dal vivo, anzi, molto di pi.Il Karuna, la via della compassione, ha bisogno anche di te.Sei pronto ad un nuovo, pi potente ed entusiasmante percorso energetico spirituale?Sei pronto ad ampliare la tua conoscenza in campo olistico?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
C# |
"C#2C#ValueObjectEntityRepository#00_#01_#02_#03_#04_Application#05_Domain#06_Infrastructure#07_WinForm#07_2_#08_Tests#09_#10_ViewModel#11_#12_Repositories#13_Entities#14_Mock#15_#16_#17_Fake#18_Fake#19_PropertyChanged#20_Fake#21_Shared#22_#23_#if DEBUGFake#24_DEBUG#25_Factories#26_FactoriesViewModel#27_#28_Fake#29_FakePathShared#30_Fake#31_Share#32_#33_SharedID#34_BaseForm#35_ValueObject#36_ValueObject#37_ValueObject#38_AreaId#39_AreaIdEntity#40_MeasureDate#41_MeasureValue#42_#43_Repository#44_#45_#46_#47_#48_#49_#50_#51_#52_#53_StaticValues#54_Logics#55_Helpers#56_Module#57_?"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Dim Mak / lm dokunuu / Part-1" |
"lm dokunmatik (veya lm-noktal arpc ) Herhangi atfta dv sanatlar vcudun belirli blgelerine hedefleyen lmcl g daha az grnte kullanarak ldrmek iin tannm teknii.Olarak bilinen kavram lo mak ( basitletirilmi ince : ; geleneksel in : ; pinyin : dinmi ; Jyutping : dim 2mak 6 ; anlamyla: ""Basn arter""), alternatif olarak dinxu ( basitletirilmi ince : ; geleneksel in : ) yllara kadar uzanan geleneksel in tbb akupunktur . Kullanm hikayeleri genellikle bulunan Wuxia tarz in dv sanatlarkurgu. in mak saldr teknikleri ile bilginin gizli gvde olarak tasvir edilir basn noktalar ve meridyen , etkisiz hale ya da bazen, bir rakip hemen ya da gecikmeli lmne neden olmak iin bahsedilen. Belirli koullar altnda bilinen basn noktalarna uygulandnda travma orantsz feci sonulara neden olabileceini teyit edilmi olmasna ramen kk bir bilimsel ya da tarihsel kantlar, bir dv sanatlar ""lm dokunarak"" iin vardr. Kommosyo kordis , rnein, kalp durmas yol aan bir kalp at dngs srasnda kritik bir zamanda, dorudan kalp (prekordiyal blge) zerinde blgeye bir darbe sonucu meydana kalp ritminin bir sklkla lmcl bozulma olduunu.Olarak bilinen kavram hurma titreimli in dv sanatlar ile kaynaklanr Neijing baa ( ""dahili"") enerji teknikleri qi enerjive trne kuvveti ( jin kullanlr). Bu ""ksm psiik ve para titreimli bu enerji daha sonra bir dalga haline odakl bir teknikle"" olarak tasvir edilmitir.Fazla g gerektirmeyen zellikle kadnlar iin uygulanan bir eitim sistemidir.Terimi ngilizce eviri Amerikan eksantrik tarafndan ""lm Dokunma"" yannda reklam zaman saysz dv sanatlar, 1960'larda balayan gerekte teknii uygulamak iin iddia Kont Dante .1985 ylnda, bir makale Siyah Kuak dergisinin lm iddia Bruce Lee 1973 ylnda ""diye nce onun yklmasna birka hafta alnan Dim-Mak grevi gecikmi tepki"" neden olmu olabilir. Dier yazarlar da Lee'nin lm nedeniyle (yaklak bir makale yannda ""titreyen palmiye teknii"" ile olabilir sylediler fo Cai li eitmen Wong Doc-Fai ""o lo mak gerekte var yok etkisi) ve yine birka seme retilir kung fu uygulayclar."" A 1986 kitap qi tanmlar dim mak ""gizli zel biri"" olarak kanat chun . Ancak bu husus tespit edilmez Ving Tsun kin kut ve geleneksel uygulayclar Ving Tsun ( wing chun ) konuda hibir duru almak.1990 civarnda, Taika Seiy Oyata tarzn kurdu Ryu-te ""ieren basn noktas mcadele"" ( Kyshojutsu ). 1990'larda, karate eitmeni George Dillman ieren bir stil gelitirdi kyshojutsu , Onu tanmlayan bir terim dim mak . Dillman sonunda gelitirilen sahip olduunu iddia eden kadaryla gitti qi fiziksel temas olmakszn almak saldrlar tabanl ( ""no-touch nakavt"" teknikleri), nc taraf soruturma ayaa vermedi ve sonu hileli olarak suland bir iddia.Ayrca, 1980'lerin srasnda, Erle Montaigue (1949-2011) zerine kitap ve talimat birok video yaynlad dim mak ile Paladin Press. Montaigue ""ilk batl iinde 'Usta' derecesini verilecek olduunu iddia Taijiquan Montaigue kendi hesabna gre 1985 Master Wang Xin-Wu tarafndan verilen,"" lo mak geleneksel eski Yang stili bir yndr Taji Quan hangi o mays aynda len an Yiu-chun denilen bir ustadan 1978 ylnda renmeye balad iddia ediyor. Montaigue bu adam dorulamak iin onun varl zorlatrr yasad gmen olduunu belirtti. Erle sonradan kalan ""renilmi qi ait -disruptive"" formlarn wudang shan 1995 Paladin Basnda Liang Shih-kan gelen konusuyla ilgili dier balklar vardr dim mak bir ile (2002) Kelly (2001) ve Walker ve Bauer dahil, her iki Montaigue tarafndanDim mak bir tr haline gelmitir kamp dv sanatlar filmlerinin tr dnda da tannan bir popler kltr esi. Gelen Thomas Pynchon'n 'n roman Vineland , nclerinden kullanld bir yl sonra rakibi ldrr 'titreyen Palmiye lm dokunun' kullanr. TV dizisi olarak Quincy, ME , ""lm Dokunu"" balkl 1977 blm olan esrarengiz lm bir sonucu olduu tespit edilmitir Bir sava sanatlar film yldz zellikleri lo mak on gn nce kendisine kar saldr. ngiliz dizileri kurun karakteri Gangsters (1978) o dokunulduunda sonra lm drt gn meydana gelen benzer bir saldry kullanarak ie katil 'Beyaz eytan' tarafndan ldrld. Dan Brown 'n roman Inferno 'Dim Mak' olarak tekniini aklayan bileindeki bask yaparak bir koruma faaliyeti engelleyen bir karakter gstermektedir. Komedi filmde Kei Stare Erkekler , George Clooney 'nin karakteri onsekiz yl yaklak bir durumda"" Death, ileride bilinmeyen bir noktasnda lme neden olan bir 'hafif musluu' Touch ile vurulmu iddia sonra"".Gelen Uzay Yolu evrenin Vulcan sinir tutam sklkla hedef bilinsiz hale getirilmesi iin bir basn noktasna basn uygulanmas iin bir ldrc olmayan bir yntem olarak kullanlmaktadr.Gelen Doktor , nc Doktor eitli vesilelerle Venusian aikido ustas olarak kendini tanmlayan, onu Vulcan sinir tutam benzer bir ekilde rakiplerini hareketsiz salayan yumruk yumrua mcadele onun esiz formuna tekabl etmektedir. Cisimlemelerinden Doktor sadece baz yan rn materyal aka Venusian aikido geldiinin sonradan Doktorlarn sava becerilerini tanmlar ramen, el-gse muharebe uzmanlk deien derecelerde gstermitir.In Kung Fu Panda film serisi, Po tarafndan kullanlan Wuxi parmak tutuu teknii Dim Mak eklidir. Ayn ekilde, cani Tai Long ve akl hocas Ugvey hem rakibi fel etmek Sinir grev saldr kullanr.In Avatar serisi, Ty Lee Dim Mak eklidir iinde Ki-Engelleme denilen kullanlan Last Airbender: Avatar . Kavga stili tekrar sokulur Korra Efsanesi Equalists birincil mcadele tarz olarak."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mengulas dan Memahami Sertifikat Laik Fungsi" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Sertifikat Laik FungsiBagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui tentang Sertifikat Laik Fungsi dalam Property Management. Course ini menyajikan materi Sertifikat Laik Fungsi yang disampaikan oleh Djauhar Arifin, MBA seorang yang ahli dalam bidang Sertifikat Laik Fungsi.Sertifikat Laik Fungsi merupakan salah satu persyaratan untuk sebuah bangunan, yang sudah tercantum dalam Undang-Undang. Pada modul ini, anda akan lebih mengetahui apa itu pengertian sertifikat laik fungsi, peraturan peraturan yang harus dijalani dan sanksi apa yang akan didapat bila bangunan tidak memiliki sertifikat laik fungsi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Practical guide in Structured Cabling & Data System" |
"About the course and contents:* The structured Cabling System, or Data System course is very useful for anybody who is interested in understanding and learning this system from a zero level till its full practical knowledge.* The course contains many practical photos and videos from our different projects which will help you easily to understand this system.* More than 10 lectures which will let you have full knowledge of this system.* This course is for all engineers and technicians, either you are working as a contractor or a consultant.* At the end of this course, you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completely. * This course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn this system very fast. Without wasting a lot of time.Some of the topics which you will find in this course:What is the Data or Structured Cabling System?Different types of cables in the Data System.What are the Passive components in the Data System?What are the Active components in the Data System?How to install step by step the Data Rack practically on-site?How to test the cables of the Data System?What does F.O.C mean?What is the splicing of the FOC?...Many other topics you will discover it within the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"An Intro to Tuning Forks" |
"Come and journey with me into the amazing qualities of sound healing using tuning forks that can benefit not only you, but your friends, family & beyond! Tuning forks are amazing gifts for humanity to heal at a deeper level. Learn about sound healing frequencies beneficial for stress, anxiety, pain, depression, headaches, insomnia, increasing memory and mental focus, clearing blocked energy, nerve damage, wound healing, cardiac, neurological, reproductive and immune system health, EMF radiation protection, balancing metabolism, body temperature, sleep-wake cycles, increasing brain blood flow, stimulating cellular energy, Parkinson's, anti-ageing, muscle tension, autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, grounding, deepening meditation, DNA activation, and spiritual awakening. The psychic Edgar Cayce once said ""Sound will be the medicine of the future"".... and I do believe the future is NOW! Join me!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Arabic - Global System for mobile communication GSM 2G" |
"2G GSM Generations & Its DevelopmentsGSM with all Practical and theoretical DetailsNo pre-Requisite for the courseThe course for Beginners and Professional in telecom Sectionall Interview questions are covered with explanations to help in passing thempractical working Labs Examples for what actually exists in telecom operators and different Vendors .Just enroll now and take that chance :) ."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Impara a Programmare un Termostato HVAC in KNX" |
"In questo corso imparerai a programmare un Termostato KNX, partendo dalle basi della termoregolazione fino all'analisi del termine HVAC, passando per il Data-Point 20102 .Lobbiettivo finale quello di renderti in grado di parametrizzare il termostato Kristal di Blumotix.In particolare imparerai ad utilizzare alcune importanti funzioni del dispositivo, come, ad esempio, la gestione dell'umidit e della temperatura di rugiada .Questo corso, inoltre, ti fornir tutte le informazioni utili e necessarie per programmare anche altri modelli di termostato che utilizzano lo Standard KNX.Se vorrai mettere in pratica tutto ci che ti mostrer in questo Corso, dovrai munirti di un PC Windows con almeno Windows 7, 4 Giga di RAM installata ed un buon processore, poich il Software ETS5 piuttosto pesante.Allinterno del corso troverai il link per acquistarlo, in modo da farti provare a casa tua lo stesso progetto, rendendo lapprendimento pi esaustivo.Sono inoltre comprese le guide in PDF per vari approfondimenti a corredo dei video.N.B: questo corso online non concorre e non sostituisce i corsi certificati dellassociazione KNX."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Inner Critic Into Your Best Friend" |
"A LIFE SAVERLearning Self Compassion has saved my life. Thats a bold statement, I know. My life has been on a massive roller coaster journey these past few years, and if I hadnt had Self Compassion as my foundational core practice, Im pretty sure I would have crumbled.My aim in this online course is to share with you how much Self Compassion can support you through life. It doesnt necessarily make life easier we cant escape uncertainty and unexpected life events but it makes life more tolerable and gives us the tools to cope with it.In telling you a bit about my story and weaving in how Self Compassion has supported me, I hope to inspire you to incorporate Self Compassion as your core practice, too.How do you talk to yourself? Do you talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend? Or is your inner voice often harsh and critical?Are you struggling to make sense of your life so far? Feeling overwhelmed with everything you are juggling in your daily life? Perhaps longing for more meaningful relationships and connections? Maybe you have a loud and critical voice inside your head that is driving you, but youre running on empty and you dont know how much longer you can cope. Does this sound like you?HOW THIS COURSE WORKSThis online course is designed to teach you how to transform your Inner Critic and become your own Best Friend, by showing you proven and simple daily practices that you can use in any situation to self-soothe, self-connect and create the life that you want for yourself.WHAT QUALIFIES ME TO RUN THIS COURSE?Ive been there too and Im now passionate about sharing with others the simple tools and practices that have helped me transform my life into the life I wanted to be living.After a traumatic childhood, and many years of dealing with the stresses of life, and what seemed like far more than my fair share of family dramas, I finally hit burnout and became depressed.I had already been dabbling in health and well-being most of my adult life, but I became a lot more determined in my quest for happiness from this point on. Of course, my life is still a work in progress (everyones is) but I can honestly tell you that my life has been transformed in more ways than I could ever have imagined, particularly through learning to be kinder to myself.I have been a passionate researcher and educator for over 30 years, teaching language and communication to people from all over the world, and for the last ten years, I have intensively focused on my own personal growth and healing, as well as supporting others in their growth through coaching and workshops.A PRACTICE THAT STAYS TRUEThrough my studies of Compassionate Communication and Compassion Focused Therapy, I have learnt that my needs matter and I have developed a strong practice of Self Compassion and ways of communicating that help me to stay connected to people, get more of what I want in life, and have less conflict and drama.Compassion and kindness are now my main focus and passion in life. I am an internationally certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication (also known as Compassionate Communication) and I have studied literally hundreds of approaches and tools for emotional growth and healing. I have researched, synthesised, and developed these healing tools and knowledge and I adapt them to suit peoples individual needs and learning styles.What I know now is that kindness, compassion, and empathy are skills that can be learnt, and like a muscle, you can develop them.With more kindness and compassion to yourself and others, you will have much more capacity and resilience to deal with the challenges of life, more love and energy, and just more well-being in general.What I have discovered through my own journey and those of my clients and students, is that the quality of your relationship with yourself determines the quality of your relationships with others and ultimately, the quality of your life.WHAT YOULL EXPLORE IN THIS COURSEThe negative impact of our Inner Critic and how it can hold us back;The role of the Inner Critic and how to develop more awareness of whether its really motivating you or hindering you;Why its helpful to meet your Inner Critic so that you can start to really listen to what its saying and start to change the way it speaks to you;Expand your awareness of the Energy of Language and the impact that words can have on the felt sense in our bodies;Increase your Emotional Literacy so that you can start to connect more deeply with your true feelings rather than being stuck in your thoughts and judgements; How to live a life that is more deeply aligned with your core values through connecting with the beauty of the Universal Human Needs;Learn a kinder way to guide yourself through life with Compassionate Self-Correction rather than Self-Criticism;Why its important to Lean Into your Shadows and embrace the darker parts of yourself with love and kindness;Learn some practical skills for emotional Self-Regulation when you are feeling really reactive;How to develop a Compassionate Self-Image and become your own Best Friend so that you can move forward in your life with more kindness to yourself and others;Develop a practice of Self Appreciation to improve your self-image and grow your self-love.HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS COURSEThis course is for anyone who wants to cultivate a little more kindness to themselves, because ultimately this will impact who you are in the world, how you are in the world and the impact that you have on the world around you.Self-love is really the foundation for life. Your relationship with yourself is a direct reflection of your relationship with others and how you experience life.By transforming your relationship with yourself, you literally can transform your life and even begin to change the world.So I invite you to join me in cultivating more kindness in the world by starting with learning to be kinder to yourself."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |