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"Introduo ao estilo Mang." |
"Oi, pessoal! Sejam bem vindos ao curso de mang para iniciantes, que ensina o que voc precisa para comear a desenhar da forma correta, aprendendo as tcnicas necessrias para voc criar seu prprio personagem ou desenhar seu personagem favorito. Quando a gente quer aprender a desenhar, o incio a parte mais difcil. Ns tentamos desenhar aquele personagem que gostamos, mas acaba saindo de um jeito estranho e ns ficamos desapontados. O que falta a tcnica, onde ns precisamos aprender como funciona nossa anatomia, mas pensando em desconstru-la. Aqui voc vai aprender, de forma simples, precisando s de papel, lpis e borracha, como criar seu contedo. Ento, venha aprender a desenhar no estilo mang. Estou te esperando!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Applied Machine Learning without coding using Orange 3" |
"This is a course about data science and machine learning without using any programming!Orange 3 is used as the platform for the course. It is public domain and very powerful tool with a lot of flexibility. It is a visual environment making it very easy to demonstrate your work to others. You do not need to have any background in machine learning in order to follow this course. I have tried to keep the concepts very simple and provide enough theory to get you started. I provide resources for further reading if you want to advance your knowledge in machine learning and data science.Although Orange 3 is a simple tool, it can accomplish advanced tasks. I did not cover all of Orange 3's capabilities, however at the end of the course you will be able to experiment with all of its features.I will cover a variety of topics:Data pre-processingImputationOutlier detectionVariable transformationHandling of imbalanced data setsModelling for both classification and regression problemsLinear regressionSupport vector machinesNeural NetworkskNNk-MeansRandom forestTime series forecasting. This is normally a subject of advanced courses but I thought to include it and give you an idea of how it is performed, as so many real life problems are time seriesImage classification. It is really fast and fun with Orange 3 and very easy to understand and expand it as requiredI am also showing how to use Python coding and mix it with the Orange user interface to perform variable transformation, but that is only the beginning. Once you become familiar, you will realize that it is a very powerful option to have in your hands!Hope you have a productive learning experience with this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Utilizzo della tavoletta grafica Wacom con Photoshop" |
"La tavoletta grafica uno strumento irrinunciabile per chi vuole utilizzare programmi di grafica come Adobe Photoshop per realizzare fotoritocchi, disegni, bozzetti o vere e proprie opere artistiche digitali. Durante questo corso imparerai ad installare, configurare e utilizzare al meglio la penna digitale in qualisasi ambito creativo, ma soprattutto con Adobe Photoshop, che offre strumenti pittorici strepitosi che solo con l'ausilio della tavoletta possono essere pienamente sfruttati. Il corso pensato principalmente per i modelli Intuos Pro, Cintiq e Mobile Studio Pro, ma le impostazioni valgono per tutte le penne Wacom.Al termine del corso sarai in grado di gestire tutte le possibilit creative e produttive che la tua tavoletta offre, e attingere a tutti gli infiniti strumenti pittorici ed artistici di Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Btn Kalp-Beton-Demir Metrajlarn renin" |
"Autocad ve Excel programlar kullanlarak, Piyasada Uygulamas Kendim Tarafndan Yaplm Olan Gerek Projeler zerinden ilerlenilmitir. Uygulamann ve metrajn nasl yaplmas gerektiini adm adm takip edebileceksiniz. Herkesin anlamas adna olabildiince basite indirgenmitir.Kurs boyunca her blmde hesaplamalarmz program zerinden birlikte uygulayarak reneceiz.alma frsat bulduunuz zaman tek projede gremeyeceiniz btn deme tipleri tek kursta sizlere sunulmutur.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili piyasada sahip olamayacanz bilgi ve dkmanlar size verilmitir.Bilindii zere mezun olduktan sonra, metraj hakknda ok fazla bilgiye sahip olamyoruz. Metraj kavramnn ne olduunu biliyor olsak dahi, yukarda bahsedilen projelerinin tamamn tek projede grp kavramamz olduka zordur bu yzden ok fazla proje grmemiz gerekmektedir. Uzun aratrmalar ve byk projelerde alma frsat bularak, kendimi bu alanda gelitirdim. Metraj yapmakta yaadm zorluklar sizin yaamamanz adna byle bir kurs hazrlamaya karar verdim. Bahsi geen btn projelerde projenin uygulama ve ofis ksmnda ahsm olarak bizzat bulundum.Kursumuzun ieriinde daha nce hibiryerde bu kadar detayl bulamayacanz bilgiler mevcuttur. Piyasada uygulanan btn deme tiplerinin kalp, beton ve donat metrajlarnn nasl yaplmas gerektii size sunulmutur. Her projeyi kendi iinde tek tek inceleyebilirsiniz. Btn projelerde rnekler dwg dosya olarak sisteme yklenmitir. Metrajlar excele girilmi olup kaynaklardan ulaabilirsiniz. Bylece saha da veya teknik ofiste alyorsanz ya da almak istiyorsanz bu bilgiler sayesinde kalp, beton ve demir metrajnda hi zorlanmayacaksnz.Kursumuz yeni bilgiler ile gncellenmeye devam edecektir.Derslerde anlamadnz her noktay istediiniz zaman sorabilirsiniz. Ayn gn iinde cevaplarnza yer vereceim. KARAR VEREMEDYSENZ YORUMLAR BLMN OKUMANIZI RCA EDERM "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Motion Graphics 2020: Animate Illustration in After Effects" |
"Want to add motion graphics to your videos?Motion graphics is everywhere nowadays - in films, commercials, social medias, music videos, Youtube. Motion graphics can be kinetic types, animated 2d illustrations and much more. Adding motion graphics to your video makes your video more professional and visually engaging. Although it seems complicated, creating your own motion graphics with Adobe After Effects is quite simple.We will be animating a 6s piece together and break down the process into simple sections that are very easy to follow.What will you be able to learn in this course?Motion graphics: animated vector illustration / explainer videoComplete workflow from storyboard to final renderA variety of tools, tips and tricks in After Effects.Thinking behind animation and how to problem solve.Improve animations with animation principles, easy ease, and graph editorsExport your videosMuch more!If you've ever wanted to get started on motion graphics but didn't know how - this is the perfect course for you to help you get up and running with Adobe After Effects.How does this course work?This course is taught using Adobe After Effects. We used the latest version of Adobe After Effects but you can use any previous version (CS6 or earlier). The whole process is the same. This course doesnt require any previous After Effects experience while it will be easier to follow along if you have used any of the Adobe software before. If this course goes too quickly or seems too advanced for you, We recommend to get familiar with Adobe After Effect user interface and bring down the video speed to follow along.Assignment and Bonus content?Option 1(Illustration Come Alive):Create a short animation with your own vector illustration. You can also add on or customize the storyboard provided here to best suit your style.Option 2 (My Favourite Place):Choose a place that you like, either a city landmark or a building or a place, Add in a transportation, car, plane, boat or train. and bring those illustration to life.Throughout this course, you will be animating your own illustration or any design that you like from a free source like Freepik. I have also included the project files and illustrations that I used in the course for you to download under the Introduction video. You can dive into my projects and follow along.Why should you enroll?You should enroll if you want to quickly learn the basics of creating advanced and comprehensive animated 2d illustrations. If you have any questions going through the course. I am always here to help you. I can't wait to see you in the course!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"TweepyTwitter APIpython" |
"TwitterTwitter APITweepypythonWordPresscron"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Gesto do Conhecimento." |
"Nesse curso voc aprender como gerir o capital intelectual da organizao na qual faz parte. Uma das maiores dificuldades do gestor a abordagem frente a gesto de pessoas. Gerir pessoas entender a individualidade e as potencialidades de seus colaboradores. Nesse curso voc aprender a criar mtricas para a medio de indicadores intangveis, gerando assim, melhores resultados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Remote Viewing Introduction Course" |
"This course will provide you with a complete foundation for your first steps into a much larger world - the world of Remote Viewing. RV is the most powerful information collection and problem-solving tool available, bar none. Its applications are endless: from personal interest to bottom-line business decisions, Remote Viewing is the cutting-edge technology you have been waiting for!This course has been designed from the ground up to provide you with the clearest, most linear and progressive RV instruction available, and upon completion, you will have learned the skills necessary to:- Run a complete Remote Viewing session- Analyze your data- Set up your own targets- Begin taking on real-world problem-setsLearn RV it over a weekend or over a month. Its up to you!Total Course content video length is 2 hours 10 mins plus your practice time. We recommend you complete the course over two to four weeks, however it can be tailored to fit into even the busiest of lifestyles. Try Remote Viewing for yourself today, and discover the true capabilities of your own mind - unleashed!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Essentials" |
"Everything you need to know to start using Salesforce todayIf your company has started using Salesforce .com and you need to get up to speed, this course is for you. In this course, Certified Salesforce Administrator, Mia Huffman, walks you step-by-step through using Salesforce for the first time. By the end of this course, you will be able to start using Salesforce to manage Leads, Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities and track your sales activity against these objects."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Struts Framework: Crea aplicaciones Web con Struts Framework" |
"Domina Struts Framework. Te gustara ser ms eficiente en el desarrollo web de tus aplicaciones Java? Tienes que aplicar Struts Framework en tu trabajo o proyecto laboral Java? Struts es un framework Java que te permitir reducir el tiempo de desarrollo. Su carcter de ""software libre"" y su compatibilidad con todas las plataformas Java Web y Entreprise, lo convierte en un framework muy poderoso.Preocupado por tu conocimiento en Struts Framework?Te ha paso que cientos de ofertas laborales te solicitan Struts Framework, pero tu conocimiento en esta tecnologa es muy limitado?No te preocupes ms, aprende paso a paso y desde cero a utilizar este potente Framework Java. Aprovechars tus nuevas oportunidades laborales y sers ms productivo en el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones Web y Empresariales JavaQu Aprender exactamente?Mdulo I. Introduccin a StrutsConoce el Frameworks de Struts desde cero. Estudiaremos el patrn MVC y aplicaremos las mejores prcticas al utilizar el Framework de Struts.Estudiaremos el concepto de Framework, el cual es un conjunto de clases Java que nos permiten resolver un problema en especfico.Revisaremos a detalle en qu consiste el Framework de Struts, y conoceremos la forma en que implementa el patrn de diseo MVC.Instalaremos el software de MyEclipse, el cual utilizaremos a lo largo del curso con el objetivo de incrementar la productividad en nuestros desarrollos con Struts.Crearemos nuestro proyecto HolaMundo con Struts y explicaremos paso a paso la creacin del ejercicio.Mdulo II. Convenciones en StrutsEstudiaremos el concepto de Convenciones en Struts y veremos lo sencillo que es aplicar las mejores prcticas con Struts.Mdulo III. Acciones en StrutsEstudiaremos a detalle el concepto de acciones con Struts y cmo es que se pueden configurar.Mdulo IV. Mensajes en StrutsAprenderemos el concepto de Manejo de Mensajes en Struts y veremos lo sencillo que es configurarlo con archivos de propiedades.Mdulo V. Resultados en StrutsAplicaremos el concepto de resultados (result) en Struts, y veremos las mejores prcticas para aplicar este concepto.Mdulo VI. Anotaciones en StrutsVeremos cmo sustituir la configuracin del archivo struts.xml por anotaciones Java en Struts.Mdulo VII. Validaciones en StrutsEstudiaremos el tema de validaciones de los formularios HTML cuando trabajamos con Struts.Mdulo VIII. OGNL en StrutsEstudiaremos el tema de OGNL (Object Graphic Navigation Language) en Struts.Mdulo IX. Tags en StrutsEstudiaremos varios de los tags ms importantes en Struts.Mdulo X. Internacionalizacin en StrutsEstudiaremos el tema de manejo de varios idiomas (i18n) en nuestra aplicacin Web con Struts.Mdulo XI. Tiles en StrutsEstudiaremos el tema de manejo de plantillas (tiles) para aplicarlo a nuestras aplicaciones Web con Struts.Inscrbete YA MISMO!SaludosIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hibernate Framework: Crea aplicaciones con Hibernate y JPA" |
"Deseas facilitar el almacenamiento y recuperacin de informacin Java a travs del mapeo objeto/relacional?Con Hibernate explota la informacin de cualquier Base de Datos y agiliza el desarrollo Java aplicando conceptos de ORM (Object/Relational Mapping), as como varios patrones de diseo tales como DAO, DTO y varios ms.Qu Aprender exactamente?Introduccin a Hibernate y JPAEn este mdulo estudiaremos una introduccin al Framework de Hibernate y JPA (Java Persistence API), incluyendo el concepto ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), el cual resuelve muchos de los problemas que se presenta en la capa de datos en una aplicacin de Java Empresarial.Estudiaremos una introduccin al Framework de Hibernate y JPA, y la esencia de trabajar con este Framework Java.Instalaremos nuestro IDE, en este caso MyEclipse, para trabajar con el Framework de Hibernate y JPAInstalaremos nuestra base de datos MySql, con la que trabajaremos a lo largo del cursoConfiguraremos un primer ejemplo con Conexin a Bases de Datos con MyEclipse y HibernateCrearemos un primer ejercicio para explicar cmo trabajaremos con los objetos de Java y su representacin en una tabla de base de datos aplicando el concepto de ORMConfiguracin de HibernateRevisaremos los patrones de diseo relacionados con el uso de Hibernate y la capa de datos en una aplicacin Java.Revisaremos los Patrones de Diseo con los que trabajeremos de manera particular en la capa de presistencia, como son DAO (Data Acess Object) y DTO (Data Access Object).Operaciones con Hibernate: Pondremos en prctica las operaciones bsicas (alta, bajas y cambios) que comnmente utilizamos en nuestras tablas de base de datos aplicando los patrones de diseo DAO y DTO.Crearemos una aplicacin Web donde utilizaremos JSPs y Servlets, aplicando el patrn de diseo MVC, y estableceremos comunicacin con nuestra capa de datos creada en Hibernate para mostrar cmo utilizar el cdigo Java generado hasta el momento.Manejo de AsociacionesEn este mdulo estudiaremos el manejo de Asociaciones en Hibernate, como son uno a muchos, muchos a uno y muchos a muchos.Estudiaremos los tipos de Asociaciones en Hibernate, que son las mismas que se manejan en la teora de base de datos relacionales.Revisaremos cmo aplicar relaciones de tipo uno a muchos, muchos a uno y muchos a muchos, utilizando el Framework de HibernateEstudiaremos el concepto de Clases de Entidad que nos ofrece Hibernate, con el objetivo de guardar objetos Java directamente en registros de una base de datos Ciclo de Vida en Objetos de EntidadEstudiaremos el ciclo de vida en los objetos Java, administrados por el Framework de Hibernate.Estudiaremos el concepto del Ciclo de Vida en Objetos de Entidad utilizando el framework de Hibernate.Revisaremos los distitnos estados de persistencia que Hibernate nos ofrece.Analizaremos el flujo necesario para recuperar un Objeto Persistente y los pasos para iniciar una transaccin y mandando llamar a los mtodos ya sea load (id) o get (id) pasando a un estado de persistente donde cerrando nuestra sincronizar de vuelta los cambios en nuestra base de datos..Aprenderemos el concepto de Persistencia en Cascada, el cual nos sirve para agregar informacin de varias tablas relacionadas al mismo tiempo.Y mucho ms!!!Inscrbete YA MISMO!SaludosIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build A Flashcard Website With Python and Django" |
"In this course we'll build a cool little website with Django and Python that will generate random math flashcards and allow the user to guess the answer. The app will then evaluate the answer and let the user know if they were correct or not.It may seem like a simple app, but there are a lot of moving parts that will allow us to really learn some cool things with Django and Python!You don't need to know Python, Django, or HTML to take this course, but if you already know any of those things, it'll be easier for you to follow along. After we build the website, I'll show you how to set up Version control with Git, then we'll push our code to Github for safe keeping before pushing it to Heroku for Free Web hosting.Python is easily the most popular programming language out there, and Django is the most popular Web Development Framework for Python. Learning it has never been easier!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Top 10 Worst Tableau Designer Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" |
"In this course I'm going to teach you the design concepts that I've learned after being a Tableau Designer and Trainer for many years. These concepts are to help you avoid the mistakes I see both experienced and inexperienced designers make which at times can cost companies millions of dollars. These mistakes are as simple as your use of colours whereas some are most abstract like the part credibility and honestly plays in presenting information. Sadly, I've seen many dashboards and projects slow down or fail completely because the delivery or set up was wrong but the data was right. How could this be?In this course I'll teach you step by step how to avoid or get around these obstacles and mistakes most others make. You'll learn:How to quickly plan for success and understanding your end stateHow to stay aligned with your client to ensure your building to specificationHow to present complex data and tell a story all audience members can followHow to transform standard dashboards into interactive insight dashboardsThis course comes with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if you're not happy with it! That means you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Executive Briefing: Artificial Intelligence (AI)" |
"Artificial Intelligence is an extremely powerful exponential technology which is used in applications ranging from Maximizing Advertising ROI and Chatbots to Self-Driving Cars and Automatic Crop Harvesting.In this short, Executive Briefing course, you will get a birds eye view of the field of Artificial Intelligence, understand how it works and why its one of the most disruptive technologies which has potential to add massive value to your business.This course is comprised of 5 main sections which cover 5 of the most disruptive technolgoies in Artificial Intelligences right now:Computer VisionDeep LearningReinforcement LearningNatural Language ProcessingRobotic Process AutomationEach section will start with an short introduction, then we will dive into specifics of the particular technology (usually between 2 and 3 videos). Finally, at the end of every section we will look at 10 use-cases of that technology being applied in businesses to add massive value already today. Here we are after the real results, the numbers so we can get a feel for what each technology can do for our businesses.Excited? Then come on in, and lets tackle Artificial Intelligence!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master 12 Most Powerful Candlestick Patterns Before Trading" |
"A lot of my students have asked to sum up candlestick patterns theory and share practical knowledge that works in any market ! In This course you will learn 12 most powerful candlestick patterns and which one is the most stronger one. 1 - Formations of 12 powerful Patterns2 - Bullish Reversal Patterns3- Bearish Reversal Patterns4 - How not to Trade Them5 - When you trade them 6 - Why confirmation is important7 - High probability points in market for greater resultsAfter going through this course, you should be successfully able to identify patterns, read market movement, judge market sentiment and trade them with precision."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Pro IDE: Code like A Pro & Debug Your Arduino Board" |
"Unleash the full power of Arduino Board with the All-new Arduino Pro IDE and Debug Your Arduino Code in no TimeEnjoy the new Look and Feel with a Modern, fully-featured Arduino IDE development environmentwith features like Dual Mode; Classic Arduino look and Pro (File System view), Board and Library Manager and much more.You will get to know:Arduino Pro IDE User interfaceBe one of the first to use Arduino in Pro ModeNew features tips and tricksDebugging your code natively with the all-new Arduino Pro IDE debug featuresWhy You should use the new Pro mode!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator: LinkedIn's tool for B2B Sales" |
"Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator the right tool for you and your business? ----------------------- 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ----------------------- If you are in B2B sales then chances are you can really benefit from using this impressive LinkedIn tool for business development and lead generation.Your company might be paying for your LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription, but you might have not taken full advantage of its potential. Or maybe you are considering signing up to it or even purchasing the service for all your sales team, but you are not sure if it is worth it.Well, if that is the case, I can tell you this: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great tool for business development and lead generation, if you know how to use it well, otherwise you will just pay for a service and get some results or none at all.This is why we often hear people complaining about not getting any results with Sales Navigator. But then when I talk to them this is how a normal conversation goes:Me: Do you know how to really make the most of LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Were you using all of its features?They: I dont know, I guess, I mean it is pretty straightforward, right?""Me: So you never took a course or learned from anyone that could teach you how to use it?They: Well, how difficult can it be? Why am I going to waste time and money on a course?Me: To avoid complaining about wasting time and money on Sales NavigatorSo, here is the thing, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is not rocket science, and sure after 4 or 5 months of paying almost $100 a month, and investing hours and hours on it and making mistakes in with real leads, you will probably get to a level where you can manage it well.Or you can take this course, and in less than 2 hours you will be able to make the most out of this amazing business development and lead generation tool.So, from the sales point of view, what makes more sense?: 2 hours of learning from a complete course on LinkedIn Sales Navigator or 5 months of trial and error to get to the same point?In fact, chances are that after 5 months the students of this course are far more advanced than those who didnt enroll, because we always update our LinkedIn courses with the latest tips.With this LinkedIn Sales Navigator course you will discover, step by step, the ins and outs of this very powerful platform.There is hardly any other platform out there that makes searching for the right buyers easier.If you are a salesperson or entrepreneur, no matter your age or experience, todays market demands you have an online presence. And the more active and efficient that presence is, the more likely youre to target the right buyers, reduce lead generation efforts and close more deals that will grow your businesses and profits.But how to best use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator? How can you make its features and algorithms yield the best possible results? How to generate leads that will meet your interest and gain you the sales you want at the end of the day? Those questions and others are easily answered. In less than two hours, this concise compilation will take you from the simple things to the more advanced Sales Navigators secrets.And believe me, its not hard at all. So yeah, coursing through and mastering the Sales Navigator features is a sure bet for the near and far future.Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you will be able to find virtually any company, from any industry, of any size and location in the world. But first you have to know how to search properly.Once you find those sweet sales prospects, organizing them is key so you can get back and start making contact with your possible clients; thats when creating and managing account lists comes in, and with swift and clear examples rest assured, youll be piling up folders quick and effortlessly (your job then will be thinning them down and start contacting your targets).Want to prospect for leads efficiently? Got you. Want to reduce lead generation efforts and stop cold calling? Got you. Want advanced search for leads and companies, recommendations based on your sales preferences? The LinkedIn Sales Navigator course will walk you through the options and filters so you can do all that.LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a versatile tool to search all kinds of business worldwide, and targeting your ideal buyers.With various filters available, used properly, youll gather info on the companies and understand key insights on them.When valuable information is made available to you, then it becomes easier to decide which to approach depending on their apparent growth and reputation.And the data gathered also gives you an idea on how to approach, so you can say goodbye to cold calling or failed emails and start actual relationships and business partnerships that result in successful business development.Finding all this could be overwhelming, but theres no need to worry, because you can apply tags and categorize all in lists that you can create and manage at your own liking, so everything is kept under your control.Broaden your scope, by accident or intention, and find ever more business prospects that the platform itself might recommend; exploration is key and fundamental here, and after just a few easy steps, youll be on your way.The whole goal is for you to quickly start exploiting all the advantages the LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides to the best of your capabilities. All the Whats and Hows youre paying for, we got you covered. Its as easy as enrolling, turning that playback rate to 1.5 and off you go!Remember, in the end people buy and deal with those they like and trust, and here you can make actual connections that will guarantee mutual benefit and business development."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Power of Deep Listening (Using Active Listening Skills)" |
"Listening is thought of as a soft skill. Perhaps the softest of the soft skills. Whats the big deal we might ask? We listen every day. Its something we learned to do as children and it comes naturally. And yet, Im going to suggest that it is not that easy.There is a lot going on during communication. The speaker has to put into words not just information but often complex perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and intent.Then a listener has to decode this message through a filter of their own biases, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, motives, and life experiences. And to make it all the more complex, experts tell us that words make up only about 11% of the message in face to face communication. Tone of voice is about 35% of the message and body language as well as other contextual cues make up about 55%. There is simply a lot going on which can make listening so challenging.The Importance of Active Listening SkillsI define active listening as suspending judgment and being fully present with another person to understand his or her experience or point of view. Deep listening involves hearing more than the words of the speaker but taps into the deeper meaning, unspoken needs, and feelings conveyed. It is something that is done with the heart as well as the mind.As you use active listening, you create a climate of respect based on non-judgment and receptivity that allows others to express themselves fully. You make it safe for them to express not only surface opinions but also their deeper feelings and needs as well as inner experience and wisdom. Using active listening skills is how you: Establish deeper connections Build trust, rapport, and goodwill Bridge understanding and foster unity of vision and purpose Acquire vital information that makes you better at decision-making and problem-solving Overcome friction and conflict Promote learning, growth, and even healing Unleash motivation Empower others to take responsibility so they can do or be their bestHave you ever spoken to someone who was fully engaged and interested? Who made you feel you were the only person in the world at that moment?That is the power of using active listening skills. It begins with recognizing that everyone with whom you interact wants to heard and understood. It is your willingness to offer them this gift.The ability to listen is the heart and essence of every healthy relationship. The best and most trusted leaders, bosses, co-workers, spouses/partners, parents, helping professionals, friends, customer service reps, grocery clerks, etc. know how to listen. There are few more valuable gifts you can give the people in your life than that of a willingness and ability to listen deeply by using active listening skills.Most of us are not good listenersUnfortunately, most of us are not good listeners.We tend to: Get distracted by random thoughts or whats going on around us Interpret what others say through our own filters (biases, feelings, motives, experiences) Tune out because we think we already know what someone is going to say Think that what others have to say isnt important Focus on formulating our response rather than hearing them out Quickly judge (agree or disagree) rather than opening ourselves to anothers point of view Wait impatiently for someone to finish so we can talk Shut down messages we dont want to hear Hear the words only and not the deeper needs or meaning conveyed Take over the conversation by our comments and questions Offer solutions and quick fixes rather than guiding others to their own wisdom and experience Try to make others feel better rather than letting them own and work through their experienceWhat you will get out of the courseBy going through this course on active listening, youll come away understanding the value and power of listening. More importantly, youll come away knowing how to listen deeply and, thereby, build much more powerful relationships and become much more effective in influencing others and empowering them for success.Im genuinely excited about this program because I know the power of active listening skills. I can tell you that the relationships I value most are those in which someone has listened and really heard me. It is these relationships that have not only helped me feel validated and affirmed but given me the desire and courage to improve myself or go forward to accomplish important things.By going through this program youll learn the most important influencing skill in the world. That key is not being able to explain yourself more eloquently or forcefully, but rather being able to actively listen to others in a way that unleashes understanding and goodwill.Course FormatSection One: In this section, I talk about the importance of active listening skills, give you an idea of where were headed, what you can expect, and how were going to get there. Ill also offer some tips to help you get the most out of the course. And, finally, Im giving you a survey to assess your listening skills. You can use this to identify learning objectives and measure your progress.Section two is making the case for using good active listening skills. Good listeners are good listeners in all aspects of their lives. I want to take a few minutes to demonstrate the value on the job as well as at home and in your personal life. Im going to share a number of stories or case studies that demonstrate the importance and power of active listening.Section three is about our natural tendencies when listening to others, our poor responses. I present an exercise and case-study in which we look at common ways people respond, even when our intentions are good and we want to help and support people. This section is becoming aware of what we do that is not helpful. We have to recognize old patterns that are not helpful before were ready to learn new, healthier responses.Section four is about Getting to Bedrock. Its made up almost entirely of examples of good active listening vs. poor listening so you can see what happens when we listen well. Active listening opens up communication in such a way that were able to go deeper so we can deal with real issues.Section five is about how to develop active listening skills. Well look at barriers to effective listening and the importance of our assumptions in the listening process. Ill introduce the steps of listening and give you more examples as well as some exercises and application to practice what youre learning.Section six is moving from active listening to problem-solving. Although I consider listening to be a foundation skill, perhaps the most important skill we can learn to improve our relationships, it is not the only skill. I put active listening in context to show you when and how to transition to other skills, particularly once youve done a good job of listening. In particular, I focus on a skill I call valuing which is helping people solve their own problems without taking over for them.Finally, is the conclusion in which I summarize the program, what you have learned and offer parting thoughts. Youll also have a chance to take the survey again and see how much youve improved in your active listening skills.Im confident you will improve and, as you do so, people will notice and appreciate the way in which you can be there for them and support them in solving their problems and also achieving their visions, what theyre most excited about in life."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"TOTAL: Cloud Computing / CompTIA Cloud+ Cert. (CV0-002)" |
"Mike Meyers and the Total Seminars Team, brings you this TOTAL: Cloud Computing / CompTIA Cloud+ Cert. (CV0-002) course with your instructor, Tom Carpenter.This is NOT a boring voice over PowerPoint course. Tom speaks to you and presents the material in an engaging interactive style that will keep you interested and make it easier to understand. Check out the free sample lectures and you will see the difference.Learn the basics of Cloud Computing and prepare for the CompTIA Cloud +Certification. Cloud+ is part of the CompTIA Infrastructure Pathway. Cloud+ is an intermediate level Network Specialist certification. The median annual salary for a Cloud+ certified tech is $74,300* and there are currently over 50,000 job postings* for techs with this certification in the US. Job Titles that this training prepares you for include:System's Administrator, CloudNetwork Engineer, CloudNetwork Administrator, CloudAre you looking to learn more about the Cloud and what it can do for you or your company? Maybe you've heard this buzzword, but don't know what it means to take your business and network solutions into the cloud. If you want to learn the basics of the Cloud on a pathway to AWS or Azure Certification this course will give you the foundational knowledge to begin your journey. WHAT'S INCLUDED?10 hours of videoPDFs that detail all the exam objectives covered in each episode (valuable studying tool)PDFs of the CompTIA Cloud+ exam objectivesEnd-of-chapter quizzes to test your knowledgeQ&A section where you have access to me and my team of teaching assistants to answer any questions you might haveBonus videos launched from time-to-time with updated information, exam tips, study tools, and more30-day money-back guaranteeLifetime accessCertificate of completionWHAT'S COVERED?Domain 1.0: Configuration and Deployment 24% Domain 2.0: Security 16% Domain 3.0: Maintenance 18% Domain 4.0: Management 20% Domain 5.0: Troubleshooting 22%EXAM INFO:Exam code: CV0-002Max. 90 questions (multiple choice and performance-based)Length of exam: 90 minutesPassing score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900)Exam cost: $329Languages: English and JapaneseRecommended experience: 2-3 years in system administrationRetirement: Usually 3 years after launchTom Carpenter is the Chief Technical Officer at CWNP (Certified Wireless Network Professionals). He's been in the IT industry for 25+ years, written over 20 books on IT subjects, and is also heavily involved in objectives development and exam creation in the certification industry. Tom's teaching style is casual; he wants you to have fun while you learn practical applications of Cloud Computing. Join our class now and let us know how you plan to use the cloud in your personal or professional life!* Burning Glass Technologies. (2019). Labor Insights."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sistemas E-Commerce con WordPress y WooCommerce" |
"Bienvenido a mi curso 'Crea Sistemas E-Commerce con WordPress y WooCommerce'! Te voy a ensear, paso a paso, cmo construir una tienda de comercio electrnico de aspecto fantstico, desde cero en muy poco tiempo. Y la mejor parte es que no necesita ninguna habilidad tcnica, de hecho, si puede usar un navegador web, est completamente calificado para tomar este curso!Al final de este curso, habrs construido una fantstica tienda de comercio electrnico desde cero. Aprender a usar Wordpress, Woocommerce y Storefront. Consideraremos agregar productos, clasificarlos en categoras y agregar imgenes de aspecto fantstico para darle a su sitio una sensacin realmente profesional. A partir de ah, le mostrar cmo crear una cuenta de cliente, agregar soluciones de pago, comprender los gastos de envo e impuestos y, finalmente, proteger todo su arduo trabajo con el uso de copias de seguridad y seguridad. En resumen, tendr todo el conocimiento que necesita para convertirse en un desarrollador de Wordpress si lo desea, o continuar para construir un negocio de comercio electrnico completo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Guide: Start your own clothing brand with Shopify" |
"Starting out your first online business is not always easy especially if you have no knowledge about this topic. If you also want your business to be in the clothing industry it's even more complicated. Indeed, this is why this is why this course have been designed and this is exactly what you need to stat out in the business world online. If you:- Are interested by the clothing industry- Want to start your own online business- Are interested to have your own clothing brand with your personalized cloths- Have an entrepreneurial mind and want to build a business without having to take an enormous amount of financial riskThen this course is definitely for you. Not only you will have a complete understanding of what is an online business, hoe to run it and how you can start today in the online clothing industry but you will also have your own online store entirely ready to run and operate by the end of this course.The structure of the courseThe way the course is presented is completely user friendly and made to help you learn all the basics of starting out an online business. From creating your Shopify account to all the different apps that have to be used to all other aspects to take in consideration, this course will teach you everything you need to know in order to create your first online business. The goal of this course is simple, helping you learn a new skill in order to be able to create and run successfully your own clothing brand 100% online.Also, this course is created on one of my favorite concepts that is learning by practice. This is why, this course will show all the steps that you need to take to create your online store. Then, all the different apps that you need to know in order to create your online business will be covered. This way by the end of the course you will have a completely functional online store.For who is this course designedThis course is created for everyone who want to be able to start there own online business. Indeed, since you will be learn all the process of how to launch your own clothing brand, you will, by the end of this course have your own online store. Not only your store will be fully functional but you will also have different really useful apps on it. So, if you are interested by the clothing industry, always wanted to launch an online business and finally don't want to take a substantial financial risk in order to start your business then this course is definitely for you.Why should I take this courseThe main reason for this is that not only you will have learned all the basics around launching an online clothing business but you will also create before the end of the course your own online store. This way, not only you will have acquired new knowledge but you will also have a business that is ready to be operated.There is no risk involved in taking this courseThis course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, this means that if your are not happy with what you have learned, you have 30 days to get a complete refund with no questions asked. Also, if there is any concept that you find complicated or you are just not able to understand, you can directly contact me and it will be my pleasure to support you in your learning.This means that you can either learn amazing skills that can be very useful in your professional or everyday life or you can simply try the course and if you don't like it for any reason ask for a refund.You can't lose with this type of offer !!ENROL NOW and start learning today :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Start an Amazon Wholesale Selling Business from Home" |
"Selling Wholesale on Amazon is one of the best Businesses you can start from home.You can start, run, & scale the Business all from your computer.On top of that, you get the benefit of sourcing in demand top branded products that are already selling. That means you don't have to waste time building a brand, marketing, or advertising.The brands you'll be sourcing have already done all that for you. They've spent millions & millions of dollars building interest & demand. I want to show you how to profit from that.This course will walk you through everything you need to know about building & scaling a Wholesale Business on Amazon (just like I do), even if you have no experience with wholesale products or selling on Amazon.You'll learn how to source products from reputable Wholesale companies. You'll also learn how to do product research ahead of time to make sure the products you buy are profitable, have low competition, & are in demand on Amazon. Most importantly, I'll teach you how to leverage Amazon's distribution, customer service, & employees to grow your own Business right from your home with no more effort on your part.This is one of the most scalable Businesses you can start from home.Enroll now & you can start your own Wholesale Business today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DevOps on Cloud- IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure and AWS" |
"Welcome to this course- DevOps on Cloud- IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure and AWS. In this course, we would explore various DevOps services available on Amazon Cloud (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and IBM Bluemix. You will learn all the available Development tools and services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform. This is a beginner and intermediate level course specially for people with some previous background or interest in the domain of Software Testing or Operations. A lot of people working in the technology sector at some point of time may need to work on a project that demands some hands-on experience on Cloud DevOps. Companies are now shifting all of there operations from local servers to the Cloud. Teams are expected to maintain all DevOps operations on Cloud, be it creating a repository on git, commit changes, maintain Kanban dashboards, running Ansible or Jenkins, or performing integration tests. You can expect everything to be done on cloud platforms.Why choose this course:If you find yourself interested in this domain of Cloud DevOps, and would like to learn a few things on these three cloud platforms- AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and IBM Bluemix. At the end of this course, you will be in a better position to decide the set of tools and services you can use among these three cloud platforms to host your DevOps project. You can do a comparative analysis based on the parameters you choose.When you are joining a team that is already working on any of these Cloud platforms (or a combination), you can learn a few concepts you may require to begin with. Here is a list of services/tools you will be learning:Services covered on Amazon Web Services: AWS CLICloud9CodeCommitCodeDeployCodeStarCodeBuildCodePipelineServices covered on Microsoft Azure: Azure BoardsAzure ArtifactAzure ReposAzure PipelinesAzure Test PlansTool IntegrationDevOps ProjectsDevTest LabsApplication Insights and DevOps Organization.Services covered on IBM Bluemix: Bluemix DevOpsWebApp ToolchainContinuous Delivery."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails 6: Products Subscription Application" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Products Subscription Application web application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Ruby on Rails.What are the requirements?Basic understanding of the Ruby on Rails frameworkBasic knowledge of HTML/CSSHave a Ruby on Rails setup on your systemWhat am I going to get from this course?Build custom Ruby on Rails Products Subscription Application application with latest Stripe PaymentCreate products plans with different price(Newbie, Advanced, Expert) with latest Stripe PaymentIntegrate latest Stripe javascript formUse Bootstrap 4 for your Rails appInstalling DeviseAdding Users with DeviseExploring Our New Devise FunctionalitySign Up and Sign In LinksCustomize Devise RoutesRedesigning the Sign and Sign Up PagesCreating a ScaffoldResources in RailsIntegrate Stripe Payment Through Current UserForcing People to Log InDesign Navigation bar and javascript"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Curso de redes en Amazon Web Services" |
"Curso donde profundizaremos en los elementos de red que ofrece Amazon Web Services (AWS), crearemos una solucin completa que tenga presencia en varios continentes, haciendo uso de los elementos que AWS pone a disposicin de todos sus clientes.Iniciaremos con un escenarios bsico que iremos modificando y agregando elementos conforme avancen los captulos, hasta que completemos una solucin global.Dividimos este curso en tres secciones, la primera es un acercamiento para aquellas personas que estn iniciando en AWS, donde nos estaremos enfocando en los principios bsicos del funcionamiento de AWS, la seccin intermedia nos adentramos en el uso de componentes que estn presentes en muchas de las implementaciones, y terminamos, con la seccin avanzada, en la cul hacemos uso de los servicios de red mas avanzados con los que cuenta AWS en el ao 2020. Si no cuentas con una cuenta activa en AWS debes abrir una y para ello Amazon te pedir una tarjeta."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Kettlebell Complexes Made Simple" |
"Learn some of the best kettlebell complexes in the world designed by Cavemantraining the premier kettlebell education provider. When you enroll in this course you will learn unique kettlebell complexes for fat loss, cardio, strength, flexibility, mobility, and so much more....Because there is so much more to the kettlebell than just kettlebell swings, farmer walks, deadlifts, and shoulder presses. The kettlebell is the ultimate tool for home workouts.Enroll today and get:Over 2 hours of instructional videos.Information from over 200 pages of step-by-step instructions.Alternatives and progressions so that everyone can join in.Male and female kettlebell trainer.Support and motivation when you show up and do the practice activities.A kettlebell complex is a series of kettlebell exercises strung together intelligently so they can be performed one after another without rest or having to stop in between. Kettlebell complexes are popular in CrossFit, at-home workouts, or in the kettlebell training community, and anytime when wanting a kettlebell compound workout. A kettlebell complex can be performed with a single or double kettlebell.The benefits of a kettlebell complex are that youre usually working the full-body in a very dynamic way with compound exercises. This means that more joints are incorporated and more muscle groups are recruited. A huge plus.Some of the complexes you will learn, but not limited to, are:Kettlebell Tabletop ComplexThe Asgard Kettlebell Strength ComplexUltimate Kettlebell Complex (AKA UKC)Curtis P (Kettlebell Version)WBKC (AKA Worlds Best Kettlebell Combo)Kings ComboAnd many more...Kettlebell complexes are also known as flows and combos, although flows are usually 1 rep exercises strung together and flowing, and combos are usually designed with 2 to 3 exercises and complexes with many. The meaning of complex: consisting of many different and connected parts.Last but not least, kettlebell complexes are great to include in kettlebell conditioning circuits or kettlebell workouts for conditioning."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Vigas Isostticas - Diagramas de Momento Fletor e Cortante" |
"Este curso est elaborado da seguinte forma: parte 1 Conceitos bsicos de equilbrio e decomposio de foras; Parte 2 Clculo das reaes de apoio de vigas isostticas sob diversas circunstncias; Parte 3 Clculo das funes cortante e momento fletor usando o mtodo das sees e esboo dos diagramas de esforo cortante e momento fletor.A primeira parte do curso consiste numa rpida e importante reviso das condies de equilbrio de um corpo rgido e da decomposio de foras em suas componentes perpendiculares. Esses conhecimentos sero amplamente utilizados no decorrer do curso. Se o estudante estiver seguro quanto a esses temas, pode pular para a parte 2.A segunda parte do curso composta de cerca de vinte exemplos resolvidos passo-a-passo, sendo, portanto, o material em vdeo mais completo sobre o tema. Os problemas resolvidos envolvem cargas pontuais, cargas inclinadas e cargas distribudas em vigas isostticas sob diversas configuraes de apoio, tais como: viga bi-apoiada, viga bi-apoiada com um balano, viga bi-apoiada com dois balanos, viga engastada, viga inclinada etc. Esta seo poder ainda ser ampliada se surgirem sugestes de casos no contemplados indicadas pelos alunos.A terceira e ltima seo do curso aborda o clculo da funo esforo cortante Q(x) e do momento fletor M(x) usando o mtodo das sees, bem como o esboo em escala ou no dos diagramas de momento fletor (DMF) e de esforo cortante (DEC) em vigas isostticas sob diversas configuraes. Todas as aulas dessa seo foram gravadas mostrando o clculo manuscrito, filmando a mo do professor, ensinando inclusive a escolher a escala mais adequada para a representao. Cada exemplo resolvido uma verdadeira aula particular e demorou em torno de 6 horas para ser gravada e editada. Este conjunto de vdeos sem dvida a maneira mais rpida e prtica de aprender esse tema.Como mtodo de estudo, recomendo que ao iniciar esse curso voc tenha em mos lpis, papel e disciplina para refazer todos os exerccios. CUIDADO, entender a explicao do professor diferente de aprender o contedo. Voc provavelmente capaz de assistir todas as aulas desse curso entendendo perfeitamente o que foi dito e feito, mas se no botar a mo na massa, dificilmente ser capaz de resolver um problema indito sozinho. Assistir as aulas sem praticar como achar que aprender a nadar olhando outra pessoa na piscina.Alm disso, como voc ver, a soluo de alguns problemas desse curso demandar muitas pginas de clculo. Desse modo, para ter sucesso nas provas, por exemplo, no bastar saber fazer. Ser necessrio estar treinado, ser proficiente. Pense em voc como um atleta que repete o mesmo movimento milhares de vezes nos treinos para que possa execut-lo perfeitamente em uma competio.Bons estudos, nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"BIG DATA Analytics with AWS and Microsoft Azure" |
"This course is all about learning various cloud Analytics options available on Microsoft AZURE and AWS cloud platforms. We will explore following Data Analytics services-HDInsight, Apache Spark, Jupyter, Zappelin, Stream Analytics, Athena and Cloudsearch.We would be creating resources for Stream Analytics, Spark, HDInsight exploring options. We would be learning all the Analytics services with some use cases.Analytics plays very important role in the world of big data. There is no use of big data if we can not extract proper or meaningful insights from that. In short more data means better analysis, better analysis means better decision which makes organisation profitable.AWS Analytics tools likeAmazon Athena (Querying data instantly and get results in seconds)Amazon CloudSearch (Makes it simple and cost-effective to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your website or application)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning and Blockchain with Microsoft Azure" |
"This course is all about learning various Machine Learning and Blockchain Workbench on Microsoft AZURE cloud platform. Machine learning and cloud computing are trending domains and also have lot of job opportunities, if you have interest in machine learning as well as cloud computing then this course for you. This course will let you use your machine learning skills deploy in cloud. There are various cloud platform but only few are popular like Azure, AWS, IBM Bluemix and GCP.Microsoft Azure a cloud platform where we will going to deploy machine learning skills.You will be learning following topics of Machine Learning on Azure. Simple chatbot integrate in HTML websitesEcho Bot Facebook Chat botQuestion and Answer MakerLUIS(Language Understanding)Text AnalyticsDetecting Language Analyze image and videoRecognition handwritten from text Generate ThumbnailContent ModeratorTranslate and many more thingsBlockchain is interesting because it brings together economics (movement of value), philosophy (concepts of trust and roots in libertarian thinking) and advanced technology (cryptography and distributed ledger technology). Within each, the research sub-topics as they apply to blockchain are endless. Looking in to smart contracts is interesting because they form the basis for many of the proposed real world applications of blockchain e.g. blockchain voting systems.In the later sections, we are going to learn concepts of blockchain, cryptography and smart contract. Also clear the confusion that blockchain and bitcoin are not same thingsWe will be using azure Blockchain Workbench where you can create your own smart contract, roles and do transactionThere will be four roles Owner,Appraiser,Buyer and Inspector in our project.Learn how to create blockchain applications and enter into the world of INTERNET 2.0ALL THE BEST !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Product Costing and Pricing Strategy" |
"Calculating product cost and strategically pricing products are essential for success in business. With our 10,000+ hours experience in analyzing and consulting businesses, we have helped retailers, brands, distributors, service providers and technology start-ups to accurately derive their costs and strategically price their products for revenue or profit maximization. Based on our experience and methods, we have designed this course to assist entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals and managers learn the analytical methods and strategic concepts to succeed in business. Also, students or executives who seek a career in analytical or managerial roles, this course will help you uplift your financial and strategic understanding about businesses and develop analytical abilities. Through our course, you will be able to; Model Businesses through Lean Chart to Logically Develop or Improve Represent Business in Financial Formats Develop Financial UnderstandingProfit and Loss StatementCapital Assets and Depreciation Interest CostsFamiliarize with Financial Terminology Terms Ratios Factors Calculate Interest Cost Plan Capital Investment Estimation Methods Top Down EstimationBottom Up Estimation Perform Sensitivity Analysis While develop understanding regarding Different Pricing Strategies Application of Pricing StrategyStrategic Discounting Costing vs Pricing Value ChainsOrganized MarketsUnorganized Markets Markups vs Margins"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Poverty Caused due to Taking Debt" |
"Master the basic skills in order to analyse your current situation and implement corrective measures to overcome or avoid being in the state of poverty caused due to taking debtHelp yourself and your near and dear ones overcome the situation of poverty caused due to taking debt.Know and avoid the poverty trap created by situations out of your control."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |