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chinese-accredited-certificate-diploma-color-colour-therapy |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Color Therapy. So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you. This course will cover Color Therapy as a whole and enable you to practice the methods and techniques to deal with common ailments. The certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certification Entirement Accrdite en Thrapie des Couleur" |
"Ce cours est conu en tenant compte du fait que vous n'avez aucune connaissance et comprhension pralables de la thrapie par la couleur. Nous avons donc compltement vit le jargon mdical et l'avons simplifi pour vous.Ce cours couvrira la thrapie des couleurs dans son ensemble et vous permettra de pratiquer les mthodes et les techniques pour traiter les affections courantes.La certification sera fournie par le principal fournisseur de DPC en Inde."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmputos Mtricos BIM" |
"En este curso nos concentraremos en la extraccin de cantidades directamente de nuestros modelos BIM. Abordaremos varias formas de extraer cantidades utilizando tanto Revit como Naviswork.La extraccin de cmputos mtricos es una tarea de vital importancia que se mezcla en varias etapas del proyecto y cumple una funcin vital en todas las dimensiones BIM. Durante este curso aprenders a automatizar la extraccin de cantidades dominando la creacin de tablas. Daremos una introduccin a Dynamo como herramienta de automatizacin dentro de Revit y te mostraremos como crear procedimientos de forma visual en Dynamo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tai Chi Standing Qi Gong - Relaxation of Mind and Body" |
"""Like yoga, Tai Chi has a meditative quality that can trigger the relaxation response. This well-studied physiological change can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, oxygen consumption, adrenaline levels, and levels of the stress hormone cortisol.""--- ""Best exercise for balance: Tai chi"", Harvard Health Letter, December, 2014There are six basic exercises in this Tai Chi Standing Qi Gong - Relaxation of Mind and Body. The slow, flowing motions of Tai Chi Movements train you to shift your weight while maintaining your balance. Through these gentle, graceful movements, the Breathing exercise and Qi, which guided by your mindful awareness, flow through the Meridian lines of your body. These training will achieve great Relaxation of Mind and Body.There are 6 postures with few variations. Tai Chi Standing Qi Gong Standing Qi Gong 1 - Standing Qi Gong - Standing Qi Gong 2 - Sitting Stance Standing Qi Gong 2A - Sitting Stance Standing Qi Gong 2A - Sitting Stance Up Down Standing Qi Gong 3 - Breaststroke Sitting Stance Standing Qi Gong 4 - Bow Stance Standing Qi Gong 5 - Reeling Silk Qigong Standing Qi Gong 5A - Reeling Silk Qigong Standing Qi Gong 5B - Reeling Silk Qigong Standing Qi Gong 6 - Reverse ChakraTai Chi Strengthens Mind and BodyTai Chis focus on posture and body placement may add benefits beyond what cardiovascular or resistance-training can provide. Tai Chi, a moving Yoga, does more than burn calories and tone muscles. It will enable you to gain flexibility and strength, reducing stress and allowing for greater relaxation. It's a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation or relaxation. The health benefits of tai chiThis gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life. Tai chi is often described as ""meditation in motion, moving Yoga,"" which originated in China as a martial art. The Chen Style Tai chi is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional family styles of Tai chi. Chen-style is characterized by Silk reeling, alternating fast/slow motion and bursts of power. The Chen Style is Originated in Hen Nan Chen Jia Gou, 70 KM at north of David Yao's birth place.There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health. In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of motions. As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention as in some kinds of meditation on your bodily sensations. Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork" |
"The Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork course is the third of five included in the Developing Emotional Intelligence Program, also presented as individual courses for your convenience.Groups are common in the workplace. Why do some work groups flourish, while others seem to drag behind? Team members develop a culture which contributes strongly to their success. Some groups have an atmosphere of excitement and an ability to adapt. Others resist change and have a negative, growth-inhibiting environment. The ability to handle emotions appropriately and work well with others is known as emotional intelligence. This competency factors into the team's success. Participation and collaboration are key to the success of your team. In this course, you'll explore the importance of these characteristics in accomplishing group goals. You'll also examine: the competencies needed to become an effective team member,the techniques for handling emotions,the ways to evaluate your team's emotional intelligence, andthe strategies for improving your team's emotional intelligence. Stellar teams don't appear out of thin air. They're made up of the right people in the right place. These teams have the support and encouragement they need to succeed. Team members are committed to the success of the group and they work to enhance their abilities to thrive in today's fast-paced business environment. This course will help you contribute effectively to your team's growth. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Google Slides FAST" |
"Learn Google Slides FASTThis course is for Google Slides beginners. No prior knowledge of any slide-creation software is required.***Newly Updated in 2020!***Do you want to learn how to make great presentations using Google Slides but want to do it as quickly as possible?If so, this course is for you.In this course you'll learn all of the basics required to make great Google slides, including:slide creationtheme selectionformatting text and imagestransitions and animationsadding video and audiotables and chartsexporting presentations in multiple formatsI've spent 10 years as a professional trainer and I know the teaching methods that work. The course has no fluff and no padding. It's a quick, no-nonsense approach to learning the Google Slides functions you really need to make great presentations.You'll learn one simple concept at a time in bite-sized chunks. That's the quickest way to learn software programs.Here's a comment from one of the students in my other Udemy courses:Really great way to get started. I really love the short and sweet sections of this course. The author has a really great voice to listen to, that combined with the short to the point lectures really made it a breeze for me to finish it really fast.I'll also stay with you every step of the way by responding very quickly to questions asked the discussion section of the course.Go ahead and take Learn Google Slides FAST!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Snapchat Ads Diploma" |
"will learn all types of ads:-app install .-drive Traffic to websites.-ads with discovery fees with famous persons.-engagements ads-filter ads.-call ads.-sms ads.-awareness ads. also will create and design the best strategies for campaigns in snapchat and will create ads in photoshop and with snapchat creator.will teach how can do good report for your clients and how can edit all ads and do the best effective targets."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your Full Guide to Owning & Operating a Hospitality Property" |
"This tutorial series is designed for want to be, new or veteran hotel, resort, inn or bed & breakfast owners or managers who are basically doing it on their own.If you've ever asked yourself any of the following questions, you're in the right place.""How can I get more guests?""""How can I encourage my guests to return?""""How can I organize my business so I don't have to be there 24/7?""""How can I find and keep the right employees?""""How can I market so I reach my target clientele?""""How does my hospitality property compare to my competition?These tutorials will give you the resources to help you clear the most common hurdles many hospitality property owners and managers face.Your Full Guide to Owning & Operating a Hospitality Property Successfully training tutorials are an updated 4 part series that will show you more than just quick-fix tactics but instead how to develop successful long-term operation methods. I will cover.Hospitality Property Organizational StructureEmployee Development for Your Hospitality PropertyMarketing for Your Hospitality Properties SuccessHow Customers See Your Hospitality PropertyI have also included a list of other business to take care of when opening a hospitality property and a Your Full Guide to Owning & Operating a Hospitality Property Successfully quiz, to ensure you get the most out of these tutorials.This course is designed for serious want to be, new and veteran hotels, resort, inn or bed & breakfasts owners/managers who wish to improve their businesses practices and patronage while enjoying a fun & fulfilled life as a hospitality property proprietor.These Tutorials Will include:Easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials, downloadable audio & PDF files, and any checklists applicable.Do you want to operate a successful hospitality property? Then dont hesitate. Sign up now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Auto Orientation" |
"Flutter Auto Orientation:Set the device orientation programmatically for iOS and AndroidIn this tutorial, we are going to create Flutter Auto Device Orientation to the landscape from portrait and vice versa automatically when we rotate the android OR IOS device it sets its orientation automatically here we no need to select the device.The Flutter auto device orientation works for both Android and IOS devices for both the directions from left to right OR right to left direction.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Git- Novice to Expert" |
"This course is intended for developers and SCM engineers who want to learn and start using Git as their version control systems. This course is designed in a manner that this will be useful for beginners. Also the concepts will be a refresher for experienced professionals. This course takes a step by step approach right from the basics of a Version control system and then introduces to the benefits and drawbacks of a VCS. Then we introduce you to Git VCS, explain how to setup Git and run through the most useful commands. Also I have included the topic to work with remote repository using Github."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coiling & Wrapping Concepts in Jiang Baguazhang" |
"Continuing with discussion and practical applications of the remaining four Jiang Baguazhang Qigong palm structures to understand and practice coiling and wrapping of the body. Training tips for learning and practicing short power and jin using the palm structures are also included. A short review is provided in the introduction video."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Run Your Trading Robot on a VPS or Raspberry Pi 24/7" |
"In this course you will learn how to host your Trading Code/Algorithm on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a Raspberry Pi. This way your trading code will run 24/7 with absolutely no interruption. This is an essential part in algorithmic trading as it will reduce your risk and increase your uptime.You can either use a VPS for as little as 5$/month.Or use a Raspberry Pi (will cost you 40$, but is a one time purchase).We cover the benefits and disadvantages of using each method so you can decide which option is the best for you.We then cover how to host your code in a step-by-step way on both the VPS and Raspberry Pi. We do this by hosting code from our course ""Algorithmic Trading: Backtest, Optimize & Automate in Python"", which uses the Open Source project called freqtrade. We show exactly how to host that code, but if you have any other code, you can follow the same process to do so.After doing this course you will be an expert in hosting your code.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Estatstica Inferencial e Linguagem R: Domine Estatstica" |
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA INFERENCIALEsse curso permite que o aluno tenha uma base terica slida em Estatstica Inferencial, bem como desenvolva as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas, dos mais simples aos mais complexos. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Estatstica Inferencial:Introduo ao Curso de Estatstica Inferencial, o teorema do Limite Central, Intervalos de confiana, testes de Hiptese e significncia, Modelagem estatstica e um Projeto de Concluso do Curso.Em cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, uso de planilhas no Microsoft Excel para aplicao dos conceitos ensinados, listas de exerccios, links para recursos online e muito mais. Ao final, voc poder aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos desenvolvendo um projeto de concluso do curso.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento da Estatstica Inferencial e ter a base necessria para acompanhar o curso de Linguagem RO CURSO DE LINGUAGEM R Se voc chegou at aqui por que deseja aprender a Linguagem R. Voc j percebeu que a grade do nosso curso muito extensa e que o contedo super rico. Temos certeza que esse curso vai atender as suas expectativas.O Curso de Linguagem R tem MATERIAL PRPRIO, textos explicados passo a passo, nicos e bem articulados. O objetivo principal desse curso permitir que aspectos bsicos com nfase no entendimento da linguagem R, como sua estrutura e a forma de operao, sejam compreendidos. O curso foi preparado e estruturado para que o aluno, desde o iniciante at o mais avanado em tcnicas estatsticas, aprenda a trabalhar com a ferramenta R. O material pode ser acompanhado utilizando o R instalado em diversos sistemas operacionais, tais como Windows ou Linux.Durante o curso de Linguagem R, sugerimos que o aluno assista as videoaulas praticando as atividades diretamente no seu computador. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Linguagem R: O que a Linguagem R, Instalao da Ferramenta, Aprimoramento do Uso do R-Studio, Entendimento do Uso dos Objetos no R (Vetor, Matriz, Data Frame, Lista e Funes), Uso de Pacotes no R, Leitura de Arquivos no R, Sumarizando Dados, Grficos com o R, Anlise Estatstica e o Uso Geral da Estatstica, Uso de componentes como Minerao de Dados e o GOOGLE VIS.Junte-se aos seus colegas e aprimore seu conhecimento da Linguagem R.VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Realidad Aumentada (Augmented Reality AR) en Unity y Vuforia" |
"Bienvenido al primer curso de Realidad Aumentada en espaol en Udemy!Con este curso aprender cmo usar la tecnologa de Vuforia con Unity y, por lo tanto, cmo crear aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada (Augmented Reality o tambin simplemente llamado AR) en telfonos con sistema operativo Android e iOS.Construiremos 10 aplicaciones diferentes con las que veremos las principales herramientas disponibles con Vuforia para realidad aumentada, tales como:Las Image TargetImage Target definidas por el usuarioCylindrical TargetGround PlaneMid AirAR con videos y Chroma KeyAR y ventanas virtuales con vistas a otros mundos!y muchas otras tcnicas que le permitirn crear aplicaciones increblemente realistas en las que la realidad de la cmara del telfono se fusionar con la fantasa tridimensional que ofrece el poderoso UnityEste es un curso dirigido a todos, tanto para aquellos que ya conocen Unity pero que desean expandir sus habilidades como para aquellos que se acercan al mundo de las aplicaciones y Unity por primera vez. Cada tema se explicar en detalle y todo lo realizado durante el curso se crear y probar en conjunto, nada se dejar al azar y nada se dar por sentado.Si deseas mejorar tus conocimiento y, por lo tanto, tambin tu plan de estudios (curriculum) o simplemente deseas crear un nuevo pasatiempo (hobbie), este es el curso para ti, regstrate ahora, estoy seguro de que no te arrepentiras ... y si por alguna razn no estaras satisfecho con tu compra tendras una garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das ... qu ms puedes pedir?Hasta pronto y feliz aprendizaje!Algunas reseas del curso:""El curso est muy bien hecho y me parece mucho ms interesante de lo que pensaba"". - Manuel I. -""Inmediatamente hice mi primera aplicacin AR y la cargu en mi telfono Android! Me ayud el autor del curso, quien rpidamente dio todas las respuestas a mis preguntas. Estoy muy satisfecho y tengo mil ideas creativas que explotan el potencial de lo que estoy aprendiendo "". - Michele S. -""Quizs el mejor curso en Udemy! Felicitaciones y gracias!"" - Valerio B. -""Excelente curso, muy interesante. El profesor explica muy bien y de una manera atractiva, sin nunca ser aburrido. Incluso en las secciones donde haba que escribir el codigo, explic paso a paso lo necesario para comprender lo que estaba escribiendo (Obviamente tener alguna nocin de la programacin bsica ayuda a comprender mejor los diversos pasos). Encontr que los temas y ejercicios cubiertos son muy interesantes, lo que puede inspirar varias ideas "". - Luca F. -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Train the Trainer: Fear of Public Speaking Mastery" |
"Did you know that the knowledge and speaking industry is worth upwards of $1 Billion per day, and if you do not know how to influence your audience on stage you will be missing out on that. This course will teach you how to overcome your fear, develop mindset as a confident speaker and how to facilitate an event so you can take part in the industry of changing people lives at the same time you change yours for the better. Is there a better way to spend your time on this earth? I dont think so.You Will Learn:How to overcome the fear of public speakingDevelop the mindset of a confidet speakerHow to approach the audience like a proHow to facilitate and plan a 1 & 2 day event/workshopThe difference on techniques and authenticity, and how to use it to become a SUPER SPEAKER!How to rehearse your speech, so your confident when going to the stage.My Before stage ritual What to do when on the stage, to be confident.How to structure a speech with influence (Templates INCLUDED)Meet Your Trainer:Taught by Lukas Siim, Public Speaking trainer, Business owner and huge passionated about human potential. When Lukas for the first time tried public speaking he was not close to confident. It was in school. He was sweaty, shaking and nervous. He describe his first couple of times on a stage like this:''If you asked me as a kid how hell would look like, i would say it was being on stage'' He hated it so much, that he stopped going so school the days he should present, and would rather take the beating from his mom.When he got older, he got a vision for his life. He wanted to change people lives and became dedicated to self-development and the ones that were teaching it (People like Tony Roobins).But he had one problem. HE HATED SPEAKING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE! He had two options:Option 1) Throw away his dream and work in a 9-5 job for the REST OF HIS LIFE or,Option 2) Learn how to do public speaking and change people lives while making his own better.He chose option number 2, and luckily he did.He's held dozens of speeches at Toastmaster,been facilitator of 5 workshops (Included fear of public speaking workshops), Spoken to his mentors events in front of hundreds of people.And he continues his journey, and at the age of only 19, he has a long road in front of him. Will you learn his proven system, become a confident speaker, start your journey and change your own life?Then this course is made for you!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Basic YAML For Programmers: The Videocourse" |
"Is this the first time you are learning about YAML? Do you want to be better in the world of programming? Then this is the course for you! YAML is a great program that anyobody can LEARN as long as there is will to do so. There is much to talk about in the course so is now time to learn about YAML!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Visual basic kodlama dili ile Program yazmay renin" |
"Visual basic kodlama dili ile Balang, Orta ve st seviye kodlar renip daha profesyonel arayz dizaynlar yapp istediimiz programlar yazmay reneceiz, bir ok ie yarar program yazarken kullanlan teknikleri inceleyeceiz. stediimiz programlar yazmaya balayacak aklmzdaki hayal rn olan projelerimizi uygulamaya dkebileceiz. Kendi mp3 player, download maneger, hava durumu, internetten veri ekme gibi bir ok program ve bilgisayar ayarlarn deitirebileceimiz eitli programlar hem beraber yazp hemde kodlar reneceiz"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"TinkerCAD for Complete Beginners" |
"TinkerCAD is the perfect software to learn the basics of 3D modeling. The software allows you to create 3D models that can then be sent to a 3D printer or CNC machine to be made. If you are interested in learning how to create your own models to print on your 3D printer then TinkerCAD is the best place to start. It is fairly simple to use, allows you to create a wide range of objects and best of all, the software is completely FREE!.It is important that you learn to model correctly from the start if you want to become a proficient creator and TinkerCAD gives you a great grounding in this area. By learning to create objects from basic shapes you are forced to use your imagination to edit these shapes into the parts you require. This skill is an important part of modelling that will stay with you as you progress on to more complex software.TinkerCAD is also great for kids to learn as its simple and colourful interface make it fun to learn and create. After taking this course you will be able to teach your children to model a wide variety of objects limited only by their imagination. In this course, we not only teach you how to use the software but let you follow along as we model some items such as a sign for a bedroom door or workshop and a toy train.The course also includes some quizzes to help you ensure you understand the basics of TinkerCAD before moving on.3D printing is fast becoming one of the easiest ways to create your own objects at home. It's becoming more and more popular every day and the ability to create objects yourself rather than relying on finding objects created by others will become a more important skill in the future. If you have a 3D printer or CNC and would like to learn to create your own models rather than just relying on downloading others then this course and TinkerCAD is the perfect place to start. Even if you don't have a 3D printer but would like to learn to use this totally free software then you will find this course enjoyable and informative. You can always send your models out to be printed."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Motivation Mastery: Discover The Secrets Of Motivation" |
"In This Online Motivation Course You Will Learn How Can Transform Your LIFE & CAREER. This Motivation Course Covers ALL The Major Skills Of Motivation You Need To Be Massively Successful Giving You The Key Tools, Strategies & Techniques You Need To Take Your Life & Career to the Next Level. Learn How To Realize Your FULL Potential!Learning These Key Motivation Skills & Techniques Can Help You Be Massively Successful. Once You Can Master These Key Skills & Techniques Your Potential Is Limitless!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) What Motivation Is & How To Use It In Powerful Ways2) Learn About The Mind Games Of Motivation3) Discover How To Eliminate The Things That DE-Motivate You4) Learn How Everything Can Be Used To Move You Forward When You Know These Hidden SECRETS!5) Discover How To Become And STAY Motivated Effort6) Discover How To Make Motivation An Effortless Habit!7) Learn The Secrets Of How To Program Your Mind To Think Better Than Ever Before!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Yoga: Education On The Benefits & Styles" |
"In This Yoga Online Course You Will Learn How Yoga Can Transform Your Life Help You To Realize Your FULL Potential! This Is NOT A Yoga Exercise Training Course It Is Education ABOUT Yoga. The GOAL Is To Have You FULLY Understand What Yoga Is, How It Works And WHAT Style Is BEST For You So You Can Start Out Your Yoga Practice The RIGHT Way And Be VERY Successful In It!Too Many People Just Jump into Yoga Knowing Nothing About It and This Is Why So Many People Fail! This Course Will Get You Fully Prepared and Knowledgeable BEFORE You Start Your Yoga Training.By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) What Is Yoga & How Can It Help You2) Learn About Science Of Yoga & Health Benefits3) Discover How Yoga Affects Emotions & The Mind-Body Connection4) Learn HOW Yoga Creates Strength, Flexibility, Endurance & Weight Loss5) Learn More About Yoga Poses & How Yoga Boosts Immunity6) Discover The RIGHT Way To Get Started With Yoga7) Learn The Secrets Of Yoga & Meditation How You Can Feel Better Than Ever Before!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learning To Learn as a priority" |
"The capacity of Learning to Learn as a hobby rather than an occasional occurrence deals and defines the approach in the best possible mechanism to explore learning as a delight. The module delivers 'Learning to learn' as the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organise one's own learning, including through. effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. A wow approach altogether."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence Introduction" |
"Section 1-L1:To learn the strategy of various skills of current and future world like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Data Science, we are starting from understanding data. To expertise in Artificial Intelligence needs to be understood the basics of data. In this INTRODUCTION section, we will talk aboutWhat is the data?How does data divide into multiple parts?Types of data!How do and where the data generate from?What kind of data available globally?How we can deal with the data?Apart from that, we will discuss the Characteristics of the structured data.Sources of the Structured data.Section 1-L2:The questions you should seek are, How Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence can handle this.As we understood the Data, its type, and the structured data, here we will talk about the Unstructured Data.This second lecture will be covering Types of Unstructured data.Advantages and disadvantages of unstructured data.Problem faced in storing unstructured DataSection 1-L3:Out of all available data, the most crucial data is Semi-structured Data which allows the user to have a flexible Schema. In the previous lecture, we talked about what kinds of data can be deal with, the type of data, its advantages--disadvantages of unstructured data.Here we will be learning about the most useful type of data called -Semi-Structured Data.Characteristics of Semi-structured DataSource of Semi-structured Data.Advantages and disadvantages of Semi-structured data.Section 2-L4:In the previous section, we understood the Data, its type, Advantages-Disadvantages of different kinds of data and where data comes from.So here, in this section, we will cover: -What is Big Data? Why even we care about it?What can be done with this Bigdata?The Hype around Big Data?Section 2-L5:This lecture is intended to cover the term Bigdata-Why any data called Bigdata?How to identify if my data is Bigdata?What are the properties of the Bigdata?Do I see the similar properties in my Data also?What are the characteristics of Bigdata?How do you store the Bigdata?Where to store Bigdata?What tools and tricks are used to handle Bigdata?Four dimensions of Bigdata?Section 2-L6:if we understand the data its size and types of data, we should know who is creating this data. This section is covering all aspects of Bigdata including:How much bigdata I am (an individual) accumulating?How tough it is for us to deal with this kind of data?What are the challenges in handling this kind of Bigdata?Section 2-L7:we will also cover the Model of BigData generation?This lecture describes how this Big-data gets generatedWhy this data is huge now?What do organizations want?Which all companies are working on Bigdata?Get answers to all these questions in this video.Section 3-L8:This new section is intended to describe what is Analytics and why it came into existence and Understanding Analytics from scratch. To understand that we will seek the answers to all possible questions likeWhat are the four major questions we want to answer?What kind of analytics are possible?What is the difference among all this Analytics-Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive Analytics?Section 4-L9As data is the basic foundation of AI, with its existence, types analysis and analytics Business intelligence plays an important role in using huge sized data. To understand BI we will coverHow to answer the first basic question of analytics?How to get started with analytics?What all organizations can achieve with Business Intelligence?What are the Functions of Business Intelligence?How to implement a Business Intelligence system in an organization?What kind of data Business Intelligence require?Section 5- L10Here you are ready to learn why and what Artificial Intelligence is?we will start from Understanding Artificial Intelligence from scratch covering all questions likeWhat are the different definitions of Artificial Intelligence?Why it is needed to create Artificial Intelligence?What are the types of AI?How to see through Artificial Intelligence?Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Section 6-L11:Machine learning is a part of AI and Data Science. It is necessary to understand ML if you are dealing with AI. here we will be Understanding Machine Learning from scratch.Different definitions of Machine Learning.Types of Machine LearningHow each type of ML is different from another and where are they going to use?How does the computer understand the data?Section 6-L12Where we can use and see ML applications in our Daily LifeHow to use Machine Learning in real-time applications.?ML use case in similar PinsML use case in face recognition.ML use case in people you may knowML use case in spam Email filteringML use case in Product recommendationsML use case in online fraud detectionsML use case in Disease identificationsML use case in Personalised treatmentML use case in clinical trial researchML use case in character recognitionsSection 7: L13This section is all about AI from very scratch, we discuss all sections of AI, ML and now we talk about Data Science, How does data science relate to Artificial Intelligence? To answer this question, we will discussWhat is Data Science?The definition of Data Science?How does Data Science connect with analysis?Components of Data Science.Data Science Lifecycle.Use of Mathematics in Data Science?Use of Machine Learning in Data Science.Difference between Business Intelligence and Data Science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comptines signe en LSF 2" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre signer des comptines en vraie Langue des Signes Franaise ( LSF) pour pouvoir l'utiliser avec votre bb ou pour dcouvrir et apprendre cette langue.Vous aurez accs en plus un document PDF explicatif sur la pratique des Signes pour bb pour garder une trace crite.Des vidos claires et explicatives ainsi qu'un support PDF avec les paroles des comptines et chansons ( sauf bonus).Les comptines vous sont enseignes de manire dtaille par une professionnelle bilingue en Langue des Signes ( DESU professionnel bilingue FRANAIS / LSFde la formation d'interprte en LSF Paris) forme en psychologie de l'enfant, les gestes sont dcomposs expliqus et rpts plusieurs fois.Ce cours s'adresse tous les parents , futurs parents , la famille , mais aussi les professionnels de la petite enfance.Vous apprendrez dans quelques circonstances utiliser les comptines signes , partir de quel ge peut on les signer bb et tout l'intrt de cette pratique pour les enfants.Des moyens mmo-techniques sont aussi donn pour la plupart des signes quand le mot le permet. A la fin de ce cours vous serait capable de signer en LSF : La comptine du Petit Ver de Terre La comptine de La fourmi m'a piqu la main La comptine Au Feu les pompiers La chanson BaBy Shark Le refrain de la chanson du Livre De la Jungle: Il en faut peu pour tre heureux.Vous retrouverez en bonus les comptines Youtube : Le grand CerfUne souris verteHakuna MatataLa famille TortueVive le VentUne poule sur un mur."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Qlik Sence[Franais] : Formation par la pratique" |
"Qlik Sence est une solution dcisionnelle comme Qlikview, avec une interface trs intuitive et une flexibilit ingale permettant ainsi de faire la mise en uvre trs rapide d'une analyse des donnes et de l'exploration des donnes sous tous les angles.Grace ce cours de dcouverte trs pratique , vous serez capable de donner un sens vos donnes grce une visualisation intelligente et entirement interactive et ractive. Ce cours est fait de faon vous donnez les moyens de bien visualiser vos donnes l'aide de meilleurs tableaux de bord, des graphiques bien soigns et performant avec la fonction glisser-dposer qui facilite l'intgration de multiples sources de donnes.Pratiquez ce cours et donnes un sens rel vos donnes et celles d'une entreprise ."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Change" |
"OSUp33 The Change"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Be Expert in Swahili Language ""For Beginners"" Stage Two" |
"By the end of this course, the student will be able to Read, Write, Speak and Listen Swahili Language Words. Not only that, but also it will enable the student to be able to learn perfectly other advanced Swahili courses. The student will begin to learn the history of Swahili language, Swahili Vowels and how they are pronounce, Swahili Consonants and how they are pronounced, Swahili syllables and how to construct Swahili words. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CIS - ServiceNow - Service Management - ITSM" |
"The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management Exam Specification defines the purpose, audience, testing options, exam content coverage, test framework, and prerequisites to become Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management certified.ServiceNow - Service ManagementServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service ManagementNew York ReleaseExam Structure The exam consists of approximately (60) questions90 minutesExam Retakes cost of $75.Exam ScopeIncident Management 25% Problem Management 10% Change Management 25% Knowledge Management 10% Request Fulfillment 25% Configuration Management Database 5%"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"CIS - ServiceNow - PPM / ItBM" |
"The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Project Portfolio Management defines the purpose, audience, testing options, exam content coverage, test framework, and prerequisites to become Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management certified.ServiceNow - Service ManagementServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service ManagementNew York ReleaseExam Structure The exam consists of approximately (60) questions90 minutesExam U$300Exam Retakes cost of U$75.Exam Scope03% PPM Implementation Overview23% PPM Application Overview02% PPM Base Configuration16% Idea & Demand Configuration16% Project Configuration04% PPM Teamspace Configuration16% Resource Management Configuration12% PPM Financials05% Time Tracking Configuration03% PPM Performance Analytics, Reporting & Dashboard"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Flutter desde cero enfocado en el diseo UI y UX" |
"Adquiere este curso a tan solo USD 4.99 en este curso aprenders la sintaxis del lenguaje Dart, crear aplicaciones mviles con flutter, manejar los widgets mas comunes en flutter, consumir servicios REST via http, Crear UIs complejas, aplicar UX en tus apps.Este es un curso para principiantes para aquellos que quieren explorar el potencial de flutter.Este curso tiene como finalidad cubrir todos los conocimientos necesarios para iniciar con el curso de Flutter Avanzado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting started with Test Automation using Protractor [2020]" |
"Welcome to ""Getting started with Test Automation using Protractor"" course page. The course is designed to help you learn the basics of working with Protractor to automate software testing. We have prepared over 3 hours of video, downloadable resources, several articles and potential recruitment questions that you may hear during the job interview. English subtitles added!*Whether you want to:*- build the skills you need to get your first test automation job- move from Manual Tester to Test Engineer position- learn another tool for test automation- or test your Angular apps...this course is what you need to learn to achieve it.At the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation to get a highly paid IT specialist job. If you are already familiar with automatic software testing, you will find the next tool that will help you to do this. *What makes this course special?*We assumed that students who enrolled in this course have no experience in test automation. We translate everything from scratch and guide the student through the installation of the required tools.Topic includes:- Introduction to Protractor- Installation- First Protractor Project- Enhancing tests- Page Object Model- Reporting- Tips & Tricks*How am I teaching you in this course?*I teach by example. You won't find here lectures you won't remember much of, nor exercises you won't understand. Together we create a project, and I choose the examples so as to maximise the condensation of knowledge and transfer it in an easy wayThe topics are divided into short videos to make it easier for you to remember the material and go through the course step by stepAt the end of each chapter, the code we wrote during the chapter was added and it can be downloadedif you have any questions about the course, don't hesitate to write to me. I would be happy to answer!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects - 2D animation" |
"* 5 : : 20 5.5 : :"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |